HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-01, Page 5• Telephone 317 ..:%'Your t t Plage 150J ,., T.. that Mat 0Wa *Va her knitted !p ad -a•t, the mento hibit19n. it WA* ente !n th: elatot... ter Oder itultea. TWO read wan madile.' is 'Mrs. idaeKen ie'a ei ' fir. eke de ten.bedVreack oft Vie: p tear i and at *tient laIvorking another one, Sh,e reeel'tingt.heart/ tu'la" tieno fro'mnnr friend* on > hee at Tereato4 • has` • %ice` liar) ara :D,ular . • One to. make 'her home with ►rrlea Oook of Wineram. elle has -rented dear . farm to Alfred Ritclde.: illITUITECUURCH ISMITILOCaki4CH, Sept, 28. ,Bet of Riverhurst, Sank, 4.0ylalt'ing. at' the home of her brothers, woos., James, and moo. goon. tier. 'husil6>ad Is on a trip to tbe Peace, River Distrie .>yt er,1404 `. George° +*ardor, t there for the st t': r � weeka,, k ► , hone with '1 t. Datbour` and Nears, lar* borer and her brother, • tr, Ale finder- teen, Of' Toronto, *re: visit!; at their` for; 'ham e' la West 'awauosh. r; .and •: r$4,, Wm,' tt en, of uburn:. 'Vent a .. f dyne+ .a last week .o t e, r daughter, Vitra, at til+s"hom� . t . li .i,. ' arenee Oo ', lila' d :riot attended the H(eny 1't'4�A t � ,. �' funeral or Ur, b,00.-Milita • of St,•. 04 la Thnrsdsl lar had .1►g "visa Mary Weir, A:1%, who bac. n helidaylng. at the home of her parents, Mz.' 'and bra. Davidson, 'leavestbia' w t resume her work at -4140Y, ewo»k, fir*. lames Weir at tendon Spent the.week-end here also, Mr..and;Mrrs, Joint 1U *Pie.: lir. and ' rg. Gibson • Gillespie,' Jack and . Agee. Wired' -en Sunday` with, lore 400 Mira. hao. ►Gillespie, ot New ,PArruolt and. g OW Year at PSP Ed** land, retnrued to his bome.ust` week. fir, autt Ura4 a vineent and dara*htera> of Weetfleld. wlslted' on ,,nM die r at, the Wane,.ot her atipther, cres. kr; Douglaa Clarke, who Vent the ;mmmerr la .'biological v orrk, in- the *:retie re*tlon, a 'sited hist" parents, • , 1 Cr and 14*. Clark -e, •lad weeks, and. left on Friday forOttawa to e; a toaition : in/ rho *Atonal *mom. mom• cANDXDATE Fob . HURON WILL •B HELD AS FOLLOWS, ;+iter; Friday, Oct let 'To be**relied' by S. P. Shisnt • ' r1yi1 ts. ��i ti +t&•t`1 'aremiier-Hepburn will pass an Unem- ployment Insurance Law next session if the Liberals are returned. A vote. for a Liberal candidate is a vote`for Utemployment Insurance. Vote for Lew Hydro liateS Hepburn brought downHydro Rates, saving consumers $4,800,000. Vote to. keep Hydro from being loaded up With. costly power from the Quebec Power .Barons. Vote: for the “Treasure . Hunt" to Continue Hepburn has already uncovered `} treasure of 28. millions hidden away iri inheritance taxes ori ; ; '• eir+valued estates. Vote to cod a the hunt: he Old enry Gang` Out .T'S all right., to. let Earl Rowe kid himself that tie is steering -and running the Conservatives, but the electors don't want to let -r. Rowe kid theian into believing that he is leadinga new, clean, thoroughly purged Conservative - party. The same "old Henry gang" is managing the Rowe � « " • � ere beaten b_ boat. The old Henry gang" think that they w y ""some mistake" in -1934. On Wednesday, 'October 6th, show them that it was no mistake, 'but that you were in deadlyy earnest when you voted them out and that you. want them even less today. Vote YitocUi; provat of LoWer Auto Fees Hepburn ' has cut $$ off the cost of motor license fees. Vote Liberal and show yo' r approval. Vote for Lower 1; Hcpburn`s desire to help the taxpayer was shown by the one -mill spear subsidy he made to municipalities to be passed on toy the taxpayer. Hep- burn is the taxpayer's Proven Friehd. X X Veto foiDebt. i a` Iteductioi i •• , Hepburn, by° sound financing and good government, reduce Ontario's Public Heist by 35 dol* laic year V`' # 1er redueaas.. d: t. for CourageoUs. tr. Hepburn bit net been afraid to stand tip against the Lewis crowd . the Que. •p Barons, the financial ring. Ontario seeds a courageous Premier itt tittles a these.: 'Vote for lower merest *mites. lute for htsfore $titistiliteo Widgets Hepburin'"s last budget, with its nine. i zillion'stitpltls'and-its tax reduction accomplishments, has become popu- y ktiowtir 2lS, the "5ry shine" Budget. Vow fora contitivatibn of these Sa n - Shine Ettdgets. • epburn's Social Legislation Proves He Is "a Ilan With a Heart" 'Y his deeds, Mr. Hepburn hes shown slimed the municipalities' share of Old Age he has the interests of the masses at * Pensions. heart. ails government has -assume the full cost of Mothers' Allowances. A mother with one child is -now entitled to an allow- ance, a right denied her by the former Con- servative government.. Under Mr. Hepburn, the government as - It established Pensions for the Blind. - It abolished Students` Examination Fees. It cancelled the Amusement Tax so that people are no longer penalized for enjoying themse1ve tat -theatres, concerts and games. Hepburn Beneflts Labour H EPBURN has shown true friendship for the workingman; with advanced labour legislation -- Minimum wages for nen as well as women, an Industrial Stan- dards Act providing codes by agreement be- tweenemployees and employers and already improyin&conditions for 75,000 workers; and the creation cif the Industry and Labour Board. Another evidence of Mr. Hepburn sfriend. ship for labour ishis promise, if re-elected, to enact Iegisla xion to provide Unemploy- ment Itistikance, and Mr. Hepburn male good on his P epburn Takes Liquor Out of Polities HE,s proposed Board of Thee -4 Judge, a Liberal, a Conservative - is the sanest, soundest, most constructive -plan for removing liquor from politics that has yet been devised. In respect to beverage rooms the Hepburn Government stands for the principle of local option. It is up to the municipality to decide for itself whether it wishes to be "wet" or "dry". That's British fair play. A.r. Hepburn prevented the sale of liquor in restaurants. On its record of successful administration during its first term ill office, the Hepburn Government deserves to be returned to Tower -deserves the support and the vote of all fair-minded people. Do your part to assure Ontario a contin- uance of goodgovernment for another term by voting for the Hepburn candidate in your riding. E LIBE rhe by filo Ontario Liberal AS1oclation Zuriteh'' . • Saturday, Oct. 2nd To be adeesped by .C, G. Gillanders, K.' C,, of London: Seaforth Monday, O To be addressed by R. J. Deachman, M. P. for North Huron. LOCAL. SPEAKERS ALSO AT EACH MEETING' All meetings at 8. o'clock pari GOD. SAVE THE KING COUNTY OF ill: RON TRJAURES SALE OF LANDS - FOR TAXES By virtue of a warrant issued *ruder the hand of the Warden of the. County of Huron and having the seal 'of, the said Corporation attached there- to' bearing date the ,Eleventh day of August, 1937, and to me directed, com- manding me to levy on the hutds hereunder enumerated, for the arrears of nerves respectively due thereon, together tVith costs: - Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the Assessment Act, f shall proceed to sell by. public auction the said lands, or so muchthereof as Envy be. sutlidient for the ,payment of the tapes thereon, unless the, sane be >< a alit -* s ,.. n 1 ':G• .#+ice '^<v •....J.. ..•. .i... +•41. 1f • "'°'_'S_^'l.• • "..I.. t'.iJ".I1•.`." ..^«.+d Tho said tilt•"comamertce , it "tlfid>r C`ia'itrt ' *tont ` ,d tl'eir cl�t; _ . .;.: Deceritber• 7th, 1937, at the hour of two. o'clock •in the afternoon. The .ad- journed sale if necessary, will be held at the same hour and place two. weeks later. - ' • A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer of the County of Huron. bier Goderich,, August 17, 1937. Name,: • Description TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Lloyd Hagedorn Lot 33, H. R., Port Albert 1934---5-.4 $ 46.21 $,3.00 $ 43.21 u. Years ,in Arrears Taxes Costs Total , TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE -, Mrs. A. Maedel Lot 9, - Con. E. D. 1934-5-6 4.90 2.25 7.15 TOWNSHIP OF GREY Leander Gole Lot 31, Con. 16 1933 t 30.70 2.77 33.47. TOWNSHIP OF IlAli' Theodore Wolper Pt. Lot 1, Con. 1 1934 10,59 2.26 12.85 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK A. McMichael Lots 31 and .32, and R. Doig Con. C. Anthony St. Marie N Pt 16-17, Co.QQ18 W. Demmerling Lot 1. Fordtvich Thos. Taylor Lots 65-66, Gorrle TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Wm. Craig Pt. Lot 45, Con. 14 1933-4--5-6 1934-5-6 1934--5-6 1934-5-6 .1934-5--6 TOWNSHIP OF MoKILLOP P. Enright Estate S.E. Pt• Lot 6, Con. 10 Theo. Holland N Pt. Lot 23, Con. N. 14 507.11 40.19 7.90 '-6L27 14.68 3.00 2.25 3.53 521.79 . 43.19 10.15 64.90 ii7.03 4.18 91.21 1934--5-6 1.62 2.25 3.87 01934 2L34 2.65 23.89 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Clara Dutot Pt Lot 16, Con. 1 1933-4-5-6 21.27 2.54 23.81 r , oiV •,'' iipppp ,.404 III()• • . �" y Roy Patterson W. J. Scott Henry Aldrich Bruce Moore Walter :Hoag T. N. Elliott 'Walter Johnston Flora Johnston Ida King Wm, Sturgeon Thos. Castle A. Catling Jeannet Sturgeon 0- Wm. Osmond Lot 49, Dow, Bay- deldi 1934.5--6' 3.33 2.25 543 •Lot A, Tuyll, Bay- fleld 1934 -x -z 1.42 2.25 347 Lot 4, S.B. 1934-5 64.13 3.60 67.73 Lots "6.7.8, Range a. 1934-5-6 Lot 5, Range 8, Lots 54, Range C Lot` `9, Boulevard Terr., W Pt. 55-6, Colina 1934--5--6 230.13 7.75 Lot 381, Tuyll 382-4 Christy 1934-5.6 59.28 3.48 E Pt. lot 175 and Lot 170, Main 1934-5-6 65.61 3.63 Lots 1-5 Argyle, and Let C. McTavish 1934-5-6 39.88 3.90 Lot 245, John St. 1934 5.11 x.25 Lot 182, Victoria P 1934 5 4 14.37 2.36 Lot 190, Colin* St. 1934--5--6 ° 28.91 2.72 Lot 210, Louisa St. 1934-5-6 3346 2.84 Lot 181, VlctOrris.-.-- Plate 1934.5 27.98 2370 Lets 6.7, Range N. 1934-5-4 33.37 2.85 54.21 3.35 • 57.56 STEPHEN TOWAildi Mrs. A. Flynn Lot 11. Con: 5 1983--4--6 22.75. 2.57 Geo., Flynn Lata 50.54, , Cen- • • trails 1934---6 9.31 2.25 �. F... Lot; ,�; b -2 1944-5-4 , 204-.40- A- T }1» 237.8* 12.17 12.91 42.1* 7.35 11.73 3143 35.90 30.6* '3642 TUCKERSMITH TWP. 8. 8. Ctoperr Est. Pt Lot 10, Con. 3. H. R. S. 1933..-•4..4-6 4.41 2.25 6:11 E. WAWANOSH TWP. .. Wm. G. Salter S. H. et W. Il. of Lot 41. Con. 12 1934-5-6 48.61 3.22 •5113 W. WAWANOSH TWP. q 14r4lott.5- 10:34' - -11:32-7-14....6.----',34.1t . John Hutchison 8 Pt of E 0 Lot 27, Con. 14 1934 26.68 2.64 28.32 .oh-_--,Fy. 1- 1;-•F a, 1934• 47,1& .di1& .air VILI LAGE OF BRUSSELS Bowling Club Lots 4-5. Turn - berry St. 1934 Lorne Pringle N i1 Lot 28, Eliza- beth1934-6 St. Chess. Pope Lot 6, :tall St, 1934 -pig ---6 11. 0. -Walker -Lot ..Lnt ...;t.;- Turnwt'ny Julia Patrick Lofts 383-5. Alex- „ andra` St. 1. VlIi.t(E OF 111NNSu11.X. Ivan G. Smillie lot 223, f ir4 ' oir.. 19.:1" i .111 the lot4 dlegerlbeal Mune are patented. 3.92 2.25 6.17 14.87 2.38 17.25 86.18 4.15 90.33 1934-5-6 • .175.21. . 6-33---48447 1931 40.25 3.00 43.25 re� 4 a 78.15 r.Y•. 1. 11. ERSEKINE. Treasurer. Treasurer's Office. (:odlerkb. Gaderleh..tuf;n t 17. 1937. 1P111,11 h, d in Ont r?o (ea;ett" `wept. 1. 1937. tlt