HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-22, Page 1QMH �+5•� �. GEORGIAN . B � ori4n0 posit of,, 00.- reO Creditors. I. Certch • Vides the, Ott,nlopptcy Act the Sea way' Ml ,e s, Liinited, of WinCtaor, owue � of the's,Senser titeanaer 10eOrgiall A0101 =Wet t l e leric lk a pert Of call t?xe . lOSt t`e„". • yea$ , has Lade an ns rgnment in €avor of 1 Q ereditarS owed approxir,ately,S87,080.45, The 8ssignm(nb , WW1 made Weber 13th and the °tltrst meeting of eroditJ) 5 'Address by Cbief'Inspeetor Oreer on New. tpthrie The' sixtieth convSation.' the'VirOtt- at 'Victoria School. on Thuraday morn, big at 9.30 'e'elecia. ,About --12,5 teaeli- were coliflucted .by ‘Ilev, A, E. 3/100r- ,liouse and were follovied by an address of welcbme by Town Councillor Douglas Brews, Who `coeveyed greet- .' tugs .from the citizens in the abseeee 4. of Mayor J. A. Alacaskan. Ntt. own entered upon a hamoratia ad - east an which, he adeobated Mor4 edund spankings and left the teaehers with a problem for ao answers were fortheoraing. adveeated. mere \instrection in the Wheels. J. Creech of Eiteter, prealdent et the AsSoelation, addressed the' teaeners problems which tontront- teachers' in geld, 'the pupile can i'tften gra* ad ucluoR SOLD Ttithe Editor The !Star, Ia reading an ti,Ceettiat ef the inquest 'into the death Of ilsys,.W, Doherty, X waS sirPtised AO read that- one Of- the. girls wee, only' eighteen Years of ,age,, have been <given te understand that no liquor is to be sold to persons 'Lir. der tvienty-one years et age. If this is correct, whi should there be pun- ishment amly Ter those in the care, and the hotel -keeper who broke tbe law in ehe first place be allowed to go scot\ There seems' to be something -radical- ly wrong somewhere, and I hope this affair will Set people thiniking, 'Thinking you for the Privilege ' of FAIR MAY. WRECKS GASOLINE PU1V/P When,Lbe-was-backing out of the yard at tbe trage operated by Graham: Ing - Toronto, 'traveller ran into a ge.s0110 Olfist."/antl cause'd considerable dam - The pub:1p was completely wrecked, being torn' from itS base, but The !Lew .Gat% iJp 'With; VO04 fid; o.Brake,:Jal Hem After retaining his freedom fey nine- teen :Months after cattily walking Out of the county jail here early in April.. of Inst. year George Le Clair, • young 1on`tr°eaIer, watt arrested • at. Trenton, his rv. }week y` Provincial Oonstable Whltty,Y , The ,_. r .r_ to his arrest, when -that body WagzsavW11:10-g-tP:IV!Pie to the testator and. „Weems* matters mid get opinions and eritielatas' tie today,'' deplared V, K. Greer, Ohio! in - Spector; of public ankeeperate. echo*, in Ontario, addreesing the v6000101 ". the afternoon. In intrOaticing-,Mr. Greer Iirepeeter lc. Beacom Pointed out that the ,speaker had been,. eon - suited 'maw MO0 When the Depart - Ment °Metals were -making odt the new' eonese Of study, ',which formed the Object: Greer'a, subject. Mr. diver pointed ea that the term "course 'had been :discarded .hy the, afforded*by use of ,the latter- Word: and or it maY be Siluilis" the tpeaker stated, ."aufl the DepartMent has the inward , feelinethat the **roe 'is not a Per- , teeted one bir ,h4Y *Mine /He fur - been. ineluded on °the. suggestions of tettelterif throughout the Province. "The Department hopes to be able to that tgaint"' Mr. Greer soggetted. teaehers does not purport tO be a • of suggestions., Don't regard the,pzo- ,gxam as the best piece of/ Work that coAld have been' done tor the t.efiellet.'S. e. have Prepared the sew pt more or less an4-ineideirtal aid to new progrim. In 18,11 the counses were much the sane as they were in 1930. We .'den't Went gtaridarde to come dotert—tiebecoine loose Or'indefin- ite as a result of MA new program of etudy. While the old emnise was faulty because emphasia was placed tOo mueh on the ,learning of facts the new couree will keen .faets at a high standard but these facta be learned through the experiente of the "The old program was too rigid. The teacher WftS -not trueted the pupil. It is hoped that the new one will give more liberty to the teacher In knowing what to teach in the classes rather than having .a set tourse to be followed degpfte the tndivitlual needs of the class." &fr. Greer also made it clear that there wee no particular 'reason for a teacher to cover the whOle muse in a year's time. "The wOrd 'literature het been elin inated from the new study ,program, the speaker stated. "The old courge ;gave the student no great amount Of reading Or ineight bite literature. It gave no..particulAr appreciation of the subject . The number Of aebjects to ontracts Let for Work at Armory 0 Council May 'Send Dputaiion to _,. Ottawa in -14(W of*Break- At the meeting oflhe Town Council on Priday night last contracts were awarded for the Work to be done at the bUilding en illevvgate street which is to be leased to the Federal Government for use-aig an armerY. All Members were preseata -excePt Councillori Oralgie and Baker. Mayor Applicationg for` building permits from G. Harris, for a garage dt his property on Elgin ave., and Dr. A. N. Atkinson, for an addition te his dwell- ing on -South street, were referred to :oilDowny 000.10, ;we to.the taxes of Poppy Day November 13th The local breach of , the Canadian Legiore tteked. permission to hold the annual Poppy -Day sale for 'veterans' Lrellef en 'Saturday, 'November' Oth ; and en inVitation was ,extended to the Council to attend, at the Retmembranee Day service on ;November llth, at The requested ,permission was promptly granted and the . invitation -Was asked to obtain. a suitable wreath to be placed on the monument on this' occasion. . O. M. :Robertson wrote Stating MS willingness to pay, his share of the cost of repairing .the altlewalk at,his place the -hands of. the public works commit- tee. The &awe committee submitted a number (if accounte for payment and recammended that 4100, balance of grant to the Goderich Musical 'So- ciety, be Paid. mended. that perniission be granted to A..Paquette for the erection of a sign at his pine° of business on the Square, oa,the usual aanditions; also that the offer. of the Township of Goderich to gravel their 'road to the town dump groutul in, the tOwnship at 155c per Vial, if the Town will pay half the *coat, be accepted "fer this time and to be without precedent." • The speelta committee reported that traffic and speed -limit signs were be - DriVirkg Megistkate J. A. Mak,Ins" f them little red 'I -before and theft deritig the laSt1Sik weeks. The raiders, Prank' Ore Man, twenty- two, and Ilia btother, ninetftn, of Ashficiti tit jOe 1.1urnin, 'nineteen, ata eighteen, both of Geder making &ids UP' And 'cl fowl, grain and Osoline remanded. a weekhlor se The culptits were no persons or places, Tor in list of 'victims were Ge father of two of the ace the Presbyterian church im Drennan, 'nship, Phi Roy Healey, h, admitted +he Lake townahip to elt they stole' Each wait especters of luded in the ge Drennan, ed boys, and, ia .Ashfield *Windsor. Among the 180 ereditera are fear in Goderich to whew, the firm - allegedly Is indepted to the e,stent nearly $700, The debts are largely for billudIT* lee and gracerlea. Liabilities of the firm ita listed in a statement received by the et'editors amottat to $104,W34.2, with asseti et $101.90.20, allowing ati apparent de- dro $8,0W.I.O. Chief among the asseits is the -steamer Georgian„ whicl.. was completely overhattled and re- decorated for the 1987 touriet., season. She Is valued et $90,760.0t ,Many from Cloderich have enjoyed cruises on the linelY-appointed .Geor- gian, and her visits here' especialtY when en chartered trips were always occasions for a large turnout of the molt also-in-tlie-yard,-ealme.---ocenay Constables ly vvallted Out et the jail behind the fsurgeon and the accident victim, The escaped man slipped through a police het thrown about the -district and WAS at large for over a year and arhalf before he again fell four of the NEWLY -WEDS HONORED Presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Worsell by North Street Choir air. and Mrs. (jarlton Worsen, who were married recently at Piqua, Ohio, ;were the guests of honor on Tuesday night -when the choir of North street United church was entertgined at .the parsonage by Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Lane and their daughter, Mrs. G. E. The newlyweds received a lovely silver water pitcher, presented to them in behalf a the choir by the vice- president, Mr. a, E. McDowell. Mr. Worsen responded briefly and fittingly. A program of games was conducted by Misses Verna Barbour and Jean Rohertson, and a luncheon was served by the host and hosteases. • ent.PoWfor,_, Remembrance Week COMP, LIMENTA,RY DINNER • L D, Eastman Honored Prior to De - men, friends of I. D. Eastman, man- ager of the toyal Bank Wholoeeto Hamilton- next *week, (Mended a din- ner in Ails honor at Rotel Bedford on Friday evening. At the_ltead table with Mr. 'East- man wereXhas. ,Meakins. toastmaster, A. E. Hockley, of -London, who .will succeed Mr. Eastman as manager in the local brane.h of -the Royal Bank, der, V. J. Little, of the Bank of Com- merce, A. A. Nicol, a the Rank of Pran,k Donnelly, H. 0. Williams, R. •Mellehen, Fred Hunt and R. War - tele. A purse was presented to Mr. East- man by Dr. Graham in behalf of. those present, and •tbe speakers were Rev. Mr. Calder, Judge Costello, Mr. Me - Sleben and Mr. Ilunt. A program of community singing was enjoyed, with C. K. Saunders leading and H. 'N. Livens at the piano, and J. L. Taylor sang. Delivery %Melt OVertereed in -CMS With lateknoW Car George Glen, driver for the Maple wrenched , and bruised atm ott Thursdity 1044116On when his HOT delivery truck was overturued at the intersection a East and Vietoria streets by it ear driven .hy Itot Altoa, Of Lueknow. Glen wap driving south on Victoria owaed Joao. allegedly a,i)ed past a stop sign ou its way to the Square and, crashed tato the side of the delivery truek, The truck was righted and driven, trwiY with WY, erumblext fenders an 4 rulaning board, and Glen later (sought medical aid tor his 'injured arm. An X-ray at the hospital revealed there and Art. Jennings were ,warmly con- gratulated ter the arrests by , Crown, Attorney• 1). E. Holmes* who referred to the rounding up of the liaby bee- Trailed by Pollee The young men had been under ob- servation. for some' 1.1.11)•, and the Drennans and Henley were trailed by the officers oa Tiiesday night this week. but they .disappeared and perpetrated two raids. Again on VVednesday the officers ,Pleked -op the Vail anti ar- rested the trio with stalen grain In their car. In their confessions tney implicated Dorian. The raids netted the yputh fifty-six fowl, nine busbels whtfat and seven and one-half gallons of gasoline. Jail Vain for Reckless Driving youth, was ,seutenced te thirty days in jail on pleading guilty to charges of driving recklessly awl negligently and without a permit. Tbompson WW1 the driver of a car which =shed into a coupe driven, by S. 3, Wark, of God- erich, at the McManus corner on high- way No. 21 north. of Goderieh on Octo- fered serious injuries. aad were taken to A184 -find -re hospital. and are well on. the Way to recoverY0 of the car, Miss Gretaaparris; of Kin- cardine, suffered a fracture& arm in the crash. The young man gecepted the jail term on being. unable to pay two fines of $10 add costs. Sentence was dated back to the time of his arrest. - ' Rail Renewed Charges of criminal negligente pee- terred agabast Henry G. Bradley,' jr., of Godericb, and Harold Liver.more, of °Tinton, as a result of an accident on highway :No. 8 on, Septeriaber 6, in which Mrs. Wan. Doherty, ot Goderich, lost her life, were adjourned:. two weeks. Bail was renewed for each accused in the sum of *2AM Ed. Willis, of Goderich, pleaded guilty to a. charge of being disorderly in a public place, and paid ia line of $2 and coats. Crown Attorney Holmes stated the nature of the °Item& was not serious. A fifteen -year-old Ethel boy, who pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking And entering at the home of Mrs. Rich. Johnston, of Ethel, and stealing some jewelry, was released in, tbe eustodY of his older brother, who lives at Kitchener. Sale of Poppies Religioui Service on Sunday, 'Armistice Dai Proceedings Atrangements have been completed by Chas. Barker, pre,sideet, and mem- berg of Branch 109, Canadian Legion, for three big Legion days next month. The finst be "DOPY day.," Sat- -111*day, November 611, When Girl Guides be taught hag been ' materially de- tog made and would be put up a on . 'eraased. Under English are grate- The eeraetery and parks coffimittee mar, li.terabire, Writhig and coniPosi- reported being in receipt of a letter tion (both oral arid written.)'• The film etngleter Archibald advising that - teacher must learn: to allOt tittle tO the .in his opinion it would be unwise to Variant parts Of tbe Efiglish prograin commence vork on the proposed walks to the best advantage ateording fo the in Court llouse Park this fall, owing needs of his or her 'particular elate; tO 'the ittfeettain weather. This ad - "Under the old system 'there were. vied wits preaentea‘for the considera- up to the sixth gradeS they win be Committee of the vvhole Council pre - done away with very largely. ts sented a repeat reeommending that the still necessary to have teats, but more matter of previding pollee quarters and than that Oe want to be eure that the cells be lald Over tor further coasid- dren ate participating In, the, ac- etation. *refnl that the teticherg do net talk' The industrial committee reported too moth add the patina 'become mere receipt of tenders foe Work in coatiec- listeners. It bits been Said that Child- tion with the remedellhig of the. "Mt - ren learn te .by knowifig ,and to tional" balding on Newgate Street for know by doing. The Mete a iktipil itee •as an armory utder' the Militia a part a a clast and ghee back what Department; and retommended aecePts ' be has learned trom his OWn.experienee, ante Of 'tendera at follows; Plumb - the more effective it training.. It Ing, Mos. a toe, 4208; eavestreughing la the hope of the DepartInetie that the, and -Mashing, Chas. 0. tee. -$71,; heat - pupil will be Very aetiVa and that ae- Ing. Peed Sint, $135; brickwork,.D. snitch as possible Individual attention S rout; '095; t'rtzbenter vro.ric. IL A: .. will be given by the teitebette, ord, $101g; „ten:tent floor, Fred IdeaS Gathered Widely tell, .645/ ; whitoWttehhig, W. 3. Drew, "These who, dreiV up the neve 484; Vaititingt W. J. DreN. $300, Xt gram were told tiOt td- take .the Old was reeetiffilenided that It, 0. Mttrinings Vet thest cotdd in the world. British Tile Mayor Wetted. tO the, reeent Will sell the remembranee flowers on the. streets On the following day, Sunday, inembers of the ,Legion, the Bey Scouta and GirI Guides' will march the annual church parade to a ser - at 3 p.m. The aervice'will be under the direction of the Salvation Array, with Adjutant Byron Purdy in charge, and willinelude song and -prayer, with address and possibly lantern slides by Charles Perritt, et the Saivation Army, Toronto, a returned veteran wh attended the pilgrimage to Vimy last Year. The Loedon Salvation Army men's oetette, an outstandiag group of vocalists, also will take part in the service. . Then on Thursday; 'November 11, vvill be held the Armistiee Day remem- brance service at the cenotaph in Court House Parle. The service, at 10.,30 aan., will be conducted by \. over- ifeas padres. • AS In the church par- ade, the :Scouts -and Girl Guides will take part, also school* children en Masse, and the service vvill include the placing of wreathe at the foot a the The Legion is sponsoring'a dance at the OddfelloWs' on- the night of Novernher nth. APPEAL DISMISSED An appeal ;by IMps. Erma Botz, from an order Wills Honor Judge T. M. Costello dismissing an application to appdint the' Trusts & Guarantee Cour pany, Ltd., pendente lite- of the estate at- Osgood() Hall on Wedne.4 Colborne Townsbip Young Maks' SOccunaba Wednesday in Kincardine litAllitid Court Case Sequel old, of Colborne township,)id t in KM% 4 jeries received the previous day while working en 4 graVeUrusher about elpait miles .nortb of Kincardine. He Ins eraplbytel by, Thos: Sandy of Goa- erich in helping to get out gravel for Oork.on the Blue Water highway. Wit- neth, also wes a member of the gang, who were opefating on. the farm of to Crooke Fatahty Reeire ,Patton Up for Preliminary Hearing on Charge of Manslaughter oirziNow000, Oct. 19.—"There seems to be a laxity on the part of the - police in charge of this ease." remarked Magistrate Compton Jeffs in Police James Robinson. The fatal accident occurred ithottly After 11 o'elock Tuesday morning. Parrish had been operatine the con- veyor mid erusher machine, and had stepped down betWeeti the twoio tight- en the cluteh. He Was about to re- place his wreneh after completing the repairs, when his clothing apparently at 'the rate of 300 revolutione. Before the horrified gaze of a -truck- er, Charles MdDonald, of ;Sarnia, Far-. rish became a Whirling jumble ef arm Court yesterday when Sam Patton, raigned tor 'preliminary hearing on e charge of manslaughter.. The Magis- trate's displeasure w,as aroused becaute the Orown failed to Produee all their. witnesses although considerable time bad elapsed since 4he 'charge was laid. The charge arose out of an .aecident on the .Singhampton-Collingwood high- way a short distance south. of Dun- troon 'on the evening of Oetobel a. Cars driven by Patton. and Alvin Crooke of ,Goderich-c011ided, injuring Alvin Crooke, wife of the owner of *the ear, received injuries from- which she died: the.next morning in OollIng- weod• hospital. Patton waa represented by Joseph G. Hood of Stayner. Crown Attorney F. 0.• Evans prosecuted. Provineiai Constable J. A. Rowe etated that, With Traffic Officer H. ,Brown, he went tO the scene of the ,aceident in response to a telephone call. "It %Vat dark when the acci- dent happened, but it Wa9 a clear nightand the road. was drY," said wit- ness. "The crash o-ccurred on to steep grade." Measurements of Skid marks were taken the next day, according to wit- ness, who contended that Patton's ear virns partly on the wrong side of the road. Magistrate Jeffs asked why Traffici, officer Brown was not available to testify. "ile'la hie alumni leave," replied II. C. Rowe. "That's no reason why. he shouldn't be here, especially when it's a case of Manslaughter," responded the Magis- trate. "There are two very important things the Crown has to prove. the first place It Is necessary te estab- lath that the. woman died as a result of the actident. I find nothing in the, evidence that eatablishes the tact. The onus is als-o on the Crown to prove that Patton as a driver of one fit' the 4•Wrs In this accident was re- eponsible for the crash which 'vaulted 111 the death of Mrs. Crooke. The evidence has utterly failed to estale r. Hood urged the ' itagistra te to dealers the charge against his client since the evidence, aroduced was insuf- tielent to place any blame on 'him. Crown Attorney Evana, however, sought an extension of time to allow oeher witnesses to he heard. An ad- journment to October 25 was granted. t"hreds-1*'0111ie -slillmaoebithe*reCr be- 7:74-2.7"'-' fore he wag dashed to the ground; The - back ,of his -head striking a roe.k. •So.terrille was the force With which he was whirled by the shaft that the elothing was ripped from his baek,, one shoe Who torn off and ids heavy stock - lugs were r-ipped off at the ankles. aleDonald dashed. to turn off the ea - gine and called for help, and the in- jured men was driven to the Robin- son home. .. Dr. John ,Ferguson was ' called and he ordered immediate re- moval -to the hospital. Little hope 'was held for Farrish's recovery from the - tat, owing to the severe skull fracture and the multitudinous brelees on his_ body: He died on Wednesday with - mother* was by his hospital cot at the The, boy's father, John-- Parrish, of Colborne' township,. who some years ago loet Arm in an accident, died last December, victim of a stroke. Surviving, besides the mother, are six brothers and three sisters: John Parrish, airs. Bert Bogie and Mrs. Al- lan Schram, all of Godericii; and Mrs. Win. Bogie and Jamee, Robert, Dadid• and Keith Farriale all at home -in Colborne townahip.. The- remains were brought to .God- erieb -on Tharadity.afterntent find are resting at the home of John Parrish, Anglesea street, where. the funeral ser- vice will -be conducteal on, Saturday afternoon at .2 o'clock by Rev. D. J. 141110, iff Knox Preabyterian church. Interment will be in Cobborne ceme- tery. Clearing Away at % Armory Build' Work of Remodelling and R -fitting to Se COmmenced in a Few Days Several days' work on the part of a 'gang of svorkmera hat {resulted la the establishing of Borne' Order out of the chaos of junk and dirt in. the .old ...lintionni" building on Newgate street wnieh is -being taken over as an armory by the Dominien Government. Huge masses of scrap -iron have been removed, clearing the' floor space, 100 - feet by 40 ,feet, and separate groups are at work filling in windows not needed and preparing the baleony for the installation of several rooms. The entire interior wilt be painted white and a cement floor will be laid. Underneath the balcony will be furnace roam and coal Din and probably a tar- get range, with tae re.mainder a the floor to be used as a drill hall. It is expected also that for. leisure per- iods a couple of badminton courts and a basketball floor will be marked off. The balcony is at present eleven feet wide, and runs the length of the build- ing. An overhanging walk will , built in front of tbe rooma. which will inolude an office for the officers., a lec- ture hall, 'fame room and lavatory. B. 0. Alunnings is supervising the work. It is expected the clean-up and repair work will occupy several more dayg. After that the installing of plumbing and heating appliances. painting, floor work and carpenter work will begin. Many Grain Cargoes in Last Ten Days Elevator and Mill Receipts Over HONORING THE BRIDE-TO-BE Functions at.Toronto in Compliment to Nibs Mildred Dougherty .1)0noNfrci. bet. 20. ---Honoring 'Mite Mildred Dougherty, whose marriage to Mr. Carl itae takes pike on Saturday ill Goderich, thirty-1We members of ,Metropolitatt Girls' Club. entertained last night at a krartite shower. Mre. presided' at the supper table, and Mias Lorna Siegel' arid Mist Evelyn liar - Wilson assisted. Aniong the other guests were Mrs. Rena -13elle Arm- strong, Miss Mildred Holbrook, MO Essie Steraill, Miss Eileen Schumann, Miss Lily and Mist May' kipette, Mite, Eileen and Miss Isabel OcitVer. Singe Vote Arteour, Ai* Dorothy Hewer, Miss Dorothy Smith, Miss Gladys Ca. - ter, Miss Phyllis Creitch, Miffs Mabel Grolg, Woe Elsie Milner; Miss Myrtle Longbow*, 14189 Bald 000k, Mies delta/Alen to Toronto In count/don Louise and Mho Mae Mollenhauer, With the ' °VAIL tighteeflvily. It Miss lilargaret Ashworth, Miss Mary WAS agreed) there that a, Gievertnnent Pierce and Miss Velma-Oameten. engitieet shottld ge o'er the route with meow *Ate ift honor oa ,Atima representatives ot, the innuicipattlee. Dougherty was at the bon* of .Itevl allit nt0Wat the Mayer wads **elated Met ,reaidents a , COlichiching land te rePresent Goderich in this matter.- Oka Echo 'ototertmaked #ne tire*, nett study centaet.*Ithill 'the IhOt years tuid.Ontarto has borrowed tree, it trout the Allier* 00164, whieh et the work :dee, They Itit Piet', a Million Bushels—One Cargo Out With the arrival of the steamers Rebt. P. Durham and Sparta at the harbor on Thunkday afternoon, with cargoes of wheat, the amotint of grain handled here in the last two weeks aoared well aboVe the million bushel The exact figure was 1,233,006 buah- els, brought in by eight veesels., There Was only one outgoing cargo. Shipping a.ctivities have been as follows: . October 0, Superior, with 85,000 bushels of Wheat for the eleVa- tor. She cleared for the bead of the Lakes with a cargo ot Salt. Octo- ber 12, Soodoc with 168,000 bushels of vvheat for the mill and elevator. Oc- tober 13, D. 13. Hanna with 80,000 bushels of cern from Montreal for the mill and elevator. °October Drkol- doc with 225,000 biadiele of wheat. oats and sereenings for the elevator. October Soodoc with 20,000 bush- els of wheat for the mill and elevat.) October 10, fluperior 'with 85,000 'Wan- gs of wheat, oats and barley. Octo- ber 20, Robert P. Durham With i05,000 bushels of wheat, barley end screen- ings from the head of the Lakes, and the str. Sparta with U0,000 builds of wheat and eats irotn Milwaukee, both for the elevtitor, • The Troisd6c 'took out the only car- go of tho hist, two weeks, shipping 04,0OG bushels of wheat for Montreal welt MAYOR MacEWAN BETTER -His Worship Is Recovering Strength after an Emergency Operation Although- he. will be confined to hos- pital for Some time, Mayon 'IL J. A. MaeEwan, who undervvent an emer- gency operation at Alexandra hospital on Monday mornieg, is decidedly "on Mr. MacEwatt's recovery trim the ser - IOUs operation will be 810W, It is stated. His Worahip was taken suddenly ill about 11 o'clock ESunday night and was taken immediately to the hospital. He had 'been in good health throtighout the day, but the severe attack- of an the summer months ,mnde it neees- ettry to operate iMinediately.. Sunday with 1,(106 tons Of Coat for t 'Western Canada Mills and 1#ft the 'Wet dot ?OS hum is clue, With 10,000 lone of 1 tot ttie itiodiseldh Set CosoOtiy, • ,MISSION LEADERS AT CLENTON OLLNITON, Oct. 20.—Two speakers outstanding in the mission work of the Anglican. Church, in the persons of Itt. Rev. Philip Lindel 'Nes, 4ilshop' of the Diocese or Ronan, China, °and Rev. e. b. +Spencer, of Japan, addressed a ca- pacity congregation in St. Paul's church last night. in addition to the gueat speaker* riergymen of Huron Roberts`, Witighatn, rdtlii dean, Wile conducted the opening vvorghip eervice; Rev. W. G. Bugler, Itaytieki, who read the THE WEATHER Official temperatures of the last week and of the corresponding week' of lost year were as follows: 1937 1036 Max Min. Max. Min. A GROWING MENACE • Court Records' Show Sharp Increase In Cases Involving.Liquor In the past year, ending' September 30th, an alarming inerease is "'cited oVer the previoua year In eases appear - Ing la the Magiatrate'e Court arising. from the Ilse or sale of alcoholic • Particularly Is this true in the num- ber of persons cOnvicted on drunk driv- ing ehargea, and in the majority of these eases the charges arose out of ac- cidents csiused bY drink -fuddled driv- ers and resulting 'in injury to innocent There were thirteen such convictiotes duriqg the year ending September 30, 1937, OH compared with four in the previous. 3aair. Previously those coa- %acted were sentenced tO seven days in jall, but owing to the increasing num- ber of drunk driver* the sante** 1. the year just concluded aLtnost invar- iably 'was fourteen day*, in jail. In all In the year ending September • 30, 1937, there were ainety-nine con - 'Po illation Shows , Increase of 152 fictions invelving liquor. of a 'total of -548 cases tried by the Magistrate. In the preceding year 64 of 479 ett9e3 - volved the use or sale of alcoholic These caeee are listed in the court records as follows (convictions only) : 1920-7 1935-6 Intoxicated 2r 20 ifirvIng, illegally A2 0 Selling illegally 7 2 Drunk driving 13 4 Conon A leyard of Sea - forth: and Revs Mr. 0%W, Gorrie. 'the lector, liev. Metitfun, intro - anted the Wet speakers, who dealt eotapreheatdrety with thiV work of their **Wire &lat. .60 Municipal Assessment Shows a Slight Reduction from • Figures of 1636 the municipal assessor, Neil IL Mac- Kay, the population of Goderieh on October ist was 4,488 rte. compared with 4,336 last year—a gain of 152. The increste is attributed chiefly to rularly in the lumber and salt ind119- The total assessment for 1937 la $2.610.586, comparing with $2.611,- 917, the revised assessment for 1936. The figures under' the various heads 1937 Land and build- ings $1,918,450 1144011* -99 a99098* For . echoels only 3.10,000 360,000 Corporation in - 1936 320,855 $2,owites maxi DAVE REPLIES In answer to the party who painted en my old tin Lizzie "Vote Rowe and Get Cheap leish"--why, don't you know all our good' Liberal fishermen throw all the cheap fish overboard and the gulls swallow theta whole and don't taste them- Surely you don't mean whtn you said to Vote for itowe and gei cheap fish that we could share up with the seagulls. I think it it . better to vote for cheap ileetises and gas andAave inoney to buy good fish. 4Mifi\ quite a 'pleasure for me to rub^ the cheap advertising paint off my with the job tor some One. Youta DA, McOdNisilliA4