The Goderich Star, 1937-08-27, Page 16,• szo '57 "en bY P WmgIuu +110Ccird of Meat 404 Wen peaket* ie twino,tut, .Aug.- tOtttfluron-ltruce _ , _ • atibetele.' 'te*etiat Ineeelieeritioo ere :•,tela -.afternoon, renotteineted,(.:Cherfee. 401*rtion • for ,'aetrther tetIn In the heelebititre.. ", • ' svere, two • other noxnlncea W. zt4*..*40e,,#Otttt.itoiVen tre,(1.'In Uie tot 11. ,Altroney,e'eorriget pethlteher'et The. ,, tt'it,-41iPOittt , "tt: • Mr.: 04001PW.- at* _at:help* tett out and nnid .40 felt t':'1.41).1)04404:". bad been •mern- - 01,0t0tt supporL on M' ;.,9btrt*Ott, )WdWIt1F ,titt ottertepo YJ *PO -goo 04soils 00"1 am askln' eo I 44,tne. 8 Olt reelfP'se te•teeits +`t+Pre01P tiprae) 1 0411 t'04 tut, , etteeti..- ler', . promlses at thelaet '* ii.onted ee tuOuttT,10,0146 ' t‘t ,iltd.:iiie how lie eonld, 'Whit ,r but $ te 4 . iwis one .0 so.tcr the ebility. We Were, *oe, „na1n elaht, tinitPledellar.o.u!to0+4410)1 ilia , 5 !V Ittood tl, : t °mom, 04 ER 6 FoUowIng the ae e- ot ot totinte,. the Goderlch, 4Pablie Sehoql Pont4 an Peulleee that the.otientag of Victoria and ,-Vtliztrt4E- kobito..ogbooia".mta be *ionra,,,00:111r\t:,!mttotos VToeildiikritii:$4,tat4tot Iii' ho later Oat' link littolt tittidotit upon, be.; 'cote eft*, **JOAO: oPidotalt ot In- fantile paraiyaln,- • There are uit,cgitot of that -414eane . In Gedertellit but In- conslder*tLon of 'ell' the :tireOneetenitteti- iteheee been, thetght, ntliteahle to the'..childrenete tette* -at•.110;01.„„e with. after '4box Ittiee 'OePteriber Oestt. Celleginte XnatItelte A itt .617!*e; .tlie 141*.t,,,),ta,trooH*1,vaaes,dotieetwidroo_ell'Iti0c• iool Board, Altd ttetottlYigl$ ,Collegiate institute will nateee0Perl 'toren*tall term ,untll Tqa11,00307i, 'Se'eo taketebv the' Separate Sthool Board. • o er tws for 'her., and he :batt'teniediett that tilatiOne ,• • ' e liom • "Within * Shen •thne the ' motti •littatea ',mitt bet :404404 let' -a 'large' ;41t .t,eireoent tuttt.' believe tlit they will :Dees be ;04 at fivo 4.011g I .h10,- . "We are now jiayIi two and...0qt that and a • letlf*itettcoatt,fot looney tt , we foMeelet had • CO, NY' 41* per +cent. Ole 'tliXt tiOSt1fttl.-1*-Wa sub. tirtaettat treauttititt:to aIL of an In .114400; hilrierr -ifiletiwte.tErte 'AWN beta .tedtteeet ,t‘r. thatttainIti,' 400 iny' .for ;Rumen, 4644,..tbit,t0tibt '0031te eltir4.4* we Wee, Oterellantlee?tote of the i,ttbiektiti,rit„It4t1' the- -,ovitnelal ' ' ter1444 ------ttotintantt44 tithitIlberat e et* tierifti atiberel Ofte? -1. DicI4 • , P. for "Serth,illitteue, **:. he. eensider their 4001% we !pm fr1et4Stiteet1lig'this Vinefitt ',ttovermaentttttttftOtttttteitain- ritt they- are het eseitiett'IsetteVre'llithit icorisidet their • tecod,t'*4;•ttlItit wi tto it 10 she** 'that AkeYte/eteriere 'es , *ed 44,:youngstor.t. „ 1104011*ite :reetliteee that r of Mn, and s' 11 , n, ,rai ttaeked progiesalngiepk 'tt• mild later.. ' 'Zphyr"Int-be 18t14. Mte and iteIr teatttf. IYa leave the* it le girl in 'bete I tat ttere'tieekted. to rash her ndOnt fitY', auto and, oitInued by tile% te onie paseener gave nie Weled alellerer In Order.; Might inedeln gete Toilevstowe and the Mi. iawso„returned to GoderiOb treettreenden Said .Witited,antttensly at Abe yrsthe Witheldh. tem OthisfeehadOne, * ',bee 144 et eix4e*rold *here; in a -or Wheleetteertedoeurepeit fitir41e1t eiferts. Wit 'hati: WOW nigltts�go, 404 tat ftreltitnrit - Is lecillet4nigt,t0400,.**ettfte„thetee' Con- etlef that ettitetneiit afeclethe the Tory ,riontteld eclitten, wt. Harold lent ” the 44 64I NI. 004 !mit , tit ..hateber. .sho Alexandra last week-eI at *were hte4:',Itenlide*elYeet 6 *not '40001teCIOttYtIo0t tbe tOttOit ft,0*.att*I0*11:1t,04- lettt ttrOlttiiilbttCto,I,bottie;7tAot ' 'esigtioitiefteenit ._Tegre.**f-t*ttt'WWol%er.teeXtt0It,r-ttdt"ijtt • cl-wrftetitattlit'tittilleittteitittiffiliet* - - • -- tat' letideetif Whidtrint Mee: the bite , :Sitiltheeene 'repaiting, the.etiodt tmdoollisr;,,.,0* out bir044.:zatto tfiog, lophig bare' .1Ie deeftt. „ , (tti, toot. tinit shot oter thee eaves, -but ttilt ide ititrty-toot to. It'ttotact„ was broken by 4.:iiitotttack, by *Wen lie jtelied.' .00, ,stages to ,th'e. gr0004e. taMith iniffexed only wiper •in' the attuel • Winui tik *to 0 e 044 6' `Wedneeday„. October Aged% ter' the Onterie The aratouheeteellie* ler Ileplitifte Este 's,..mtatatc Iiith; hI �i 410toittattont day ' is terniter , enda - : The latoro vhi 00601 elected Of the itt eats the the Contejitatites tat-1004tbeexepti s leet1on TI C.,/ileP• Its eti eeetding t Ion addt ftt Is- the date ral election. e „Prellt!: after . Official 7. free"' 4 polling. IP 110W to be 10ths.1934,• _ ?ra Is won 1, tilde- . I, ' With 'teethe tat. standing Is after "the 1,01r, *Recio.o, tilirawit Modest .laD$glag* Vet t an o ter W ied,: *it ,, . elnbl e for in " Wie ` Oft 29. , 69 Sat., . Aut. ;— it 04 80, die en., Aug._ 22' Stt 60 Mon., Atiftega 152 87 60 VOL, Aug. 246 .0.0.48 64 St.' 58' Ytt'd Aug. 7fX 68 ,Tit12;11%,, ,N6gt.24.-.8d 61 .66 .56 fiNIC1414-0, littIMEL - Tile.nietrriege.'ot Jean %ill, seeend daughter of lee and 'Mrs. W. t's '.°116°'It :4°114' be Itl-V*46r °tit R°We Joh* ,Oneli, of Kittle On ofethe late *4‘11*el' 41441'4414d**"' * 11$44e Mr. and Mrs. of Bullet avern- ' 040t are 6e4P6 *tit *th extra was laoleinnised Wedneedase bee* t 25theatehe litters'et the. bralett trentit„,t The cote:0feet ' Pete ortnedeon t nee, lawns" at -tiee*eltrtaetbyt Satesel • J. + MeerthOtetir of ItOtaleat• fernier Minister et .Outittio street thiltiel.sehurotit-.43110tefe, .11ege. Outten etseisted, fete evher wee • -an * totter:tea year, me whdle4 • Premier lietthetet get ai icandidattte"', .1. ,at the Legielatireh !tor Duititehettmene giten.lteinirriair by ter hate., we're Ing, deetarede 4thaeltydro • eentraets a geern of white Suede lace °vet sa,the were eorreeitett hitheireilty and she tuft lath. veil of terobtoiderd net eatOt for that reason &motto** ttoet tilt infix* Itttiet 00e • She carded * Mt, bother Me et the inetuod .estie ,..tatimv.i. 01005,sniketlitobour smut:: Which they were elloteqsed•of and winch forth eette; eslOtilline • Might even be considered eh enietta, •0 niecein.44, the, It74°61F4' edWiegsfrolke _ flower*. green erg* ital. We, aint out „Ilyar(tetttutt t and tattoing s basket ef /*Mott daisies. 'the ()lichee power interest* and Power tee* toteenteed, lit mese organdie b"glierselltP0w4Werolligbbel nk.414 ;111210004" 16 j)irt witliTialO it to 'match. She 'letting for as IOW' AS ‘14 -Per horse -'Mena. Ili l*Wkildit' b°"tiet °f Yellow t. ton augmented inte distrihuter wee **spot Plutootee was ler Ws" blue cortattovrer, Mr. Mau - - et ther (tee° faee- Yettg ladt• Ithe 211104440th,,0 ter War nett t thank*, f *cden, eititategt tbf,1,)attet 1,136 learn big ane power. s egeotere of London was the r+e‘We inheriteil ,ot*' beat 40. The ,wttiding *arch Peril's*, 1E14 It Wet* tut* 0 Ore was pia* Plutesteel, 'When the 0004tinit kittreyninent aunt of .the bide. -.4fter the teeeP- Went lilt 600: Iv* tett et d uorAtio wow* tepadti. the bride and Agitates loolik4,4 4s4,9k .usiAlt, Go, *out left on 4 Witter hintikokii.• • On Meets tebtele oefrial4110hede' lieterfige, their *urn' they -*me at -mew, .1.00t30 tg)iebi; :ii*tikoroits ;.sneit is' Minister of the Wage' my car doeter'= niee fereheact ,Witsr dreseedt , hieve'efilY praise tteeffiXtrtar yolW service andeble attetition," Abe 'Ont. - ,Alt• hough the timer of teuspigioe -pointetoeseeettalle *Meer in Voce bete,. be tier4eifelety knowledge of the affair or ot thetteingadmirer -Of courtliness and breeateuttotoft ' But, then, hetes, at'merried Man. ' I • I at rita ttle CO 'electinate, bern In eleco `Old. They fe4 oppo- ilfit of the for Iiidete nti(lett It** General Mot 'requested neterfellase 'Ititchineet-4Te dih"' Young, Sou* street: • eot Mre'1'hC eeeee"Teet li, Ur. ried Aitkee, of Goldstone. —eteeee'etete,,e" Ont., are guests Mee, James Erit,Fa- eearieer Com- Ont., Ilton, Nevelt** street. ' '1"t" '• Mrs. T. Corrine of 'Toronto, was o ;tater, new- fi reetent visitor at, the home of Mrs. tee''arethemt 11. 4Math1eeen .144* *re+ „,„. alitit4344. 'Retrert Johnston and **nod to ,, 11X,,,,e44-„41°,;,„P°oete. Mr. andeldrs. A. le Cole have returned rette't‘t• from, a trip through Muskoka.asurr - it„,t Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kaitting and Mr. and Mrs. W. Arbour and family Tlelted eseettellOrt duty ueee with Wendt at -Guelph'. 90 Sunday. ereermeeteier'mttetatie- tele Nym. Thinkett, of Port Albert, ibthe- belief has bee returned after spending two weeks Witte,her' niete;. •Las. H. Watson. War- - 9t}' ten street. • 'MEN tIeltedOn S'azt nit t*,4 ,ttetit• • 11111/411i0At1111):10ailljn°7"10,. t 14, 'halt*" CVoni r‘C°"! :Vas Jane $0.11tett Of 4,1001141m, is the eet Of *hie 1442thie Whew • • _Mr, ,tlethe..1,4teen 'of ttew. York, is ttetting bie Old lit/MO.1We, - Illes'Ellietbetle Burnet, "et Toronto, 15 the 004 Mrs. (lenge ZootrUer. \tliefittt MO/ gettaY all& Gertftule A. Mitt 'spent the week -end Zurich. 'Mies MacVlear is in. Termite attending the fall millinery opening. Rev H. D. Moyer -mid Mrs. ,Moyer, of Preston. visited. friends in WW1' on Sundae. • Miss Winifred bee -returned •from a tholiday trip to the Produce of, tie re--- • Mise G. Carbet, of Topeka, te-ansne Is spending Some time with Mrs,. C. L., Moore. , %las 'Margaret Taylor, of Toronli. Is visiting relatives and friends in Goderieh. The Mimes McKinnon • are attend - leg the millinere displey in Toronto this ,week. Mies- F. „Feench, of Toronto, is visiting at the lure of. Mr, andeStrs. At. .1StreCOnnen. Mies ,Mabel Braaley retuteed home ,recenely, having spent a month With. Ater aunt at 'Guelph. Mies Ponea Bell has returned' from holidaying with -friends at .11aMiltorc Iton antr• - fi" •-• • • ok- 4.1t44)4.4 Cs$00 Of infant* Itttnkt44.„:„, te, , Ottlesftell. *heel beta* `ere'. taking no 'eleeeette ef ellOgnitelluirthe ;lieeith of boy* and *tie „telt ,tharetdet. Vett:Jo loop the oolottitibliot tooptivate and Colle, trinte—oteted ,tattti 'September "t, the tinY 440 Xanbtr Poi,* tt. It itttlottltottine *gra wow • wilt Wag the 'etrot 'Weather .ithleh swords *404 ;_pp, tot:bows suseePttbIOtr 'the, 40441Y gttnt ay pretventing the, Whiten trete een•ltregglitil, tt.irtlettllitlY in schools,. where catteelte ettentiance is-eiipeeted this eatetteteeterne tieing Otep. will be taken •the prevention of the dieteise. One door. eelmitteelt' "Itte have leid a vounle Olghtes, no true case 48 Yet." Or Duffertn- eueniber resitiVes into 114 luta. eeSeecotdo of . *ate the rat he he eirtet.b5i004 0Yertitnentehre 0. • *04, eptittattaAnks led twat-1We Rev., W. P. and Mrs. Lane are holi- daying at Brute •Beacb and intend to motor to Port Elgin, etf,ereaga Beach and -Toronto. '"' • • *' 'Miss Doris Hill, of Toronto, is spend- ing holidays At the home of ber par- ents, Mr. fuel Mrs. iltigh Hill, Col- borne*township. , • Mr and Mrs V Vie taw, of Toron- • . . - to, 'Wert in'town for the week -end. 3111140 Mery • LitW is guest of Miss CelkUnit:101W11:17re.' °Sian .M.riAt 1. - wt* tt't Mr.*Iiiid Mrs, Oran June•sed een, of • *rrft-,uttt -re, . 40tetitient,' Of the Its - 401046.464.64461046.4644,66040.666474,,,6,46.644,666 TRIP TO. EASTERN STATES Gedeirith Pa2titr Sees 'tilidits of New „ Toile nitil'Othet Centres MT, 4114•104> TaelOr and eon, A. S. Taylor, 'Who epenttwo weeks with Mr. and iteri. Wte4 Orttelrod on a tor tour tour-irf theeleew England • States, returned- to Goderieti on Sunday.' Mr., and Mrs, GrIndetettneteted on to Parry Sound, where they willtepend a week 'with relativee. • The parte+ moteredt ealong, the beau-, tiful Taconic ` tied- Mohawk -Trails en rou e-ttrtirdt-fttliktiWil a v tIttettt.B.edfatitttigettttrttltildttl.t Ittit t'ritt-uett'lailte motoring -7 ptogrenft -W.-- eluded trips to New leek City and Its it.O.A. and libliPire State buildings; to Ply -mouth for the Priday reenact- '"?EigsZ=V: • Cita. Agterilleg-to Boli‘Ctrty% Owen Sound 'truth "hiring out' In this diserict to arriaets, there' le en abundance of work ,tor those Wee ,leriut sit. In feet, oo easY Is it to got a job that Bob told 'his, employer, ittostie Cox, of Gederiele township, that lie would work as long ref they got along together. • • BO VMS telling all this to Magistrate J. Itt 'Mulch's on Thursday when the atteraPtlAs _Under the tilitste& anti Servants' Acts to get nine and onetutif days' •pay out ot 09x. . That was ea long as their friendeldp lasted. elle thought I Was it .horse just i)e- cause I wore a toiler." „complained the youth, too I looked around for an- other Job. I lined tip two wades one I 'picked is a snap of a job and I don't ,meee maetre." • Coxeet this point thought thirty bad - said enough and *tiered if he might ask the complainant * few questions. Permiseion was elven and for the next. few ,roletitee questions and answers, acteisations. and deplete flew thick and test, with the examiner's votee -finally rifting above the tumult to' warn Car- ty to be careful. "You're under 'oath. , eYbuSq • kn°76-11." 11511644"47—'40x,t, orehip called a Milt and the ' • OurL1P titt." sTh—et--utthstg, The mimes he's been calling me—' but before he could finish he was gent- ly but firmly eased from the court. ,voom: • TS Jail for tilgarettes • A. Kilmartin, *ebo wes, arrested ,,a:t • Windsor- amt. 'brought tetGoderich.ey Contitable ,Dawson, R.C.M.P., to ;face' it charge of eniuggling Anzerlean cigar- ette, was -found 'minty and *sewed a fine of tete and costa of 489. He o was ' unable to pay and took the alternative of thirte days in JAIL ' itfteeneteeraold *Indoor. WY, t found guilty of tetanus watch and a small eum of money from a booth at Grand triond, wee, released in cue- tedyerandol,Bedituda mosiothener,„aisnutoe thtriboy 'wstasattaget It Was a muter practice with huti- deeds of boy's from Windeor to spend the stumme-r about the ,ceo. 170A:it:Cuie streostnovneatisile,ru:it w:at,alehozaletftlenrre:3; covered end 'retureed to its tightful WInghaIn Robert Q. 'Bart, of Madge. *owes, • 'bill ovvIng 4George bf merit by ,teettentel Mee, women and ehilileen of the parade of the Pilgrim Fathers *Om :Plymouth Rock to it nearby centeteit for aeng„ aftvieel to wport'S lintel training base, one of tent .tit0 tee to the harbor bi which *este she.ltered the Etelesiv- one. 'tenger, Yankee and other racing 'Ott. of outstanding Interest were the-magnet:1cent and , beautiful estates of the eteaut of the Altlelleas "400." the Van Buren,* Vanderbilt,' Morgan, Stuyvesant-Fittlet Bradley and other famillee. afternoon aleo was spent. "retelling .the Istopidea. leading amateur teimia ‘stati in Attlee at the Newport k'''asinie. • Among.; thera. were Don +Midge, toprenking player, Gene Malt% Parker and renowned' British anit Ceutillental, triers. reilittY 6 g Ilititte, lee „tee. t shorts, 'rt. Peat, nie*.ti• mt. I 'did ,not 44 of aleetet, In Ont4itto. It•ettif• to It thit tant 4n,potter. witty ...dolt aye r'itandlibg opttattottid.1.0 Ole . Odlitteltieene to the lectedet. tifertierg suecessfon - duty • Ur: 'Wive bouPtthie 14edteir 100sti *itited;:tietlio• the, 'hurt ont c011ectione.. ntittedttltluitt itditerthilttlitteit ltnited. ehattlit• art istoilia Were ,griiiiptv litirePiovtrieet bitt they are now bodied ie Inlets neeeslike', way. TeltkO!ft, tblitCt tingq, the • Lhittor Control tthetll ' *Wes were inetett plot* to g pontioal hangentah nott.„$04t ',Seth tour metolber And we do rot believe that dry 'caw °AO" is as strong lee."Weinust teenember that -denittritie orattet and for that reason tite' eani ,litivetit just td mite' ate or* indtviatiel /point. t bite heard ttreailer Hegel% O say otturt the liquor Is hard teregulete and tbat he ttish, the .tidingtt ' ere all dry. We are tgOingtiottel d rettriet the „beverage rotniiiievett.Mote; because I (lb not itelletit the tt ate. a good thing In one municipality. " 9n the old 1_10.,eiSived bar mewl, 'there were no ladiett. The day is not far nway when ladiestevill be'eicluded from 'beverage teeing entirely. In feet, in the first draft ot the inn, dritvting• viat pernittted oin beverage rooms between ttie. 8exeit Then 'tante the motion wbicli „inedett tentieuteory • ter botels hate two roeine. One fat, intlice and °fie for Men. Note. I pre - diet thut thinking, by women will. not be eetomitted beteitige Mime" HW PRACTIIREIti -- Mr. Maty • Ryan, elderly' tesiftent of Victoria „etreets was taken to Alexe tirtd,rn liospittil on Monday with it fat- tured hip tuitained in a lett itt‘her home. lit spite Of ber ycars mtg. roan, tettotted to be 40/og steely. 46, .4..,,,,461,144..:4 4146 461 ottrruARY • ottrei*Mai leeitheMtre of•Tbeelttte* leesttottat Wilebetthavettitiet' lng °Meer for the PrOtincial eleVtlofl Hz South Hurter. Williene G. Writenti of :WA= Is returning *Meet for -the Huron -8110 Tiding. WIC MOORE e, On \Vellum/ay therteptissed away at her' bottle' Newgate street ait esteeirteit resident of Goderieh in the perso"le of Mate Jane Chambers, wile of +Wino Mettpte, St Atoofes who *toe le her oeventy-eighth year, was, .1)ern. coderieh eowitship, a datightet ,Oftltiehaid Chambers and Matt lite 'Oolletieie who, &ening respectivelt tient Erigtand and Ireland, were among the early settlers a the die - tied..., She bad lived iri Goderich for eify yeers, her hitsband being a mail- etutier u411 Me retirement reeently. Surviving, Ibeekle.4 her Migrant'. are ehlideetir and eleven grendchiltliee. The .ehildreti tire George moor*. of Detroit; Mrs. 3. Sieber. of NVitideor ; -ttittt •TOX, Pt:eyrie, of tine -me Florldn ; William +Mote, Jr., of town; Tolin Wore anti Atet. Core Itissett. of ittoderieti. township, titie'edgm, was n member of Vieterie street itrated and in the ab. tenee of the meter. Rev. A. te. Moor - holies'. the furieral ereeviee Satut Ally. will 'he conducted try Rev. ,A. W. ItroWie leitetteeitt will be in Sfait- land Cemetery. to vefernat intthat Liquor Contra. Agt, administtatiree hi the Ontario 0111 iteivieet. not yet stated, what ridifig be intends .trt stotiteitt .Sh6 ht,'Int;eiecttto tuivi in, ;centre SW-, 'PROVINCIAL IIIGAWAV It is atinounced that feken Augimt 23th, the road fkoni 4.mberley on tbe county boundary running easterly through Listowel to rilmira. a Wit, tante of 40 miles, is taken over by the Province as a. Welt; Highwatt Tide move was requested by a deputetion. from Huron, Perth, Waterloo eel Wellington last Winter. • . WIGWAG AtC.N.lit. CROSSING A Lvov of altit laet week erected a vrigvrag warning bell at the 0,14tR, crOisAng on, bighweire No. 8, at the ontekirts of 'the Owe, where there hate beeretwO Since' thetfall of 1604. , addition to the belt and Wilentig red light, there , the tense: 8004Oot lighted warizing trigheat eitheresideerit the track, also eve at the 600 -foot mark and a highway edge placitig the epee() at twenty mlleter per hour. TKO. • fee eeveret toontlis, eeturneg bete home et (Winnipeg. Aloe Betty Jenner, of the Oleic Child- ren's IHospital, Tormitot hollaaying with `IAer Parente, Sir. and Mt* tket. Jenner, East street. - Mee and Meer*. George rower and 'built/ Of tierrlsbOrg, Ont., are vhvite itigtaethe hotter of Mr. Pruitt, broth- itt;iktr, J; w. Preset, . Me and 'Moe A. Vr. Gibson, o• weoene,slitpwr.hitch...$11,,lisvimpes, hsoenwo, volitmoditsl taritt:tit_.4114.1c,reivrevis_luirll't e1,4tb1P6lebt,theillrftseru•nat 1,11‘wart e.„Jaaeciee mummer. Mrs. A. C. Feltz, qf Lima, who Mitiliter ltducation. • • Of SHANGHAI FIGHlr . Was h guest with 'Mrs. C. Moore, , • 44.4• Aft ; East street, yvas called to her lion* soitmtijottitt ce is on eccount of sickness. , oak*, in cioni,,„ Aia,,,.. . Mrs. Charles Merril; has returned to ' Lecat7'6,-11,Gete have more a her home in Detroit after spending the erettiotie intereet in the wart now waled past two inonths with.. her mother, hg between melee teed eetteate_eller, Mrs. Douglas McKenzie. \ htetee*, peftronel interest, for ever00 Of Vrovireetel -Orme-able Leelie 'Tee - a member of the local eoldify **twelve genre, - of Kirkland Lake, formerly of Is ie. the Melt or the fightifiret ittailinitt ,Godetitic with Urs. Tregenza. vitited hal. tie is Wong Wei, tinte of Wong friend* In town oli Wedneedity. Lung Pet, coirk at Gordoirteirerettereee Mew, Meaty Clerk and baby daugh- tantaint. ' 'Wong Wei, *lie tit utenty. ter have. returned ItOnte atter spending rOut Yew* 610 and a gradbietee of Oen- 4 ,eteelt with the formertr aunt, Mrs. Oil Military Academy, Winking,. is an '11. 'Watson, Warren Mired. . Alter .Iii charge of it detachment of Mr. and Mrs.- P. J. lifeeEtran and 1,0Cite men on the ehetegheit *one* Mayor and Mts. le .t. A. MeeEtean ,,Conteiblitioner from Chiakere trete& spetit a few days at CineingtOn this Wein, trent to their Canadiale Ong week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ,hteidquateeter for shipaneet. be •Oblire, 'Forbes. to dote have,tesehed the eirm of egne. ' latent Alice and Annie Brown, re- - , turning to Dettoit afters hcrlidle trip .0.16,d6611,1,66 - 'ORES VIPAT 'OWE In tniinieteur ,shoW et the ttin wit Ilan Thiltedeet night of It telt little Iltye Uldtottles of 40(1010 Witt iottrileit the fittt LAIntS' morr Liana Have tgantt Mgt** Motel Sunset, Dam* It was leditte" night et the teenlier meeting of the Lions 0140" on Thum - day night, andeeeventy Members, wives' and friends, with *before from Lon- don. Stratford and Clibton, enjoyed a (linnet and+ program at Hotel iletnieree followed by &dicing at the Pavilion. ; At the bead table were Vietepresie dent 'Nelson Hill and ttrit lEtill and District Deputy Governor Ken Waters and wife of Clinton. Mr. 0111 had theme of the meeting 1 the absence of Pretederit (frank Derinellse Greetings were extended by Past President Harold Itiehmeed, of the London Lionse•Club: eteo: Lavelle, of the Clinic:qv Club, aiul inebett ruddi- oetnbe, of the Stratford Ls, ion The Dletriet Deputy Gov4iitner ‘spoke briede on "Lionism," after which, the following „program was presented mrt. saunders, solo: Mitrey steoee, of Auburn. Seottleh eeleetiOne ; Lion /. le Taylor, e,olo. tire. It. Phil- lips, of Anbatneand Mr. IL N. Meets, of Goderrele Were aecteMptiniste, Lion •Sautidere led in community tihg- fait4 ' After the excellent dinner and pro* Statit the dub niertibers and ., theit tititto and ttiends reinotttt to tdiit• vilion for a ttleatant tout of .41gto1ng. • '466 • • HAP 70 MS ,THAT 'BABY • • ranotint4,1444. bolted Jobe Pare 1 ite Met y side -tree d (1e14, ° 00*, •.),§ in, Ow fit li**! tt: '5 •_.1,1,11 4'0.: 5 0. doviiteclr lt! Wet Heti uld herd :watt r'titteet hie barite' otithtl I. Ifilt$Attt "Rath,' daughter ot Mr. end MrH Joe. 'Mettertth , of Goderiele and walked the eighteen eines to Gederich on . , *Ile had arranged to drive to Gods. rich With' lint' left on foot when his eon Wks ^"ists," leaving a note. "Gone to Goderich." He started out et 8.40 lientelay morning and Arrived. Hz Ooderitttlat 11 oelotie after walk - hie eyery inch -of the way. re - fumed ,one :offer of a lift when only two miles` from Goderich. . Mr. Iturnin had just got his secohd *Ind awl Itevired he might as Weil welk the rept of the wilt. The proud grandfather was "Pleesed as Punch" over the new ten -pound addition to the family. and After a rhort leen left to walk back home, but his ton-in-hrw persuaded him to rldt• inttead. The elderly marathoner was none the worse for hie. "taunt :" in tam he enjoyed it.. to Zucknow and .Callsinder, called on Alight* ttOnt it ,Car lit which, abot their uncle, Mr. John Cameron of wat 'being drieen, AGO* !tone on taro& town, on Tuesdig. .. street ee &Into eight atm ehee MX A. and Mtv. Ft. titie,Baker hare re- vih' wh° 1'8 al'ightY411°T°eMin.44 44 age' v*Macar. 4*i:1*i . ItitPrbelteYr Italsji)t Brto'ciffinad• Int:twbeitirh sustairted it freietured Hi*: Mee. air- tat ' therrhoame: of their par. Girrin felle tto the eittevtaik, alai turt is la, Aleirandta hcepttaltend is in a r. A. 'Schaefer, of atithhener, has 1)101(ittreliblet. -?thlidi, for a4o;Sehetinfehit4anbeed 1-1Suinell been'ofMtlis Mr. stemte W. 'Schaefer, inootonvnt, for a weelc se the guest Or, wilt° her firet'ePOittliiii, la P•me Mise dean ISchaefer Is sisithig with week* te attend ehurch eistoriee, frota ,ber,, creedmeteer at winthata. accident eccurred. ' Its. R. S. Mitchell.. her daughter which ehe WAS returning when the Allee and son John. of Sudbury. Met. s, • witeetweoutEsta Christopher MePlialt and young son. parsonage of North street trnited street. Christopher, of -Copper Cliff, are the chtereho ot Thursday morning. 'Augnst gi,iests of MIAS Bella Green. Augletea :cit quiet wedding took vpitice et the .(eillereele, of Seatorth, (Lifetime the to Toronto after a holiday visit with Wee Olive Goldthorpe has reterned lOth, whenTielen When Grace *Walker bride of Duncan 'Munro, . rem of Mr. was atindccoMmpall.niWed. 14by* Mben°rInvilleeen., M8beihe and Mrs. J. E. „Munro of Orangeville, Kathleen Maelewan, who . will spend. a lormerly of Blyth. The eeremony wag few days in, the city. . performed by Rev. W. P. Lane. Slim Mrs. J.- Knight, of Victoria, B.C., Margaret Maeteeod of Sectfoftli was ems returned from a trip to Great brides -maid and Mr; Harvey Davis of Britain, v.rhere she visited tier son, Myth soled air groommati. The Mr. Carey Nistet, and ia vieiting re- otorigraingeie tteoittee.le lef, t for Totorito and halves and friends in town before got ing on to bet+ borne at the Mast. 04 SirittOtitONDftJON t Dr. Grant MaeKenzie, of Lueknow, Gins FOR THE 11)RME431,Eitip who it wen aNuainted in this dis- On Tuestley'eventiet wee meth Ewe. triet. has .returned front his holidays nor vogiot, bride -elect, traa the pace to Sttriclutelts hospital, Toronto, to of tottor at a Miiieellaneette 'show& ttsenme hie duties at polite turgeon in held at the bane ot not. s. H. Fouler, the department of eye, ear, nape and Ilritannie road, who weleomed about Ihrtati - twenty young Iediee during the evert. Dr. le Craesweller, Mrs. Craeswel- ing. Many were graduate mimes', as ler and daughter Barbara, 'el- -wend, Was Ale guest-ofellotror, whe will te• ger, called on frletds iti torte at the imited In marriage ' to UT. tereeeea An. weekend on their way home from a dereon on Angnet gist. A delightful trip to Algonquin Park. Miss Ilar- imleileelltlitWeetreet by Mrs. Powiet 1 hare Craneweller has recently returned (fotinetie Went Xe(tenth) at a te4 from a tour of Norway'. ttibte tastefully atranged, in a Oink, and vititort at the home of tire Time velltilvioate tio,manlort otioben*voir.ottattorlAnottestitattettirtts Warrener last week were": etre. e- in a beret, theetelayet ittetettion eel* teritellier. 14 $ 4p*Toptito, .Thirt • to•sen took 041,4olpsopb • itePleff • te •• . John Jelinattest and dtreel Vetter, Tufteberry YOU.* Mei Paid 00 end cote each for cOneutaing liquor in it Ptiblic Piece •et Wingliank. • ' tAtaintitii,—*D0ratim The bride's father. ,Be+. IL O. Mc- Dertnit, *foisted by. •Ittev. Or. James Wilson, ollichtted et. the catrriltts ott Stiturday afteineon lir Rt. Paul's Prete byterlip ctitiirele Tcemito, of 'Franey; Helen SteDerraid Milian) Irehtef CaMpbell, son of Mee' W. B. tampbett and the late Me. Campbell. PaiMO• teens and standertie of gladioli Made. an effeetive setting for the ceremony. 'elt. A. O. Geant played the wedding niusic and Mita Jessie 'McDougal was sololet. The bride was given in inarrirtge by her brother, -Mr. John MeDermie, of tkitiOn, Ont. She wote graeeful town of rose white satinaide:en prin. • cess lines with tong train, and a match- ing rose white veil arranged with . headdress of seed pearls and orange blosloome. She earned a shqwer bee- quet of Butterfly roses and lilies Of the valley. Miss Naomi eleDermid, sis- ter of the bride, was ',mid of boiler and Mists iNorine -Dunlop attended as brides- maid. They wore *hailer gowns of St. James rose deffen with snatchiag felt hats trimmed with ostrleh teeth- ene They wore strings of pearls. the gift of the groom, and earned colonist bouquete of Talisman roses and baby breath. Mr. Yemeni (McIntyre wait best man and the tethers were hit. Larry 'Beatty and Mr. George Fernees. A reception wee held litter at the Mese of the bride's parents, Speditia toad. where Mrs. MeDeeinid teceived gOttoed Hz admiral blue thitton over taffeta vilth matching steessoriee and casette of Johanna Hill roses. The groom's mail- er those black lace over orchid taffeta with matching orchid hat' and a cor- sage of orchids. " Mr. end MM. Catap- bell are spending their boneymoon, in Teniagoent and on their retrirno will live in Toronto. tor 'travelling the bride donned mart dress of powder blue• wool crepe with 'carnelian acme sone*. AMATEUR 'SHOW AT PAY. Edriehume aohnston won first prize with -honors in an amateur show eonducted at. the Neaten on Thurs- day night, with Gene Fritzley, orehee- tre lender., as mileter "of veremonlee, Sites Johntiton eieleuted 411 intriente tap dant*. Seeond prize was won bv Miss Eleanor Charleroi/0rib, vocalist ; and Mimi alariaret Taylor, of Toron- to. and Reg. Neweombe, of Goderich. teamed at the plate) to take thirJ prize, 4460 146606.6.4.441104 • ClUttRELLNitiabiNON A qutet wedding took lilac* at the onterio street Milted church manse. Clinton. on Tuesday evening, August 24tn, wben Mary McKinnon, of Godericb. dalighter Of Mr. and Mee' Nell eleKinnon, was -united, in +marriage to George Benjamin iOurrell, son of 41 r. and Mitt. Edward "(turret of Colr borne tortnship. The toapie were attended by lirttne OW and Annie C. licKinnen. The ',Ceremony .was per- formed by Bee G. el. Burton. • natty Artestrong. 'Toronto; Ur. Nato , 't Wooer, Pontiac., Mita.; turt, Florence, also Is a visitor at the Ctooks, Miss Mary Crooks and Mist etoper home. , Hazel Dente, of Iloek, MI eh and \Int Howard Banks, of Detroit. +Recent vielters at the home of Sir. and Mris., A. I. Linington were Mr. and Milt John McGill, Tay Sonny and Jean, of Rouyn, Que.; Mise Charlotte Linington, London; Mr. and Mrs. Gro- ver Cline, Middleville. Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Linington and Eugene. Paris, and Mr. O. 'Bron, London. Miss Dorit Montgomery and Miss Mary Montgomery of Montreal West are vieiting at the home of lir. and etre.'le T. *Little. Victoria street. "Ste mid Ws. J. Howard Montgomery, par - MIDI of the til•,•tet tIontautnery. are erpectell a additional pests of Mr. and tirs. Little et.the old of the week. bite A. 3. Cooper has as his guest this week his brother. Mr. Thottae A. cooper, of Coolrain, Queens° *County, Ireland. Tait is. Sir. 'Cooper's firet visit to Anieriett and he tpeak t inter- eatingle of hie itaptettiohe of what he lino teen on this elde ef the pond." A setter, Mrs. E. E. Plielpe. of White Plains, N.Y., *ith her daughter, Mitts Fla AT 'ME WATERFRONT Shipping has been quiet at the wa- terfront the pest week, with only two ships entering the harbor, on Monday of this week. • , The steamer Superior split a cargo of 51°,000 bindle!, of wheat from the head of the. Lakes betweenthe ele- vator and the mill, and cleared with 300 tone of salt for shipment to the Canadian Weet. The center Mmept Carrier also ar- rived on Monday with a cargo of coal, but the shipment mit refitted• aut. was returned to Toledo. 4646664466.46666**66.6 .646.46 .66. SOUTH HURON LIBERALS To Held Nominating Convention at - Hermit September 1st A nominating convention of the Lib- erals of South Hurott wtlI be he'd in the Hensall ToWn Hail on Wediete day, September ist, ate o'clock pan. Hon. 11. 0. talon, Provincial Settee tare, *ill he pteeent to addrest • the tonvention, after the InigittOS,9 Of the meeting Is concluded. tioderesh Liberate will meet at 'Sine - Kae gall on Monday eveniug neet, ceeleck, to aelecrdelegrtteet to the Itensail conventton, .646