HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-08, Page 8E • itt:10; Otober 0; Rer, MX:: 1,04 •chureb., on Shlidor Civni alnilveristrY ierViees of ehnsen. wIL[ be Allossimber , • *OW 1,401.0 Okings 0.04+At4.4-440 Out' gaol •veltvo---,:nite' 40.4104,S. r4";,40411.4.0, i)140 X OX, held. ossi(sisu, assay 011.s,s4turtlayt1 •wit•S nett( , Artsn'tite residence of his is,41,. st'InstOr watt, •ConsessiOn, 130 'tiudett, TUSsis 4,44, 'artor004 'and witO at. IPSiossi, „Asst. Nic 4,, •Slatuittrer, ut '.11,soutitislhoto United churels, iu pitlibeirerti were lloward ltribert•- .0,ots,„LLU1t•;stioth,019104. gong:ktin.lo. 41et " '1144fMAI„, Ocorge .101ti1ste1s- -Anti ilisbAutt weterson. Interment syni$ lal "LW* -eeniercry.- jostles itowatt,'ri 41a, ..44tAattS i1ow.44.t.• told 1:411,o4 1460, • srOs Win in 1,3urfard township Mareh 044 and dine to this Olstriet. With • kis parents ut 'the age of elgiit .yetirsTAtt* 6ett,Lett 011 einWton i, 11.01OLV. 'at% Howatt lived • until , some loartkert years ago, When he caine - --Itisteivath . lie fanned all Ids ltre, Ills • wife -Passiiii- 'Ova? twenty:three ;mini age. 'Surviving are •use sof, ;Wilmer two.: sisters, Mr. .Trannas' I0WlC11, Sasktitslicivan,. LUL litos•tleorge liowatt,. Auburn"; onebro. ilowatt, Indian lioad, •SitaSk., 44t1 three grandsiltildren, (Helen, • Ilunnie and • Gordon ilowatt. I: L.IN,iectingosal'he regular meet - *rig of. the Young People's Union- of. Vito* 'United church was held on • Stasiittas.--erening, L1ISS 16VelYn •••vieeprissident, conducted the de: 411.4mer.4.41WP,a0...,POnt itt.e-1targe-4fttitv--prir yotti?-,TTITArb-rs.ls :104 46.v. H 4J. Wilsen. Tim 'tople, "s osis, to-:Itssiverit War • And- PtOSIOte) Irtrre," prepared. by 'Fronk Washing - 'link was read by• Miss Ruth Straugh- 1311ss lia Craig, presided: at the , • , Itlithday Celebration...7. and X.-Tnylor entertained in honor of SiAlcuble itirtiukty celebration on Fri- ' dv everting.., Titosses honored :were. ''ssisS•Siaississis‘iromsess „ 1V*Ltt, wilo *404,01)8f044 hig her aVrentieth birthtb.)7,1104,USrioh 1oaIi'tirStylor, oneleitisoid,•tlotighter, 0 31r. .and'' Mrs, Gerdon, Taylor, •4;,31rs, vro.iatt;- formerly Oertha. CO. niugliatn,'" the daughter ot Rae Vera Virilliani-CunnIngham, won 'born in Ntirtirumberiand •Otillty When, Yettng, ,She,. Cate ,to -Colborne townsitips,"where she received lier edtl. 'fatten at No. 3 .schoi;11„, The, fit10114.' later •-,0),0v01, togederleii; -Sias lintrried to W, U. wit,t,tt, • who apair('d 44i).' tett Years -40, since which tune 3114). Nrslatt l'?•!(4 )$itott, .ber niepe. 1,trs, 1. • 'Ilityl'or; hobby 'has beett hooked mats and Patelted qUins, hnd her work on .thene IA 'very rem:10001e. M.--VVY•iltt- and '-Dwvid •Ountirnghitin" are the ,only members. let of a. family Of ten. Mrs. Tityibt serveda eltielten dnner to following guests: -George Rutledge (ihetylotir Years of age), father of Mrs. Taylor; Mr, and Mrs. Robert :Rutledge, 'West .*Witsvanosh; Miss Stella Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs, it,oss Harrison, Douglas and Litlyd Rutledge, Gederieli; ,IV. AndMrs. m. thtk,_Detroit; Mr, Anti 1111,- Lloyd Itaithby and Gordon, Illyth;,N,fr. and Mrs. George. R. Rutledge, Mx, And .Mrs, David "Cluniinginuni Brussels; Ur, and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. and Marion Joan, Auburn.. ' • • Garden .P.td 'Canning The JHE PRIVATE LIFE OF AL S YOM-daiet %vast o4titi4otts lessitfir. *ltd. FREE METHODIST .14.111 •CHURCH' '(0000 Centre) SUNDAY, OCT. 10th. 10 a--Oinotlon connitOon $0•50 ton tub red0(14. , 11 a.nt,1-4Fiutoieet, "After the Bice-, tion, Whitt of the •Ohiirchr, retUrned mIsaIoizitJ frem India •Will speak, 4 TailitSDAY, . P.1111.-'aublect, 4s.Chrlstian Like a .Paltn. Tree." Is the sixth In the series 'of 493fble 0hartteterS tinier Tree, and 'Like *trees."' 1k4.0tise, friernit,, welcome, OM W.4 C,OWHERO,Titsto, Garden and Canning .chss oto the dis- trict held Its "Aehieventent Day" in \Foragers' Hell 011tituiIaY.---"11,iefkt was a splendid attendance., Miss, Viers Dumb', Dunitinnen, Called the tell. which svias crew/eked by "How 1 in- tend to hrtprove • my garden next • Canis afidt",111%efitittlr -.Stranglian zeitt!"• Sliiss Mary -Taman Spoke' on witdritIgasivcr,Snell',3444frIgis,4**thliotst, StratfOrd Fair„, Olive 011 canning tomlatoes, Ian* INICLeod, rigricultural repreSentative. Clinton, gave a talk oil ."110* to insfirdVe tile exhibits of ..segetablea for next, year's tail fairs." This wits very ,practical. Miss Flora .purnin gave the Standing of 'the ipso° •eluWo !atm "Marjorie Toll% group, 71; Betty Asquith's Orono, 60; Norma Doer's growl), 51. Miases Eleanor • WilsOrt, Roth Strain- ghttn, Marjorie Toll and Elsie Snell received the -certificate for the differ. ent projects. , Pins Were presented to 'the members couipleting the course : MISse.s Edith Stoltz, 'Norma Doer, Marjorie Toll, Elsie SneU, Mary Tam- an, Ruth Straughan, Eleanor Wilson and Plorenee Lawlor. Miss Norms Diller gave an, interesting Paper on "The Storage of Vegetables." TYBURN, -Oct;.--2.--131x. and Mrs, NV . Medd, floderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rollinson--___ , 44' 1.1141,40, walk(' it 5tik. nR0.4,144$401S,Y, 0-9144 ,t4P4 SS.r.A.s4 isuisiistot t,4440h1,4*OOkii4 fte4K. ,r10 rP3r-51-AllP ,'"1.414 OWt orvakiqa-tma.r-itrititOs. tis4-1,4/10,r, )..v.)4e1ri1 oirr Osie,q,-91r7.6 -rak, p. 4114, ... - EAP:'4=', 1. ;..”4 4qa.y4,11/4 40, vsfaS.1 • nR.I.h..• Foos -rot siisissicss-Ots zamPA•145,,JItt.gotvicacs. ,...10z..-441 $$ Stisoos ?is -nos silkste . 1401AS 01k-er.4444-,,w.0 PiSH titP1Ai 0.0-'404BES. Arrilisot, •UP.1i; 1UL. 1404t5 94 (tiviAVOctt• CoOsera Pet,Pg.tz.. ,..Kot4ty • StgiVir4so• , ,,e.1$11EL. mks imAquiRivro *-P.4kY. fork A. PIR of Siiors sr" SICOMent .11. be, Mupnoed ritlif tbls' yes:, ,ovelng to Mie, less of tli,•roe.vvvelie du* wwt sebnobeelooed diiing the Sprerot Infantlie paralYe* .104' .0eptethhe At a &meeting of the oahnOt, toorirC4t, 'Vie** school ',on Weonday. night :the .ipritatitialls, Of Ventral arid"- .V*Wria• •'.801efehs' were Inf4frootod to arrange for tbe• diStrihntion o M00% -Olut" priZet, ,co11r1aeneenle0 •OX0PciseS; ,11,441re on an •intitittrtiOn •fOr. ,rintnY-YgarS, baY.0.1"ravided an:011PortuAitY for. fond parents and*,,,filends, to gather to 1)1101,4 ijoy' aid 010 ..r0080,"fe• awards in recognition 'of thelr ehoht- tic 'PrOwt,O:ss .PrograMn al - are by the, :ehildren at those4.4ftiuction'S. . . At the ,racoting, on 'IllAranlay night. 'Prins** KlioolclePoh."..PePoSted...4.,.10-41• ' enrohnent of 207.0 Central School:and PAnciPaf StonehouSe an enrolment of 357 at Victor% School. the paipit Of KnOYCPreshyterian: oil. ;Sunday. Ter. A. M. Boyle, -,4444 .,.. ,.!4,Nerg(>•,,..0, louvoo.,Actoxs. POT1.0$1: ,04.ti,IP OF :/901144/A OF . for outtaible ,ler . light .hotisogeoping, - ....ttle, one mile west ,ot .AnkUrit• , ,co' • ' e . ' d - ' -",'o thelate. L frOW " ' . ' : ' ' ' ' i i, ' vo . witi,194. outt,roa. matt. '. 4-' .... - '40' att farm, ° . ' _ - 104149%$4 ,#,TX0F.. . ' , .56• ' ..,gcNc,4X, OCTOBER 11 t104nthe folowingliv•./. „ uono11 • 100 uo4d. of cattle, 0.0.' steers and 50 60 • ' • 'holfors„. yeariinsa and, two-feo,"-o140,. FQR *or of stocker tiow's -These are • ..'breeSIY. jet. Of 0414 'ail -Hereford:1SL ' .Apfsca,T tb&„ 1,10 *1Y inducted, minister' will •- - -7- '--PrSilehl..-next aandaY. - • ".1"010;ommisaisor AcCoplul, SePt, 20s---80Verarladiet _ '' ' "' of the Alnited 'Church Women's. gis- attended the sectional jur-P.,- - • .- ., .- 4, C. „,.... .. . ?(Illeelcs .air 1.V,Ibitegbitgeb,- Par. IC,,e_a..,sionatry 4,$oeletY• .1 1:100,ey,,McGce1 Dr. B. v. -iWeir.,Miss, veal •Metean,:,Of:Wilfgliatn, ithtt 44.W•V. Meeti,4',14'001,1riell on TuesdaY. The Josephine Weir, Edgar Lawson. and I. C. Gregg. Orthiertile, all Of Malt. reernigg devotional period *as in W. T. Itiddell were in Strathroy 0111 laud Prelb$forY, .antliVred Werr 'idol charge of the Auburn Auxilittry.., Wednesday. ' 7 - • " .,1 Dr. Wardlaw Taylor:of. (GoSeri •, arid John Naegle, of „Goderiell. a former •. , . ')Sortie from here attended 'the nom- Rev, A. At.- Boyle spoke, Bev. D. I. resident of Auburn, Called on friends inationS -at Whigham OA WedneSday, Lime Oise(' •Ifftis, prayer.: here on Monday; • • " ' --- - ' Mrs. Is. Wainer Is visiting Mrs7".lohn Daer in littliett' 'Miss Mart, AtquItli has been is Goderich • hospital ,Imving her tonsil semoved. ; Reg. Asquith has returned. to Queen's Untrersity,' Kingston, pur sue his studies. . • Garth Rice, fortnerly of Auburn, won the tennis championship at Ayr. I iMiss •Margaret .ging visiting itt Goiletich'.with her grandparents, Mr., and 'Mrs. Albert ,King. inni Mrs. ;Melbourne' Cox, Wit0 haie been living in Mrs. Lansing's • honiee, have rtreved. their household 'effects to Goderich, where. Mr, „Coxlma secured employment. , • :Mrs. McKenzie, Wart FralleeS, has returned to, her home after visiting her sister, Mrs. William - - It. D. Munre. MI's. M. Moore and her daughter, of Vancouver, visited /Mrs. Kelly,'Terontc; Mr. and Urn., X. McKinney, POrt Oen ; Ken. Carter, friends in NVinghant on Weilitesdity'::. A large auetlon Sale of iniplements and stoelt •WilS held` on Toesday slast the farm lantes Webster. 13th sattessAon • of miliett. wns 11 vly althinigh the voices Were not as o gaNir.•PRO-Pltrinfsas • ,•, ,411.1'.eoFnor ,‘$t. Patriekki and • TE1tats.,_.0401,• Waterleo streets. All Conveniences.- '54-6 • T.•Gin`ipiRT. akuotl,94ter4- „ ApPtr 1143r$, .4 -HA office* , „at- • . h and 511114' Norman Ueltri"' The 140.00)rge* 0010 %Mr. - and Mr. Wm. Monteith and and Mrs. Harvey Detreit. ,t'uotsrai of the lute .Ge,orze Henry Ban Margaret, .of Stratford visited with XT. AFL Mrs. Oa Erratt,' • Mrs. (Re'.'.) Zelgler, Gederich, Is visiting. Mrs,. Egkert „."Ysingbitft. . WjelnOrgnirate Orontn,Asists. Mrs. A... C. Jackson• and Misses ..Litatt,e .3:lase line, Hiiliett, who passed away aod Laitia .Iteksoni. Goderlell. visited 'Thursday fllgllt, WAS hOld' rom his ivlth -Mrs- Barxy-4a-r-ler- -- • ssEathers-sIstal.lt- tkcj., Sask., is visiting Iler-grari„ tipareet.OS-- Mr. and Mrs, John Syrnington. Mr.sand Mrs, George 311111an ents tainecLort Friday night for Charlie and Evelyn:. An snjoyable., evening "was spent. • - There are several einpty houses in Auburn at, the present t inte--sometiiing that had not been the \ case; in-2muliF Years. The house belonging to the late •George .1lowatt was put tip for sale by auction on. Thursday,obut was not sold. • While sesVing, in his harness shop this week Lloyd Ferguson` ran a needle* clean 'through his right .hand. It required medical attention. Y. P. Union. -The regular ineetiug of the Yonng People's Union of Knox 'United .eluireli was held on ,TueSdas evening, , .Miss Evelyrt. Plaetzet WAS in charge of the. meeting, Iter. R.. C. Wilson led In prayer. Miss. MAilei aftlAnotin and WAi in.rM4.64, attona,vt:=:*-"Li-333.inr 1?-1416-Tit't 'the service. The., *ere Percy and Warren 'Olishings„ Norman and George Wright, Herbert 'and. Fred Interinent was in Bali's .oemeiery. George Henry • Ball, "who WAS in his seventy-second, Year, was -the son of ,._3'„Olin and Sarait :lane Ball and WAS born April 1866; on the -farm- on whish'he nasSed away, lot 1, 'Maitland This farm had been In the family froui the time William 1301, senior, lantled -In this eOuntry rborit -1850. (He was edneated °at No. schtiol. Farming Was his life work, On ;lime .n.o. 1896. he ,nsarrieci Miss Annie 13edfbrd. Ile was a always ready to help those In need ; good neighbor and a kind father. This is . the first i?I'PflIT. - his own immediate family of eight bro- thers and sisters. (Surviving are his wire and • one sori. Leslie, of Landes- boro Another son' died at the age of Straughan favored-% with a piano in 'eight fnonths. Brothers and sisters Arthur read t le .Scripture, Vivian „ Strtimental. Mrs. II. C. 'Wilson givr.e . a splendid talk mi. "Labrador Cru- saders," Wending 4 short history of tbe early life of Sir Wilfred Grenfell high as was expected. The farm . not veld. • • A traveller on his way to 1.,ortdon driving along the north road'. hear Italtliby's on Tuesday tiarrowli ped bail neeldent when the back are, Eliza Jane l'ifrs* G. 'Clinton.; , Mary.. (Mrs. Gibbings), LucY DisSid Wright), Goderieli township: Evince May . (Mrs. Wesley 'trodden), .11ullett ; John Edwin of° TuckerStuttli, and Aucrloisi ts.A.m.,, OpARiu .TOCIS-. 1 eemliti00, with stable, 0,011.1414 YOUIIG 1701-11NNET, sl>unfiannon 1)-; 0+4 05-00X Lot ;2. c°11' *st."-Wa.wraP'°,44A° WgOND8DAY, Cr -1:. 13th fii.XsttAXY.MPI) ARUM, - • '‘ . Iiouse in also live acres of land. JAMES IVIZI by pahltc .austion at. W. haf ULT.F.T$ FOIt 011 .6A14."7-. SINGLE sommencing et 1.00 OOT. ° Mr. and -Mrs. liant ton, were, visitors ...With, Mrs. jelin Arthur 'On'tionclay„,„ , MISS Dorothy Craig ;wag home en,: Sunday from, Stratford General, 'Ross pital., • - ' A. Conservative rens; was held in Foreatertr ffall• on Tuesday 'night at which Ilarry Logan, Conservative can- didate for iHuron-d3ruce, Dr. Hobbs '148,Ylor„ ConSetvative . stanAard-be,arer for 'South Huron, andColonel Williams of Tot'onto snake., • Dies at Wadena, Sask.-rWord hag been ,repeived here of ,the death in Wm:Jena, :Sask., of xtifj. M. O., Pa_ cr. fornierlY Miss Isabella geott of .114,. n11- ett township. She Wits 1%541 here on March 29, 1494. and received her edn- cation 'here. On June .16, 1897, she was married to, Mr. Baer Aubtrtn! They Jived it* this locality., tor three' years, before moving to Winglmm. Lat- er they. went to Portage in 'Prairie, it 1992 and in 1906 they niored to Witdeisa,' vvhere they have sinee, resided.Baer had •been for • ilifiess she Cm* White' LegEorn pullets 'itist pur red Aberdeen bull, years'• ready tO, 14.Y. ..te0SOnalAy-" priced for old.; OMY''' 6 years old, 'supposed to nktnediate sale. W..Iftl= owinolg, freshen, In Feb. t eOlv 3` years. -01.4. Its It 0 Goderiph. Phone 1410 'Car- lsupposed to freShen in Feb 1 Cow 0 \'°5-r4 -'1'24"17:11•;..°',214'ca'W"S111)79sytiea: rSt°01t1t.,r,esP:Ppoell-slei4d. to be 4n. salt; 1 cow 3 years 04, ono- • i'• lfersZi-ilsIl°,at'ebhuee'e:1:41(17b e be04t.Q01tte7 117t!' t174°(:141,05° 114-3''4ae:1;40ed1:1:-C'al°11:44146, suiaincr. calve;3 geed!. York breek,, sows, due to ,f-rrow; ,1 good. sverk 'horse, 9, years old; 1 blitek driving In•ares anPnesed to-befoal; 8 pigs , rusd some. other, Artieies. about 80 ihii*• each.;.. 1 • young -geese,. 1 Everything ,ad.vertised must be dis- posed of, as proprietor .is oversteeked.:•' TERMS--CasiS« YO'CNO-,*SProprietor, •. GIMIHD14,Y.&, S011;7.. 4netieneers.' TENDERS 'WANTED . TENDERS ',FOR REMO.DELLING - the National building on .Nesvgate s4reet,te,..besosed'aS art armory by 'the =•.-Depastmen.t 114'156-t-Wled x It rzarayaftra i Of...Godprich ',..(0..,*.0,141,t O'elOek 11)41: .• ' • 011 00170BEk Plans and speclficatiens.for the plumb.. bag; heating, carpentering, electric it*tflooring, painting, brick work. 4,* t--"r1-7eslAleYfil:•'Titi:r1S;657tY141.147'fOr1414'the Execw' imix,Pttoruult „ agaret J. 'Homo, .d0000,00, there ,W111.1)e Offered TOr sale by publie :angtion: on Friday, the -*16th, day of "October, ,, D. 1337, etc., are on file with B. C, unn gs, at 2 P.'m,.. on the premises, part of tot Tratalgar street, Or mai be seen at..No. 943011 Newgate Street in the ToWa. the Town ,Hall, • ef OOderieli, being the property eeek.i. , • No tender necessarily' itecepted. pied by the late Margaret 3', Homey. , . 4., marked cheque for (5%) five per There Is erected On Itke, PreiniSea a ' cent. of the amount must accomsianY geed.. inlbStantial, frame houSe in .a tender. , "goOd',.statO .•04,;ereSir, with three bed - L, If. KNOX, roornts` bath-. roOm: and toilet, living 06.7 . •• Town. Clerk. rotfini . 'dining... roour"; large kitchen," ..,, . . „ " . . - PararY Otid... a'.$4ii411.44hed., There is a , - • good large cellar :Snider the. who'e house *Ith..,,Cenient..fottridation with Ontside•-• 'erstranee;':, Also ;garage and hen-lionse„ ... ' ' -. • BRIEFS. s; The, sale of membership tickets or the Alexandra Marine, And Oenertti' Hospital- •will open on, .October 1st., M. g.L. E. Herald in charge. ,12. Market St. , Phone 183, ,Tite propertye iiiSpected at 'any_ time. ppliegition. to. the • TORUS' Q , some • yearii., Prior o in. oalt. Ot :t116-;"tinile cif,..sale and the • . foot. WA active ilart' i4 t.omniunityttud- - 'BORN balance .4 iir 46,,,,,40,31f. thereafter; .When and his pioneer 'work in, that district. .-1InsPials .°11 "Will be sold"Sti.b1e0t :to o reSerYe'bid. - pos.4essiOn.:Wilthe'Aven.: 'The property ubrey Toll anti Mho; Ruth Straughan Antos. of iluilett. Thete' are also two of the late Mrs., Symington4of Alubniss., 'Wednesday,:i-September 290, to 'Mr. , . Etsted 0.. Godertek„this4,gth, 4sy. or :social affairs. il)Irn. Baer was a sister' 1;10360E.i-Lstst Arexandra sang . a duet. . The. , :meeting closed i 1 griii *hill Edn,-- 1,10' and Helen. 1,01. d at „litest.--The funeral of the anti. Mrs'. 'Wm. Boyce;.•of goderich,, 4, Aeptembei„ x,,D., Ito,. '1( t're , A ,,, a tiS 'DAN\OFIr.:4-,, *MAYA, lacy. A. 1‘1. Boyle in.i ra:v1,0elx.a'71.BirT:ll'oet; and ,mrs, late jalia". W. Carter Wila 1**1 Ir°1)1 sent • . the home, on NiondiaS' afteru. 41. ilned EtzloTT. ,,,A-D114anD fra tosolta,• SOlteltors for the )xxectarle,es liott • uctioneer. duction service of Rev. A. M. Boyle as earvy t,reralin outiton:, visited airs, v414s- largely attendet1.-Iter. arsont A, took plaCe on Thursday night in•Knos• Ersmatoo.., . erfvuomy;311:2-"A.4-thr. oftsqv $11411 Nirith the Mlipaii beredietion... niinister of the Presbyterian eliargeef :T. !Ferguson, • INVilson of Knox, 'United Ohurcit office (Sunday, -Oetobec'Brd, WnS44 361 54.4.1s • , Apburn, Ilelgrave; :Illytli oud Andrew were -Itt iated, ttiid ,spOlte• the.welds of Dell 7ot Bleanor "'-Andrevi" - ItOg" Mr d thy Strength: lie .favoilte. 14r.ozi" ; slay . Ottober 2riir• is, Alvins,OroOke. , . Abide with "vitfb.:).de° *Orig.*. of Goderiell;• years„.._ :liearet*" were' ttit 4101**p-of the' (104,, . • Alextinika 'he -4# 1 ned"*.'Hitrri, .000hitti10., tioderich, -oti,-.TtlesdiiY),•,beteiter - • alarY.Alin7.04ritton; :84tiv., year.' 011.001cm-41...— irpod, on nr... m=014 t•-) 0 IfINtiat STO‘CriC , 81141 C.nrl')v" aged 5J .Preabyterian chuteh, Auburn s ; There and ' i'Mplensents . for Mr. Harvey -, UdrewS, '4 At 1,01'22; •,C1/25.11C 011:0,,IreSt . .. , . ......,,,_ was n , splendid attendano. '' 't .-sv el• „.,TS, .....,V: .4rra . • . - ,,,, W.aW ,Ociair , On:: . • - - , - four tharges. The singing WaS" led ,,, Miss E. elissistili is able tri-svalk. members of .tlie different choirs abil alialit outside -on crutehes. 11 tiro of his Pontiac car blew Out. Ile orortitrned. ePraPea without thefour11°,41; ozcesiePirimbItg lititif4 into the ditch and .his ear -`• AN's 00.1611tirt" 1.24-4 , :kit's: :Ir, Houston presided at the organ Otnumencing at -1430ssharp• ; , -,' . ,. , . . • , Res*. W. A.''Voting of Ilensall, modem. . • .11Iii4; t, Sturdy): ,'Nfr.. s. 'S. Ilaithby - , and Mr. arni•Mrs.',,LloYd, Raitliby are and ..erge Ofirter.,. 'inekti.Mutch;,Itay, Otarhterti, Joseph CiLt:i- ...4ri e , er, , w ALIJA. Goderich. -4„oirk--T,ue y, ,71:...0404 :bowl", Jitiz,. 4: years,,old,c .1 . tor of Huron PresbYt07,--nreAloca. in Chatham, owingo. to The illness of were attraereae- were ethk11' b3e S' October '6•41.' 141113' ./V,14.1:1-tfr8r*Ivit °; *NW "geldingi,..10 years,eld;f12,,alleceiw_, After , the operiing„liyin _"Unto -the limes Dail, ., • .Rands, W. SciWerby, Vir. MelKiaight, r. ,wax44 Ailin, in her -146",-(„th, .1.0hr-- : -.• dif-03,0-tresiteii:gt.,tnie (.t. Mile; 1 hiliek • hills," Iler: G4 •Pead.16;•-i '"'"(1811toXIA,...J.Zait. unts4 Moore has4;-returned ' to' Varief,UPTIAlvaini '01/rge Carter', NMI Carter, •• ". ' , --;-7."-''. -',,, cow due lit tt 1 •..ira:. A • iit Iv. 1 ilui - the ,Beriptnre passages,. Eceleslastea''2: 00.aser.After' Spending it -few` dayV'Svith -Jaelr-Carter mut Thomas Sell. Infer is St......1•1014Alks$LITSP..RES,,,,,, , .,,, , ' toy: duo to okestoo: -4,01)iii 1.8',; 1 grey and I Corinthians 2,' end the'roodora- her -mother, MrS. 41..Stivre. idea, was In OlintOn cemetery. The • ,,, . -.?.....:.4.4,. ., , `';- - .. cow due' to *when April. 18 ' 3. Ai - tot led la prayer. 1.11SsoS. Jos0Ohlite The. service in Knox United church4follOwing were here .:far the faaeral: , . . S,,, e , . , stein cow, .citio,141,,,,t.,0401 A . o. /94, i 0 c 1. Student— Ree40 ' ' ' '. ' . ' ° weir atia prim Stoltz tInt.., ocome, on SOPanr W43 in charge of the lily-. '3oste carter and itnaa Carter, *mat- ... - ' • .. 44,1414.01,0 *,...9', '-'" •..' ' ' lite '4 .tOw ., -00E1; 'Ai.' ";r7stshen ..1:Pary 80:4 3, ' • , . ,. SPIriLlielvvenlY 11("t" C:4"8- men who attended', the laVnen's eon- 'ham; And Duve Carter, Ur, At an assehlhlY4,14,crt/114Oelleglate aoreferti. eovr,,,ntio_iang, %welt (1_ oat. b ti lein of men *Filth* ;means prayer arid. Chas.i:Stt.titighiiii.E; 110. 'ma MO. lack Muteh, Mr. and Urn. petitiite irties-ds).;,,xserningi,,,vrinct, genre rt .w. Carte.r, strahro7; Messrs. T. tions to Six inlerits,•fitehoiSsandens -duo sjec,„. 164• Ltovoteittifeffe;"-atte, sWn title," Oet, ' 3. Holstein Ing the words al JOor. as" his tlibright. ference Guelph. recently.. Mr. and' Vim „pal A. U. SeObi" eitefidett congratia.a. .heirer, due,ec. toloteth Mr., Peddle gavp Pritetical sermon, on gsidgo, presided ; W. Strarighan led in I vir: ',$ovvorby, ,tcrettnit; • • ' and "Hunt, -,BurliPkton ; -and 3dre: girl,. • who laid wort echoltitehive 10' J. ref d r - t o death and The ivwer of Gad*-whillr rile.init -life eternal:" The interim moderator, Itev. D. S. Lane. or (Joao. rich. narrated the. stena leading up to tho -induction from the time of tilt f Rev T. W. Mills in ise•;repe • • I 4' 3fIss,Jeanette ;•Bradttoek has re- turned to Olcakii. after -tier sister,. NU'S. 1)**.biei 4t.h service St. Mark's Anglican elitirett On Sunday, Was in elitirge of xr.a. sptdcue, Wirighant., • • T. Glazier, Mr. and. Mrs, . nornnp# csitiAtu —. ..thor..tffottg during the I 36.- :term. 31r. and '.3frit.: T. Carter, Mr. and, Mrs., Datitt 3lood. ;now. at liatulitooi•w W. Carter,. !Mrs. 'It. Carter, Xt. and unable t0 be '-vresent 'to----reektIle-J4 Mrs. t .Unteb. and fainilY, Pitnton. 1 litst year veterans" Memorial' sehelais. Mr. and ars. lay Carter', frerontn i ship. and Robert 'Barnes,' nOW, n't-the Sir. and. Mrs, NINc- CrAig, Mr. and slot. ItInlveraity .Of ,TOrontO, 'eottla - not - ' s- li Mr, ‘00oxit . to, tecelye his MaelCay 0 9r e tie APri1 ra_j_Dattosj eys tter*-4-41, It'ent.-0 • 4:fteit00 ii,-ett• • ; 1 urliain bull, 2 4.Yelirs 0144 s. I i 4•44..• A • 1 I AP; spring ah4 stigiahOr: ea rves; , gjod sows,, due Pet. „and Nor., bred,. to Purebred 'Middle -White hog; 1 igno hex. cniter'',1%Wermack side resignat On o Vareh of Ihiscrear. 'W. T. Riation `0)1"delivery rake;, 1. .1-1/4 .torsepoWer gas I) 1, -.engine; ,partii• for. London ,Superior lltter.carrleri‘ and, 'spri.igs suit, t -able rot. trailer, and other articles. liiverytithi# be sold, 'Without refereivei - %to •,oferitoeked, and Int*: sell'. 1 Ure and Mrs. • lIngirli Chesney,Sea-s. forth, and 114 and Mrs., J. P.. ;Sian. rind- Mrs. S. ,.1304* Mr. and •Mrs,,.. T. utile. .1.0orulesboro,, f.visited Itri. 3".' D. ;Winston; (Mr. arid Mrs. C. Solsnatert,E* llowatt on ThistsclaY. s' . .Carter, Z. E!ittiafletlson, Alan WOonairl. Airs; (Rev.) Zeiler has returned to 'Air. and illts. F. Hibbert, &deficit; Oaderlehi, after it visit with her 'Mr, and Mrs. J'Os. Ottsglay,' Byron. t mother, Mrs., 11, Viligblut. , • Mt, and Mrs. ,3".. (a. Carte and Reggie.. ' . an, Setae, has returned, flora Port .Elgin ; Mr. and' Mrs.. Nelson Hill -• DS R Mellwaln, tilt schelarship and. .Strang.,...triet %liege repaving • *choler:ships • %rota Ile nition of bis,s4rvicA, The Indll('t101 Service Watt' Coridueted Itei 'W. A. Young. Itessrs"D. 0, 0111, of Exeter,' SildreSsed the Intnider, and Rev. It tit roast, of .8ortottli; ihe Origregatiou.• The ineeting elosed wtth. the olno " , SPIrlt .of the living Gel;" find praYer the' London hospital. • and. by nor. Boyle. Lunch has rented. a house and Vita. Vireliteltilight and fatal served by the ladieS and a irocial time itt Olyth... • ' and Ws., Watson, Nile; Fra was enjoyed during whiell Rev', John Iter. Taylor eettipled, Moll:wain; Carlow. cokef 4441 1,0.00 per ton, ago 11.1***41 LACK MIMS' • • • • ORK-4300TS, to MACK OXPORD$-4-. to to it to 2.. 44449444* 494 OXPORDS, 3 to 8, 4,4 444 444 T 81-10ES pita Xi& a 4 1 4 4 6 Or 4 E 4 A 4 4, 4 * * 4 Plan $plendid flutingSeason th rt fin0010. elk (Inapt t,ndo stiffly., brolitit tiWt bisek taid. iti. Vela* TerritArt it ha 410 iio inorittl seholarship, the Platform Of'tlio.,,.iisseinbly tkii4T Were; First year, Bari *Ok,. sedond.' veterans'. inethorial tichoiarShilit.seCola Donald mem;orial oehollirshiP.;. year; Wm, eid; *Kira. nietrierial Sehoihr- ship; fouirth year, IvittrSorie ef,, on„, Memorial, soliolarship:, •• (GoiNct TQ.04,10,19!4' D. E'estman T7e214-1'—fitterreitiieei arti Dreeth 'iloyni, mattaier'ottlie rpgrat-q4.-Catu, 2: • .*P4IINI111, etioneers. , 4. maws, rriititletor, MOON , AND 11.000.0140LD 11101111/103,`' " We have rectivect • instrneti&I'tk' frost Aliee t4) tfY alfetiort., at the - lirenilness - anig$' Street,. Gederieh, ,On „. 'OOTOBI,i1*-ttlx* . ,POraiiiencing at 1.86 ' NO. 1-41A- twootort fame 04444 containing 9 r0Oitiai •water ; and light, .r sittia.ted:,7 on Ocitk, Iltal11,ei street, * NO. .2,4! virstori'tiiio.,:itionlAit 'containing :tennis, water and light, Oh Part: lot 222, 'Stanley street. „ 4,NO. 3---A frame 'stable., 16±20; OW' 101 221, Stanley litreet, reinoved within, ten '.11430$: sale. , This vt.oportt,ts ottatttea,wittoa 9 thort 4i:suttee Wine' SilUate. toi4 .tUO' hfAlOtti '14* $6 good. %kir toriditiOn. They hate. always beat rented,! • to *tote it 'good return .on the tteliest- Mint, ,At the :Saint time the ' 'Inr.tioosehold furniture ,*111 Sad; 1 .01atClifOrd organ, '2 '!),tirlor Alibi., 6 Pieeesseaeh, 2 ball Wit*, 1 ektennion table.. 6,, dining ettairii. •chairit, ihirta.tabinet, glans etroboardo -Pieees -togiting tbairs,.. 3 drenserti. ',Ntsslistat,tds, Ito bed, wood bedl and *logs; wicker standil loangeo, eteettle itttsbet4 'QuAtt litititOof Wien, earpete,,, the), •fiotlertit totter etc., Single horse *aeon, Mt Of seeUo lisittcwa, garden 'otitis:tato, y Inty and dUllierOtia ottate. fitrilithingIS Cash. Pettit* and stable. 20- ,14 at flow Ot balascs within 4* days. tit% vitt 0$ tablc to be "paid betOre tomtit T. MINIAti , eft& bun& Of :the -10/441 oink' ti*. 3.tdat, ,eight years, has received. notice Of Vs transfer to the Malts and 4t*eke liwramitellte'itVo tptbabittinkcy, it rtitiotrai,lextonoei'lue, October, with .his wife, And tatao.,y, . .ut.,, ToOttutanmitt be oneetiodod, here by A. !i: liockleykst pteseiit, *Militant manager ot a - bratigh or th# 16001 , - Rank nt:,tottdon4 Be will Stri* In, 41toderich on betoher 24:0,t ,Li. Mt. natttaan tame to Goderien atter 81)01410g 'some year*, at‘Tottrikt" d iand Drayten, and has taken *part in inanY eornounity setivitie0. ,lito has Oerited St. 41,tierge* Angiteall ehtiteh ler.aer,; , ergyears, aa treasurer. At .06sient he ,iiii alao, treasthrer of the Menesetting Canoe Club And the 444010 ,Lawii. BOWlinfrebib,,,and WAS ,treitstirer of lite litloderich Amateur Athletie Asio- elation* Ile is ii. 'vieelpresiderti of . the ."X:ttisoenli tOititiltidh:tay:01401.s:in,:vreotrtnitil .,iiittieTrinenut ob:.104reagteit player, being A ittember of, the God, In .nbir&rou.s, Important tOuttiatoents. .atid 'besides., being a nieniber f the 1A.iini botiting 00 * a top4tioldog alleY bowler and it inotaset ot.., 1t- 1414 4041 CIA*. Alf Is esltwoeed by Iris zloty ok 0493,14tr., bottom will be gtestis Wm. eik'not only by bin *Dow dub bets but hi' it host of Weida I trial.. 1 .10% Viti OSA liatittiter, 1100106e,„ 1‘. e'acl titatelt ytoork,sod 4yothnst i Atli 1nd Betty 001*-611ititaf* 001. golf. W4414* a Uri is **Wag MO*