HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-15, Page 7: a •• a ed 'teat wro:s, ogt. 'and Went" BlYth vehiev. was slestroTte - oil Ncr, Y Or* 0 # * 1404, 9 )(14144 e 09a I Mr.,/poesitter.4)), Weekelad with Mr" Ond ;Mrs. Tam a ihardw o*.v r ' hoMe- %Ise Whei osteri. who. teaehea- • 4. near Auburn,. apenhe headaY at 11Rr 111141e', - " 14,3141M$13040 .000 Aelia,,iitnAll VIAltAug.PWIth . oeeeeee ,) litietallorethY 911On't 00 Wolk' reeee le' aroUnd again* laving lur Out although ilta Phtn Ite dedeleneles 4Y Richard Hoitylts Vat Entered aPeOrdtit$ to Act otraruotent Ciee,tVe, Meteedl'i Lintited, ,. 4 ; King %'Oronto„ at the Dept, ef',41friptIltuO# ORAPTER then 10,01044 - Ment,4 • letter fa 'tee about' Ida vale. In . ; 2 '000 Or 1 10.01. ' 14*170,1.,P8430494,' 4M6` lges7.4*'' ''/*'"41 1r0#0111ilk, roict • had .Cd -0401%, jilt lorbei.,0 .14„0 ),,),1,0,d,011,4400,•## • '• end at, her home near Auhu...ru. p.roved,, 3,,Ite,qiy. Atter tils, ignese,` * tO tpprfeetIOn.:611,0ge, r nnett ofttlorOlti, tor 4,,Inoment %hell out,otitts, 'Myrtle Foster ,'• Oodericli; Arra \3:0110,,, meotosoilt weo Neap, at* eaSe e tr1P' ow 0,•• bad tIte Totter a$v ugu` reek. '*ived4rom. visited, her .parenta, arta Rrehn- visq'tin't sti.4".' 4s • fee the peat two 'Cot t4e'• next 1141.rut,nn9911', but '110 the .old ii,nancier. on the day. 0! 410 •orgotten ,abOttt -egs- death, liet read it' OVer etarefn113* but found trirnaelf 'there. interested in the . weehi has retuirwd to her home at 000°1'; • Med: ler. Who 'was now apparently A rper, . e- • • ' 'trained 440 remember faoeft and he .040100man 4 VOSteeript ,4itatnout hiMself artELD • • •• Ur Charles° .Sundercaele moVedt Inten04t att 1140;40, MAO , , . E.LX) Oat. ‘.v1 t.• /1,10 -f-n-n411Y over *0,- Sr.' -3.-nh'1,...-SUr had had an opporteirdty- - °bee" rye 11.41d. :Written than' in the typewrittvn 'v'T9. .""' F ' -...., ,.. '.'"4117',....,411,4 dereen's houses having talten a pool- Roger. eioae'lratio. • . The Other ser, bcodY 9t the letter, . lardkasei Of Te.urg',"+, v'vx`e' 54:19'7- tion with gra..'Albert. Brighftnl*,. .v.°' z' --• lid* ' " 14 Ot 1 * ' ' . 3144 ' ' r Thonicetiving,at the home Mr. )404 wni:-‘14on who spent a Couple .4414* :114''_1141119 "k- e..„14-,, would ii*.13:t In event of my .death --are I ' ---- 4 • • ' recognize 'aiin ' ,hut. pllaingl In g. . 14.W0.4-irred. .4.;.. 004.! , • ' ' ' • • of wc.eicii ..u4th' Toroto trieb.div- has --. ---_,.., ,,., ,,,„, .t,,,, ..„-,,,,„,.., ,ean eanfplete this work,.thero are cer- ,;14tiso ,orttoe atedIvond, or uniood, , ,,,,,, ,,,,_ , . • ,, , :WOW '0 ;UV 14,, ttenin,o11,„.14 ok._,,ere,...4.• Alta- tou„.,vaittatio.s coommed. upon 00, er ' 70ipeot thv weele-end Ivith lier mother,, . A station. Wagon, 11'4.10 OW'''. '4 tete at iteelti 100+e, ' The .%) I h Ye „ $1.-NTII, Vet, 0e,•••• .1143't Brilli*O-* 'Wed.* the hop* Of %A* AteCittlein, flee gatI WO and VA,k Shart,!*, . Are Plauttinf to attend titrAtterdr- ertatta) ' • „ CO11414 Of U11090.7; viliting Ms Parent*, W. and .Mri„ ()OOP.' COwaft. • Wilford and 000. of 'toren. tO, viaited at, the hope at Mr: Mit Witihtinan. Ora, llettert Wightenin utelerwent an operation in Oiinten holpttal on )400.01.. Mrs, T.. U01;enale,- of. Toronto, ret'Urned* -Mr.. Harr)! ThirPer, ; Of Cheviot, .theAtome...af W`11,7,' Us Mountain. Mrs, Z. ISinelair of KIPPen Viskted iter parents here :this Week. • We are pleased...Ur knoVr• !that Mr.. Virallace Riley, who underwent an oper- ation, for appendieltie, is nicely im- Proving- • iraraters•are now harvesting their buckwheat And report •a splendid crop. QUite a number attended the -fun- eral of Mr. Henry Batt on Sunday. mont's. time; butrovertheleas a 11,xture , in- biaegarager lartriterl.,,,,A9ger „.1111e.„„13 be alighted, Mad. platforin waS Kinself, come th welcome CRO9loy Cove's first guest. As he bad fe.arred, Roger read per plexity and a groving suspicion in the butler's thOughtful fate. 'However, hit training did not permit 'him te make any comment, and as they were about to enter the station wagon, Rog- er indicated surreptitiously the rear seat. Billings. took the cue and. en- tered it without., demur, -4 closed oiouth,tand open -ears, Roger whispered„ "If you doubt me, get in touch With:My Blake, but keep quiet as to who I ant around • I need your help." • _ • • set aside for this purpose, and I, trin ; Miss Winnifred is the autherizing-yoe4430 0.1.41/09 „ • *Lest of her aunt, grs: l'aniK111, of Their cadet locatioia be revealeU woneottai's Noveiblier "Srd, Instead* Mer4eods .A.-uhurat Mrs, A. • ran imidesboro. • . • to yen only Should it lbecoille ne&s.• of all triturSthEA at the home of 3,1,q, Asedext Nits. 3,,tionte Horne, unic, 4:114'MrS:StailieY Cerryle•and fain- eery -Bid remeralre,r, QmP"'t 'tuft ;Jelin Pats. Mrs. 'lied Oster, Blyth, Rove; ',Robert,. frovost,', `DavidMr , haVe recently "ailoied hate' their new compensating all sufferers ePgaediate- gaVe .Spielldid report of the area ISemana; Auld John anti Wilfrciel of ilyly ' •lf b' POtsit - I* ,, , - , 0 UNCIJa 1 ' Win 110 tilte'Statit'0004'lott VAL** 00,4 ' is l'itell* ' '' •• , ' GODettlat TOlirlilialls 4 14W ,A*Pla_ta$0010,,,40 the real*, Of a , The Townehlp (10 . , epte . . ecelv ha, 41T OPII‘tered, ,ifft .traetere+ reeetletl. ,bet 20ith te, eonekter; i , , Inn -'W".46 nt'n in 41 bi$10"r 4KV11100-t from liek4rft. lit. lOrtiollsogl**- nOrtlt dt lOWO,'',Vr, Nirms:'uorylkorso„. tialto, 00;.:01040 04, pills, • , 4..., tipieratiai ' ify ‘V/inghatti homitat. Ittat grAvel, V. It .0014tho007,1vIka 040 'visited her brother, Robert e resident; Visited 'with Mra. ;Nita' r'etts* ite`iray in, LockooW Wye He 3Neffialea -.0etaber. ilea been in the West number of 1114 Semen& HO IS surviied hi' his wife afternoon at tl(e "home 'Of ',Ur% fienr$ "Young„ There was good, atten- dance. Daring 'the .husiness neriod it ded held the next meeting tOrkkeklololl' 10e 40,140414 UnderWeilt thor0 for Maiiing and r:,41e1 11'0 . week t when the Wes atnputated .the eontraet,at .480,a above the, itt*e* ..M0011'herteette met. again, \(,),Otaller'Sr.4t.44*1" . 1'00 Inn*,, Was *killed In the. eeliill0a 4.,'orreePontletKelvai. read • nt and he hintlelt lettered sateli beili$ ANI.aadian 1:regiteo, rePtl, ++. shattered Leg and IMO that it tailed no action; V, A. dlorion*' .1nettAs' to respond+ to treatment., making atelo‘ er's allOWAnce; kloderieli „TOO* COO*. salon of the 11101.1 Imeeratts* asked the 0011neit Ineetetheitleat • Imes in the, weet.....wor4 Ivo re. southwest ,houndary on follow0; +$at.4.. , eeleeti IleVe last week, of the sodden Urda$ at 0 a.m. • ,deatit of Thomas' „Parrish-- at Sewers., • itylaw El, re issue ot 4000tUreft read a wood time. „k demand!. ot Sosic. Ur..rarrialt. d eon ot the 'for huilding,'of school 'in Keno**, , No_ 0, aSking o teinper,arr )00n. Of ' .• • U1Sa Pearl eldley, a former Blyth late' Mrs. David+ rorrish,.1 who posed tt aneeting .the 1-)44th't'bral101t Pt tbt $eullis% altld take; Place at Woolen's Instittite was e mei two ehildren, rerrisli was one of a family of eleven children, eight of -wham survive: Mrs. beth 31eDiarinid, Nile; Mrs. Margaret 1 Brophey Bros. GovEntcyll —THE IlEADING-- FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS AMBULANCE SERInicfil Ali ALL HOURS---NIOHT OR DAY. Phones : .Business 129 Residence 2%7 J. R.:Wheeler FUNERAL DIRECTOit &arm , EMBALMER; ALSO AMBULANCE SERVICE CIODEI=II, ONTARIO , call.s Promptly attended to nal or night: Phones Store 335,, Muse 855. LIEEBURN LEEBURN, Oct. 12: ---Thanksgiving Day visitors here included Mr. and Mrs. M. MeKay, of Goderich, Mr. mad Mrs. Fred II:fort-1m and Mr. Wes. Moore, from Listavel. jean Hunter, teacher at Wheat- ley, and John and Pearl Huliter;Irona Orangeville,' sPent the week -end at their parents' home. ,Mr. gred Horton and his sister, nrs; of Beechville, . The butler looked at this dead man who was not dead. Roger met his eyel studded -the conelaiding words of steadily. 'Many strange things had the letter. "But remetirber I expect happened ati Rock,v Cove. fully compensating all sufferers em - decided to accept this (weer situation, mediately." tuti eyes elinie to. rest on for he naturally had a real likiuCthe hest word.. "He Misspells 'name - for the impulsive young man -who had diately ' " he • commented to himself. PHINEA,S ALTAMONT. '-Clews are scarce in that •e'plstle or rui'.thieker. than. weshlady'e ankle,' her muttered. gioomity,, Y`ii wonder whether the old man meant what he says thereeabout the location of the treasure beilig diselesed 'only should it become necessary.' Bow? And that last sentercce, apparently an aftertheught, sounds rather queer, as If a foreigner had. written it." ' 444444.44444.444444444444.44.4444444.44•64••••••••.. .44 4•4••••.40.4.44444•Lomm114.444.4444:444404...4.464;*144447.7444.44 io4;14,44;444444m44•444•444.4 CRANSTON FUNERAL HbME QUALIFIED EMBALMER and •FUNERAL DIRECTOR 24-hour Invalid Car Service, • FURNITURE - 12 Montreal gt. Phone 399 It May :Warn -Of' ;kidney Or Bladder' Irregularities, Take 1/4 D OA N'S KIDNEY PILLS • 1;1' 1,1 sPelirnn ay of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Horton. • On October Sth Mr. -Joseph aCook celebrated. his 0404y -seventh birthdaY, and Mrs. Cook was eighty-four on Oc- tober, 2nd. They .are. a worthy old couple. mr. George Freeman and Mr. Cook with their wi, ves visited the form- er's daughter, Mrs. L. IDminons, near Dungannon, an the birthday. There will he ea service in Leeburn church next Sunday, as anniversary .services are being held at Nile The ladies of the church were busy - on Tuesday afternoon quilting a quilt to send An the bale to ehe West. . -AU .enjoyed the service Conducted by Rev. a ,Snell of Ethel on Sunday. His theme was "Treasure !Seekers." Ills wife acciimpanied him and they visited Mr. Snell's uncle, Mr. T. Sme11,1 cent illness or eonfinement to the I He considered this and then tried atrtf Mr. and Mrs. T. 'Nixon on the house. He was dresskel in a dark, 1 lOth• concession near Nile. _ 1.11-ditting suit. omitting every other word. •• •13ut I Mr. C. MeEkan, from! the West, As Roger glanced at the man wbo I fully all euintedlitely.' That woit't d(). had seized hie bag._ 'he felt a sudden i'Rementlyer expect eonapensating suffer- ers,. A Diuretic. For *The Kidneys lie Sure And Get DOAK'S A t. Nunn co., cooq isoNer truSted him and promoted. him to the tian,left vacant by.,Saubern:a „dis- ',..ee"el44-e•-e`- niiVitt "Good, six!" he replied. You can count on me, that far and ,perhaps a ;fully written,' he decided. It Iv a little- exhlanittion—" . ' 'genuine error." I4e put down the let - Roger nodded, and 'noting that the leer, bat almost iminediately picked it tirlver was ,heginning to turn to snatch np again. ',I've heard of crypto - glances at this first guest, he -began 11.,Arams being unraveled through a ads - questioning Uillings about the estate. ,spelled word, or one -awkwardly „need,"' He had need of informatiOn anyhow, be meditated. -But Altamoat knew-. if he were to solve the mystery ef , nothing of cryptograms, 1;11,bet ray 1101. Altament's trove. met. There's no money in them; he • More servents than were necesSary I wouldn't he interested. If it was to the handling of Roger and his bag- one, though, it would he quite simple, gage were gathered at the door wlieu I I -suppose.' 1 the station wagon drove up, for all ,,` 'But remember I expert fulkly coin - were eurious about this first ,visitor. ipensating all sufferers einniediately.' They saw a .serious -looking goggled . ,•That is an awk.wara sentente, plr-, young man, somewhat hesitant in man- ticularh"expect fully compensating." ner and rather pale as if from 're- Why didn't he say 'intend"?' convention at Ilarriston. 41)e'• ' 42.000. read anti granted. . \Bylaw No. 7, appointing +place In ' wiltien to 'hold nomiluttlIOUI booth* P.11.0- and poll elerks, then read, Nomin.atleu to be held '�n Pr+ thl.P. November 40, and election, if fter, „ OIR "MOIldaY. DeeeMber 4.1, at following , J. E. Jehttston, D.R.O., "MoIlwain, poll clerk. Ward 2 ---House Of Sturdy, Et; - dal -program was in charge 0 . Htardy and Wm. McCabe. Ames ,"McG1,11., peace eonvener. Mrs. pioratiou trip that commenced the Ncla0 3---tiouse of G. Hopeon, jas. Fawcett reaOonded to the motto with middle of March ended suermisfaUy Young antl Thos. Hudie. last week, when Finlay Ifacinnis, son' Ward 4--dlouee of W. H. 'Lobb, W. amrpso.einr•ra. 71,huen. '11)ttiarnichtoongave f aDne.ade.x.". of Mr.- and Mrs. Neil MaeInnis. el Lahti and Omer Trick, eon "World Peace, an Idle Itateeeew, and. J. T. Tibbit, University Ward 5-11ouse of H. McCartney, H. of Toronto geologist, reaehed Halifax • on board the Iludson Boy ice breaker. niscople. 'Since leaving Churchill eIx Months ago on their Arctic re- search joneney, until meeting the Nas- eople at Pond's Inlet, this. dauntless inunication witn, civilization. mt.. anti tollecteris bonds, $(13.88. George bit and rintly,,now of Ottawa and a metuber" of the Royal Cana - , Ward' aniailitg10104--- • - ,• "That's rather an uneSual error—won- . 'der if. he just foegot to dote the' -liegeseeegeeeeeeatey_vorderilosele--, ' • Rack front/the Aretle.;--An Aretic ex- McCartney and W. R. Lobb, Ward 0—Hoose of R. It:oaten, „ Richardson and It. Rowden. At same' meeting following accoUnte reted Pald r. Signal -Star, printing, $3.10; George Stewart. floral spray, $8; H. C. Lawson, premium, (et treasurer's ceueni Dream or a Poseibility." Mrs. Bayn- ton hroeght out •great truths in the paper. 'War is Wrong, heeauseit de- stroys wealth, it destroys barium life, It breaks down moral Standards, it Is futile and suicidal. We ought to „live in the spirit of brotherliness.. Mes.iltt read sZveral Edgar -•\ Guest's /poems, all stiowing the futil- ity of war. Lunch was served by the hostesses„ Mrs. Young, Mrs:. Rich- mond and -Airs. Serimgeour. 'No; that initial te'- it- very eare who is attending college in Toronto, spent the 'week -end with his uncle et!twinge of • fetter. It was the fellow i aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sallows. whom lie had surprised in the attempt 1 with it ,ahstractedly, -studying that He took up a n.c.il end fuinbled 4,44 ..i,y, visited. at 'P. .1. M,..)1illan s le- , cently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowe and the to getAltamont's letter that day at ' latter's 'mother, Mrs. G. H. Clutton of raWnsiiington. AireadY the enemy 1.queer sentence, yet seeing no way of . . !reached, they had in their company ; Stratford, motored. up on Thursday had a foothold in the house! ; deriving a hidden meaning from the Windsor. Mr:,.. Robert Button is vi:.iting in : iwentY-tive untives who acted as 'guides, In July, with summer break - to attend the fuaeral of the late Aliss "I've left you in the large bedrooin ;nine words that formed it. He mut- Mrs. Ewen MeKetrzie -and her lug the shore leth into pans and floes, 1 Mary A. Glutton. family oecupied by Mr. Anemone , tered it to himself, over and -over. sep- (laughter Muria ve,he spent the sugr., they had to swim the dogs ashore in • The Late Miss Clutto-The synt- sir," ' aid Palings, and led the way, ' orating the sylls.bles and joining the the ;syllables of the N-arlotls words in (lit- Iller at their home here, left today for Aretle Bay, tto rapidly did the lee paths, of -the -neighborthoed- is extended as. he luid a few, day* previous op to the relatives of the hite- 'Salsa Mary -occasion of RolOr's hying Visit to 'the t-ferent .eambitrationtir--. — — - 11115 „ - Then, idly, he brought. his pencil in- LUCKNOW pair were entirely eut off from emu - dian Mounted POliee, Were compelled Salkeld, sheep elaitn, :15; Teton e •Ileystene lean, $400; Reg. 'StistrtiY, 'valu- ing sheep, $8.60; stiperintendent'aipaY to. Walk aintest . 1400 miles, when the vomiter No. It), $1 -I.- , . (legs they obtained were found to be couneil then adjeurned to meet Mon- - 1 ,too weak and to -o poorly cared for to day, November 1st. at 1.30 wit: , ' '' R. O.,. TuoNIPSON• -Clerk. do ',pore time ear ry their equipment , , Th Leod, a lifetime resident of the thid itntr at".4n&-ukatr 5,";11 - . concession of Killa0F44. was buried -to- winter season, the two 'men foug their way through the trackless lands day". rt"'WAS one of the Itergest fun- erals secm. thls•part, .D,pcea sod was guided. by Eskimos, and at times ttw utouotor4 of the unbroken eotuntry...1, In his eighty-tirst year and leaees i s , granite and lakes wore dowai 111. wife, eight sons And one daughtee,. Mrs. 1 nerves. of the two white men. ' •The !Harry iNiixon of town. - .Itev. Mr. Young of South Kinloss Presbyterian !time -they had to speod in their -surrey elturch 'had charge of the funeral, ; "'a 8 ShOrle for they had to trek t o • Mr,. .1,se, mci„„is is visiting tit 1 ril il 1.,V bill, where theyi „betarded _ the Dunn vine. . Naseopie, and always 'present was the Miss Mary Ihmiens, or' Kitvitener, I fear that they might Miss- the boat and Mx. Ceorge -Douglas, of Toronto, ,, and be compelled to. stay in tile North spent the week -end at their home li'ere.4., for a year. They bad tittle dogs ai Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Duncan. of i the sort. but the dogs- were In poor Tbornbury, called,- on friell.+ Iu tow -g couo.it.i6g. and they failed to and a an SundIty. . . ; hettia- type,' for the dote; Of the North Mr. Alex. Wavle is spend•ing the . ea' late years are neither btisky Her holiday at hts home in Sarnia. streng. They changed their team re Miss Myrtle Lee. who lias teen on • tea Willy • and linally arrived at the lurid telephone staff for some time. Ohurchill with two teams of dog, left Por her home at Loudon today, , numbering skteen each, hut they were Mr. and Mrs. .1. Lawson. 4 eti King , still compelled to do their travelliog . ) Net • and liy.The time the port wre Clutton, who passed away at the °ed. estate. "I think youll fin Ito play and wrote cavil word, erich hospital on October 5th. The ',But—remember—re-expect — fully to. the A;ere brought tO the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Olutton, and the funeral :took place to Colborne' cemetery the following day, conducted by Rev. S. R. McClung of Goderich -Baptist churth. The pallbearers were six nephews. Deceased. was once a teacher in Leeb.urn Sunday sehool and 4111-74-etive member In the Band . of Hope." -She leates one brother, John G. Clutton of Delburne, Alberta, and, many ether relatives and was much endeared to them all. The.,,fiewere surrounding the casket were very beautiftil. !We must not only affirm the brother- hood of man, we must live it.-131sheap Potter. '""aw• one WAX buy! 14 gives , Greater .CtiVerage in A Finer *Polish - chest, was no bargain it is really poor value ottany price -4- no matter how low. Good wax is ecoitotety.. Zoo. it a "standard of value" in overYthing you buy. In floor wax the standard 'of vatueas ;OWES% When you buy HAWES' at 430 yptgiiit ci-Tnility-vrax4iurt-will giire your tioonilthri boautY and lasting protection they de.; isatee.. Topsy m.re it extravagance—to pay less is to ' intattant. Buy II.AWES"-,--‘use diftcted. *11 "Bo 1Prond a Your floors". 9 I 1. ' comfortable. • ilaider the severe eye of BUlings, Dorsey did not linger for a tip. Roger eyed him covertly,. but it was quite apparent that in the yipting scientist Dorsey did not recognize the leather - clad pilot who had given him a bad. ten minutes. He set the bag down, opened the'avindow and vanished. In an instant Roger bad seized Billings' hand and motionedtoward the door. . Kbrtrat fellow," he aske, "where did he come from?" "Dorsey? Why—the trust compan.y -officers sent himn down here, sir,". Bill- ings etammered. "Is there—is there anything wrong with him?" oThere is" Roger said grhnly. "What's he been doing here?" kes himself ueeful—porter vices, but in no way could he produce and getteral houseman, sir. He keeps to himself a good deal, I've' noticed, but I haven't seen him do- anything out or the IVIrS°." "Your probably won't, treese you keep your eye right on hira.," said 'Roger. "DO that,' Billings, and see tolt that he doesn't get the solitude he craves tqday., until 'I am ready to watch. him. Invent a job for him With two or three other men." "Beds must be set up and furniture moved into a number Of rooms in the unused 'wing .beyond the tower, de." 'That Will do," said Roger. "And suppose you're getting instructions from- Wilbar Smith of the trust cow- pany all the time? Good. Ask him casually how he got hold of Dorsey the next time he calls you up." 13111iiigs asked -no questions, but Rog- er read perplexity in the older man's eyes. "We'reup against some sweet crooks, Billings," he exclaimed. "'Your ex -superior, -Sanborn, is one of them, and Doreey is 'another, but the real eriminai behind them Is keeping very dark. Be triedto kill me and I'm reasonably certain he would have suc- ceeded on his second try. "That's why Roger • Turrentine Is dead and Why I'm „Tatbert Gresham. Nhale_p_ist,Ting for Altamont's for- tunen , ,aicar w.hidtlen somewhere. on this place. So am I. I am telling you this, because 1 dont want any man to risk his life without knowing what he' e doing, and in helping me you're taking a thence." nite •willitig to, eir," Billings "I' compensating—all—sufferers — emine- (Mutely." ."41shat doesn't do the any good," he remarked, staring at the words one at a time. Then he ran his eyes along the line hurriedly. A word leaped out at him, •'''Brief case!" the exclaimed trium- phantly. "Eureka! Maybe the whole letter is in a similar code." Thrilling with excitement; be set to work, drst on the body of the letter and 'then on the poeffseriPt, but all his efforts were in vain. Eletried the final letters in all the words and VaTi01.18 other well-known code de - another word. "'If there's more than that to the cryptogram I can't work it out," he decided, at last, supporthig his hot heat on bis hand. "'Brief case.' '11hat doubtless refers to the one the old man's sailor and boy carried for him that day I first Mole down to Rocky Cove with him. have to get hold of that right -away." He dashed downstairs ami located-- Billings. 41`he superintendent readily procured him A ear in- which to make a trip to the little town oatside the gates. There, "after some seaeching, Itogor loeated a telephone -with a rea- sonably scruildproof door. He - called the Port 'Washington tinnier and was ,happy to hear Cloudy Illake's„famillar voice on the other end, "This is Greehani," Itoger an- nounced: "It was absolutely neceagary to get in touch with you, so I skipped the eoop for a few ,minutea, Cloudy, I've got to get bold of Aittunent's brief case—the one be carried every day. As a friend of Tar...realties I'm sure you'll be able to-cop-itz, Don't know where it is—might be at his of- tice, or .at his lawyer's. ,or at the trust eompany. But get it, will your "I will." answered OlottdY. "And then what?" "Look it over with your eagle eye for clews—papers, writing, or chart in the lining—anything like that. And If you can't find atything queer about It send it to me by registered mail, deliverable only to addressee. and 111 have a whack at it." "Right," replied Cloudy. Stratford, where they will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Donald. Mrs. C. Johnston is visiting over the.holiday in London.. Miss Margaret Rae, of Altna Lad -les' College is home for the holiday. My. Melvin Reed of Toronto Was re- cently appointed assistant manager of the Ontario branch of the Massey - Harris Company.. The Ontario branch includes all of this Province and part of Quebec. This important appoint- ment ft:sinews a series of prometions that Mr. Reed has reeeired since join- ing the company as their Lucknow agent some fourteen years ago. Work on the construction 'of the arena Is proceeding steadily, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Geddes of Luck - now announce the engagement of their only daughter, Hazel M., to Mr. Clar- ence -Mullen of Toronto,...son of Mrs. Jane Mullen, Kincardine; the Marriage to take. place the latter part of Octo- ber. • lure nVdro will be available this fall to farmers between Lucknow and whiteehurch. Work.' of building the line is well under way east of the vil- break up, and the men on 4. I paddled out of th0 Wily of the down travelling ice to the shore of the bay. 'Frozen faces and toes'. feet that were numb and sore from the unwented ox-; errise, hands that were touched with frost were among the experiences of Mr. Tibbitt and his aasociate. With the • carettilMeas of the wileratiSt 110 would say nothing abut the potvibili- ties of mineral wealth in the North be- yond the careful statement that mei formations indicated Beflin Land was favorable for prospecting and he hoped to gobaek•again, because he had mere - 1,y scraped the surface. promPtly said. "I hare never been it (ir• emelt. In real danger in MY life. hut I'm not I `Roger rang off. With the air of one shirking it when itcomes my way," i busily engaged in important ma t ters hurried back _to., t he. ear that w a 1 ted "Good for you." said Roger heartilr, he -1115111114) VOIVIIIII riled bitterly to the and patted the (Intel 'old man On the !driver about the searcity of boolvel. shoulder. **It takes a tang of danger . . Life ta st y Benno,. .. you•re !iers with the intelligenee to carry . qt-Indard works of' oceanography, or 'I'll get • oeiperrele • ,4110,44.441140044•6044044.4444.4.44•4444,444.4.4044•444444144144.0.4410400.4042,04; The Hydro Store COOK WITH ELECTRICITY Quick, Clean, Economical VKTORIA STREET W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the WOMell'E; AISOCIllticgi Of • Victoria street, rutted church was held at the home of Mrs. Downs, Huron road. with eleven members present. Mrs, B. Wilson had charge of the devotion- al period. Plans were made for a ha- zaar to. be held shortly. After the business hour a dainty lunch was Cerved by the hostess. aesisted by Mrs. 1 Phillips. A hearty vote of thanks Was tendered. to m starting late, but you're starting well. We'll trim the lot yet, Billings." CHAPTER XXkil A Message in Code When the Old servitor had left, nowt made a tortr of hie room. Little hiid beech n anaed in it, bet be, found. traee of Altamord's personality even to grasp a 101(1111518 meaning over n telephohe. ,. 'Not a single book on the subjeet 11(1 that merelittet have," ILoger said. shaking an indignant linger at the gen- eral store he had just left. 'And when I telep-honed to one of tbe foretnost booksellers tu NCW York 1 was rin- He soon tired of theTruitlegs seareh0 1 iorthed that I weuld have to wait ser - 10,1' sterile tad in tht;‘• onc'er gu1110 110 `Fag eral dart for the l;eok I desired." 1)14I11g, se blindly. "Wenthere ain't ninth rail for oeetin stuff, other then tiebite tante. "Now if I was a real deteetives" he around here." the driver replied. in an :thought ruefully, ..ed take a trpeek 1 out effort to Soothe the irate seientist. .of dust Nom the floor and And all about my my'sterious enemy and , (To be continued) go% „="tiarion. ••• 444.0 See the display of various styles and makes at The Hydro Store GOpERICH Use Hydro bulbs for lighting. They are guaranteed. (w) A daily.shave helps to keep a man in better shape smd its no trouble to shave if you have a good raxor. By subscrib- ing to either The Signal or The Star for one year, or payiag a year in advance, an AUTO -STROP RAZOR and STROP ' are YOURS. ABSOLUTELY FREE. Razors or Cream A good cream adds to the enjoyment of a good shave. You may have a 35ejar of Pur,Joy, shaving cream, if you prefer it to a razor, or bothonpayment of two yearly subsciptions in advance. No brush needed when using this cream and it works with hot.or cold water. (JJ teh cent c tryr p(y.t.ige If premium- are 'e be SIGNAL -STAR Goderich 4- • ,