HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-10-01, Page 10403.1' Claims as Independent.
Candidate on '4411)re
aking his first platform aPPear:
unCe ia,Goderich, Dr." A. 404 011E04'
014independeat Candidate fin the,
"Ugislante in the tlaii)11 riding, ati•!`,
„41*-40.ed a. Public meeting in SneitaT:
AO 'en Tueaday evening. Thele was
.an audience of two hundred or more.
,ProM9ir had been holding a' series Of.
nleetings In the southern part of the
g and reported' that ite.•ini.d rer
ISed .much encouragement in his
„ .
fp. • . •
Ale meeting was diffefeat from the
*nary ..political 'rally. "Where ',was
ply one speaker, Dr. Molt himself;
_ portion ot tire 'time was given to
.'310tening th a group ef entertainers-:,
gai!vey McGee, ., the :ever • 'popular
'002tdian, and Iteneeini -.Redmond,
with Mts. L. J. PhIllips as
-ageOnpanist. Both StOlter` and
tertainers , received War* applause.
- Dr. Moir commenced, , hia address
by telling of his 4000:Won§ With
.419derielt, from his !Digit S.etiool dere,
.-avhen„ hez attended the school
under Dr. Strang and sang In Kll"
lathe: . "-•
ikricaieer •
The *iseeaket said 'that in •,,thiS' eats;
Taiga he was .coathiniag "afar
for pioneering. He, had been a pie,
sneer in the Use of-ra,4* find in. the
last *twenty year i had •tre4ted 1409
lases. Ile was 0.. PioneSn7-,also -in
• v94ueteer hospitalizatiOli,'. an; he out
briefly the plea he has, adoPt•al
_in • conketion •with his Saptitotiam at
;Hensel', by means of ,whiek the ad.
vantages of hospital treatment are
placed withthe reach !Ot
"..My idea -is to ,ploneet: also with
„reference to the liquor questlen," seld
the Doctor. He believed'. thereeettid
,b,e,real control of Witter, kit Pf this it
was necessary to hairdo -'spfilcient
, • tantiber of real temperance men in
the, Legislature to inlinence the GOV-
-045310A. ,
Party Candidates CnsatistaftorY
-s'There was dissatisfaction, among
beth Conservatives and: Liberals, he
.101, with the choice of party' eon-
.atentions in this riding, `,TemPeraride
-Conservatives wantal •,TreWartha or
piott as their eatelidato.• The dry
candidates at the 'Liberal. convention
° aide had been voted 4/9Wri. 2 •
The so7called. tenweranektosientiort
.17.44.4104. OPtOente.,,OVIt.4.4;
the temperance People ofriding,
mai, the- speaker. There were% no
defegates at -air from some large esee.
tiOna and the -Vote is fiverof the en
.dOsation of Dr. Taylor was suL
edbynot more than -forty 'people
rty out of 15,000 vedefs in the ria-,
'The amivaizneetJn1o the Oad0110)A
ownship iteepital AttltiliarY was held
at the home of litre.. Wm. ali.'fard,
1,1nren road, Owing to ditttagretable.
weather, :the attendance- Watil only
The preAdent, Miss MeXean, eee0Pled:
the chair, • • • -
Tito secretary gave the report ef the
Vear'a Werit, showing that .the prest.t.
dent end 'members hati worked
gether • to *Ow a 'Yeti? .Sueeessful 'year,
,The members have pledged, themsei'ves
,to place' 000' eeeit, year in the, bank
toward§ an, 'endowment fund .for the
'maintenante of the Ooderich Towa-
Fbito ward, and now have $425 for that
fupd, • .
Mrs. Jthnes Smlth, Huron road, was
the }wiry Winner for first choice on
the hooked tugs, Mrs. Witmer getting
,second elo1ce• ,
The follOwing -Officer% were elected
for .1037-38; Preildent. 1,114.s
Lean; lst ticeopresident, Mrs. Ginn;
2nd vice-president, +Miss Minnie Our -
wen; '3rd ' viee-President, Mrs: jos.
Whitely; 4th ilcespresident, Miss
Allee Andrews; secretary,, Mrs. Harold
Montgomery; assistant secretary, Oiltss
Elizabetls Salkeld; treasurer, Sirs. J.
M. Johnston.
people thus found themselves
WitheUt anybody whom they Could
• support in this election, and he had
been asked by persons of „both parties
enter the field, lifa knew bow
diffitult it was for (People to break
away from their party; but this was
t. new day and people were seeing
things in a new. .tight„ Liquor Made
highway travel dangerous, and the
beverage rooms preseated a' menace
to tlie boys and gide 'that Was not
known ey4n in the dayset the barlo
• room. • There (were a num4)r of MOM -
hers in the last Legislature who had
voted-butependently -.air party on the
liquor question,., and he believed that
in the new ',Irottse there would be a
grafter nutriber. •
Local Option Plan Defective
3/Leir pointed out the defect of
the local option plan. -It required
three people out of Jive ns an3r, muni-
cipality to do away with the heretage
rooms; and ,the people of the tottar,
ships adjoining the - town or Villags
bad no vete at all. Thus two "WetEr
In a town or village had as raueh in-
litenee as many times: that •number Of
44(try" in a community.
":if.V4 other questions than that. of
liquor, .stilit Dr. Moir: he' would bold
• Itianseif free to vote for any' p'rogivii.
legislation no matter 'Y. -where
from. The liquor question,
vet.; Was,a matter el ammediate
rn; :the' beverage. rooms Were a
menace at .eurltery doers.
Gordon.:•Tebbatt,'Ooderieh hardware
mereban.tilolittoo..!_40$ linntsual and
piiinful ageident' on 'iwethiesday night
broke a ..t_oe_ on his right feat.
he eame"'in foreihle contact .with his
tare' foot' in the dark. .
' Termite, ',Sept; Gel‘
Cornfield, of+ Ciederich, was in Toronto
for the Wnsti B'rith lodge's ailttinta
dance this week, +She was a chatt-
• ing fig'ure attired in an • extremely
iltted navy blue gown,. draped in Gre
elan style with a tdrquoise chiffou
sash.. •She wore pink -roses.
Well4moMs • Butcher to ClastOHis
BubK5*1 at End of Motith
. The bptehei shop which' has been
operated by .Aillson 13e
dosed at the end, of tide month Willa
retireMent of the **rektor, who
t nearly fifty years as a hut -
and drover.
r. AlllsOn, who • was borri itt
Oinnaelt totinship, near ,Ileeton,
Oted the'buteher trade when only
aieventeen 'age. Since theilie i
'has bad shops at Allendale, Stay -
ter, aleeton, Acton and Goderich, And
has traited three sons in the trade.
One son. Earl,. now • is' a• partner in
the butcher Arm of Allison &
man; Joe has taken over' his father's
business, (Veiling a new filial) recent -
1 y on Britannia road, and the young-
est son, 'George, IS a partner in a tar.
• key farm on the Blue 'MAW". highway
eerrth of Ooderieh. All are married,
_a drover out Of Becton • Mk.
tioon•, sr., Walls driiing live stock
the Toronto market °Vet. mud
8. Those were the days of
wooden sidetvalka, dirt roads And
horse-drawn street. ears, when tor -
Onto bed a Ovulation of less than
With the .Ptlitsing Of tittle )(r. AM.
son bits noted Zati$ and -widel!,
Market. nVeRttate ‘Anttottell
• •
Hilton gruemner, farmer in the Bay-
iteld district, was Unable to attend
the taYfleld Fall Fair on Thursday
to see ,hew his farm produce Made
Out in the judging. He was lying in
Clinton hospital with a leg broken in.
eight places, a result of a fall from
his wagon when his horses lurched
Daring 111reehlW‘Z operations on
Thursday, .4131,110m.•illett• bachelor
farmer near Nile, suffered litiuries to
his right hand Which ttecesssitated am-
putation at Alexandra hospital. It is
believed Mr. SOW(' thrgistshia hand ira-
te Alma snepti of the blewer, to dear an
tiliatkititiand by the
fan. His hand was badly mutilated.
Nomination D . .Proceedings
Brought to st Close
in Disorder
ITEINSALL, Sept. 20.-A lively time
was had at today's nomination meet-
ing for Huron riding when three names
were received in Aomination, James
Ballantyne, (Liberal, sitting member),
Dr. It, Hobbs Tayior, (Conservative),
and Dr.' Alexander•atoir (Independent
ax beIng reaebett.-41-4.------,....,14r, •1/411 n"
standing in the 'aisles, the 'meeting
terreted as refleeting on the persen7
was 'noisy all the way through, a clim-.•
tYne!Made asstatement which, wit
Temperance). ', •
With every seat occupied and people
Meeting ,at MCKAY, Hall Ad-
- ..-OresseebY, Ca#didite r
,..,„. ,,.....," .*fia-otiliint 1
e in the
al .temperance record of Dr. Taylor, ,“The beverage rosin's lOti.
Mr. Ballantyne was spemItking in re-
ly,and,. • d. '.:proceeded only a _tow dr County Of Huron doestil 41antount to
„rims .11.... ,11.4.? 4' ' 00. V ' . ,;1• 4 '4001**11
tint tilOitStrittiVer7"iiiiii:447'1Wiftirblirli
, 1.. IrItIgioN
4as....-liallaittylio, Liberal,
A. Moir,"•lhitl: -TeMperanee,
Dr, It K TaYlort,•Conservitive.
W. IL Logan, ‘COnServathi,
Thee. J. IVIplestf, Ind.Cofl
C A. Roberton, Libel*
11 T. Thomson, Ind, lib.
- -
Four Can
the No
All . Address the Electors . itA
Nomination Day_
WINCOAM, Sept. 134),.= -As the result
of yesterday's offielai notainatiens' at
Wingham town hall, four candidates
will go to the polls on' Oetober 0111
Huron -Bruce tonStitueneY. •
They are: Liberal, Charles A-.
eu-,14 iteglmarlie
-brieltVe 'alone:
ertSen., of Carlow, member In the '14$
House;. Conservative; Harry Megan. ot
Teeitwater ;independent iAberal, Henry
T. Thomtio.n, of Winghant; •IndePencir
ent Oonservative; -T.. J. MeLean, cif•
Wingliam, . .
'All spoke at the nominations.
Charles ItobertsOn based hia.appeal
on the record. of the Hepburn Govern-
ment. ,He said in hip address that
slot* the Hastings by-eleetleik 10.
,,,• u.,-,;ttinning7upc.and-1-;down
"lt.,can, ta the7----CountrY-' - Zhill6tigtir1iG1ibarkvttr`
.1 spent three years in County Council government during the last - three spme to the country. 'Now, he has
and three years" in: the Legislature, 'Years*" Said Reeve J. ii..SCott, otsea, comp.eutoowtehethceatuntthrey vatetodoiheeawpiplrel
and. no one can say they ever saw me . . . • . show i e
under the itifluence of. liquor. That Is 'L
orth, at an enthtisieStic. Ltberal rally their Liberal leaders who has -given
more than Dr. Taylor can say." at 3tacKa3P Hall 'on- Weft ' day night, ..them such :4 fine 'record," said' Mr.
A roar of protest went up and the in favor of James Ballantyne, nom- Robertson. "
din was continued for five minutes. inee for .the riding' of littron. . The He deelared, the highway has been
fifforts,ef the ehairman, H. 0. -Meir, hall- was well filled. ' ' '. paved from (Blyth to. Wingham- and
to restore larder proved futile. Mr. Sneaking on behalf of Mr.' BaU1111- that it •will be continued through to
I)U4ANOS Sept, 2-3Ii...Parid
iggin§ and nepbew,. Gordon
'Stewart, of Toonto.s. Were week -end
gpteeta- With •"Mr.'", and tIrs.%Da'fid
,dauglitiero, AVico and
rOtiltnett 'with, him atter
'extend} 'vacation With their
grandparents., . • •
fMr. fled, Ad:Yalta and Mr. Gillies
Ranee and son X.larillan Vont iSsnidns*
in London,. • - ,
Visitors ,lately With Xrit, Elizabeth
ROW who Is contatleseing from often-
menie, aivere. ori :fiatarday Mr. and
Um, Thos. ROW and On ,SunditY Mr.
and Mrs. 'Stuart Bredley, of Tiverton.;
(tad( Mrs, John Hearn of it1140.
Mr. Cale Pontiatid, of Grimsby.
made A motor trip ott.i'alonitay to visit
his mother, Mr. Palfid Orrin.
tNeql WKintion. , of Coderleh.
WAS a visitor on Sunday with Mr. fixed
Mrs. -Robt; Moore.,
Mr. Roy Finnigan- on Friday last
wa1 . loading logs "On a, truek at Satz'
bush and fell'. to the AtroatuL An
Xray tevealed that bone in
his neekowifillS brOlOp. •seises
Mist§ Martha „Irerguilion, on the 'fith
concession of ,West Witwanosh, spent
„the weelc-end with her friend, Mrs.
Nellie Stewart, • _ .
Mrs. Joseph; Hamilton left "(nisi day
last week to be near her daughter.
Genevieve, who -underwent a serious
operation, at Lockwood Clinic, Tor-
onto. Reports come that the Operir
Attentlance ow-
Levet of Praions'
. Tile Ilaytield Pair wan held
aesdoy and Thursday of thia week.
with -it sniallerattendance' than, naual .
but a splendid exhipit, In Many linea.
Prize -winners. ' were as follows:
Wagtail .
Brood mare, accompanied by foal, IL
Foster, II. .1a:inhale ; foal, • E. Foster;-----
U: penhale; gelding or filly,\ 2. years
old, 4. G. , ;Mutton, A. D. Steeper;
team, Wm. Oeeker.
roil, H. Penhale.
Brood inare- secominnied by foal,. .
N. Keys, -II. (Penhale; foal, N. -Keys;
team, N. Kea, M. Granger. • . '
- Heavy Draught . , • -,4•
' fielding or .filly 02 years old, SI.
Granger; gelding or fitly 1 year ola, ,
A. D.. Steeper, U., Grahger; team, at.
Granger; E, Webster.
- Brood mare. N. Keys; real. N. Keys;
' • Roadittfris
single roadster, , T. Keegan; test
gentleman's'. etilfitt.,.K.:Irregan.
tion was successful and'the patient
ISIngle carriage horse, E. Porter;
lady ' driver; ' airs, rem Johnston, Mrs. '
sitistet - -
"'''',7-iiTea'tar-fsr• -rs;-"'''''flktr‘Pe'Y-'WebsteeL4antteT:'
ehildren, of Ooderbeh, apetit "Stinday,
vrith her mother, Mrs, 41 C,. Brown: Exeter.
'Hary.est -home services were held tit - drade -Cattle
St. Paul's. elsurelt on Sunday lastswith
, e -. •
suitable- decoratiOns Of ' fruits -vow.-
Heifer calfClifford Kys, 1 and 2
'tables and flowers. The. serSaee in the Durham.
Mitch cow in calf, CU!. Keys. 1 •and
morning was taken by Rev. Mr. Me -
Keys, 1 and 2; heifer.' one year old,
Ritchie of Bersic, and the evening ser- 2 ' • heifer* tWQ years, ad,
mon was delivered by.the reeter. Rev. u.
Peek, Clifferd Keys; -Will • calf,
and 22:. -heifer cast ass
A. A. Maloney, who took charge of the 'eel:: K:eyyst:I..1:1
parish on Septentber let. • ..
cnurch W. M. S.. are attending the
Several of the ladies of the 'United
Mitch cow In • Plarestoe Deer.
convention in Vieteria street church.
Ing Exeter, • 1 and 2; • heifer calt
Goderich, today - (Tuesday).
' A Venturesome Lad..-Jalt. and Mrq. tPornestneeronDinzrlingst.1- and 2nd. 2bntid.l.1 calf, Pres
W. A. Culbert's yotingest son, Howord,
figured in an accident the latter nart '
'Mileit 'cow. si;thrsecerf. 11. Brandon.
of last week wittch, althoughsserions '
- Mich .e6W,111°11srmtsi.n Sperics, lat •
enough, might have been very mueh
and 2n4 : heifer. two years old, Wm. .
worse. He made a leap trent the to
of their filled .sito• to the been, n dis.
Seerks, lst; heifer, one year old, Wm. •
tante of four feet, Maving seen the
imnp made successfully jnst before,
Wm. '
Sparks. Jag. Sterling: heifer ealf.
by another man, he tried_ it and Sparks. lst and 2nd; bull calf.
landed oo the bern , ell right.' but LI WM. parks. s.
he fell a rusty nal.V,'Otn in his knee.
• Judge-sHugh, Hill.
tearing it badly. On tit6 Other bend. SHEEP.
If he had 'fellers the drop . to the • Leicester
Rani. two shears or over, A. H.
ground• would have' been forty feet.'
IwIeeditleal- ,ft.ttention wile immediately witrner ; ram lamas C. Lawson, Man.
'seetteed. send the WOrind la aleings ssesss'a:te •Blaroemb..s,:.wievia.:90,ns.IStiAitson. rin.S-WAa'.:n,e17 '
Warner; shearling ewe. C. Lawson :
Dungannon . Old Boy Passes. --
Friends were shocked hist Friday
Ram. two (sheen: or over. D.
wasp • Word was received by Mrs.
Steeper, fr. Snowden; sthearLing ram,-
Rains Treleaven that her son, • Fred
Steeper: ram lamb. A. D. -
TreleaVen, aged forty-elght, of To -A. IX tseper, 1st and 2nd; eive, T. Snow-
hade; shearling ewe. A. D. Steeper, lat
onto, had died from 'a heart spell. He
de .,
never fully recovered from a '
motor accident few months ago.
and 2tel : esSe lamb. A. I. steeper. lst
a '
The survivors are his wife, formerly a nd 2nd. •
Miss Hattie Weller, three sons and • Oxfords
Ram, two shears or over, F. ife.
two daughters: Conrad., Donald. Rob-
Ciymont : (rye, F. afeelymont, lat and
ert, ,Evelyn and Patriela, all of Tor-,
onto ;• his motiter, Mrs; Robert Troleit= 2n4: ewe Iamb, F. arcelymont. '1st;
von: a sister, Mrs, Frank Courtice.of Shropshires
Ram. two shears or- over, W. Dong.
Dungannon, and two - brothers,
Nor- Sae, A. H. Steeper; shearling ram, W.
coneession or Aeltfleid.
man, of Toronto, and Bert, on the .7th ram iamb.
W. Douglae. lst
Death of James Stonehouse. -Death and 2nd: ewe. having raised lambs,
W. Douglas. lst and. 2nd; &heading
removed from the village •last l'hurs, ewe; W. Douglas, let and 2nd; ewe
flay evening one of our respected eill- Douglne, lst and 2n4: • •
zens le' the person of James 'Stone- inn.th "*".. - NV!, . T. Snewden.
house, After several months of fail -
wether lamas
ing health, the end came very peace -
tyne. were iMiss 'Rankin, Of Stratford, th° Duritani road. The main Street
Ballantyne never finfished MB sPeeeh-
Reev6 Scott, .and Garfiel•d Case, of of NITingliam has been resurfaced and
Meeting Closes, in 'Disorder
other roads are to be paved in the
AboWe the hubbub Dr. Taylor shell:, Owen Sound. s
favorably compare with that of Mrs tieth Century Club, was oassman, of as the ;people's representative in the
`Hepburn GovernMent," said Mr. Rob-
Ballantynes. The chairman brought the meeting, :and at the odtset• he an -
.4100 per ertedn. - •
Ballantyne, The chairman brought pounced that the -Club mate
Harry Logan. otTeesvvater, the Con -
the meeting to a -elose by calling for cent behind Mr. Ballantyne." . • .
a statement servative candidate, said; "Hepburn
"God Slave the King" while the dis- Mr. Nairn referred to
is a combination of Hitler and Muss -
order was at its height. a 'few days ago by the Conservative olini. fae-builles everyone and repui-
Each of the -three candidates was capdidate, asking the eleelors to ig-
tax lutes debts illegally. Ile established
allotted forty-five minutes, with Mr. note an announcement on local cold storage warehouses and now they
Ballantyne allowed an extra ten . bills which. stated that, there was a
of, ow. are used only as storage places tor
minutes in reply. The Liberal "general tax rate reductien
member spoke only a few minutes, and mill by reason of a Provineial subsidy ' .
beer and wine.
The Temperanee Issue
turned his ease over to 2doore Miller, to the municipalities."
Logan said that the Government
Owen Sound lawyer,- who spoke for said the ratepayers of Goderieh were
forty minutes in defence of the record paying just the. eagle anbatint of taxes speaker did "not say anytating about
temperance. "My platform is the strict
of the Hepburn Administration, stress- as before. ' , ,
ing particularly the benefits wihad "There is. today," declared mr. enforcement of the liquor law. If I
,ductiOns and in tixation. - theshank to Walvis:Mt/4 itr„ Tows, of that this will be looked Upon as a test
near future, as a result of my work
ed that his record of sobriety would D. IL N'airn, president of the Twen.
been given the farmers in hydro re- Nairn, the sum of 42,087sra lying in Atm elected, I am summed by (Dr. Irwin
ss.aAnteres *zee., tasisanterrn9tio4.-Allik .G.0s1.eric1ssana1dsbrsthes ' soeffeSsat-tage,asstosiihat the 4 teln Oratite^ people ,
meat to the town on. thig reduction. 1
he challengesDr. TaYlor to come here and want. Mr. much weight as Dunan Marshall. in does not pull as
received an. attentive hearing.
Dr. Mote
‘ Robertson's riding there are twelve
"My sole reason forbeing a eanaidate prove .it isn't /Lie." speaks
‘,. WEEE-END• ROBBERIES beverage rooms and only one in Dun-
n:items ittswark_north_ntliere_ever in the cause of temperance in this elec- . ,
theriOgritarlokWinetrettie'ssdrith-greseral ttAhlasgoes it can Marshall's. Hepburn's expenditure
the week -end' tnade- profitable raids, tion its-thats-thousands_a_ peoftle_are
ber of women at the meeting; tirged is
Government," he -declared,
greater titan That of the previous
one at the gasoline station, 'operated not satisfied with the candidate of
b,. E. . A. xceunnati. at, ,T4ehawi, emlothire.r of the old parties," said Dr.
tion and, speaking to the large num-. .0.0itil, you trust Hepburn for four
that they • also organize. . ,,,, more years?" 'Mir. Logan asked.
I am glad te see So many •women
Vienting property in Colborne towns not going to use up nay forty.
where thirty -live gallons of gaeoline ea. am
were stolen, the other at the a E. Yes" came the answer from a heck -
going to turn it over to my opponents, heres because the legislation ef the
five minutes' speaktng time. I am ..
ler, and the erawd-laughed.
ship„where they made off with for anything•they will Say will rebound Provin.ce is vital to you. We may
:more ' A Mr. Timmins, of Toronto. was" on
eight plump Thanksgivingmy favor . turkeys. . the platform for Logan,butthe ruling
Police are investigating.. . Conservative Candidate ;. than one woman in Parliament"
in ." hope lii the neat* tutUre to have
sate .
s of the meetieg did not allow' outside
• • lb speakers to speak. .
'I do not need to bring' in a lawyer Miss Rankin.
The. Hepburn Government -ift• one of _,_
Favors Open Bar •
. The itvening A.u4illiiii of North to talk for me. I am .able- to ape* for
progress and retort* she said, point- TS J. McLean, the Independent Con -
'street United chureli' held its 'monthly. ealicy in the Legislature." Dr. Taylor myself, and lf electearwill follow:, that
ing to the enlargement of' Retread, and servative, said: "I have been active
- • .
'xrieeting, on Tuesday, September 28th. opened a vigorous address, frequently the' bullding of three new mental We .as a Conservative in every election
at the church. The program was un- ,inWeis ;........the establishT.B.establishment of since the time of Beek and I am not.
der the,leaderahip of Group No. 2. A interrupted with cheers and jeers.
"The, temperancPeople endorsd me clinks; intreduetien of pensions for afraid to say that I am wet. I do not
rally sapper it 0:80 was enjoyed by because they '
e e
the blind at forty , years; assumption think the Conservative candidate was
about fifty Meagbett and friends. know I am' in a pOsition
of tne entire' cost of mothers' allow- wise in coming out on a temperance
Misa'ill ' izabet.b._LleKenzle,2_on furlough give them ihe best deal of the three
candidates," he said, as he flourtaired anees ; increased township read sub- Platform. •While I am wet, In this rid -
1 rota Africa, was the guest gpea et.* a telegram from lion. Eart-Rower- s les; cancelled- amusement taxandint- of-Ilur-onaBruee, which IS dry to
and gave a veil' interekting talk on leader. backing him -in his stand to re- examination fees, and lowered Writ() the ,eraolting point; I do not faVor bev-
her work there.. -Showing lantern Views trage rodms, because I feel they are
schbehr; ete. ; . ' _ raace Act, en I rates.
tive in the Legislature," she said, "and of the open bar in standard hotels"
of the country homes, churches, in his protest against rrenlier _Heir ,..Ntr. Baliantyne is your 'represent& actually oetink holes.' I am in favor
spect the Canada Tempe
' ME WEATHER ' burn's thrueting beer Parlotie on the
ed Wish at the polls. APPlatise%ret- striving for legislatien Of bene.tit to Liberal. in his speech, painted out that
, The he stood four-square for the policy of
'001041 temperatures of the last ed this statement. boos were min- you."
Week and 4 the corresponding week gled vrith eheer§. r .. . Premier Hepburn, although he said
of last year Were. as fellows: Drematically, Dr. TaylOr read a list Mr. Ballantyne spoke tbriefly, refer -
Max Min. Max. Min. ,
° 1036 of fourteen allegedly broken ilikantru
- the nomination meeting at Herman
ring to a rough time he had had at
, 1987
Fri., Sept. 24 88 ,.03. 75 40 protases, tearing off eath sheet from
that . afternoon and eharging the
Sat, Sept. 25 74 41 58 :IS thanleing it across the
a pad, erumblitig it tip in his hand and
Tories had "packed" the meeting.
Mon, -21 40- 66 56 paper?, Platform, each
Kith., Sept, 29 -0,754 49 6,4 .45 time reparking, "Amather scrap of "They started coating in. at, 12
"atria priees for livesteelt On the
+WW1 42.75-aiSd Or 014 „beef
oven 0.10 ito.4
people Of Huron against their extr.r.ess- he has alsvays vvorked in your hehaif, Henry T. Thomson, the Independent.
Mess Sept, 2$ "el 41 56 40 The meeting Was fairly orderly un- c'el'ek and packed the plaee, and
Wed.; Sept, 29 -.00 45 .57 40 til the liciner issue Was broached. when I got up to make tny reply' they
wouldn't let me say a, thing," bre corn.
Thurs., Sept. 30 .„.671 46 60 88 Long after the 'meeting, °electors platned, with a goods -natured Smile.
;. •
• PtOOd in grotrps outside the town hall.
-PVILERMAN'S LUCK , discussing what .they called "a real
On Wednesday morning a fisherman old-timer "
On tlie north pier, dr,owsing blissfully Liberals eharged organized rooting
- rudely and betiding on the part of the Cou-
rts he a:Wetted a "bite," was ....
aWakenert=when the pole was ^nearly servativea.. bdt the Tories' vehement-
-Jerked Mut his harid. Ile Scrambled ly denied thiS.
.inollater a"fight, Nit stubsided with a tisirst show of strength came when
tO lila feet deterraineti to give the
ideePiali look of .chagrin when he saw the Tories elected the Coeserrative
patently; had drifted in the path man over, the Liberal (William Bailie,
Mr. Melts Settforth lawyer, as eller
his eittelt. The lint, a strong one arrs ss
Ab Leettard's boat aftd had s.be:rif of Godericii, on a Standing vote Which
left' no doubt.
,ettught up by the prOpellor: The en, "1'4:m can talk tit sundoilen," said
atting Sintriing.tangle.cheeked the pro-
_ Returning Offieer 'Keith MeLean, as, his
11.°1/6r a" tam' ti* fish4ttha1l fos good official duties done, he turned the
fiffy feet Of line. , meeting over *With a plea, for fair play
• ' Next Wednesday '- A.dvance polis for railway etn-
Mete 'Waters Will Vast their trallOtO
Polls. for the Provincial election ployeea. sailors and travellers will be.
will be open fro& 8 a.m. to 7 pm. on ()pen in Goderieh and Clinton on Sat -
Wednesday, October -6th. - nrday, Monday and Tuesday, October
Polling places in GOderich Will be 2nd. 4111 atid ' ilth. from 8 a.m. to 5
as follows: NO. 1, at Robert Wil- p.mand from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. At
son's 'rotate, corner Digin, avenue and each place the poll will be at the Town
Victoria *red; No. 2, at Mari Mit- Hall.
cheit's store/ corner trayitleict And Sri-
tatinit routs; No. ti,,. and '4, at P. HOEON, LODGE OFFICERS
.Graf's meat market, Bast Street; Nos. At a well attended ineetiur; ' of
6 and 0, at Town Balt; 1.10. 7 and 8, fittron Lodge, No. 02, /.0.0.F., oft
at Stothere wagon . shop, Victoria Monday night, obas. Stokes was
street; No., 9, at Talbot's dectriettl eletted Nolle Grand for the ensuing
store„ West street; Nos, 10 and II, 'At year. Mr. ifiteltes sneeteds George
Prank (MeArthee „ electrical store, Bowra. About forty' members at -
West street; No„. 12, at Mrs. ?riddles te%(1ed the meeting.
house, „ corner Willialtt and'„ 0400 ' Ishe election resulted aa t011OWS: this year. ilephurn has adopted a pay- hospital for three weeks. The use .of
streets. :•• . ° ••• • . Noble "Grand, 'hlta. litokes; •_trite'
, asayou.go system, whereas Henry • al- an iron lung was resorted to and she
The ,01,11eitit 01100011 take gate On grand, thins. VI nil tros7,100r; w_tn. "The conAervative, &inmate, spertk-• lowed debts to tlecnintttlates . is reported t6 be pregressing favor-
t4kor Uth at •the office of the. ref. Abell; recording seeretart.• Abe fag' Ibit at ,Seidorth, sake that tosseeranee dalStr. 40601 Rolfe Sart he :Wilt iol- ably...Clifford *a* taken •to London a
Itig*Otateir-lt• tit Ittoteloit Set": Olson' Ahnneiat siettet4tIs Waiter --the beverage ; toittn-4ras the only lett all stieeessiOn duties owing the woelg ago Monday for observation but
Niivtiol'nbe.• . «-, 1 issue In nutria County,P% soli St . .,(Coitioutd-on P40. 8) . (Continued on 4)•
- • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • •
he could notsupport him on his social
and moral legislation. Living in Wing- tiottirtyE.ezht7t.yeaDrees eaagaen dto Ann ham he aald he felt that he was in a
great deal better podition to represent
the riding than the other candidates.
Appearing for Charles A. Robertson,
Liberal candidate. in his allowed re•
uttal, Eugene Mnrtyn, secretery of the
;Huron -Breen Liberal. Association, an-
swered the qtiestions• of the other can -
In tt brief retereucts to the reduetion "didatea in regard to mperance by
In the cost of Hydro in Goderieh,' showing a poster froni indsor paper
from $43 per hp. to P8.60. Mr. Bat; dated in 1934, in which George S. Hen-
lantyne said: "If it wasn't for the rY and his Western Ontario candidates
eancellation of cohtracte and the pronitsed. if they were reselected, they
pluck of the Prime Minister, we they would give the freer sale of li•
wouldn't he getting Hydro as ebeal), quors before the end of the year.
we are. The reduction- amettnts te
$336.000 in fhis eonnty" • Scott.
Reeve Scott lauded the "eane. "The beverage room issue in the
Round, cionstructive and efficient" County of Heron doesn't funotint to a
legislation of the laet three years, hill of beans," he ?aid, "when com-
Which, he said, has been seeond to pared with the eonstruetive work 0:
none in the history of the Provinee. . the ,Hepburn Government clueing the
Liberalism tinder Hepburn. he said last three years."
was legielation for the greatest peg He .eltnrged the Consertatives wer-
glide amount of good for. the greatest absolutely responsible, for, the, appistr
. anee of beverage rooms, for "three
poksible number -of people.
"The financial strueture of Ontaris yeare ago Henry, +appealing to ths
Is in a fundamentally Pounder condi. people. felt he ne,ded ROrneth I lig new
tion than at nny previous) time In the and drafted the beer and wine mea -
last three decades, and that is duo en- sure."
tirely ,to the work of Mr. Hepburn." • # Garfield Case
Garfield (*rise, Owen Sound, who
said the speaker.
In addition to stepping in after opposed lir. Rowe at the last eleetiots
thirty years of deficits and arriving....said. he Was' a personal friend of. the
at .3 riine-miltion-dollar surplus bat Conservative leader.
year. Hepburn has assured the tett. He described Premier Hepburn • 410
Payers of aavings amounting to many a young man tvith courage, capabilities,_
millions. determination, and said the-echalucting
• "These figurea," said. Mr. mFleott, of a government was not gable of
after enumerating the various saViiiv chalice, bat hard; tight•flated Wetness'
"are a' result of sound httaineea man- Referring to .the buttiness tietIM'til of
agement ,Of Provincial affaira." the Premier he claimed • Ontario's ner‘,'
• Mr. Scott foresaw a two-way fight thern tweets, whieh test halta-million
tu Ithroh, although there are three per annum to oWn under Henry, would
earididatex. "1 don't think the thltd show a surplus .of two million dollars
'Party. the independent, will get nitteh
consideration," he said. • ,
Ram, two shears or over, W. G.
fatly. • Stonehouse• • was. 'horns in. '
clerk • ram lamb 'Preston Deerieg. W. ,
East Wawa nosh seventy-two yea ' '
11 Clark • ewe having raised lambs
ago, a son of Rickard Stonehouse and p' •
Tering, 1st. and 2nd ; shearling
Elizabeth Roth. Of a' family of ten •
P P. Deering. lst and 2nd; we
brothers and sisters. the snrvivork are
lamb, P. Dtasang. lst,and and.
two brothers% joseph, of Westfield. arid PIGS
Robert, of ilelgrave, and three sisters. Berkshire
Mrs. Fla rry Hopper. of Wingha tn. Mrs. fl
rood ROW. T. Snowden; sow, lit -
Ellen Wilkinaon and Mrs. Jentima tered in 1937. T. Snowden, lat and
Aged boar, A. II. Warner, lst and •
2nd: brood sow. A, H. Warner. lst
end 2n4; boar, littered In 1937, A. It
Warner. E. Webater; sow, A. 11.
Warner, E.Webster.
'Tamworth •
Aged boar, T. Snowden, %la n n
Bros.: brood POW, T. Snowden. •Man-
son Bros.; boar., littered in 1937, 'I'.
Snowden, Manson Bros.; ROW, littered
In 1937, Manson Bross, lst and 2n4:
best "Stair bacon hogs. any breed, E.
Weletter.. •
Judge -G. Snell.
Brahreae. , cork, L. O'Brien: hen. Is
O'Brien. lst and 2n4. 00ellins, hen.
.1. Kockens; 1 and 2; Isangshans. pul.
let: J. Koekena, 1 and 2: ecx•k, J. KOdi-
ens, lst and 2nd; cockerel. J. Koekens,
lst and 2nd. Barred Reeks, Utilits.
aleClymont, Int and 2n4 in every
class. Rocks. White, Utility, pullet.
.0. t tier ; cock, H. Penhale.
Snowden: hen, J. Koekets Snow-
den; ceeicerel. 0. Battler. Wh't0
Wyandottea, 0, Battler, lst in pullet,
hen and eoekerel. Buff Orpingions,
lien, J. Koeltena. Silvor Orey Dark -
Inge. pullet, J. 1S'oekens eoek,
Battler. J. Kockens; bets .1. Koekens,
0. Battler: eoekerel, J. Koekens,'lst
and 2nd. Brown Leghorn. pullet,
0. Rattler; hen, 31 Fockens; cockerel,
O.' Battler. White Leghorns, pullet.
J.. Kockens; cock, 3. 1Cockens: M.
Grainger ; ,hen, .t. Keekenq. M. Gran-
ger; eockerel, 3 Koekens, NI. Granger.
Rhode Island Reda J. Koekens lst
and 2nd in each "elem. Anconas,
Koeliens won 1st and 2114 With pullet.
and ceckerol. CatOptnes, hen; .0 /la t -
tier. Light Sussex, 3. Koekens, 1st
and 2nd with millet bin and. coekerel.
Guineas,pullet, H. Porthole, lat and
2n4: cock, 11. Penhale: lien, 11. Pen-
tutle. lifeClynient; coekerel,
Perthale, • 13tt atul 2p4. Meek MinerBattlet 11014nat.
(106ntinued oo 4)
;Sane Glenn, and has sinee livea In this
vicinity. riSing much afflicted with
fiettfnegs. he was somewhat handOap-
ped, but his "Sharp C09(14keen wit
were remarkable and his familiar
figure Will be missed by the old
-friends. The funeral services were
eondacted Saturday afternoon at his
late residence and were in eharge of
Rev. T.It. Turner, pastor of the
'stilted ehurels 11The "pallbearers .were
his two brothers, Joseph and Robert.
and four nephew*. -Tile remains were
In Id to rest In Dungannon eranetery.
Mrs. Doeald Fowler judged the
fancy work at Seaforth. Tiverton.
Kineardine and Mitchell Fake and the
_fancy „work and baking at Zurieh Fal'.
fafrs. Joins NiArtits is a visitor with
Mrs. Chas. Elliott and son Henry
while Mr. FlIllott is In Northern
• • l)U1K1AN'N0N'. Sept. 30.--Vr. Ed.
Scruten. of ,Clinton. has been engaged
as „baker by Heber J. Ts ,.F.edy to take
the place of Thornton ,FSedy, who leavers
at the week -find for Torento (to take
a course in the Shaw 4choo1 of Com-
merce. •
Mrs. lt. Daeldson left on, Thursday
for Toronto, where she is to attend
the fall executive meeting of the O.M.
A. She was aceompdnied by her heph-
ekv. Allan Reeds -the trip being made
by motor.
A Victim of' the' Avidentic.-.. This
community extends sympathy to. Mr.
and Mrs. 1;n:teat Blake in the death
of their eldest eon, Clifford, attleteeti
years of age, who died fin hospital tit
London on Wedtt;mday morning after
a brief illness supposedly' of infantile
'paralysia. His sister, Marie!, two years,
younger, has been a patient in London'
• r: