HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-08, Page 4;flUOU prev4?flt*tLVe to Wtter tb a eurt,X. Milifi to ‘prev it deWti a , b. s • , elliat OltC*uIef--Eath 3 WOW?* tapetlie 0404 to. Our tVlsPoPo NI° Of eod IlVerolt-06, tor St-,-.. 190 'Olt $1,60, . - Oreat 10.1phtuattt*-0 for. $11-4.00 ii‘‘ $3.50, (00°4 *it. With '00d MVO 011-45t MS S1.49. ' We, Mix Tablets,' -$14 y : ,.. - Or lOW PrICOS Ort AvereSt Vett LIVO 011-0z, bottie 40c -10.0t. 'WOO $1.Iyertst ' " — • . I.O.D. Cod Elver Oil,..4.0*, bottle:73e. 16.4z. bottle $11..69. POILT Oct. 6.-1iss Etta T, ,01104 ptibile Wheel itaff Is 14K ot few .doIot het honte, the ocliool, boons! beell tose'l on .ttegottnt .of the el/10%1)0111.9f, .infan.- •psrelyi,ii*, • , " 411r. and KOVInkt of' De - trot, have boon:wee14-ena, 'Viiitto.'0 itt the,Ylein1ty. " •Mr;•,ond Green, of De - Pelt; were week -end visitors „la 00 YleinttY,. • utiMit:r.welillaptinae,kiepottee4Itivsel 014 thetug, V4t)Zel 10.101 14 Cattle. •„ „The . setviee in the United ohurgit On SundlaY' WIl!I 00uffneted by Rev. IL 44,c:wnlitee Irooitytite.r17Nxi,ufliTelthbeelcv0a4etwo.res,,t, 'PORTER'S HILLsowerDy. yvas u• guest last week'vrith Oiss.Tean t • ZIon ' Church .AnniVersary.—Anni- • - • PORTER'S HIM, Oct. 50—Mrs. Thesi versary servlee wasreonducted at Zion BettIC I under the doctor's care' t ethuteh, Taylor's Corner, on Sunday , present. Her daughter, Ors. P: Young, evening. The Olivet' was' tastefully haS been with her. We hope she may decorated with cut flowers and nut - soon be feeling better, umit leaves festooned, about the walls. • ,; On. Sunday next Rev. R. M. Gale The edittee ivas tilled to capacity. --wilt again be 14 the pulpit of Gra m Iter. A. E. \Manton's% Goderich, was eiturph: Prettealng servlee at '8 the ,speeild:spealwr, taking Itis text o'clock; $tualuy School at 2 o'clock. from Daniel 3:18 -:-"But if not, be it Visitors at J. S. Lockhart's OU SIM* known Mate thee, 0 'king, that we day and over the, week -mid were „will aot serve thy gods,nor worship Mr. and alne j. C McConnell and the golden image which thou host set daughter Grace, of Dundalk, Mr. and up." Special‘ music was rendered by Mrs. Geo.' Ludlow, Miss Ruth, Sherson the quartette from Union church, and Mr. Goldle Littleiolm, of Protuu Mrs. Gordon .Orr, Misa Muriel moor - Harem - Gardner and Everett • Meliwaill, who sang, "The Bent Friend to 'Have Is Jesus," and "I Know Ile is Mine," and MISS MOOT- 40tFAVIO, 90. st...,,Oirs, Mceallellr house -sang a beautiful "Leave it Mrs. 3,Ienary and Mrs. S. Shervvood, with Him.". Mrs. Harsirood.. • played EttQfld_.0;:f.*-eeetiontartectizikottlie oef,aceonspanlmen.tt._o. , the orpn,_ • Mir.' and mrs. onambers, of waal: meeting-ortti'lrP4-4-tre7WAIg. Fri- day evening, with choir practice ° lowing.. . . .. „Sunday Wale° was ducted at Union on -Sunday -afternoon with the pastor, Rev. A. S. moor - house, delivering ° the eermon,from the text'And the Lord said unto ni.m. What' is that in thine hand,. Arid he silica A rad' (Exodus 4 :2 1 ;During the service an anthem was Sing by the choirs. .. . .Nest •Suntlay, October 10th. special anniversa:y services will be conducted at Union cbutch at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The special speaker will be Rev. C. J. Moorhouse of 'London. There will be special. xnusic by the choir, aes1etes1 at the morning service by Mrs. Elmer Cranston, of Goderich, ahd Miss Wil- heimine ,Trewartha, of Toronto, and at the evening service by Mr. S. R. McDowell, of Goderich. . aiIL bock, visited on Sunday 'wttn air, Mis. Matthew Sharkleton. Recent Visitors with, Mr. and •Mrs, Jim Sherwood were ',kiwi.; s . Sherwood - and Earl, of • Hackett's, Iftir.. and Mrs. • Chas. Humber, • and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cranston, of••Goderich. Mrs. Wm. Crozier spent a few days witli her parente, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ' Campbell, Donoybrook. NILE, Oet. 5.—The- People of - Ebe- nezer and Slieppardton, as well as of Nile, will be pleesed to know that Rev. Le Roy 'White wili oecupy the pulpit le Nilecherch on tSunday, October -11. Mr. White was 011ee the pastor here. Silo filling itt The order of the day. It Is very hard work, as the corn la down, making it difficult to cut, and progress therefore Ls slow. The community was shocked -to hear' that Will Elliot had the misfortune to have his hand taken off in the threshing machine, and still more shoeked when they heard of his sudden • death. The sympathy of the community Is extended to the brothers and sister. Mr. (Elliott was unmarried: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutledge attended • a birthday party on (Friday, October 1st, •at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor, • • Auburn, In 'honor of Mrs.- IL Wyatt, • '. (nee Vertha Ountuighant). irwas her nerentieth birthday. Mrs. Wyatt Efts been .maRing her home ht Mrs. Geo. latitledge's, Auburn, Or the summer, but Is moving to Goderich for the winter. Alex. Watson has purehased a ,Makfierflarris tractorand has tionlinenced ftlIing sites. When takitiO, plot's:1,11.4-0f childrenenap them" lo fria natural pose -404V something_ "STAND up straight no* and look -placed over the lens. With' a por. at Me." "Put your bands down, "trait „attachment you can get as darling, and emile, I want to get a, close as three and a half feet to your gobd pictaae to send totAunt 311n. Oubiect And get sharp, d1stbact;p1c- ' . . . dimple.- By fimoVilgy aevierevyer°11orl and teres that•Will* ., - 7:faven.'t you beard theeetie4 an newer tYO any !limner expr4ssions on .the, .pbo! eameras;-however, , m - : :4„ipsaa Jarents...whenthey KIINAlsThrit, A_SI-7A.0Jere talc- YOu can gibOot as .close as five feet Let it bo1JO you are not numbered,a s`chaten . _ - Anat.= • - . among them for unless mar phildWItha fdrdizig• . „ziieti.bf-Masker,- . is quite apt at'poSing the ffatilt will type, the eloiser the 'subject is to the • be a rather, uninteresting, snapshot lens the more care is required os-. .which_does not de the child Audio.? timatieg the distance. -Set the point. First Of all, as you knoii, young-. er on thw•distence.scale etthe-nuni-, — titers -are the cutest when they -are her Of feet between the lens and the perfectly natural: If a Ifst of fuss is cbtkr. ifayos eltange your ,position made to ket theta to *stand just so, for succeeding *tures, be sure to or an effort IS made to getthem to change the pointer t� the proper dfs- do a certain thing; the chances are., tauce mark. they will look too posed in the And watch your backgrounds. A 'shed Print. • nice, attractive background adds so -: There are two types of child pie- Mitch to your pictures. Telephone tures, I might uaY: just plain record poles, wires, unattractive fences, ga- *pictures and the other kind you rages, and what have you, often should strivil _to! get--story-telling spoil an Otherwise:artistic, fascinat.• pletures. A...little tot standing Ing human interest picture. In fact, straight as an arrow with arms atilt- 947 prominent off -side object in the ened against the sides of the body picture will detract from the inter.; and staringot the calriera Is a good est in what the child is doing. example of Here's another tip. Try to avoid .aarecord picture, but ' snap 'a Picture of that same little having the sun shining directly in - rascal makInk.reud-Pies, or playing the child's eyes, for the poor little traffic .policeman, and you have a fellow can't help squinting under story -telling.' pictirewith real hu- such condition's and neither mild man interest appeal. • you. tet the sun come frees the Side. Children's pictures should always Tata gives an interesting. lighting be taken fairly close up, rarely more and what professiopals call "round - then ten feet from the camera. If nese • Fll get you have an ordinary box cameraollow these "tips" and you' veal joy out of your snapshots. don't get closer Allan. six or eight feet unless a portrait attachment is 1$1 John van Guilder TOWNSEND—DRRINAN Wine satin with mutehing hat :Elul shoes was becomingly 'worn by *MISS llelen Pearl larennae, elder *daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tennant Drennan,at her wedding at 14. o'cloek this • (Wed- nesday) .naorning to gr. Archibald A. Tessessee, of Gotlerich, son Of Mr. fled Mrs, Charles - %wilt e.ena, of St. Thomas. Rev. D. J. Lane officiated at the ceraMotiye Whieh AvalA 11,1 et the home of the brides patents BaY- ffeld road. Wedding music was played by Miss Velma Brownlee. The hrlde carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. and the brIdegMlIK. MIN Until Worsell, Wore navy taffeta sett/ea shottlder eorange of. ph* roses. Atter the wedding. which Wrie at- tended ilei --the immediate relatives and a few friends of the couple, Omit twenty' guests' Were reeeived at a wed- ding dinner tit the Drennan home, WM& was attraetively decorated in a pink and White celer..seteme. The tonple lett early this afternoon for 'Toronto, viler* they will make thelf Ionic,. the bride wore a green wept snit ;With InOven Actesstories„ In the last week before the wedding the brideeleet.Was the guest of bonor at several parties and showers. e4i. Innei,aLwome8 cafe she received, • luandieene vealna-Unlaaalrom ahe aellowsemployeaca int the. staff Of tisie PeoPleiti ,Store;• Mal a score of ftlembt presented her with Many gifts at mis. cellineotis showers held' at the hemea of Mrs. Rnssell Drennan and MISS Ruth' Worst% ' Addedi to the best Wishes Of their .friends go the good *totes of. many others for fi'euteetesful future for the YOung ;Couple. • 00W:10300 TWP., Oct, 4. ---Miss Pearl Lindsay, Of Baydleid, visited on Aftindt7., With her friend, Miss . Jean .-Sewerby.. - The telephone Imes th•iough (lode!. rich central were eitanged last week, The 004 line on the 4th eoneesibin Is laneW eircult, 007, tn. 100 the nortiiTita-7from Ur;.EttWt . • o natOtiI. ISeveral of the long rings • ve been eliatiged On the•diftereUt ,Alse a numbft have been 'OM; on, * different line to make each ttiretait,'Sraaller, •* Alata MeAllifstet and Intern, are visiting at the home Mr. toad Mrs. Mallister. Dennis visited in 41:40r, over . the weelt.ende. And Mts.-Gordon .0i%. aid WO. illateld: Peter,„ef At= *tot visfted, itt: 'the. lion* ot -Mrs. p4.70,04 on MIs DeWitt plack, Goderich, Mrs. Tilt Tom retorned to Toronto this week After Spending the trutaner at her home here. IShe wati aetom. Vainied 04 her trip 'tri the citY by her, daugliter,'Dr. Mary- Tem, • BENMILLER orgotiftims, oot. Eric Glairdner; of !Kitchener,* visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrse"aa. 13. Gard- ner, on Sunday, - W. and :grs, E. T. trfriMnier spent the week -end in Hamilton. Mr. ,S. .1 Brown visited with his Parents; Rev. A.' W. and Stre, Brown. The Y. P. met on saailar even - Ingo 'MIAs Evelyn 11111 teekk' the topic. Wedding hells „ are ringing around Oeamiller. . str'e,4•'It., Long, who has,been in Goclericb, k able' to retn0 te his home at Ben:miller. • Mrs, .g..11.4' Walter has had Hydro Installed in lier tense this, week 3y Mr. -r. TPItbladO., Silo filling Is the °vier:. tuttAug in this vicinity. • ,„ _ AO.. and :Mrs. 4. vansttoe-vtigte4i at Nile on ;Snladar. ' The 'Women's Asleolation met at tile ilikine of Mrs. Hugh 11111 on Wednes- day with a good attendant*. . We are sorry. to lose, Mrs. D. 'Unman from: the village; The' have mOvied to Gedenich*.to niAlte their home. HIOTAION,S, -Oct .Thrtildge, Of •Toronte,, was; home,,,4* the week -end. , • Mies Clara MeGoivall, *Ito, is home aftet, teaehing.in;..Chertgtn, China, for seyeral years, will be the guest speaker at the anettal social Meeting of the Wometf lefissionary. Society, to be held on Weduesday•,. October 13, at .1!30 o'clock. 31*,.. and Mrs: Wilson Woods.. of nturi,e. Were recent guests of 'Mrs. R. _ Wilford. medical' miesion. ore on furlough from West China,(vias the special Speaker •at the annual. thinkoftering •of the,,W. 31...S. on Sun- (lay morning. 1.11r. E. W Rive and Mr. ;r. Moehree fevered with a duet. .4 the regrdur meeting of the P IT. held on Sunday evening, the in at Victoria. hospital, London, was a 'recent vieltor at the b.ome of her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Graham. We are eorry to know that Mr. and `Mrs. Russel alctereight and family. will be, leaving .this” cenrimmiity, as Mr. 34 ON .DISPLAY W.r tGees Showrognis • on ilanailloti Street. • \Tile jub1ic of Goderich and vicinity is Invited to try out this pmeactwgwar. OD GE and 'DESOTO ,additiona R. • 1935 FORD 'IT-8.1113SEELDUXEARCOBAARCHG,:stlit7he.alqr- • 193Q D'ESOTO COUPE, rumble sal. 1,9,29 :FORD'. ROADSTER. 1928 DURANT. SEDAN. 1928 CHRYSLER SEDAN, . -REG., WGEE DODGE and DESQT0 SALES` Phone 379 - Hamilton 1$5.456 1/4 •PORT 'ALBEIRT,- Oct. 0.--ealt. Bert Cunningham, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Chas. Crawford. . Mit-vest thanksgiving services will be, conducted in OhriSt. church oe October loth, _morning and evening. alias Irene Graham, parse -in -train: kieripture lemon WOW rOad lav Laurette Mailer And the eommente was given by Grace. alreatherhead. The topic, "What snn a °(Thriatian patriot "de-, to prevent war and ereeereeitra _cl?a,,.ww.advaLtkas read t Diek Weatheeheed find Cneler Rstnage Avere appointed to attend the coil,- ference, to be held at Clinton on Oct., laithsa ' • Mrs. R. J.. Wobas is it. eisiter with - his daughter, Mrs. Arnold Barbour: earglir.ls.• Wma"Hunushrey. Jr.. is under re,0 'aostor's car with blood poison in his hand. ' WIFTIVIociFtuuori, Oct. 4.---41r. and Mrs. Archie Anderson,' of St. Ffelens. visited, on Sunday at the -home of their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Purdon, ale and Mrs. Harry Peppier. of 'eavistock, and Mr. and Mrs. Colwell and son • Emerson visited at the home of Airs. A. Emersme on :Sunday. Miss Whinifred Farrier had .a •trip to Toronto last Wednesday, but the til •PERSONAL MENTION Mies Margaret Malehen was home over the week -end front 311eDonald Hall, Guelpa. • • John D. Middleton, teller at "'the Royal Bank, is holidayiag at Toronto and in the Muskoka district. Mrs. W.. Buthanant and Mrs. W. Refill, of Grand Valley, 'were euelts" last week of Rev. D. J. and Mrs. Lane. Miss .Dorothy Clark, of London, and. Mk. Lorne Clark. of Kineaadine. were recent gitests with their parents, Mr. and airs. tom*. Mussels hos purchased the Mrs. David Martin: -TieST-tetn-rrei home after -deifying spent 'some time with friends _aa Detroit, ,Mrs. Rutherfardi- who sasent the pe.st -few months With ber dttughter, Str8; J01111 Bennett, is edullned to ber bed through illness: We hope she will soon be • restorea to good healthe • County and District REBEKAH INSTALI4TION Mrs. J. C. Cutt Takes Office as Noble Grand el Rodorith LOdge Mrs. J. C. Cott was installed Noble Grand of •Gederich • Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, in a cereinony at tise Odd - fellows' Tuesday night. suc- ceeding Miss . Christine McKenzie. The installation was conducted by Mfrs. Ina Wolfe, of Stratford, district deputy* president. Other officers were installed as fol- lows:1 Vice Noble Grand, Miss Gladys Shore; recording secretary., Miss Ger- trude Heist s fluancial secretary, Mrs. 'John Newcombe; treasurer, Mrs. VaasseaaiiskiedeaseMasselatireacleaseeass----eas_ litiVersaaatainanatisteelfts..-Gebasa TeVrar."07-Mves-Berts4BogleaTears-Gr, Mrs. 0. Ginn; It. S. N. (1, Mrs. C. Tweedie; L. S. N. G., Mrs. Wm. -Doak; R. S. V, G., Mrs. Albert Shore; L. S. V. G., Mrs. Fred Toole;, chap- lain, Mrs. R., G. Johnston. • At the conclusion of the ceremony, luecheon was served by a committee under the convenership of Mrs. J. C. Cutt. About fifty persons were pres- ent. The Brussels Fell Fair has been cancelled for this year, because of the epidemic of „poliomyelitis, Mrs. Robert Turnbull, of the Blue Water highway near Grand Bead, died September 27th in her eighty-fifth year. Three eons survive.• Dan Arbuckle, SOYA of Mr. and airs. W. J. Arbuckle, East Wawanosh, was • called to the bar at Torbnto 'last week. He has taken a position in the schools there are not open ng after Thanksgiving. law office of I, B. Lucas, Markdale. Mfand Mrs. Stanley Underhill and Winghaxa .fall fair, held last week, son, Reeeroft, of Barrie, visited last was dilidaily opened by Hon. J. C. El- Tuesdaar withher atlet, Mrs. Henre liott, Postmaster -General. Tho exile; McGee, and other Beecroft relatiVes. ,bits were good, but the attendance was Littae Ivan Laidlaw, son of mr, and not up to the record of previous years: Mrs. joeeph- Ravelle died September Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw, had. the rats - 'fortune to fall from "old back 28th at the home et her son, Leonard, "t last ,Supday and break his right arm on tbe 13lue •Water highway near te little above the elbow. Grand Bend. - She was in her seventy- .' • Mr. and Mfrs. Bert Reed spent the . seventh year and leaves four sons and past week at the home of her brother; The death of Isabelle Dickson, wi-. one daughter: Mr. Will EgliesOn. of Detroit, and with other relatives theredow• of the late William' E. ,Broadfoot„ . occurred Wednesday night of last week Mfr. and Urs. Elwyn.Mopre and evil:, arm, of Tortestor vent the week -end at he Seaforth , hospital. DeceaSed was a native of lIcKillop, but had at the home of his -31r. Thoe. Moore, lived for Malty .•years in '-Seaforth. rcirm. E. Scott, (Ift concession of Lorna MeClenagban. of Port ,E;ast •WawAtioeh, recently ,fell .about Elgin, Spent the week -end here with sixteen feet his barn and WAS her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben: Me... Clenaghanseverely injur,ed. HeNV49, diateing . . Mt..., Will Seatt and daughter." Mise ha,v and in attemPting to step- from Mervelle, of Kinlortgh, Mont Wednes., -th-e load to the mow he fell headfirst le nit; head was badly (Mt, day last at the boom of Mr. and 3Irs. Albert Patterson.- exuent the week -end. here well her Free an-Saundercoek „the. cock, Henan% on•Septeraber 23rd, her — ehtl7ge"rff - .4st *OM Chins had ughter, Mary Isa elle. 'was the, United .firatelf„here t4tt°11 'Miss Bernice -Moore, -hitrsec-hrtrairt. Ing 'ut Strotforil, genergil hospital, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Moore'. Heron •Road, last Week -end. •rs: Chaiinian,*MTS,. D. O. Mooney*, Mrs: W. P.-.Aaunder's tuid Mrs. A. 'Taylor fatendott titis regional eonfertniee oD 'Home ahd iSehool *Clubs at Lohdon on Pada). last. *Miss Elizabeth Hewson, Who 'in tak- ing a tome" at affteDonfild Oita, .GuelPhs .Watt the guest of her aunts. the :MIA•vs Strang, for the week.end. She was ardent/willed by a fellow -SW. dent, Mos' Itoss. BUY AN APPLE Seventy .Boy Scouts. of the ,lst and 2nd Goderich troops will canvass Goderich on Saturday, 'September 10th, in the Dominion -wide "Apple Day" drive. Eighteen. bushels of .delicious McIntosh Reds have been purchased for the sale. s• Mr. and Wo. Itoy Patten, of,Lucan, his smItould,er injut_ed _arid several ribs fractured. mother, Mrs. A. Pk: • At the name of, aro. Amite '..14.tiunder IteV, Wilford, returned intssion; ttervitt on nt mei* united le marriage 'to 'Wilfred Robert raw411111144kno4)11mib741:01g:€118:.:11:rvollilith117.:: 'FArrethelnural4rnclanilitlie"wnsbip. The iefter 'Mr. ,Ors. )Stewart ',Attlee.. of ceremony 'MK 44010r#10f y Rev. e. the We(ldthg Beeetort ,Tion,40,4 on /ratty, „own festivities the *happy •couple left . on she went to See PlerenCe in th0 bong-tr.ip to Detroit. They will makethelr home 111 Cllntofl. DUNGANNON • Native of Ashfield Dies. --G. 0. Tre- leaven has received, word of rbhe death In Calgary of his brother-in-law. John F. Andrew. The late Mr. Andrew was a native -of Ashfield, being the second eldest son of Imtc Andrew and Susan Anderson of eoncession 12. He was well known through Western Ontario, being assistant agricultural representa- tive in the Counter' of Mid'diesex, and district agricultural representative of the county Of Dufferin. He Iota took up the -same work ib Alberta and was stationed at Vermilion. He rose to be Assistant Deputy Minister of Agricul- ture for Alberta and alesided. at' Ed- monton. Two years ago be betame 111 and was renioved to the eaeitarium at Calgary where hie death occurred on Monday of this week. Surviving • are his -widow, fotnietly alias Edith l`ree leaven, daughter of Mr$5. Treleaven and the late Planinel. Treleaven, of Dungan- non; twb some:Virgil= and --On, and otto danglsters BetitY. He Is eurviv.al also by his parents, Mr and lag Ticaag. Andrew, Aslifield ; two brOthere. Da- Verntilion, Alta., tind Alfred, Port Albert,, and one sister, urs. por- don Kieklfted, at 'home. He was born forty-five Years ago and was.educated In lAehfield, lefeknow and Guelph. He was married to;Miss. Edith Treleaven ing futureabead of him,- And his early death Is much.„Tegretted by a wide eircle of relatives And friends, At pres- enetis.widow hospital suffering feoni scarlet feve▪ r; or which, the two younger children had( audit" suffered beef etteeks Within the peat year. Ow- ing to Mrs,, Andrew.0 illteser, the re - Mahn; Will be placed in it vaillt and Wilt. be brought 'east for burial upon hira widetv'S reoovery, probably' a month he**. The martiage of Ili. Dorothy, eldest • Se,* Margaret 1310sett and Mr. da, thrd .It'Asvitt spent the week.agbter of Mrand end with gUntr Of Exeter AO reel rd:wan v , u relatfeee HatilItot. e 'Snet1, tOn 'OP gra, Annie ThieU and the late) Jelin O. Snell; alsO of011oter„. *wage, 16teter, Wednesday , .Septerober '21)th, Ti iOung 'eoUple :fetid! Exeter. , rstniattla 1:ettniveermastiordtteesil'ut.7todv.. eskusittePahgei:r.., At the home .of the brides Parents, and US, Aire A, -Wailis, Wood, bridge, an Saturday, September Mho • Vitritaret loaephine 'Willis watt united in Marriage to rtatry 0. 0. fittitnti eon of Or, and Retry Strang, of :Exeter. 'The ,tertiniottr performed Ws' , Rec. We G. Omani of- vronfe, uncle of the gtaara,,Etadisto0 ,by get, Mt. Roe of 'WO:Abridge. Mr, anekrs. 'Strang lett on a, motor trip to Eastern Ontario and '44tiebee • breott;r04.tetoirtolizinhi:04, • 1..r .boine Os - 'Of Asitileiti 'Posies ' The death occurred at Itineardine on rSeptember 28th of 'Phonias :Blaney Hall, a former r&ddent of AShileld Who Moved to Kincardine ten years ago„ Demtised was twice MO,triedi first -to Miss. 'Seven: 'Make, and, after her edeath to Miss Eliza 'Marshall .of Inticardine, who, survives bim Also, surviving tare a son, Itobert W. E. Mit ,of Stratford, and a daughter, Miss Evelyn Ilan, Kineardine a brother, Godfrey, and a. ,eitter, liSnt3r. both .of ASIttiold. The funeral was thv.emlit,dtt!el..tfeirry,Obte 'tihitetoirm.tontolet,,Orit:opdturehtirtintaolin,,., N:jp:14S. ,,Art14°Att144:•43(18uipbert, 'Dungannon* announce the 'engagement', ot thtir elder daughter. tivels.tr to Zolut tieMtatil Orawford[itiiird ton Of Att.° avat :ite4 Wittiata, (itatvfort,, ,Vatt Albert* *the mirritop • to take, place the latter part of 'October. If you are of the nutriberless persons who do nothing u guess about the r 3Visio1f try to realize that you 'nay be • g wrong, ,A110,,,,that isn't so good. We are, pleased to , *it information on alknattets relating to vision or to Lenses eS. unnlatel interott Otis on $atttiday ,afteri ofl attee Ibe ea4beener J. ake her coo' too tc#. Onieriell -lnOnth. i4i had et rar4) of 1;40 • bug1t to , this port for • the ;Corlett Manutuctitting• Vompan,y tron wationd. Wand. Itteontrag,, to ter flrt, trip to- oderieb, itt the seeontl 'week.,.otSep, bell, when the. - down Ian s ok.end „yin lavorable been taken' stuce then. ,winds titirty-ihregVourg, • '"Sallinrigtil their blood," raid: On the urtrip titter ufiroading her the captain. ithes4d, rather-trIve,n tirst cargo here, 4144. (Ito. Tisher trnek?' . Said the schooner attained a apred of, Over the ;landlubber, howeVer, 'tie fourteen miles- per hour and -completed 41', T. Wing, one of•tho last schooners the, trip in twents)4ive hours.. the. Ortat.. , Take, stilt exerta mutinied* $61,9Ontit itro• 0017+; etht 'fas,Onittion atia ivgates art urge for 'a uttoratittg cost is 011v fraetion the Open, sea. This is evitlenod , its that ,of Stetiin ' owds gather around her itt -ever$ on the 4irst trip hoe the sUippe r 17thoutandg 'ha* insmeted, and ' wia '(!'H' ore luerahee the "new graphed the Wing this $estr, aid risher. p itevettp-iive hour:4„ the 'Wing came qui‘t te vertti more men bare N• ine people auto? ten Will benefit from this marVellons tonic utt4 'body Wilder; It Supplies the minerals deficient ino our reed - ern dietthiconal. tionallf..casto°Ateed.