HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-29, Page 8}IOLMESYILU .1tOMESVOAL1,, g. I,- AltOtith and 21045 M. ter visite ?.*.e(ifilily in,,Alltehell. . , . Or, It geeartney 0AI:the:a hame. 114/St 'Nreelr -after 'Spending ' a menth ',nt 1010 140410 or 4ts, osto ut xemotoite, : umc:g. uott and two. Children SPOt • Ia, feIr • daYs-.Witil .the. filrraer'sisplaterk :tir's*, l'enfolind, SOMMerbiii, ', l'• i „Miss., Osther %,/a.eMativ attilided. the -4,,achers' ccareation lieid in 'Ootlgrich , on: TilltrsdaY. sand, •FrAday,„...laSt. , ...),118Sea Thelma .'and..11etti ,Oadmore• ,aret home After Spendinga. feer WCF,I* nt"Viteot, • , .. , • _ ' .,Misses li.atiricen and jean, , Huller Allure returiusl.to their duties In Csodert' SOL_ ..: . • • *The Store Will Be Opened •In the Near Future. is the1/4p1aCe to worship if you want to ,,hear the doctrines taught -by Rev: -.---John• Wes. ley, founder of Methodism. Service la tire:Unitea 'next Sanday .Wil.V.be 'held at 240, : Sun-. day 'scho.01 will eminence at MO.,. ltev. Mr. Crawford of London si comblet the serviCe. •Osngratithitions to Mr, and 11rA, lIerhert" Ilia& (nee Edithllerbert) on the arrival ot a baby girl, Patricia Win. lilrionds and relatives hi. this cOnr =nay are. glad to know that Mrs, ti3ine Jervis is improving. , Mr; Angits',Orayi` who was employed at the liolineSville•-cheese factory,has returned to MS borne at LiStowel. Church Workers Meet. ---The month- ly Meeting •of the 'W.U.S. and W.A.. Was beta on °abhor 16tket the.home MIs. john Cox. •Mrs. 11. J, wortha had -charge of the program, Charlotte Trewartha took the lesson. Mrs. Will Jervis and !Mrs. O. Rodges gave readings. Mrs. D. Potter sang a solo, 'Ion, Lover of Uy Mrs. ChaMberti. who :attended"the pf,s110,`)centi '''Ve a s ort•Itak-on-nit4 on work.er the singing or a limn the W.M.e. ,elosed bs repeating .tiae ILord's Prayer.: -Mrs. E. A. Yeo, president et- the W.A., then conducted tile business. Plans were 'Made for the bazaar to be held in .Novenaber.- At 5 o'clock a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, ..Mrs. J. Cox. !Mrs. W. jervis. and Mrs. E. A. Yea, Y. P. U. -Nakao -Over, thirty were present at the regular young people's meeting last IFriday. -Lewis Herbert took the ehair. The pianist, Muriel accompanied for the staging. Olive Mair read the lesson. A read- ing was given by Alma Trewartha. In the absence of Mr. Pearce, Mr. Herbert delivered a line talk on Chris- tian' citizenship. Charlotte .Trewar- tha gave a piano instiumerital. The m,eeting was brought ti a close with singing and the Mizpith This ;Friday night the young people are holding a social evening. in the basement. Four talented' debaters are 'working enthusiastically at de- bate. Special musical itemS Promise to (be very interesting,. as :Well 48 read- iriga and 4 Y.PIU. paper. Lunch will be served at the close of the Program. 17oung people and. adults-froni near and tar are heartily invited' to tome and enjoy the evening. • • It IOW the Kigthrldge tem& MOndatt.,4ti" ,TetOher ;15th, , , TIe .Wavorite rour*Rutertainers London, will OiVe a COUSgeIn Xort,U, &treet Pitted ehUrelt`onXOnciay Oven,' Lng,N'Ovenlber ..Ifeur, Rev.; Ocorge4linK407, Profes- sor, of XeMeSter 'tile-Oederleb, *POW. eliureli on nnaay, 0.0teher 3lst. 61-2 The Ladies' 4i.h.Iof ' iku ,ehorchi° ior's's0Orneri Will„Meet at f.'s. home f, Um. Beg*, Sturdy, Ivedueaduk. ;If tem o en* November 3rd, at g 'oh, .,,The ivguar; monthly meeting. of the ,. 1 ' N'arses'- n'iumnae,.-of-Alsvseadra ,..4Mass: ; ine. and Gteneral• hospital Will be. held fit. the nurses? 'residence, Xavier street, On 'Friday, N.ovelnher Oth, at g Pall. The inenthly meeting of St, George's Clinrchwornan's +Guild will he • held in •the: varisli halt on -Tuesday, .November .2ticb, at 4- iiint, ' All church members are invitett to be present, 118 there' ''ill be special features and afternoon tea will ,ihe F.4served. , miss Olenzi, matron of the 116SO-tail. at Alsasii, Sask., will. giNe at address. . , AucTAxts0.13,...,1000,70. 1,1714,04__'OrrieN,r7skist,a STOCK • .. , _ 4191041 TAM - will sell by nirbile anetion at Lot T. oneel.,sS6onD.1.41: 0,7,s,..0,P.s.r.C;)111bdetrniosvon 1 conanleneing-st 2.,30 sharp; ° 1 orev Aare .14 -years old; 1 black Ca..5100$4,', / d A 3 • CHURCii NOTES Anniversary\ Services will be heltl at Victoria. street United church on ,Sun- da Oetober e1st „ at , and 4:0411. Rev. IF. W. Craik, a former Pastor, will be the speaker and special • The nevviy, decorated Royal, Bowling Alters Vill!,se-opett Monday .night. C. K.. Naftel,... manager: 'Come and euior Yotirself„. 4103;g(teciiVe- 'Una*. Night, Ottober,3044,-- "...oz...:, • • 00 the .storY4,0y1110it'PlUttlita thokoartlea experience.of '04 friends who •persist in gettingeutAbsiir col- lection Ashatalhe,ti ,oradi*g them before tim) eyes Of theif.'47- lengelOse guests, : : ' Xow, please ,beat in mind thati hatbox. no thonghts of thio.Oatitoo .beitig:allitiuteb, of •soetal, etkinette. On the contrsrl, I am Or. ito.-Rut,:.,r; But— there are many Wilda and eleaSes Of en4Pshots,. There are,•for.ineta.nee* .` the -01440s that are very good ai. 4t4t1.01illig Picture.: cloirest. whether- 10400440i three- euartete'erltill, le -•-.21eMore or :letis,'s re:470rd *bye to law tile Un- •ag(tOr thi,'Pe.rarill9h0OgraPhed, but itdeets. nut tell it.titorit; You may take, . picture ot TeggiStandn)g looking • at the eam, era,';A:line Picture, no doubt, ihearini.all? the earmarks ot good photography ;properly eXposed. and a good OXAMPle Ot'eotapositioni but record -type Snapshot. liotJ'egfiy•be pictured raking .the tar as exposure, sharpness and „ . , ' .10aYea and you haVe•a storytelling humaxtr.,,i4e.reat •Today as :St.W[T, :$141;i1010t.thr011gb, the news- paper, notice for rinraelf whether record pietrires.-of people looking at the,Caraertiler storytelling.plotures• of PeeplOdeing:things interest and .P•leaSe•YOU,Mcire. • ,. *fore taking a- picture give it a litthY,,thenght and It'll. to be a allapshOt of an indiVidua4 have him doing semethineand n6t, staring at the camera, simulating a•victim. of amnesia. ' ' • . I don't want teeeena to lecture but I . do - want to *prose, upon you the . importance Of, gtruiiiiietions thought tfi•Ottr` 'piaturia'.1.0kingo.,If • yott• will keep this story -telling idealetenatitt- 1tt. your . mind when you take your lienttipletoreeaVir A*634010411 he,., position are concerned witkprac. • ticallY no tutnan, intereat appeal. We can,: class 'these at record piaturea. Here. you ever heard of story -tell. itsp snapshots? I'll Wager that InaTil of you haVen't. For that rearion title Week's snapshot Guild will be de - Voted to story -telling pleture4. From the emile to the giais we hear stories -- and 'like. them, All . through our lives we retain etre in- terest inatory4ilustrationi. It Is this' appeal that. takes us to the movies and causes 'us' to look throUgli the pages of daily .rielvapapers and mag- azines for pictures that tell stories of hurnan When it comes to taking. snap- shot% howeVer, so many seem to for- get • about stOrPtelling. au4,1040.- They pick Up their'eanierais and Just shoot. Thera Is abetter ;woo, or take • Mere intereattag 10 104. slid; your pictures. • • ,• ' •Melldt0 ' .,,4•`• •* leitteaatteet 11,00:iett Aeloas,r 40141:4u4,evare4,1.treaSon.4, 47.s.TED. 1:3A:,:601)04,0;, -sr.EX•at. Good oros:Qc:s aoir, ,t;r• do his 10147 Start at once. Apply by letter Only ANTED, 4 • Xtg0 young 11101 for 'ales work. , .4,,,. , -2 horse, 10.: Years OW; 1 bay horse; i) " • _ ----..,,,,,4`•• ..:,,.:::,, , .- ,., , , . V'egirs olkii; Lhal mare, 0 lifeara .old;. 114-.117 - ,I"=',..--- - .•-•"4 brown •Mare,;,13 Years 91(4.: ' ' • . . FOR SLE OA, SENT , - Cattle, ' 'Sheep and Pigs.,' --3 11%1 Dur- , h4m- .eowS,;..due:in $ov.; 1 roan Au- ' APPLDS FOR IS414`4.---4.51/• RCS HJLS 1101 ow', due in -Dee.;'I, roan 'Dur. 489te2t Al$c, 'quft.otiktp ' .9t . .0. ham COV,/,'llue in Jan.-,; 1,.roan -Parha4-..appies. • Bring . our o,wn ,containe-r. • ifo'it,' '..age iti-Maki '1 ---white ‘1014butu, ...104%.;1161Y.030X,-., gli:, $0.: .0,' . . Au, coW, Milking .Well; 2 ,yearlings; 3' burn. Phone .1821, Carlow.' " .'•• •"' spring :calves ; , 1-. Holstein Cow, fresh with Calf; f jersey covv,; due time of pvi,DEATs ran , stALr,„...,4$11,:skg,,E, $9.1a1•4?.. Jersey. eows, milking Ad bred '11.- *comb White Leghora pullets just again; 12 Jersey COW, j"1,1,gt fet811011,0(1; peady t() LAY, reftS03111413, ,pilocci ..or The monthly .meeting of St. George'S Ohirrehworaan's Guild. hild,In- on,Vuesday „No oxalis 2nd; 'at 3 'jai. are:irtrited to be present, as there will he special features and ,afternoon tea will be served. . • .' Anniversary services will be held at Grace church, Porter's. Hill,. on. Sun- day, October :.31st: - Mr. Chas. Cox, of Sprucedale, a termer •resident of this 'district. Will, preach at both sn- vis,ei at 10,30, a.m. and • 7 ipm A 'tablet to the memory. of the pieneer chureli workers will he unielled at the morning service. • 8 purebred yeting Oxford ewes; 4 e,vo lambs; ,1 York' sow, 2 years old, not bred ; 1 York .SOW, itiSt `bsed; 2 'young SoWs, net bred; 4 young' sows, line to farrow; 0 young pigs, just weaned; 5 young pigs, 0 weeks old; 7 young Dig -,s, 7 'weeks old; 7 young -pigs, about 05 ibl, . Implements, Etc —1 Frost 4 Wood binder; 1 Frost & *Wood moi.ver ; 1 Massey' 110. loader ; 1 Massey manure spreader; 1- Bain wagon; 1 covered buggy ; 1. ultivator ; 1 set harrows; 1 set discs; 2 wallciug t)lows; 1 fleury riding' Plow; 1 set bench sisighs; 1 'ST.11ELENS.. A:OLEN% Oct. 15,—Mrs..• George MeRoberts•is a patient in the -Western; laispititC'Tiiiorit,o, Where She is petelit- ing treatment for her ear..f.• Mr. Vie - Roberta and .Mr. and Mrs. Durnin motereii Toronto Thura.;' daY to see her. ; '3101`sr.S. Donald $14a.Cliffe and Misa Mary Murray attended tbe, funeral of the late Mr. Ilerhert Fowler' at pea-. forth t.*.trentiy. , and aira. Wm, jansen motored fronf,.-Iltrente.'and% spent .:the• -week-end ' with' friends here, • Mr. and„.•,Mrs. OpOrge .guutt*,r. 0!, 'llaMilton, Were • recent •gireets,:•4)f and ItramPlitty., jr., arid other readies. •' Miss Viorence IMeguillin retitroed to Stratiterd Sunday to resume her duties as student. nurse at ,the Oen.' eral afoSPital niter' ,spending1W0 woks At her henie here. • Taylor, of Myth, and r. Murray Taylor, of GOderich, spent e week -end with Mr, and Mts., Chester Taylor, ' Successful stiniverieury---,'-eervicee wert.'eonducted in, the tailed, Church •Sunday, with Iter.". Ur.. Shepherd. of ,armondvillo as guest speaker. Ur, Shepherd' .presithed twe stirring meat, in the morning &Wang as hi* text AM the true vine alla ;MY Matte' er Lis the hrtSbansitnitil".• end in the :everilett speaking eas Vrile Phureh of Clod," The choir sang two',,anthests at *the 'mottling serriee-and in the evening splendid mande was Prchiatt44, by /went...V.4111*c .ineuthers et the Triple V Bible ,Olass, Of Witightni, 'With Mr. Prank Collar and Gordon ehanan seloitak. Wait 'Sadie liatCharleS, and , MU* ttleatriet attelltita tbe eri?convention held' in Ooderich last Rev. Robert -Graham, Of Toronto, assistant editor' of The..New' Outlook, wlli occupy .the pulpit of :North street ,Unitectd-cintreli• next :Sunday morning and will Preach at Port Albert in the afternoon and at DlIng41112011.,in ,the evening. Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brueefield will conduct the evening service In North street Church. Rev. W. Ps Lane will be at Brumfield for the day. Immediate -sale. W. rIIITflYiVM •11. R. 0, Goderich, Phoue -1*13 ehar- low. 59.0 F°R 141—HOT WATER.. ACE and range boiler. .Apply tO !MRS. WfURTELE, St. Vincent ftreAt, 61?2x 'FOR ISALE.—A•PRIVATE,. SALE ,OW furniture and other,housellela goods will be held at the reSidence. Jas. Hoggarth, Huron road. Maf,call at say time:• 61.-2X' hay 'rack; 1. hay rake; 1 root pulper FoR SALE—sjx-gooyag> • Black cutting box; fanning •mull; , washing house in A1 condition. with stable, machine; Mellotte cream separator; also five acres of land? . JAAIDS, Me - single and double harness; •extra col WHINNET„ Dungannen, P. 45. Jareo-A601491.),Aii1S., bnckwheat ; abOut. •. • orn _ .mangolds; ld ' rows -of- cern- •q.u..rosis long, ill StOOk; 1 crate barred Rock pullets; 2 crates young ,Barred Rock liens; a quantity of household furni- curel' forte, shore's, chains' and num- erous other articles. 7, Everything must be disposed of, as the farm is rented. • TERm.S—Casia. J'OHN TABB,Trcrprietor. Goderich R. It, 0 T. GUNDRI: 4.• SON, Auctioneers. INPTICE TO CREDITORS'. All persons. having claims again-st • the estate of loin) Elliott. • 1 iv 01-2 08 ittE C t RItIOE , Mrs. ixetti.:ogof, orlmsiv (neo otoiyin Rinekt• Of Gederiels.)4. was Medi, I*, iitfot '1Weirtyqriends at • a infieelitintotts sbower at the home of Vass *Been IStoive, on Friday night. irtat. An enjoyable evening was spent, terminatelOY luncheon served by the 'hostess, who was ASSisted. by ,miss Helen Page, Miss; Teresa, Delaney, Dess Tobin and MISS :Ruth gurney... WATCH FOR YOUR 1441ilt, LADIEff. Numbers of -ladies in•Goderieh and vicinity will receive a tree cake .at Curry's Bakery by simply watching the windows of the West *arca shop, daily, Inning . Saturday, • October With, DurinCthe next month Curry's sVill &CA Urge, right -layer -cake'in-. the .whadow each day. 'Ettela' 'cake will have .s...iiidets",first ,Uszne on It (e.g., Jane, Alice, Mary, Aup, ote0, and the first 'lady to enter the store and pre' sent• -proof that the .name on the cake Is her Christian name will 'reeetve the Cake free. '1Jatiles,W4 the win- dow elose1ifY0ikiican,1 tell erlien your name w411 appear on4-tirteeake. 43411)ElitICH, MARKETS , An iiipressiVesteature .of the morn - nig service street.:rnito- olvavolr.on,Onniiii was the observano of the solemn; rite ot baptiran.. :'The Infant Children of 'Mt, and Mts. Mait- iand gr,„ and Xi's,. 14 0, }farina, Mr. a*lairs. 0,• -Xtotehell and Mr, and Uri. jaMet Salkeld were presented for ba_ptism. ',The ceremony was tOridneted• by Rev. W. P. Lane, , atterWarde.;preithed; an • appro. pritite -sern100 from 'the text, °Let lian learn first.' to show pietk at zatt FOR IsainE.:-.BEATTX - ,washer, .4n good -condition prieed very lovr., One. copper. bib:, Beatty, . like new, priced. ver.$' reasonably.-Poth washers guaranteed and may be..Seen at B. J. lioNvAitip's. rheue 3993. - 62x NOTICE TO CiZERITORS. .• 'REA—DOUGHERTY ..A. quiet •autumn wedding took place in the auditorium of North , street United church on. Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, When Miss Mildred Dough- erty, of Toronto, formerly Goder- ich, became the bride At Mr. 37...ad- vert Rea, of Toronto. formerly of Kin- cardine. Rev. C. F. Clarke, of God- erich, who officiated, was assisted„,by Rev.. J....C. Torrey:0, of Toronto. The bride and groom were atteeded by Mrs. Clyde Carter, of London, sis- ter -rit the bride, and air. HaroktRea, of Toronto, brother .of the 'groom. 'Blonde little Eleanor Lauder, prettily poultry Alen% over 6 '29e, '23C ; geese, 1e. : Eggs and Butter 'Eggs, per %ell but ter, lb., dairy, 25e; creamery, 290; *1,17#6 Stock . dlaeon hoO,'e*t., •,$700; beef, lb.,15es-• de; veal, lb., 7e-:-Setianih, lGrain Ps Wheat, per bita,i IAC -412,; eats, me - 41.e., barley, 50e-400. • Vegotablea• and Pruitt; flour and ' 194,41o.. bag, $1.491, shorts; $Uso ENTERTAINED AT PARSONAGE On'ilridayeVening about forty Meta - here of tire .Eureka, class of Vietoria street United dulreh find their -friends' attended a dinner rat the Parsonage. 'The griesti;.svere received by. •atri../. Mutch, heed of groilp 2 of 'the elitsa; After the -wedding Mr. and Mrs, j. U. Lauder reeelved about fifty Wendt et luncheon at .their home in honor, of the neWlywedS. ° Ininitediately after • buffet lunch- eon Mr. and airs. Rea lett on a wed- ding trip to the States. They will reside at TOrolitc. , '• . Wile" (I Timothy' 5s0... The choir and Mrs. Werileuse. Others0.148 sta .., renderea.Ath. enthein In Which' the tole Ng during the evening Were Istim-Mni- Partis were taken by lar, Cetil At .tei %odious% gm 0,4:Allston, Mrs. fridge, and thein -'was 4 plane and SchWatit*, ltri0. Hutchins; Miss Itoht. organ 'duet by Mr& G. E. ''Myers and Good, Mrs. *lilies aid attrs." John, ., Mr. R. V. kittyer. ' NielterS, WiliLtul late of the Village ef Dungannon, in the County` of, Huron, Who died On or about the 3rd day of -October, 1967, are required.. to send- to 'the linder- - signed .par'ticulari of their claim duly verified on or before the Otir-day of- • November, 1937, as after that date the estate will be distributed. among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whieh they then • have notice., ' Dated at Goderich this 15th .,day October, A. 15. 1037. • •PRA.V. DONNELLY', Goderloh, Out., • Soltcitor for the Etecutort. • 5944 „Notice is hereby given. to all persons having tany glaina against the estate of mark .4-nn.iteedwlate. <the TOWfr— ship of Aahlield, who died on or about the .17th day Of September. 1937, to send seine to the Undersigned on or , before,1,2tir of November, 1937, as en . minu..primos .and after that date the executor of the uu,cumow, ,oct home 4i.if saki estate proceed to make dis,- tribution thereof, haVing regard Only Mr.. . and Mrs. Sables A..0eddesws 'the .scene of a pretty 'wed:ding yes- terday- ;When, amid. a setting*.of autumfl ISSVes. and palms; Rev. Charles gag- . Donald united in Marriage their daughter, Marguerite 4'0(10, and Corea* *Alen 'Toronto, . Son of .Mrs. Janet Mullen oiXineardlrie. 1.A..'sParling 10444 thf wedding music and .during the signing •ofithe register Miss Margaret atter...ay sang. Ktiven in ntarria& #Y.' her father, the .bride Wore _a. gown Of „bine ',chif- fon -velvet with-Mete.hitkg-ltet..,—..th Carried a boaquet. of ,American Reality rosea. lifieOleSsie.MaeLeau„,etilran- cardint!e waif the;ihride -sinald. and, was aftirett,:in 4: goWn. Cfr ditoetriet-velVet and .earried,,a, boironet Of roses. Pert Geddes,.16tonto,, was beat. Man. ; At the reption held folloWing the tereralorty' the ,bride's mother, Attired. geWrC_Of fUchsia lace, withk Waet:. hat and 'Corsage'•Or roses, recei+ed; the guests. Vile woonfs...mother,•wbb also receirea,*ats gowned In black bro- caded crepe, with eoraige• of red roes. " Attet a wedding trip* to De- troit Mr. and Ursi. Mullen, will reside, in Toronto; . Dated. flits 23th.day of Octqlier; • BAS, Goderich, Ontario, .Soliettersi for the above estate: „ •60.24 yOTtitg' ti01a9t. Voters, Lists, 1937, Municipality of the Town ot Goderich,tounty of .114uron,' - Notice is liereby,,given that I have eolliPlied With section 7 ,of the Voters' Lists Act -and that I have oated up a,t . far 010' at the Town Hall, Goderiels, .nn the twentieth day,. Of Ottoher, 1037, • the 1.1st.of alt PersOns entitled to vote In the said municipality at municipal elettion#, and that such list remains there for inapeetied, • Alut I thereby tan upon all -Voters to takeffinnoilate proeeedings to have-' ant erroils or omissions corrected ac- cording tO, 14% the last day of ap- peal being the *Atli day. of. November, 1937. L. 4 atisTOX, Clerk Or the Town of Goderich, MeanbeiS of the NV,Itit were, gutit of the .Seelety of "S'oPhitechurch. „Wet' WedatsdaY, When Mts. 0. A, Weer. ring of Vitroatter was. t.*ile Witt Speaker. „ • ,Fowi supper '41*Y, November 14th. ' • The ovember ineeting .Of .00011 *-nle and iftehoet Club Will be held itt Central *hoot oTh Volodast afternoon', titottaitt Ind. The gtiest 'oPeitket* 'Mite Zeatt Orovea, addrees-- thmeiubera e' on . the tothqeet "Dietetic*" 110,* 110110 1111111111* $1** • *dox • * * retiouolk woo, 14 Ittget ship built httb dnce the war, omO� the announcement Fmpra* of triton), will dnsy during her 107 laerniwoolwlth itbAk* and tcithe. NOW Ott Ors Wellington $1. Aueldstal. Her Odle* odarts trOin New It4rk .Tan - herr 4101.1(111 end there on May le, tratil beading tor, Australis ohowhhl follow the nausl *Mid !stills* Catirse...-4.)daiteltil, Gihrais *lark .1AlePlea, Athens, 061014 the Settlements, Ma* 4, and 1ong'tong, Tialivhig *0 tO .the tertitort for Iter •014-4 vist MOOturnitzti:kurte6,,Alt,iteittibuaroli (kratiottoboh:.r:Pewittarttilliois. 041: W0101044 on "*IrlOW,11i-Of ',Getthe6". tate .4.12,1'-d.:,14ijautai)0011*14. her '86th. ,y040. '4" . • Owen, Iiitolunty art ;Monday, Octoi)er (rt. tsolorou. motherterItu o4tt,4141,.: of tioderich; to MEMtiltIA$ tit. -44) „toting nteinary ofour dear stitednd trotterSWUM *Wile, mot*WhOtt;tPee, rowel% •:tto*auxuty sa'rt si1/4u,:bortt N0‘. 'ember 3, ,419$9, . ignite firm dear matter passed ewer, Iter pafis were greater .than She (Mild beer,. — 4144)Gied took her in Ins home to siotre ,6:nct to wait for us to meet her there; 9441k mfrsed 40" lttil tglY and, 0 to omit* wit olio* otTnordu tbt toto tott gang to that . int tO Where bre