HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-15, Page 6I3es New8:sifOte--Earm Notes end Comments on Afgricultural Topics (itUlreileerair Itepri,' . 7.7 Bruce .4:Dung repOtts very little movement in grain and _hay, witb Goalie alfalfa going into meal at . ,a ton for Second eat Dufferin re- ilintry pi e. fl'artners in Leeds bay .° ports It a ohief cash cop, Potatoes. found difficulty in obtaining shilicient not selling et a very ' high \ tigure, farm help. In Manitoulin the.denio.nd . prices ranging from 35c to 50e a bag. for (little- Is Seen :and° the general eon - The yleid of late petatoes there is dition better • than usual. ' Several . net expected to be ea high as last year. letat-loads Of finished and feeder stuff In Halton .interest is keener in feeder have Levu slapped and four Iamb fairs cattle and lambs than In some years., are beitig held, this Month. This is iargely due ta exeeileatc fall , , . e a, • A pastures and abundant retighage for ., Storing Prim Maehinery winter.feeding. . n Halton *barns , are Proper' care should be exercised, at erous throughout the eintuty. There ment In min -maclibtery from -.rapid r,e•aet to the ' test Such. animate . full and.stacks of ney end grate num- 41,1 Sines :protect the rage it sat- ,. Q 1 • e imorcuantitY..of second crop and deterieration. Heat, moisture, Wind, , isess.s.s.., s fIttsfkikg, ffsstsusesdieget,..sanlight are the most. der Federal inspeetiofl. eevertheless, must be slaughtered un,- , th„ Is year. • Alfalfa seed is'inia-iitroxiir dWtiiiiii).-----.0iiiirt -- - -• seteedssiterti—nlan i ' a demand,writh buyers offering from $10 farm equiptnent IStorage means' pro- anli•:..... er -1;MrtrittlitaThl •• to as itigh as $13.25 for seed In the tectien against these deteriorating herds Irreepeetive of tire number ...of e gh, Jiait' quality is ,lielow :suorniel effects during the inactive lif'e Of the purebred or grade aniatala they con- i °lug to s sprouting , and weathering. machines and has been round to be the tains No _compensation is paid for Perth ' has harrested one. of the best greatest single factor in prolonging the animals •that react to the test, ' -- - croessof 'corn in many year ss The life of farm :machinery. The most owner ' reeelves 'whatever: proceeds root straa is also exceptional's • good. ti •tiw period of deterioration is dur- the,..ss's may be from the salva0. Own - North Sbncoes reports. e.attle in better ing the season. of machine use. It is ,,rs. pladeg .their herds under this plan than average •condition and more*feed.,. important. hewever, to ptroteet machin- must agree to slaughter reactors to ers thansusttal being Secured by fares ery the year around from the effects' promptly cleanse and disinfect their , ere in the SOuirty. Turnips are being of weather. Generous Use of valet en premises, and 'hi keen their cattle from ' sbipped insWaterloe, with a price of all wood and metal.parts, wherever the coming In eontact with untested ant?, 18c per -bushel being paid. Welling. original has worm thin., and the re- male. If a herd is not maintained on ton reports buckWheat, mange's, corn move' to a dry shed of all 510th, can- tee premises, breeding operatiens naust and-potetoes some•what , better than ceases. knises, ploughssheres, cultiva- be .restrieted to a tested animal.- a*erage•sceops. Pesturee there con- tor teetbs' etc., imniediatelY theStna- The restricted area plan has for its tinue heexcellent shape and the large eltine is out of use, will help prolong ebiece the eradication of tuberenleale imiortations ot. tattle and Aileen ,on the useful life of the Itnplemeut. ' in definite areas. At least tete...Mir& these Defames are doing extremely Park all bearings with the 'correct of the cattle owners in any definite well. ...10 Ilialdimand live stock is re- grade of lubricant Sparer all ex- area Must sign a petition for the estab- 'Ported-48;in eseelient condition. A posed metal parts %Torn bright from lialiment of sueli an area under this tremendous 'Increase is 'evident there use with. old crankease or tranands- plan. • The petition.. must be forwarded In thesmunber of _feeders 'brougig in sion oil befofre putting the machine by the Provincial Minister. a Agrieul- from the "West. Fell wheet Acre- °aside even for a few days This will tare to the l!ittinister of the Dominion_ age there is only about tifty per eent. keep out all dirt and moisture from Department of Agriculture requesting% of mama. Lincoln -county will have the bearings and off .the wearing ,atir- that the necessary action be taken. faces. thits preventing excessive wear due to . rust.' • Clean all seed from DaVid Plante, an etd resident of the drill hoxes;smake••Sure that. all dirt is French settlement, died Getober 4tli renewed from plough or one-way diSit at the theme of Itis‘daughter, Mrs. Job, batten's and that they are wen greased Corriveau, jr., near St. Joseph. He before leaving. .All straw, grain -or was in his eighty-first year. . from binders. combines, separators, The death of Annie Arden Corrigan, weeds should be tboroughly • eleaned .. cultivatore, .diske, etc., before greasing .wiaow of George Hudson, oecurred at and painting for storage. - Bright .Seaforth ori'Vetaber slat, in her eixtY, stinlight and, mcdsture cause ,expesed seventh year. Deceased is survivediby pails to nint.p and tonic; paint ,ais. two daughters, Mr. Scott Iliabloirk and Miss Vera Iludistm. plied early will prevent this destruc. . . non: . .lettil parts exposed will rust '• William Pearson, of Seafortle an- und wear; greese or paint will save -nouncea' the engagement of his young - these suffixes. ';.' ' est daughter, Viola. Jean, /to Charles inside t-torage of grain boxes, wood-. Pinder, - son of the late William Pinder, the' wedding to take place the latter' part of October. 00 et 404-01iire• Y 'ten 1)r _ wben proper 'Ore has bee*: e*Prel."41 \to protect agaiOkaniutals and **at* ,geOdfleaCee, .,the lish 'et 'paint and OPPer lubricanta,•• ./Wooe0,041.•,$34 #19miiised. 410#10. . . . . Three plana are An Operation by the :Health Of AniMais liraneh° Ol, the .DO,e -minion Pepattnient et Aitio*Itor# tou the 'eradication of baiting 400011 naMely, the nteredit4 llet4, plan, the tiit, a in SUpervised heal:gals and the 0'0010.44 area PIP, The OhJe4t. of OW first plan 'P is :the eradication OtthedigeaSe in pure- bred 'breediag herdff.',Tliese tools:1ft tuberculin tea,tedl .treg ..qt ehigges Aqr Plarleil veterluarY inSpooters. 'prollably 00 per cent. lia mach fall elinglhle t° a'Cc*Pt•all°-•14124e-r**°1•04111. wbeat sown this Year' as last. There a herd 111Ol; oubalu At ileaa„t iltre:Sinres Ore& ea ttle'of, Otte breed, t'regiSterell in twsitiat_edrei!..!.14111fidnngi.li IstoltNi. oforrtuptuntilberletsuftDdr lie 400,capt,o, oame, Tao ..vranolor the calming faetoriea have conrisieted, c'efii4r.eplittertit ;ear*: 6417:4Sess'inisr °It:el:es:1 frosts occurred and, the yieldper numbee of cattle in .the herd. tomato panning, Fortunately no heavy MIS TIOrlattl, reaehleg as -high as 600 As soon as a herd has passed two bushels to the aere in one or .two fields i enuaal or tnree• semtannual "tests but averaging about 200 bushels. to without fur animal shownag signs of ontario \ 4ounty corn Wag an excellent the diSease, and cot -dans at least ten mat hut batily lodged and tuany farm- registered purebred% it IR deAgnated tr,v; cut their corn by nand. The mast- a 'Tuberculosis -free Aseredited gel (Top in York Promises • to be a Herd." Oompen,satioe is paid for re- fletOrS1,--4that is, tiesse animals which show signs of the disease as a result ,of the test—and is based en two-thirds of the variation placed upon the ani - Mats by 'veterinary inspectore of the 'Health of, Animals Brandi, The maxi- mum,' titireunt of compensetion Per- mitted under the Animal Contagious 'Diseases Act 15 $100 for purebreds and $40 for grades. No 'courpenaatien is paid, hovvever, for cattle 'affected with .innv mw, uor for grade bulls which. 990040 Oet. ?et it4HliroW.witerbtiyi-O Oen, t the :her sister •Nora, #nd. a !tern1gethes'#.001, and Reats • , • . . r.(.4tti'd XV* ,ulIoUghafld tonl1y; the'0* of .*,,Y4114 Mr,* Win? Ful- ler. • X,r., and _MS DONS,- .Elliott and of tbe 10t# -CenoeSidotis *peat Sund4tY wfth Mrs. Mary Pbillip. 31r, ad 1rs.*.;Nlelsen W;ewartha, of i'Clinton',iid 11ss: Ihelmine Tre-• ,**rtlifti OrTerente,:epent Suaday'With. Mr. and 1$1Pal.' Oen, aift.','Sain,•'MCAllister, of Detre% iS tsitIng .TehVtiVeg iui the'.0e141nUnii);'. 'OW ,11140,410: FAW.sltitrA Pt Welland, 090.0 the 'Weeknentt her .parents, owt Irs. D. '1,Aswine. synintithlr Of the Community is extended :..W7Mr. Vennis battsallne the death' of his, father at Windser. Thefamily utteed,cdthe funeral on Monday. Hortoe and, .'iDecteM'nderdrho'y.,73:o011,f404,tees;mbu:i.rati:;s7penisie:st.ScIreqnn-dragYe Mr. • wadi Mrs. Geo. ,affaCalorigh, Bertha and Arnold,' of London, and 11/r. and Mts. Fred 1.11eCu1lougli, Wier - van and Bruce, of Goderich, were weekend visitors with Mr.. and 3/1-ra. Wm.,. railer., • • An • anniversary 'Service was held; at Zion church,. Taylor's Corner, on Sun- day evening. Rev. A. E. Mooilumee, of Victoria street United church, God - erten, conductedthe service, and preached' an inapirilag eerinois • The musicwas furnished by•-ra: 'splendid quartette frora Video: charen.aud Miss, Muriel Veerholise rendered a tine solo. The- ehurai was ,beaatifully decorated WithiuteLOwers. There was, a. red at-, The Ld Meeting of the Dramatic VloCe: .was held onr•Trtead.ay evening a the boa* of Mrs. °Harwood,,' with 'thirty-five members ivesent. -sirs. Gordon,- dirt °stapled the chair and introduced the preglitet, 'which opened with totarmun. *lot; islongimin4,,' 448 44/11nagr tbeyt tem, r .s" G. onorviv:. Muriel •MoorhouSe, Harrold „Gardner and Everett MeIlivain, Mrs. J. B. Orr -edited and ,read the Bulletin. The chief item on the program, was a de - bete, "Resolved, that women spend more time and money on ..pleasure than do men." The eftirmative was taken .flerold Gardner, Tom Sowerby and Everett McIlwain, while the negative was upheld by Esther Mellvvale, Nora -Sewerby and. Mrs. Harwood. Many points were brought out for both sides with statiSties pre • and con. The judges, Rev. A. E. Moorhouse, Miss MoorhtstiSe and Mrs. Phillipe, gave their declaionin favor_ of the negative side: • Plans were made for .Mtigitlerlide to be held in November at the home of Miss Nora •Sowerby. Lune]) was 4ersed by the hostesses and a social time enjoyed by everyone. Voice Mail* Noloes.—On Friday evenlag the levier meeting of the Y. PATS was held .at the home of WS, 'Harimod--witla tWentrsis 'members prOaent. The meeting was conduetkd by Everett Mellwain. A prayer from .ptiat,e0oe "tathathidetd, rt'!borsoortsrpdtu. rehy, Nleostiorva41. 'Inst(Plumite.7nuta)lia.1.4.stIgIrv:41Kvbiyvivit. mituriAct: Har.VS,Ood -rind John :Clements; Nora 'Stseeeby read the topic, "Pioneering in the' •Oherelt," and 'Rev; A. V. Moo house gate a talk On "Pioneer Days." .The :Meeting dosed WO prayer by Mr. lidoorhouSe. Lunch Was served by the -ladies, and char praetiee fol. lowed.c. ... . .Anniversary serelees Were eoraineted in. Union church on Sunday. The :edifice' was dr.tistleally, decorated 'with house plants and eitt 'dowers and was filled to capacity for .b.oth ser-; vices. ••• Rev. C. J. Moorhouee of Lott - don was the apearker .for the day, and took as his, text int the morning "Bles8 the Lord. 0 ray soul, andforget not all his benefits" (Psalm 1034). He ',sad In part: "There Is et* united' .task for .us that •-is. to 00: the -WOW of the .„text wl411 all our 'heart: itS the Psalratat Said it. 'An unitiverars eta:A.04s ought to Set the ittree for tho. whole Year. The Palm1st had collie to the place 'where be felt he was getting 'ettrelese, was not OrttlaIng God Ss he ought. no* far- reaching Would- it .be if 'tlds group of **therallteiXtriir Writit14',W071Srd ibebtite4°''ettentrdg of We 1110 mot tristaya mititiftil, of God's geed gifts.• What Is a good saint? 'Cie Wise Via& his Bible, says his prayers. ' 'Yes; but diletie than any? thing' 0100, ...it is Oies datut who can .praise •Cled•,With nil his heart cantle. ' 000'4 `bOttntlea are*se .riehlY bOtnitteetittly bestowed 'opn us, and when We get to *Oh Of a good thing it tends to breed 4 feeling of eohtent. It Is very • injutiotis to the Seal eini lvery et yourself..gnsgre,ingKito ,chd. lret4anelu e.t.tiultn Which' people will Sty you are the Most tOMplaining person. To Make your Soul metal andnarrow, ugly' and 410i:red,is. to,,be :always tetintitig up what .yonbaron% get, It lie net the Dower of likesing,that erieleheS OA but StfaseeeThrlee blessed le tho ttboi,,*,thittbus 110 gruni- e' biers. The Eksaltaist,,had tooliow ttei inplaht. Do we not Make our *MA trOtibles?' It is very Pleas- ant to think that .settitOtte eite is to hlame•for. our If *0- eoact, ,eee 006 as our :father, *Stating over w &try day You tan tharige 'Yetis lIfe from darit- 4108 and solos* to One of sonstibl0. ttn-ti giadnes by etiltirating the' 'KA* of gratitude,' 'What fire the benclite: ,Witich -God beabowS7 Ilia !aide .knOWfl IILa itity Moses, and Made , AttioIrit $11S acts irate the Childtell Of :‘/srael. It is not a Secret fOr,otce Ot ‘4.*WO Saintly ipOoPle. it is the paid. lege of eVery. 'ton,. Woman. W.: Chikl to ktiOW •(46Wit WaYS .And atts. The hllrinutgeethrtring.s is that no.- vies tat o Ing without loot heals. all /' - fOrgtr- Oitt dIeeaeee' • 0011 hasmore tki, do With .totir '41.0taies tin% the. Plieltart. dlo Satietta the Mouth with good' '104Pt 1)1113.17*td the otH4 0tb1ng. If we hatli, ton* thrOngh ottiHotro.0t ,*(-hieret to,stortovvie." Wit .youth Itt 10(4 It you wat t .• .;B:Eat vow, '''fb.141r4hi-414vro,'$'51"TI:".1u*I°4'..foo' 417the ei4)ti cburch 00 lL The ehurch, 100, :' for nearly twa 1t4t,444:11:173:;**"afirl't%1""7*I'lr' foeht ali *ov.4 .vot4 ..4144 nier Alten. . „ ')./4r, and WS. IY.4,1Xtrea 'Mrovin, near cbrentO, •eltort. the, hothlayi with her brothers, ,,MOsers... lamer, .Wifl and. Walter..41000,;. and her :lather, Mr, David Alton, ' near •tiotieltato*, * • Robert lflgglns, 01 tucknow, spent a„ meek with. 'tier '44 -ter, Wilaore.IrWinss-s ; •. • Mr. and Wain Roy Alton and family apent Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs. Wilt. kips, of Paisley, . .ASffl?IELD AstursELD, 12. --'-Miss iOUza- butIt Mackenzie, of Winnipeg, spent last week at the ;home of her aunt. *re. U. 40, Mackenzie. - Mr. 'Malcolm AlfaeLennan, of Barrie, was home for th,e. week -end. ' Miss Anna Mackenzie, of Toronte.' spent the, halides 4 her borne here. MO. It. Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'MacLennan aud Mr. David .Farrish visited at the lame of Mrs..Eldoa Johnson at Larder Lake last week. Miss Catharine ,Macdomild, of Gads .F1111, spea 'the week -end at her home here, , ' Messrs. iffairry and Harold ,Ilibben are visiting their brother,. Jae's_ at Niagara. ' Mr. James Crawford, of Port Al- bert,„epeat a few' days at the home of Mfr. 3o4erlek -MacGregor last week. `-illaedimaid-MaeGregonr-A. wedding of interest here took place in Red Deer Alitit„ avnen -GraCe eregor, Distressiog Headaches A Symptom of Disease Help Sant* ii.11$111thin With And Enjoy Good' Width • A Ts MOM CO.. tn. nom* woodeti 'separators is• desirable, but no • immemmoiessaeafamasseamis ' • at N't,14.iter4'honiQeet' onrirMIShseW. 03Lie 10% ina'reeZt last WednesdaY. aftereoen, The pre. Wentsliii,-T-6-mweIOY7WirsT(Tea,'” using the progirtm as % outlined in the Mk- sionary Monthly. .Mrs. 'Carmen tea - gate. read the silevodonal leaflet anti Mrs. fspomeroY • took cbarge of an interesting chapter of the study book. The ,roll eall was . answered vvith IL verse of 'Scripture containing 'the word "obey." After the benediction ,MitSS OUTTeST served a dainty lunch •and a social hour was spent An enjoyable time -wag , Spent last Thursday *hen the ladies of the 'cons gregation gathered in the basement of" Nile church and ;quilted three quilts to enelose in the bale -to be sent to needY lamilles in the dried -out areas of • the 'Wefts Arrangements were made also for the . making or cot quilts, knitted garments, ete. Rev; 'H. andlitErs. Snell, of Ethet, vislted on Sunday at the homes of the lormesst's eotteins, rs, Telford Nixon Ma titt rt.` 16, v., 01, at =Mlle `vsitesss*.:s.A....s-sToineroYssw-an took charge of the aervices on the err. and Mrs. Herb Pentland., Mr- Snell Gregor, Kintail* and the late Murdoch con eitiTellaralTiffersaresitsrer—te-8 MacGreger, became the bride of Mr. We,atfield. • David • Macdonald, son oflar. Sem [MIS and )Irs. J. W. Sowler. of Mit. Macdonald. . ehells spent Thatikagiving at thelloms of Mr. mad Mrs. John Table - AnniverCtiry, servires will be held in. Nile Church next 'Sunday, October 17. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., with Rev. L. C, weste...os, sante Woodalee, a former pastor, as the guest spepter. .cufdrills. -wagon running gears, mad , Youtoowfl1b1UtWdwith /MUM Ow CekoWlikth as lisiosstheruustirtujuu of cutuu y lista at Miiikatatt EttilY to it5g010. .to 11.021A114:«m$011alot• lottias fax leaw; anthe army of happy ouroottolitras who hays ahattlia to cluirtlearj loos ROM' Cas; Order from your ioeJ UAMCO our 1.1111:-1 e L.._ ?Ji.IU btir Ite 44 tilt ;MP 1, 1-4 f , t 4.4 $T. RgLENS . .444.44440444444 •ST; HELENS, Oct 11.—Mr. J, U. Wallace and Mr. • and Mrs Wm. Gollaber,. of Norwood; are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Thorassand M. and Mrs. W. A. Miller. Mr. Earl Anderson, of .Belgravt conducted services in the United church on Sunday morning in' the' ab- sence of Rev. IL M. Wright, who was atteadieg the Loudon Conference Y. P. TJ. con,reation at.Chatham. Anniversary services .will be con- ducted in the United church on SIM - day, October 24, when the special speaker Will be Rev. Mr. Shepherd. of Egmondville. Visitors for the Thanksgiviag week; end included Mrs. Alex. Murdie, of Toronto, and Miss Irene Woods, of Waterloo, with Mr. and .18Irs, Robing, n Woods; Miss Dorothy MeQuillhe of Sandwich, with Mr. John iMcQu1111fl; 3StEr !Neely Todd, of Stratford. with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Todd; Miss W. D. utherferd, of stirkland Luke, and Iss Muriel Hall, of, Toronto, with Mrs. 3. B. 'Rutherford. IMrs. ,Micieenzie Webb and, Miss Laurine 'Miller attended the leadership training 'class held" under the Women's Institute at Clinton this'weeks Itecent visitors in the communitY included Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Meru-. lane and son Walter, of Jameatown, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Masher. eon ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry i.VieAllister, Sohn, Charlie and lean, of Drew, with Mr, and. Vass Colin McDertald and Mrs. Dernin; . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas aritilamily, of 'Mitchell, will) Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron.' The regular meeting of tbe Y. P. U. Watt held on 'Sunday' evening. The Serialture lesson was read by Mrs. W.. Rice. The topic.. "From Sea to Sea," was read -by Isobel and Dorothy Miller. • • Women's butlitute.—The botoher eeting of the Women's Inatitute was „ ,4; MP" $444P4 , '4, i) 0 l) D St KIII N EY PILLS Nt k s Ns. 11 rvl eAck ;40' 145 ck,„ A R,HELlr",f.'` -bErt T1101J13" Wheeler, John Coates, G. !Gordon and N. Keating. Tile altar VMS artistica. , by -decorated with fortis, foliage. and - flowers • s Wedding Anniversaryo—Mr. and Mrs. W. fF. Campbell quietly observed the thirtysafth anniversary of their wedding with the forMer's sister, Mrs. Stonehouse, and Mr. R. StonehoUse of Goderich. William ftanklin, Camp.' bell, son of Mrs. Campbell and the late N Caint11iell, past Wawanosh, and WESTFIEtan WESTFIELD, Oets.12.—Mr. W. Els- ley and Mrs. J. Elsley„at Benrailler, were guests of Mr, .and Mrs. J. L. MeDowell on Sunday: Mr. Glenn McGill, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with lais parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3.11e0111. Mr.' Alex. Nethery, of Hamilton, was a week -end guest with Mr. and: Mrs. J. McGill. Mr.and MTS. W. A. Campbell and family -visited with Mr. and Mrs, R. Gardiner of Ashfield on Sunday. T. P. U. Meeting.4-11te Y,P.U. held their first meeting for the fah on Wednesday evening, with twenty pres- ent. The program was prepared by . the viee-Ptesident, Miss Jean Me - Dowell, mut MIsis Gene Cook Treaded over the meeting. The -Scripture 16S - SOU, from I Corinthiame 15, was read by Mrskfraexiae 'McDowell. Miss Mae Wightman led in prayer. Rev. H. C. Wilson, :gave the topie,- taking as his sittbject "Thanks be to God which giv- eth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." • The meeting was dis- missed with the Mizpah benediction, after which a social time was endeyed by all. , Chureh Anntiersary.,Large -congre- gations gathered at the 'Westfield an niversary services on Ounday. Rev. D. W. Pomeroy took his text in the after - ;wen from 2 Chronieles 5—"And the house which I bald 18 great; for great is our Giod above all goats', In the evening he took his text from Ephesians i2:103-:4"And -bath raised us up together," the subject being "The Altitudes of Life." • The music in the afternoori: ,was given by the 'Westfield their assiited by the senior male 1431 ttraIrt4tte,MODovrvort:: elailury-eMmtvArlx"leTh)*eilllenai,tland,littf.lekos:Yand: ler eibtliorpe of tBlyth rendered a solo. In, the eveningthe music was ren- derectsbystne-Belgrave United thumh. 3frs. Brown and the late -B a Brown, were married at the' brides home, .bomber, by ime late. Rev. Medd of. Illseter. • The' conple- were unattended. Mrs. Harry Itretsinger, niece ef the, groom, now of Florida, wasthe flower -girl and Everett brovsa, new of St. Thomas, Was ringbearet. Por some years after their marriage they lived on ferna where their fame ltilivee81; pv0801111111 y.H.enowtsstradi;Camtbepybemilol,ved, nowto farm, which 'sus lit that tinse the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cerny - bell. Their family consists of, tsvo sons and one daughter: HeWard, on the, homestead, 5111 coneeSsion, of East Wawanosb; Douglas, of the same con- eession; Winifred, at home. messeasseassaftafessemasfemaas eld at Mrs. Its-K-s.Millertssons-Thars-• 'clay utfterUoon. with the president. Mrs, Allan Duran, in the chair. Tin; roil; Call, was responded ,to with mony helpful hints, for storing traits and, vegetables. 'The teplei "Ifellowe'enS? was • in tha,rge of Mists faiildred Me- eQuilliu, who read an interesting paper telling bow Halloween briglnated and Its customs, legends and suPerotitlans. Suitable poeins were read by Mrs. E. W. Rice, Mrs. Ed. aleQuillin and Miter Maty Irwin, Lunch' was served, the hostesses being Mrs. W. G. ,MeCrosties Mrs. George Stuart and Mrs. Allan Derain, BENIVIILLER traNaptliths.a, Oct: U.—Mr. .and Mrs. ,J. C. Green, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs..,C, A. Vartstone over the week -end. • - Rev. W. Herbert, of Holniesville, 0cetWied7 the Bentoniet -Untted thurch Pulpit on tSunday-. The T. P., IL Met as **lariatont.',Stinday evening. Mr. .1. Moore, o Gotlericii, hits come to Make his' home -with lilt, son, It. S. Moore, iletrmiller.. • Mr, EL •Straughati, ot „TaTallta; 51111 Wei 110101 Straughan, o•f Kitchener, spent the 'holiday with their parents, Mr. and Ws. Arthur IStraughan. ref' I t I "Crown grand" Corn Syrup makes happy', healthy chil- dren. No doubt about that ,for doctors say it. creates Energy and helps to build strong, sturdy bodies. Chit. dren love it and never tire of its delicious flavor. THE FAMOUS ENERGY 111L104***C11;04 FOOD es 'The CIANAT* STAlEtpl: 0014PANIt Limited • 0....••••••••‘, FARMERS ..ATTENTION! WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE CALL 155 0B PitomPT s14vion Our Meti Will Shoot Om atta Disabled Animals TELEPHONE TOUR NiAltEST STATEON COLLECT ONTARIO TALLOW CO. SEAFORTH 16 EXETTS,3 235 Miss Mary Clarke,. of Toronto, and Mr. .Statley Marko, Port Stanley, Mere at the, hot* of theft .paronts, and Mrs. 'Clarke, for., the holiday. itteek.end. kilo* "God ea today does." Dnring the tterirte6 a solo, "I 00100 10 Thee," Was Very effect' i*Iy ;sung' ,Itto. *- fuer Grausten of Gotletich; a. Solo, 'often the World 'Forgets," We8,beata- Want feung by Vista 'Val:halal* Tie- Wartha of " TOrehteq 41141 *duet, "He Itnelta It Att,o wito .4room4sttety -swig keott 'Itotwe an41 Can - he choir Sang • in • sit:heti, 114 lititwn Of itightemistiteN"' At eviodog•eettrike, Mt. .1woorhoticto, took itshis tett AZ* *Atli the heart, bellereth tChto righteettotteseand wMh the tritottit .tOtifesslott Is inade 5111-' Os *Mich" (ltotitatia '100), TwO, OW". "Others; Ito iettelleoit etylo Mt, .tif (loderieb, ad *u • • 4 11 1(4( - FLLOW VICK PLAN FOR BETTER caN-'1% Rbt. OF cgt,.Ds4. . -NO Plan in each icipi P414:kdZt ''""a""""'""j°"'"""Mimrqvwsowmmd0wl""u""""w"ovvvvoftPv%"=vt.otlovovv000vvo.lv.v.v.~Iwmvrmearvraonvr""j"j"'"""s7"'"'"a"""kl""""" Ise 'Man Looks Ahead - old s why we euggeit you eite01 !jet AO W STOVE Several kinds .to th000f yrs er 'NESTERS. Yell wit etiloy 1$6VSE$101.40 tr$4011ftitts �U llL be SMES th you