HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-11-25, Page 2G 1111 tot' . ;Celan,
21 P;' 'IAII 1IUP.b.1
t.(C.)NOt mail)
It wits the morningmorningafter his last
•p'3.valty —`Somnl
a) urtang, the crit `t,
the a t/u1•e 1t belle to the lint. There
October; a (try, deadlr,.,littering (ia
Z rvialihad'beet' to his attic to rest
'LOd Who ; he 'had be. n there some
Mears 'dime sienrise, iu the old place by
the •........w and watched the red sun
Way, Ile looked oftels from the cot,l
stars to the warm lights tlirubbii&g iu
the town. There were both company
to him. IJe began to feel less Mune.
There Was a special service sidled seine
where in the city that night, to read
prayers for the swlc and dying. The
wind rose feebly,aud bare the sound of
Battle Creel(, Mich. Oct. 20.—A few
dayct sign, as was At11te1. in the Inter
Wean, Conductor A. S, Parker cif Me
Grand Trout( liailway, who resides i1
ibis mit by an Aecitle lh 1Mit, a Ieg au
nn ar,ny►t Stillwell station. The olein•
1a 10
was a great deal of,c+omhers seVACPci frnlll) the body were left
pluly, too, in 1yi77;, by the Ride of the track, while
the bells.Ile remembered it was Sou• the bath, wire immediately e•,uvey'et1 to
day night , South fiend for )ueciie2 l n� ista, oe, A31
It was ,llolz(lay, but 11a one colas. It A318)011 ns 110 rnenvered 01111801011‘11088110
Nov !,lt'ftAn 25. Tt4Pf�
0 t & �3t GIUI�+'HT1
.1Jnacyrttlic 8r , L.1•at1c �'t►liYaiti�i�F.: T-,'t.Tl'ttfitt�tltrk.q's.
dimer: who tl)Wiid
t m o r n
4 f H
�lr,o u t 1
14U1 a0tt11`kI
tlouler who Ihtc,, be sell
again must Ilt)3001 Ltil)•
liavo it pt•oOt. We Latin
gis etas 1) treh(Lerers bite
ltouuttt, wIJieh d•i)tuot raid
to ltre.c•t the vrc11 s of they
(grangers, Our exec.,:o nn
are INNS bhln, t11Use of Oil4
11rt(11u'tt(tg111111 IJO1 ed''Cil t
Wo ea). seIlchou�,cr•
i(itelle, and watched the doad•c:- --
was Tu,lsday, taut the xntr.Ne aud toe began to compleill flint his rikllt. arm. w
vile 3.n+: ,till butttecl along ,together over was in a cramped condition, Tiiq tit, £ 03" q'e; C�(/et� �''
t•rlltit FliVay lata tyre Colnilr, !a [l 11 kllQele(1 1110 11e 3.m, � ������ �� ��� ��� Different WIVViva�;'S.
seat graved Ct)r frost. Now. Mita Zurviutt'e stock of cools• to, ltnotvlug that ltiN arm wee
dies WAN as ample as his skill, He Y -..-._ ��t
etrengtoenea in mind and si ail, he , many chiles 'MAY b the side of the
was deltc,eudiu tet his Sabbath's Wnrlc, had Ihnn r,lt 11e should save tioip. He railway track, thrill no attention to hiv
OLT) {��Z't`�Li I�1° 171 [OLD L+'STS E3L1 i�li.,I
gworked without sleep, a l l (1 ! i a fond riasr "°'""`""`." "z":°c""'. m,t..,a„a,..,,_,.....,..,„.a�....
schau f4meseagamet liitn 141 the (loch, ontnnlaints, thinking him ont r, his •111 _
not clean. lie lavjvtled himself like n
The Ineseenger was a negro hoe.% who heed. IIs Rti.i continued its aaneYt IinnR
dawn 4 a slip of tomer in his llatltl, anti, levet' e a the binol( hont111atl; he lti)LU that the fingers of hie right arum were
l el like Il. lover over this man who had doubled et der hie hand, incl asked his
s+ ening to be seized with snperetittt.ns betrayed him,
r irht, came rapidly no the street anti fl,+.IKtAT1tR to send and get Ids arm at
1 y Tint on Tuesday night, a little before
div')npeared, midnight, Scip rose, struggling ou his Stillwell. By his alveoli they Raw that
The message was a triunlphl•1 result Neve1chod bed, and heiii u his bands he realized the acehlent, send
a tete +mitt
oI the educatioga of the freedmen's evert- p was sent to Stillwell to send the mut;•
anti cried out ; lilted arm to its owner, 'The request �� c � � o r
iug school, and salPUint1y velli ; .l' r Hope! I Mr. Hope ! I never li �( ` , 2 .1�•
t'ive Grit 1T. Nob ally Want :fuse I a i 'p wars eat out, and lbs arm sent to
Ow, amp. mean t() harm ye 1 him by exprose. So aunt) - as it rotes
me. 3. ISI'o11J10 ,ntl�urtotheLD:lri1 bee sell 'Yon Lave ant banned me,' said taken up off the pronn(1', a few 3.171)
ire's carry This. i dont Seipalse yu11.1 Z.ryiuh, holm ]y. 'Nobody ever )rents after the telegram was sent,
„ harm •d (11e but. myself. Don't mind 1) remarked to IlkILcpjctat?tR that
kuln. Sen. - me, Snip.'
(c ti 1.1N11En 07 PAGE POUR.)
TL Wc)t?Ll)
A.'-•-e.•••r;,•t 1 eallsi.t0lt:latb.Lt9(21
�.� 4o our 111 ,lortuttll.g ticl tart
`0 1 /neat/1011e1a lF roam 0')ut-
t rlete b11113i a ver, n s W 1.1840
1 �
N .
.1.0,ded scv ,) • 3.l , .
k cJn.u.t s ��N
t t t 1,
'1 Y f . .1{.
��i�t'?T^1•' �'"� !:•�-„,1 of Into 7.•Lc beat outline.
^ Sri -1 trttsl<eCn si1rolids,,Lndevery
011tlal Iequimit at the
�' *.•"..p telt tet ert8tl - Our 110W
�"'• Itt111•.e is lmolitlttIieedi,r
„✓ tl'...:;?... eowpoteut lodger to bo
t socooti to u0:•,t i11 t1.o
Extra value 111
Tite Rum wont down that night as
red lis it 114(1 risen.. There were no
el)utls. There was no wiutl. There
we.; un frost, Tile lint dust curdled in
the shallow that coiled beneath the
ata k palmetto. Tliat palmetto always
to tkett like a (erase, tb 13gh there was
life in it yet. Zervinit mine to 1118 \1e begin to tliiuk that the railway
door of Seip's hovel for sir, and looked
at. the thing. It seemed like snots- syndicate scheme of the Dominion goy•
There ernment will meet With very little op -
thing that ought in be buried.
were no other tress. The everglr(lels position at the approaching ses-inn.
WPM wiles away. The 8104 and the It will not be passed unanimously, be.
scout, s to aP,l grass Rtre(clled ell t canoe JI r. Make and some of his con-
arennd. Scilp'A hat Et 00(.1 g(li+e by i'- j
self. N) ol:e passe i bv. Often un (18 i Ireres will oppose tooth and nail Any.
Hissed for a week, or evon more.' Bill(); that Sir Jvlltll110dvlutll 0LIit•e.
Z .rviah looked from the doth of the 1 When Sir Jelin proposed to build the
lent to the little 'city. The red light I •railway Its 8 government work they .ie -
lay between him and it, litre a gr •at. l tl t),1£lce,t toe scheme as oto ?;,all and
{7nrt1• IIs felt bass ln:leiy to sea tier � !
t:,mn, aril t1(i sin )110 Hort and then
1 )'tlit)Otld to the oenutry ; and note tit (t i are met with in the study of nature.
from chimneys,. H 1 thought 11 )w 1 he has lifted the burthen from the
nla'ty pO()1d3 loved and !cared for ane eo11i(11•y'N shoulders and placed it 011 -, •1--