The Goderich Star, 1937-08-27, Page 2EP BY.01004, AR VOW'
An Independent r Pubnolted" every Friday at
Thalstar Opilott,
moat Britain $1,50 Per esr in $2.00);
WW1 80/04004i2.00 per yar in" adsonnoc. Both 014 and new
,1;110011, Ikten
clAillo;WANDIONS,..a-Ve Anti _It•tnit*frit* jiltrupotai,,,,,
I I, , • 4. -in 'case
i , • . i ' 1 ihnatIO"th' 1Vete.404H-111"74"'' - ' '-n°144/441” '*1114.;-
/ 1 II
ItiteaTTAMIza **Orr t* made OS t*itiotatedi Wort Omit."
• ' at 1Par: in 004:lerka•
14,titt31iiit In it* colttam3 On
hat It *iii not beliahle for EV 'WO'in
hereunder*rarlesa I Proof 01 such
u*ed in,..the .advertiSsr7enee re,
gt ' egig -Oleo 'otibrsigoed•by,.
, OrtstiOtOOna *WY 'Voted. In ,Wrignif
if 0,137 error lot not . corrected .h,
Aar *th
tutivo..10 Th
and With suel
memoir and iriths,
The. Star, ,ste Uabi1Jtv abaal not, exceed ouch' l'e,:iPrOortio_n•ol
.the entire co. of such advertisement as 004140000,ocouid 1*.
"Mb a4vrtI.ment. Advertising rates. on
°Ammar Dal; 11; Night 84,
AtTOLIST 27th,1937
There aro a good many issues in the eieetlen exttripaign '
that Is now opening, antl party lines Will he bfallY.broken.
In this County the question of the beverage Mins will
be in the forefront, and thousands of voters will east their
ballots In what they consider the best wa,y td rld the Coun-
ty of the undestrable places. It is not simply a. ques-
tion as to which candidates have the best record from a
temperance standpoint, The question with many voters
will be: • How can I most strongly -impress upon theGor-
eminent (whether Of Mi. Ilepburn or of Mr. Rowe after
saie election)'lny resentment- of. the issuing of beer and
-Wine Il*ses in this 41A County and, _my desire that
these licensea beintintediately eancelled? ,
This. will be. the first opportunity the people of au-
PIM...County bare had of voting on this issue since the
beverage' roems were' opened, and if the restilti In Pre-
vious votes in this County itlre aPY criterion the opponents
.itri-Jthe ,beer pEtirOarti-e able to analte-thefr littliferrefre.
The ten'that taril.17
ktIfolir farle thlz bane 41+10e1S toipead
througbout tbe Jcov1neeT' WI* the action Won
be projeeted to. oikt* *mot extent into.
Volatl The *me bone was raised. in•Oonth, 41004
94. Taylor ,waa .nokutaatott, ihr the. i0onservtatives,
Volition leader* Pa** OrOdataf that -titor Intenktos wae
rOvinelet lection on certain Itteatione#
,A*14)* ickt
0.01,04414.7 there 'to rtOr M,rong.feeUng on
many DeePleititmghout Provinee that 11(Itior, fiewo
Ing entirely too freely', and that it '11 tOO..tacer to '0414111
, •
%ins. Hoy ..,KNEW ,wHAT 101.4pa
•• (Oirom The Perth, Ponrier)
"When a •Man knevis What is wropg,'With• Irk), he, knOW4
*something 4).0 great importance. 4!..:Staples„ a, vet-
eran 3414P editor, etends htn.,••Siitantere Nuitrel
neer ; ToethhaY,AArber, Qa,*tthe.,404. betireen,
the iOlando, Stapige eaeountere4..* 'yOUngster who had.
products wpieh Ltou ,44fir• • •
a' „Market 'basket full; ,eandies,*theyang glitat and Other'
!Pm YOUPligget .Wed, no 'fist* of energ7.
Staplea had *00 Wilert the. 11.41 ef)14,
pleted tile lad settled INtek on the ..otOlOns, ,read S for an*,
other nap. " "
Out late last" asked M. iStaplee. .
"No,'" 13aid Ire. "I don't go out nights none,"
44,00t.brisineS WOrr1e079
I oin't got no blisineas vvorrlee."
"Deal you work this. •boat. as oandr• selesanan?"
"Yes," said the 'NY, tbrt- don't Vror41, one none."
Further questions failed to reveal any hookworm, or
other disease. never had been sick ,in his life., Bis
appetite WaS good. - - .
"Why don't you work?" asked• "Th‘ere.
must be many among the forty or fifty passengers who
, might Want' to -buy." The' boy haft 1114iiegvtrog•,: j,00 744a
know Why don't work We' boat?" asked, iniddealy
shoWing some interest in the talk, "Then tell
1tnlbecatise I'm too darn lazy." And With that be turned
over and went to sleep again.
'plat what -we consider a very satisfying little' steal,
although we coaldn't tell you exactl3r trhY, we lite it so
movh. Thore'S prObably a moral- to. but It would sPoil
the effect Of the story, even -if we could; be bothered look'.
Ing for It.
• 4 •
Thesound of the Hy -swatter is heard in.the land.
Sit weeks of , polities willbe quite enough for molit
'Japan says Ale is not at war with -011411a. Just a nice*
!friendly fight, we suppose.
That 1 no riots among the 'boys and girls beeause
school opening iffdelayed until after Labor -Day?
Wouldn't It be Wee for the. other Clubs -in the Inter.
national League to let Toronto win a .game or two at tome
while the 1.1thibit1on is On? : - •
Iti..mne a the city. ridings the C.O.P. is Making a
halfhearted effort to cut O figure in the election campaign.
. It's ae use---4h1s is a tight between. Hepburn and Rouse.
Wards, as well as men, are known by the company
. they keep. For instance, °jamboree" had aldIstinetly dis-
"rePtItable inenning until ItWas apPlied to Boy. Scout ral-
lies,: Now, 141 -on are going On a jamboree; Sul* to
say Under" what auSpicee it is belag beld.
x.9.-m!,08htiwtit!, ineraber for South
nixJ In ,tiuf tegiidar'e, akmotintesAbiSite,iiretiieni fro‘
in11;11c, life: 1The foriner, Liberal leader relented bia depo-
sition in favor of Mr, 'Hepburn, and tas not been corafor-
table.ln his:011.tieal relationships since. The general
comment on M. Sinclak: is 'that be Is "toe mueb . of a
.gentlemariA to be a sucee.slfal
• „
Thi, .5•VarS iloWer sbow weconeof tbe heat ever held
,by‘thst local Ilertleultnral i$Oeletsflowerer,we are mob -
:ably within the mark in siaiing that not more thanone in
./ ten meinbere Of the 18eciety had any flowers in the.,show.
ail Ohl flower -gardeners of the town would send dome-
.. thing- for the, eXhibition, what a magnificent disipla,' • it
• wtRI tnikke;t
.1 1
4 ".• .1'Sit, .Ittnye. la !taring Ibla home riding, Dufferin-Simeoe,
• ."014.01','b ,h,"•11, rereeeitted In the Vederal Hope*, and
- ...-Taitetr,iti-Xegeided'as•a Safi Ibtlkstrvatire•Seatdattl-r01-
opPOSearen.- Or..;-,ShnOkonc Minister of ;Education, In Ventre
. the Omifervative leader is a" good avert in poll -
ca as well as on the race trat*, and in !Ittielng a than&
te is fitting' inSpiratien to his folla‘rs in all parts of
Xntb* env. mark. for .the peddler from out of
tOlvir irho tries to work off a third.trate talkie on yen ata
Wee at which Yea -eel& C•fet a really 'good artiele in one
:the torn at**. And den% imaVni.' you are hell*
tieing •SOnr-O4t4tOnte out of *Ant Instead of pet -
'104 haute. 'Phe Vereot 1010 gives ilia
(et 'At) 4101 tialtrn an, „ ehante i usuallY the winner
'it the long tett.
Avatle--there.-47-7, neraer&-'!"(21aV
• ..
exclusion of all immigration exeePt 'that ct....X3dureu 44m -
Ore or Dated States origin, there:tra\k„.0cowlonal*oggeel-
tiOn that certain other nationalities ought to be letintick
That thought was -etpresSed recently. by •Dr. E. W', Brad'
'win, principal of what is known as the Frontier Oollege.
This orgonirAtion sends, uniVersity graduates out to wc*-
cantp.s kinds Sackais mining, hunhering and road
construction to labor by day and act as educators at night
classes. L.aSt yepr there were 4000 lotorers in the var-
IOUs eaMP0 Who appliedfor this kind or instruetIon.
Bradwin• spoke to a Toronto audience on the to-
nrigration (Suliject, expressing the opinion that, although
it was desirable to.taine ritish imnilgrants:„Prodomplant
in the future, there was excellent ‘material among -Scan-
dinavians, 'Finns and the other Northern, Eurepe races,
avbe InaiPritr 'oil Canadians are likelyto agSe. 17.1tb
the general principle enunciated Tbk Dr. Rtradwin, The
British, Isles are not a prolific source of new settlers at
this time. That country is enjoying' a measure of pros-
perity thatilsiAteeping most of the population at home and
certain stelfil ;Oblation such as the,doie and old age pen-
sion's Is iniluericing even the more shiftless element to re-
gard Britain .as the most promising 'location they could
find. If we are to gain more population from the Old
World, there will liave to be arrangements to admit Scan-
dinavian, ,german, Dutch, Ilelgian, and other nationali-
ties who bare proved that ther eau make their Way in a
new country,
There IS no doubt that one•of our economic drawbacks
iS our meagre population. We have put a tremendous
iimount of capital into the construction of railway* and
other, facilities. 'We have the organization to handle a
popiatlen of; thlrty mililon while we have actually -Only'
eleven. It lama likely that we will Overton:to that defect
ridlly uule *e plan -to obtain.seleCted settlers intne
countries where such are available, . -
-That problem ought to be etigagIng, the, .attentlon of.
the Government. in 'a more active fashion at the present
*daily to meet the need of farmer*'
eon who IrOnd., to inake farinlng their
kfr`f.C.OF t .0P3*.4,
,a, ' 'e.J." -4-'-iviw.;'
covers, ski vro,z' ,and.,has een
VA It Ire0 , Dunean
Atarlit.AA'''AlialatCr. 'Of AtfrieOtntet and
Antes .0. rairhatra, ' zvputs, Minister
et .the .-OnteriO',Detarttnentef 'Agri*.
eultitt*,', Itt:tOrdunetton with Di. 0,•. 'I,.',
Obalatie,.,vresident of the 04:0, an
,the etdigge stair. . ' •
' am:tertienlariS•.'41esirons osee4
Ing aa. Increased ;Amber of two -sear
Marshall kI announting'. .the. cents*.
tin ordex- to eneourtle•' who
year studentl -froth,. p.40 -to; -400 per
treete;t:. IliNiddliiont there will be 11.0,
xturit,loitit,r4;14: opeftiltivte418' outrteu etlut itogTutree41.turalifiet/trattext je never ,fielahell, and
that the .histractiOn giveb at the tot,
lege wonld t farm-bOys for future
sears on, the farm. • -
new eouse, was otenthuslastic
'Eacji yenr, hundreds of young men.,
leant sOrXeol, before the, .11pAre, corn-
Pietedrt • ati , ," b
setae vases they are required at home
1'41'444'44r tgafg9t In4111carnint IlrelereIdijmfeeor900,1"g.
others- Wbo now 11nd themselves on
farina without the training, they de-
sire." . -
.\• •
`This;, nee'two-year .,course whieh
opens In September and closes on April
1.4th, 1939rpertnits 'students to spend,
the ent(re Opp season on the. farm,
t' •
products It Is alSo re••''
cOgIlite4," contiavezr- 4r, Ohrtstie,
"that the proIen ef the . farming
community demand that-ye,turg
who are to take their 'prope'r placeln
rural aetlivities Musthive ti training
in fundamental subjects, Therefore.
the 11e.W coarse ineludes:public speak-
ing; cempesitiort, matheinatics, Mere.,
turei 'economies, cooperationand the
larger probleax"'ef markets.' Graduas
than exercises will be 'held IMmediate-
ly at the -,019 of the course ttnd cord.-
fleitteii, Presented to those who have
c4m�etec tb* work 4D • *
1004 :Itebtek
beLi of the O.A.C. *eft woulG Lie re.
ent .01+the 0.44 booth, weet,
the 001beniag Vailadilan
8101**.l'oronto, to gire4lay,
tion desired as to the tvforstar or
other vow*8 at the O.A.P. '1'Iiosame
informationt- can -a1a be obtaIned• bs
wrltiflg dIrec to Dr, T. Chtlatie,
)bitt,ie 004.4 rta:W44es,e.
and 1474 Iland Caught -.
4040, three-yearOld 'denghter,
Of Mr.. an:ft:, AT* Josettk. Wtrie, of ,
Saltferd,Suffered a •
het' band 'when, ',It eaught-In
,wrt ;oil. her mother's ng,mai
Chine On Monday Morning.:‘, wash-
vas in the wringer wus
*opted:: .P.O.*10 left the.:
rota for *tt. start:tin*, The 'eltil$1
ellinhed af chair. andi'set,:-the .Wringer -
In *thin, ,,Sbe'Wela running her '461.1fro
dress 'throngh., the'Vrtriger when ''Itet.
hand' was ,etinght.' ''..,TbQ'tinge0and
thatnill were drawn badly
crushed before '",the: Mother.; attracted
by: the child's SereamS: of pain and
'fright, could reach the kitchen.
-'-KINIGiSOR13)40, Anglia
McKay', "of Rainy River, returned to
her bore on TbursdaY atter a
-pleasant visitat the how, es of , her
uncles, George and Thomas Drennan,
31r.,,Thes.:(Orieni. oeMaidetone, was
visitor wlth .Mr. 4. Wallace last
week.., . , •
afr• John O'Malley .,•• • and Miss Irene,
McCarthy, of 1)etroit, spent last. week-
end With '114r., Wm. •000arthr. where
Mrs. O'Malley and children, are spend-
ing the'bOlidays, •
Mrs.. 0. O'Malley and, .daughter
Gladys afersperidink ir few Weeks.; at
tended, the , Mngsbr dge garden party
last Wednesday.- Mrs. Long and Wil-
liam remained for a few days visiting
among . „their - friends, Mr. J. B.
O'Loughlin; is spending a week or two
here. •
Messrs. Pat. J. Sullivan; Dennis,.
Eugene and Joe ba1ton,4Cyril O'Keefe
and Edwin Myers spent the week -end •
at the Martyrs' .1Shrine.
The Garden Party.r-Kingstridge bad
many visitors, on Wednesday last from
nearby townsand from more distant
places, the oceilition being the annual,
, •
ucutripti, v.
ptember 7th, 1937
lootmstst;stenographio—commercuix—secro_ *44
M. A. STONE, Corn„.Sp_eciall,st,
'.,.‘"‘arden,:tartS; --whi4 ativess a rel.-
ViOt ••tizae°':.for Kingehridge 914 bele
antt,girls,. The weather was ideal,
and - after a bountlfal slitter served
In the hall the people gathered on the
lawn,'Where amusements of 'various
kinds' veto IprOricled. for tlima., iter.
Sulltyan of Clinton was chair,
1044. or program of "instrumental
And 'Tecal music ' and---eneecheSTtand
later' the young People enjoy,ed a
dance.....:Ouring...the. evening the draw
was made for a number of prizes, and
the annouireernent of the -wirmers was
reeelied,•Awith much. interest. \Alto-
prtherhe •event was a huge success,
arld,,,th 'workers ate to be congratu-
lated.upen the result of their efforts:
gun! n , patAttatg
". and IPIT.ORAL
21-honr Invalid oar fil,:ertlee
17 Montreal St. rime, 399
Our Alen "Will Shoot Old and Disalkled
CON*" 1110 TALI.70”/
:soinutm EXETER 235
Ms. Joss?* E. GERBER; 'Bit No. I, mill
bank, Ont, writes; -.2-e" Several months ago I
• was troubled with eer.ema on my hands.: °
cold not help with tht3, milldng my
hands wereso sore and itching, and r could
hardly -put them in water. ,A,fter I had
taken one and a half +bottles of B.B.B. I
found my hands were healing very quickly.
I have never found a remedy to compare
with B.B..13, for purifying the h1008."
-A prodoet of Tile T. Milburn CO, W.. ll'oronto
Ont. •
What do we plant when we plant the ,tree? . •
We plant the ship.. which will *reek Vhe sea. •
We plant the mast tb. carry -the eat
We, p'iturt the'pla.nlos to withstand t gales—
The the keelson, the beam) the knee;
We plant the ship when we plant the tree.
What do we plant when we pleathe, tree?
We plant the houses for you and me.
We Plantithe rattens, the shingles, the iloorap
We -Plant .the studding, the. lath,: the dogs.
The beams and Siding., *11 parts that bet.
We plant the ..1rOtiae When we Plant the 'tree,
States Party's Stcind on Labor.
The national policy of the Liberal -Conservative Party, Provincialand Dominion,
for many years has been to create industry for the purpose of providing work and
wages for- labor and a pi-oft:table _home market for the. farmer;the lumberman and
other primary _producers. The .Party"S sympathetic attitude, towards'laboris evi•
deneed ,brthe, Sodiai legislation 'on our statute books 1.
The Liher41-Couservative. Party believes that labor should receive a fair share
of the fruits of industry and is entitled to organize in order to improve the lot of
the wdiker as regards wages, hours, security in old' age and all ,Other conditionsof
ixicinstrial. life: 'The Liberal -Conservative Party reaffirms its traditional policy of in.•
upon the maintenance of law 40.Order in all industrial disputes and pledges
, itself firmly and scrupulously to uphold the laws of Canada.
Tlie LiberaU.oervative Party In Ontario .stands for the following:
• •
1. 'the litht of employees to bargain collectively
CsO‘Oen initunialtAion,
throrler. t OW,,rt • representative. chosen without
What do we plant when we plant the tree?
A thousand things 'that we'dallY eee
We 'plant the avire that out.torzers,:the-Crog
NWe plant' the .etrrff for our teutit4rit ilag4
We plant the Aide, from the hot earl tree,
We plant all these when we plairl.t the tree.
WISE and 0'
Ertriot atker
• t.
i"An Otitati0 nelPMPOPer obeetTea that no Chinese 'crave
It etty, to wet * haat& it the *hit affainyt
110 *titian Why _dame in: tilts (wafts
*o to the gee* et Wen There le 01 ileaittk of
Walesa be rowel** *On* VOA*
that fir kektio in the' obtuse, toot
00 itt Canada ia,,Makinglas inoit useful contribtition
to ti* 'borne land la,,,1**anstng Ore and *nab* mow;
*sitar o ifiew are 4614, ',to; tte1p preilde food and muni-
tions for the armitsjiliht are. fighting the Javaneee invade'
Oil One thing •the Japsate dolngbr their violent action
is the forting of a. national eVirit wh4eh hitherto bad 44p-
--"Virtil. 6.1* almost nonexistent ,k the Chinese. *
• ,
*(0014: V110 10% ),Ittrys ,.Journal -Argus)
barketing, e‘tatielnv of IX' 114 k is
Paid 10 be one of the finest organirationsi of it 'kind any-
idwe. A oontontorael. *trot 44$34-*, therniteh
apeetiont:.•„„vtLen) ,atid the ;bookkeeping that ‘Itt.Part of it
*Ott it that Mould, anybody encounter
bed Danish egg at his breakfast table In Aktsion, Paris
'Oettin, te ton send it Oa* to the linpoto, who 'Mir
(tomtit It to the Mini* extorter, who "wilt through
bX (.0opotative organization, trace it 1)00 to the farmer*
who, In turn ran Identify the hen that kid it and*oeak.
io her *blot
,ittOW PAR WILL tt SiltE,ADT, ,
(Prom The Orautford tapoattor).
other aAtirpriSing deVeloptataoftttrxed tit the Ne-
ill* tonikation, on 'Thursday lest at Winginun fur
kroulltuee Protineial tiding, 'Olen W.,/t. LOgetn ot
stet wits thoesti ne tillindard.bettrer on the temper*
, bone- Mr. Ikon entered the Ilea tintineetedity, ,amt
.ip*1 on the beer polio Of the Ilenburn Gov.
ettra nt, 4‘1 Au* for the retWetiett Of 1100e," ite 41eciata
alt the beterage exion14 *tiOit .4tro• vaulting tp*tita.
Olt tettofitie *04 fOl that Thud
trot of 114ner. it Ti'im elOted,„ With SO
' SY.
triVitti-thz /id, Of XTtirctitE
The jaPts ,stein to have bitien woe thin** an
• • •
HOW baeltWasd Itt speech modern infants- ate, ',lob
cursed the day be was betn.
° • * • •
Suleide lute oraiadvantage. Thepdeettir doesn't. wor-
ry whether it WWI anything be
• • • • 0 .
' tlitz to jail ;t1 man tot bigamy. mere tha
One taet 4.11-1AW.
* * *
2. It is and. has tot -many decides been, a Act that bodh.
capital and labor are liternationalin their orga
ACcordingli the right of the Worker to belt:moo, the
elmoeing, Canadian oi international, craft
or,bidusixiatiti* irovidedlalw.ys that.
the unionennuit Observe, and that Capital moat 9
in all tt* aclio"not 4e:taws of Canada.
3. The 'Shot' ItonSerfikthro Vartil .unalte#34
poeed VI; the, introduotioit Ontario of, sit-down
llolitlion* of ow, law, and
itchy places itself on record
lities whether *Spare
=IOW affiliated, with,
or or. 40F'AFinninn,44500
ertountrieot both a
on the tame primula:a
424t ti!ei
Y 44filgvn
iri to °,
the C. 1;84 the Ai F. of
eapitTd*or 111444. ,
That te_pn Yes
anekiseborti shall
aa Mier to our
• Wilt.
.A. uolenat, We'readi AgeAe ralteli•as ttte t.41111e
'writing a stery.„ ealicebout the readet
• * • • •
Okla are funny. Itert reVer ean determine ono likea
thwi eff ddilefog ility Witt' atter site bat tat iota
• * *
DumbutiSS•rind earterkes ate %in*, -thete Is no. notite-
able distinetion. bstireetit the, man who kees a loot bead
when all around hit* lose theirs, end, the Man 00
dtimb bb heti no idea what ereitemeut all. 'about.
player * -
,Golf Is a game' where the •ball toOrilt and the
well. •
• *• °'
It'S-eaSy to wave trieuda. treteud you're Inter:SW
inr *bat the other feltoW la' 404.
, * * • er,
v1/4tatever: eta* It may hare tIonethe lePitheeo Itift`
sten, of 'Chha
ina g prtibtiW 4'004 it ir More Auliecti:res,
to:* ittiide4 to the Chino* Irotahulart.
• *
'ilVethIng Eier trY bating X foot
Oil to a fellow 'Who has 'gent?, • °
• * *
*then an electiatt near S Matt Pelitittena tearr, .the
Othet Votes word t flu4 the root of the .eolititryt'S
troubles, tutt It would be mel ' sitntler If they, looked
a mirror.
16410 SnO'kostotk Co's du, 'imite00, who $0,11 btiORAKt
*to are stolen ought to be 'glad that mot of them
o•rolitt'd toPpintotte
Thit 41410tet seem, trite:
'11`otto Aut:$on' knock thisvedes lett 414 lir
Motert4t 41 'didn't. ktletig him down. 1 Jot sited
ip to 11$ 'kite- lap tar and *MK to Id that potaa. He
. .
.tinotion ' the state in sa indpitits!
mi 4-foiti. fake no awe- alitv to **an:
.,, ,.,
ovocative force, 5 • to en*
4 in
tially administers ttalon for the , ,
of Ina 1
6; The right to Wort in Canada la not depcsider4
upon akernbershitativany organisation.
/. That no strike Shall take gime until all teams:141a
'Methods of cOnCiiittion are ezhaustedand the'irot*et
should hats the tight of secret ballet ifrO from Intiropet
Weenie or coercion m a 1 l'idooisioot relating to tile
&outfit. -
`a. the Liber
of atisocia0on. Mwit
belief ,that the
people. and kei
that cpublic opi
that the
reform is
'41ktilte hats ff?ontiatio in *0
past 4,'theprinc441i freodoni
Taworty affirnta its
esecnco of actieritiq hug:* tlio
106401a.tul Of* alatattn*iN
be Icat but not driven and
&ark of orderly Ix -Ogres and -
ilia cornmen sense of Sill *sea ot.die
so* 8tated frankly and fearlissly my party's policy toward laborAtialstw
- stand now, as atory' for Ittw And a
order, for , under all Ammo
cy is the'tlemoc*atic British method, and I shallapply thes pdnciplee
tration of our provincial affairs -
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