The Goderich Star, 1937-09-10, Page 1overnment Accepts* Offori
Lease of Premises for
•'Town Counce bed fleed night
ett'llPridaY laSt endeevoelug to oer
tae arretnyf business-whieir had flew
cumulated since its._last PreViolts Meet-
ing on July Oth. - All the members:
were present except •CouncilloraVrttig*
and [Baker.
Tax Collector .111eKtly reported, eol-
lection, $37,789.74 in July 1, and ,
24,0,78.74 in, August.
The sexton of Maitland cemetery re,
rted Ave interments in July and six
4,Kugust. •
:A request from, Chief ef
Peatelethvveite for a uniform 'suit'and
tap 'was Sentao:the.special,committee.
'A commptrication, dated August 1.2tle
was receieed, from the seeretary of the
local temperauce organization asking
lhat action with regard to the'
age TOMS be deferred for the Pres-
ent, as the Teraperanee irederation Was
preparing a petition to be submitted
to the ratepayers and then presented
to the Council. . 0
This; was referred toTomutittee of
The University Of We4tern OntatiO
announced anothet..series of dectnres
atid discussions of value to municipal
qI1c1as to be gieen SePtember r and
tober 1, and October 7 and..S. This
w. Vreferred to the speeial eommittee.
ommunieations fkom the:Provincial
partment of Highvveys, regeraling
the taking over by the Department of
the portion of highway NO. 21 runnieg,
through the town, wee referred, to
committee of the whole;
Myron' O'Reilly applied for a permit
to 'build a pent -house at tile, °belying
mill en Brock street as a devite to
prevent dust from -the -Oil" bee0ming,e
nuisance to peciteerlielerin 'the neigh-
borhood. This was granted.
Applications for :Bitildhag Permits
Applicationa tor buildbag permits, as
follows, were'referred to the fire com-
mittee: ft. W. Tufford, re -roofing
dwelling, Newgate street; T. G. -Gla-
zier, re -roofing dei1lng, East street;
Mrs. Margaret Green, porch at dwell-
ing, St., Da,irld's street; Mrs. .Suther-
land, theatre apartmeat, West street;
Robert Standish, iinprovements to
dwelling, ,New gate street; Mts. Jas. -
Phalen, reroofing dwelling, Brock
street; M. J'.Godon, additiou to dwell-
ing, Eldon ,‘Street; Na's. -BartieS, re-
modeling dreuing, West Street; W.
re:shingling'dw1lIng, Edgbi
To Resilleid :tit 'Seabed* 110614t
• SeptenIhee VA* ;
The Staforth, OlintOn and Oodericiv
'Mous. Plabe'are:'holding their soitat
(elute for erippledrIdron: of Duren
pouots, at $oott IStpettiorlal,
Seaforrh; on TheWar', September 281
'.10.41.m.Pr, George Aanisae, of
L04404, will hein charge.
The elinle ,es free to any earenta
who Wive e crippled eeile. • parents.
are leaked Asa 'etet in tonelt With' Lion
'MST; EdWerdai •Oledetieht Lion IL M.
Monteith,' allaten-S Lions Dr.- '‘.11r:J.
Bechely, Seaferth, or their own fam-
ily ebysielen.*' NO mental cases .will
h(57 received.
Cancelled This Year' to -Protect Health
of Children •
Owing to the infantile paralysis
scare, although' 'there are neither
erteee;nor suspects among the children
of .Gederiele it was decided at am ad-
journed Meeting of the Public eciroel
board on -Thursday afternoon to fere-
;0' holding the anneal public aehool
plenie made possible by a bequest of
the late Robert blagieay.
There were two children under close
exemination bi Goderice when infan-
tile paralysis was feared, but in each
case the disease turned out to ,be .a
fever. Neither child was a resident
of Gloaerieh.
.The sphool .:hoard at 'Mg meeting
ave. ;, E. Dancey, frame garage, Wa-
terloo street; 3. 3. Moser, moving rind
improving f;itero building, 'Hamilton
street; W. ti McMillan, _garage, etc.,
st street t R. 1.4 Lloyd, reroofing,
rtion af bowling alley, West street.
Armory for Militia Company
'IA communication was received from
the Public Works Department at Ot-
tasva 'adv. -Wing that the offer of the
Council to lease tbe premises on New-
gate street (part of the old National
Shipbuilding Co. plant) for five years
at a rental of 4800 per annum, With
option of renewal for a further per-
iod_ of five' years at $600 per a.nouni„• ,
was accepted, and asking that the
premises be made Suitable for occupa-
tion at one.
Communications from the Work-
men's OompenSation 'Board, 'With re-
ference •to coverage of -Itannicipal-cm--
ployees, were seat to the'epecial com-
mittee. a
Whistling limners
Frank Dem:telly wrote in, 'behalf Of
Bruce L. Sratth regarding an "annoy-
ing' whistling noise which has Oome
from the Vint of'the Wegt‘n Canada
•Piour 3.11114 during the last several
months," and asking that steps be
taken to abite the nuistance. Referred
to special dommittee.
The local temperance organization
Issues the following notice;
a`A-publie meeting of all temperance
people Is galled for •Friday, Septem-
ber 17th; 0.8.15 p.m., at MacKay 0,01,
for the purpose o making a 'deal de-
dsion as to whether or not.iVe petition
for a Weer option vote; and if soto
obtain workers for that perpose."
• The •Saleford Sunday school held ib;
anneal Pitt& Bayfield on Labor
• 'L ere Were about a hundred
Memberseend friends present. A good•
lunch weg enjoyed at noon and the
afternoon was spent playing ball. A
program- of raCes was carried out un-
der the direction of' Mr. 3. E. Harn-
well, superintendent, and Mr, H..Mc-
Creath, with results as follows:
Girls under 5—Emi1y Wilson'.
Boys under 5—Jack Petrie.
Girls 5 to 8—Marion
RoYs 5 to 8—Jito3Br Bisset.
'Girls 8 to 12-4111tire Bisset.
Boys 8 to -12 -,-Leonard Dodkin.
Girls over 12, --Barbara Cutt.
Boys .oyer 12—B111 1.1hor.neloe.
Girls throwing plates -Berbera Cute
Bois' shoe scransble---Bill Thorne -
Girls' marshmallow contests-solaire'
Boys' • marshmallow , contest—B'ob
Women's judging distatee----Meg.
Montgomery. .
Girls' clothespin: race—Claire Bisset.
. Tiffnie POW -
'The'eelebrAtireitt by Weal Chinese Of
the ..1"let,Orr O theit (14 CetinitrY In
the eontltet' .now raging In the Far
tind Winn) the eVneeted VIdO17.
'11)00XXIVS fl faet:-4111 belesS extensive
witl, be in it just:thoilAule4
than WAS Planned; hatt 'their he,asta
Anticipating rvietory a Ioeal re*.
lattrateor erdered' seeral, theusand
tett. wpmeue ossortooately 'was held
iireereeeers flue' ids beittelaree but
.be the etistinee -nutboritiea at Vaus
'Waver tied the greater part delaied
entry to this eeentry. ,
The ,proldbited explogyes -are those
coUtaining altsallnule Powder aud
ehlorates, but it consignment of "lady"
trackers wIts, ,pat%•ed by the eustows
and with tiosse the celebrants must be
centent, . -
The prohibited eatilion and snake
crackers will be consigned To e watery
gra VO in the Pacifie Ocean.
Discussed 'by Preshient of the London-
Conferente .
The Huron Presbytery of the United
Church of Canada met in Dungannon
United chureh on Wednesday. Of
/ special interest was the visit to the
Presbyteey of Rt. Rev. Peter Bryce,
D.D., moderator of the United Church
of 'Canada, and Rev, 'NValdetnar
liaius, M.A., president of the London
-Ceuterente. • '
ess-VestV't nesedeetattealt=ifearresaftte
Willeige• Ott; IA*
A resolution from the Town of
Paris, With referrence to a .4rOposed
'change in the system Of rebates front
County -taxes for road purposes. Was
referred to committee of the whele, -
An advertising proposition time The
*Virtanelat P,C•st was sent to the finance
ommittee. _ •
t sConimittee reports were then read
and adopted.
. Coromit4ee Reports
'larger bulbs will be placed • on the
dleeve Turner spoke of tlae resolu-
tion sent some months ago to OttirWa,
asking for the extertelon of the break-
water, and wondered if anything Was
being done about the matter.. The
Government had spent very little at
the harbor here for some years, he
said, andshould beprepared, to make
eXPentlitures new.
Depilty Reeve Huckles pointed out
The /Watt* comMittee preiented a
long lis.t accounta for payment, s,
The special eommittee reverted tete
• recommendatioes: That the letter of
June' 21st front the COupty Council
of Peterborough,' with refdrenee te
pointment of member Of the Mild.
Ten's Aid •Society, be tiled, at this IS
coulity matter, second, regardIng114'
ttor of Jane 24th from the Mille Con-
ol Board bt Ontare9, with referent%
to the price of milk Lir •Giodericte that
the Boardbe aked td send A represen-
tative to Goderich to meet the 00ittiell.
The water, light and barber earl.-
miftee reported that the float in the
east freight shed at the herbor Watt
being rebuilt at a est of about $700
to carry the weight required in etor-
ing salt for ehipment.
Routine reports were presented by
the fire and the eemetery tted parks
emu mit tees.
New Lights Disappointhig-
cauncinot ttrown referred to tbe
new lights on the SW:tare AO said
pebele were disappeinted .in them.
''X'ley were no better that the Old
ligets end the Sqettre 110t get -
tie" anything like the
that recleests Of this, kind were usttal-
lt-ileft-Ontll-sprIng,,j,,w,bent Aittortti.
done had already been decided upon.
• It was alio observedithat the Cribbing east of the elevator wa lit bad
To Urge Action at Ottawa
A motion -was passed that the clerk
bommunicate with the twiim Heron
members, of the Ottawa House and
try to get something done.
Councillor liumbee urged that the
Matter of the sale ee the 0.W.S.1t.
right -of -Way to the Provincial Depart-
tnent of Highwaes be pressed. Action
should be setered before October 6th.
Geteatillor 'Humber ale° asked that
a statement be prepared of the amount
already'spent this year by the pub
110 Works eommittee. Seme of the
sidewalks kvere•in bad shape, he ealdif
nri-vslieuld be rebuilt. He recent;
mended; that in. these cases the Werk
be dobe on petition., the property-oWn-
ers paying a share of the tog. In
'seine ease ar he pointed out, the walks
had been,dOwn for thirty-five years.
To Check Fast Driving
• Deputy Reeve Ituckins.sPolce of ran
&Meg 00 the Stotare and eeggeeted
that a speed Hiatt be established.
Reeve Turner said pefice sbould
act to check the speeding.
,Councillor Salkeld said 'he thought
the police, were fairly active. He had
seen Sergeant Ross severafirthes check
up drivers. •
The matter Was referred to the
medal eommittee. .
On Motion of Deputy Itileve Huck -
Ins and Councillor Huraber it as de -
tided to ask the Public Utilitleg Com-
miselon to meet with the 'Council .to the power question.
• Leave of abeettee on two weeks' holi-
days was granted to TOW11 Clerk Knox,
Mtss'Worthy Black to net as clerk and
treasurer le his Absence. *
ComMittet. Of the Whole
The Ceurteii. then Went into com-
mittee of the whole. The resolution
from retie with referent% to twenty
road rates was approved, And it Was
deckled to o-9perate itt tiny deputa-
tion to Toronto to have A ehange made
in the system of rpbates. Watt de -
Unusual Case Before irate
in Weel.,0y Cottr eti
for Sentence
La trAt A.;Sielti.tre' voila ,on
ThUrsdaY attectioOn 4 001b0r4000)SII» .
ship faenler was convicted fin a eltarsee
'etealing iU own.orotsertae The
ease wassadjourned a 114\Mt1 for "tem -
tenet\ •
Tee. tartur, DnnIet Pitbladoi was
found ,guilty of steatites twenty ltead
oe hie own (stale from a barn on the
preuerty Of a neighbor, Waltersisumes •
den. lie was convened wider eteelon.
35.2 of the criminal' 00de, whieh ettites
an .owner Inns be committed for theft
a:weep it a persee hevine splwitti pro-
perty or intaest thereto.
Lengthy examination or ssitueSses
revealed that, when repeated warn-
ings. by Lutusdent• foiled to deter Pit-
blado from allowing hiti cattle to trosi....
pteee-eit. the' former% farii,. the com-
plainant confined the•cattle to his barn,
and infortned the owner he as going,
to hupound the beasts, While Louts -
den went for help to 04%1 the cattle
to the pound, Pitbiado and his daugh-
ter forced their way into the barn
over the Objections of Mrs. Lumsden
and prepared to drive the beaSts
.Ward. 1.tuntSden returned lo, the
middle of the proceedittals, but said to,
ssssssssss---- 1'
the long range flying boat, Onba,:•pletured .titking' off
from North Beatii,' Airport, New York, is carrying
the flatted ,polar explorer, Sir illultert Wilkins, and
erew, headed. Herbert Hollic'k-Kenyon, widely
• known Canadian pilot, over a -large area of Arctic
tundra in the Matt for • Sigitanund bevanesky, Rus-
Sian.iltiatOr, and his five comoanions lost on an a t-
• teinpted flight from MOSCOW to New York vitt the
Russia eniCassy Itt Wasideeten forthe expoditloa
wad Hollick -Kenyon enlisted as villa pilot.. eir
Huberti”s shown (at ,left) tracing tlie fligLt route
into the A`retic just before 'balding the aeroplane :
wheiv he is pictured in the cockpit along with tint -
1:0: -Kenyon (centre), and Raymond Booth, radio
operatOr. S. A. -Al" Cheesman, another exporien..e 1
northldnd filer, .was pleked up at Port ,Arthdr ns el, -
The Huron County Junior 4ssociu-
tion of Torok° are holding a ccirn
roast at Lambton Park on Thursday,
September 14th, at 8.30
An interesting. program of sports
and games is being arranged. A good
crowd of Junior Huronites in Toronto
is expected,. and all are cordially in-
United Church Has Chance to Win
Championship Tonight
The Preebyterians, league -leaders in
the Junior Church Stoftball League
thrprugh_fhe sekeoze„ ellest (Wilt Nerte.
stret einigfit to e.^tend the final play-
off series to 'five games, vvith a chance
to follow in the footetes of the Pres-
byterian seniors and take the cham-
-piOndhip. Noith Street• has WolI Uwe
et three ganaesi in the series to date,
by close margins, whereas Knox won
their game by an overwhelming score.
The first game resulted in an 11-10
tn for North street; Knox took the
second 20-3, aux North street took the
lead again. avith an 11-0 win -on- Wed-
James Stewart has returned to
Chicago after spending a month at
his- old home at Itentnil1er.
tle.t.,waq expetted. It was Seggested cided to deter notion with regard to
thst the lora!: .romMissiert Was tfaing beverAge roems ae reqttesteil by the
ter wiring anti Smaller bulbs thau, Temperance 'rederation. Other Mat.
W4st C. PP -Palled: ' tors referred' to the committee were
It wiez explained that While the -c01- laid over or sent to a standing cotti-
ere- l :lahfe are, Atill hi litle Seethes, Inlittee *
billies are boing itatti: 4111 the Standardi. ThIS eeetitidter .the begifietsS of the
'Whet the colOra StringS•firtftekeis off evening.
The Goderich iBowling Club is hav-
ing a tournaments ite Scott* _doubles
next Wednesday. • Good prises are be-
ing offesed, the first prize tieing do-
nation by Mr. Stewart ,Heary.
Mr. Robt.. Henry has returned home
after spending the Exhibition week
with Mr. and Ms. .T. B. Henry, Toren -
to. ;
Mrs. N. F. Norris and daughter
Bererley, of Dartmouth, Na, are holi-
daying in town with Mt. and Ars.
V. C. Pratt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gray, of Cleve-
land Height, Ohio, spent the W.eek-end
ltr.T. 4.31ray's-old home, fhe -Benntil-
lee Ntpee4e.e.te„„.. •
Mr. and Mrs. M K. MeQui101e and
son Jack, of KentveleseN.S., 'arrived
on Monday to spend some time at their
Dunlop residence.
- Mrs. W. S. 'Benson and Miss Agnes
Benson, of Midlaud, were guests for
few ditys of Mrs. A. P. Wilkes, ,
Rev R. M. Weekes, of Dresden,
visited at the home of his mother,
Mrs. E. Weekes, Huron road.
XJ,S,9 Doris Riley, of St. Catharines,
spent the holiday week -end. with her
• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fs Ms ;Riley.
Miss Margaret Bradley returned
home en Tuesday after 'spending an
enjoyable week -end with friends at
Sister, t4iss Mary Lightley, in
.Hospital in Serious
•. Condition
'Mrs. Wm. Dougherty, aged twenty,
of East street, town, was instantly
killed on Monday night and her sis-
ter, Miss Mary Lightley, aged 'eighteen,
was critically injured when the ear
In which they were riding, driven by
Harold Livermore, of Clinton, huttled
Over and over on highway No. 8 two
miles east of Goderich after colliding
With a tar driven by Harry, Bradley,
of Gederich. lavermore was thrown
clear of the road, but suffered broken
ribsand wrist, severe heiid lnjthiea
and lacerations, and his condition al -
Is described as serious..
The three occupants of the light
roadster were hurled in the air as it
turned end for end, and Mrs: 'Dougherty
and her sister were thrown to the
pavement, while Livertnore, apparent-
ly lahded in the greasy diteb: The
car came torest abottt one hundred
feet from the point of impact, four
wheels in the'rtir.
Mrs, Dougherty, it is believed, ,land-
• ed head first, scraping the flesh frotn
the side of her face and crushing the
left side -of her these Her right thigh
also was broken. Death was attri-
buted chiefly to shock.
Mise Ligbtley, it is reported, is 90 -
tering a severe concussion, fracture of
the frontal bone, lacerations to arms'
• and bead and bruises and contusions
"too numerous to mention." Her
conditien is critical. —
The accident .pecurred shortly be-
fore 8 p.m., on the west slope of a hill
opposite the Curwen farm. • .
Bredley stated he was backing from
a latteWaY, In which he had driven in ehose who kfleVit her. After the, ser- 1 Grainger. During the signing of the
order to turn On the highWay and revire. here the funeral eortege motored ' register; Sirs. Edwin Flobean, of .St.
eltrt to Ooderieb. The ianeway is to Kinearditte, Wheremany friends in, 'Photons, kang '0 Promise Me,'" and
just below the trest of the hill andlAt "1 Love You Trely.`" After the re -
ha t tOWIT jOilIVI the. preeesSion.
Bradley, believing the way was clear, ihe gravoldo itev-Mr ,110(4114ttsle Wn4. esteemthe young maple left on a
beaked out to Make the turn Bis sissigted by Rev. noorgo Kkitryeyof motor trip to Detro,it, Itlissfleld, TO
*al; only eighteen inehes on the tneidhiThe Pallbearers Wr,e ronto, Niagara and other points. i'or
Ist't'ement When the Clinton ear, whlth."I'SStS"max rritzieL UIfMeMainee travelling, the bride changed to a navy
Wan owned by WM, Ball, sped O'er /lett Tot."1119 and tlenrY linntalvY, blue snit with tteatehine, accessoriet.
the hilltore through the ,t*dt stud Antoog the flower -bearers were J. $.1Ott their reture, Sir. and Mrs. Grain-
00± BradIeys etir and rolled down the guazol• nog, Sloe Lien It1111.0fli t !get' will take up resident* on the Blue
highway. /DeWitt tied n. goddard. AlI Water higlikvay.
The Goderich car was spun .around
by the force of the 'collision and tossed
into the ditch. Bradley and 'h com-
panion, Miss Lenore &opera, escaped
Passing motbrists stopped, • at the
scene and soon about efty cars, blocked
the highway.
The dead and injured were brought
to the hospital in Goderich. Later the
body of Mrs. Dougherty was removed
to the morgue and a corontr'e jury,
eorge .ieiis a
Kidnapping Story
Says He Was Brought to Coder.
ich, Then Turned Loose
with $5 Bill
A man by the name of "George—
he refused to identify himselt fur-
thers other than that he is a 'night -
watchman at the scene of a highway
job near Forest—told a story of be-
ing kidnapped and brought to Goder-
ich a few nights ars, to be turned
jr•Telgsbleseeeeetrle efletors,
(Large was a bit alarmed during
his hair-raising ride to Goderieh with
his captors; ilk fact, he conjuredup
all kinds of visions of torture and
ransom—but let him tell the story.
"1 was ready to 'knock oft Work
about 7 o'clock," said George, "when
a Michigan ear pulled tip and, two
fellows in it started asking directions.
I was Gelling- them whieh way, to go
when one of them asked .me to get- in
tbe car 'because it was kind of cold.
An soon ae I kot in, the car started
.away. The guys were a bit tight and
I waS kind of scared of the speed
they hie I wondered why on ear
they. wanted to kidnap me, ,They
didn't say a word all the way to
'When we got here they bought me
a shirt and tie and sat in a barber.
shop with me where they bought me
a -shave and ,httir cut._ 1 thought they
were making we more presentable
so I wealdn't be noticed. 1 was too
scared to say anything, because they
were right there all the time.
"Then, wben they got me -outside
they gave nte a $5 bill and told' me to
go home. I guess they were eotne
crazy rich Amerieans haring one of
their ,practical jokes.
-"I sure was scared all right, but
fire buck is five bucks," aye& which
George started out, to hitch -hike home,
wintery, -adeqUate support or the mis-
sionary and ataintenance fend -; ag-
gressive promotion of the phurce's full
prop...tate of Christian education :" rig-
orous promotion of evangelism, and
the rural prOblem. Be called upon
the eLvureh to retbognize the .necessity
for religiousoemphasis in the Immo,
ehallenging the patents to give atten-
tion to Christian nurture at home,
The Presbytery was urged to cease
thinking ,of the Sunday • scatool and
church as separate. The question
was raised as to the value of nurtur-
ing children ,in the Sunday sehool If
eventually ebey are lost to tee church.
The Moderator, Dr. Bryce, referre•d
to his recent Visit to the drought areas
of Saskatchewan, flindlog •(-14olution
everywhere. One farmer,: thaving
crerrec Tecce,Dral33911 UR
been misinformed as to the Crovern-
meat's-plans to aid in supplying fod-
der, shot his 'horses rather than see
them stone.
The erop itt Southern, Saskatehewan
is a eomplete ioyo. Two thousand
elevators beee beep eloased and also
a member of ',bane's.- "..!it was pointed
out that the Saeleatcbewan disaster
Is of national impertance, and the
ots ietit stmport the Dominion) Goss
ernmen.t.ineansinettediate.or longrange
Progr.ant of rehabilitation. .
The home of Mr: and MTS. T. SI.
impanelled by Dr. W. F. Gallow, Snowden, on the Blue Water highway,
visited the scene apd also vieWed the near Bayfield, was the scene of one
body, then adjourned pending the in- of the seasoe'e prettiest lawn wed-
dings on Wednesday, ,September lst,
when, their elder daugbter, Elizabeth
Rosamond,' became tbe bride of Rus-
sell Alexander Grainger, son of Mr.
George Grainger and the late afra.
'Grainger, of Alvinston. The (*ere -
Sirs. Dougherty and Miss Lightley mony was performed by Rev. It. Si.
were daughters of, Mr. David 11. Light- Gale, of the United church, Mayfield.
ley and the late Mrs. Lightley, of The wedding mareb Was played by
Kincardine. The sisters were born
ie Efigland, coming to Canada with
their parents six years ago, to live -at
411114. DOIlkherly (Luey Lightley) Wri8
married three years ago itt Goderich.
Survivieg, besides her busbantL an
Hotel 'Bedford employee, is a two-year-
old son Billy,
Traffic Officers J. W. Callander and
Normdn Lever and County 'COnstable
J. rerguson investigated, „working un-
til past midnight by the llgbt of a
fire burning at the top of the hill.
Miss Gladys Gale. The bride. who was
given in marriage by her father, WAS
beautiful in a charming floor -length
gown of white lace and -net over
satin. Her long bridal veil was of
silk embroidered net caught in halo
effect with orange blowouts and she
carried a bouquet of Talleman roses
• and bouvatelia. Her sister, Miss
Mr, Ligfuley motored to Goderich
y '‘enowdett, las inide4 ma id, were
Jront his home at Kincardine en being a pink taffeta gown and carried white
notified of the accident. gladioli and senesanthus. Miss Erma
ruheral YestOday Hobson, of St. Thorne's, in pink taffeta,
The tonere' seriliee for the late Mrs. and Miss Minnie Petrhale, of Stanley,
Dougherty, eoridlicted at the Itome on- in blue taffeta, were dainty flower -
East street on ThursdaY afternoon by girls. Miss Doris Penhale, ale° In
Revs A. E. ,Moorlsonee, of Victoria bide taffeta, was train -bearer. Mas -
street rnited church, Was largely ttt- ter Billie Pollock was ring+earer,
tended by sorrowing friends' of the carrying the ring In a white and gold
deceased young woman. A urea t h of velvet ease. These junior 'at tend an tit
tribittes bore mute testimony to were eousinR of tlIQ bride. The groom
the esteem in which she, wao bold by was attended by lea brother, Murrny
Temperatures of the last week and
of the corresponding week of last year,
as recorded oflicially,sweee Lig fctllows:
1937 1936 "
Max. Min. Max. Mia.
Fri., Sept. 3 ... 87 73 74 05
Sat., Sept., 4 • 80 68 74 47
Sun,Sept. 67; 48 180 50
Men., Sept. 6" 74 03
Tuess, Sept. 7 .......12 63 81 68
Wed., Sept. 8 ti 49 83 56
Thuile, Sept. 9 -80 51 89 01
Farm Properties Listed Show a Large
Listed in the tax sale of Huron
County properties, to be held on De -
her 7 -;ti re -forty-two-parcels _of -land
with a total value of $2,430. Of that
number twelve are farm and thirty
beach and village lots.
Last year there were fifty-two par -
019 valued at $3,030, and tweoty-two
we farm lots. There has been an
increttse of fifteen per cent'in collec-
tion of tax arrears to August 81.8t,
this year, as compared with the same
period last year, according to County
Treasurer A. H. Erskine.
le court Pitblado interpreted the
remark as permission to take the
cattle hot* and aecordingly did sot"
"The accused was warned the ant-,'
malt; were being taken to tee spoued
and also •was told not to. take them
from the barn," said His Worship;
"yet he took them by force. • That
:sort of tegh-handed couduct is 801110- •
thing the law Will net tolerate. 111
have to iind Pitbiado guilty of the
eharge, altheugh it was not a ease of
deliberate - theft wit hottt color of
'Phe Magistrute warue'd Pitblitdo to
,keep his. cattle at home as •he 'ad;
journed the case a month. It'e-little
things like -that 'which may cause a .
lot. Of trouble." .
-Personal .ball in the suar of $500 was'
taken for Pitetado's appearance in
court on October 7th.
Car Lads to Downfall.
'Leslie Peterson, Stephen township
farm, worker, pleaded guilty to eleven
charges of theft and wie remanded
to jail for a week. The accused, svho
18 twenty .years of age, sald• be itad
obtained' a car for which be Was pay -
Lug on. the instalmentn phaout of a
salary of $7 a month he received. on.
the 4arta... •
"He got a car and that was the•
ruination of hint, ahe same as it has
been with so many others," said de-
fence counsel.
The young man admitted stealing
forty-five gAlleons, of gasoline in three
raids, also a five -gallon can, of oil and
a part five -gallon can - of oil, two re-
flectors; pair mud new. two radiator
caps, three gasoline tank caps, one
lantern, and two lenses.
Petite are„investigating to uncover,
if any.Peterson's past' record.
A fifteen -year-old Goderich boy,.
charged with stealing $7 from a (led-
ericis township' home, was on prOba-
tion at the dine from Bowmansillo
Industrial School and he was returned
to that institution.
Defense counsel for Mrs. 'Chas.
charged; with being drunk after Inves-
tigative of a recent -motor accident in.
Goderich township, told the court his
client was confined to -the hospital and
askied an adjournment. The ease was
set over a week. '
Ralph 'Foster, of Wingimm, charged
with recklesi driving and disorderly
conduct, paid fines of $10"ani1 42 re-
spectively' with costs amounting to
About $30. It was alleged Foster
crowded two cars on freshly -laid ee-
tnent on the highway near bis borne.
Casesgitt Winghsan
Thursday Sydney Truman of ilow-
, poli(a. court at Wingham on
ick township was charged with reek -
lege 'driving as the result of an acci-
dent on August 0, in which Sties
iel Watters suffered a broken neck
and her Inether had her. hand smashed.
In trying to make a turn, the car'
rolled over and came to rest on the
top. He WW1 tatted $10 tied (vets,
whiett amounted In all to more than
A tharge against Itoy Manuel, of
reckless driving, and one against
Archie SleXereher were dismissed in
view of the fact that they are in-
blighlegt4 MOD and Town Councillor of atam.„1 Avag
stituting a eivil action, Manuel was
Whighant, who announces himself an returning from a funeral in Aeton, and
Independent Liberal candidate. on the road near Niotesworf h. The
he struck a cow owned by Megereher
ranks, .will make his fight chiefly on
it ill underf"mil that "r' Th"ra5"11' Sunut,er Schedule Being Concluded—
May Have Winter Concerts •
who has been; aetive In the temperance
the temperance issue. An the two The band of the Goderleh MuSreal
eatelitlatee already in the, field, C. A. Society gave ti coneert on the Square
Robertson. Liberal, and "W. ti Logan last night and will play again .4unsitty
Conservative, also appeal to the tem.
---- evening to conclude its outdoor en- -
perance Voters,. the situation, is rath-
gagennts for the mown.
er confusing. 1 the summer the band was
At the I.Iberal nornination meeting
seheillthal tor 41Xt4.016 engagements to
Thomson proposed Wm." SitteKay, ex- b terminated the 1st of Septenther,
of 'Huron 'rownshlp in °pow. but "wing to tilt'. tOd Home Week
sition to C. A. Robertson, who WAR ;114' 41•11C4Itile the program lut '4 included
sitting rnemloer. Mr, Robertson, how , t"yatY44* (4/Pilins.
ever, won tbe eonvention and Is the •tisklover4 may be favored with
oilletal Liberal. candidate. 1,44u -errs tbreugh the winter. it' at--
l'he Temperance Moderation is to ‘..soluntla t it ni is' available, for the
hold a corfvention iD Huron-itruee ""'"Pt"'r* (if tip ha" are 1atb"1"th'
Rhortly to deeide what; if any, part orer Itandautster J. 1, Taylor's sug.
the official temperance organization is ge.ation to liven on with practices and
to take itt the ertmstio in, that riding, oralit* public appearances, ,
Mr. Plant -Isola is a. brotber efMrs.
St'alier item of Goderich. ,Mr. and Mrs IS P. Cliewning left on
_ Tuesday on their return to their home „
J. 11 nitt, and Thos. Carrie!: at- at WaQhingtoti, D.C., after spending
toviss rbe assorti ssssmks ,pissie at Ulf RIIIIIMOV With Mr. raid Mrs. J. W,
St. Thomas tin Monday., Vraigie at -"Cialgie 'Woke."
Third Candidate
in Huron -Bruce
Henry T. Thomson of Winiham
in the Field at Independent- •
- Liberal
Newcontest from Winghatn of a
third eandidate in the Puron-Brure
riding for the election of October 0th,
This Is Henry T. Thomson, welt -known