HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-22, Page 8Lt tter, .Browit 'SOW 1. its Uteri:01000 Tottto* the Town twoundiar definitel -40401-000d from ,page 1) 1 for the cstensteno tb�?treakwater, ,sUggested ;that tie two rs of Varliarnant fro* Oa' ftigko, arraille for it dtputt- t.ofl ,1iiterticw the 041%110001v, 6-0 ,attended to this PM 1f it were left to t11erit0W- - Worild• be 400 late to Imre ‘41111 aitfitirojeriation made at the nest of radian:WO.. - 314,r aad, other me ; • 1flattC jIio1d _ 110,1014, His Worship said. 4 aera- te*. 'inikdd cost quite a:hit of money„, but I1oroportion to the objeet to lie •*4011003 Ow' cost would Pet great Oanctifor Brown ventured the . oli- v(fl demands made upon the -41operstsbutby 3nutacipAnties to: the ending'of -money ,rae4utt wow taxes for ;Oka:people. to pay; but this view' ocelsed Attie encouragement,: Countillor Itingiurra saift It was not .,a Its* barter demand that kioderielk, ' was lataling; the Town *a4.tisicing for rnet1Rg was. needed. - The ',Wit read a letter from the 4.11strler iongineor of the PePartriesit stating that, in liretiara^, thin .Arr. the. Darlionentrot'estimatte for 1esotning. Year, the. Devitt:131*a wiss's001»i•tig in.fortatition as to the aitiauatothustuess being done at °oft- ..tainlrlinatowt, • . .odtion wasX .,passed adopting 00 „ ayOr;'20:14J .tUULfl lie t"Prosoolotlotk 't,bo itleveror 'Otis Patter, were not yet in ProPor olu4*. 'Onr..ongin4KrAk. 1111810 11't.4 "tilligla their lob"'' irlittlivr 4004' *4.0.1oft;,(4.00 Utwor and Oierk. , To Meet P. IT. CominIz oiitarior mow* ras putIto' rtZtioft. -Com to Ot,o..0$ IpAttoo... AtItyor -Unaw4titii.01:)* would ttiv_04.utiort' attend at Pest Meeting Of the COntuliMion,,,;. - -00imoik,110 adAgod; stkettld hoto. sew Ming 'concrete to falter up ":Wlithl the OommisSion, Coupeillor Browa• colatAttined that the Connell einitaber was .Pot kopt tiOSIt and 'Reeve Turner Wanted to know 'Where the photos 'were that used to. be on the Valls. of the .ehtraiber. Reeve 441044 that Vbephotes, be replatefl the'sP4eial cOrawittee' being named tO.attend ' CoUnciller .84:1Aeld, wbo ig.ohair of; the special coininttteb, remarked that lie didn't know Just What' the' duties. of 4li1s coraniittee Were; 4114 was informed by -Councillor ,Drest,a:"that its duties Were to 41fi *Ix.at,070t the other committees 01(.1 not .get out The -Connell adiiwrned Shortly be- fore 49 o'e1e,01{. P.RAU' * tAtr drOht 101 V'e Ipg next ht -01100 gre*Yterittit chl2r0),4 Vt °Wan retldip, give 41;4, tsgloireaat "Wibat Youth Qnn *lag to tbe IMUrebo ni will lbe Igiven to the Ow i-144 following the addvesak IIL be veuil IV.' Weinberg toz:tp 000tety. Ierich Baptist AY, ‘ocToops gOli **fol.\ . ion. wt. 7,,pgot, „. • ' . Pica' cher;N-OROFESSO- .r,OACWORD , , C C -KNAPP. • - Orchard spent a terta• ati a Missionary-livIndia, Wan for a 01$0120* yrars general superintendent of Ibtiptist work in the Canadian West, L now the Professor of Missiiihs and Eyangclism. In Malaater airersitY, Iliiinhltofl. 110 is an intek'etiting and inapiring reacher. . 'Knapp' is the very talented 'Young Soloist of the Tinlversity iletle• Bond. DE SURE 2U":9 IIDAR THOSE MEN., ltebolmV bocloo, No,.80t vat hol4 Vddalage We Op fiatiirdalt P, 404a; r 40„ • 0941 xaar allalte'uttrehiteU:turr'e6;plenll'..417. .444t*.tx, Na$74,..vp,04re!c#01),yr, 6004' Attera,a „A:0113013Ni:: iQet,, 20.7,7 Inn wUl (i14,04, tr1,7!t.'ktitio_ 1,21:1100907.44,,,,,,ma,zi,44041.4snolVtxitte,,,trilAnania;,itl,:ws11.441.413,3;4, left: 911, .X01104$' for Vetglief 'The 411.111.1.4 TokOting! of Alio 000, .vhe he will conthiue Mrs. H. Govier and vier • ,'8114041.'$' • " •' of ;111.onday, Neypither . ',.flarry.,;WIttgner ,Who luta been ger.: London, will, give progratt(linr1tTorth! Won.: • • ° ,The° traVer/te 'Our , terta ors, Of lar -;;Meeting -the 14.4toci regular • mieeting of the CO• O" , -Tourig .reoplo'S'UniOn.Vas Wagf.4- Wei; '"i,Voi;;441.`s,'.nosoltal, -030noty will ,day 4PreSident,, Nfisof he held on Oetolier 26th at in ;charge*: '411ra. Wni.. '4 pan; at the Pahlie naggett 104 In prayer. ; toOro!;W, 4410001 PtOsl44il‘ over the. Progvaul- The vireplea's 'Assoelatiou . North The'Scripture-ipassage Was, read 'by ,00,e0t. .thjiteci mot e'en Allen a)* prayer was offered bY 'Thursday, ,4:';ietober 2,804; at 9.14. Was** lvrfiss, the ihaselaeat tbe einveh, 60-1 totrida11011.4.011'Yt„4:.$.v11%*401100W1:'it'll''' Pi11,084:41*Q4'60"01Z .6otierie.1;-LaTV:a --'0;-11; w$11e, 'W1301111Orp, g4Nr• ty belga ‘tal4 will held, its aunuaCii3e0log. and ba -4 - 'ext Mow to 440. the"Olble." at tw Aoyal Hotel 00. Tuesday, g9.re-B*4iSti* showi' above as he 010 -1)10;11silii ,-Iii4i0Atio(100*1,4$0"..• univ • ibeo,,- i.$$004; army;;-T.be.i*ar'mintstcr;,inade, tr; sPesial-joUrney. froM 'tendon:Ito .;,Wfron Waiden,7,....Assf*,:.#:;wateh: tIi blOgest mimic IattleOf the 1037 ituto nniniiOn*Ai, • PERSONAL MENU) 44444.444.4.44.44 XV.04 Ds attorogor, of 0-0,04»', is visiting her parents, 'Mr; and Mrs, Murray 'Hetherington left on Ned, day to attend a mining sehoo1 at Halleybury. Mr. J. L. Taylor and daughters Marion and 'Gertrude age visiting ,,at Waterloo this week. Ur. and are. W. lanwrenceand accompailed *W. and 'Mrs, Adam- Gorl, were Thanksgiving visit - ore at Sarnia and Port- Huron. SUNDAY, °cr. 10 astu...-Educational Com. mission Veriod. 4 , 11 Subject, "T h Changing Power of the Unaverted Gaze." kiystery of ;the Crucifixion."' Mrs. A. O. Calder, -.41rs. Cr - vie and Miss Ada Durritt were In Brantford on 'Thursday attending the sehil-nanxial 'convention of the AV. A. of -Huron Meese.' , , , • 11ra' Baths, Tholatoson has returned. tioni 10otreit-und'Unden, she was visiting lier -.Ursi Thomp- son and .31r. and- Mrs. B. E. 1Iflg of London visited recently With -4(r. and Mrs. ,14441eton, tnttnio, M104, from tioderieli, attending -41 nieetilig.of.the.SlisbittseivitattibtenstEtv ron 1itptist 'AssotiatiOn at Parkhill, 01 Tues,day, and. itliclacedaY of OW 40Cki W.04.-atev.4,45. xt.'$ficiottt.0_1tr „MA *ff.: George 3011101:0, e. 14: XtxtiOet' and›.11x.,Oordoe,Piinb, , ". Mr. And Ws,. w.nottvx.,zo,, of De- troit,.were ghosts Ot.the: tormees.,01W-- itr. and - PiOlek;:911110t. Breent,* strict; • 3$riotT -20--Miss Soth4r,'SUc Patti:0W VoNiOr gave a'41;14 4etart* fgfattonilk' Oriaeetik4,..i, with :the ' too* re-attallgemeat at tWItiolue ‘:Of tueetlug' elose4E,wit)4 a ilYtom, and the , October wth'i>,at 7 p.m. abort,. Tickets gisrati benediction. •• • TOO; , , , . ' it:toy; 'It.,•31,..WieelL40;,* Presleu, has )heeol., cappootect-rthe new rector; of the , The annual. xo.eeting Ole flitttord 0.010A, 'parishes et AIPUX14 WI" tlowitaAnxiiiart will be held it.the .grave and Ifixi/h. 'sou take charge, Oro& OCAVirS., Montgomery Thati, Noveudier' 'Oat. • day ,atterileen, betdber 28th. A full _ohgttlx;:celltmequebt meetJ,4 ----i;::TAaiux-nrztiarortte,r---- --- t6e,M5' 1110440, ,V.40 rorty*. 0 ct • , uot. on , Tne0(14:44tornoon,,-*Ith ingiintlatton; conire of Unton a good_ at*c1,400:, iTitO PresilleAto 't4asige, ogio.LOW.tf.....:, Monday Mrs, WSOn eboarge. Oetobet. '0th af.8 ,o'clock. MOP; ;o ''.14,:afVITOtOd toward West- hers -.and visitors VfeleOa34-,. era., 4oxses *ode And " ,.lippidge,,,,Wore-PpPOintoCto •Anitiersary ::services will helfi at. IV supplies with -.0=AS.-nidae3r. %Inas, Oroe Porter's,1011,. on 4un- ANIfirife. 0048 AIIP ROA *BIM #ggOe. 1$,TO 1%.4 p. —130A110X0; • este& hove, Pear .quare, rot:0:1,0,- 01e rate S SlOtsr.44,4§1.1A;# 004). TIONIKS daughter WISh‘ to `*exprese - their. sincere thanks for the 'many iiindnesSes *tended to -them in tlLelr 1'004 644 beretOtoment. all who helped in" so 410:11.Y iatied" Wars: sincere *Thapi.' you." . rag) untnetuate sale. W..)11113/10 0141M0/1# it it. 6, IGoderieh, Phone 140 pou (10011$ fir.(00$0": locomo.tive type of holier., high prA, ssure; 0 ft. 6 in. •tube. ° Ouit- able for heating .1kariPoes, 'god* shape. autou owsEtouat Fred Oster atonday ntt4inoon: It ,431to.;,tert Jones, of rtnniann.4;ape, nt then' *eth.ejla- iltb, Mrs, ;Lorne Sarlingeotir,,, „ • Ben •flikd Vitt= iktatro$ luive, left an 'extended Visit, to Dr, E. Wilford, 'TOrcinte.' was ..ay.vhdtor here attlIte weekend. • 4 Ws*: wwitiolo 'rett011ed. from qt,ilttiii,Votiotiveto7ig 46'14 ao- *cll. as., ean".,fii . Mrs. ,88711114V.*Y0t . !stns. operated 'on In London .hospitai.,:,31..orala$ THURSDAY, .00T, . 28th "ft the Spirit Jesus Other Self?'" Mrs. E,-,•"INt. 'Cattle Akin. Tortate this 000k.14.0010,„the. 'Ontario dlotpltal Aosetiation' aonikatten,,, representing the (Iddericli Hodpitit:'AUxiliarY. 'WANT' x.O=Ve.9(3111. AND 3401.4. Virt. 4't4,Virati The,,--funerat11-felligtd. 4.0101tlei- Henry, tw044414-014 Oa'ot Mr. and *Of, took pinceXitovOit, git,,D.ortivo stts4 terment- 'Ivo 10; Unifitioic: omforv, "Ir.toda0,YOrect'.."With •44. • 000; day, ,Oe,toner 31st. atte;',Ohati. Sired' 'Oster,. •'ilintTle,t • President, Of -S01..40410,2 a'..termer, *Went of , „ the0 gaV - 4, id at tottkriston. 31* Wilson ivt oion.04. 'report on the Ibis, ("boleti will, preach at h a.t the -#04)work. MIsaes 11 4v,,oror, and Jooe- pblne Nr -01r `.811.0.g" Ole; layo -4e. bittlegi ng ot: vil- lage 54 atudb4` 111..040' ,dis. ges kiie great there, ave , r 4114:, 7,.3.01, A• tablet:„.tO. oe--111atiori Of the' imoneeri chureh -WerltiirS'!vi.111. hilvelit4 at the morning 'EterYke. • .00dertch. •• .09-4.1x Basi$S$S OVONT,NIGI.• * ' , -.:14V8r7R4-51.‘m4-r-P14-1*--°94.. - fif.:47.Mm*rintie aii4Wetiln ;new dealer ;"for .09derieb., Areal DoikunitY for 0* 4 11g.bt. machines and trnelw are .interaititio ally uI�*n and there OW** , 'ir9,0* repair .part -araeo,, 131 Vinton, 04, trpoi TO 64oPoixak woigc.e, is. hero:a' giyen. to .alt iekitOna toting; Aftly qatio -ag4inS , 00. 0440 . of 31aWAY10-110,0;,:igurtP,g, 0.0.:10vg" . . . ship ontehfielitt, who - AO eir or about ‘ the. nth „4# Of :flePte;04r, OM 'UV send same to -the' Undersigtied ;ow or tilt, in the: past lialtocent...147. :01" 8°, ford Hotel =Mr, It 3; -Moore of IsUng before 1-2th ef y , i.,. 1 as on The Rot 1-,0* barn i was 4)14, of :Bob, • ton,,, :vv#1,0knOWn authority on OoTtl:- and after that !late the eiteeutotot he eft Ikredli IPA W. T. Itidtlett 01•Wa0J1 -culture, will give an .address on 'The tad estate IOU, prOceedA042** 'di* the 'first car, 'tic 1'4 411-• *44 44/.' IntPrOati011at. ' ' Renee 'ttarclpo.".. The tribution. -thereof, 400Ing '*01004,„.„,.014' ,swered. With a fliapiii7 44' te0„ 00141I- utooptio of- the • Lions, Cittb •=sVill b4. to the clitiMi'rof whiek he then *1-' #0''' '140nit ainglig.whieh *0* 07thit haS"' * lad to haVe any pere6n interested . trio. . a*ted ittO 4'OotOtoroi 1937, . ' Hos , & 33.4ms; 430010; Gio:rich 004.ettort, for the 0004:01tASE ' • Mrs., Wit - ,seetag.a brieh deer *itit ro„.'wide spread of antlera in -00, of .home -etie dale ***being nits,. th'llge4e. itCsin'tt400° n7stalitag;;°•1°4-41t141:1101;',tittefnle;cteht: are 65 ceantts-.6:1o5; dits'r.rio1;w.niht,etilo Ets"•,,,;;,..040,1":::::1:;:wiee'::taa,si'ottt73:,:itiet:b..11e;i:hittoe'd4relisiv'...1rwa0:4.1.tddhl.,:°!•::;:hbe7Yri:!:1130,;::41,;.,:lay3'i' 1:tintehenitaeddi:einntligew:letitodadra;tthyttegsen„ditbrrholt:'1,4::::d1141.n:eps_r:a.c4.a.svitlitoule_b:Ilde: 4-44.10„,,,tn„1„,,,— 11," 4L11,,,,wrras.tL1,„,,,en titted„,,,,' „.,,,-,T , ,get,, In tormil :With *r., A. It.:;Seott,, so ThOnatoSdn'. ,AnYdne llavh,10.:nnria"4. -,Thursclay, October 28th; at the' 0 hand ,dothing „ bt new. -clothing t°' ford Hotel... - . . 00 and,' the Itrist,far09 311004 in AtOorne' : wilt . commence at .7, Any person 'Aii- •October' Aith.. , - - - bez'eenot:1,k1;t1:0ffte'700Intitt.4tiliiitee:::::%::::: . • ' -, - • - . • Aot, coi Calder 'otlletged.'.i The ,ftowOr-btai.Ore;ICtin,,01.14i. Arnold and Arthur Dell,' 14.11,i1,'Wilhlain Outliving .members of 00 fitinli$, .644, 'Worth:0 herott04,14trefltst."are three sisters, Ilarion431argaret and 3latielf and ;Oro lorothens; cordon - and Dana Id. fleeter -a Loyal Orange Lodge No. .08Z NiI41{1 --,41,1r and Mrs. Mer - was held in 1.140:1:ltrange(.141111 " • Ttn4land; of :*11(irt44,.: on day ilght*, 44011 4,ointted; as 1010011 Sunday ,the 'horde Of the Woes litaster,:,1,cwis,11.oddy4 deputy nmoter„ parents,- W. od won. Flonfgga;, ',:lreater ':OtTightt :chaplain, Oil. Pat -Vas' 1111tia Finnigan accompanied .:etehrrnaniI;St4artilifi" •Pevre'a,:tetZil7ry''' arr. ter:gall"; a- them nd *' Mrs. and urer (earge sneft4.. ,Anarahni,-.., *tort's', family, ,of Oshawa,' visited oirertbe. Stitrdi ; feeturet.; - !toter week -end at the hones of their cousin," 2ndAtictarer;',' -Andre* Webster; tYlert •Mrs. Pentland and 311a. T. Morn. flnrold eartorl committee, I. Taylor, .WS. (rtev.) 41)., W. rinneroy is Nutt. 3. Vitnglitut, 4. 'WO. Haggett,, tug this -week With her daughter, Mre, IS*.cleon Patterson. = Thos. Laramie of Malden. ' ,L*1/14-.abd, °Iktrs, Sql1 ve. of at the home Of their.. Wieldy 314 Iese'•fratin,,, - :Mita Oral Of1oitihr00-.431*0 the week -end at horhome here. -.'nece.Lioinkerser1 " soviets were held IniNlie &arch .$3itilidatIllo Ing and eveni1g. Bev . IA ;41:'WliIte of SOuth Wotodslee, a fOriner, ,PanteV ! • delivered, two ,Splendlito,.' !add -*Ole P,'I‘olfs.•ifitrnishett by the" ehoir. and the 011=6h...was :taSieftd*.decor- ated tor tho oeessiOn., chased kr, g 000 ektrittIativOt init oksitY eludo44*.$0. rriPri Ols- aPPegted UP a odetoad, 'tntirenineIn 'the direction of the *NAO.. bank of the *alumni- ,Xtiver:, miuttuirs„ oraitry: ; • tbs., goe-400;, geese, HORN - Mound 'tin* 93 A, St, Petersburg, llorldilf on ep Utrlif • nay to Lienterlant and r . Oati .41endersoli '11111gore (nee "Windt, nitmd M. Shephard, •fOrmeil,y G0d011011); a SonAttiiihotin). -AleXtinard • lospitat, °Ottertail, on %%today, October 19t14, to -Mr.. and Mrs. P. tiolaiVo Goderich, a On. - " DIED , 1330001,4005X4 --At -Alexandra, hospital, oodetieh„ on l'ilday',• October 16th„. John ,gtnitV Nicholson, in, his 50th year. 4ederich,,46 'fltiadaY, 10000 All, 104;04 Ueld, •doW of tlie 1.06. Cleorgo MeMhlIan,ft year. VA,Itttratt,--In atintiirdine hootto0f, 'eVireftneoday, 11`,-.)e,tober,,Oth. Ken- neth toatristi, St* of ilit1re'.11irriett and the late itarrieit. of 061.• . borne, tottadhlp,' in his 27th YeAt. ' 'ZIttneral i'ervitee 2 tinl..gataxls$ at the hoine of John rr1eh, Ang street,' Oiderieh, Interment in .061,, 'ben* '&0061., • msitiloit*AM kiting ItieniOrt.o.r. Weaker Murray, 'who passed. twaY October 2ist, 1036. -Sadly missed by Parents, *others ild Sisters.. •tway to tplick rot aggsi per dotr'toe, Oa; but - too" Ito deli"-, 200; eteatak7; 20e. Ikti-tEtt00k • $aii0O4b. $1.40;,, -shorbit -; -J Manitoba'fiour, $4 4.25:7, - . '--:' -•'""''' 1 '" iii i.' , . r buccuncerx w 1rihot e r .7. flrlit 01>VOSiniitS a eni4totbrot UM.* Oruisit worlitiirt to • itit, traditional ritai,,Of thole's:014Y (2eart**14n, OS *WS* of Aiine' . et:tiotantiad,11:01/4,trui;hradole "fil4ri"k'oNti -44°,01t4*4411111211:* tbe AaXator Oni imit• eV to Rio de 41•41 tritiOn 'Milt Vilitia4 C004001\ , or tut oat too* tu ,Wst VW.* arittiattig , lb* glao Oradlialt city, *tile the , dnaoat botW in the ' ad 1 urVitlio Wilt be WOO AU I Of the II 40 Otilsa atartttg from lioriv York on. Unnary 15. 100. 41111' be *Pent It B1O, tine enough for it. Abort*** exilioration.-of the ilam- oroua Latin 41t7 and itesurroun6 Ing btoutiekond one ateninet4ent be devoted t1 social Wend- et ihe exotic a Of ti*Ot reel* Volta. At reintde, ;Wooly ‘Osorteit gudid b ancient lrort !t. George, bali 'tier cbrm *airalea, the renania,tos1 Zone r and tube. 'TIts topross of Aux,. trona toilowst with seven *to looting Notr York:, lantutrY, 4, otely. 31 and liar& *2`, tor Wu. OW mob voyage, to tho MO, Cuba and 13ermudat nary 15, for 32 4110%. to Iitaib RIO de Janeiro, 4rensida, tasia and d'e.raftlt; Vebrustry 19, for 10 day*, to Icartini4us, nor. Trinidad, enracao, the pananlk (Mei Zone, JkOriV12, for 11 dam to enna end the tothaineet,„ April 14, an Ivester 11 Croix*, for ixitt days, ilet and tub*. thre Wont shown o„ flrnpee autif*l *Vote Tow , wltb S'atiee on -t $ tha 1 *11