HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-09-24, Page 3BP414011(1414.MEETI GarIleId Case, Ixich Wedna 4orItto f. mOtin xaaged, tIve intozoat * The Iwting In 00400 W •Pil\t•Y'llft..14heft4 003014040on at'seeliaesnight. of ne,10feek VV•10.'$ IJ elresft0,h/r9Olartleidsflaaes 41, of coN efl tind, Other PeeetitOse,., be at Otilltna irlarsOfill'•'‘grAt on day. 40riele �n SlitUr4V,. aiitl ert'ortle ern•Menda15,;Octoper 404.xeter „' 'Ma be Addressed ihY,g•''' .1)* of Totouto neeref4r7 of till!, to Plebiaelte, OcersMittee, organizer. for e the 'Pre/v.14dd Prohibition? .0001mittee, 11.e°War=-3P 10 the laet referenduni cam- Paign in Totonto, and- pilot ereauleer . of the: Prohibition Vxdon. HURONme CANDIDATE ar‘, '- The OlOttngs atiViintOn Vt. T. Thomson Stands as Straight • Supporter of Hepburn Henry T. Thomson a Wingliam, lir depSeedeet Liberal candidate le HuronprITee, Was in WW1% on Tuesday and . stated t,hat, devils all reports 'to the ceittrary, he intended to Temkin In the fight to- the fiuish, ire saye that he is In aceerclCwith the BePtrorn polity and insitSkieg tor voteS 3.4 a ttepburbeeeps porter. EYE- Save y ur eyes eitteatied---111-. R. A. Rog60,•.farYee0 EOM - ford's •.",„leeding• .0Pteravtrist,,- gits 'Pert *kit only at Mos' te moderate Prtoes• Eyes preminede-Glisses • Fitted. Cons -at Wee se RobertsOn's 36/01iy Store- , THE O. F. -CAREY Fire, Accident- and Motor Car INSURANCE - Rep. The 7.QfldOfl• Lite Insurance Oa 'Ottlee .e• • Megionle Temple'West St., Godertel Phone 230- ••NELSON MM. 1 r, -o Proposal -1140 r Consk1eraton of LOC tn.eil, of in 'all pr�babllity an attempt will a.nital0 ;110 votnen or cioderton to Wade •t*.inner sanctum of the TVell. Ualt .by nOnilnatlng.,91le 9t. bleb: num- ber 'for.a' place in the Tewe COM:tele at the next'inuoicipal election': , Tlie Metter arose at a largely itt. tenaed meeting of the Local C4Ouncli of Women at MacKay- Bail on dee. afternoon. was suggested that the Council, -which represents hundreds of women in half-a-dozen- Goderieh .socletieseaed organizatioele sponsor an ledependent candidate for she- Federal House. - - ----- There were those Present, however, who did not favor quell aSPkratIon, claiming .the women should first place a representative in the Town Ceunell as their next step attertheir invest% of the &hoot Board and .the Welfare Board. In the meantime it was suggested that improvements to the town in the removal of dilapidated buildings and ,the .heeetifyieg of the Jake bank be noted -by the affiliated-organlzation and suggestions presented to the Town sategle-e. , 0 VIRI() e et ilold Regional Contereneel 4I%OndOn,•Aeit, s ra,14.* .0 ,wroliouff'?,; -prealdent of t1o* PntariO dieratIOn'Of-00Me-and .011001.' will ho the speaker at the evening • , be heldoota trh.ieuir4egayllecollgatioeneerlifirlS!e and S. .1Councila • Of )l,Xiddicaex; Vigin, -Perth and Onrott will take out 111 ,tix,e .•POnfereace,i, 7)4=0 .1).00f3'nt 1,••3(), At MO POPtk41',.P.44,1414O.,141ditO:rtOIV; • With 'Ws. 11 R. Itinglit000: of thli ettY; provincial *viee-Presktent for this region; preekliiige. Homer Neely 'PrOsidelite the'"eXeetitive Of tile London. Mon* andetStatool Outwit will bes tolltereticee heatesi. • ClYies greetings? byethe Mayor or 111,s representetivee'eteds greetings from. the Board of Edication by •Ilev. W. 4.•'; Towashencl/ epee the .afternoon sessionsinlvehicivall the coenclis of the "egion.W.11 take, part. . ,=eCottleen Topics ' • St. Thentad Connell, of Width ..-elre C. B. Arnold4eSreeident, !will have charge of the to'Ple". qiioese (tad Scheel Association Programs," .1Huron County tiorne'- and School, Cotnscil. under the Presidency: of We. Taylor, of Oode- rich, Will take "Membership and,flov to 43tratfOrd. cffille,p,,preFildpet aver' bv LightfOote•haeetthe topic '4flocae Education." limMlocartitLecla.t.pz01, of the f!./.0actlitter will. speak, on .',44.Mental of Parents. A diseession a •wad,pish1) (Toning 801001%. One, of whiele May opened in Louden this winter, will be Introaticed by Mrs. H. It. Kingston. There. will. be a ,physical tralnhtnr demonstration directed by. H. O. Cox. and community einging led by T. C. Chattee. .Supper will be served in the Cafe- teria,.end the evening session Will open, with a chorus by the Home and School choir directed by '12. C. Ohs ttee. The new curriculum will 'he discussed by sp6aker of autherity. prior to Mrs. E. E. Reece's address on "The Ethics' ot • the Movement."SHOWER FOR 0.1BRIDE-ELECT . -On Tuesday evening Mies' Thea Lullaby., daughter of Mr. and Oirs. W. G. Lemhy, =who on Friday. becomes the bride of Mr, H. -Wilson McCreath, was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous Shower held by about twenty frlenlis and neighbors. An evening's fun was enjoyed in a program of game., and lunCheon. was s)erved by those present, assisted by ',yrs. Lumby. TBERFATENED BY GRASS FIRE On 'Friday afternoon last a gram tire Iread frati-s- a- burning pile of brush on the Thos. Warrener property Colbone •tovnfship, demolished line fences and threatened the beildings before riven could respond to a call °sent over the rural telephone About twenty men hurried to the place and battled the flames for two hours 'beforegetting the Spreading fire under control. . ee•••••,. H. M. FORD Rep. CONFEDVRATION LIFE Also Fire -Car -.-Wind Ineurance Phone 268W, Monition St. bank lets were gradually being taken. over by, • individuals ;• - and it 'VMS Strangly urged ,that the TOwn should °We as muclftee poisible of the lake bank so that the public might enjoy the beauty aftordect by the vie*. • Miss I. • E. Sharman, seeretarY- treestirer,_ gave an interesting repprt on 'work that has been done hs women's councils throughout Canada Among the suggestions were to terra sewing groups for • mothers and un- employed girls; to raise the status of domestic workers; to sponsor well baby clinics; to assure children. • ot pee-sebool health; to discuss the pro- blem of feeding transients ;, to arouse interest in child welfare, and to exert the influence of the council on present- day condition's. • These were only a few of the under- takings of Local Councils of Women across Canada as enumerated. by Miss Sharman. but many, it was though.... were not feasible in a small toWn. •Further discussion on these vdtet items will take place at else next meet- ing• of the Coundil, to be. held in October. The president, lies. W. P. Lane. was in chaige of the meeting on Monday. ' altA0E ROBBED Thieves Ransack =Hoggarth's Garage ' atter Pieltincthe Lock On 'Wednesday night last thieves picked the lock of jack, noggarth's ar- age on Heinilton street and made avvag with. a large assartment of wrenches and other tools, torchee and eccessor- iiis by the &emu. In fact, so clean a SWeep 'did the thieves make that te Hoggarth did not oonsidev it Worth while to open, hie shop the next,. dny. A:lthough tbe till had been tam - *red Wititellet'entalt-ebanges was. in- tect. IMM"...gllWIMPN•eu•••.••*e•4•.e.•N•••••"'"1""r"liail""r"."'"g".•ee•.•••.....••Ne.,N. J. W. CRANE INSLIANCE and REAL ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates. Pbone 24 GODERICII Ittos. 4100101100. *VIP- FUNERAL DIRECTORSND uo3 mamas ,Aktet jam MitSUIAN912-131/41 11.!') * end° 211 .t • CHAIO th" `a 0-2 W rkiftIn laat.$11iielt Verth, Baas)** 4e* VI* tvto '004114 "..'w tton Ate on dropped, the *at punk at; hOnl,: 10-24 folPkod goderiete4 ).emi by A, third, . OOPS* out Of their al. faialtiOn the, rlding, Owl,* to dia4entsion aronaed -br the farlszareit , -the Poem* ot 11, who4eontea Notb the Orli- 11 '049• OeIceet1amq, With beadetlatte,re at Ji4ox, IM4ir Zuritia. Waring onir three'tea*, Zar. tiolecof ftlietsteta .ZnrIch eliminated Seagorth with des oat As. RA OreditOn and° Seafortb.. TO fl8 meat planlein' his V 41eive Wins 41tWo' Straight Vines; • . Vcr. Xolt la 4 14* WA* CLINTON GIRLS the OVOOtAli of ter' 7 A t \ WeStern Oanada, ea Of ON A IL &1 'tininess 120 'Road ; •'.. J. R. 'Wheeler F.UNERAL /*MA*. Br v.111Idlaliktgat,_''' ' ALSO. AlaliterAiltit tetWA4 . .G0t1112.12Fn, ' 014T1.BIO, . etas prem'at.ly,attended to Off oru4. WIN $.Sti tfAlle Sfito THE • CRANSTOtt WILTIERAL • Oka • CitiLIFIFID EMBALMER" And VINE/MAL DIRECTOR 24-hour invalid Oar Service atiesommiamproom444444.4444044444.441444444.4•144.44.0 FURNITuftE. 1 ...I the .fienealt -4110,44,, ded • the Oollettlate lhatitttter and 04101 'Arrl, at IlamIllen after Giving Their seboo1 0.0i1oriolt i1,441414',.aeli601 vionts Some Avettity tor 4)e*Ea• Yea" b!'raV"*hig lile . Clinton, Sept 20.-ItelatIves here' of "P " Uca 42i1t ileen at min A li f • n Montreal t 4,hone 399 0,4,1,40•••••••••••••••00.;*erm••••••••••••••••••••fre.•••••••••••••••••••••mr,Moo sonard 006a Victim of Crash triPallion in 11041aitai u • • 14 IW' , :7.-r4lrata1l4' in* $nred When tati'ear. driven by 1110 eorn.., latniO04Who Is now Oiarg „0(1.'wIttx drunk , , , ,. daring, Was.,:),Ank 0040= with. the sea , Qt anothere citeenk (1!To. a psnwar, eigh , _ .„ 'mue,9 eaS Of .teatieste° last • night • ,,, ,• . . . Pitenesteel, sereeteen-year-old ClInteu Collegiate Students, learned tonight reat the girls missing from their homes since iSundaY efterneonellall ar- rived safely in flauUtOfl.' Miss 'Ale - Meuse who is -the ..only daughter of •,.ifer.hK. MeGouhl,of4t.-Psiure ellurele Clinton, has a 'married 'brather living ilfiensiited., and.stise .girls errived eatete at lite ==liolne Olds even114- Although the &iris left a note stet- elegAhat they were leaving zon 5 riga'. Abair parents el/en:vet* greeter part ee aeday . In •cOnsiderable anxiety- niafdal ettliesee","Tie 'hag practised hie profeseion at Ilensall for twenty, years andefor the last ,five" years has , con- ducted the Huron 'Springs Sanatorium on the -*London Toad one mile south of Hensall, where he also operates a farm. Be says be found that many elec- tors were not prepared to vote. ter either of the party candidates, and that _his sore treason for entering the field is to give such people an °ppm-. tunity of -giving expression to their views at the ballot box. As to questions other than that of temsperanre, Dr. Moir says= he will maintain an open wind and, if elected, will support good legislation no mat- ter by what perty it may be propsed. GEORGIAN 'MO , UP. Passenger Efteamer Ilaa rInished Her Season's Schedule -The paekager. steamer Georgian made port here en1fonday night She has concluded) her :44intiet•rtuis and May remain ,theee thee:Whiter. - _The rgitia-rWarite:41t Il.greS40 git4daY Wittithe,Pail4,,:bit,, ViV,..40011.1*:ttonv Detroit, but owing to tne"heavy weath- er the course aims changed and the Georgian ran Sarnia some 4511(10 up the, 0 • Ctle 0t the lake 4Indst:41;lmod, X'heke1gO1' tO' go,voa Monday morning , • 1O3r tona ..of.,• domestic IWO and stain et:A 0.04. O.. tee. She waif '00/140 0-11:g1104 night on itteolint of tile gale. :1 '2 1 ctorati,CosiOrOithi.tit. eeth?r,.)Deic;Witifigle40 '-k' "•-7 - . ' chlehe 4t -,00;ditistit'iatiffl. taf'-' , . .,2124*., ie n4h1 rag' the introit -le - «011 otpitrid idantelen -":41:44-74"kced 11n'to' ., 'apple &IV," ,,,,,,,N •2,1,citer L . , i 00, M.P. Maydr It J. 4., atEWEin 4114' the hatots. ' - . trio itiderlyt gelltleutathe fee. .heamed Ariti delight" as lie- WoOlgetlintilliwitle, the eminent Torente rctember, file ex - Goderich Meeting Tuesday Night Dr. Moir is to hold a public meeting lelacKay HalT, Goderich, on Tuesday evening next, at 8 o'clock. He bad a meeting at Bayfiel(1 last night and will be at °raid BendetonighteeeWednese day), Zitrich on Thureday, Crediton en Friday, Exeter on Saturday and • Clin- ton on Monday. These meetings are afl advertised for 8 o'clock. Dr. Moir -is giving his audience at eacb place a treat In the form ot a program, by Harvey McGee, the well- known comedian, 'Raymond Redmond, violinist, and Mrs. Its Phillips, pianist A PECiPLIARLT�WF Wm. Liebold, Hay toanisbip soelery- (grower, 'reported to thepolice the theft of tibout twentrtfive pounds otgineen8 roots front his, farm, -The, roots. were ling. front. it", flea daring his absence, trad were valued at $100. -ut-g-44uxutr Plumsteel, Of the'..31151 • Brothers, drykoatIti'merchar ts, •MoGoua 'were la Owen Sound' ou SuadaY, when M. Ifeaoun, l'oreaChed harveet thiekteche ing.Setteens ,in 1Q. George's eltarch there. Returning home„late jest eight they found a note written by 'Ellen seying tbat they Were not to werry as she Would- be all right. "jrfee gtfing away for 5 'visit." the note read, ad- ding that she hod -plenty of money. She lied drawn some money from her bank' accotint on Saturdaytarting out on foot, the g,..ris were given a. ride to 44e8fortb by one of the telephone operators there, to Nr110111 the girls intimated tiit,y N.STrt. going on. to Stratford. Later in. the .after noon they .were seen in (pellet. tine their patents. warmising Wilt their 111- tell (led destins tion witq Hamilton, motored there to meet them and bring Leonard Tflaelatwetity4our, of !Myth died early In Hopewell hospital, T.,,oa lagton. • Driver of the _death eat; Ray 'xi, herty, o dllytb. Suffered a dialOeat hip and Is in St. Josepb's' hospital Methane Wh'ere be w4to taken 'IV' rt Nquelal. 100netablie Jack Cementer, ,Blenheine who investigated and laid -chem. . Mr. and Mrs.. Manson Goseell, o alt. No. 1, Wheatiee, who were in th other car, akso are in Leamington lioS vital. Mrs.)Gosuell has a deep lacer tion of the scalp, dislocated eplla bone, and many'body cuts. Mr. GI nell lute cuts -on his face and a broke nose. Davis died from a fracture slaull and deep lacerations on his -hod It is ealds that Mr. and II,Irrs.Gor nell were about to turn- luta their la when -the driver; Mr. Gosnelle=eate, o other -ear consing-very fastbehind an proeeedett ,deatn• the 'nighway heette._iiknt is aid, crashed lido &•.:ritir-i>r1 Gosnell car iwith terrific force. Go neInrear being driven tseventy-two fe down the highway,turned enurniete around and crashed onthe rightsho der. The back and left side of t ear were eompietely -torn eft. 'The other ear, it was"seid, went seventy-two feet ,before turning sit ways on the left shoulder. • The fro end and right side were owlet torn off and the forcZ of the bnpn wrenched the engine oft the fro. Mr. Davis was hurled through t windshield. 4 ,vav Motor Permits for 1937 Now Ready Licenses Purchased Now Will Be Valid Until March 31, 1939 —Reduced Rates them home. • • HURON PRESBY'rERY Toronto, iSeptember 20. -lion. T. B. MeQueeten, Minister of Highways, announced WO. nett 1938 m-ot, -vehieleiperraits and operators' licensee .will go on , sale throughout the rro-' vince immediately. Agents in the Jaeger centres; are already supplied, and shipments of supplies are being iti'side daily to the smaller points. ,Vregaed !do pleasure Meeting Mr. • Vfnsiloy *Itiv*Ide et' hat. iitir attended *Very',I00.10014tive Vtily Ja-,,f(nrcin or ,South Huron for many years. • 14. 'Massey- informed Mr. Catitelon that the"Pleasifte otif acodaintanee was matted. ., • ofaiiiiskiiiitslieeeessesairesitiosensipioseesselek ,1 Eir4 ,COMPOAT alteana-mislatn' eye *teeters We. reafls� Oak **try ,case is allifet- Onto, end reqSdres. - 'tentlete with noittilerit egalputent. • f altanSinOt OaA gisests fitted at rattatm-* E,RO. OPtlifeei U* peoPle 0nity e Sustahis Call to Rev. A. M. "Boyle of • Toronto The Pr bytery of Huron of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada inet on Tueeday, SepteMber lath, in the Mr IWILL, OF -IgaiDEACON Bean, church. BlIttih, the Pre.S1Yrterian 11 LOWER RATES FOR CAR LICENS Motorists who ?Pureletee their 1 licenses and plates now may forget about such matters for eighteen mon for the licenses and platee will valid until March 3ist, 1939. extension is due to the Governme decision to change the license yea coincide .wtith its fiscal year,: The new plates have orange•num ahd letters on a blue baclogro topped by -a crown flanked, by the= 1938. Licenee issuers are expecting early rush for plates this year, owing to the 15 flat reduetion'on eae.h tyfpe of passeager 'vehicle. Priem are an- nounced as follows: 4 -cylinder car. $2.; 6-eyiludet, 28-.horsepomver turd un- der, $7; 0-eylinder,, over 28 h.p., $10; S -cylinder, 35 b.p. and ander, $10; 8 - cylinder, oyer 35 b.p., 115; 12-;Cyliader, •p5; io-munder, $35. Prices for ail commercial motor ve- hicles and trailers Itave been reduced 7)5 per cent, from the 1037 rates; the fee for the reglitration of a change of ownership has been rediteed from $2 to $1, ant the fee for the registration of a mototcyple htes been reduced from $3 to $1. t church in the vinage being oceualed by the Presbyterial The Preshytery strongly endorsed the plea of the inter -church .comtaittee on Western r'elief and commended the pro- ject to the generosity of the people. Rev. D. J. Sete, 61' bOoderich, suggested that-.wbile the Preehytery express readinees to, ea -operate with any bodies in this work 'the proper agency to live leadersbip and to utiity Ahe work of the various churche* was the municipal cotmeil in eaclit lac:atty. Mr. (DoUglas Stewart, of Seatorth, was presented as a candidate for the minlstry and after examination Was certified- to Knox College as a euittible candidate. A call,frota 33elgrave. Auburn and Smith's Bill in favor of Rev.' A. ef. Boyle, B.A., ot -Toronto, vvaa sus - tabled. It is expected that Mr. Boyle - wilt begin his work by the end of the month` Arrangemente were made for a lead- ers' conferesce in young people's Work' to be lield this fail itiOlintem. FALL FAIR DATES Palmerston . ............ ...Sept. 27, 28 .................... ...... Sept. 27, 28 ...................... ........ 28, 29 hayfield= .......... . ........ . ............ 29, 30 Wingham. ........... ........ Sept. 29; 39 Bruseels . . ............ Sept. 30; Oct. 1 Kirkton.... ..... ............... .... 6, 6 Allsa Craig ............................. -.0ct. 5, 6 Teeswater........... : ......... ...... . .... iOct. 5, 6 Dungannon................. ............. .0ct. 7, 8 St..Ma rye, ............. ............. Oct. 8, 0 JON tATEMAPrifILED ,1 • , Widow Sole Beneficiary in Estate of _15/4100 Tile -last Will and testament of the late Von. Archdeacon .Wiltred Iohes- Bateman, filed for proaate here, re- veals an estate of $57,883.08, of which his wife, Annie, is the sole beneficiary. The estate includes. $544404 in, se- curities, and stoelas; $2,334.04 itt cash, and the - remainder in real estate, a mortgage aed household goods and fur- l:dies*. On 'the deeth of itie wife_ the eetate, according to the will, dated Nevetaber 18, 1923, was to ;evert to two eons or their heirs. One eon Burletott Wil- fred Joneofflatetnan, has sine** died, leaving- a wife and fatally, and the surviving son, john Bennett . jories- Bateman, lives at Trey, NS, ' J. B. JotteseBateraan and Xt. C. Hays, ILO., aro eXectitoes of the estate. Arcaidestcon Jones -Bateman, Who died on July 24th last, VOW a kilted world trateller, serving hie church in. Eng- land, West Indies, Mexico. and . the Ilnitedeptstes.betore coming to reside hi Goderteh, °Yet tWenty years ago. He waa accorded military 'honors at his 'funeral itt recognition of his wartime setviees. The Highways Department is mak- ing 1938 permits available at this time so, that purchasers of new 1038 cars and trueks will not be obliged to pay for e037 registration and so that the inereasiegly large number of autumn purchasers 61' need cars and trucks Will nOt have to paY the usual transfer lee' with only three months of. the year remaining. Tlie advance sale of 1938 permits Is also desfgned to alieviate the usuni last taunt& rush when 1937 permit* expire at the end Of theyear. The new plates tire of an exceptionall3r attraetive design this year, with crOWn del orange flgUres on blue babkgroeed. There will he no letter prefixes: The Series letter will come In the seeond, third or fourth position hetweete the nuinerals, and esch plate Will have Only one series letter. , Redaction in Rates trEvery 10 Packet of WILSON'S witi va! wpr FtIFST141+4 SEVERAL DOLLARS WORTH OF ARY CIHE,P, ELY MUM/ iOc WHY PAY *11 rAtmers. 4' la, tare, ak "'oar )Diredory • • rx0414stottai4., out ,. ,...... T. W. WM Id' 0/114,1113101,110 *A000 atm - os) ontarco tito - (mother ru:s. ono*, . mcp104' &• Igo's. tknok. Toront,o. Qutntio) . • LEGAL CARDS nOtIOLAZ R. KORN. --7••••• •, .1ffarrister and 'Salicitar., , , . • Oake: Munilt0 St. MOO 513 ERNEST t Sun t r: M. LEE. •. - laarrbter and Solicitor. Lite Bldg. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, ' .. Telephone: Elgin 8201 Toronto 2. AUCTIONEERS ' IrretanAS . .1. - Live t,t a I • C101400Y- 44 $0X. Stock and- General Auetforsoseo Elgin Ave. Godertch . Sales made everywhere and ali efforts made to give you tatistaction. Farmers' Sale Notre discounted. Phone 116 . e . - ATET,ERINAIllt d Le e- at ly 1- le m ee at lyu et ie. he - DR. 0.,E. Mielatii, V.S., B.V., Sc. - '.- - eeseteseseeteee- ....esseeese------ VETERINARY--Sentuegm---------- Qraduete of the Urtiversity of SW and graduate of the Ontario 'Ve College. • • Office on Kingstoo street across 441i 3, Calvin Cutt's store. • Phone 206W, , . , , . • !. IMIEDICA*0 . nit. F. J. R. FORMER. :....„............. ins, rpm, Noss, 'MOST. Late Home Surgeon. New York Orptb thannic and Aural Hospital, saststan st lvfoorefield's Vie Boapitel and Oolde Square Tku•oet Boapital, London, RM. UPPiled. 1 1 - a387wtescitrridoo' .gissaeSt. Ss „Is Stratford. Ton Phone 267. Next visit Bedford Hotel. Goderici Wednesday, September 22nd, froi 2.00 to 8.30 p.m. only. • )38 all bHr be Ills it'd ' to era old, vat_ - CHIROPRACTIC ,. TeRUCLESS PiRACTiTIONER. a., ......-.....-. OB3ROPRACTOR A N D DRUOLEt 17113E3t.PAST, cloplatica. Pligeipped with' elestroemagnetic bati Electronic, electric =treatment and chir prectic. Ott:route, orgiatiee and nerve diseases. -Lady in atteadence. off hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 11 prase:on Tuesdi Friday and Saturday, and•liit Wedu dim o te le a.m. only, Cansultati .t substantial reduction in rates is angora:teed, which will be welcome news to motorists and owners of -commercial vehicles. The Government levying decided ts change the license year to coincide With its -fiscal year, 1938 permits And Hee-rate% will he valid until March 31st, 1989; 1, In announcing the advance Stile of 1035 permits, Mr. MeQuesten etated that the Department will be unable to 'conSider requests for speeial arrange- ments of, numbers; or special seri A lettere. This lhas -steeasioned eonslid- orates. extra Work in-the.past and tile Mieleter hepes. by 10 discontinuaeee. , t.:41staoseeektitiat pexperoeunilettitholes peeertrorai,tWOttrnkti boned, i cannot jotio thing in distriets rrettote from batting by both Until noimal conditiOns re.. the efficiency of the service given to inirolved 'end at the same time inereage a il,motorists. leeated at convenient points; through- out the Ott:Wince. As formerly. thoo new con , Over one hundred icsitind office are ES to the tali- - ,Ileipes py matt, ditea from the' tv. 11494 of the coinpronlise4 but 1 40 km** wijit4.1-ja4T4-6tote.pitt), txtrtittent of Highwaya, Motor Vehieles that they have saved the 311,Ydr0 seven . .. " .litsikeb, •Quecin's Park, Toronto. miltions,,frof dollars a. year." SAVES $7,000,000 A YEAR. sree..01.00,10.• Former Goderleh Resident Issues Statement bb.11,fdt• Contracts "Thousand Of cotaratts have been cancelled 14. mutual consent in the lasI fir eerie and new and bearable ones have taken their places. Why by 4'. H. Reid, of Brucefield. The im- 4brld Hydro he an exception?' asks psi et Wil A slight. Watson managing to IWV. P. C. allow of lagersollLpreal- skirt the front of the automobile, but dent of the Ontario liunielnal El ---- , ()et& his left foot caught on the bumper of cal Associatititi: in a written &pito- the ear. He had speeded hin eyrie to anent- •issued in defence of the Hydro avoid it collision and so gr,eat %yaw th , contrade cancellation. "We want tome Hint his left foot was torn oir lc power, but we want it.in alow deliver- , the tinkle. ' The foot, tendons, hanging. lee, tie needed. We new have them," I litter was found in the shoe under his statement continues. Stating that the eompaniee them- 1the ear. Watsen and Louie. suffered further laitirios an the motoreyele. upt,lit Wilf.ti selves could make no co promise be- eatto of ir legal re ibilite °lute driver1 .st 4.0ns, tHusness, and they' dila the bondheld 0, Mr. Eillo -voices the wore takon to eve forth hospital. 1 opinion that 'no one could cout the knot whore It was found neeessary - e but the ilovertitoett, and,hy doing this amputate Watson's tea at the kriee they freed the parties to enter into ,. ,,,„ A tOurnIquet applied by two men at ' that 'A' Id be b"ra''''''' the scene ot the accident wao eredited with saving Wuteon'a life. County 'Traffic °Meet Norinen Lover. . 'Who investigated. turned' the eat* Weer to Provinvial Traffic Ofileer WM. Robinson. . Foot Torn Off in Collision with Car Injured Motorcyclist Taken to Seaforth, Where Amputation Performed I Shortly after leaving Ooderich on MondaY afternoon on his Way, back to London, after touring this district on business, Ray Watson, of London, ous involved in an accident which ehst hint his left leg. Watson was driving through Bruce- ficid on his motorcycle with a friend. darence bonne, on the pillion oat, when taiey collided with a car driven TO ALL STATIONS IN Western Canada SPECIAL BARGAIN -- EXCURSIONS 1. may be haa by appointment, '°Mofld2Y and Thursday at Mitehell. A. N. AW.- WSW, residence office, coener of eputh f3treet and tanniseltbad. Phone 341. an4 Bre • FIRE IN CE lyieicrizo• P MUTUAL FTEUC, ANOE. COMPANY, .P•••••••eseteme,..... FARM MD 1SOLA.TED TOWN PRO mem 'UMW). OFFI02111 CleePreeklente Alexi Broad - foot, Seaforth ; Vice -President; Thos. .Moylan, Seitorth; Secretary-Trealmrer, M. -A. Reld,"thafostie • DIREIOTORS---Alex. BreadfOot, Sea - forth; James Sholdize, •VAlteri:Wililain •Knox, .14oilditb.tir.,altriti Monhardt. Dublin; Jas. MOOT, Thoa. 1/071sn, SeaforthV W. R. Archibaid. Seaforth; Alex. McEsirg, Myth; Frank IteOregor, Clinton. Ititzr- -OP A(3111T18--0111dred_ Yeo. Goderich R; R. 1; James watt, alytne John It Pepper, Brucefield, R. No. 11 R. IP. McKercher, Dublin, R. R. No. 1; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; R. O. Jar- tnuth, Going: SEPT. 18 to OCT. 2 Return Limit -45 DAYS APPROXIMATELY ONE CENT PER MILE Good In Coaches only SLEEPING. CAR PRIVILEGES Passage Tickets also on, sale, good In: (a) tourist' aleeilng ears at approtti.. nudely 134e pee Mlle, plus regtdar berth fare. (b) parlor and etetmlard sleeping ears at aoProalonattly The --pet plus :regular seat or berth fare. Ori••••010111.••••••••••••••••••••••• iittil."TES-Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., Chi- cago, Ili.. or Sault Ste. Marie,- re, turning via sante mine and line only. Generals optional routims. • STOPOVERS -within limit of ticker, both going and returning -at Port Arthur, Ont.. Armstrong. Ont. and • west; aim) at .Chicago, • 111.. Sault Ste. Mario,. Miele, and west ,n aecorda nee with ta riffs of 1 'n 1 t ed states. lines. I NI re) Full Int rtlettlarg froth any agent Canadian Pacific 46-84)-2 •11,4 PICOBA — PIPE TOBACCO r(5CopL! SMOKE A (WET, WELL OGNDUOTED. 00tItiESIENT,, WOCIENN to° IT°001 HOTEL -AI WITH, 'OATH WRITE FOR FOLDER . TAKE A DE LUXE TAM PlIONI DEPOT' °It WHARF -ale Headaches - Faint Spells Pains Under Right Shoulder MILBURN'S LAXA4 LIVER PILLS' Ma. (Imam Yotam, DelOrto writes: -"I was troubled With held - ache(' and faint spells, and had server* paint under my right shoulder which were so had I would have to walk' the fioor at night, as I mild not sleep. Iwas deo constipated: My wife got roe , Minium 'a taxa-Liste Pills. With .the first tes* doses ,X begs,* to feel batter) sad atter ono .stal 'luta mad was rollered of my trouble; 'Oa) bad tt. better appetite." • A proitet et the UlliVatt 0•4 1AL. Threatti Oat.