HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-15, Page 8DVON!,t , • XisSer. Mary,Nile In NOVO
.it . .
iuret and Annie'Weir and •RQbert th„e, Seripttiee•peSsap,., lett, 411-0, •
et,...Of fittatitroe, Miss. Chrtftflhi Ila Craig, tavoredE,Witlif an; Instrum.enrtEO,
n,. ot NOilthy', :Oharies Robert,- tal., Bert Mer$11 'Pre a filiterailld Otilt
g4),4,*„,, gr. *lid Um, Wilitao on ",s'The AfterMetit of "Wart** gle.leir. a
' Vat Rath, et.Colhorne terargille detailed deseriptiOn of i• eoute- we
visitors rot* Dr. J3. 0,, 'Weir' end aecties„ The Meeting elosettl With
wiie Ifamill Than1041ring 1)a3'.helne ttnd tbe Wzpalt benedietion.
Mire Alma 101:11teh, 11.‘orent4, spent
the. week -end 'With her, Mother, Mrs. Ar Dr 1. Oct. 9,--nrS, Oeor
Ames,. eluteb, . . , Sturdy is visitieg her bretitert'Itunie
Nati ZelleeMeDonaid, Of Toronto/ Pail of ChathaMe • . -
,eseied' on Mis's S. alair on SeednY. Filruk NVeshingtott hae gone; telaume
diteVeral from liere etteeded the Bal?-' 11ton, Where be Inteittia' telting 0 venrse
est Y.1'.1.1.„ coeYeetion iii 'OOdkricle on le le,Mastee-iTelversitY•
IlliOndaY. Ogir, and Ut$ T.Ifirl, (Itaithlry, -)er, eye vere. Amos 4eerew ,elleg
Viles Viola PeOtherland, ••M•134: C4 -A• returned front liatailtep, • •
lifrs.-11,.. J. Phill1P3.'Nere amour tbe • Cliklp 1 011 :1gr belt .' SUndee "iniirnln4-•
inintber. ' - '''• • • , and (veeing,..f)(1.6ber 11 til. Rev': A.
- Mr., and Atre.'iSioseph Carter° calla F. Jones of Louden, a terMer. MItriSter
_Reggie, ot rort Elgin. visited Mee. J, or the srethotese eheree here, will ea.
W., Carter. at the i'Weeir-end. t•he epeaker. The church thole will
Miss Margaret arerguson, of Paryhill. mese epeeeeeveele .
sweet Thanksgiving with her perorate .'jr. lilanelfe Is'hillips had two petit -
lar. and. Mrs.. A. 4' • - son- toes in the garden witich vveighed 1 lb.
Ws. 'iti,ireen-, of Cliniton, is visit- 9 OZ. and 1 Ile, respeetivelY. e
Da tist dies' Aid,—The regalar
tthwacn, Mrs. woper nal Mr. and eurereere soles of iKe.941131.1i4
Tbe nnal. Meeting
e Gederielt'llo*Pitel
held NoventheP
lug Mr. and Mrs, s't1 •
Y. P. Dieetling..--'ne regular meet-
ing of the Young repple'e. Vniou of
Knox ,l3nite.,•4“chareit was'ateld on Tues -
y With Miss Vivien Militan
presiding 'over 'the devotional period.
Miss Evelyn &Milan _and Miss Mar-
jerie Tell were appointed a committee
tieerrange for the derotional eeereires
to be beld at the training sehool at
Fitrinerlyeof Kaltimal'oo,
',Motor at ,Owen Seam:.
t40144.4- SlladaY, 11 a.m.
ee,.; Tares pan, p:m. 'every
eseerire„ gawp% Saturday.
,gv.erYllody welcome.
ateetIng of the Baptist Letlie,s' Aid
wee ireld at the 'home of Mrs. John'
liviCalget, Auburn, with. .an neve.-
donee of twenty. • After the ' ()petting
hymn I. Asgtittit led 111 eeeding
the IScripture passage, Sohn 14. 108.
W. Robertson. Mrs. A. J. Phillips,
lire. C. A. Howsou. and- Mrs. J. Mt -
Steen engaged seasen ef prayer.
Mrs. It. J.- Phillips- waa appointed to
see about beefing. extra lighting 01
the:,eboir. ,The eeet meeting is to
be held at the home Of "'Mee. Frank
Itaithby, It was decided to withhold
the eemi-annual contribution 'until
after the annual tueeting of church.
The Pnytam was a, follow's: Reed-,
•Inte;'.2tY gre; 1. McNeil; voCel
Mts. John itaithbe 4111aitc0
of ivory* Pablees:' Mrs:: C. How -
ion, Mrs. L. dr'ergusone Mrs: J. 'Mc:
Knight and • Mee E. Itaithiry. Mrs.
Earl itaithby, gar g the topic, "The
lereish Revival and rite, ...Roberts,"
This tople *had been repared by Mrs.
G. W. Sherman. Mrs. Wm. Haggett
rang "There Are Mansions Awaiting
for You and for Me;" reeding, "Ladies'
Aid. Past and rresenti" Mrs. P. Wal -
per. Blies M. Small elosed the meet-
ing with prayer. Lunch was served
by the hostesses, Mrs. G. W.. Sheri:Ian,
Mrs. J. rdels`lnight and Mies: M. Small.
United Church W. M. S., --The Octo-
ber meeting. of. the Viromee'e Mission-
ary Society of :Knex United ehurch
.was held in the basement of the
chureh on Thursday efternIxne with
Mee Cluteleti Straughan• in >charge.
Mrs. James 'Weeds ledeln prayer aud
Ars. Arelrew -.Shepherd read *the Set -Ws
erre pa„ sieges, realm 100 and Psalm
107:14. Miss,. 41A. ,MegAdge,„ Teed the
devetionaleleefieti, Odrk-Itre,',V, Wilson.
teM'Perance eecretarie and Mrs. Chia.,
,Straughane paler*tiere, stewardship
••isectetary, Mrs.
Mogridge „lease., lljleorge
favored-vvitk*Artet. "Beautiful Gar -
dee et Pra*,9Miss Clara McGow-
an of Blyth, who has aveentle rettirned
istkomiti post:0
, MR000414*
. .§1..it. aer.tr IN' '
$5NAPpi00.i,f131riir C711'°4141t4411kle*
110 PiAir4 iS. PRIZaDAV,'
AistAirtIO 4optoaVery*....
COlgt•rfAieS CiOl`t40
, _041> POWOAR: r 1E1,4,
117 Arr $iggliFttr cogig:
0404, ASP r1711•51slifFM
trekeC 490 *44 if AIVIli 000 -"4.1(01t.,
1 'U., P::::11, : 0$1,k 1 4 . *.•
i 4teiNii. tot Aklie
,.', QPNIT.. ..1419,0wilicA sivicoe„;
. (DTV - . i * rqiia' RS. ' R Y R
, NEVr4(0r21<
: Dtire.4.*iieifio4Pritoe#
. i
p% i6-rwaR IN NEW JOiseYris EVII
' ms, - . , , "'
•el PintN teer4 ote ' IviAvre0 Ar $Ce0•PER.$1:-.01 PER
•••'':,*•„ell,eflet,•.417(Outitt Aritte... A ', 's_eAtippare,„:70,11*.„„e,„, (0,64„,P0,E0,rita.
W •Seleete-te, Arta No•f*sreetritte -••••(.4''' rvm r4x-rc 7)411rIt -4 fr" E -L gee"
keeeire eretre iametv4e. PRom FOrtRENNVNEWAINfiA AND ;pZi•
%SIMONS 1.0 14ICAPP DROWN tist ' PQ1',.....)esPlertie.• ' j
from China, 'Where she tenglit le.•
seltool for missienerlee' 'children, ga.ve
a very interestieg talk on her Work
there. Mise Rath fStraughan, and
Mrs. B. Rodger •sang "Sestet •or Nazar.
eth." Mrs. 04111esliVoode stook charge
ot the Ousluer-s, Which coneisted et
making areaugements for `peeking., a
hale on Oetobee 19th and a eupper
bazaar to be held Nevember 20th.
Mes. H. p. Wilson closed the meeting
3,vith ,prayer.
AIM:URN, October 11,-,,mrs. James
.Miss, Evelyn eetiliet-T,Tteet,rele-6----a,
YOUngepeople's ',conference at Chatham
on i,Friday .and Saturday.
Miss 'Margaret King • has returned.
from a visit with her grandPareas
in .Gocierich. • • "
Mrs. Russell King is visiting her par-
ents, Mr, and Mee. , Stewart, of
43o1 -
borne •townehip,, '
Mr. and. 31(rfi, B,ithard lieWhinney,
of Crowe, Visited Mrs. F. Iteas.
Mc& J;',‘ lieftrien, of Goderich, 15
staying 'With Mrs.- W'illtam noble.
There *as a large e•row-d in the vil-
lage en -election day. e
Mrs. A. J; doergason and Stewart
-ted in Parkhill for the week -end.
Mrs. Bleep Phillips, Arnold'' • and
Mete are epending.the holidtiy;•With
Ur, and. Mre. 'Harry Premlin, Clinton.
'Miss 'Margaret 'Doble is bottle from
'reroute for the Weekend.
- vrobm, who spent the s-mn-
mer With, Nilea !S, returned
to -Guelph. , • •„"
Osther lYalidee''',1(Pent • a •few
(Jaya* with Mlle John. Moulden.
Mrs. Artnstrong, Goderich, Visited
Mrs. John Arthur. • .
Mrs. John MtLeod, who was visit,
ing her daughter, Miss Annie MeLeod,
Tortinto, lemio returned ,home;
Mr. and Mrs.. Kruse and Billy,
of Galt, spent :the Week -end w1th Mr.
tind, ',gra; DaWsen. ,
litts;'11. Gorier and Carl'were
•Orsi" with *fie ••#ellerY, "Zieter, at the
'Weekend.- • -
,Mlee ireiguSbn, Tit 45loderielt,„
Jj, 140(81'Qw.111411 8roWe4 1:41k 01' WAX OR Mtn'
'meet odor; October 11414 at 3 p.o„ toprtoge 04 viguaihie PrOpell,P
la elgeKee intereste4, eremaible yearlY knata,IMMItst,„ Reply
lu. the wok or the 001=4 Are BOX 35, Si(elstAleSTAR. OT•Sx'
" • 4".."'!".",.. .!""rra
regtOr peet,ini the 660401, cops:pft .
't 44' the Nome ot 1!41.0s .Uvrtele, • "
TfurP"Itoe,(1; pkt 4hursdpx,'" cP.,1zipt)t.4. ,..0t4 -"Mg
Township lIospitel. A,UVillary Will
$t, at 2,30 pan.' , the late W. 0, Pliiett 'ask ,tbeir
•° f4ende accept their heestrelt thanks'
Tee tia? teepter fOr their SYMPethe. and :Mietance
tindard la MacKay lull, took
nys, P. P. Mooney; phone 250. 58-9 • 'NATIVE:, OF BNYVIP.1),, ,
:liettedritt Spent the week -eek a
• ,
llogto Wiarton.
.• Mr.; nett :Mte, W. T. Robison'. spent
Sued0 Mrs. N. P. Gar-
rett, 13110., •
Philltes, **Mrs. T.
Solersten. • p.ii4 '3116$ 11111,1'41 Phillips
vi$Ited Sunday.
soutrOra istritthroy, ,w11$ a
'visitor wIth'pr..-.0. 0,'Weir and. family
,on Sendey.,-
'Mertes.: itehertSon;,-. M.P.P., Mr. and
Virilliarti'iXeed and Ruth, Of Co1-
tie! holding tr' tentimage October lug the'harearealeet that mealy over --
1)651Y haviug' ^(161tatioes itiAy 'notify • • `,'""'"-t^"^-FrT
'0Willg" to a "alailie arrallierl*It.8' Dr Weil4otiown
the. gate o; Vie thankoireriv, aleetiug - t
mel'174etisteg.r Jies it
w71,11 annotineeti on Seeday. 'evrotre, pharMaciets 44 both- Canada
, aed the Onited States, Dr. 13, Jelin
Dr, 11, Forster will visit God e IStanbury, eecretary of t'h(s' Canadian
rich oa Wednesday eveuieg and Pharmareutleel Assecietion, apd edi-
ThuredaY (morning, October 20-21, es tor of the Pharmaceutleal !jou:reel,
he will ciri in Cbiett-o attending a aUr, Ole& 'Irtietday Toroute. He bad
gleele Congress the t.'folleWing week. , sofferett emie .brief illeess. •
117-8 Born -tit ISeyfteid, . he Carde to, To
• renter to attend school,:• was a
The regular of the A.1!'thur graduate of Jarvis tiolleglete and the
tarne..19811go ,'&114
ofeN1- els,1
Mrs. J. W. Carter on Sunday.
eeeloael floare. Clinton, Wit9 a
„epeent risitor. Auburn'. ' ,
The meeting Of. the. Young People's
1340:11, Of t11071134:0frOt therch has been
postrioned,16e-,e week, until October
24th. .
1,!'isther. A.."aiiiiket<k,klaiting friends at
••• --
Mr. and Xre, ,Edgar Lawson teed
Dereice, spent Thntiksoiring Day lit
Seafortle , • _ • '
Tee regular' meeting of the Auburn
brawl' of the Wbiten's 'esthete -will
be held Foresters' Hall ott Tuesday,
October 19. -gra.' Y. 4, Wilson: will
apeak thee'Sttbiectollistorital Re-
search." 2grs. 'Fred Oster of Myth,
district president„. give -a report
of: the area Coeikeatioti •Ixeld. at Hate
riston. The roll ea:11 will be answered
by •• ate exhibition, of old-time relics.
Mrs. F. ,06es lead in current
ereets....i. The • hosteeses are Mrs. H.
'30agridgee Mra; ThStraughan and
2,Irfi. W. Thompson.
14 rS,OP4X,- PaeP.
, uth ft pair of heavy, dark suede
SliPeea gloVee; near Beak Of, CoMnteree •
or post goillerel• nuler role`atie at
SIO.0 .4i-T4-0V,Egt orrfoot
or.TPAN ocfx9Mit: LL
4bont north of Bayfield, two
dap ; one It Reabotle, eq:Ued "Nelvoir'
the- other 4 Yv0410 Beagle
P10,er please
„To •ArAUTetENT...-
rogsession, 70nee. „
W **"IVOWFT LI 4' St. •Vincent 'Street.
TOernieIte 213.
Cirele- will -be held on Mondee evening, old Trinity • Medical, College. - 'Atte
October 18t11, at 8 pae„ in the lecture itie 'graduatien-in medial:le, Dr. Stan
room of •Khoe Presbyterian churale barY.Vent into the (irug business, and
'Mrs. Melvin Bell will give a report of Serne years ago became •otlielally as,so
the- Presbyterial raeetiug at Birth, eieted, with the Pharmeeentreal Asso
- .....e.— - elation. , - ,., , . -- l
Prhe thonkoffering Meeting Of tee e Dr.. Stanim.FY resided at /1 ,,,Cheri
*,11.S., of Knox church will be held. an 'avenue. . He was a, mentber o
'On 'Friday evening, ()ctober 22nd, at 31, St Andrew's Chapter, A.P.exted A3K
P.M. In the lecture room. Mm. A. 14. Surviving are his Wife, 'Fay Morgan
Me-Doritild,1 of Ailea. Crallr„ Wiil ba one son, Douglas, of New Xerk, and
guest speaker,. A: eordiai invitation is, Pile daughter, reedet,_of Toronto, an
,Prothere - judge IStenhary of 5
TroR §ALE.—ax-noomE9 DRIox.
, house al conditiott, with: statile,
a/so five acree •ef land, JAMES .•Ble-
W11INNEY., Denganiton P. O., 56-50x
planes. Such well-known makee
as HeIiitZimUl, 'aNnc:IrGoll•Itehleuireer'et*Irral3Stin&- •
able prices and terms. Write,TIEJNTZ-.
MAN CO., 242 `Dendas Sts, Londen,
for further, particulur&
A UCTION iSALE OF\ 125 atm) or
.7-- Cattle, at the Stack Yard Ju
trucelleld- for.Mr. E. C. Gardner' Oa-
f • TUESDAY, OCT. ,19th' .• •
commen.cing at 1,30 • •
50 wellsbred steers, Yearlings . and
two -year-olds; _ 50 e. well-bred" heifers,
yearlings and two -year-olds; nuniber
t. of young stocker e0).VS 11Ad, about ,p9
W. 'I'. ,Rid(1#11 sislteds'etr. and. -"MO.
Tliey5.• most important for the mita whti't now toinfo•
beeic.tcfr Wolof or colleit'buthofjniaswornin too,
rhyd ***Mint comfort anti '0W:tightness in
tiiirtt smart ntwlow.down"hatt typos', .
-oven° attctive models iii.choostiroin •
invAsnoweStroass Shot Store.
• BliCK0 .-
0.pesiLE GRAIN
•ijko **/t4
• toLbRt
1 Hiptirl tion,iitli
• CAltte)Wi Otte12.ee:The Ladies' Aid •Windser, sent the weekend 'With Mt:
met at the, he,me:ef 'Mrs. George Glen and , Ws. Hagik, 'Hill; Cobol:fie' toven,
on. Tuesday, the -Mite veith airs. -Wm.
-ewe - goochapeee.eo • get we• ll -the —
. MED itoug-g-mi
• -. Auctioneers.
0.4,VWELL.--At geitesndra hospital,
galalzet., Culbert; widow 'of the late was the week-ead. guest of, Mrs. :Jas
b Monday Octeber 11th, erias 11. Isobel -Graham, of Seaforth 78
Sohn Cantwell, in het 86th year; .
RANCE—In Godericie on Thursday,
Mr.- and Mrs. G. W. Schaefer and
oetoher Uth, ,Nellie . ,I,Ilsther 'B,*.,,tace, , family eiseee relatives at Stratford
, in .her 28th year. •
Funeral servipe on Saturday atter- leverthe weeksend. %
. .
'Mr.• el. S. '31e0otikey.,-"•of Barrie,
noon at .2 p.m. at St. Moorge% church. made a short, visit With his-Le*ila,
Interment .in 'Maitland centetery, Mr. A. tit Semersall: •
'Wylie on, ASuriday. Mr. r 'le eon- Mr. Herbert Orldle. manager Of the
A & P. Store at
dueted anniversary Services ac Hohnes- . Esiiiiiiitob,. was home
on aeVisit for Thanksgiving Dai, ,..'
-ville, and Mr. Herbert gave an aepro. . ykr. and.ivirs,:a. 0. wale:me spent,
priate auksgivihg pennon • here, Detroit at the --(home
from the text,: "We are his •NVOitil*.week-endat
kitall-* '•
ship, created in Christ Jesus into good of 3. 11'4414 :3115. °Iiff°41 Wiiii4ilis' ”
"Rrkess:."A. M. Boyle, le, the,- 'De. Fie indected. ' 81r '.11reillit:::St,111:::):::11rise!'itt'italYeYN;w:"t.‘11F,:'S'etliT1416..,144:11.1titile.7h4:
pastor, had ettarge of the 'Presbyterian vie and ..e0s, gliton . -.Schiller; or
service on .Sunday. . • •Klie-tener, Steent'' ,the 11611(10 •With
aMrIand es,Alex.MeNev111.oi M. eerLse'of4re: t.
toren, 'spent the- Thanksgieing holidar Turner, .sailed With the achtioner �. T.
in Toronto. " •'.
Under instructions from, the ,.Execu-
trices• of •the will...of .„Margaret J.
Tierney, deceased, there vviii be offered
for stile by public auetion on; Friday,
the .15th dey of October, 1937,,
at 2 p.m., on th.6 premises, Patt of Lot
isTo.,943 on Newgate street in the Town
of-Gocierich,iti the •preperty oceu-
pied"by the late Margaret, z,:cliorney,
There is erected 011 the pretttiees
good substantial frame -hone* in a
good state of repair with three bed-
rooms,. bath room and„toilet, 'living -
_room, dining room, 'alp '..kitehere
**etre apd,-Seemall shed. There Is 14
goodlam tellare under the whoe
halite with "cement foundation with
outside entrance. 14.1sca garage : and
hen -house,
Viring on. Its trip up the ./itkes lest The, property new be- inspected at
•boro, Vett tunday with Mrs. Jarvis The mina Doer ind ',slaves .efae anird.rsittieeo. .1Po. n. oPPlicatiOa. • to the
. 'miss Bessie Crawford, of Londes- week, ,. : . •
MeRride.. ' ' of . TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent.
slitists Z. ,Christine Robertson. dial- in cash •at ' the' dine of • sale' and, the
. .
tian at *gabby 'Hospital, was home for balance In .g0 days' ,thereafteteewhen
P.,rhonhsevinig. • -
dteed* and tiliss _Margaret
lifitchell were In Stratford on Satur-
day. .
11 hafi Moved • tq
afaMliT,11t7eharget:7401e6#keet-,1)1g.*OPeacd" ;_likr,j5teeeleorge Price, Mr. and Mrs.
With 11 (ievotiinialeperiod, TolloWed bY. Vied litee, And,. eon, Shek TV -lilted Vitt
businesai:."- TheelOt'lli *1)01.the''ilniShing, Ar iiiitet",gro, a lt, 'code tat octrot.
or tiin onit.t.#.,%141Pettivi'itVottea bttli$ .., . , Itiit ,_ 'woelc="1/4V-'''' . ' . ...
40,11tOnA*0-11. .4 lti *1 t.e# *-nikaigslittl. 0,iitterieli' •end- -iv -neetineing ber Men •i•eligeSy1„vjeJSaliVeld, of .London, end
hotete on -Nelson 'greet She has lived
al•Moet all her 11,fe around Loyal -end
teill be dzatch \missed -in the church itnd
_coriimuttitt: .Our ;best --wielies follow
,,,her to new lunne. •
• , • ..
. , ..:•, . r ' •
.14r.itiIYInivreece, of Soliktoa,-spent
, •
the itolititif.*Ith.'hle Parents, '
-Mr. IiiiitOsAlliVard,of iTorento, '111'''
(bonionnied ily his niece and her hese
band,' Mr. eintl. ',Mrs. •Cluvries Frost,
were Iruests for a few' days ef Mrs. A.
Buchanan. Elgin a N.re .
."„%iiits Frances, Dale, of Stratford,
Rev. s. W.•',,,tilerbert, of, flobneeellle.„ eete. tt7 -weekend,' gtieste of ,Miss Mare
exchanged, palpit*e4eVitli Ileir.•'' 00.•;',We4ettehenan. ' ! '
hourb0,1 .,, ,,ht tee 1 IMi;r°0SYt 4, el :Wig: alps e ohl I ci ( next hosMe t:te: tt III 1 i:_. . v i Iv i..1:: Mr. Seek ,S011ield' and 311. ,Louis See;
held at the .home...el:Fordyoe'lflark.on kin -i.. Of' Teroirto, Were .11611dey':guests
Wednesday ittglitintl'' ter* the term with -,24fre and :14ts, H. L. Sialkeld,
of a paring bee, the apPlest to be dried row, Visited .fee seeeral,daye the past
gr. aiid, Stril 'Vref1:44.7-0614.'cif 'Oar-
filteen present.. -it . i ' ' ' week ' , MAU:, , 32tp, , Ben s sisters the
.. • . , _ _ -
The ,NreSsre. jeWell, Of DuitiOn; have, MistSe.. e Strang, at their liOnie here. .
•atel t.rent West in th„ e ear,: .T1,iere Were
ptirchased., the liftt-ttere .VOJA Ott the Mise IsObet Makhescat, 6f rWlellande
10th cotieession, 'Where Mr; Will 'Preen' and . Mr. Beg. '14tatilieSkin and ,,Sqn, :of ;
Pert tOelborne,.'Were •week -end pleats
bought the:feria eillmest 'Otte' linhdred
, with, It'. and :Mrs.' A. E. `Itathegon.
Mr. and M.re: 'Chits. 'dike ioa son.
has. been livieg‘• Tlie late, Peter Oro%
years ago' fro:reel** Canitdit ,CoMfettie; sor spent, the, weekAend with MrS.,
and 31* Phyllis Aireless, 04 wind-
posseasion wilt be givere Tbe property
' Ityc to a reserve pia,
,...mted fit G.iideriph this astit T.,an'ir-!-. of
&Aber,' 193i. •
'DANCE'Y -13014413X,
ottit thcaotwont4 :10oritsik 14 buck
IS 13'44v oirsilkown
tvvititti tooth& '
""ilkiZtt ovared
okdocii.74tront sold ms iniy
' 11,41 tfom not.,
'ot iMattritto oft4 ade
wili iglePtilie VOL .
brether, Me.' 'Sas. dreet‘way;
3411.1rotiii. - •
AdjutiitiV.Byrou .ruedy :And gr.*
Purdy, S.A.; left Wedneedee for, To.
ionto attend, tfie' fifty-dfth ttirtinel
cougress of- the iSaltatidn, Army In
4lid-2441rehee..:_'.:-..: • •
.0.;(1-1101PRIC, AuetioReeg:
- We. are • inettlicted•by:the txeputOrs
.the Estate of the late W. 3. Elliott
'to 'sell by publie, auction ,at 'Let 12,
Concession 3, Ashdeld',(,ene.neile south
of Dungannon), on. •' . • - .
' ritIDAY, GOI4)B1* 221A
coMmenclrig at 1. rtelOOX Pftn.
- mares, 1
at $01 16:4e in foal; 1 grey
Irostl 0.a; 1 tilly,, 3 ,yeara. old; 1
,eelititig, 1, year olde.30.ewee arid some
letiii*,1 2 brodd sOWS.t. '.t.e1itt11ItS„n140Ut •
,85 los.; S nh1c cows, ane -mi1k1
and; .eottio, t;to freellen tide fell; 22
".ent/ittg •.steep.„ hdtor$, and caivo3, 100
1,,carlint hens; and ebieltens.
Implements, Ete,
1 geed drill; 1 binder, tieWit I 'r41.1•-•
Per; 1 ((Ingle riding plow; 1 2 -furrow
iijo*; 2 niowers;••1 wagon. land, bast
reek; 2 fanning milts; 1 tertllizer; 449,,
dilhl,,news.;. 1, buggy; 1 set scales; 1
cu!ker 1 *eel roller; 1 wheelbarrow
I. Pet- manure spreader; --
plow; „ 1. cultivator; 2 seta
lioness; 1 horse rake; 1 set
' -(1ragharrow; 1 5et nhwor sheep dire
Pere; 1 inctihator; 1 orostm, eeparatex;
range‘. 2,eheilitteade; .1 g14198 eup-
•PI 'sheep dip tank; forks.
-Otiorel0 thaine: find nunierotte other
3,11*. And SIrs.. Eugene UOP.1493a1-4`..40•
' Mer -and Mede Benedict, Of 'Wing:
bam, and Mr. an,(F. yirea,' Will 014 th;
eflSelnans, Sttsk., were h1t41tty &Oa.:
of 'Mr. and Ws. D. Meilwalte,
Mrs, David MettitYee and on,
Ronald McintYre, Mr...., and 'aril. Viitt4
%tin Itueht and daughter; 4.14sa 104
Rush, of Oalt, were weekend guests
of Mrs. (Cent) John- Vieker(t.
Mrs v. D. Shaver and daughters
Gweraleren. mad Mildrel„ Of Brantford
• visited, •Mt-,te -Sharer's parents,10. and
alttp Or E. Beek, and. Iti,r.orietkr,,,Itts
VOW- McNeel Opt, the. ,.fvfetik-elid.
*. 'rhos SmUey intitereturne4; to
lils Ine, at Pod disiron, after,epertd
ing le summer ',With friends ineCted
eriele SMiley lev in this ednee
eleitt year and is, enjoying geed health
, Att. William Iiirn.let who IlaS`.spen
the ,lagt five anoatite.in Alexandra he
pital still:0111g .front Wed, peltoiran
11 strOke, is home -for a"terordays. 11
celebrate* Ms eightillot Jilrthday o
ctober, 1.2th. He is net strong, ye
li000k 060it to Make U.iletided itu
proVeraetrt. -
lil.!he three faemfr'helonging to the
estate are for sale pritately.
ttizmorrn: otithcox, :Executors.
. nuttghnition.
GONDRY • Atietioneers.
To the Electors
of littron
extend ,vheartfett
thanks to the electors of
• Huron aild particularly to
all the woTkers un ih r641-
eampaign for the tontibu.
mice . the Hopburri, ad.
Iii10 aft t
'Who tilttiltilik Thielitte
Altit .4114,,litt be *Oita 11.4
tutk, tootr tOti* to labqr
red sibeor 64 €he-
14 rads.,
hit %As Minott
tli Oita **tett
rghlisttatfori in the ProvinU
of Ontario.