The Goderich Star, 1937-09-03, Page 6lean win1ter at
pealing mon With beaut
Ion WA large Inining,ftt
of 01404 \culttra A
.: whom . her • PtOttii"O',..
no ..tneas,B. 4#0 , Ono ,twftIM: :Und.•o. 14 - '
'Wet In it, iskinetak#4:,:filf-4:i4,0 -r-1 , . ralc , 401s far-rsehIflg step
%. . ggalnat all. 'Oo€0140 eventualities, wi :‘,,,„.,lio :)M0,0.14,'..:',thet.':Ohadian .-Ilational
.eaceptional •eare, Ire j*, eseentiallit Aggsliis ."00 'the ‘ Vfinadimit *Paellie'
-mina; 411,kreSted. ,ityresettto; ,ordot ou • ler ,Prirete, eivner$410. With:7' retion.:
.artineiat -4hearti '' as ..ivell...,. an .,.,1$1.' len' lug prosperity, and I -Use , that term
phas4.-4),f,„,..A.vlittielk., ,'.1400:;t4e-jimiti,i 14P01,:ev.vbat:7gR41,r4efilf;._ the .rOvM01,4' of
. :hitrittg..extterienee 'of' the, idttna0.. tIli7:-Iii4,*018:7 Hir.o[,',41O*10*-E)*-044
VOW 44", March,. IOU, of their. first goo, lat*roreuteop: ,I,04: ,:x boieve-,, the pros,
the- thntOrgha , are 4 entitled to what, blew. will alWays• exist In emeidereble.
' quiet,private' ire they. can secure' . magnitude.'..until . - ' '
nentleintie Of Atitni'Paries'a inan •-.. - 1-- .-°-. '.: in -' the roads Thellfetl,-
• - - ••• - . - - ::--. •,•:', , -,,, " , ',•• - • ' :04104, • • ... ' . Seeattea et Vatioits.ilitfhtexteei$ at .ivorIt'
at .AlYgrttenat,eitaratjfa, maItt:.•400, . : •.' •-:•- . ' " • • . ... , . ••. • ,
. , .. • „ • . .. - 0.
adorned the rofilte, .::'Ilie*,,'•witett'. at: ' • - - it,iw.,,f,:e9!,**, ROSenreit, ' ,ieeri;ingpf the roads will hardly come
Axty4t4te,' loafs , of 1(ge'lio.„441ght.:..hay4 . 'rt01441,0iit' $.11704#11...:04'.. ItoOSOIT.git is nOont for #10,1* Pla0 $04011t0 come,7
'..i*og 400e404,40,,r,71te, took -on the one 4.4.t the most "• colorful, forceful, lust to,' I belieVet We here Velit never
'SOO* tat* 74 -MVO., et,. ''..Xfalia„ 'OOnrOOVIng personalities ' i .b*vo over see the eoupletiou'or the .8t.'1.40Vreeee
Where his judicial 00041; ' ,,,_,.mat; x, . WO' fortunate to. K'o biat deep -waterwajtinstem because '10.
the '4*.natioal, leader, , not harshly to ‘ '14 40104 the latter, pert or 'April at have , other., ttnete , yre.ssing ., ' projects.
make him a'mortyr, but iirMiy alidef.„' one of , his semi-weekly White liooso . thtiou -govoratcteat of itself el:Oh:pees
feetiveiy to kshoW- him who Was-frp.4-,. inVegt • conferences. Otte, .might. have - no magic, no - panaroa„., for our jug;
tog. the eehotry,..tetemaikka the. no... expected, after ,five years of 40 ouggi;,- There. will always •be-, an ,Opposiltion.
:Oration ott>atituoo or the, VMplre. 'intt. a governmental burden as ever:Patronage. is to be -deOfoeeN -
. An
I' itill4iltdOU added, ltietre U) the tredi. ,borne b any leader, to see'a •man with. gertalitlk. but the "Mere ii- ttin- f
e . .g up n
nor -
,0 a- to
or such, unless
40*1 44'400010
'Ivor problem. I
no Oa
irti •been
o 'need
• or War. or le
Of the'. -004..
me, 4604 vfok
tinned from page $),
at flier* She Was earnest,
fired -be was with ambition
rtn4attlian • to
the etudent type, with an: inquiring. rtallivaYe,"-either tinder pobile. On.
VUIIU7ULIUU, U) ILl hen0 Oen. oftrainedJeade$ in the iferilee worn, "'fizzled nerves. On 17,1M can' national government will not chanse
" of IhnPlre and the of the Brit. trary, be seemed 'vitally wive one in 'minim nature., Much. talk is heard.
X119- too* a IA ;people for ,ststealogoiwo guidance love with Joh. Ile seems to hare too, about the need ter greater econ-
1°Ietst 01:1,44744,,ellv'erory: of beckward eountries in -gradually' thrived on wOric And worrY, :Life and in-
OUIT government. sk)ri times
• - r - winning self-government. government seemed to him .a' battle ef •o
le alWasif took. General Ian `ChrlOtian
ere ;florally General AO Sonia .
Amos ef with the Joh,fto' get, something done,*, u•ci n Pet oeheme4
wits of enthusiastic effort to get on, , ttto°09: 'whet° w-tanatlkt4htelfer"lotidest Still eon -
a -expenditures proceeded with.
itieirettrot borwitt441i_dgivetea.rt- wiillo _economy is is , be
r"itterr***PianellWttretel%:rert 'rot 81;;ItitillanAfrit man II:embavsjedget:irettahnedinolmnet •lint heart seemed
=wit of his equntrymen, still reel -s\ governments
*ter. : OW kept *Prodtteed.', His is a conserigctive, alert '
When / , years, He pot displayed setts, re- there is only one riet of taxpayers.
lug from the Sim* of the depression practised at
boe,tahrerutfetrilleined% tiAia....i
the etpen of h
" -eleMentV and of the greatest the Empire has ever
.•-•hii seigmc, to 'mind, sharp as,a steel trip;
0,,,,,,140. with, hrtervieweWhim there were 40 "off the &Wed for precedent, esPeelallY when however Many governments are im-
rds OL all
,. e • , - . ' he felt that 'bytrying-something new- d
of ,her ,e1rper. record" cominenta. You could box t,„ Improve •_, .,. gposing an collecting the taxes.
could- COVIdit10134. . Of • The People's Blist&le
All governments -and here ' I trust
;I wa.:04 paths. theeoln.Pese with,questtonerbut always!, "v. 1;3e
cou be has Made mistakes"; any
s;'41i,autit4 glillek AS •gt fla4b, WOOld con* the-an-
Richard Howelis. Watkins
cording to Ad of ,E1441,aakeot, rie:4z1MeLod, I.
as 0 Toronto' at the *of, AFrienitnre.,
111motect Ht *keit from the chowder, ,Man who does things makes mistakes; you won't think MY opinion biased1 0
to. have . tried should give out Ouch More thforma,-
' as toi or Yet with broad, tolerance. Ile is. 41:,, abuudt etagedlY- 1101: ,bueetytteerr
to have tried ,
tion than they de about the public's
and mentally,
*titrtc.,infairi InOttg!MOHIP:hg!yilldedaltiv, character and 4C- It all. .,,W4" known oimPir . °IS OWD business. Most leaders and gov-
as ". r.. Roosevelt's bold ish the .erntnenes eidt tight about ' the burliness
tit to goinplishments aiva warrior, as en ad. • • al
common-- people of the States is little hong carried on: until' Some neWs
, otittt au outIstauout ieetoe.F no, .suort of spectaculars., Perhaps no papermou waits in thi ' • --
Ambit Ministrator, A .1600Ittilit et 'root • ro.
14.„174014,7 of.
_ We,
re,fin the Old
Ii,Cina in Can'
it‚honOrs first got
r -an ' earideM
irn4s*te. ' He
, hollt Canada; he
!Eilweehte :AO he,
erever tie,l‘reate He
itergil,' A poi -
get e ng out of
iter,E;And,ailthoi, of_theAloatrine of 'leader anywhere bar bat baen St) 84Cee*.
them or they are sharply questioned
'which Might be ritatiriii-lirty,iftsuer :, rsepaiitysit, _ p-41.42or.,-1.,,Pdatilitmetit7r4anTA
World brotherhood ' of meit. , He bait: 'Roosevelt, and his fireelde radio talks riei*Wt"re .07'rheYarTait•Itio
the -courage -to, atand-entt &meet' alone,:' liak.174e brought hint into closer contact forget that they are the chosen repre-
than any • Preileeie sentativeS tiled' the gervants of the
against the final deliberations . of ',the with • 'Eno people
Versailles peace eenference' as certain PreSideut Dynamie Mr. Boobevelt- PeoPle, the taxpayera, elected to dis-
t() breed more rither than toe distrioit. 12-ndetibtedir"willi go Owe fiV'fittitot. charge the responsibilities of govern -
end trOuble, anfouget 'the niotos: lia Me' Of the greatest presidents the "Ont. 'net are . not dictators. Much
Smuts stands Olt anywhere as 1,..glant . ;States ever had, - as some few of them would like to '1)
, e.
, ,
geniong ;his fellowe, 4)f . distinguished,
The premiers, ministers, and private
'tie. Canada First" ' members should' yoke it a vertical' lay
appearance with his ruddy eamplilrie.a, The message I- should like, to bring point to, \travel.. about the country
pointed nose, Square J4W• and bald •
you today- from my close-up obsarra- speaking of the Werk the governinews
head with its fringe of 'white hair. tions of parliamentary life and are doing discussing public ques-
The Lindberghs leaders is one of the ever present need /lone, and, Perhaps most important ..f
Col. Charlet; A.. and Mrs. Lindbergh f
o greater Canadian unity. A broader all, learning what the \taxpayer thinks
I. met on „tbelr, isrief etoP in Ottawa national spirit is a vital' preliminary about it,, all. 'Leaders 'and govern --
on their Olga te the Orient in 1,31;' ._ ,
GO the securing of amendments to the ments are defeated, more often 'than,
which Anne Lindbergh hes writ.; British N'orth America Act to enable not; because they lose intimate touch
ten so simply, yet. so pleasingly, in the Dominion to make a more con- with the electorate 'whieh put them in
her book, "North to the Orient" Lind-
greiteijedelo•t•he-Nstle. 'eerie& attaek„on„,eurrent-problems of (am • This much -to -be -desired 'wider
;metal and financial importance.. disSeWiesition- of information about
beshirgs'iltodit8hePilliptliet of being backward: you The business a government would,
He is tall end spire; a quiet' Yet 'de- 'First, I would strongly' urge
work to the advantage of both the
termined Individual. It is safe to all to travel throughout the Dominion
say no man Iei history had such adula- 'as widely as posstble. Let your motto taxpayers and the. government.
Reform of the 'Senate on somewhat
tion heaped upon WM as had Lind- be' ."See Canada First." And by 'all promote greatse
bergh after his solo night from New means visit Ottawa, the capital. radical lines vrottld
city national unity. That body of ninety -
York to Paris in May, 1927, in France, you will see a really beautiful
in lOngland and then by his fellow and I think you will be proud of it 84 aPPeInted members should be
Americans. When we . IntervieWed and anxious to support plans for its made more representative- than it 18
hira„,we were warned he Was not to be further beautification Thi will This -W 1 al- todaY, because the 'Wester Provin
quoted. I 'thought that meant. irt ways be a difficult country to govern and Ontario,votc7,khAv:irnvolt..enseth:t raper0:-
sentation to ii e
$reren't to nee titietation markt) and •
-ft compare tivelv thin ribbon of
t,he pronotm "I; that he Wanted, too cetued territory *two" _a
eloonitleunnbee useof-celebrated- '1!!, tete& population extending eitendinlygi!"iferio7m9e---talit;
b t 4.114 Igo *net come „spirit of Atlantic to the Pecific, with its var-
iety of industries, primary and good:
.Zoitia." ise I wrote inle story* us.
Inv "we" throughout. I heard ms dIri• But it is 4 gr, a .intigaitleent
complaint later Wirt the VOlehti or country. S r N.thoileahd ens
thought '
Great War; surely- we Should It
Werth Avh-vg for. " '1 --
To achieve- 'real Onitf, 'We • must
work for it. It will not Just corne,4
Itself. I Would urge You all to take
more interest in government, whether
It be enunicfpal, county, provincial,
-federal', ,Hrapire- or the World sphere.
'Every' individual citizen -has a part to
0107 in the scheme of things, however
sinall it may seem to be.. Everyone
ran at least inform himself or herseif
about public effairie Dont brush
governmental problems *side 'with a
ea-euel sheet Of the shoulders, with
the' 'Let George do le Otitn**,
MY' the 141blie atbtit just all *ood Self-
erntnent as it deserves; 4f that lbw so,
.t -out to -deserve-better, Think -4o
'veurself about government. Don't be
•inclined to let other people, Federal
leaders, Or newspapers, area' the
' town 111001. .do.your thinking for you.
Don't fall for 'catch Phrases; don't let
leaders make 14400 to' butt their own
DOrPoaesand beCtortil the real, lash&
Egperience,, read, digest, Weigh and
diseues, the • issues of the day, and
make up your own mina about Welt.
*Artisan'. Whin* eattehilly; take a ,
biota teetudder the 'problems
and troubles Of other parts or the
country With irstratiathetic interest,
Prosperity and happiness can not be
built for .0finadat on the misfortunes
'backivardeess Of an Y Other part or
Industry, lave and let live.
Indirinal !Oat* Netata
Democracy ei trial:, that may- hP
trite, but it. ean, not be enaphasised too
' . often. One weakness of Our democra-
tic system ' Cenadi Witieh needs to
be strengthened tia the method ',).f
kitting 1000 .119111dartWOrerik
- rank and tie- of - the voters have net
,•••-' • ..*,,Miterder,li the St.rm
-;#1Sothiu-ooteven...•it 11*,
opttoa - ,
' titiot
Zindenagrant. 40 rug*
glihg with that ttruire -plant* of
AttemeaVrIlling WM like the Old men
of *ntensittleally
11 allot .000 of Taper' tha ad.
been In 010.4 eonneetten with the7 dee-
,1"eportt-per100 fastened: to
for n",'Val}er 410.11,44.4rOP004 tti-:the
"Hereti, copy of the letter :yen
failed- to get fop me- at 'Pert Nirssitihr
ton tedes'o' he snarled, at PArggl'0 and
read. through With keen attention.
:!„%tertoutr,valtiable concealed Ron Mt
te--.", repeated-, ,and, brelre Off'
Mentiently., 'Neter the -old idiot!
Telling Turrentlee "001 Well; • we
have 0701=n -010n that were- right
about concealed hoard." .
"We'd better he 'hiewin't boss. That
old. beg may, bo jumehe mit ani .me-
ment. He ain't goin' to stay out In
that storm lohg."
epid Binders, impulsively
thrusting the -two . papers Into his
• end _Struggling to ;resume command
of the situation. "We.1104111eave now."
- "What about mar Sanborn trust in,
suddenly realleihgthet Altaniont would
be quite sure, to note the disa, trange-
meat of his Papers 14 the hiding place
on theAdgt0f, ."!What oh411.1\ ,do?"
*I`Go to your T40,14, to bed, and know
nothing," 'Wilder* •ansWered. •
• "But he SaSPeets me already. He'll
be sure' to Wan* Mei"
"Let 'WM blauie?you.. He can't prove
anything," 'Binders growled savagely.
"Why... damn, you, you Us Into this!
And, Where are the Jewels you Were so
sure yeti, had discoVeredi • You boat and Binders Towed strongly to
The words, k'e4s,,, to Come, 'for guar
denly Altamont ernInpied, his Whole
1004r collapsing .,1110 btoRo .1)*(1
dhso1red within him.- Tor an Instant
the big lawyer, Attittar slasoi4.YvA at
:Pito auttittalne4 his grip,
Then be let go, and the figure ot.'14,
efts Altamont dropped' on' the sand.
The, gale swept =OA across time water,.
shrilling itt weird .threno4Y,._
.With,an exclamation 16-arriXtrAer
bent beald'e the old map, lint only for
an ,buitaut„, .
"He's gem' boss," b� eriett, wiire!ft
better heat •
"1 ,Ituourt said :Diadem 01, know. _ .
Wait 4 „Minute.'" • T4f0-1TAOI* hood Howse of this decision, although it
to its forehead- and the n -shook that in addition to the serVants,,
head .resolutely„. We's .dite. to 06 several detectives or'guards yverelivell4.
ou r anyhow.:, • twasn, • fige -hod he desired' assistanee• itk.Vhet
He whirled suddenly -on ratiborn,-.wina trip down the., wind-swept path to. the
stood by in an ecstasy ,Qt, fear god Witter's edVfe
commanded harshly. "You're in this he made his way in Safety to the pier,-
et'iy the property of -bhe late Bea1l
*000'4 10,,
friends,' anchor the cove. '10
ld craft never left the anehorp fpr
t'AitantontAtiptielf 'was ,no•
sail; and wok his Torteit in one o
-the newest ot-Q11- fttt
,The aged financier was 4 o
log the Ott eratt'a. 410e)c
etlentaga, but other -than that med. no
use Of her. OelleV'efi dolt many
�f Mr. Aitamouva startling 45Perationa,
in the maeket were planbed by him in
hieMeditetions -upon po de* of the,
tier yacht,
X4e/CItlight, according to servants at
the Altamont estate, the aged Min was
considerably disturbed by the arloienep
of the storm and spent thir earlier
part of the , night watching the .1,00-
sel from the tower of his residence,
*b4eh•overloelre the cove.
iFinelly, he deckled to go down t
the pier to have te closer View of 'the
laboring ship. He told no one in the
horror. "igo -up to the ,louse," tie Leaving the house by the front door,
teehatot the e wisnedh',00, schooner tuhveretiTI:tiFt he reached the dock
:4831:butdtue:aPntadaeerniet r.a;e:nietbodK7e7Aseseeufixtr 471,ohuituxis dttiCcnttieeetht
-Sanborn turned. as if released from snapped the. cable bolding .her t4);
trhnte 41;.. the Whtdg. .He • flea Into permanent mooring and she was swept
the darkness' 14, the direction- of the 'backward upon -some rocks lying just
r ;fluor. house On the 11111.: • . below the sun -face on the eastern stele
Binders looked 'about, 4111, gathering 'of: the ore.
, .
his wale, . • • . •• Here she struck with such forte as
' have to risk- the --boat, Dor, to Crush le; her side. As the ehip. /toe
•seyp!' -"X've to -stay • Mere tedit4' (iOlt. her -bow and,parts:
Minnte:longeroo this place Sten& Of her two ,_ masts are above theiitater.
through the, woods to. the .ear.?"' - Alitameut iProbably nOe
""Let's get away from here,' anflieW," witness her end as It would have
Dome- *shivered._ 'Without waiting inspessible for ....him to have seen that
for Binders he started ;In, the direction fat in the darkness; but, undoubtedly,
of the boat, his 'body doubled into a he saw her start adrift and the ebOhlc,
shapeless mesa as !he, fought his war coupled with the previous excitement
against the buffeting of the. storm. and .his effolts in the storm, Proved .
In the partly' sheltered' *Ater be- too .much for his heart.
.hind, the point they iatinelted the small . must have staggered back and
fallen to the beach beside the pier,'
where ,h, --body, was Wad this morn;
.rounding bis deabb' and the fact • that
he had recently employed - detectives .
to guard ,his estate'. led at first to, ir
rumor of foul play, but this Waa
pelled when Dr. Wood said heart fail-
ure, due to shock, was the 'canoe.' of
The Presence of the detectives was
,explained 46 owing to the feet „that ,It
had recently leaked out that Mr. Alta-
mont was the purchaser •of a member
of ffilUOUS jewels and that he occieSion-
ally 'brought down to his estate some
of the •choicest of his purchases.
(To be continued)
. . ,
olet. Mates gone; who bas. U. better 'Friend -"What would you • do If
chance to. find It?, 4N0 -one but that you were in my shoes?"
young -fool Torrentine... And: ll'vte got. 1104 --"I'd shine them:"
to get it, or I'M through'. 'No, this
ganre's 'not Over let -damn It, ire just
CHAPTER ltit1 •
1,1**40hOrel' dirs'Airto,a4far-1-.4-L-avigthuatt
finhorn -w
the ariirP gaze of the, lawyer.., Once.aboard, Binders fished his light
"Walt a minutei" snapped Binders. on -time. Alai of watch:
"We aren't safely aivai.frons this place "Wet lie here until an hour before
yet. YOU lead, as you did 'coining dawn;" he decided. "Then we'll try it
here, and warn us if we run into Al- with the Motor, whether the wind has
tailsont. Damn him! He bilked US gone down or not." •
and now he's just as likely to discover And so they crouched together . in.
es. You go' ahead!" the cockpit, preyed open by thoughts
Sanborn obeyed without objection. more dreadful than the Atorm. But
was In no condition to think for shaken though he was 'by the scene
Ii It In single Me they raised upon the sand, ftinders did not release
doyen the stairway. and along, the cox. his grip on the one' thought that •was
rider to the great door, through which the guiding star of his life -his own
they had entered with such high hopes preservation.,
a :few minutes before, Opening it ."That treasure is spmeivhere,oh this
ctitttiously, Sanborn slipped through estate,,' he Muttered:. 'Wow that the
first into the darkness, and the others
followed.. . •
' 'They stepped out into a gale which
now bore with it a deluge of rain. The
drops lashed them Like leaden pellets
on the thongs of a whip; they gasped
as they bent against the gusty fury
of the wind.
• Drenched. Shivering, hopeless, they
fought' their way down the' path to
the pier. Sanborn kept well ahead,
as When they came. Suddenly, neer
the land end Of the pier, he cattle to a
halt. A figure appeared suddenly be-
L...'-eide him -sped past .him -toward the
lation,,entitles Athem. Additional „Sena- others. litindees bad been watching
toreAhould be named to,cpaectIlits, inteetly. Now, hei, grasped Derseys
situation 'bitt the, $4000 ',annual ire inetalittY'and- dragged' ----- -the'
deainity of asSeniter'hheuld "be 'cut te *mailer man down on to .the "sand be-
en extent „sutIvf tct. elitkinate the elile the, pier. thought •that old
current disprepOrtOrtatis repreeentation /rot:
Without' in -Creasing the total salaries But Altamont .had seen. With. a
hamber': Appoint. nimbleneee uncanny. in. that terrine
paid for the upper. c
tell-year terns, re -appointment being per -7,4 010? landing- in a heap in front -4K the
mentoot SenatorreihoUldbeinide for A_ eiv°,9' °I wind* te°0 drePPed °ft' the
1101131y:ttbslyralt.seihn3:111131111:boe'::ogirlieed.,;ntl7dree"me itt.imekndis/ershel:m‘g ote.eittni)::16,417ttbredsat.
Some ,doviet3 40:04,1 be worked our; discern the other tazin!e features,
too, that no '''party tauld at any i,ZI11kil,n,1ratighlijei!861' 'burst jaf°
time have a larger,.Miloriti- than fif.• .441thideriste he shrilled'.
teen in the Senate; The Federal ;Come to rob me of My treasure, eh?'
Government,' wlthlu its elected term. ',MA yu 1,441 it? Did you :hid ,It?"
should ..blere wpW opportunity' t0.311 -*-04 shrieked . -With laughter. "No, You
such measures, ' hi:meter' drastic " thet •dkl,notl I know! I knowl This is
Oar .ityPostr* its In At:8` twit judgment -my night! Miner
are required tcreepe with current con- Waders had etifteneds his Iate_.04eic
-ditions. It should- not be hamstrung with fury, but • time old than grasPea
by an oversiltibibig ;inverse- party 44a-ate0e.-eonliainglyria4,04tia,out
majority the' Senate. Theft, should over the frothing water's of .cOve.
6.1)enar_e_a• r hi the riza: Meonejaatiree.,6uPet se414.0.'44L?flieek '::ithett_reuzitkitr •te46,eltuist„,!t„*, t4:v1,, "Nseti41etp ;;,
•ickted by the' Senate, Should: become 'Ahead And she's bireken:
her anchor,
o4p:Itliptisrotinntef :t141137ha'aloottetortan°:14"stat**tent4701-tenti' ;6(firilrtnbegied:Puiom_r°
aster& By the name token. day. .Sitelt.eink,. the rotten oia hulk
'ItSlidert°th*ttatt. dtUilrert61111,neitl`'Io81:1, 79ushe-141-'1.
interested, active *OW&A 110w w' i- have waited f". ttili8 time!
Du iiifiiierice _telt eten tuYte efreettireiti ti,tc'fretrii jie pulled and 4raggeti,
enough ' Say In Ilia, choosing the.
vanahlate. (realer intertat on. the
pert of the Individual wOula tend to
minimise this weakness and lead to
. the selection and the election of toot*
truly ropresentatito men, and, if you
will, women. (hood* is well served,
in the main,. by her lesdors. They
are WeigillY•nieu Of the highest
'dards, WW1' have the toot interests of
the country at heart, though their
ttroaelt to'. that owl may iittfor. Stit
oothitii Is so goo it' cannot
proved. No P0,41 let itib *cla, bitsr
raouopiy. of of tritriotioto.,
Atul.tito todotilloil hob bottebers home,
IMPOrtent role to play; all cannot
he lenders.
The two-party ayateta of government
Is Ow best adapted and most efficient
for ennada's firmly believe,
. Third*, fourth ea fifth parties may
Vivo ..0140 role;r: carriett to
tho oxtreroo, wonia have the eel*
014HE -7141',D. OF Your!' LIFE IS SPER-T 'N BEu
Aoki, wtittat *
ist beek a to weak lido some -
X toed boat/ atatati Otak
• up twit or three Woe heron** Of 0,
1 *el
Tee' Mani 00'*ferranea.' ta Pli:iirbifdiaaerWYalfifrIrrateltimtilitilWiM14a-
'Canada le over -governed, of that entee, . ' •
there is no divabt The - else Of ' most • 004, you don't like do you?"
Of the existing Wilt% with the tes- tamont shouted, turning enadenly front
eible exeeptioh of the Federal Hdia$0, black waters he luta been staking
ovoid (Mite .istefitabli be rearmed,' Boom, "Wei, you'll like it lees, you
One provincial governinent should' .be thief, before I'm through With you.
ample for the 'three Maritime Pro- And you'll neree find M,Y 'jewels.
Once* and, one should sufficient • .
oprovincialism washt t thdr e ewn de is Prairie :oar tr eu,, seturt- othmriIndeed,en Island re e ahyetloten6tt an judo es.W1 ht, 0 ,ot tit r itt;ed4t tt't of Li, tgraspedtotunrestrained e -u,flew s7.14
t old
And then la heard talk of seeessiou by.'
tenth ptellnee bigger man, hie. thin Angers claw
' -
treated of that .distriet Every o 4-`45 •"' -
enP.of,,,the Provinees from Confeaira- 114 451:ci Int° 'at it Ile' W".,e et: • g
w "rtit ca" t!" stortied 'tinders,
tion.- liecause sortSUi)ONeOf straw. °You remeakittg---'
To Boger 'Hetherington' terrentine,
stediOhely attending to his own aero-
nanticel. affairs, at Port' Washington,
came neWS that, neXt.deY. that Onset'
him, 16: tar' OW ilOgil*tind
bel -
me and eit,pii dee* In.' front
of the hanger in* very Sertiniff mood.
The, news .reaphed; htel,'Xikte in stile
aftertiocin,..witen „POO*, 'Illakei_return-
ling froth a ,tip `te Ne* •Orte", ediently.
Idni an evening PaPer- There
It was Naao '..ned. Oa traat '14** .
DEATH liDfratatlitI6Alill
Aged-Wall_Street-lainiFound Dead of
Hear -Disease on .Estate • 'Left
• 0)1366 to Sep Virreell
Very carefully Turpentine read the
account °Ugh. Was a big story,
for, the r rter, writing it had drama -
Used the old financier's death: .
Standing alone"uPen the private pier
leading into the vnitere of Rocky Cote,'
in -the midst of the blackneis and, ter.:
Tide 'tette of the gale, PhAtie' gie Alt
Mont died fast from Sheer ex-
citement be watched the 4tittrins -
whit& tend. an old schooner, the Seas
riatilIfi'Plate:„heloTte4, '
Ahead, on to the rooks andpto.herviastt
'For.aeme !reopen, funknown even' to
his closest *Wade, Ur, ,Aitamonti; had I
grievanees, 1,fortimately, there
always eutheretiti:seber-nillirled opinion
to 'prevent auch `bilk getting -volt far.
The' nine Previte** of the. Doinhilen:
which attained the' seventieth birthday
the Othet day, .tenst, hang together.
because they' Yitoulty certainly hang
'Separately' if any atterapted; new, to
pursue their otot Independent Way.
White the .POSt- of governor-general
tan be instilled, tis important link
of l'onpite. Caniela. still a Young' remit-
trA could cosily eliminate • the nine
lientertant-gevernota. The chief ,Jnes
tiees 01114 bike On the :duties, of tuott
oftwittis without any great Arai%
Oarkaart. might. ',better proceed' to 'an:
exehange of bleb eenunissioners with
:other overseas dominions of the Uri -
tisk Commonwealth to proutoto greater
ItuitYltatt ohoultl, go Ooiv.,
an.--eAtabilginient of any mete
W1010014 offices in foreign count tie'.
ho,Votut the eAt.$4 tititt in operation at.
stant, :unsettled governmental nittehine. Washington. Purls, and TAW .% mt.
,ottistNi in Prance for Waif ditiOn to the Met otutomissiotter we
:rests past, *the defects of which *to
obvious. A majority of thirty in „ the
trou:ke of Commons at Ottawa of 2-13
members Is hortilo Anil verbal*the
hest for *444 government. A virile
inipositiOn ha14 ei real finietleii.
have •ttt told the teroutuout
oftioe 1st ideueva, for the League of
Xlitiorot and. the littera/4160ot tattor
Citgroleation; The trappings 4%
diplomacy come high for Snlint
rrom time, timo a lot is heata Sone reform in Canada's eleefor
, 4
. •
14*8 14 sorely needed. We ahonid
have the boundaries of ermatituenclea
settled by a judicial,. non-partisaa
coremissidn, and not have them sub-
ject to the widths or power of the
party whidy happens to :be in °Mee
at the time of 4 decennial eeroma.
The geveruments should bear more
of the expense of elections, such as the
preparation nod revision of electoral
lists. There: shoula be time on the
radio, paid for by 'ow eontitrY, for tile
major parties.: Strider control of:
eontribiitions to party 'funds, even to
the extent of eornpulSory publication,
would do more pea than Winn.
'The InstriptIon over hearth in
the lounge' room of the Vitesa AlitierY
has eiwaya been an lesisliaion to Ms.
It teadss-stqlni words are things, ana
• small fltoP of ink, fallieg, like dew
upon a thought, prininceS that Which'
mikes themanas, 'perhaps Willow.
'think." And so. while, Yon will have
**AIWA I fitn no speaker, toverthelest,
if I have boort able to sttuatiato tient*
interest on your vort in goverrittioa.
tal 'affairs. in WhateVer field. or have
given you soroothlog tothink ahout,
n thekola and deep- problem Of
greater, Canadian unity, then / am
ere than atd
Auleraft Paints
vill give- your home the
and lustre you desire.
See cier Furniture Ditplay
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