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The Goderich Star, 1937-08-27, Page 5
3: t.Hf ,Tiff• RSL'. 'S1 s 4. 0, cee ratn. ►ode" saXi� r twenLy s dear and j district ani el �riee ago yv��-To ;awr doorsto.the iu�i�g pu-li� o� �r�eh have during. the . pa,iye 0s, 26 . �0s served the public with ALITY MERCHANDISE THE LO. �RICES! .: s, a n+ oes ana en s'Furni andc.. are : and be convinced that when shopping n at� yon Come_�' � �► ��� '� greater confidence and more satisfaction. ��n. ��� wit• h ecials far -School Opening r ? s cn. ��tl��tther:�f:� i gam•.. Anniversary :Special .4 . Boys' Caps. Anniverhary Special . . , .....59c Boys' Blouses All sizes. Anniversary Special .. • " . 49c Boys' Golf Socks Anniversary"° Special ' Men'sWork Pants Good quality, well .made Trousers, at a special Anniversary, Price $129 MEN'S o Fine Broadcloth Shirts.: In the very latest patterns. Collar attached. Anniversary Special . , ... , • . 3 1ertuM,: �r• .�. Police , anFine Braces Anniversary. Special - 25c Men's 'Fine Socks .. In fancy checks and plaids. Anni- 23c versary Special Red Back Overalls Well made, 9 -oz., with elastic back. All 25c sizes. Anniversary Special .$1 49 Boys' V-neck' Sweaters Anniversary, Speciate . , .... . 79c:_ Boys' Long Pants Blue fox serge- and tweeds. Sizes 28-32. Anniversary 'Special $1.39 Shirts 'and , Drawers All sizes. Anniversary Special 35c Men's Zero Shrunk Wants In checks and stripes. Special ' •$125 to . clear. Sizes 32-40. Men's Work .Shirts Dark andlight blue cha.mbray. Well made with one pocket. Sizes 14-17. 59c. Anniversary Special 1: up �e lot of Mend' its; ith extr"a pants ►lei t ed , : worsted ii~µ»it 4 t-4:Ila and Yount Men's Snigrt up-tordate ,. assorted Shades.. Boys' Overalls Anniversary Special r_ 79c .s f Oxfrd&_— _ LTJ. �t-t�'taxsai' Special.Prices on all line Of WORK ' BOOTS Greb and Williams make. $2.39 to $3.75• • MEN'S Grey Flannel Work Shirts Well irriade, triple stitched. All ,sizes. Anniversary' Special 59c BtJY YOUR W .ARING APPAREL AT OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE AND YOU WILL. SAVE DOLLARS Agentfor Tip -Top' Tailors Phone 3S4 8h1TP,, /CE CUBE ! SEE THIS REVOLUTIONARY FRIGIDAIRE INVENTION 44,4 �.. r Ar .PPt 586 rued Atea= °otsr #8 r1� s #111010Ante osr• Aft ro son !o f °et%Arlo UTHORIED DEALER `}{.Y yr W. 4 • `�M�• One./ • a HEADQUARtERS •• 'e c:uirii enctlit the .tire'' Voneed—thc tire that will :glive ou the .. emcee easxt •driv`. lxig.and the rno t t oubl ' free ill youNre ever' known. There's a God year' to matchmatchevery car; trutk lane ltrailejr : every roads load and speed,, When you have the right tires on your r'`ii#8 Ion save ai di on y ' y� l • e sr � ll�t �`iow you the right tire; Therti's waye good value at the Goodyear sigUt Fey SIZE' apRieetidota ttou- RO 0. F ;We will Y e;iii4Viettlateteetlieed0 mist dist Wass teivetlesi bleat' duo:tomtits costa: #,0er... v a boAr,dio Iti ato+e* irootctootoptog centre trascttott sett fe ate* hiost64tivIng 4110414 014 tart Wei +af theitit. Phone 33 011 Ora .4 God Condemns Devotional Study of Sunday Scho tI Leviticus 10:1, 2, 8-11 ; Prov. By ARTHUR Intemperance Lesson for August 20. IferIpture-- 31:4, 5; Iso. 28:1-3; Rom. 14:2. W. BROWN t` The evils of Intemperance are ad- mittedly so widespread and appalling that no • apology is 'needed to consider the woes of drnnkennese, and how God must view any hand. or influence or practice which we give in maintain- ing the' same as a people. From the opening verges of our lesson text we veryreadily see that there was a pro- nounced aversion to 'god's .atioiute4 of the priests and leaders of the nation indulging in intoxicants And later kings are warned against the practic :. If the welfare of the people is, , at heart their leaders will take the pa; it of abstinence. For the befuddled mind is apt to forget the law, and who, coin :say that under the influence of intoxi— cants that judgments will not be per verted. • In the Isaiah passage we find a powerful condemnation by the prophet of the northern kingdom of • Israel surrendering to this debasing - vies yea, the prophet and the prleet, "err, througli wine," and "reel through strong drink." It is an alarming pic- ture of the prevalence of the evil. The gifted and the brilliant, the highborn and the low, havefallen under tae" conquering snatch of this remorseless foe. Wherefore it behooves all to walk eLreumapectly: The surest path of safety is total abstinence: , The picture Isaiah draws reminds us of modern conditions.. . Liquor is both an ancient and a modern foe to all that is best ant noblest in oar humanity. It has a demoralizire cfiect- :-upon- .irdleidual, ss seial " ax.:•i uatidnal life. Theietilre as Ieula saw it and as. we ho1iold it in 'our day whoulcl be of unspeakable service to influence us to save the young from this habit that destroys body and soul. Its unhappy results are not exag- gerated when the prophet says that DUNGANNON EN'S • • Combination .. Overalls Blue 'dr khaki, with zipper "style. • Sizes 36-42. • 'Anniversary Special $2.69 Heavy Wool. Work . Socks Anniversary Special , , , .. .. , •.29e 30-s pr. Men's: Work Boots Panco sole, rubber heel, made of sturdy leather. Anniversary Special q.9 Limited quantity ' MEN'S All -wool Bathing Suits With zipper. C1earing $1.29 MEN'S Balbriggan Combination 79c Anniversary Special Q test was held and the singing of te- A hymn and -the- benediction closed_ the DUNGANNON, August 2d.—Phe meeting. • Twelve Motherless Little Ones, --A Dungannon Women's Institute held a -I fs milt' of .twelve little pigs whose moth - very sueceshind Mr. George -Adams' farm north of t ful picnic. at the lake be- , er died when they wore only about six Port Albert on Wednesday afternoon. A good _ time was enjoyed ley ell with swimitting-and other sports for amuse- ment. A good supper crowned, all. There were fewer In attendance owing to the' fact that many are off on holi- day, and fatimers were too busy to at- tend. r: Howard Squire, who, with his ,wife and son Donald, is enjoying a six week? motor trip through the Cana- dian West to Peace - River, has pur- ehasseed-the dwelling in Dungannon ad- joining •H*, J. L. sEedy's bakery and formerly owned bi Mrs. Charlotte Reid. He 'obtains possession October 1st, when he returns from • ,tlte West. Farewell to Rector.—members of the congregation of St. Pgul'a Anglican eshurreh gathered in the parish hall on Tuesday evening to honor -their' rector. Rev. J. H. Geogheegan, and Mrs. Geo- ghegan prior to their departure from Dungannon and -Lueknow, where they h ave spent five happy and succeseful During �tbte course of the then - years. ing, which was spent in game . and 'community singing, a presentation was made to the popular couple of a sil- ver flower basket and a .parr of silver candlesticks, the address being read by Mrs. Jo'aeph" •Hamilton and the pre- sentation nietde by Mrs. Lorne avers. Mr. , Geoghegan replied feelingly, ex- preeeing the thanks of himself and Mrs. Geoghegan, and also tics -appre- ciation of the kindly cooperation of the people of. the 'parish 'during his ,five-year term as rector. SLr. Geoghe- gan, who has been appointed .by the Bishop as r'eetor of the parish of Ridgeetown, will :preach his farewell sermon on Sunday next. Maloney of Blyth, who is to be the new .rector here, will gssutne his du Hee about Septenbef 15th. Shower for Bildt-e1ett.:--.A vary pret- tily arranged "shower' was'held at the home of Mre, Kates en Wednesday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Reggie Bete, a bride -elect of the near future. About twent3r young ladies were present and an enjoyable time was spent. During the "tiffernoon tete Misses Melba Fowler and Marjorie Me'i `itinney presented to' the guest of h onor a dainty basket, decorated in pink and white and filled with kitchen- ware. The address was read by Mean Meth 'ifePhee. Miss 13ea'e replied fit- tingly, after which the young ladies motored tie her home, where the Moue seen was displayed. Afterwards a dainty lunch *as served fry the bossters- United OOsureb W. A.—Mrs. James Mc Linney, the prresident, gave stet home for the August mating of the Women's As soefation of i)ungannc►n I'•nitecl ehurrh, over Which airs. Itoh- ert Moore, the first vi e -pi ident, pre- sided. Devotional exercises were eon - ducted by Sire. Ii; Sproul. Who ofrc ed prayer. and Miss OclIa Pentland, oho ing evil. Ina no mniw.h no far ,lent''- read the Scripture. After the re u - I Strong in position, enriched with i drunkenner•,s perverts vision. Mental many natural advantages, it yet wieild balance is upset, perception is blunted be speedily overthrown by the and dulled. On the other hand, ab- %',syrhino. And this woulc4 be because gtinence has been proved to favor of the desolating debasement Ytha: clearnees of vision, aec*t nttyy of per- d�rinklug. sand other kindred evils eeption, truth of judgment, which we brought about. The "proud eowns of know are so essential if the dignity of the drttnksartte of Ephraim" Shall be our manhood is to be maintained and trodden lin pieces. The Assyrian succes§tttl results are to be attained host. a "strong and powerful"' instru- in any of the nobler walks of life. 1f went in the hands of Jehovah, would mental facultie:t are deteriorated the overthrow then. and lead them into w moral are sure to be seriott.ly and captivity from which it would be hard depravingly affected, Of the wine - to emerge. Verse .4 means that as st. !Abire!' and drunkard, it can be said to traveller catching sight ,sitsn early fig alinosst always true that love of 1°he quickly plucks and heathy devours It, truth declines, :sincerity of speech is so alrall the great enemy capture end weakened, straightforwardness of con - swallow up Ephraim. that is Israel of duct ie impaired, responsiveness to the the northern lringdom.: claims of righteousness is deplorably But. the woes of, dsrutrkenneete were weak. Callousness is the inevitable not confined to Alt territory. In Mutt of the growing power of this Jerusalem Rom, to- whieh Isaiah' 1*- vac& Iongecl�, and where hp did so much of If we read on in this - e1ia ,ter of his great prophetic work. the derpl.ty- Isaiah we note the further petrifptng frig Fork of intoxicant drinkingmass process of this vice of iiitempetatnre. to beseemHe, n $lstmaria ag a They scornfully reject the prophet's sad object lesson to Warn the southern counsel and warding. They talk anal kingdom and other nations. ` act as if he were raising a bogey to How few nations risme escaped the frighten them: tits if they were OW - curse of liquor drinking! ,Evert in (frets. They Would have . none of him. highly: cIrilissed nations w"'ittth Chrlstian How often the man under influence leadership, teaehing and examples no-- of liquor Is keen to ittsatiril u'ts, when withstanding all the 'beneficent opera- we talk of. the evil a the habit. that tions. curative end prevefitive. of he is capable, of looking after blmeetf. inimeroite temperance o gania8ttions. Ile knows where to stop tend needs not the think traffic* known as `the trade" our Inetruttion or asslstance Of has,. its grip upon the throat of the eorreaa .that Await' condiu t 'mix nationnl life, 4')rttnkenneee iss s f11 preeip1tatee disaster. - the reproach of city. town pd vinftee. This, is ft Iowan for Canada and for� How few faredIlee eeseape, alt+r any other country that h>:itiie€s to the other. It' woes. tigtior tr;ifiie and enndonee the drink - Title vire-lute %nfinenesi is no re - ?pester of per onsi. It iia found in the mansionq of the wealthy as well ne it the hovels of the poor: • it a eto its baneful shadow over the ltsito of the !parous nsc w(*li as the ironies of the unknown. Tlie . rrt ,'i 'e Out ir. tit( bouts, old are all .thriving nicely on the regulation diet prescrtlkd for babies, I namely, . milk, water and brown sugar, Which they drink out of a pan. Tttey sire owned by Thomas Wiggins and are now.a Week old. Sir. Wiggins takes no credit to himself for =Wing t+hemy but attributes It 811 to- his wife, whet Chas them In &urge. FAINTS AT CHURCH SERVICE When he suffered a fainting spell while attending the evening service at Knox Presbyterian ehurt:h on Sunday, Mr. Samuel Heddle was carried from the auditorium and removed by ambu- lance to Alexandra hospital, where he is reported to he on the. mend. LOVV =RAO—PARE, To Y TORONTO EXHIBITION - $3.90 Good -going Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 Return Umit—t8eptember 15 Full Iirforutatinn from any Agent or G. E.:1MITHI, Uptown Agent - CANADIAN PACIFIC AfVBILTISE Iv THE STAR loin. A btaliop rent' said he wottitl for routine of tninntee and roll salt, rather liave firgThnd free than .ze ter. I plans were trade for nerving mettle' in! It is a Mi. :tntithetls, for n people* rPotrnectlon with tbe I'rethyte°ry meet. not Ferber will not long be free. ing to be held in the 'United church In September. The thence of the meet- ' iris wst•€a " tisk*,,, $11141. WO; Marl:VIT : 'e (leek. flie, ttierebant's offiec►, •e"Those who have hobbies rarely al, Pentland. T.(".M., gavrc n synopsis of evert tt „ +* the Mint," br , 't7;�: n�.�t*rtsi a lsssprltisttri�st. '�es. the hoot. i%Iymn.� of evert thn prParlier s *;turlp', hay t;.itnrt n c r: lis baneful elindow. Amordlint to but. whit about tho ,e who have to lire Dr. SIae'*Iillan, sheeeing the sosirce of 1taiab, the judo and tris warrior. cw tib those wito have hobblee1 many of the tainillar 1tytpr.:a. A eon - 1,.. . p h h.q:LH: A,1 Headaches -Faint Spells Pains Under Right Shoulder MIs. Grosse Yaws, Delors, Oat,, .wxitts:. --"I wyt trarabledr rtrith head- aches and faint spell., and had soresn pains ander my right Amidst which were sit bad I woad have to walk the flortr at ni t, are I could not sleep. I was also. constipated. My wife got nie Milburn's Iwaa -Liner Pills. With the first few doses- I began to feel better, and after one hal wM tales I was relieved , of gdy trouble; also had a better appetite." A prekitt at The T Minds©.., L44. %rout. MILBURNS LAXA-LIVER • PILLS • eek -end Specials! CHOICE MEATS BEEF s11ori.DIm Eft/AST PRIME IIFIEF I1111tI� ROAST I'RI3I1; IrEI')F . Ii(iLI.IJi) POT' ROAST' I'' treile IIt:HF.. RIB BOIL or IIRI SCE rF R1* F.... .... IAMB 14EG Ole Ye l'N('i I.AMIL.......... LOIN !MAST ',AMR 1'IileleA<sr Y()1`w'(I r„vsrit .. ................ 11113 O11 $Ht)1'Irlaelt ('ii(PI'8 sflor r.DHR ft( etS'I'... ... VEAL 110AST $Ht)t'i,1►FSR ROAST .... .., $Il()1'1.1)F R ('IIOI'S. ittiU!1' IQ(), $T rootetli) 11A SI I,.Arum 13(►i,c)GNA %fA('A RON I and (111,:;,:ii; i.t t-1 F' Pt -ICE t.AIil) • :... HOT WEATHER MEATS HAM IAAF cola) muse' is ►IRI' IH'Tt1IT I.t)AI' I{iN(; it( ttltaN.1 ib. 1:10 lb. 19e Ib. 15e ib. 12e !b. `'8e Ib. tae lb 14e lb. 22itr Ib. 22e ib. Iii.• Ile 15e Ib, 19e lb. 10o Ib- Ile Sanitary Meat Market THOS. LEGG, Proprietor. Hamilton St., Goderid i 44 Phone 4$5 • it ;di.canri;,urtir:;n4nn:,rc;� •