The Goderich Star, 1937-10-08, Page 61, I • Arr X11.. * 44*, C. II. Mid ete , .. Aterltin :le' Pj)j , Baytield Faire .1. _t, 4.§e• :sad, ;..tad, • -0.0..ehingt, holt, ,Atwohelzn lot°'44:.,,)•••; iptoolop..,..-Wiket. fie, , 004, 1/•:. O'Brien; 14;0, •• T., unriroohl: , 4,;F.,,,eXteldrdulet,QxiciA:.,,sy" 4.0,41$:,041410171,, , On. ' • Ic. , ell( ),,' • et „le; Porter,._ _ il it. Blen rOVtint of tp,. 00!,.1(1.001:0•"xtotI,,''0414_4:11.g.(1,14:000$14.41yx)' 4'4*/ ;mitt 4r-st 4000, 4.; tSteallxilf.,.... , , Itett, tett , 1.40; 14,404 2,0414 .0040.01, $.,., goe•e0,04.-,.,4.4dge..•-•-•44 44 .Andrelv,.'COOerlie, - „ 1 , ..- - . 0 ...-..Plf014.0100 4 t4nfi 2:1.10..,:' tarred. •ROek.so 4.1tIlitv _... : ' .14',e'.'povaly4Es.. . „.„, , coc4,1140,0t, lot, *Ott 2nd ,•In every •,14,44Vir POtrateeN., id,..• i4Ott,ler,. M. :ears • clasa, ReekSi ;White, ,IItilitY; .01104. Bader;' late' pe.tatoe.e. ;1,4,. ,u061,,,, .. •1' , '0;,- Battler 1 tOoht 11,. Venintle, ,r„t Aittler;:bgavlest,444.4014%:, et Ilodo14 .tAltuoulthA .00.vvii 0).0.144,,traia;0In c,7, , SpoWiden; . hen, T.. Keehen,, T, 440w., ,,,GrangOil ,M.O0gOida,- Ong red. ---41' i tendanee, the 11.40eid rail ,Pa.I.4 held den ;.' t-tockerei+ O.', 'Battler. Whfte :(4.4.11Agerl, ,0+-4edonvr mangoids* 0,100., : r. 41ti ' 0 on WeduFsdl'i'$''. "(3''''1411;11"44' i4 /44 :Wiler,:?:gt,',e00,'414rlit.t.tifill'ff‘4"0. r#141n1):73t01:*4.., 4041iT.0.°441114474,14.7K*-...Sal,*40,nra;tiglirt°,',.' e•' ooSe- -', 1:COekella,, ISIIVe.r. 'Grey Perk.; 4,401. ' fteid earrota,.., 44, Rader, 0, weeh',.. WAS In)re,-then ord'inariglY ;$44:1*. % ........,...a..................,...-.........................-.....„............................, heavy' ,prePortiOnS 'Yt..• • It exhibits. . ' eessful la 'the qUantity and qUelitY lai ,. Battler,' Z.:, Koekihs; lien; Z. "Ii:eekings.• Weddai • r„ „.11.4* -.0.;..., to,:,•,:: earrots; ings,:, Pallet ,,i.7.:11,,'• 1<eeke,fl*:Weir. '0 . ;,,,Itta..0r;; '':t41;010: ' g4r.170,410' : 1.Q2114. iMrS4' . . , . - eWS 9.11 thq Able Weather VOlidttion$ vanSing: decay * trea, have . Sited; •tvellt but unfnvor. Title pond]. attelidOnce On' i'hUredaY• .0f. P'attier : *eeelterel,' 7,,,..,peltens, ', list 'AeOrt, 0.: 14attier.,',V: 1ktr,ker; ttiltief tuiverse4„.itireetea the 0.040.01.wn of was 'attribtleohlo *I0* Wirt. to tliO • *4,-; :11.0.• ' 2411 BO* ••;r4eghOrn,se *. tolliett; 'b•Pet,S*e" 100..* O.: .tattler.;' table turnip, H. 'A,,, Vuos,..).4.$4' .14):vintotou; cloudy nil 04,00000 Ali,: ' ,f), - Battler,,, heo;,'Z..,:ioekena; cockerel, 4)e.etst, ..al'S..- ' W004, .•.. ,F.... Barker; ve,e, '1.14ntlervs'Oar, ,Cotten,' 4.14.ece..:MissidLitt , a2se agricultural department at the '•"'`'.. ..,L',.4......-----.-e(e7-•,-(,--,-----• epaition.s..,,- T.Iie leborta . Amp.. -4,108,v. was', markedly netieeable, , ,buttiHie, g.ii;61400;‘,1$1,1444,',...,..ifill,0eilr'.641.7,4,x'Zif04,0,x-.747.g_4es,rt.r., " sSentvwden •; 'Sugar heet Matigehls, M. -sk.011.; 00-437: 449. eutr :set; alSS:* bivIng.4: ' * • Ontario Honey' -CroP cssess of honey in the last ten leare, . Osttario, Agricultural Cellege. , 'Sift Oregt producing areas are in exactlY pkears, tate Dr. E. J. •Dyce, head of 'There has been very • little am' lower in .,honey• than' for many, Use same Plight.; the world market, are . exceptionally good. Although illatws'-ls .11.a) to the„ shortage of clo- eheier available at any time this sea - Orestes priees have not yet also, =Waal, snipe -ainiost all ether -crops s'er and to the wet weather early this The extraOrdinarY shOrto* . or lute occurred, Othenvise---(pest)s- nTe rtunlity-,-n-nd-Splendaft eXhibItS 'were Ou Ontario. has one of the sinallst. The honey shOrtage is perticulerly _,. - . Notes' trid Cemlneets On . , Agricultaral. Toplee _ some vineyards quite seVere tujitry not so nuMeretts as usual, were of good. Penhae, earlY end „miti,Seaaen yarietles. Leto -sizing of,,peaehea 'has been- exeellent, °I;filli(ict eat-47rael,ld Tinli"4,11a,,.attee'teeet) til:f. 11°011111°11g:114 :•''Gl'it4.1-411%,r-e•:%15iO;l11:1,61e-ktXP'eglUls, ''t.' Gl'an. lii3,4twt...,,,x..,4„w4mi ,yollt6r..ta 4,44, a E0,3:0,:ikte., „tg., a:: 111:4:41:.):11.1,rodi:aelo,h4nuie.::.auc7..„ pears, but wenn injury is qeite ,ere.. oleo in the -show building. According but:eon:1.0044 ofilseti by brovva-rot The weather .hes been favorable fer. fine exilmts. the develo,Pment ...af all verietlea et' !gang, eatve.5tea folow,s .,.very owe, oss, ehlldren s epar en. eo JA. . . valent in many 13artlett orchaids. - vorwttet, a" la god cauditiou., The rain drove tholte present "h0M0 •et" ,I1 , Op. .0-Attfer*, White Legberaa,. plIllet, :11411)4 ,0,,' POttier, '4,,-., t -T, wgrxtet,•;,:ingStOtt, U. A, ,.peoi; leo& .oilder;. ing. well, With generally compact -bun.' good," presented a melt better:show,. .0.,Uineas. pullet, chest. The Hopper dama.ge is more log than In some years .past. Fruit, 2hPacile;. ,coer!t,, ac. •;menolli iatle;; 3111lareticr,:.Hr6)41'I;neoulr.: naltelv this season than uattal. and in grain unit vegetable eIhibits, thOor.Sh well wider control. . growers should give-• careful thought potato- *rap is to be harvested and sari ,cuts and braises, Which result to Ways 'and means of -eliteinating, as far a:s pessibie', A let of the unneces. The grape eroP is The time has arrived wizen the fate Harvesting Potatoes .../.....,..;00 siiing and color- which he described as "eXeeptionalIY - ' .But there is on( itent._ *hien un- ther-71t W49 tO .SPetetOrg A.- 1:41, Erwie the flowers; display in the,,,lodles" work. ' i - Hat . for next year's fair, The ladies, doubtedly will not be on. the wougm's showed themselves as dead against such frivolities as bridge when, they scorned to enter bridge. sets for come Fie -Were ,enjoyed a place of pronan- NO' Bridge Sets I ., Andalusians, 0.. Battler lst in, - each feed, O. Trueran,er, Mrs,. Woods ;•• lieg- • itler.,14ght SuSsex, 4.° Xoiekens, 1st flower, O. Battier, B; Dunn; Rhite Kockeas -Won 1st and 2ud with pullet -calf, Dr, Grieve; '1 head, tebalTg.e4a,uutl.... and cockerel]. - Gamines, hen, 0 . Bat- A. russ; ,xei. it... Allen ; and. 200. ha, - „eaelt eleSs,, ,A.retoneg, • Z. -Neeh;••••''Bitttiectl'',SalO10;'',i.itri, %let; ' ''''..vin'Ptotli.tr,;.-44' Fuss; ilandlnado beet and 2nd with Pallet, hen and cod rel „cielieli9ernyrm,s,k-iel,zt Ryi.p7,41;saleirg, DeelriGi-it jr..),,,e;311;.:::Atuueiti .,Mra, pelt, w.,, 0, Clark ; •.ladies' fancy O'Brien. '1st ; . hen. . L. O'Brien,. • lst. ens, pullet, O. ' Battier; hen, 0; I3at. O'Brien, 1,st,, ant, -20d3- Houdans, pul- burga, pullet,- L.`-0'Brien, 1 and g ; 0.. 13attler,. S. -A. -Puss; class, (Silver .13"ambutts, L. O'Brien, est sqUash• for feed, T. Snowden, a-, tier, • J. ;Koekene;- -eoekerel, -0,•-Ilattler, Clark, F. Barker ; lar -est emit, 0. Battler ,, -,L. O'Brien; hen, •L: O'Brien, 1st and. 2nd; Cockerel, L. red ' onions, V. Berber, O. 13a;-,- '' lst cock, 1st and 2nd heo. -Black Ham- Battler; large English potato onions; DCE'1,.1304rttletevie‘;:.69s:01Z..ileepaev,-741Ditaffsid134:1e1;,.' let, .1.;. O'Bran, ist end 2illf:Feoek, L. 1st and 2nd. II. Penhale, ist end. Z.' KOeiteV; X.• taillewt:trof47:14..,,Fo;'i.):f„,idutt,lettrxeura,,e01V.0,'Gelre,avexlr.:INV714LO:sr.,,1 ...es..millf4.,:t,,..t8s;,. 47,:tipv,t1.44.),xg,::,...,,t.ou.n: _14,41.;i:ut- foeriotrtsotenrtaisi...Foeter, It, GeigervIr.• onions, P. \ Barker, p. Baittilre; white A O. Battler; • red -tomatoes, O. 'Battler, • tier; large „yellow onions; F. Barkel„ F..., Barker; 'yellow tomatoes, 0. -Mit-, tier; largeSt tontatoes Ed F ate - , uauss:' fot tate -ulsier,11. .g'...• punipkii). foe. Liedttl. eli''*1': 4..- tusVu.11;°111prodnY,thfgasn.:, kon, Mrs. Howrie; handkerchiefs. S. 4614 IS °VeX'' hand. bag • Mrs noterie H A Puss rteste,,,,,,Irie;;;inx:04,se..81vreolnytt; old iarniell' t, i , , ...,y WounOttle:erceAincr,,.... pyisiapop14.rtstrist,,,ali.r4.ingslitioe,n,lim. ji.A..;, Fplitsies ;; FPaullseDrr.sGvIceiaetve:1; zuliVt.ts1,- 311"trsit. flillbwr. it .-tia°ntlarit4i61.1e4`uQgthin" gl- hi !3°14 1CiCal filet cr.ochet,.0. Nee/lb-Miss Livingston; tatting, 'Miss.- •Livingston, 14... Neeb ; Paten, *hemmed, Airs.' Pfile,„.11.• Neeb; * , 0.140Cellanerlits Work (..• . • to loosen phlegm, releve-irrite..- - \ the worst of -the r - Home of Isaac .Rathvvell, near Varna, . gath4r 0,479.evdeigaittihoobninyerfs,eittlint kill:tvithasttli?r,teliuwArY. 1"v•-•.-.1';-.,,,,,.. • ten,, hy morning More mo ers use, a u . an any. back at bedtime. Almost ' at,' 03100, • its poultice -and -vapor actien Startis 1-"-i• st.i4-1 gt=t,g1.7.:,Prs. 4:j. 1,iltic/....„ • k. TREAi:TFIEM C aren'. Colds ..e.:Carefill A „ OH DWELLING BURNED' ::' " tr"."""7"4— vdRi• bei PROVED WAY ther prover4 in -. the _,......„ , !,51.1.:_yi7L .VAPORUla • these is no doubt that they will MT: froth careless or• peer harresting and petitioa,. Th,ere was not -Mie e tarok!. Bantams, pallet, B. 'Brandon,. lst and gherkins, O. Battier, T.. Snowden; • Dr. GrieVe, eitesse.- Quebec and other areas taro - handling. • t , ered bridge .Set, not a ere 7-gtitieb led t. cock, J. Koekens, El -Brandon ! illeseing • honey _have. an 'equally short bridge set, nor even one in Applique. hen, ,L. O'Brien, H. Brandon; cockerel. Ratty; ell's cueumbers. for table use, O. Battler, .Mtain.se'YH konveitrtlien;gc4illawn'ttttliread ,worir: R. Clinton. OcP . n. of the fact ;that after spending the HOweVet.. there 'Were many lovely ex - H. Brandon, 1 and 2. Indian Run- ner:ducks, old, O. Battler, Dr. Gileve, Metcalf, .R. Alien; -largest head ' Of thg",....._____:4"''' .E. Foster; mill fruit tomatoes, Mrs: fine two-stoey briek dWelling,. with the Many growers seem to. lose sight Geiger,. SESS Livingaton; hemetiteh- .. ..‘, .,.! , t, ,.....!hee 4-V,,.#0.ii 7•t-.*.f.er•Oti-•;-11-.- •9t.'-- -'''' hibita in hoahe dresses, towels,. wets, ; ••,,-•--_---.- - , . .. 71.,. .. . ... , ,., , : , (Pine, II. A. russ; cut teerk, greateSt .part of. the contents, was de, -;",- •stroyed illy' fire Wednesday.. The fire On 'taii-76-71tueltiibruise or m ge many • .. — 1-Iiititiek.:•„Atiercuitlolan e .',i• tt .„.„- •t••;--•-, ',' • 'tattler. '"Dk.-tGrte.Ve.---'muaitM-'-'-' e S.' ",7.1.:„V.,-10)&r.••••,(11,1,-.C.1.-7..'„7.13r.conifA.:* •1;,,• _.:*kii;*-0::---,„Bik..* .:.flif,--.-4-3;•74.x6.00-7 wx,../gr:474.....„14:.Neeb.;,..i.tapestry *Kork, coireltiOnliifireit'IterifirtdrlifibeFel jx)int,.4)i-aare;_,,, isstefr;--a-a-1.:-.•Tr A ,f,-,.,40-0,asis • -..,-.....-....-,.........,:.......7„4„-,:::-",-„.., • ... . ---..„.„ •„.„.• ";$14 Year; An the .figricultural making them more or. less unsalable DaeltwoOrtiirk4. old, II. Penhale, T. Snowden ; •Mus- roetP•enntalitte•Fr-lne_,•-.7-•-,, -...,..,..-..---.., everiel, 41111 roads lead to -.Fergus." and or .Subjeet. , to a low grading -4Y afternoon, during the judging of live- . kova dnelts,, 'young, H. Penhale, T.' Onus afternoon and it is. thought R. Geiger; collection .penpers, 10t., ae.glanee at any good road maftwill eturrying the .harvesting • operatiOns. Snowden. . Pekin- ducks; old, 0, Bat. Mrs. "WOods; vegetable marrew, • Fuss; cross stitch, 'Mrs; flowrie, :Mrs. Pre epaiclas, bear witness to this claim. Producing. largo yields per acre is not stoek. _ . Soberer; Irish croehet, Miss' Livitig. •Peaable that a cigarette butt may have Grieve; -sweet peptiers, , 1)r. -•Grievh; - Ner,gas, from 0..et. 12 to . 1-0, will the whole ' story, without .qualitY4 The natnescol,Fred Parker and Mrs: Howrie, both of Goclerich,. appear -A. H. Warner, , O. 'Battler.: Rouen tler, T. (Snowden ;'Peitin dneks, young, Trueinner, A.. tf._ :Varner; Halabard squash, H.... Trueehter, • IL :stmt.', Mrs. Ilaivrie,C sampler showing been thrown . among the loose dust Stomp Its popudation from apprexi- .quantity is a little value. • frequently in the list of prize -winners. ducks, , old-, ' T. Snowden, Toulouse Barker; Yellow Saber& ,,iseetaini. P., /suss ; 'G'i'eera -Speeimen of. ',Straight, bias' and. three. Mr. and 'Mrs. Rativweli first. noticed Cornered darning, Mrs. (Ptile, H, &. the fire at about 1.30 eiclock in the anatO,Y 3,000 to ever 1004000, during The consumer ',is demanding more -t;.,), Thu.rsday night urany attendee geeSe, old, .A: S." Warner; Embdeu Barker, A.' II. Warner; egg, Plant, O. darning on worn SOX, Dr. morning and summeued neighbors by flog. attach and Fara' Machinery if farmers are to dispose Of their crop inortunentalists, vocalists end 'Come- au entertainment at the town ball pro - Embden geese, young, A. •TI; Wareer, Judgese-40. C. GroveS,. Go:Aerie?. ; 4/. , lise .25th, annual International Plow- and more a high quality -product, and geese, oldt, A. H. Warner, W. G. Clark, Battler,. .4. 13. Warner. - • . • • Grieve, ii. A. Frets:. aseertment of. rib- Phone, The fire Il td then -spread' to -likerosetration, •beld ee:ch year under at a profit they anuet • make special vided by. a !London troll.* of dancers, let and 2a(1.4 Brenze • turkeys., old, A. E.. 'Gaseha. 7.atrich. . . , . — - • bon noveltiee, B. A. Fuss; assortment the woodshed wher'e the winter's stip.„ the aasnices of the Ontario Plow- efforts to put -•up a high..grate article; H. Warner; bronze turkeys, young, A. - /MANN ANO4FLOWERS • of work done ,by lady after reaching ply from the afternonn cutting was age of 10, Mrs, Pfile, H. -A. Fuss. *"'"' piled and the burning shed along with • mails. Association. diens: A dance to music by George • tittle's orebestra broVght the 1027 H. Warner. .. . 'Bouquet, large, Mrs. Haberer, Mrs. . Home Manufactures • - `-.'. the pile .ef fuel made an intense heat Meehanicril injury (cuts and •brui- fair,to a elose. . . . . ses) *which not infrequently develop Prize-winnerg were afi foll6Vers:. Judge. -C. StePhens. Otevenson.lark ; bedspread, Bedspread, white - embroidered, b. ant the main portion of the dwelling *Volt, and Vegetable Prospects into serious Tots are often caused by . IfitIRT ,PROI)UdE ',. calf, Mre. 31, ,WoodS; stale, Xtea. M R. Allen ; bouquet; small, Mrs. lilet- was soon. ablaze. . . Improper digging methods. Potatoes • tufted An candlewick, Itirs. Haberer, With, the. assista.nce \of neighbors should be dug 'when the soir is Tea- ' • nousEs sada is now -estimated. at itriu,000 a Battler; OM, appliqtie,' Mrs. who gathered part of the *first floor • 4The commercial apple _crop in On. • Wagon . 10 lbs.' salt batter, Fred Mcelymont, Woods; Mrs. ,R. Allen ; dahlias„,.,Mrs.- eonably dry. The digger should ' be. R. Geiger; :0 lbs. butter in 1-rb. bloCks, Metcalf, F. Barker ; pansies, I', Howrie,., W. - G..• Clark.; 'quilt, cotton, contents: were saved, but" all of the so adjusted that plenty of -soil is car- Brood • mare, accompanied by -foal, 11. Fred SfeCiymont, It. "tiliger; 5-11). Sorrels, iie- eompered %lilt! 703.500 Barker, Mrs, Woods: 'fibrous ro'oted Mrs. Haberer, M. ' 'Rader; . quilt upstairs fUrniture and the basement . lir (1L M1 increase of 26 per cent. ried :between -the, --machine...And the; H. Penhale; gelding or .filly, 2 'years Foster, H. Penhate; foal, .E. Foster, -Battler; 1 lb. fancy print_butter, Ed. - barrels itt` 1930;s• or- an increase of 8 ,crock butter, Fred . McGlYmont, 0,. begonias in pets; mrs. Robt. Allen: patched. Dr. Grieve; comf,orter, fano-, stores were 7eonsumed. -The ,Itatjawell Sa, the 'section of the Province west of tubers. . ThiS applies .both to the ele- 1)1d,, 14, G. Mutton, A. - _D. Steeper :. eaters. _ Mrs. 'Metcalf. Mrs. Woods; hornemade, goose down, W. G. Clark; road about one and a half `milee from comforter., farm is 'situated on the Varna side- gerahiaros, F. Barker,,- X Granger ; R. Geiger, W. G. Clark; ., . 41Ebronte more than offsets a red.uction Waal* and to the rettiry type of ma. team,- Wm. Decker. Foster, 0. Battler. Cheese, home asters Mrs. •Bletealf. „F. Barker : c-rochet afghan,- Miss Livingston,' Dr. the villege:, About ten years ago a chine, Padding should. be inserted . . 1Percheron made, W. G. Clark, .11; A. Fuss; cot- ' 4410 per. cent.' in Orchards east of tage cheese, W. G. Clark, Herb lieeb. collection of. house plinta, F. Barker ; Grieve; hearth ,rug,* rags, 'Miss - Lk- ,ti ne bank barn on the farm 'was burned, Iterante. Peaches are 25 per cent. 'or 96 placed on or near the moving Foal, H. Penhale. coleus, . Dr. Grieve, R. Geiger ;... glos- ..1,4estaon, Mrs. Pale; hearth rug, down and was rebuilt: Definite plans partS'of the digger as to act as a bum- - Agili. cultural • Half-hatn, home -cured. smdked, R ..00$!,trir in volume, being placed at ania, V: Barker, mre. Allen ; four woOl; Mrs. Haberer, Mrs. Nile ;• rag leave not• yet been made by Mr. and fallA100 buthels • this- season, as againit per.. A simple change or adlustMent Brood mare, aecompanled .bk foal, Geiger, H. A. Puss. Two -lbs.' home - varieties' • of annuals, F, Barker mat, braided, Mrs. *Pale, R. , Geiger ; Mrs. Rathwell as to rebuilding,,„,„____ 41r.,0403 buSheis last year; and plates, or padding here and there will often. N. Keys, II. Penitale; foal, N. Keys; rendered lard, O. Battler, R. Geiger. Mrs. - Metcalf; eosmos, Mrs. R. best labor-sarring device, Mrs. Me, ' sitlille a decidedly light crop, are esti- eliminate conaiderable injury. team, N. Keya, .31; Geanger. .Pair dressed chickens, F. Meelymont. Heaviest dozen hen's. eggs., (white Allen, Mrs. Woods ; zinnias, Mrs. Mee.- Mrs. Howrie ; tyraided mat. silk, Mrs. mailed at 52,700 buShels, a gain, a 28 The pickers and other ' handle,is - . HWY Draught, . calf, F. Barker; verbenas, 'F. Barker4 Ptile, Dr. Grieve. ELECTRIC SHOCK Of .41.1200 buehels la 1930. Pear the, tubers , into baskets, barrels or .Granger; gelding or fitly 1 year ola dozen hen's eggs, brown ahell, Ed. len, F. Barker: sweet peas. F. Barker. Green and 'Mise S. --Noble, all of, Gode- Clair Ruffell, young eon of .3Ir. and should also be Warned not to dump • Gelding or filly 2 .. years Old, M. shell, Ed. FoSter, - 0. Battler; heaviest . tivionduction shows a decline of 22 per bags, ,or otherwise -reughly handle A. 'D, 'Steeper. 31. Granger; teem, 31, Fosteri-thos-, Snowden. , Audgeas. Ponnelly, Goderich, , Are. R. Allen; roses, F. Barker, Mrs. rich. • Mrs. eateries •Reffell, was knocked un- conscious and.painfully burned on Sun - 11110.r oral. over the extremely small Mrs. R. Allen; gladiolus, Mrs: It. Al- Judgei—Mrs. E.• Evans. Mrs. Wm. in placing them in the • orage bins Roadsters . !SCHOOL -. 0011.4OREN'S DIVISION . ,. day te-fternoen When, while at play,' he • _Itt 103,500, bushels as compared them: Similar e„are shii,i1 be taken Granger, E. Webster. . ' loot 46h0o iniehele a year ago. • DoBitsTim spiENcE - . • . . 1.304. essay ell "Bayileld Pall rah" threw. a wire over a main. Hydro line : Apples are, sizing ParticularlY. well and In. Moving:them -f.rom.theSe .to the 13rood tnare, N. Keys.; foal, N. Keys; . Home-made white breed; Dr. Grieve, .Tudge--:(Miss F... R. Cunningham. Haberer. . . by a public, School student,..pst Atkin, son, Andvey Bran:den; 'beat' dreWhit4 On 'Bridge street. The boy received the the - copier Weather prevailing too, should have the moving parts ad- .gentleman's outfit, F. ireegam . bread, Ed. Foster ; W. G. -Clark; force.-ot.a -heavy sheeleotehen-the trail- toloring - has • improved greatly grading imehities. These niachinee, Sinkie roadster, T. Keegan;-. best W. G. , Clark; home-made Graham 'Clinton, , Jog the Peet ttvo weeks. . Reeent justed or padded so ,that the tubers . Carriage . Boston brown Ilread, Iild. Foster; nut • -VINE /NTS • . ing end of the wire wrapped -around de not bruise. 4 •Candscape, oil, Miss M. Livingston, perspectivvh Dim !Stevensen, TtalPh. his, Wg. He was. unconscious ten min - have caused some loss in Vas- ' I (Single, carriage. . horse. E. Porter; bread, Mrs. IloWriei W. G. Clark; gra.- "Stro, gowrie; landscape„ Water color, Steyeneon.;.4.1rawing, still' life, darllyn utes. The/ short circuit resulting from „ ()ntario,, gild -several locailzed IGTOWers and dealers alike should ladY driver,.Mrs. Percy Johnston, Mrs ham promos, p, lleCipment, E. Foster ; Atiss M. LIvingston,*11, A. FUSS; ftltit, maxvveli, "Bertiard Bugler; ' 'hand- the contact left the northea.stern teee- s in Western Ontario, especially . layer cake, light, W. G: Claik, W.. It._. mum' color, Mimi Livings -fon ;. floWers. seWed gartneet, prep, Marilyn' Max- tiOn or the town iu darkness until 11 , see to it that a' goal pack is pat on Pigin. Porter. • ' 44\ergian,7. nay and Middlesex dis- the market. All offgrade tubers jUdges—Alex. Stewart, F. A.. Eller Stevenson; scone% - Ed• r ester, w• i 1'. water color, Miss .•,-Lngeten. a. A.• NiveR, IF, MeOlymont; _bird house, R,, should be removed. the seeks should ington, Bete. • Pin-. • be clean, and the bags shonld. be full Fuss; pen and ink drawing, Miss Lir- Geiger; Betty' Allen.; taffy,*Deris 09- „gatiettl-.. infestation, Of apple maggot Clark.; „ tarts, 17. Mcclymont, Elmer III lighter this season; and corky core. Stevenson ;-ISeoteh short bread, .W. G. eneesee, Mrs. llowrie; drawing, crayon mond, pat 'Atkinson; bead.;.work;.• li. A. Fuee; colleCtion Of :WoOds, Doris • Miss -Roberta. Jehnston left on Mon - weight when packed. • Good quality CATTLE , N ..laik..,,prgetlegliS A bSen t iii most dia. Clark, Mreft. ilowrie; layer- cake, day to cornel?•nce a course at the lint- Jblete., •Side,werm injury is variable Will always result in repeat orders lifelfer calf, 'Clifford keys, .1 and 2. or lead point,: Mies -1Avingston, Mrs. versIty .of Toronto. does to table 'potatoes. .choeolate, W.. G. Clark, F. • MeGly- mont ; layer . ea e, Spice, W. it: Ste- It...Allen; Water color , painting on silk MeDwen; 'Vier]. . Eatie; dress doll,. bend sewn, Marilyn sifatweil,' Donna Thou's; mounted eollection -ednetition- Alit, -partieularly In Eastern Ontario. (=eh tiaw in calf, CIO, Keys, 1 and venson, Mrs, Ildwrie; fruit cake, Ed. or satin. Miss Livingston; lutit&pttinted al pictures, ,Atitirey Sturgeohideawing, ..,114 there Is considerable scab alioNV- This applies as much to seed as ic . , Durham , : . 1*.? Klat,g -of' McIntosh is •'now •under' 2' heifer,. two years old, Clifford Foster, W. G. Clark; buns, W. G. ehina„ Miss Livingston, Dr.,' Grieve ; flowers, Merilyn Maxweil, Doris Mc- , y - In, many orchards: Piport * ARM FRACTURED ieye, 1 and. 2; heifer; one year reicl, Clark; tea biseuits, Et. Poster, Pr. fruit in oil, MiSs Livingston, . Dr. Ewen ;, drawing, birds, .1iernidette. I 1 IL , T,'IallOrteent has .been light se far, ,but Miss Rlauche '‘'%.atson was taken to Clifford Keys, 1 -and 2; .helfer ea•lf, •R. Grieve; ginger hermits, Ed, Foster, Grieve; flowers. in' oll, Dr. Grieve; Bedour, Ivan Stevenson; • drawing, . . - rolled Angus ' 31 rp. Ilowrie; cookie% F. McClymon,:. 3,11ss tAvingston 1,,,, 'pencil sketch from frait, .Pat AtkinSoll ' .tiorie' McEWen., . rivets \' r ;shipments Wilt he forwarded Alexandre hospital on Sunday. wilb a ,I, "Peck, ClIffeed , Keye; . bull 'calf, -2- ', the next few days. in 'dean and fractured aria reteived ia a fall when 01,1004 Keys. . 1 .and 2. .. Mrs. Veberer; plain muffins, W. Gp: nature, 'Miss. !Livingston. • • srEcio' nags s•.'.\-..7 441 - 1 ayed orthards huyers are pay- returning from eluirch, l'Sliss• Watson °leek, P. 341teClymont ; meat loaf, . judge—Mrs, Metealf. Rel. -field. as, high as $3,00 per •barrel for is' a' nietnber of the Hydro otlice staff. Mrs. Haberer, W. G. Clark,•.. apple plo„ MANITFAcTunEs - N. keys, '1st and-11.)nd; hest showing of. , 3/11011 Ow la calf” Preston Deer.,Best heavy her)* on. the grounds, lillittlatesh. on the trees, $2.4.10 'tee rhe • tutfortunete aceident occurred hag. EXeter, 1 and 2; heifer Calf, ; Stevenson, F. Ucelymont; lemon, . Corti husk door mat, , M. -ttadet ; horses by One exhibitor,. M.., Granger ., it i 4 4 and $2.00 fer ether iarieties„ when Miss Watson tripped •on a Preston Beering; 1.st; bull telt, Pres- le, E. Stevenson, W, G. Clark,: box.-. home-made article of furnitare, F. N. Keys ; best 0 utility pullets F: I if+ ,.,. movement hito not reached raised sidewalk hinck-. - '- ..-- . ton Deering. 1st and 2nd.. l'Oeeh for Sehool child, It. Geiger. H. Barker.; ;bard _MVP, 4 houieennde,. F. AtieOlYnnint.4•-best..eolleetion of. table,: .: A. ;Fuss; hOme--Made --Ridge-via.' Bat- Ifeelymmit* Dr, Grieve. : , vegetables,_ Mrs. ' Metcalf,' Riyfleld.; de • .3111th ' eeW 1h. tali,. Vi. Brandon. - • Xertey . . . tier, E. 'Foster; baked - henna+, 11. , - LAMS' WORK --- -- - best general purpose tnare and fottl,' 1200thatt*ieliacia tatzatiles strains, a .itr, fit , S • Hoottin. . Geiger, W: 0. Clark; most suitable end . • Living Room:Accessories MiielV . ow, With. Sparks, lit appetising cold lunch for One .person,, 'Table centrepiece, Miss Livingston. Pd. ;Poster; beSt tow or •heifer, ant breed, 'R. 31. .Peck,•, Stanley. tivp.; hest ', .11,todsis, heuisios •-.4. - But *ant • . tfil 2fid; hetfer,...two years -Old, , Win. It ' A. Fuse, Ti Geiger ; pickles, P!iits, . Mrs.- Ilowrie;, table 'toner, 'Miss .Liv• aged -Yorkshire sow, A,. A. Warner. Minsiors ie. rnbbed. hie totiliti soon 'get overethato—when sparicE4 let ; .1t6ifer, Otte year old, 'Wm. 0. Battler, W. G. Clark; catoups, and ingotot: 11) A. ,Irt1Se; cushien, erahreid Goderich ),tvvP. ; . colt ' on the 'halter, by k 4i ,....0°. Wm. 'Sparks, let and 2nd ; bull calf, Sparks; Jas. 'Sterling; heifer calf. .fruits, W. tl. Clark;, canned veg& meat . sauces, 0, Battler; tanned ery, ‘11. A. rues, S.' • Neeb ; eveltion. bacon• hog, WM. Sparks, Stanley twp.; boy 15 or under; ,Ed. Foster; best 'it mead)* ai *mai At it dtaitt,, Md. tot Wiloiltd'ai. A, hada .0f •Mleineei hand? . Writ. Sparks- any other ...kind; T. SnoWsden,- H. 'A. 'NO *hoe Otilattat has *telt tkisialaill - Judge-ellugh till. Battler.- H. A. Fuse; bee Preidttett, .LiVinestbre. . ' • Puss; latitti shade., homemade,. Miss one year, to havebeenbred,. raised,. 4 ,.) ;$) tables, H. A. Fuss; canned meats, O. best lielfer,eil4 Six ,months nnd under, 50 tiattloy' Poltattirt Unita" C0.0 ladi, SIIIEEP t, Paul.. Cleave; strained 'whey," • Patti • Dining -room Aecosories' (white) owned and. ejthibited "by. lky Or girl. Yonealltho-,N.S. ,.. . . . 40. Leitester • • • • Table :clo.tit and two. Serviette% Miss over 'ten ,atid Under eighteeti. years of. Warner; rain lamb, C: Lawsen, Maw .Judges -,-Mies Joan Groves, Gode- Livingston, H.. A. Pusii; tert Cloth. cm' age E.,4 '1'1.'4: Peck, StatileY twit,. Cleave; itutPle syrup, r. MeGlyntont, Item, tWo Shears . or over, A. ti. Paul CletiVO. , ' . liltri I f i 4 tOichiitt A diso.144,4itoreisto -son tree.; eWe. C. LaWsoti, A. II. rieht-Miss Annie Consitt, Bonsai); Work, M.. Rader; 'Mrs. liorie; lee M. V. C14.4 41,1116101'S ' 'Warner ; ebearlittg eave. C.: Lawson ; elotleitobriaidered„ Mr% rifle,- MrS.. s'S'ste;.,.....--i--•°' e latula,. C. Lawson. A. H. Wareer. ,Lincolns , White- Whiter ' Wheat,. Eiglit Porteril -11ertvrie ; tea - eloth, crocheted corner§ its first meeting. of 'the :fall and *Inter „, - 'GRAIN AND SEEDS .. • , and eilging, ' Miss lAvingstoe, M. The Menesetung :Conoe.,,,,,Olub, held 1113051PANtAKE Pia0V5P011.5 MY 61XEP Ram, _ two Shears or over, A. D. M. Bader, Hilton Trttemner - red winter wheat, 11. • A. 'PliSs; 'opring what, Onto,. Mts. Howrie; dentrepiece for. Rader; tray cloth, embroidered edge. eyelet 'hid 'Atilt each. design; Mrs. mei liet of ticinninations for the annual elec-, t , . , Seasen Oti ,Titesday night and made 4' • ir PAINS *ME I ti IfIE NECK I" ,Steeper, T•.. Snowden ; shearling ram, M. Rader, H. .,Tritetatier; lield peas, dining table.,, white 4Mbroldetli Att$,Ft arrange .. for a Hallowe'en 'fit-itoine.:' + tion of offieers .to be held In December ' V ' ' A. D. Steeper; , tam lamb, A, D. Steeper, ist and 20C ewe, 'T. Snow- ,11. Bader ; - barley, . M. Itader, (D. Iselegetet); Mrs, 'Pale ; . iunciteett. Battier; white Oats, O. Trueitiner, 11. st'.., tioth and serviettee," Miss Living - lion. A committee, NVas, appOinted to. W, .1. Baker is presideret by atelante-' and 2nd; ewe lank, A, P.. Steeper, ;1st A.:14.ilestystilleelever seed* H.... A. ruSS, enle, -Mrs; rifle; ' htiffet Set, new et.5.1% den ; shearling ewe:, A. D. Steeper, lst * . Bert DMA/1;1. tiMetby, seed, It Trdeile dolga, hanclleork. 11. A. Fits% 101s ) 0.11(1, tint- _,,, . nett T. AnOWdetif Sweet' Clover seed + tiiitigSton; buffet scarf, lace trim- ... dlymont ; "ewe., -.0.... AttelYmont, lst and Ram, two 4etirs, or over, r. &ft., 0.... Battler; Dent .001, O. A;.. P11$3 t 8i0eet• COrits , 04, Battler, T. Snowden;_ itigSt011. • - • me.; eitt Wilrlt. 'design., Mrs. • HOWile; , . , . . .. j ' . . • OXIerik 0. Battier, T. .Snowdett; YelioW corn„, :4 214; ewe .itimb, F. liteelyrnent, let, pop torn, .0, tattier; pea beans a 14. L. rtissi 'OA ee,,Y+ linen,./iliss Liv 'WE littiliSki. 'PEAD.‘11011SES ..A.Sb' OAToria i nails two ahertra,,Or Doug-. ‘--,‘--' AktiP ' VS litu t11011trl ''sioviap, —: ATTENTION! (,. Steeper .; 11bearling tarn, W Celli, 0,, tattler, A,...tn. Warner. • ' * Bedroom Ace646010S ' Beget Set, MISS LIVIngston.• . • Colored Linens , Our ,Mett WillShootOld and Disabled An:Webs . ' . ShroPiddret, • - Battler,. Ist. .1tarler; 'buckwheat" It. Batter; talleat and headest stalk of , , and 2n4; elite, , having ratted -:Ituth% Stadei Zrerieh.., • . Aline. - ' Dortylasi ram iamb, W. Donetsk is Judges --414 W. Williams mid It. V.' COLLECT . *W. Otitiglas,. ist and 2nd; sheittlitig PEtirr- --. afrati.emstitchtesitiliVisiovirMit Li,strotott, • TELT t'Otat NtAitiiiST STATION , , ewe, W.,'DOttglaa., Id And 2nd ; ewe .. TALLitt)'0.4/, CO, , ' 40. stitelied„ lillits Livitigetorni 'Webds ; $1E41\0.0111 15' ,, , • ' EXETER •245 lamb. • Nit.„. nougias„ lst and Ind; Three hfittehet #4009, O.; Battler, pillow cases, eMbroiderY, It+ . Geiger. ONTARIO , wether lank, .T., Snowden, . . C. II, :Middleton; .Volleetion of grape, .mios i-Avinttston; Din6r (oeg,, late-. , *ia- -Ittibttto ' 'CI '11., Middleton; trimmed,: Miss, Livingston, E, Steven. Ham, two-sitears-ori-over4,--%,,,,,,4, .00A,o10,04 -I....Sterling, -.Si. Granger; igni4, tilt:tains, lace ..tritiVed,. Mrs. LW- , ' ' . ,.Dorsets 'elatic; ram lamb. treston Deering. W. Plitits‘. 'Xia,' 'Litilteret,... -It. .Porter; ingStont; It "Al. ,-FtISS;' towels, 011)4)501(1- 0. ' (lark; ewe, hating •raised. lambs. P•tnneS,',Ntra..X. Woods, :Mts. Ifitherett rota, Nato yAtiogtston„ Urs,-. ttowrie ; P. Deering+ lst and tad.; *hearth*: yellow trsks, F. mtoothotkt4. . m, toWeit oreettet trimmed" Ulu atinte- owo, ,p, t)00,104,, ist and tic. two, 'Granger; teti evabg,, tt, D. Middleton, ston, It-, Nob.; dressing table set, Miss 21 VY iamb', I?. Peeving,: lst and imd. , 1. Sterling; Northern Spies, X. Sterl., Tsivintston, • lift ilenerie; faney hod 'Itorkihire itt. is, why we 'suggest you 'shouldget that ' -' Ing, 11.. Uiddieton;, . fall appieS; four lamostade, lilts tivintoton, 3158.s. i ' • PI(Ot ' ' varieties, X. 't$terling,:, V. MeOlYttiont dlowriet. embroidered tea love% UM *fleesa cow, ' T. Sedeodetts ;semi, ilt. %%linen $Weet,S, 0, D. Itildelleatent I. rifle,. 311sIlVing,ti; . ' lend itrI0,11, T. -Snowden, lst gni gtmiltuRt IteintosiClual, C. 0.• 24d. ' ,ChOtirena Wear 2nit.atotori,:, 3. • .MOlint..*, Bartlett 0011% thilit'S iltes 'Made' from old gar. "" . oAsItire ' F. MeOlyntont, 0: Pattler ;,' Vlotit$4 tient, II. A. Puss:, lktiss tiviriggton - 4 boar, A. it 'Warner, 14' and. Bennit *Pear*, E. Porto; olleetion ehlid's pito tires% homemade" V. lie.,, dt brood!, ' tow. A, di.,,, Valuer, lstof*Wet 'I. Stletting; winter ,a.Pples, tlyntiont, i`t A. Phs*'.: hhir,v'6- jaelta 4 ,M14;,hotr, littered In 1937,., A. ,3%., 'MOW*, 0 , . It Middleton; ' . and bonnet, otoehet, 4 Iti NO" 31158l , , N Viler, II, Webster SOW,. A. i'.. litart ..,hit*et, Ilettitotit Ueda, '41, A, thing:4M; bt0e6-Jokot. 'Mid' botott. Warner, 11wottoAttaatoton, vrea. wadi:6ton; toitattuo. knit, 31.Itador, It Xe•Ohl AyAbY'15. UM • 1, Sterling; Mann apple*, IL -Trutt, 'bootee% knit, It 'Neeh, ' St tader . ,, , Ageti hoar, , V'. 'An ,Statteon ner, X'. .Sterling; Nerthern ,OPIK F. tabes beetk4, • -etoettet„ ' li. Nob, flr0 , Kr, littered in lg.% T. TiteniSititoto 14 l*0114, $.., titan,* 1' ingstOn.. brood.00*/ T. .Sholvdetip lia..N. Midilletak; '(.- -It :Middleton; Eh* of Ihm.--rino„; bibo, to -04,0k mi$$ ttv,-., , 'Os . 0 ., OW, •11tter141 tral-Sittiltig$1, Z. titerlitig,, it -Porter; Rib. ,‘ 10 wosk , Mies Li*Into WO, , ,,, Ist •and; litolt, 60,1 rbotikti $. Stornot; V*1' .1i,: 'PrattiCal, • ,h0titie . *plats ,. , 1 en At botta,. V;It. • Witrort It.;, tort,trt Wog* F. Own, Mrs. r 4atgOeija PRIV , 'MY PILLOW SHEDS ITS fEasirfiliR5 LIKE kimorriNG BIRD:9Y HECIei , r!rrorro.1 ise Man Looks Ahead 41.1.,ig 0, ',41.rbrirroidir.rw,00rrorr , -NEW STOVE. 004(veral Made to clieeee troin—COok SIVVEs or Wings, • ••You:wilt .rtijoy 00014 at LAcK$iONt'S :rot ,notiottlow rtratkaviatt,, wog: tuia m!ovt4. -- our eolitettioutii nouttiti#4 144 the frehest 4,1 to ow thorolak.s. *DUI* .ftkoillot Firthet Ott )illy att. , . 114 -r