HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-08-27, Page 6APPETI TE AROU SER erae,kle and pep in milk or - cream. Otildren and aidnitileUl" that crisp, 'aunt* seintd.. And Way loire tht taste of Ilia 'ready- tIteerve cereal. At 1111'0.eers. Served by gee.. anon. tathetae, and 41144411011. A, Mother Goose story panel 012 ,ercrrpackagc, ;Madill* ilogg in London, Ont. SO CRISP f00, t 4juut, y "lc u ,1 411 1 1.4 rr c '0 VII ' 'August: • ,-Ira. JIrn Coo&, marauto, itrialting for * few t Mr.\Vag, Iperwoodi Mete , 6.1t, '9,0•-'$lit:ordliyi, returning -4n 0 ,Freda tianholit, of, Kilodetielu siting \'wifli her Vraildinother, ‘,1)1rs,,. Sam MierwOod, . A, few from here attended the fun - Oral of Mt. Wm. IL MAIM -1Vbe P01000(1 atVa, on 150411101. ,47,40.431.41erat, was: 1144:1;141'124,th: toll',,T)u°1bengattlii.140n!' We eirtend our:.sylarpathy to the be- reaved, • ' Isabel I'hUllpe,• -'near ,Fordyce, Is pending two weeks wit* der dd.*, Pyata ,0401.0elic Aag'. ;k1".•Et" :(770.I0P,r bell. TheMisses Melde and 'Monte' Utile are home afterlinishing their studies CARLOW• - \ CAA -LOW, Angust 23. -Mr. and Mos, James. Wilson, and daughter 'Alettn. of • Wane, motoreft4low44lititraweek4tadi aVrfiftlt're-aWe'?'''7,irran,mxeari--t".Ta°V;,- ford and Betty,, of l'Plint; 14104 also are' visiting 'there. , Rumblings...of "a p)AliAir Provincial election are hoard and ,'Whig . And Tore are.b.noklingAini their, sinner. for the coming 4:61'1ot' while' many -:teal our interests :have- been well looked lifter 41,Y the present member, C. Itobertson,„there,fire. always two Odes to a qllestiert,e,. , Rev, ',0, W. **Ylle"left last 'week on liIs . „ holictaYs AA& Rev.' a Nt.. Pomeroy, or will take the .servlees at SmIth's 11111 aatt Benmliler,- with the* of 141;o*I'elreult,..-: M. August meet - Ing of the W,40,,*, Wee ,held. on Thurs- day Ink at the;tottage of Mr. and Mrs, d'anies 14.0-Orea, en thel',,,Ournmer tiehoel. ground. There waa . an at- tendanee:ot, own. gra.. Mender/On, presided and the *Mira% • as ontilned In -the 31tisionary4 Month1„1.' *CAC $01, loived. Mrs. r...efinlion' road * tem- perance paper and Miss If« Olark gave reviewor wine of the articlea"lii: the Missionary !Monthly. Mrs. Mae,„ Kenzie of SeilfOrth gave a short talk on the new atudt book and also on the .Conference allocation, which woidd re- quire over $6 ti)er member to reach, and alac the.bOpefor 10.00 new ratta- ils. 414‘04,1•Xacgi,ne,, president of the • lietiftidoinferaiation4vdth ‘,01;* . haok..0.4utereiree_liratelri.leveisin ottow.,4.007,,oi 44Y reo.T.? tue10.htati/resa',.el " 't tl prayer,," *A1401t wai then r an a enjoyM on the I*nk 441,•• !flg ft? - 51" titre. rret,t 014ther agltat uneert*inty now The JOYInto LLt witer NrOo $004; 004 In*n grltn, 11.4110;4141,40 ant0M0100, X40VIng towtrd an Object tromi" -10.101r Pam' g•tould turn qpi,tm • Ohio_ Overr .4004 ',Alert, he, 'atoO4I or it, Minute, beside the beaelied rowboat; i*tiatie4 that. they 'Were, .,enob, erved, methedicalty pufled the beat drther OP on the sand.. "tlie Ale that -tact MadePitheit' trip a down '•tli'-'04141) 00•,‘ ,r0reoarieu*alatit tbew mw, for no deteetite would long **wtabout..1.6 the :tlark,len f$1;Ch a night to natflr tbe Iviltipc Of 4 fear - 4 010 InoPriRindeni walke(14', along, the' -404,01f ',With( a eenfident, 044. and,; Dorsey,: We email eyeslumOing awe" henstveiy: from water Sideto land, fol", 14167ed p1o$4 behind. •VhOre -Was' little tobeSeen'4ii either. for no the, :scudding :eleu- scared. Anon ,and.` Stars, , ±,They ealae-to -roOkt tcrhiell preleeted :ctOwing to. the :Sottilit to quake 'the:outer at* of 0010.' 'Oove and , felt their way n the Welt- ess up and Ov,,er' the lbareler- Then they struck stud again, :and Rinders Wined from the, wateesisilge and _co.t. across the beach to reach the landward *end '0,the pier, • nt0 10.4paent waa good, for ,894,1; the till#0erff 00110 dock loomed above them. ,Keeping elese, to these, Binders 'crept „aknig,' 1;ter9eY stillAbehindi him, The beach ended and, they. emended :higher ..grOund,,,,),iintii.-:,thelr, -bodes ibove lodg: 0, I night 4/57 sent thls 0$101r0 WPWr be, —17 • knee * trembling StanhOrri walked to -the eloaet ,Within ',Won Oin(lers andvoroeey bad taken cover, ,' go, Otwoott thedor oraehtlionwider-as ipekeived thet_hoth Vaders and his jackal were 'Atitt011011 ;:ent. Altamoat'i Ight eititIn4t. the Walk, - anatehod up an ,oire,reug fiat. on4-elosel, -the %too; with abang. • 'Hurry!"lfarry Altamolit tealit go 4010F 40'014 \ that He laughed shrilly ii a sodden -blast shook the house.. ehhttering,ebOut the Sterol, the old 'Oen permitted the flioxklugsteward to IWO, hint into the coat. , •Open t door! *pen the door V- he Said, his ldgh voice in ohr1111-harnionyr. *with „*the storrn. OttabOrn: ..1011904, the fastealmOs and. flung It wide., .Man ;;berrt,- to 'the' reelr of *the,wind, then TAW ,•30t10.41Ort, tOttOrjAir , 'fitepA dOWA the., stairs. With. desperate strength. the steward 'dosed the ;4011r agalil.. • • altneet 4roppin down theme. it; an the look clleked shut. Thereicanie no aouna from the elasct,, ffabbOrw Arr,140,e4, binvOlt and, released theother* , Rinders atareti Ani. some 'perturbation at the steward Siinborifiielliin „ 1:1044.5.P140, tres.Working,ilettromily..: • The lawyer ',,clapped a filln• 1040 on SanI)onee shoulders., ' old man, we've got Work to cisme*and no., one to 1nterre wlth 40'" he. Egtrdi )111,O - voice sharp,: despite :its..love tone; IklAddorn nodded and led. the way. (10'0.1 the :Ofritior. They ,.*ntered :the 440, ,SliVe, for '41.61, ob- long: thlotehee of gray, ,Whieli were the:: )yindows. Itinders drew a. fiaSttlight from his pocket and directed Ito I** on the floor ahead of biln. He, strode' to the 410004 doer of the private: stair- way. , pier. Tiik niay be the \\night! Tolet,e4:: at. r. At4 71'" a a a a Mr. andi ¥r. Jarne ef Ethel WO, t to Saturday, visIting wlth glebnefer and MIss Vert, dee ,..gaganntelt, innnlnion was ° h410 ° I. cddred: ed. Sunday ' loternoon. Vtr* W‘00110104 WellOtiett 3314i POO' Well,r,8,030441. before leaving for his new plirleh near 'Ioen410.4, _ eater-00'1Schaefer, ot GoerIeb, ia Oliday,int nt the„P,?,nro of Mr. itudi Mrs. John- Quaid. 7,41111ajed*1ri 'August , ' 44e,.13olituott 1,113.o"Oarkt the vast -three Taus tv4yi,o; 140 retaxned',11- XisO Aferi Ode cAPIP1-41.haet,returne4 to her .tlutieS- at 'Stratford '..0enera1 govitel_aftr a, vneation:Wittb. ,ber PA** Mr. and,,Mrs. :11?".*A.-',Carapbelh 04, '000iiingheatiras :0; recent vAt'Ot" 43r With: friends inWOronto.., „Mr, W. L. Craigt:': iSt, Theoliit sPebt. the Week -end, 'With his Pima -04 Mr,. and "Xret 'jAfirt'`Orttig.\ - 'Gordon°. Naylor'. and! Miss Zen; accoldpanied, andgra, Charlie ISCO 'Ooderleh: were weekend visitors With *friend* la To- ronto. , ,On their return trip they Were neeempaided by the former's cousin; Miss LOreelt -iNaylor, Who $")!Penci ti4a Week nt the, Naylor 'home; stine"J‘gon,WAlliatlint.C. 441t. OtrOng,- , Mr. and. Xre. Joe Thovaroaon'.. and faintly: of 'Xiistowel.' were Sunda viattoa,with:hla brother,. 114,.,•1%11orman • ••••••• - "Nothing for us, boYei. but. it have a'dook, at this tuff, ne,:tikeless. Then welt or thatsafe." He ()Maid thescraPbook, and leafed over it noting 4 the htsadlitis of th! CliptingS, within. , . 44 'biStorY! Of the Turrentine fanitht al, recorded from time ,to tithe:4i the -Papers, -11-ml bloat:sting. -And thee He leafed them over "Alt coneern thVtirrentine lie muttered • ,"The old fool! all this: then Well tr$, the safe. • Dorsey elieY0d %hp own erdetrit, d11411p-.. hig the a -tattered matter back Auto. the tin beqe With regard .tor Al -ready' Itindertes mind was „upOnithe snfe ntVetaire, the ertfe. that niigilt con- tain .the' otos that: Vottid„.0tve him fioni ruin.; Ile Mu*, get them'; It Was Alti100,14 earc1 -h1 hiding 1006 t1,1ad been'. din- covered.,- Everything -else - failed to in- eigidileanCe in the face of 1.11.at One,- Ittte*,*000.1tari, Thrvotitog the,*lifling• tafr ant.lIoot -In ;t07146.,Ceitiutc-tf,wirug,over--tlieni, 31-* r iniet**4 - , oonfro J)tit Sanborn,41;44000 ” °." ;Ilad „the glooin, He looked long before Ile disce' rned' ,the 'diaCligure of a !luau eitttng on the 11000,:w#4.h.10 curved back to ,the .NeiselqesirRinderii slipped under the pier and edged ...:tioser to the .unniCliv Ing -body. , • •- 'Sanborn 1" , called. The figure Straightened and the steward's short, chunky l'OiniNfitererealed in the gloein. Meilen* Stepped .forward, and again Dorsey followed... • 'My easittant," said hinders -ourtlY, 1010010g 1Dorcey 'with a- wave of the7 hand. :11orse3r said 'nothing; but, his eyes searehed the other Mau distrust. ' • _. • . "Tell rue, what youknow? too., Mended tbe lawyer,, ,beckoning the: others to follow ,hlin into the.''scarit shelter under the. dock. - • Irina -0e 1 know Where -he Wee* .saatioiw-Oitspeted. etitaitie. the house after all. There's that rOora where,',..rtwhere,Yen: saw me. It leitcla`to .his. *niter' of teem* 'above and then up Into the. tow- er, At the base of the stairs there Is a hollow of 'eon* sort 1 found it to- day, Under tbe rug -at least it sounded hollow. • And. he Is often in there with the door of his studY.loeked and With- the, one *bin*, Which lead* into:. bh bedroom, a10 loeked." that; it ands11y. Can 3,411,,,t4i°nD *to the' house.:Safekt. newr .‘ "lto, that part of it ate serratite are all, in betl,arni 'the. detc- tLve were IllaYint looker ',when1 lett, thelterare. Itretinetitly-Oreat,atrat0t, tOFstrOlt:4d at*pI o t".''Pnicorittei 'the. front door without arOtteldg mis- pielon. Olio one laWoodt you •emr eat tarIVItlitne?: . "Where laAttanalat_t. 'Th• steward was "X do, net -304044 he Althnitted. I s restless ,tonight.. high Whit , al"; witteihiakee,hlin„ak: He *aaalfere about the b0e0b -Oeetilig• Vet the windoWs, lookinglOWard the cove, anit.aomethees, ha: got* out into the 'storm. Elfec'was in bis room at.'the foot of the.,.prbeate *Way, -*Oen ; lot yea* htin;" ‘EiitabOrri'...rePreaSett : 'Vette got to be 000'ot:sal** him,' he Warned. • ”„rvis. 'OW :Om to Stay Up all night' When'. theto yrit*a gale throhlog-outeldeo---Weeemasito;take: eon* secret tilt*aure lir the witalsr.4V0 bowl* of that old echOOner anehOted out there in /We-ore.,He Onee told inc that he'd live to ate, that oicl intik torn- to ipleette by the Seti.'*„ "We'lre"eate _enough orom, rut* ta- to him,- if you keep well ahead Of Oat", hinders :dtell14-„ Ion' see. .111m, speak to hint at ence;'00,tretil,..tie Able to drop Out of night, ,9O-Aheutlliew-4, well ' .• 'Sanborn hesitated, blit Witre..,r,u1t14 dere steady Oct -ripen bLm he "lolettl •Ohleetion•.- ,titlipping nut froirt, Ate. tier the ,pler, 4u etirehed :onto it,. an Ott:tea' up the tvoliettitit Oath to the, Binderitlethim .tidvitilte his featatePti were tinheard .:1411 the gale and %IS figure was barely4terepttble in the gloom. Then be folleivedi, With Dorsey* Stinking betide hint4 • , -00- the Path, 1110. Wtoto."*Ot tettet ertinthing gently • tinder their tintioUt tettielionlileta hoot afalnot the MnotefS Ing attack of therviolat,' and 'to* t xed abend Voiles atinlied 304 two windows. were illand004-,,, the*In Altamentie • abort( reselied the .and the othera.balted and dro'pped to tbe gra beside the ,patia, "line `re showed tlbaly *gait*, some 'faint light Within i4thett the 4140r Siftlikt Ant An idatitttit latir It Itnet, WOO: *gado aidd. litekoned* 'Thet . crept itlitO the :hots*. Ithitieta glanekt.awlttlj' about ikt% t 1000,1" ie W eating,, a doer belielkth-the /Mitstair , WaY, San4,orrn itodded.', "WeiiIde - tivthere until yeti make sure tI* way ,ls• tient to the Study. Anti' that out it you ran,. Where bet, le He ateMed toward the''closet,, hot soddenly bit stoo boat* 4,.0alithetiSit "sprIng rsitaey InatintlY IlilloWed Mj '0 and 'darted ..at -his Iteeti!"„ 'into the ateoil bowl:Mere& then 111,S.dnller ears tallgiAtbe 80044 of fOotatelis ,toming down,' corridor tram Altai-J*0"a ,,tudt Rio aster teed before.him Alfaintint .aeoiried at t kite:rd. "Ott to bed at •ke tided 'Angrily: 41(ni. tl YOU inwolvlifigertnind t.14` been out?" Went:* feW Step*. 4004 the -.door Of; *ntet#aL,Mr,!' $4,tfbeirit Ottiitt "t111, ,6r114eXO' jaiirkettiltain011t, plenty, it *It *stir tonight ty. Ito **Ikea otet to 'brush *Oat the 'Min on -one Otte iiM*'WIWWS Mae the...*Mit 000 Mid itairtt Into the night :The wind ttatstertol and t 4 „. Nj il URS HE;i4„Iiii • ilPrIttwt. I S tbs..- it iatiiiii4 Iiiti44'!!tt, s ' g; y tas"WE*,ht*.kw,i,soriui , *arras braak dowL ., tii: triad dW.r*t mdciiWu..„ „ Otsio uss. • l' .1111.1bitit, zilt gat apani ad rapi 4.411$11"no that I; '''-o--.iiy . sr* ,ths aekadIg threw :414; to Whin.*** E. & It rah, for tlindra.01,. t'sIVIT0r0 PINi iiAlvarOsea; of To r Sits I. 140 14.44. iet Odra cod Rio 1,0,410 641'44 al "(Aohl-thosvi SA* tockti to4-- 1:441014111 430** rlite ttelp Wentipotitiaoi rib 10,000* soft par is Samoa ovary fib cad dam- AUkt. ato,41 witl% tO toutattract Wool .04 trOtto sottay of tits 14 Silk Iv- Ow.cli 01,”,„1•4440,.4. ornow RAH Cho 444 natal? .C).t`,44,4 tot, 11104 tumid and Socly thco,„, ne I row44,)* Ccrd Pilis *Mat) Prilirmui sroliler ptotolffrt4, .44 trttl(init aat* at any ips141.. .0441 1100, Pit Pottitit, .sndsr ca ast *11 441,011,. 14040,6,44** „ 101%4 ;,* *aft* coati Sao • .1.4:12 : I Tbe .14,Serist Starr' 0IIAPEoR: '"Key be,„eumpanded: ,tereely, and: -Sanborn-'s treiablin,,; lingers itild a! big, .4PIY 411:utl$4411*11nri iftwfinitheerio, door"etatis it Vioin without eaane another ihrIli walli',freora'•tlie wind, and thlybern *leaped: back:, 'Illuderirowere41 et:Iiis*.tereath,* Mit pressed forward.' " -sofatIviiat affected by. thenerve. of,7frenti4rni; neverthelese-tollotted. htis:eyea',-thAe4A0'. the. The'lowyet ,'Ibeektate(k.),Inr," iteratv0.37, 1414 tbe steward°'natect his fears 'Ealit(tealy „lulled- the thought of the',nearnets: of, tlKii4oati, irte* atop: and' -611r04,f,aside a WOW *Oikt'fa rug' that eovertd -the spaee at .ana tanned' 40. the *OW' tel.algalW berated - "bet Ma,git -,t1tere,/" k tett*: and shouldering :Sanborn 4710,,, o the eirtle of 114* 'east by..Eindees h:-.7Ttypsping brieklY, hetficed the Omits of the, dooklut. fvEhleit:-011.11" the empty note., ',',dialret. long," :As tontteTSdp 'lilt It seell*.t61.0 tight *arose the StairWa*.", H1 qnlck fingerS hid Mapped' an Oblong about three f'et-1yTi wkfth of e stairway -in one 01* ltoli-,4nd it, Obe In the °thee., ;1113itigernitilaeoratebred futlielt as endatered- to paSit it this way and that • Wailers frowned down at the fioor- Ing Re laki, A' bit Nand 'WI/filly, on Dorset shoulder wia lifted him bath, "held this,," be eoinmanded to Sanborn, and pissed bitn.the light;14toOping„, 4ie..teaed etret'gte. againet,itte• vett& eat fae of,,tfte`.:11ret A.,00tit tad* trotalSarstfro'itteig:threati' and an. expletive from .Dereeyea. • The step moved inWard, Under the One above It, and with it inoVed the *fete of flooring of the landing that Dorsey lind located. IXeep.beek," hinders- snarled as 014 ftri) me* 'dirt* eagerly forwaid. He einl-pihasisect his pv01431444 With * thruet that sent DorSer teeth* Eaigial* *be. , doer. :rrl*4 be bent over the tttlitt and teethed a hand into tA.• plain tin box, with a --.Metal handle littiniclito the to0, filled, the tole.. ,Not, A large toot, but, large enough to tarty; fortunes In , god& 'Binders' lifted' the , • • 411041 that 11414, ateady-to-,•-trireoln- taandefl'ahartilt,**,ffanborn bent down. :Then a curae eediOed hie lipe. • The tin bot WM Atilt but not itlth..jeWel bokea 'or the tentsitliittOttft* it watt Oared ,with an odd. berntiboky yellowed beivepaper dipping/4 a file or, let(***,toitt other odds and ends. • -„fitintiereei hand, now shaky* lifted thetti all Oilt or 'the iliOX and dumped thentbn th# floor, Paring little heed to the thtinage°be did ,theni,,Theis be Pulled, the Vitt -60x eut itself and Searched ideSperately for *tiding bolt beneath it. lian6orn:groaned at he %Welled the other %AIL'S anatalling* ef- forts.. DorifeY,..beY40 eeholag tits 044 0104efee c.uree;aald noithit Alkres4y he was IOW,* up the atairs toward ,Altainontms 4111010M nitaeto irthotetta liimaelf Tomo. 7 „tift1111V-.$4(7..,1:::**:.14. j* 14',.W,t, 1.7:7 OX weeks, 'ith: 'her daughter,. , g a 'Mrs; - 0111- POrTe4. v 00.0itti;ett.i7 s .., ,,, er o - k In bls , and vi re $ 4- .1Wr., S4n.' wn lii belplzkg Mr,.,, ,Z;„' ,4eriii, wt h1 -V4014b; '14-4/44.01v10:7°_, t'''.714' "*: , 'Mies " ida ', Jean.- 41004: are .lielidaying-: with their., --4114,4 '., Mr.. 3. , . : 4417t ., * :t. Mot; z awr ,..w:i, oa..ano, ,idlt,se, :rld,011.St.,,,4: .`Al, .1,ret,tirli.v:ocisilbn, ;s0.:.8to$1), 6::: t1011,40 heanillier With tbeir addIrtVii$0 troit.' are SPepaing. A tit4 I.V.',Oed.'at *ak11.: ' Ulf48 .01itshninl;', kt Ofla:litt4ide SPent a puip,„0 Sunky • M11044,NiNoll: Aug. 24 -Mr. nml Xsuraja have !mored their household, effects to their new home in Dnngannon,,Where, -they •will Ln .future reside,;', liadt Mrs, ..josePit' L,awson, who are taking:.overthe feria, '..RTO:iexieeteilto arrive in the ,near °future.• • , TarMers are anXiou.sty W.4t.it)ier_in- "order • to .,g -et their !COO& liervested,The ',grain, v'eicqept . •bueki. 'Wheak Is.loraetioally all eut and th,.) thIds are:full'of.,stook_q Thursday's .Sterm.--mhi di trt ,4 i, ,p • ex- perl4ueed A .$,AttiO strni OW:Ttli1113(19,y, ittte:ploon, irded windof tyelonie pro- portions,.4,00eaapaided by ttunider-' Ilghtlilfig and disrupted telephone and...,hydro *services, blew dowit trees and',ehlinneYs nudunroofed, bergs. , Iteli. • i(ifitriWTind bah- chfmnevs 1i1wii. from,„_ his! house, sna one side of ids . barn. MkrOnfed',whezi new Imin doO, recently buiI,t, thieVv. The roof was °a steel one and ' Was, carried mans rods. Stanley Dennis;. of. nlso hid' one. Ride of his barn roofed. Deo harps .tentaiiied the season's erop., • • 0,004th of Uri: W. H. Maize. eateenielt resident of this conanunity, 44 the Peieelt.'of Plielihrith 44110 Blaku, wldow of the- late; W.,"H _.#titze, passed away! on:. ,Friday , morning last In 00derieh- hoaigtal. 'Maize was taken 111 at the home * her son, Bert. Dungannon, on Wednesday and WO 1'03100to the, hospital.' in God...,4 rich the same day, She was suffering from . pfieuinonla and on Thursibi morning she suffered a paralytic. stroke from,: which she Alio roe- regain -consciousness,. dirs. Maize was a daughter. 'of •the',: late 'Thomas Blake and niabeth;(4410,, 1111(I. was -66i,1 Warty -eight years ago on the old Blake homestead on toneession 7, iisbiletd, being 400 Or* fainily„of four, all of Whoni...are new deceased. 'One itaif- brother, R. Mahe, Holmesrille„ and three •lialtslteera, .Xr,a, A. B. ,konititre: ;Other 'k,.survivorrr,,ata,,,‘Ithrea', *01)03,.#ti of .-Aalaield; .'Bert, of 1/004 'gannon;eand Wililam 2,-It)f Lain hot. One ...daughter, .wintio.T.,gastr (treus), disci -tonne ,..Seart ago., Tbere are , seven grandi 12terinikhant4 'to); ,i-ObtO",slie was Matiled, fifty' tsais titai **Our ji11160, when hefelt; front :lead or: ho,_ ittiientmour ..years itgo 'The, funerhi, wa beId On".61ondity afteitiOexi ',front the home Of .her *oh, 'Boit IV(alse, Dn.* gnu:kat.; Att.,- 0, if. McDona1cI, ,paatOr Of lilrakinegrebbYterian' "'eltikreb, Don- gaution, Otlythieli:the wom;tli wa0a tait4ur tieinher;,-tebandel '010 services at the and at the grave- side in Dfingannon cemetery,” riving members' of her ,fatally, liteseS44 Roy lob* of Mddleid, Bert ot, Dungannon, and , , *Ith. his Ong, Erie. of 13t.: tam - :bort, QUOU'd.. The c casket irta sur- rounded wfth .florrc 1.14 , ti never tolct:'1,nie.we might, tow a, . sate; truniMed mat b aitoog.12 iott irlthcnOtbtre, but J1ntany.,t0 wsilk But it was not. When :thei'7,,entered lit' the, head of -the stair*. .their: eyes topiota 011 ja safe oppozote, q3,10:..tootozietb#t iiad concealed*It' was pushed AO Aka Safe itself gaped open.---tonte.eints10,c4,., eciddconeso.ef the mood that had` sent, rhilla9''Altarnont 'out into the:, atorny • Itindera troated the rooin in three ittrtiles and was before the safe, open- ing ito inner eont*irtmests: •'•Paper*. ,poureit forth easittle Inia-er tftiht diltiet* 'llue there was *lifting, Jewels in ishabby leather, ibovea; rio tpagitettt of trisp.bank tete* ihnt :Attie „stitiiinizittOisiN.,:' . tefo-..7relittlist to„lAisiness mattets that guilt er eaution;-thaiti:lcd 0.114tiodiit ta contest here In tip tome. For an Anat.,* ttliKitte *WO stididefd, Then he ..laughed "Well; the old fox wins WS time. But we're not.through,witt. hint yet , ',014„.yet. The-" , With. att effort Ile teStrained bitnself an looked about . the -room. On Ot table by, the bed were Pere • *Oar% Where Altamontliad drOPPedtheni, and a wide open brief ease. Thnders tnOik,d, 'over te-inspeet these terfunetorily. ainidenly stlifened,,,gaaing vithltide epee at sines sheet of taper Chit had puUed Irani the •bag "Vith tante orte.ills shoulder itt the other two nterit-he road the dpeutee0 intent' It was the report ,that Altanient bad received act morning from E3,teeves on .the inkblot **reit of Itindersta•offik -itheseareli that had led Binder* to tido Overate **K. ,The.laWyer went through it -eareft'lly,•ItinUing. awifraq,- the ,,, • • 41,0 it Was AltaniOnt,Whe, **a oriare of Ida. embealetoon& Uort had he IttioNtiip that and by had he htrol ik,tective to loot hisoillee to,ionfirin ltt altidett$ tftkinifidl t keen spec - tor Witt a rnalit sources- a Inoket. hitiwarsuon as 'Illinois Altatoont *Wit well intrs-liitined *hat he had 'loot ,h100- 01*fttitoitt *4 be Anlatt eten hare guessed ,thia,:t, 35lifrilets hut trot Toot his ow* ,•*0.• It was nottinon know., ledge that estate was in his 0010. 'The, old man ,had lkot two and together and won. But whYt This Meant that he, 'llintlera,,Wast at the mercy Of this. Crafty, Vellomoini man tAt aty rnornent at it worxt, from Altamont, Vas wwlsoletIfeintiht 'bramble. At Marriott% mercy! He elentheil hiS big hands, otattulsttol$; this voist *tee ;Maw t* hat feared when, itte tlIstorereit that hiaohne wo.' Oval. ,t,t•td geiod, feetdd, titqiie, to ant oz* from Altantiont, Tina* 'the 614 taan 10 affe him at it toot In aome nefarious opera' Wall It 16401 that war, for Alta - molt' bad '4you nniktra frieddit over. ur( to bilq‘ Wei Male 'ROOK ut.tioa lot "china' Ma bark., 10r WS* the ord Man layinga at.atkinotoe. gave hint, rraily to -11Ing bin% to the Dol.', ,witon he extracted the laSft I.It of - sement, from the situation?. ivy Moved " 1mpat1nt1r fetter& bim,bringing hhit **A to The Ofikktf,,' Tlu etioklistan, tiad ,nia* * hot' *-r.h of the teeth, * Initt*n .of , ). ' Ings, -wlitch boe tan io ceazed - them 0,11041(110*e 1"1"1101:/;41031:11:1Ceerv4:;Inb',4i14)1,:elitd:v.fott4, .11 behtg onetrora, the Wo Ifl- 01' tioth hen „.• The, remains were t „retor„ In. Dungannon cemetery,t ctah14*,:pa'Plit"1-rnrstl°7Itirs*.nre!! • r es and ard '0 entstili; I OYa:lfilllyrtir"As:'*411edrOPI' 411r4enIde by don.liast4 tette nigatt,fi, 'Norman,: - *Wet' Gordon Vaishall,aprold Blake., , 100411.,"1110.1tel.' 11140; Vake 414, Illart lake, .o lety the ' add one :from thwing e 1 1°) season 3 1 r: Painting s;1:4tur-11 III while it Display"' glow and lustre ypti'degtres rilrnitut0 see U. aBlackstone Paints will th�'PriadiVay of etch)* lile llyiIrO r COOK WITH ELECTRICITY Qui*, Clean Ecoao 4 , y, of *Wits* akas -at• Gotig,fildf *,4441#41414 . 1, ,-,....werirwo. iess DIONNE QUINS FAT QUAKER OATS EVERY DAY SpeCialivi,tS set e wripie for mother, ery win. re vie Vanhhs Ptfs Enamel's - Wax