The Goderich Star, 1937-09-24, Page 84.0
inter.months ?
-Restoringreturned men t ivil service ositiOns
license fees durin
10 "n bave1eturued. t;
.0% ptnt'`trto,otvooks
Ur otnk teentrt and Mrs, rolled(
•turnedto lliataliton, on 'Sunday with
T. Stowart.„ ',Oho • was hero over the
urti (Sf London,
with Ir. .and Mrs,
r return home they
by',±theIr 'children,
Lie pest week wlch
ins returned to
neaday after , having
id cottage.'
mion the ,'Oegin;
nthgthe wecka trIPte,\), tuo
T.Oledo,„ ',Chicago, tort WIlliarn, W
nipeg and Oiltnontua ea route. •
" .3104 Aitetrensie and -Mi3s----14-Mtde
Stirling have returned home ‘after
trip'thrOttglilsi‘othern 'Weldon, where
they, %tatted° relatives.
Mr, ''.10Int Vase returned:home on.
Tuesday after: spentliq several weeks
in Billings, ,alentana, with Mr. 444
grx Wm. TIK„)et,
Mr.an4. Mrs, A. Furter and sou
'41ily, of ilarrie, are the gueSts of *Fa,
Lor this week,
ut. arni, .Mrs. Otto - Beltrett and
daughter inriorti.'•• Xr,.: And Aira• OarI
Mr„,i,:and Mrs., .OliIe §0414:4,t7
and daughter 'Marilyn,. 'tad Mrs.
otir.role40, :mos were week-
end guestspf 3liss peot:40Le00..
;W. and Ors;0. 4'.3,,notcustnto and
two 'ono ,,retut-004to tueif Ioeme In
, London on /$/ituOlay aqer spending
the- „neati0o, at their eottate.:
r. L. POrdie was a weelc-end guest,
st his, esters, Misses F. and
Pr. andMrs.4-'4111)14##
Not 7;iii,;('. makes old 'clothes look new but,-.actuaify preserves
he,rntItterlak. Give us one chance to 'serve you and you wial
e our customer for,, .good. Articles returned within
three days •
4011 on Sunday after spenditng, the sew.
sea at their cottage. '
and Mrs, PS.Via-Downr, •3r,, or
Toronto, are ' visiting , with the r0r-
merts parents,. „ • ,
Dr. Moir, of° Alenstall; independent
candidate for South', Enron,- held a
,meeting in the 'Iowa •°11411 Tuesday
evening. * .
Mr. *and • Mrs. 40114 TIOWtONT
•MrS, O. w Woods spent 'Sibuday'at
Mount Clemens,' 10(4.
and .1. Hamilton, tiir�ed to,. OW: oriel. sppulintr the,
oturne4 to tboi.r. -bomew.;,$4. A`icniica onto after • s several. lit
lier „ .
oughtonr• UtSS ' 4.1bSea
'h* returned 'to London • Atter *end'
fag the Season: at .the'-: formo:a cottage.
"Ferguson IS gripOt' or
"gtO, 131.1«.:rq0.#04 0110.Y#0/47. '
Qulte 4,',Pt04.* fro* the Vinageit*
teo,0*-0, il*.„ Meeting in
;44,14g40,- and. two • seins, of
Toronto,,, fire:4tbe gueSte of .her
,Q04.Frie. Tho U0n. Justice
ague,. 'who AtIse. Was with them
Mr. and Mrs; pmett 'aIttl°son, Bobbyl
Vail, wh pent the .week -end With
Itettiie4t a, Parents air. and. 'Uri
Harry Weston.• • *„ • •••
Mr. 1i Johnston; Of',.
004 of her. slOtiree '014
1fses 1. and J. StirIing tio4'-wcek,
_4044: od'„,0441,i„0”
;turned,. to 'Toronto O*,....)61(10.$t! Otet
at their Cottage
nn the Blue '.Water highway. • •
1.Mr. MaeMi1i, uto..:..1144001e;
and flmaL ter, Mar, atAve
,after spending the ,season at the
Alareliton,' cottage.:
The Bartiekr. itair fi,b414,1140.
on iSeptember 28th and better than
.promises to be bigger and oetter inalL
ever. '
%re, Harr);-Westono was returnel
from petrott, where • eiAe. visited h„ek.,
daughters and other relatives for
some Weeks. ..Sho WAS aecKorerirt104.4
the...absence•0t.•th0 0
4vensi on 1400474;Mrs. Le8IIe
Ln*•prosidod at #the organ
iyterIan 01,1,01,k, ott'141411#,,,
e regular OtblY Meetiait of the
erich Women's 00011.)41•
e held at the pah., I1hr0./ Ou
r 1, at 4 p.m.
The regular monthly
Nurse&t'Alinnw o 'A'lexandra 14rin
and‘,.Cittneral toerd•tat will be hold ;In
-nutifeV„. res1denee,?.N4PPer • street
00 kirldtkr.f- October ;1,5th, at a 1)M1,, • ••
Otoe 84 orpiment of Photo, 4 * 0„
given with every "roll bought and
yeloped in. mr studio.
•$.14 Igglualloi43011-
„1 „
,liegr the. W„icorg10. OeXteEan a new
pr'ograni in Victoria Street United
-church on. Tuesday, September 0304 at
,The evening auxiliary of North.,
.e United cloirch,--under -the-leader!
ot, group s2 will •hold •a rally
supper,•'at the:church on'.TneaduY, 'Se?•
teinber 28,- d PAL J1 MerabOro. aro
reqUeSted to be Present.
'04iitrow, sept: 21,—,04. special lol-
ly ,Ortyl service Was held, at the viotea
lorhoroU $440 afternoon: The,
Sunday_atohed and congregation held
JOInt Meeting, .With the oliPerintei'
dent," Mr. 43,„ Wilson, in *ehaft*, and
IreieW Venit
$,Attfl. YORKS I „I^).
MI, tea pigs (five weeks old) ; also
rows/heel Seektratim JO, \ X
IMAM. Oxford -St.* JOodcrich. S'a
EATTD .gl4p,O1WC
In gecnt goilfIttfOn
ply at PX9XA14.1,M4 orrxm, 01.,2
• Effects, 80 oewpte St. mon44$
and Tuesday, 8*. g!th and 28th.
.from .11 tq• Caah• 014
PAlmioNtr 97'o Awc.—Possos-
STOW October .15t1. Apply M.S.
,St. Yhtpent Street,:
Phone gig. . 51
„tiles' last.- taN usvxi.or..!,z ortowpits,
ao,orgmAirxv Eteaiim.
ville, 5,1-2
vvitite and red, by the ton ° while
, Notice is hereby 'givento all persons
Iltav14 any e1a1n 40h*the estate
of Men. Mirabeth.lifutininge, late of
th,.41OWn Of IGOderich,, who died on or
About the god 04 of Septeniber;,1931,
to Send ;sante to the andersligned‘on or
WOO October 1937, as OD and
;ter- that date the administrator 40f
the' said) estate shall proceed to Make
distribtition thereof, having ,t,tard
,clainas,.ef,,Which,„10. thew
tocolds thero were not as Maw, outas ueuaL ;
Mrs, *at+ -*bre and M1 g.•01a.117.
Of Aublirn.,,,Visited OissA. Waiter last
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, L. Toting mo-
tored!: to,-„,,Strathroy .and tsPent it day
with" hfre. Totineit *Aber, ›Irs. Bea-
oett. , an ether' trient10-.! •
Tho. formera are busy cutting corn
and 41104 silos. It Is arrettrthearY
crop, being Well cObbed, with ' low;
stalks. •
• °SeVeral, from - this district attended
over. the-„•-Week-ead,-..Ve,turned Tor- itikidvetearrse rces• at Uebi•sq • t
u Ins,
onto•.on..)Tite_sdayi, .
IN41114,-Weleilin-, At the home, of the,
paren0,,,,•43fr. 'and Ws.. Arthur
Welch, on*,:044eitulfer 45th, their only
tlatig4terf. $Orlia •tileen.„ was united
...,•inarriage to',•rrederlek „Walter
W,11.11,1,4 ,LsOn ,of c,1#1:And„ Mrs, Walter
WAi.110. 41,100_,,Ntatert,Itighway, Goderleh
,t•Ottnithi-,.., The :eerentenY wa4 Vtl,'
formed by Rev. B31gale:
jipst4itiptist Sho*er.4.-,A. number ,of
the OTIS,. of IrinitY ChurOh,, 13ayfield,
:held, a .,„surprise tiiiiefie at the home of
Mr. ,*0.04rs..T**10:.0hfcit,' near Getto
tOrt11; 00.:,afoitulity,,r0011140 and, pre-
sented.•,i ';-(neerileatter Scotch.
.An • enj�
• in gain seeking I e suAiort, of iny fellow -electors on
election'day, October 6th, 1 amremindful and trtttant,0,0i:
000.41+61hat. Was given 'me in the last 'eleOtion,'Andl also
#112ppieOpo4he confidence again .placed in me at the 14011
'.1•004V •
r‘ During my term, AS' Member I have ever been ' inlindfutof
,the interets of the taxpayers of. Huron ''Cibunty,.and.liave stip*.
portotl,:Mr. Hepburn with his program of -tat reductions.
tir lieerksu*Ontplisheit in the matter of.Highways, Roads
and get; for Huron. Uudcr:Pointer liet)bux*tho
• ciallGoverninentyhaSe.assMne4 the.tOtat4ost. of all highways
nd has itiereaSed tbrt percent. the, 'giant On 'a township.:
l''ittadt, 'The Government 1104,,Assolo thc entire. , toSt. 'of .
there:: Atliiiianceva $
inetitiOsourte-_of'.annoyance--has "beetr,litted,
arty', of kone*,0111 on the local assessment has beeni, given to '• each
municipality. The reduction in Hydro rates has Meant 401110;
.,,16-the:0101111100 and IS erahling, the exten$10hof this 'utility
to the. farmers of this county*. The :latest: saving, which
benefits aI motorists, IS a $3.00 reduction...In; automobile.:
kensefbcs. :3' ' • ;' • ' .' •
. Itegardiois *Of political affiliations, every,- Citizen ,must'
adtnit„, if is 41,146re" With hitself,that the. ,administration of
=',Promier,y*urn his relieved the drain and strain 'of the tax-
payers',: pocketbooks in ;many ways, '• On ,October 6th., you
will have•thopritiortunity of showing ha* pluek you appreciate
• ihe..,handlitit Of the *finances of this :Province; -
.The savings that have tee* „effected for the. 06001e.
‘the -County of Huron. :since the Hepburn' Administration took:
office amount to the amazing sum of ',$136t75,.55', and are
made u Tollows't
'Suvngs EEoctsd For -County Sinc� din
23 per tot toO't of ztoihtlit Wghwaya, no'w
nestrated. by: 'Otvernitirettt to. March. 81, 1937
IlIghwara asatiated 4y 0oiepunowithite 'Vent
by loterninitintt iffit
„Thereint*OratitiVO*4410 464;4 40 '4"“ per
tote"'•10% minas : • • .,
' 'tit° YeittO ,S404e
Age tensions assumed by ',41Ioviritoettt......,$ 1.415,I.50
'.3tothete 40444 044 ,4 44444- 444 4144444 4.04.,,f 17;157.0 •
One 31111 A0,10046
•„ $..101160.
*u ty ler 0.00 494 A 4 44 4:• 44444.4 4,421.01; •
:20% refuiat to (ount7 by „ tiqutt, Boartl in
in rates to •constuners°
du fly to ,tedottIon in test Of
power M4uott10441oto Op40$6i
AO and $0)0o , .
'4100.0 •-‘
Savingt ,to rural consumer, tr, tionottou' In
woo .ohogoff„ Iloilo and Wanner oottage
rate wi,...0,40,4.04,o.,....4,3.00 '40°13/V , 114130160
Itedliclion tit X% ,60hut telticleffees thtt.sed
on IOU -Whit Vartuding
'• Amusement Tat' ,Year 1%4 ,aettial)4
.1rodokatiOtt eaninaIkn fee*, Olittillitted ,Veargl
t*ittO ttoottalkt revoked btImo% rein.
wool 1» dltepharn
dditional 'pertentrtge reliat cost wanted by
rrOtbate In 1.00C 4 *Olgott
an give
give q ”
(includlng the'
regT, oo
dfurtwo weeks
.01.4fiqt showeri,
'evening was
ceiftests„' 061
t•WlinanirE• tod ,in ber 04th year.
G. 11.14 bur, A.:tighter,
left thilo*e.eit fo inalcr...
t --niilu..44006...,_'''-• : #2,' - -
, ,
. . .
Sunday. ,
• ItIrS. (iler.) lames Hamilton,,.of
•Goderieh, visited with Mrs. Henderson
latit Week. - '
_WAS. Birthday ' Part..Y.-'rheylV.M.
ff., Of ,the Nlle United harch held a
:birthday .party. 08 'Friday night last.,
COO tables were set whose &toroth:file
represented the different 'seasons and
tho ,guests were -Seated according to
the season in which their •birthday
came, After supper all adjourned to
the ,auditeriuitt, where the +pastor, Bier.
D. W omeroy, iireSidedt And A .pro -
*a* or. elkette* aoloa, 64044 vocal
,and, ,instramen41,;,'withereadings,' and
'xc-c1tOatlOif$4;VW4kircit't;*i 'J363e. rOt*
Teterito, a gtiest-ofrIfiscoettrieY;"jeact
!lo•oyerat, :of ber own .0oert, shotting „a
*10 10140 ,r,OctOrhOt40 '00#
Ilgio• 104. )11,06144.son
h,tb . thewar .
4 it041d be like If Cbriet-had not
com_ Closed the Meet.*
Ing _Witlt bra-,y0t.; -.90k4--itrebtAkmt and_
Meinbers Of the.,10.11.11..are* to be coo*
vatutated.,, on'the.succesS of their eir,
tertainMcnt.. •.
Or, and Mra E. 5. Bat, of Toronto,,
,WIth _their 'son and 'daughter* John
and Itise Evelyn '11.alt'tipent the.-Weekg
end 'wing Rev.Mretattice.
„Mr. and Mrs.- W.,11.- Pinder ,414
.1t4g., Pinder 'haVe, „returned 104
an enjoyable twkiite00* motor trip to
pOintelinitlie!Sasterri:States. Mt. Rel.
hike oyfueo- warned to •thit..-dtet
" —
tics at Oshawa'. .
(When- requiring ---ittror„ina . on. -about:-
'advertisOnents„ which APPear. over a
box number, enquirleif .ohOttld‘b,'Xor
warded In writing addressed to, the
bo:r .414ined It Will saie time for rat.
coticernod it this is One Instead.of
'asking who is the advertiser
In some ''Itistaaces the adortisots;
for reaseas of their own, 'do flolkwisil,
to have theirnames alSclosed and take.
thls hideous of * y0044048 41,*e1r on.
affairs. 51-2
.1E41040 Giltlefielit,*,': Ontario,
Solicitors ' for the Adluinistiater, ;
."' 5942,74
IrIliesp TO 0118DITOItS.
„In, -the matter 'of the „estate of zu-
gmthy, )0,}rahani, late of the, %Iwoof
(4oderich, In the po!yltiFt• of Rtirop.
,deceaiied,r • *. ,
Nirtieeis herebi parilnalit to
the statutes lo that 'behalf. that ail
1PerifOne laving.' Clain* against the
estate of Augurthy,ttitahatn,' deeeaSed,
who died:'on"'or about: the 4.2tit day. 'of
June, A.D. lint ;are, required', Or, for-
ward; their ,cialms 'duly .proven to the
undersigned solleitelit on or before the
Ontl day, Oil October, £D. 49.37, after
which date the:: administritor vIl 'pro.
Ceed to distribute the estate inving re-
gard only, to and being -responsible only
tr9r !the elateioofl whicir he shall then
!Liam *
Dated at.. tkiderielt, Ont. this 14th
day -OfSeitteMber''19,17..
IDA,NCEY o!,,'3X)LfilltiY; Barristers; etc.,
Goderich, Ontario, •Solicitors -to
Um'car, Oudot
MI: Ts
• We have seieral large rooms with,.
or without running water avallablelor
tFORD HOTEL, ph -one -821, , , .
, : 4*,14•
VOTLIts'• LISTS rioTtOti...- —
voTbits' LISTS, I631, 7AIIINICI,
Notiee is hereby given that, X' have.
.complied with section 1 of The yotqpv
Lists Act and that I have potated,,11P
,at my -6ftlee in the Township„ Of, 00
borne, on the sixth day; of September,
1931, the list of all persona entitled: to
Ii,ofinii' ti1iinnutitikirottw.tla. ;ail*.
Mninn there for inspection; ,
And-:./ hereby call upon 01 'Veteif ..o:
.,italie, immediate proceedings to ,lutve.
any 'errors or omissions , 04,004 4:.Ws,
cordingto mw, the last day for appeal
being the.27th day of soliteolik,4937.
Dated tide 6th day of Septinber,
1037; . .
° W. SALT:A*14;
, '-•
- Clerk of tke Township' of Colborne.
WANTIOD,-.43,04110-2(' DRS, IN qUIET
„ ... _
' home, tentrailk locate& . Call
SIONAL-sTArt," 011001. . ' 41,tf
W-°"' °' *041AN VOR
general housework. *bad:3i post -
:that. Apply, stating,' age, experience
and wages expected. 88 .StirlingAve.,
'41,74CialONBR, (kit. ' fid
HOUSE To neNT.—Goor) siop.
ERN conveniences; situated don.
venlent to Goderleh Veit Companv!j
„pima. Rent reasonable. .1%r' partieti"
lore; a441.0.4 .rosfronnot.diorog. ,
41,tr: * ,
; . . ,
.............. • . . .... .,
BIA6 gat4t14auAltM4 irho for the
'ast Years' boo worked, in Ur.
,store. Mttton,."bas.seented
'osl404In 0tmbe11'at ding store.
31* P. °B, 441.ey,'
lIzim-71liler and 'grit. A. .hore ate
;1101ting :MU' week 'Withrelatives and
Ilrietide in Nvi,figisee,at4 .7,st; oatstithyat,•
with .1/4ear:..1" 1ereoh4 Viithriinetidnice
Preferred, to eativase this district.
Particularly attractive iirOpositieri.
Write to x 82. SIGNAtike.Thtu,
•.431r,, •and $frb. , no lion
retUrned °trent- an:enjoyable; MO* trto
to Kingsville :Windsor, •Detrolt " and
Lot . awl:pot-at lot - e0o-
cesSiett, _Uullett ,township, four milea-
south-east of Auburn, and four miles
northwest of Londe -shoo bat
ZIESDAT,, IEPT. 28th, .
At 1'oclodc sharp, ,the following;
IflD 41 1? notritto-riBrOwn team -0 mare; 4gt7
gt4• (rt'ttaitedlto-tio.e;If' fresite'rt
•October ltth; lotto cow, dine to 1re&i-
, Noremat; 180ttli. tkedeOtruvottlinjwiliteo
dtie o freshen March 15th; red
feT, due to freShen March li)th;.11ye
Polled'Aligns Calree, under one year
two grade calves, under
one year old.
Ingot—York so* not bred.
Mkesey-ilitrris binder*
„. „
7. -ft. cut; Massey-Itarris imanure
spreader; •galiseYiaarrls 0eed dem,
11-hoey Stassernarritt mower; Mat-
seY-Ilarris 'spring totathdiltivator;
itaseerItarris side -delivery rake; ,
,VasseY-Harris steel rake, 10. et; Man-
sei-itarris hay loader; land roller;
set follt-sectiott itlianttatik'harrOWS; bet
dke tottrowit; two trieury walking
plots; two farm *woe; set boh.,
aleigtat.; bay rack; grityei box; scut -
tier; Oet 42060-1b. scale_fanning' mill
with bagger; emery grind grindstone
one and 6.-bitttr horsepoWer gas obey*:
pomp jitek; turnip drill; post -hole au -
gr; Perriat riding ytiOwt. Oliver gang
ow; ' set binste!•mountett hatnees;
whitfitetreeti; torko; .04100,4 4,110614
and numerous• other articids.
At the unto time and Otte the farm
which eoosists of 140 -Acres, more or'
tot, will Aye offered f6i' sale, *Meet
o with -seven acres' of hardwood
to it tove,,otte f 'farm iti.iith,41.Aislotalla
eh. artesian well, with extra
clay -loran in higIt'stat6:4-Cat*'
ion, era Welk *dented for gittili
.CALL AND hitAkE cittrAir4 O THEPOLL IN',