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The Exeter Times, 1880-11-25, Page 5
�i(1� " 1880 �1`'T'rlll'11� ��'t I1HT' TIMFS STAR GROCERY. T. he latest Arrivals of the Season Like H:: rod Labrador White A. 1.4 Altrail CONSIGNMENT OF FJ SE AS ON TEAS AND FRE SET ,..:i , E0 AND xl/Q'"47'®Rs, Wks.©tet ate rs,cl. Reail. nal t eetl Z=eter. _.,,.per, tiro'. . 1 . snbsoriber, a' -out the ltlth of Nov The ownL`r1 1'ign•.> Verty, Pay charges at•. h Stephtln, Nov. 10,183'1. STAR GRocERy The Latest Arrivals of the Season Fish & Trout in Bbls. Blois. A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OJ FRUITS OF EVERY VARIETY. LABATT'S ALE AND STOUT IN BOTTLE AND QUARTER CASK • 'YOUNGER'S, TENNETT''S, BASSI AND GUINESS' STOUT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK, it,xeter oetl,l „,t1+11'. .'y... tot or 0' 1 rot White Wheat • Soot& l WARD. t * 5)t, 5.1(1 )�. kJ will be given to iQty parson of nitt, s who will give such tuforulat1uu that will h a,1 to th0 eon deet a of the party or portio witl poi- soned niy Newfoundland dog 01.5 1'e morning nof the 18th inst. D. Exeter, Nov. 25,1880. I-41 STRAY. —Gallie ou 1.110 11r'et111ette 1of the sub„Oriber. lot 90,con,10, Usboenc,abouan two heifers. Also a owe tho lot of and. lameb. The two steers elowner ro• cl'loato.I to prove property, pay expenses ancl'take .t get„ tW t7. 'Lisburne, ov, 25th, 1881 11. 15IABQUIS. lilt 1, 010, '5, U. '. 7 borne about the 1st of November, a red and wh itO yearling calf. 'i`he owner is requested to prove property, tlty expenses and take it away. 1`3borue, i'ov,35,1880. ltt?''H.\1t i Q111N'I")?8. ^gyp 1Uit SAL1! OR RUN ['—OPENING ;A ,for axes class baiter. The stare nn Main `'t (t'., 1:v.01er, roe'ntly occupied by Mr. T. 11. 1..Baker, afi a furniture store. (4o ,ti 1255 ge dwelling I attached. Goad gtram. plot, stable, hardd, auo soft cntar. (Iver'y e=3avoid-um for drub -class .baker -now brick oven, T. 1I. BABES, li ueail. ,('\I AE F,S7'RAY -- ABOUT THE�V lot week in November, T r on lot 151 concession '0, 7101,11'5), wtute 1Leit.r u.ppmr0titly 0001119 two years old. T11e 050 ger may urove 51f 'pet ty, pay e':penses and tike Lor away. S. 111t,41i ONS SPLiT PEAS, Prdpared Pea Soup, ready for the table in ore minute at the SHTI' to, A'ItdCETS PALL tP&11A2. ,stmtset wiflill'i' 108 to 1 20 .., 1 06to 1 10 i''ifo • .., ... .,. .,, 1:08 to 1 12 Red Chaff " ... .,. ... ... 1 08 to 1 12 tsarley. 0 GO to t 80 11,1 .., ... 0 78 to r 30 Clover Seel,. .. 4 00 to 4 en Peas0 55 Co ^ 00 (tern - - 0 (8 to 0 00 ltggs ,,, ... 0 17 to 0 17 Butter.„. '0 20 to 0 20 Flour t,tirbbl. ... ... ... 5 00 to 5 (l1 Potatoes, per bag ... 0 50 to 0 60 Peaches per bus ... .. ... .., 0 60 to 1 10 Apples, per bag... ,29 to ) 25 IarieclApplos pr 11... .,00110 0 00 Flogs, dressed per 100 6 50 to G r0 Beef 4 00 to 5 011 Mlles, 9•M& ... 7 00 to 8 00. dressed .. 8 00 to 9 00 Sheepskins, each ... 60 to 1 50 Calfskins , . ,., til 23 0.4 Flay pot ton 8 00 to 8 00 !Minusperbush ... .,, 0 (10 to 0 78 Lard 0 12 to 0 13 Tallow p4r lb.., 0 05 to 0 00 Wnol,per lb 0 28 to 0 30 Turkeys per lb 0 07 to 0 07 Geese 0 05 to 0 05 Dnoks.porpair 0 45 to a BO ST. MARY'S Pall whon.t, per bushel 1 13 to 1 10 Spring etheme 1 14 to 1 15 Barley . OG to 0 8tt Peas 50 to 0 60 0at�82 to n RR l7ay 850to900 FYdozen 0 10 to 9 1'7 Butter Hides per lb 0 17 to 21 8 0 '750 tto a 9 050 1' ressod hogs o 0 0PhosotastDo es yptskinsor bag...... ......... .................. 50 to 0 50 0 7:1 to 1 50 Woodper cord .............................. 2 50 to 12 50 Dunks per pair 0 t 0 ,,n Chickens" C 253a to 0 30 YOULTG ,(, ItT I,e;trn Telont'apll f 0.11(1 411V .99.dJSVeirr 4n10+;10:1amonth. Every grauuat: gnarnn tend a paying situation. Acldrass It. V ALENTINP,,Ma Iry,J,1no.4i1lo,Wis 77'1 aE1x1 . A1ddre'oo '.0.VICK. �fel1' outfit ir'a Address 1'. 0. 005)1) Pali, Augusta Btaino. A n elegant chrome oercls, new styles,:l0c. Agents "WV wanted. L JON FIS & Co.. Nasoan, N S tA DFSiITISIMS, sena for our Select -List of Le - .Ca cal Newopavers. ,Geo. P. iloweli & Co., 10 Spruce St., N Y mai Nail, 1 EX.ETE.OTh T. B. SELLEY, .CHEMIST & DRUG"1IST, always seeps a full sato rtment of'I Pare Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Sponges, Soaps, &c. SELLEY' S Cherry 0ordial i.3 site 41?ieusantcst, Safest cC Surest Cough• lladi.cira Ener Sold.. t.. Try a Bottle, W.. B. SELLEY. VTAY PUI1I,P WORKS. Y B. BOLTON PROPRIETOR. 1). yving added to my pump machinery, and pro .1 nre.l LL large quantity ua .tirst•cluss pump logs, I urn prepared to offer .an article ,Superior to an.Y Factor in the County, *TOXIN 7.Am =int. 'LOUR and CTu ST' MILL, Being in good working ordel•'gives every 0000 el - dation possible in 9rl.ttidg 0.5)15 flouring, Flour ,null mill feed delivered to parties leaving their orders before one o'clock at.I.BELL'S Battery, or O'13Y12NG &CO'S, or at mill same day ----_U TERMS t)ASFT, 1 7'M. F'E'R7X0It EXETER 1' O. JOHN BACK having purchased thn stock of Messrs. 18, & L. Spicer, has removed to the store lntoly oo- eupied by them, North of Post; Office. All kinds Flour and Feed Alwas on Hand. FLOWER., FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in groat variety. .... JOHN BACK Dashwood Nursery! All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees suitable for Pall planting. Sta o1ar,l Apple Trees 20 Cents Each tvheu in quantities 16 Dents each. , Parties at a distance orclering trees can v1y on gettinatue k'11.1 ordered --it not, others will be furuis+ted Iron of charge, Audress 5i, BOL DAN, l)ashwoaod P. 0. A.11 trees brought from 1ma are warranted t0 grow, or will replaced by others. October • Iso ONLY Perry's Horse & Cattle Medicines and Feeder awl at prices that defy rornpetition.. Wells and t„ isterus dug on the shortest notice. 33afore purchasing call a ;theHay Primp Works, t,nut—lo l op-.00cd. iivilte mild port of Exeter, FINE PHOTOGRAPHY. FRANK -DOPER, FOlt SALE AT THE DOMINION LABORATORY, SIGN CF THE cit OLI) EN MORT.ATi,, Main Street, Ex, . �::. A1UTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER. $tadio 374 Ittelllnoud Street, London. All the )atest improvements in Photography tot 5:0 well known studio. Cx'ad peyote of Exeter and vi:in.ty come t.tid,See us WI30(L you come to *,ondou, 414 WE WILL DO YOU JUSTICE 1 EYP erO LIG 11 JYIJ'o " Dh Ghildrerr. Owing to the extreme pressure of business L CA a' LING has not time to write an advertisement this week. Look out for it next week. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. 1-1-1-4.1.1 S IS NO ,aO 1\11-3AST IMMO Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, pare ltase, and enjoy itsbargains, Who nI say 1lnanufacture luy own furnitureI a.02 prepared with my proof -sheet that the people can inspect tit any time by calling at my ware rooms where they will seem superb clis play of Furniture in Ali Its Branches rrz7.nnf.wtnteiby 02751315and 'nvnot1115nnd•trti»ttoskill, with good worizmanship. I der 1(11.011^r nsa'Liefyillgthopeople with a mass of 1? i.'uitnre thatc'.tulat be o,iu sued for quality or price 111 l:xeter,all blowing to the oontrcwy,notwithstandiug. WHEN YOU WANT ttNY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAII. kdear'1y opposite Kemp'a Tolme00 Store,llaiu Street, IL ;Eater. SAMWELL t PICKARD Are daily opening ant large quanti- ties of Fresh, Seasonable DRY GOODS, Bool: and Sages Eats ani Cain, &c., &c., &e. d JL.9r:'1 WLZIONS „ tl° °f1 0 A splendid range of 13LACE CASHMERES BlackLustres Pompadour Fc' It I„14” TS, VIN CEPS, TWEEDS, �orsd�dCaalin�� s SIIIBJTS, DRAWERS, SAIIWELL & PICKARD'S &c., &t ., &O., ----AT— JUST RECEIVED AT TEE EXETER GR c AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OP GREEN, JAPAN, OUNG HYSON and BECK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DR/ED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTERS DUCE AND PICKLES. BRANDIES, GINS, WINE -S AND SYRUPS, RYE, MALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND (302U1ON WHISICII IS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. CI. A, MACE Main Stl`eet,ENeter. JUST RECEIVED e� AT TELE HENSAL u Choice Family Gl rocer V PORK PACKING HOUSE FRESH LARD, FRESH OYSTERS. *ENV FRUITS: ORANGES, LEMONS AND GRAPES. Having commenced businesFfor the CI. Est. XIVINT1311.41N, Fan and vv irate r; i nue Pauson s Plock, Mains st., .Exeter, HO ! FOR MANITOBA. 'We aro propn.rnd to pui•ehase any quantity of C Pork, subject to the following regnlntiono wall take off two pelmas per ltallrlrrtl d,,y', amt tln'no pound if soft. S11°11141' 0t,u•k, During the lenaMiciderortho000.5011 of 1880, 'S twenty -11‘'e Dolts. 1f any of the. hong gut i loft in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No porK will bo bought at any price it warm. We want all flogs Cutting +srig11t thr,ugh breast 10 /lead, and Slams opened ontto 1,511• 4 r J. PETTY.. tea-. '�..r-+".�+t�7 dVAY's '�illiax�3rev�r'''arxxiiat�a.re dealer, having been drawn into the Purnitnro Line by deceittuluest and falsehood (s compelled to continuo the business and is prepared to sell cheapct' than any other house in the Comity of Huron. Anex- mutilation of my large stock, whloh is not exoeliod outside of the eines, and a comparison of lay prices with other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what I say, Every Article Marked Down to the VanLowest Figure, 111avr just purchased a first-class New Hearse, and man prepared to attend funerals 0012`15)8, Shrouds and all'17ndortalting Material on !laud. Prices very reasonable. Society Emblemsconstantly in stock. lie sere to give me a eall, and I will matte it to your advantage to buy your rurnitgre from sue. Removal* the plaoe—moi th of 1k'Cof tions Buis; Manitoba Parties will leave on The FIRST TUESDAY f Every Montle, Nett pnxtyon 8091(11053017th ' 51'or 9e ticnlar9 ntpplp to JNO.?,tvo c, 1i,A#m't, Moir .l.a 1ZiG ESTRAY --(1A NfIll ON LOT 15, Concession 10, Llsborno, n hoot tho last of August, awhi'e pig, !tbe 01(15)81 53015' have the' 81115)0 t'5) 'tyi'lg eri„':nans and )11,111 Ltf prnnerty JA.2,1 RS 11t:C:i3LL(itC1 4