The Goderich Star, 1937-09-03, Page 8A teft on
Where 140 �eet
Jcroon. And ,Me$61114'.
d 3.. X4eddy. . . • .
i -and lat. George
t •, .
the funeral, of a
IS ARA on Monday Of
^ .
. .. .
of ML R*rea 0, 0, .
this week with' her unele
cte;'1t,�$non,Aild Other relatives
in h
Mr. and Mr. OlTrin Cooney -and
Mr. istid i)Irs, Mermen C3111401+4' and
rem0/0 or Wed* *pent 'Sunday,
with their voreats d ,Mrs,
hattinfit in wattling
* week's 'visit, I
belowL3 0Ooro.
Ororch, will meet on
Oth,', at the `h*me
-$00L. lOth,
Carlow,41rida3'4.iupt. 17th.
Sept 21st.
r1011-Yireilnetkiff/, Set. 22n4,
Ilelenszi41,0Ati*/,' SePt.,
fOurrithi Cornero-Wednesdtty, "Sept,
•0 C $ •
lived its brief lIZ. in the 3. 0. Vroo'
men'oa Sunday night,.'
unfolding its 1oveIies. befoie,* no
her of 'people who wee present ter
the awakening of .the 30Voi/
At .0 Vehielc-;,p,m. the Stem Of the bud
began Its.tipword rvea11ng the
after 7- the ."4.44 nt''
Hower began to unfold.. Morethan'4n
"hour tater the cereus vrtts fully opened,'
revealing its • iinire white, cathedral -
like threat . Beforc* morainic40. was
closed. (Mee ;nor, .soon,tedie 1444„ per-
haps bloom for a fleeting hour 'pee
again e .dower ,r0a the
first in the three years the
been in the 'soon:tan. garden. ,
GODERIOH 1410iEfil
Fall COURSESt ''StenograPhionnuerchd---SPel.937
; tariid
, 1
e em 0
sTONV;.ceni..slie*ohalst, B. P. WARD, ILA.,
' '781-0.e-tribi4al - ,thene "I98 .- ' - - -Principal-
411 tf.
\ *\
orkg xt),, 5-414 'lie'
4-5 lbs., 90; under 4 DA, Se.
• Eggs and Butter.,
Eggs, per doz., 15c, 20C, .230; bAt:
ter, lb., dairy, 220 ; creoperY, 28e.
Live Stoth ' '
Baccui hogs, cwt., $0,25-49.50;
beef,. lb„ 0c --.7c; lb- .e;.. iamb,
" lb., 7 -Sc.
401“100>ti Sept. I,-31Iss Cheat.
Mrs. ttoo..,
3ss1e Matheson, of 000404
eneect 0- "'W„41141A-• ei as''..'t:!°)Vbse!..)7s11'!
on come Misa Mathesth.4 -*
id A
v.,4,ileattivirlo9nr,, ,f4O.;:t4c*a„e, 4h: 14rt:::.111::14,,,ItailL0',fise7i400;ittl:.
laa fifth Year, ,whi,eb $iikealc,0
Viola; Porotey.,,and
borne?, Qt, 04010i ,t0.47441iik, 1444W1
-their 04)vtop.„.Py(of
'svc"i°41c:e' Ste' Olig,thre
.11*a:et 1:1,11rietsticv:0114ntibitedlilit'‘on,'Itt;4thilleg
•FiVing then* All o!. chance to . get the
thres1iing'41one. They are now 'get,
tlPg ready thg).fall what gr000d*
ro ALL STATip.1,4 I
ester Canada
Our Men Will *Shoot Old and Disabled Animals
TAftio TALLOW co;
Ma. PM; ALLAtin, Charlo, N.B., writes:-
4tLatit Pall I had bOa0 On my neap arms
- and lege, and they caused me so much pain
found it difficult tn. do my work.
"I did not know what to do until a
friend. told me about B.B.B. took a few
bottles and haye not had any boils since.
•Thanks to B.B.B. I am now feeling in the
beet of health,”
Tecduct of Th. P. lailiburn 144 Morale.
Wheat, per bus., $1-4104;.oats
41e; barley, 550-110e.
Vegetables and Fruits..
Potatoes, 90c; apples,
° Fleur and reed
$1.50.; manitoba' flour, $4-44;25...
Bran, 100-1b. bag; $1,40; slfbrts,.
Struck by a shaft which torektlirough•
a vdieel in a hydraulic press, Jack
Barton. employee of ,the Dominion
Road Machinery Company, was pain-
fully injured on Friday. , The shaft
struck his right hand, tearing the, e•S§11
and smashing three bones in his badlx
:ffriclefin r •
Some folks will tell YOulhat the te!
male of 'the species is More deadly
than the male.- But traffic. accident
records of the Highway Department
don't bear this out by any means.
fatal accidents last year, 94 per cent..
of the -drivers were men; and In non-
fatal accidents,' 93.3 per cent, of .the
d rivers were- men. \
, Although. these figures: do not show
the relatite • number of male and fe-
male drivers, still it refutes. the old
adage, But regardless • of such an
old andfillly legend, if all drivers, men
and wfmen, would make -up 'their
Minds that IliGIIIWAY MAUI'S
Mit3ST STOP, there would be -mighty
few motor .accidents.
oingt- SEPT. 18 to, OCT-. 2
Return Limit -45 DAYS
Good in Coaches 0111Y
September .tneeting the Cen
fret i.0.0100 and School i ,
id at the school on September 14th
at 4 0,404.Mhii,•47.0$14; 4*01100- will give
an address on iitetettee.
;WhlIe reaming In the ,,'country on
---.•40ev*n Xer4h; 'Or*
In Colborne township. •-' the \I:4144
gracefully cleared., a. fence and
4100.14,40000.1in„ 0".
t% the t.;eeonik„; oeblisecTatito. .Year
.teinhe.Pk*enther • of theT sea*Onlo.
hot' seller; f'Of ,Mice 41'4:Sent', George
:.Iftetioa Limited, . won AO' geld.
of ralirornia.•SeVenty-ene bOpkis
were pominuted .fOr.-;the .1030 Awards
liek'8. strike 'novel, Ji I)ublou'i
;Battle." 1.0,' 1035 06. gennulOtPePi;
,clioice was ,Stelnbeeh's "Tortilla
steinbeck, who is' in Copenhagen. Den.
mark, learned of .the award When his
Pablisher telephoned Jilin 'the news
tri))41 New york.,.. stelubeek returned
to7 New York ; the ,luiddle of Allgust.
GOING WITHOUT BBREAKFASTZlave you ddeveloped tbe haat of
going without breakfast, hoping that
b3 -:so -doing you will \'able to take
oisome of that surplus fat? -
This fad may reSult in impairment
of, health and its *especially' dangerous
to those under thirty,years of age.
Statistics that to he overweight
SLEEPING' CAR 'PRIVILEGES up to (the age of thirty gives better
Passage lilekets also on sale, g004 in:
(0.) tenrist. "sleeping ears at approxi-
mately• 14 -ie: per mite, plus regular
• berth , ffar. •
tiarlOivaild*,.standar.d sleeping cars
-at-OPProilmatelyt,-,11,40 mile,
ROITTES-Ticliets good going via Port
Arthur. Ontty- Armstrong, Ont., Chi-
cago, or Sault SW mole, ve-
turning „via same route and line only.
Jienereus optiOnai routings.
STOPOVEIT,S;--within limit of tick
• both going. and. returning -at Port
Arthur, Ont., Arinstrong;- Out,, and
west; also at Chicago, Ill., Sault
Ste. 'Marie, .Mich.. and west ;n
Accordance with tariffs of United
States lines', •
Full!par:tie:Oars fro -hi any agent •
chance of •long lige and health.. Of
coprse, one does not want, to be toe
gruel' overweight, but: a few extra
founds provides a reserve, case. of
illness. or • for a streAn,0$ athletic
strain. th,
the' mid meal;,11)4."Wiser sum. tb
niake this gild -day meal•a'Smaller one
consisting of. light foods:Breakfast
is the meal that furnishes fuel for the
most strenuous work- of 'the day.
Furthermore, the well-balanced break-
fast contains 'fruit or tomato: milk and. other foods .04it . are parti-
eularly , raluabIN breakfaSt • IS
omitted there is the decided likelihood
that these. healthful juices will not be*
consumed As heavily as they should
he. There is also a likelihood that
the clay's quota .of will he re-
duced. . '
• No! Don't eliminate breakfast mm -
less a Skilled physician 'has* a ,good
reason for it, -Too many troubles can
ea result.
oaust.r4v,i, tug 'for the great mass of our ,
izeiis when he 'isty4 you, Mitch-
remembers the .sorry folight into which bad
brought this' great province three* years ago.
ticians Were dragging us deeper' and deeper
bt'Their millionaire Wends -veto being allowed to fleece
treasury. Every department of the ,,public services
an army of hangers-on.
thew the pie turned to Hepburn in the hope he
md d cozy out the promises hemade, Perhps
,mty have attributed some of his promises to youthful
uziasna—.but'Hepbiirn liept his word..—he's Ontario's
saVingsto the,provito o over 51)Cmilliofi'dollos a year. -
Profiteers from the liquor toll gate,thite.tlepbUtir promised
to sibiilish will not be on, his side—bit the people approve his
prohlition of the tale Of liquor in restaurants which the Rentz
Government would havt*mitted.
Hepburn, Proves to, be
The ye Friend
THAT Tliank you, Mitch", covers a wick tango .of public
1. services, all administered with an efficiency and economy,
E estates which had been 4illoived to
tune of 22 million dollars will not
at huge stun -.-but nearly everybody
protenave 1uitires to the health of the
I stud for the 6etter care of the sick'
jbsic*1 and mental
for the rogress of It
o, and for
examin*ton fees. ,
'Thanks' totthe s4*n
»epawnenwithin the un'
vintial Goveimnent1
vmbot»o *
rici IS AIM TO
all P00040$, Ving;#147 claT4,7*, „cainfit
the' estate're • Elizabeth -1.Taizeit
late Of the'FowtiOldp ot Ashlield in tie
county of liuronswidow, who died on
or ababout the Oth (lay etAugust,
4(04 to send sarne.te, tlie undersigned
On or. before -thelltenth day of .1$ep.
'ber; won end otter that date the
, '
Zxeentera• herein will ;proceed to (114
tribitte, the aSseta of the said eStAt-N
likviug 'regard only to the Clain* theii
Dated Goderich this this 26tb day of
August. A.D. 1037.
4y, .4 4:8:081, andrnI•fl.AorYtS.hti..„.Go.Ex.deeerit;h,
Little 00004 •431,r1... at Baydold Re"
telves Serions Wound
Patsy. Blake, •seven,year-old (laugh
Wk. of, AAA .Mrs.' Edward Blake„ o
Dettoit, who are sumMeriing
lia-Aield'eottage, was badly bitwn b
• collie dog while playing* outside thel
summer home.; The 'little girl wa
rushed .-t� a Clinton doete, and -I
gaping wound in her .neck, a fractro
of an inch from the jugular vein, wa,
• Lacerations on the child'.
hack also, were attended.
tt is net 'known what prompted tie
attack; the collie., a thoroughbred
being ordinarily quiet. 'It is nwnet
• Mrs. W. Morrow', of Windsor.
HELENS, August 30. -Mrs. Gor-
don Is spending the week with filends
• 'Goderich.Mr,'and Mrs. john Bracken and Mr
Sherwin "Bracken, of Pontiac,
were recent guests of Mr. Win. Woods
Mr: Murray,.re•Ylor, who is employeM
at curry's bakery, and NU'era Tay-
were home ' from Goderich for tat
week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom .Campbell an
Mr; And Mrs. V. .Taylor, of ,Stanley
were recent visitors with Mr. and Mr
Robinson Woods. • •
•• Mr. Charlie Durnin, of Kirklan
Lake, called on friends , here on Mon
The -Meeting of the Y.P.U. was held
on Sunday evening, with Miss Isobel
Miller, the president, in the chair.
Mrs. E. w. Rice read the Scripture
lesson. The topic, "-Appreciation of
the Culture of Other Races," was tak-
en by Miss Irene Woods.
Miss W. D. Rutherford left on Mon-
day 'to resume her 'duties on the .1110
-Scheel staff at Kirkland Cake: Miss
Lulu Weatherhead has returned to'
Parry Sound and Mr. John ;Fortin has
- gone to Sudbury.* -
Mr. Wm. Wo(ids was guest of honor
on the occasion of his eightieth birth-
day at the borne of his daughter, Mrs.
Dan Martin, Whitechurch, on Wed-
nesday, Guests Included Mr. and
,Mrs. Robinson Woods and, Miss Irene
Mr; and. lats.' Albert- Gam -
role; Mr. JOhn Durnin, mr. Robert and
,Mass; Annie Durnin, also Mrs. Bruce
'VatMmie and Mrs. Alex. , Woods, of
Eleri4 and Mrs. Arnold Barbour, of
fW.09. •
Noss ,Dorothy McQuillin spent the
'1i,ve• 1616.4.nd with friends in Toronto.
• Mr; Donald Clark and son Colin, of
Ottawa, -'ere' w4rei callers in the village on
Monday. -
of a stock of drygoods, dothing,,
for Men and boys,, ladles' co;Its, men's
and ladies' felt shoes, rubbers and
overshoes• and other articles. , Entice
stock must be cleared. No reserve.
At the store, in Bank Of Commerce
block, SATURDAY, SEPT. 4th at
7.30 p.m.
T. OUNDRY SOW, Auctioneers.
• EBS and 'Sows, at Lot 00: Bayfield
Line,- Goderich Township, four miles
west and -on e mile south ot Clinton, on
, TPESDN'ir, SEPT. 7th
Commencing fl.t .1.30
10 cows and- heifers, just fresh.ened ;
10 cows and • heifers,, -due -to- freshen
later in season; 10 yonng, calves,
from one to two. ,Weeks old; 50 'head
of stockers up to 800 lbs.; $ sows,
carrying second litter.
A. E. TOSIttlhsTEND, Proprietor.
O, IL DLLIOTT, Auctioneer,
Sept, 1. -Mr. and. airs,
Stephen Stothers and family have re- their iboine ot, Arthur, and
„43.- iStlithers_;_ and
daughter, Lori/enaononh. av! returned to th$tr
- gr. And Mrs, W. Boyle and daut1;,.;"
tem. Mae and. Edna, .of Rinlough,
visited on Sunday at ;the home of Mr.
and ears., /hos. Anderson.•
Mr. and Mrs.. Jacob Hunter and
r. ,_ Vire. Herman Phillips n
,fsa;d114yii, 11114o,fZion, iv,e, _th: guests of
Recent visitors 'with Mr. and (Sirs.
• S. j. Kilpatrick Are: Miss Marlon
MacDougall, of Lueknow, Mr. end
Mrs. Thos. fttatuittm. of Atwood,
and. Mrs. Pithier igilpatilek, of Tor-
onto,' and ,Diek Treleaven, of
t°eitTh r, Rialto ,Stothers, of London, was'
-week-end visitor with his sister.
Mrs. Henry itiorton. •
airs, Will .Andrew end Miss Bernice
Blake attended 4 shower lost week 4,t•
the home of Walt- Marion $invpSott,'
VAtiskhaM, *lien' in.honor. ,Of:att
* a
Norew of Altanwafei. "
Mr, Dan Rieke: of *Iiinipeg, 'visited
relatives here last, week. !He Is Oa
,hist way to Vmdon, England, where
he will Spend the nett two yearS..
U1Sa Bernice Blake entertained a
few of ,hergitl friends on Seturday
afternoon In honor Of her friends, the
Iasi* Ethel and • Bertha, Brown, of
Rev, and ',Uri,' BrOlVii also
spent the week.end with Mr. sildleir$
John Make and, while there tailed on
many old friends;
Teachers and students _ are all leek -
Int forwardto ehool again, but In
many cases sehOtil has been postponed
'until September 13th, owing to ,the
Ottinber of cases Of Infantile ParAlYAIA
' - surrounding districts. *
Apt. 'Mt. MOORE, SR., and PAM-
eittend sincere. thanks to all
those neighbors and other friendwho
by their ,:syMpathY 'and kindnesses,
Made:. their:460a bereavement easier
to -bear; 'hey are- eapeeIllf'gratefu1 -
for. the,".beentifill_flewersland4to.,
who' Ooned their ears for the fiinerxi.
46.0x --
E.' 'FAMILY' 014 ttilE
Mrs; W„, IL Melte Wish to etpress
their. sincere gratitude' to, all friends
and 'neighbors for 'their meat kind-
Ileaeeil 'during their recent.,:bereove-
nient' throng*, the'legtit-Of
mother. They wish' Oleo to thank all
who sent flowers, and the)* who
leaned Co's' for .the funeral, 46
rtk10101.44,-.4rti 164)446 hospital,
.°6; 'Vredlist&dArb, leotetober • lat, to.
Mr ard'.1kirs,ti W Rotctietl (043
.iitarf,,ROOtterY ltde); .4 '.diughts..,
(Pittriein Elaine). - * •
DOWR&.1411.:Ate4edra,..ittikopitai. oil
eed14, Auswit *1st, 1087; to Mr.
and Mn$, Gorge Bowra a ion
Vieren04.• *
4WEATUR 014100.,;-ThikOK PAK*
46vehtti*d itvot cent. of all fatali-
ties in Ontario, Itoterdinglo the. De-
ttlik*tit of Etill'hWaY; Occur' When the
ther is clear and theroad are.
seventy" per fent. of all'ace1;*
dents happen Whelk elearweather ten‘
atxtratt per fent
when the roads are dry;
The feet that Most aceidents 004r
In ar 'Weather and on dry rod*
y Seem. sarpriiiing at ;first glance. it
will WI* leas battling 'If you totem:,
herWit toted toe lad tor fellatio*
is he ehkf farm of afeidenti ,
Most' 'Otter* bate learned that they
-moot Mew down when ,weather or road
fonaltiette are Whet they'have
to 4eatin * that * little Itaa speed
all fellatio* la' toot driving
11AVIDSON.,-At,TOSittO, on Monday,
August 000 ,George., E. Davidson, in
his ilith year. . -
Goderldh, On Wedneir. •
dat September let, Margaret OW
00n, wide* Of the late .,Alectindet
Mackie, In her 76th year,
AstrileId township, On
*Wednesday, -September 1st, Agnes
wife of William 3. Cons -
ins; In her 00th year; -
111tMerail feileterdir at 2 !roared
resident* of her sowiti-14#, John ,1tro-
diet 2nd concession, Ashfield tottne
:interment in Maitland , come-
N'N'l-GS.'---'At Alexandra heapital,
ktoderieb, on Thursday, &ptember
2n4., Ellen =tenth atunnings,
dttileater of "tht into Mt and Mrs.
neniatoin lant101140, in her OBtla
4Paneral, service Sunday at 3 at
the holt et her brother, WM,. Iftwr4
hinge., Stuff street , interment in
Colborne cemetery. •
. Goderich, on Thur.-'
day. ember 2nd, El beat, Sal-
los's, widow
late of the la ro,
B'rnphey, In her 79th year,
04tgriktr at 2,p.m.
at her horne, 4uebtc' *reel Inter -
meat In Maltl*M
wAsatED,,4, 001)/MATE ,1V13,
house or apartment near ISiBtitePt
,call SIONALATAROPPI0111; .1,
.. .
Who would like a liOnie; Write tor
s:elr.-tAitIo'i:,:it.,1004:74:1,0.1::r:10:-.V.A., A, 4145..aidi,
11` for general housewor MRS,,
L, BARN'ES, Colborne St. , 0,4
WANTED. -AT oyon, Ata.0) Nori,
general housework. MitS., A. ..C;
IiuNTP.R. , 45-0,
yv.o,rpErt-A. HOUSEMAIM.-A.PNY.
'MRS. C. WURTZLil. , .' 45-0
1. • ,
- ...
'''''. ATELY good condition. SIGNAL-
.• STAR PRESS. i . 30-te.
--- m. W. HOWELL,-4-St-Vincent'S-t, .
' Gbderich. Phone :ma 43-6
, •
, Fait SALE OR '1E'T.---WHITE
' brick, eight-roomedhouse, On East
' street. E. e. ROBERTSON, jeweller.
; • • ' 32tf
i on the Square; -in good repair and
all con veniences. zlimecliate , .p04.508-
sion. Call at SIGNAL -.STAR OF-
FICE. ' , - -1.5-1.60.
a•ir ., tf.....:. g or ''_i." ,ittifitrt
. .
Vihing..'2. c.,nt• e illirtil,WirraTitiitu
Sweetcorn; nulled while you wait.
WE StI,\E Y FI Si -1 E It, S a I tford. .45-.''x
girls. students. Apply' MRS.,. JAS.
SAJTX.101,D, ill Quebec St., : ,Goderich.
size, hardwood floors, garage, dice
lawn and limall garden; line central
location, very moderate rent to good
I tenant only. Apply, to lix 28, (SIG-
, NAL -STA. ' 49x
of a stock of drygoods, dothing,,
for Men and boys,, ladles' co;Its, men's
and ladies' felt shoes, rubbers and
overshoes• and other articles. , Entice
stock must be cleared. No reserve.
At the store, in Bank Of Commerce
block, SATURDAY, SEPT. 4th at
7.30 p.m.
T. OUNDRY SOW, Auctioneers.
• EBS and 'Sows, at Lot 00: Bayfield
Line,- Goderich Township, four miles
west and -on e mile south ot Clinton, on
, TPESDN'ir, SEPT. 7th
Commencing fl.t .1.30
10 cows and- heifers, just fresh.ened ;
10 cows and • heifers,, -due -to- freshen
later in season; 10 yonng, calves,
from one to two. ,Weeks old; 50 'head
of stockers up to 800 lbs.; $ sows,
carrying second litter.
A. E. TOSIttlhsTEND, Proprietor.
O, IL DLLIOTT, Auctioneer,
Sept, 1. -Mr. and. airs,
Stephen Stothers and family have re- their iboine ot, Arthur, and
„43.- iStlithers_;_ and
daughter, Lori/enaononh. av! returned to th$tr
- gr. And Mrs, W. Boyle and daut1;,.;"
tem. Mae and. Edna, .of Rinlough,
visited on Sunday at ;the home of Mr.
and ears., /hos. Anderson.•
Mr. and Mrs.. Jacob Hunter and
r. ,_ Vire. Herman Phillips n
,fsa;d114yii, 11114o,fZion, iv,e, _th: guests of
Recent visitors 'with Mr. and (Sirs.
• S. j. Kilpatrick Are: Miss Marlon
MacDougall, of Lueknow, Mr. end
Mrs. Thos. fttatuittm. of Atwood,
and. Mrs. Pithier igilpatilek, of Tor-
onto,' and ,Diek Treleaven, of
t°eitTh r, Rialto ,Stothers, of London, was'
-week-end visitor with his sister.
Mrs. Henry itiorton. •
airs, Will .Andrew end Miss Bernice
Blake attended 4 shower lost week 4,t•
the home of Walt- Marion $invpSott,'
VAtiskhaM, *lien' in.honor. ,Of:att
* a
Norew of Altanwafei. "
Mr, Dan Rieke: of *Iiinipeg, 'visited
relatives here last, week. !He Is Oa
,hist way to Vmdon, England, where
he will Spend the nett two yearS..
U1Sa Bernice Blake entertained a
few of ,hergitl friends on Seturday
afternoon In honor Of her friends, the
Iasi* Ethel and • Bertha, Brown, of
Rev, and ',Uri,' BrOlVii also
spent the week.end with Mr. sildleir$
John Make and, while there tailed on
many old friends;
Teachers and students _ are all leek -
Int forwardto ehool again, but In
many cases sehOtil has been postponed
'until September 13th, owing to ,the
Ottinber of cases Of Infantile ParAlYAIA
' - surrounding districts. *
Apt. 'Mt. MOORE, SR., and PAM-
eittend sincere. thanks to all
those neighbors and other friendwho
by their ,:syMpathY 'and kindnesses,
Made:. their:460a bereavement easier
to -bear; 'hey are- eapeeIllf'gratefu1 -
for. the,".beentifill_flewersland4to.,
who' Ooned their ears for the fiinerxi.
46.0x --
E.' 'FAMILY' 014 ttilE
Mrs; W„, IL Melte Wish to etpress
their. sincere gratitude' to, all friends
and 'neighbors for 'their meat kind-
Ileaeeil 'during their recent.,:bereove-
nient' throng*, the'legtit-Of
mother. They wish' Oleo to thank all
who sent flowers, and the)* who
leaned Co's' for .the funeral, 46
rtk10101.44,-.4rti 164)446 hospital,
.°6; 'Vredlist&dArb, leotetober • lat, to.
Mr ard'.1kirs,ti W Rotctietl (043
.iitarf,,ROOtterY ltde); .4 '.diughts..,
(Pittriein Elaine). - * •
DOWR&.1411.:Ate4edra,..ittikopitai. oil
eed14, Auswit *1st, 1087; to Mr.
and Mn$, Gorge Bowra a ion
Vieren04.• *
4WEATUR 014100.,;-ThikOK PAK*
46vehtti*d itvot cent. of all fatali-
ties in Ontario, Itoterdinglo the. De-
ttlik*tit of Etill'hWaY; Occur' When the
ther is clear and theroad are.
seventy" per fent. of all'ace1;*
dents happen Whelk elearweather ten‘
atxtratt per fent
when the roads are dry;
The feet that Most aceidents 004r
In ar 'Weather and on dry rod*
y Seem. sarpriiiing at ;first glance. it
will WI* leas battling 'If you totem:,
herWit toted toe lad tor fellatio*
is he ehkf farm of afeidenti ,
Most' 'Otter* bate learned that they
-moot Mew down when ,weather or road
fonaltiette are Whet they'have
to 4eatin * that * little Itaa speed
all fellatio* la' toot driving
11AVIDSON.,-At,TOSittO, on Monday,
August 000 ,George., E. Davidson, in
his ilith year. . -
Goderldh, On Wedneir. •
dat September let, Margaret OW
00n, wide* Of the late .,Alectindet
Mackie, In her 76th year,
AstrileId township, On
*Wednesday, -September 1st, Agnes
wife of William 3. Cons -
ins; In her 00th year; -
111tMerail feileterdir at 2 !roared
resident* of her sowiti-14#, John ,1tro-
diet 2nd concession, Ashfield tottne
:interment in Maitland , come-
N'N'l-GS.'---'At Alexandra heapital,
ktoderieb, on Thursday, &ptember
2n4., Ellen =tenth atunnings,
dttileater of "tht into Mt and Mrs.
neniatoin lant101140, in her OBtla
4Paneral, service Sunday at 3 at
the holt et her brother, WM,. Iftwr4
hinge., Stuff street , interment in
Colborne cemetery. •
. Goderich, on Thur.-'
day. ember 2nd, El beat, Sal-
los's, widow
late of the la ro,
B'rnphey, In her 79th year,
04tgriktr at 2,p.m.
at her horne, 4uebtc' *reel Inter -
meat In Maltl*M