HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-11-25, Page 1VI1I,VoI. Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, November 25, 1880. No 14 enat l liTY LIST. 50 ACRES OF GOOD LAND FOR Sulo in tiro township of xfetiiilivrny;,liid tliesex C t„ near r,imerick. Applin to H. W. HALL, Solicitor, or rimes office, Exeter OUSE & LOT IN EXETER FOR SAE CRIMP FOR OA;;[T.—This value.. Ma property is eitltatert on William street. The 'house is a story gall a half brie It. containing sev- en rooms, a closet and a woodshed. For flue= ;particulars apply to Ai Lake, Exeter. r.dANIT143A AND THE NORTUWE3T, FURTHER EYPESLENChS OF J. N. HOWARD AND i'M Y---TaE PEiIBINA MOUNTAINS-- Al+iJNGST OLD ACQUAINTANCES--11E6CRIP- TWIT OF TIM SOIL. The next morning we bid our Man- itoba friends adieu and started for the ?ambler', mountains, which we reached ,about noon. Tlie front of every Men - i ' on SALE. --A NEW FRAME nenite house is adorned by a well -kept flower gitrdeu, the work of when' is all clone bytthe WO rum The Mennonites, as a general rule, are slip shod farmers. Perhaps if their wives were allowed to supervise the farm operations, their fame might preseut a better appear - mice, and be more productive. There are tunny well.to.•do Mennonite:fanners, if we are to judge by the number of self•binders we see working in the im• mouse fields of grain of all kinds. Here 7� TONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES- and there, however, may be seen a JIL tato fur the Huron. & Erie L,oau fiaw;ngs field very dirty with noxious weeds. As 'toasty. Low rates of juteresi. Apply to Jona Speakman, Exeter, we .near the mountain, the land is mere repine. On coming to a small place oontail:ing a store, blaekeillithHhop, tin• shop, aid a few small dwellings, not forgettiug the "Travellers' Home," a small tavern, on eutering, a 'store on oar right we were touch sllrprieed to see our old friend, Robert Brown, formerly of Zul:ich. One asked him, "How fees is mountain city'?" while a -CHAS. SENIOIt, Photographer, Exeter. seeoud asked "Where is the mountain?" He laughingly replies. .'This is moan - J. CLAIiK, Agent for the Us- tido City," and this* the, top of the .i.. •here° andittbhort Mutual Fire Insurance mountain. Johns data "I think they • emptily, Residence—Narquntir, Orders by s iu:t:l pru.upt1Y atrencieato. kava very beg names for very small places iu this part of the country, and as for a monutain, I dou't consider this much of a sucoess.". The Pem- bina mountaiue, so called, etre merely high irregular rolls in thy land, ruu• ning north and south several nates. Mr. Brown has a very good frame store well stocked with nearly all kinds of goods, and seams to be doing a flourshiug bn_iuess. He will soon have opposition, as there iseanother'entre. nearly completed, altiinlib the mat ten miles$oi the ?llennotlitelaud through which we passed was quite rolling, it ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. is even more roiling as we proceed west. WitLiu a couple of miles of the Pattersou bettlement, we pass a beauti- ful farm, looking, if I may be permit- ted to use the expression like an oasis to a desert ; the dwelling anti the ant- bnildings are protected as well as adorned on three sides by beautiful trees of natural growth, balm of gilottd, white poplar, oak, and elm, which not ouly serves as a. wind break in the severe storm of winter, but adds great• ly to the appearance of the property. If every settler on the prairie would tarn his attention to planting trees, it would not only enhance the value of the property, but would tend to break the force of the winter storms. We teach the Pntterson settlement at 1.80 p.m. Here they have Iaid out a city to which they have elven the name of Alexandiie. It is situated 10 miles frnm the international boundary, and 60 miles from Emerson by trial, It contains a store and post once 1n one. natio the city, Our practical Anker re• maks. "It is quite as large as Chicago, but is not yet built up. Mr. Abraham At 7.1. er Oen E. Patterson has Lyall odds the best hie - Apply tosoRlleW.II se proved farm we have yet seen since leaving Emerson. He has some 60 t..„1. GG HOUSE, LONDON, ONT. urea fenced. A portion of this is `J. S. GRIGG, PROPRIETOR. (Late of the fenced off far -bis cattle, which is s .Ameriran.) NEW ROUSE, NEW FURAITURE. • Woo iim-xpt.i.R:)OMs, corner of York and more convenient way of keeping them .dbiuhfeend Streets. at night than staking them, as is the Dwelling with one.rhird of nn acre of laud •situated on Nelson St,ecrb, Exeter. The house ••contains8 rooms, 4 upstairs and 4 downstairs, all well finished. 'there is a gond well of water 'also a al•st.elass woodshed ou the premises. Ap- lily at the Tangs aloe. IMPOItT.ANT xoTI01 S. TAAIES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION- '', neer. Salmi p •omptly attended to, Bays of • Eales arranged at this °Limo :11‘1".°41: : Y '(0 LU c1..w.0 'r cent, actor jug to tetras. Special art• vantages to Moro borrowing for four years and apw.trda Apply to 1h. V.ELLIOT, Ocitobor 15, '81, Solicitor, Exeter, -irONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST - 1' Chess Mortgages on lteal Estate cr for Itutlding purposes, Zruthe Dominion Savings J luvicettucnt Society, of London, Out, for any r uui ber of years from one to two noy. Apply to • ;a. CAMPBELL, PROVINCIAL' Lelia surveyor, rte., will Le at the It yal Hote:l,t•:xeter,on the firstTuesday in numb mouth. Orders fox 'cork left with lair. 3obn 5.raaltula), willracaiveprontm,t.tttontion. M 'SS QUINLAN, Ilegs to ihform talo Ladies of .15 telex and sur- ronuding coautry that 511 + is again prepared to do dreasiunkiug in a.lits branches. Cutting an l fit- ting 3. 51ooialby: Ylwcta of business—Mr, Sweuel- t,,n's tett ago, corner :3ciainand Staticn st, Exeter. *Apprentices wanted. Rctt. •33a ITGUN II. HINDMAN1, e ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL money to loan en mortgages, notos and other securities. Rents and accounts collected on rea- sonable tdrnl.i. Iusuranee t•ffocted in first-class Camps. its at reasonable rates. Oats—at Dr. Iivndtnal's.Main S root Motel A IeAICi , 1t.IJ 3rLONERR FOR • Toil t.10 MITT CP iiUitON, LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY ret ee cont. for investment on mortgages 1 p \11;Ei) ,WILLS, ETC., DRAWN cRll ren50nisMe teems. 1LE It. ABBOTT fe.J.S.,Ll1.it.C,D.S Girrtauateof It eyalCollege of .DENTAL SURGEONS. °iti;e over O'Neil hank, and opposite Semwell Titi a :de. • ?E IOVED Hr KINSMAN, DEN- TI�1' Jt„iF' hasreinevert ' ee Mocktl etre }tr�ti<1^°•,' �� :loots: north ./ of Carlin:4'sI *More. Mime mustang:, $287.e.00O 'TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Y ;FIRE INSURANCE COAZP'Y, OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1483. Agency established in Canada in'1804. Unlimi- •tan liability of all the Stockholders, and large -Reserve Funds. Moderate rates of minium JOHN H. HYNDHAN, nom. WTYNE, Manager. Agent at Exeter. F A 11 M —AND— TOWN PROPERTY onatom of the prairie. Air. Patterson raised eleven tons•of fins timothy hay from about 4acres of lard. He says timothy does well, and intends trying clover next year. Mr. Patterson has rendered a great deal of assistance to Deniers for the past three years, driving them through the country and search- ing out the .best locations, often with. one charge, He is very highly epolten of by all. We put up at Mr. R. Sweet, formerly of Stephen, Mr. toss, who had been engaged to' drive us, return• ing to l4 nlersnn. Here we remained FOit SAL11 OHI]AP AND ON Betsy I' rates OF 'from Friday until Wednesdziy, enjoying PAYMBIA , TEM some fine thole shooting at some lstice;a eO >•,/ .M'• r wb ,riad Hyl aitoz close. by. In .company with liar. John Seat, of tee Lake Road. 'eve shot 70 pigeons in one day in a barley field ed. jeceut to Mr. Sweets bush Mr. Cnn wing, the 13. 0. Minister of this Orme, also eecori7panied as, cheerfully piek ing tip the game for uq: Mr. Can 1 le and Mr. T. Greenway, (the better gentle- man well known in Exeter and vicinity) are the only two B. C. Afinisters in this district --in what is termed the .0 Lops ire. southern belt, west of.:E*ners3n to took eapr L urthor particulate nl)ply to ANDItE%VLisle, Air. Gentling It s picots of men, Msg., at Exeter, or to Vie P. t3UIdrN N, Lin'tgerOntario Lean end 'I)q!ftll).turil,Cusrl;)auy hied work, which he performs very Xaseeel), :esters() NO.1 N ; of N t Lot numbor le, Con,lein the Tmvnslnp of Stephen, 2.1 acres more or lows. 5 .teras Ire oloarrtd, 20 acres timbered lvith bevel) , maple, hemlock and white rile. Tho Poll is r. clAy loath and rit,stat, from the Village of Dashwood 1half a mile. NO,. 2 Alteo in the Village of Exeter, Lot 311rmuber 4in+ this subuivtxion of Got uuwba' 10 'Paris v.ivahle property is sheared nn the, principal or Main street in rho said village, on is in too bola business Locality in !.•retch. Th•re in a brickstore and residence on the lot (nearly born 2Moils high, •!et40foeib attd1 good state cheerfully, He has estab'i fled a Sun• WORLD WIDE NEWS. day Sebool in his district, which is well ewe DOMINION. attendedand highly appreciated, We THE LATEST nisreeCRes FROM ALL PARTS. Lady lilactteneld lac Ottawa foe New attended Divine Service in Mr. Sweets' York on Tuesday. Oil r5'tlllday, when the rev. gentleman SKIPPED T') OANADA, J. A. Moasean, (Conservative) was preached a very excellent sermon. G. II. Day,t11e clothing manufacturer elected by acclamation forBagor (Jounty After some pleasant sport with our who tete been on exatnivat.iou for Lev Qne., en Saturday. friends on Monday and Tuesday oral days in Indianapolis for fradulent 'Me old man, O•een McGowan, who among the feathered tribe, we engaged disposition of Ins stook, put up four strayed :Tway from the Dundas House Mr, Sweet's team early on Wednesday $1,000 bitls for his bail, and, when Ise of Providence ,es the . 8rd inst., was morning and start fur t'p. 1, range 9, walked out of jail, said Le would be found at F.'rt Erie, distant 28 miles. We crossed the back on Deo. 6. It is thought, how- Dr. Miller died suddenly at Lindsay Pembina crossing at noon, where there ever, that he has skipped to Canada. Monday, it i• elated from the effea: of is a store and poet ofee, The cross• The attorneys for the creditors think ehlorof.irm taken or mistake while un. lug is a huge gulch 450 feet deep, and that Days operations netted flim der the influence of li.qumr. 4 miles wide, waahed nut of a level by $20,000 (sash, and chain that this' $4,- The Cousolidated Bank building in the Pembina River, and descending 000 is a part of that sunt; Montreal has beet] purchased by the gradually to the liver in terrace after ANi)THER PaINCS Til Be WEDDED. • Canadian Pacific Railway Syndicate, terrace, and many of these wavhlg with The mari•iege of Privet' William, and will be need as the head .offices golden grain. Here we met with ;ti 1r. graudesntl of Queen Victurca,takes place of the company, The pries paid was Z. Johns, son of our jovial companion, iu Berlin ou the 28'.11 of February. $80,000. • who had come with Lis ox team for The Prince and P-itneete of Wales wicl About 25 acres of sugar beets were letters and provisions. We all proceed• represent Queen Victoria ou the coca sown in the Britevhlle locality last ed to Mr. Stewart'te9 miles, where Mr. aioa, spring,antl the result has been entirely Z. Johns resides. Sanders and Johns AGAINST BseraLIom . satisfactory. Sema farmers are re - AGAINST here, and I take up quartets at The Vatican "organ. Aurora; denies ported are ref orting a yield of 20 to 80 Mr. Samuel Oke's, Airs. Oke did her the statement that tee Irish .bishops tons per acre. uttnolt to make us feel comfortable. I are put'seiug a polies' diepleesing to the At Hespeler, a by-law granting $6, - would cousiaer her a tnodei pioueer's Pope, and e.tid t—Neither thePope n 'm 000 for the purpose of assisting Messrs. wife. In this township we meet many the 13ishiips have ever thought of pre- John Harvey and J. B. MoQueetion to acquaiutancas froth Ontario, and have venting the Penis frurn aiming at the establish a wolien mill was carried oil some splendid sport. Among the legitimate seti:efitction of their needs, Tneselay. It is expected that the mill 'navy I might mention, Mr. W. IL provided they do not tieviete from jus- will be running byFebrnary next. Trott, Mr. John Bisset`, Samuel etre, tice,and rectitude in their titmice Of The ventilation of the coal mine at B Marshall, J. Cavo, F. Cave, Luther, means.. Rebellion, incendiarism, de- Stellartou, N. S., where the Iate die - Albert and Samuel Alanuiug, James, strnition of property and homicide are estrous explosion occurred, is being William and George Dew, Jabez pis- clearly not among the means three can proceeded with favorably. Tuesday a sett, Samuel T. and Silas Handford, be'conuteuauced. number of adventurous miners went James Blake, J. Hicks, and others, all • TAE GRE 4T EASTERN To BE UT1Lizm+I). down the nage pit,opened the door and seemingly doing well, and all sanguine. The Great Enateru Fresh iVIeetone. got back all right. of the future of this part of the oouutry. pany, (limited) with a capital of £800,• At attempt etas made on Saturday 1. was very favorably impressed with 000, leas been binned. It purposes to rob the treasury of the village of the wonderful fertility of the soil, it to beiug carcasses froth both North and Yorkville, but the wnnld-bo robbers tieing without exception the richest I Sont•h America, and for this purpose were unsuccessful. The parties who ever saw. Theta is no donate it will the Great, Eastern alas been fitted up made the ,,ttempt aro supposed to to cropsue for many years to -yield lltrge with refriaeraiinr'alllrliallfles. the game who stole $1,600 from the crops of gran without any manure, SUDDEN DEATFI of Fra. Amok. CoChiBTUL . St. Thomas bank some time ago. and with very little expense in multi- Sir. Alae, Cockburn,' Lord Chief "Professor'' Johns, a music teacher vation after the first breaking. The Justice of tiro Qneen's Bench. died sad• from Beamsville, died suddenly while siter: urfaceabsoilater2 ifrs et a rdeichat:ilelc locun,averag- 'denly Setu+•rlay night.-die'fiad heard eating his dinner eat the Lincoln House, puta friable clay a case at 'Westminster dii'rine" the day Grimsby, on Saturday: He set down sub soil from 4 to'5' feet deep, beneath and walked home and ate dinner, ap- to dinner in apparent good health, and. wlliell is a stiff clay lying on shale rock.. p:ireutly well, and retired at half•nast snddenly petting his hands up to hie In most places a plent.ifni supply of eleven. • He was seized with a pain ,north expired immediately, it is sup- very coati water eau be obtained at a depth of from 10 to 25 feet, • although ly, over the heat t and died almost iusiant• tensed in an apoplectic fit. H:,n.ltlr,Caron was elected on Sntur in some planes the water is not very LORD :-ALISBURY C1 TBS sITUATI •N, day by aoctematien for the Comity of Plentiful, being shortly impregnated with alkali. The first breaking is gent- baLard Salisbury at n C,nnservative Quebec. As anon as his election had nquet lot week wad especially severe been rtennunce�i'by the returning -era e • erupt dine in early sonitner by mere- open the Government. In reference a company of the Quebec batallion firer! Ip paring the surface fr;,cu one and a to the Eastern question be believed a salute. The new minister was es - half to two inches deep, turning over a, that Gladstone win be compelled to tamed back to Qneb'c by a processinn as soon as this is s broad f. roots from 12 to 16 inches nied, carry out Earl Beaconsfield's policy. of his political friends with nearly they brtok set the fnrrorq, ore,ent{y rutted, Ile said the condition of affairs in Ire. fifty sleighs. plowing to a tend demanded stringent measures to Capt. Allan Patrick, D. L. S., has depth of 8 to 4 inches, thin formols a restore order, and exprassed himself arrived at Ottawa from Bow River, mellow Beed bed. be plow tensely unmistakably in favor of coercive meas Reeky Mountains, where be has been nsed here for, the first brooking ise:tlled ores, He held the ministry strongly for nearly three years on duty under the prairie Queen. Iu p;liae of a cont- to anonnut for much of the agitation in Mr. Dewaney, Indian Commissioner, ter it has a sharp wheel att,ched tov prIreland, 0 fining the limits of the Indian reser- the beam, v high revolves as the plough T{iE AMERICAN CATTLE TRADE. vation in accordance with the treaties. speeds along, eitttiug Use sod iu its The Liverpool Dairy Courier says:— Mr. Patrick gives a glowing description course. Nlr. Verity of Exeter, tree The Ameriatu enitle trade, nntwltil- of the south-western portion of the introduced a somewhat similar plow s sanding that alt the animals must be Northwest Territnry, with several hnproernonb4. If this slaughtered where ]ended, continues to A young man of seventeen years, S. t proves a entices., no doubt he will re- pr +grass. From New York, Boston C. Davies, some time ago, through the ceive heavy orders. This wirer tract of and Btltimnrn, during, the last three influence of several friends, received land, whish hits been in 1)ossession of innntha, 18,000 were laudecl,as againsta situation in one of the leading banks the $udsou Bay Co. for rmpwards of 10,205 for the same period last year. of Alontreai,reoeiving $100 per annum. 200 years, and capable of containingThe severe weather lately recorded has He was there only five or six months, 80 million souls, ouly yet lightly touch -caused {oases on the passage to bp and during that time ran up a bill of ed by civilizatinl, is destined :to doubt heavier than last year, time;nnmber be• one hundred dollars at one cigar stare, before long to become the haute of ing 1,115 head, or 6.63 per cent., as .$70 at another, and $80 at a grocery many million people from all parts of agaiust 258, or 2.48 per cent., in 1879. store for wines, aero , and on Saturday the world. The Province of Manitoba ADECI.ION BY LORD PENZANCE. he thought he would leave for England. is only a slnitlt portion of the great Lord Penzance, sitting in the House He was, however, arrested in Qltebea north west. The dimensions of the of Lords. its Dean of the Conrt of nn a capzns, and is now immured in the province are 182 miles from the inter- Arches, has declared Roy. Mr. Euraght Montreal jail. national bouudary to the northern and Rev. dr. Green, who have eontin• Six weeks ago two brothers named boundary; from east to west 120 miles. tied their ritualistic practices despite James and 'Tobias Laughlin went to It has a wlhele area of abrut 16,000 the o•dets of the court,suspended from S. Louis from Canada, and entered square miles, or neatly Hina inillivneoffice and to be in contempt. They the employ of the Wabash„St. Laoistte of areas. The townships which are will c ase ueutly be imprisoned, simi• Pacific Railroad. They were engineers. six miles broad 'ere numbered iu range 'arty ivit Rev. Pelham Dale. They hast Sunday night they entered the from east to west respective!) trona the lore e, spectfully defendants in the cele- saloon of .Tames P. Flanagan, en the principal merittt'an, which enters, the brat ”' Bordeiy and 111ilesplating ritnsl earner of Broadway and Montgomery preview 10 miles west of Emerson, etesa.A streets. While in there a dispute The townships are numbered coneeent-Teeesclay as the special train for the arose about the payment of drink, and ively from 1 to 7 ft»ln the iateeuatiou- nortl,on the Hatetiltnn 15e Northwestern Flanagan abet and killed the bruthere. al tasndary northerly..1lartch township Railway, headed by the engine, 3. M. James, the eldest of the twn.hari a wife to divided tutu 86 seutii+ns of ars mile Williams, an driven by engineer Wil- and child in Canada. When she re - square, containing 610 areas each, llama, had pa sed the village of Boehan cowed word of the tragedy, she said, with one and it half chains road allow- one of the fines collapsed and the 0011• "?t y God, my heart is broken," and anae between enctile:e.tiou and town- tents of the boiler rushing' out through instantly expired, Flanagan, the mur- sbrp. The sectivne in each township the fire box,before which Mr. Williams darer, is a well known politician, and are numbered from right to Taft, Ana was standing,enveloped bine in a cloud was tttlkecl of during the last election' telt to right. The mode in which the of scalding steam, which e,,nhpletety in onnnedtiou with the membership of pruviuce is lain not isvery simple std tete tlse e.itin from his face, hands and the House of Delegates from the Use convenient. breast while otherlparts of hie:body were trier in whist* he wielded. He cane very badly burned, The 6rolnau hap• clear receiving the nomination. He petted to be at.the far end of the cull, Sheriff Powell's solicitor is at Terme and esoaned r+ith 'comparatively slight to, from Ottawa. in Abe interests of his injuries. The train CMS to a stand - .client. He has, it is believed, Peen the still rat ld the injured none was et r pied tl.ttoi•ney.Geuerel and rntide a propos- to the village, enduring agony That'y ten. lion to bird, but is is not yet known' more :easily' be imagined than des- what action mill be taken, 'Ilio result eiibed. lie now lies 11) It pecnrions will no tludbt be kuoven wi'btu the n'':tC condition, wrapped in oil ma soft cote two d tys. cel Patting, killed a man in Mobile, Abs,, tem'erefera ago, atld was sentenced there retie:- prieontnent for life. He wag peritonea after serving pix months, and': enme zh rout from time Penitentary to St, Ionia. Ite'is in jail. now, And acknnesledgee the killing of the Lang11tine, bet says it was in eelf•de1ense. The plea will l hardly hold socias ono of the bralltees