HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-15, Page 2-
.rusionam uszsioNaMiixtivo!s, .
An Independent •newOp*Per PeRtehed *Very rridaY at
Ttte SUmr 404Tieet 600erleh, . and
Mated &AM 4307reu in anit Orf..
Or Otiltahl .140 par
soldresseo should he la re*
041408LEATIONS-iito) tisid that Wet et
weer- not to have their . . . , 1 .iipt4d in sAlle
the trea to tVoit Were -0 - .n, Union we see notified
be cep* we okeeiene the . - . wishes the oeteice entie
Wooed and Will "lend the Paper, for I limited *me.'
10Thirrtagan3 alheukt heliekde tY7 Xeltieteteili kttero avuef-
woo Or theillie Orlable At .Pote in 004efiett. , . • "
'rho- GodeSeh ete.i. ieceePtelOtertielaig in ite eeietatle Oa
the , ur.derataxiding that it rill not be MX* for any errer In
. any adVertiaing Pttbliehed hereundert 7;0 * Ptee( et eudh
sokoorgsenteet io %waked ii24.1flitieti -the egiverthier ,0142re....
'ttimed-to-The-etWiitbueiheee'etke signed h7,14Witratee
and with 'such errors lor wrremono plielitIT`notet1-1*-Vriting
Memo* and in thet`easet, it any erec is net - terreeted by
The Steecite *MI Obeli net exceedeach leePrOPortion of
the entire coot of such advertisement as the svelte occuPied by
oueli itdvertisement. Advertising rate* on sepplicatlen.
'Phones: Day 71; Night 84.
irriday, October 15th, 1037 •
Speaking at Montreal the other day, Lord Tweeds-,
inUir gave utterance to, ideas which, , bad, theytome
from other than His Majesty's representative in Canada;
would probably have been greeted with the cry of
"disloyalty." Canadh, be said, cannot "take tier attitude
to the world docilely from Britain or hrom the United
\ States or from sotnebady elke. A Canadian's first loyal-
ly is not to the British Commonwealth of Nations, but
to Canada, and those wbo deny this are doing, tto my
mind, a • eat disservice to the Commonwealth." 0011'
0 0, 'weeteemitte,iborwom.41,r4M141,_
. , .
V4 it, .W4Ok
iontlis after the openLng of
than,tbetown would "rote two to one
get 114 No rte, was *eked /Of an* as On*
1,40 .goto on 112$1 tut people .heYelhecelne eteuetOmed to
;the new Ondti1000 It bas !tege11410 n.10* 4nla *Kft,idirt)
gill: #711 vote against the beverage Tee* vould be Obtained,
No doubt the meml;'ere4 ef the:, Federation. exeentite
bare eeted 'trete the beet ;Of imetivefe in the egnyae *SOU
they have .pnrsued; bat the. feetretWiini that the
perance aentithent of the riding hoe heen -impotent 411 the
face of 4 eituation Which celled' Or 0431010 eetiotr,
These are views to. whiel;Canadians may rea-ilily• sub."
scribe -4e difliculty comes when one coneiders the im.-
Plicatious: If. Canada is to have her own policy in,.
ternational a.ffeirs,..how is she -to give ft .effect? it
Mother Country 'decides on some line • of action. of.
which Canada does not approve, IS Ottawa to proclaim
to the world that, So far as :this country 1.5 concerned, she...
will not support Great Britain in thatparticulaediled-1
tion? fine \spectacle the .10mpire would. present :with
:the Mother Ceuntry :pulling one vvay, Canada another,
.and Australia. and South Africa possibly. in still ...ether
divergent. directions! And- if Canada is to content her
self with simply -making secret representations to West -
Minster as to the views she bolds in foreign -policy, .she
might -About as well not have any views at all.
We sometimes wonder if those who clamor for a
strong Canadian army and navy ever give any thotight
the time when, .quite possibly, the. people of this country
may desire to use that army and navy for purposes quite
epposed to those or the Homo Government. If. Canada
is to bare her own foreign polley--as Lord Tweedsmuir
advocates -she Must retain control of 'her own • military
forces and be prepared to use them indepe.ndently.
Excellency's views are doubtless in line with the
idea of Canada as a self-governing state; but before.
concrete effect is given to them Canadians., should. look
ahead to see to what cOurses they may be leading.
sorrOmmo NOTES
• ,
Having had our squaw winter, :let us neer Ioek for
our Indian Summer:: • • --- •
- ••.• , .4vicx, •
• The Department of Education announeeS Viet no de -
dual= ,will made from school grant; because lot the,
closing oh Achoola on account et tee infa.ntile paralysis
epidemic,. :
Liquor profits Ontario for the year ending Mareh.
31st last were 884)60,800, It Ss annOUnced. It would be
interesting to know how much liquor wassold to pro-
duce thoiit profits.
R to 'be noted that all rof th.e -six members of. the
new Hepburn Cabinet .from,Western Ontario are irate the
southern.fringe of the Province, wbat ,raight'be described
•10 the Little Erie district There pig not a single
liter from the eentrai or northern portion of the.Vestern
Ontario peninsula.
- The death Of Hon. f3,.• F. -Tolmie removes one who tu
ihisAsse.2-LIL2b.A.,:mminent &surelotb in Fedeml and "i
LirttiSWICOffirhhia „•
Ye.a3;141n*-Inlirikrerfittrr,. lfirniittiertlirftret -venter
In polities, be_bod'since been a 'member of two, 'govern-
ments at Ottawa -the Union Goverament and the alert-
lifed Meighen Goiernment of 1.020. --and Premier of the
Coast Provinte. At the tinre of Phis death he was again"
member of the Ottawa iliouse for the city of Victoria.
„, •
unhine feature in
,etorebal0 'weal, 4
fact brOiltOt eut ekVilit Vitt on
Qeteher *th;. 19371 aPPrOetiniatebr,
elect*** POWAY declared, by their
ballet. 4114 their alleiiituAte .tP'the tem°
Peranee, eauselar tranSeended Weir ef-
fillatiert :with 4117 political party.
It wan 0044( Oat that Many elee-
40-Ohering in the theeteands, we
bellete, felt litat'the prospect et gigot-
ing the -oirt-and-Ont tereePeranee ,teeilt-
ta • sQ AlleektOP'..tsbilt ,NVer4
tter ;Vele „More to' 'rote for the old•
PATO eaadiaate, OPeetellsr wben nt
the laet •Mereent, SPMe UOPefut read-
justment 0'0e. temperenee issue was:
Offered. • • •
These bate, however, not 'forgotten
4°Ng• •,thet 'Promisee., Of, "fidVaneed
tteniperanee legislation" got vs in 1934;
and axe not too sanguitie wlth respect
to the iprolniSes for 1037, •
The lislugrinagnates think they have
again .dealt us another kneekout blow,
whieh will keep es' sleeping, at least,
until another election, but rin this they
reckon, wrongly, for •the temPeranee
people of Huron are -stimuli as neve
before and, ready to Strike at the subtle
pythen fiesta of the tra.tile; (Wherever
that- head. apPeara. - •''.0eung pe(ipie -3)lanno4 , to .attend, the
And this brings us -face to flu* with. coaching totem* to --be, held i� Wes -
the present immediate need. If we ley-Willis-Chureh. Clinton, on Friday,
eannet just now rid ourselves of the ‘October 15th. A• fine address on
*aerations. beverage rooms, we eau, at China w1l be given by Pr. E. C.
Wil -
least, provide for the eaStralties, who ford. It was decided to bold .tee
are already' numbered by hundreds, if next meeting On Thursday gt the' -usual
not. thOusarids. The greet outstand- hOUri. A hyme.and-,the.1%114pah
ing need is for a government institU- diction brought the 'Meeting to a close,
tiondwhich,. without flnneal Preht to On Thursday the -kpresident, Grate
anyone, provide adequate treat- -Mapititlx, will have charge.
000140's *Stir
d, 'Gbock:4000
tir 7,.,:nerrY
on Singer 4 tbe TYnited eburh here:
Rev G. Iiir.54,4 Beinnillee had elrOge•
OMth Morglag and evening.. ..Ln . the
1120n1ti* special outole was
4 *OW tinartette*eOnsietint• Of lifee0a,
ftaroll �, SOPMeei," VeWarthIli-.1011:,
jervIaand lox.* Petter. MIS* ViVa •
'PrOet.(fe #0,414 the tele; ReS 414 the ,14h-*
them. In ,tho 'evOitit... MOO iWilhel-
Thille''T-remertlia of Totento sang
sole. '-•Atr., delivered ati lmpres-
81v0 Thankegii$4,perMen. • . s
0,•••Pietee. -*Pent; the week -end
and holiday at hin'heme.la..4$etet*
'MISS *01117(ehatie TreVrAttha.„:er To.
xonto villM Misa S. Aeheell4 onUn-
47- •
* '
'Visa Xerrett, of London, wfei a
recent visitor at tile beme•of Mr. and
W. Oerbert.`"- • .
'Mel. S. Walter spent a -few days in
Goderich recently,. -
IL: P. IL NOtiepe,4Vhe regular Y.
nlooutg was held, laat, Friday,
under the" direction of Allee Onaer
bets, Missionary eonvener, An later*
eating program was presented. AIDA
'Trewartha •Tead the 'Seripture lesson.
Charlotte' Trewartha took the - topic.
An. lustumental was contributed- by
Ceiteidate InStitute krho have
adeted a WO' eePidtthlg
014 taxi' 'We brie, white blouse and
tent black Otockhics„
,•Aa the result of a diePnte OYer an
,thetr Ister Mx�. 11. ittzokrim
oeto* lot* *TIN*
aCeOnnt for relief, Councillor F. W.
‘,T.eltnatelit,•4.vho was chairman et the
.reitereenenittee, hasreeigeedr,h18 seat
iv( the, TO** IC•eanelL '
ThI).death ef 'Mary Elen'(Nellie)
0,410.4 oroogr'esldent alCifnton,'
eeenreed ea, October, .fith at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Lorne Murch. For
.,nlany • YearS 'deceased carried 00 a
OLt/g,40114tng -.1$'41$1es.S.; retiring, about
tee .yeets. ;ago.;
IfoOltal Aid s Asseciation..+The an-
,meetieg of the -Ifospitai: 'Aid As-
doeietioo was held in the Council
chaMbee, -Tuesday. evening, October
all, 'the -president, 3143 Winnifrei
O'Nell, in the. oho-. The various
committees tave Melt 'yearly reports,
after -which the. following officers were
elteted for the coming year: Mil.
*president, Miss Wirinitred O'Neil;
president, Mrs. Harald Lawson; 1st
viee-president, Mrs. NVim. Plumsteel:
et iidIand
preached at both servieea,
Men. E. efldfLU returned - to
ante at Elmire TatkiNeutiy
airier palerog. utietsre, rxtel,,g#4Totte 117 \'!ifsreni.e'•Of
Cialtedenin, "WPM.: ..:14,ie.e.,014'
la. and WS, Roy fentb..alaWIgnall:
Mguiestss6 r:tth_Alran*dlitalXran'Wrg W. R.
ing . here for some time, ,
Xrissse Nojraealt1104(4471110e111Cet ..)Qttatirallertale
Pamaymartrallene;:ohnOor m.veul",_.1400,endh' g'ii,mcross
Thanksgiving' 'guests -lot,.
.stglwitnvmoui'sn,issnirasegs7nD4Telts,::yntbnealf a vt*IguLorthocresitt:',:nrn:Cloie6olt:SpenttaL,Sroge. rot Win.
t' was r
auramT7.4.51d liviminnrsgg.;`Damya 37.fiest:tefanUria:: .' at:
small daughters, of Ramilto were
gusOn., ' '
Mr: and Mrs Cr. uturreltwaS•
Ruth -Potter. Olive -Mair
short Toadlni, BuEdn4ss. *as eon- reP"Oug secretary, MN' • el.'
(Tutted byor
, ve s
,Thp 'corresponding seeretaty, - Bliss Lucile
Grant; treasurer. Miss liatell.a WalklTh
Premier Hepburn has re -organized his Cabinet, 'which
,waS'in rather shattered condition even before the ewe-
tione, end waslurtber disjointed bir the defeat of two of
bisBtinisters at the polls. The new Ministers are most -
4.37 young men, Him: Eric Cross, the new Minister of
Municipal Affain3,.being "only •thirtrthree. The notable
exception is Mr. MactIride, the new Minister .01 tabor,
who at sixty is the oldest Member of the Oebinet with
the exCeption Of the Hon, Peter Heenan, who is siltty-tWo.
The Various sections of the Province arc -represented.
Western Ontario having six !Ministers -Pros of Midi-
onand-Norfolk,, Dewan oi Oxford, Gordon of Rent, Mae-
Wide f BrantfOrd,• Nixon of Brant, and. the ?reinter him-
self, who representa Elgin.
Aecordieg to the Classification given by The Toronto
Star, live members of the Cabinet are lawyers ((OM: Co*
-11104-7-larbyr4Ledue-4nd_ MeQuetten), lone' are farmers
(DePhurrar,__Nixort and MO), one. (Canitkell/W
* mining engineer, one (Gordon) a inannfattureri One
(Heenan) 10eMnotive engineer, vrhile Mr, MieDride L*
a printer, and Dr. 141141)04ra Is the sole eePreeentiOve-et
the Medical profession:
Six of the ldinisters are members of the 'United
Chnieh, Ahree are "ItAMIIII Catholics, two are Pteabyteri
Ian, and One ea.& Anglican, Baptist and Evaegelical.
alms, like most Govertiments in Ibis ernintry, the new
et)abliiet is representative. It will be judged, eat
bY Ate Various elatsitleation.s in reSPeet to creed, Tocatton
alut <Abets things, but by its administration, of the affairs
-of the Provinet. It looks like a strotOr Cabinet time
.thet whith was formed in 103.1, and some of its membere
be"ke. bad experienee which should enable there to avoid
erne of tthe mistakes of the last three fears.
. ,
(Irrim The Windsor :Star) •
The more one sees of autocracy, the more he must ap-
preciate democracy, despite admitted shortcomings of the
latter. if all the nations of the world lived under a de-
mocratic system of gorrnment it is safe to say there
would l no reason for anaintaining a League of Nations
and that a- major war would be next to irepossible. Na-
tions, then, 'would settle their little arguments -and most
of them. are little -dust as individuals in democratic
eountries settle their little arguments now -by discussion,
by arbitration or through recourse to the courts.
shave ;.eonveuers of committees -sec a ,
Mrs. r. Thompson; sewing, Mrs. XL
ntz'simons;•..1'121:ting, Niro. Monteith;
buying' Mis. T. Herman; membership,
xts„. L. 'Heard, After the meeting
the members of the Association were
entertained at the home of the hon-
orary-president,.Mise W. O'Nen, where
a :social hour 'Wft's enjoyed and the so-
cial committee served a cup of tea.
%.11.Wksrla, tatir•marir,Pr''
There are`sopre prim eflltllIlQDS
. . • —
Mr. J. Cameron and eon Evana, of
Toronto, spent the weekend a.t the
home of the former's brother, Mr„
John Cameron,
'Mr Laurance 'Fowler, a Detrot
was a Thenesgleing guest of his sla-
ters, Misses' F. aud /,4.„ •
Mr. and Mrs. rt Buand family
of London., were Thanksgiving guests
of Mrs Burt's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Baker.
Misses Helen and 'Grace -
of .-Detrolt, are h
Miss Elizabeth Cameron,
Miss Elva Dewar (returned. to To-
vinta_on_Baurd_ay_After •filYendiag leg.
M .1
rs, ./axid.,,Dewitr,
air. and urs. Fer6son, 45 -rut -
don, spent the weekend with the lat-
ter's mother, Mrs. M: Ferguson. "
- D. Prentice, Torsstor was
a 'ilhanksgiving guest of her niethei-,---
Mrs. W. ‘1. Stinson.
Mr. Gilbert .Enight, of Toronto,
spent ThanItsgiving at the home of
Mrs. F. QGemeinhardt„ On his re-
turn home on Monday ire was aceom-
panied by Mrs. Nnight and two child-
ren, who had spent a few weeks with
her mother; Mrs Gemeinbardt.,
;---Oct. 12."-rrs. l#S54-
iii taken, but 'the cost,' t work is undero , the patent Ia. DONNIC134001C,' Ocl.' 1.4: -.;--Thi- Y.P. hallasThanksgiving guests Rev. F.-
Prohibitive'and• The distances too great.. S. of .1)ennybrook,,,United church held II. Patel of East .Windsor and Dr.
Si, an -tiikoo-mion of too-,:confide/Ite its-first-:meeting,Of,,the seasononFrit_ and, XV. E. P. Lewis of Toronto. Mrs
placed 'Int tit. 1)1 so many of the tem- day evening,. MISS - Jean Robinson Woods •aeComPaniea- Dr..and-IirS7 Levy-
perattce eleeterS of Huron, I Pal*Peae' presided. The lesson was read bY is ontheir retUrn. to Toronto, where
to ',rake -up this phase of the problem miss Trete Jogetoot and *Rev. 03. O. she will spend two weeks.
witla--ther inlet of the Province. I ,wilee11 gave the topic. Miss* Donna Mr. and Mrs. Hyderman and. daegh-
shall, if Other Conditions do not inter- Ar trong gave • a humoroes reading ter, of Stratford, spear Thanksgiving
vene, otter to go to New York and Othel and Solos were sung by Miss Jean Pay at. their cottage.
centtes to gather .statistics 'and detail/A; Campbell and Miss Bessie Moss. The Mr. and Mrs: L.. • H. MeLesid and
regarding the lateSt and best measures meeting was closed 'with the Mlipah family have moved into one of L.
to be 'taken, and :respectfully ask him benediction, after which Rev. Mr. Wil- Thernson's houses, lately vacatedby
to relegate a sulhelent 'part Of the J1 son conducted eontests and games. Mr. and Mrs. Beacom. • •
quer revenue millions to, the equipping The W.M.S. of Donnybrook: church Miss Rachel Taylor left last week
of an institutkin for the treatinentand will meet at the home of MES. Joseph to visit her -niece in Varna before go -
rehabilitation of the many unfortun- Obamney on Thursday of this week ing.to !Toronto and Detroit, where she
ates for whom the beibif has already at 2.80 p.m: Will Spend the winter.
become a (14sease, and Who are Of -There was no Service here on 'Sun- MTS. Dayl(l Dewar has returned to
themselves hopelessly helpless. day, but several attended. the annivev. her home here after being the guest of
. This worthwhile Objective would, in saty servides at westilekt ' • her daughter; Mrs. E. Rehn, in De-
o measure,. express My thanks itO DIY: Mr. Oraerne Ohamney is working at troit.- '
lea) voters, 'its well as to the ether his grandmother's, Mrs. John Mills'. Di. Wm. Tillman. an sons, el Lon -
thousands of truly temperance people, yfr. and Mrs. Sam Jefferson, of don, spent Thanksgiving Day at their
who thought it best just now to vote 3111ditay, spent Subday at the home of cottage.
otherwise,: but who will join with US MTS. C. Jefferson. Messrs: ,Tames, Jan and George
entInttlastically in furthering , this Mrs. Cunningham and son Wallace Sterling have returned to their homei
present' great need. motored to TOT011t0 for the week -end. at Pieldord, ' Mich., and Mrs. 01411V-.
In the meantime, to you, Ur. Edi' MISS Jessie Moss, of tioderioh, spent ford to her home at St. Iguace, IVIich.,'
X0rUrre1119 Sillaieeren' IY, " VISMItred. aTnedlaMtivret Theerde Ationiiss,unodfaTy.oront.O, -union here. Mrs. Loree and
after taking part in the Sterling re -
tor, and electors of "Huron, the week -end at her home here.
. Alier.KAN-Tdolt MOIR.
(From The Moncton Transcript) -
The era of atteMpting to control agricultural produc.
.tion has passed in Canada, but the idea still persists in
the United. States, and Secretary. Wallace and the De-
partment of Agriculture are faced with an over -abundant
cotton crop with urmatishaetory prices, Last 'under
somewhat FAMilar cireumstances, the price of cotton was
supported by the Government, but the Supreme Court held
the Federal act tunder which restrictions were enforeed.
was Ultra vires. As it conselpfence of the artificial tlgt.
prices, (South America and other countrie plunged into
'cotton production and 0 is tO be suggested thisils one of
the. reasons for the over -supply noW.
errom The Ilrandoe Sen)
,Some years ago a party piceicked on the slopes of
Helvellyn, •England's highest mountain ; In a thought -
leo; way tbey strewed the cartons and wrappers and
waste around the beautiful spot. An oleQuaker quietly
rose, gathered All the litter and plaetet it under a to*.
from whence it wee invisible. The party saw or fett
the delicate reproof and seemed to oak °more from the
tine old gentleman and he reSpoetled.; "X like to leave
Native as God intended."' Some of his listeners have
not forgotten the lessen. ' is Worth remembering by
Parties who eareleasly and as thotightleesly spell many
beauty spOts, over the world: 'Others, selfish, indifferent
and wilful people Trite .zeitr seeele glories, need more dras-
tic lessow. . • -
OW.0140 3vhere tw'
:(ricorn The • _Hanover *oat)
Why should, the Province be puttikiiihe' ,efigge.
of the wedge into the purely ounielPal crmain't We
bare .reason* to believe:Ott the next step. will be to ex-
tend ProvintUd. dominetioir over the *dreg. system, and
that the :Weal voice will Oe:lost.herei iask it was in' other
mem' $ehool[boards today, are little. 'Wore thort.rubber
atampe, cierying out a 00110 laid. down for thent 1*TO,
Tonto, and they thaY eeett 100e Sterne' .wf tilts .41tat0.2* ' Of
coarse, it won't be done 'collie be bluittly se‘that, but the
trend is tdviard -the- Province *yin* a treater 'hate Of
the tost of edutation, and it. Is that 1.11* matt
wboIX4a, the piper the tune. 'Mouicipalitiett• ere
ourtendernig their rights, One after another, betiese tiler
are being reliettel cif financial butderie. We fionietimes
wonder If they 'should' net demand More local,autonamy,
and thet the Provinte, indeed of "eorrierine all fields'
of taxation, should no open up this revenue...to the •Muni-
Emphasis On the quality of Canadian
bacon as it is eventually to retteh ten
miniot breakfast. tables • in 'England,
Wales, and Scotland will eharaetbtiOe
the Porcine exhibits at the forthcoming
'Royal Winter' Fair and promises to
reelie them of More than usual inter-
est, .far beyondthe circle' of the farm.
,The recent healthy expansion in num-
bers of ilnest types of animals among
many new and younger 'breeders will
,ee apparent'in the Pens, if the earl/
entries at the Royal bikes at Toronto
form/ a fair indleatton:
Berkshire a ataraworth hogp will
etteh be . e1ion in nineteen Main
Classes 111 wl4eh 01‘1,te4 op, to 425 are
ered. • • .
A ,Oritisk, ragri7ehallenge--ettp-ler
the ehampioni:Bertahlre Pik Or • the
ollow is one of Gte featuret. The
l';trothou'r • 4,14,1ke , trophy, htoorn,
hitherto as ;the 'fialushury, cup, that
was ;Avon, ontrIght by *rine in three
eenfieentiVe"*tars by ./oe. -11, Bred:tour,
Burford, hes .been re4loilatett•hy Min
for .annual cionPetItion' at tile ItoYal..
under, the fOoper eenditions. This
is awarded fgr the hog, *Web by ac-
tual test yields the best
of& Or`boteon tritimell 'in the way
flavored 14. 0:frith& 'blotters of CM*.
ditto 2ttlY9114% now -internationally.
knowlL- as the ViltShire-ent side or
iliteh. ,Ovet. ninektAve_per .etet. 01
Get Rid Of The .
Cough That Sticks
Don't Let It Settle
In The. Bronchial. Tubes
.Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine
Loosens The Phlegm and Mucous
Dislodges Accumidations
.Wallis have .gorte to`.Porr. Elgin with A• T. MILBURN CO.„ LTD, PRODUCT
EeL E -P' N TALKS )1,*
, The reset of last *week's polling In Heron 'should give
eoMe toiteerti to the Huron TeMperance" Federation and,
trona' for reconshieratim of the course It has PUrstied
.1u the! few years. early of the figures of the votes
floolled in ;the *Orions, MUnicipalities indicate) very Plath1.1*
that the 0100;os-that is, the great majority of '
veld little attentiett to the endorsation of theVeMieevatite
tatilidetebi• the Federation. As a Matter.of feet. Di i Tar -
'Ion 110110 000 fewer votes than did. Mr. Elliott. the Coutier-
vett** kalidicitte Of 1034. Mrhaps this IS not to be WOtt-
&rod At when .the fFederation, after passing its resolution
•eedositieu at ,the eilaton ineeting, did nothing to etek.
up Ito reetonniettilation, if it was Werth while to endorse
tandldate, it Was surely: worth while get Out And do
soniethi4 to Impress upon the electors the adViSabilitY Of
iletting that tendidate, 'Reiond perhaps a. little PtiVate
tattsrnatilnigy end evidently not 'much of 00, 00 Pedera-
tiOn. did nothing. If it he sold that the ondidaturc.. 'of
,Ot.. Wit oontitcot the Isquo, it mast be Said alSO that the
(AtratiOn eXeetrtivo did nothing to cleanup the sittni-
4.1/2te tar us, ttre Mteratioil was ten(*.reed,, the el4.,
ofttturou,,,Avho admittedly are tt!, diarge ano;lority
,table tetnperunce lecastiresr-tWere without pildOtte0 I
itt t•,h0..electiou extenPt for u legolution .posied At; toot,
from .the ',manner Int whieli It Was taIledr was
t• reprosenttitive of the 044*
t Ito l'iMetation 1l ever ettr *gain hove
Sitc (#00ittUnit$ to 'Strike a tloW for the tOre,
cense itt •thie, elittraff.
mny be Well, ;41Se for the Vatililion. nsit
cotiactt too ottelt With. loga
- In 'CiAis coutty*, 'Mao, to, (101t4 .011'
collation' or tbe ftocttivoi 1
tstrotog, tlie (northing 0
14,04tnent 1)00`00406 lt,00f* 4t, I
Id ':(Woonnty 1,15f ASK* bettrar.,i ri
. .
.(:0'01i the litOoditock aeuttnet-Iterlew)..
utimbeir Of candidates throtIghout the trovinte
eepted in. wholo,ot pot the ,Ontario Temperance Federa-
tion's tainifeeto; but as that organisation, otor*.vos, dal*
lege bed not. totreiltd * list. It la' not ft*sibl. At the moment
to analyie intelligently the ,election 1,0,010, 10'r:elation to
the beverage toe*,
It lie Itete*Ottat that &throe te*ted candidate ;sr.
dototil bartho oonnot tederatiOn,and also in Independent
•rttening,on the '".taty" •tleiret, tint returned loom* 4atiiatt.,,
Liberal. , , . • ,
aottowtitt teatit took blot 11004.0rUcet
'except that the aberat tatinben-elett 1* more acceptable
to the'. tettpotatot ottotolutlotk
the', abet Wt-ifteen, Ottatfo .000' *Mat was
formerly Attidefthe, (*nada Temperance Aet, tte1ette4
Peel eliangetl bett)o to a ConeerVatiVe IAA it la doubt-
ful that the liquor issue
'Orinee UtWttrt1-1.4enliOI, *here TOmbW,IterWerinan,
Metal, &tithed te.tiv* 11}0 p1ces asked by tlie4011310er•
once organisation,. but .expressecl Igrestif lta peraenally
itt favor of a referenelitni, the ;elector* chose dieliburn,
Centervotive, • •
111 WhldsOT,'Ifl41i11t It. 8, titod(h president of the
()Mario Tenaperaneo 'Mteration, ran tiv tandidate
anti: was badly delVated, ".
'There As little ground'for belief that any grettr-riunv
bet of voters Wiltilesert. their ,poily- on polling diy in
order to prottvt ototinAt toot l*slotiott, bowevot .atrong.
ly the Issue =rotty 1* otaimasitoa by teiniVatu0 eriani*,
tiona. history althiAt tIrtifernitto the con.
tut, and Oxford, In thls, cOetIon aitfotkta ono, Woo,
outline* • • ,
ti*itietkitoxibutt,. tow tontinitett Itt °Mee, hos
ised a threeIneti tittpto. 'Control Moira dIgir
'Ilticoree (tom party polities* station whit -ht. even 1
ion of noWspopers friendly to the .0evernment" toot '4
velopeti 404* *Woe% Both leader* In public *Women
Itare giten treeitoto„ to ooriPortO$ 'who* touttillotto
ie ti*m to P000* 1:60400101 or otherwise tokea ethn.
out thlkt, 01 tIttir tiot,ifit,* on ft* I'm* it is
refore, '0,1* su4•AiM o .44ate next**foto
n'antftkor futruberot tVeciall$ kille494 Ifo• hoi
Irigilt here, Mwriel.- tu
Don „„ia "ratii,_yseat.V11;t60.1vIlalo:teee,r geoalels Zyteulieriptitaael'ay
-send, than, hoirne no !.
l‘aunonvit1=11-sitlelottlwice, for storiies anicooldes.
y aftrnoPli; when th, ethearive taateoternitiaonuseusuboaila.
is UBt
S°IgIttlkairt inauireillett:oawther doesn't worry, . .Stte
511 g lawnet aline ana then, eallg up Aunt.
sun. aen:of the thin' gs that inakes tite
°--.11'Can 1001' atkosety and suo ch a lot -0f work
litts.:VittOu IN° ,
-Z4 • itata be without it,
'Coniacla'S badlnk eXPOte Brltrell
markets ander the MOM* eigteeinents
hove been sides" and.
the trade fOr1081 Ito expected to • teath
a total of nearlY .200 ,pounds,
valued at 0420411y $36011ion.
Interesting feature or : the bacon,
type tarcasa competitiOt4711.1 that the
animal* will Slimily oilluaged Aar'
der the, iteW. *Tete** IcneOrtt as "WI
ii.101ng," the essential point of which
is "that ston*tras. depend .ort retailer&
requirements of the meat rattler than
on. the shape, *are,. fern* or gait •Of
the porker on the" hoof, this
speet vat* agricultural iMustrf Ando
in the annual- totnpetition at the 11,o5rio:
the .ceatrol link. of mint-
oeua ilutsrale, and govetkvidet-
takings to eXtend •,Catiadian export
trade: The Pair dates are Novel*,
ler tiothilith inetasive.
UtOltd$Z, Oet 12. lasS‘
eiVattlitt,01 Ilipissingt was
tome. for That1kis41*1ng week -end. *
Siiss Grace. StaeNtatit spent the week,
end in London, •• ,
Mr. and Mre: ,Ilorlend Gloster visited! ,
*tires in * eOnarainity ome-r the.
r. tbit, 'Atti 3.* iferhert Were
gueSts in :Moorefield' for Thanksgiving.
Mr. Cheater (1,tirg bas returned to
lititnipton after *Pending Itla **cotton
t The bOthe of his parents* ifr. _and
hirs. It. Ati .
Mr. end Niaoltatit
obit Mat Wdlldlttg anti
on TtutukgivIng Ny.
itttabor .of girIs itsoittitkt at
of Treivartint
An•erdOyable One *as..
the afternoon the giriM
*Po' litiktY (hitt. hoWtohe
`hoiret of Ititcheo articlea
- who 10*. iitow ta
ate* for re
moire' are snrri4n
'hw cente * Ail* ,
a ord to bo.witho