HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-08-20, Page 3OPRKIVIS .•••P letf _ 000110 Erult MO* It it .grow e we beVe 'the Slogan of G. Paquette rOinletorfi. Of the 0041erich.Arrnit Mr. ket, who eltine\to ',OoderiFik to take over tliho rtg t,lie PIASt ltteen rat0,.the nien toretarried VA a Writ SrMitilut Orl.lit The Iatest reduiton In p arket '1A1‘. the `e.rithtir*,,, dttttrtet and t IYlIe mairtelPa1tt"7 VIM hey, are' 00101461r ..*IeMogiV,„..ili \Ate tog or, #12,00 to 'too t mit and vegetable neeas.ef We, JAW?' ' . ith thWt-Oft**4 It WOO leeened at the anetet whel ile umer *Wel' rate* ft avtir0 r; 'lloincttoltitem*YearryinglA tilt, Pantie uktesieondsgaon, ,940; mhnie,„ line et traits:0, eiery hind and .their • t. A 1.,tter'frem the HYdter* reputation for handling only best , mmist#00' or gotarin ' at Zr WMOIX -4t4e:Y• .14ronoed.. local that* 440. Po elialitY eStehlished distriet Where their*, Ineree*atien of oPerat eondidele ±armis1oeatedlt v01 Lt1,01141ega9O01n.„,' -•• dwantrithe, Year", the tioMmisedon has becenie known ,to Godepeliciteq$, set an. ‘rtite of et* per horse - method ot bringing "Vloduce_ -(11"-u-k, power Per Year teir•iPewetr. to the Muni- ,i1r.111.1 thetr:7111erghal*eo\:.." P1rl Is40:-:.00,por4.roonotion:vvitlilii Alphonse!' POtuette 4.10*.1001Y,. btie;'4 year )0.r So, the Gede.rich) ‘4,109A- .0" 2A,.00 -h*Ying. 4not.heri‘ Ur., :and, Utet.-':0;-X4$1,q1•*°*'Yr'' AO. irk* was' the fOringr,, N oer nt le49 or flty' • Mt% or . Nikedo Walf Wi.,P^ „tate Mr, 311 ttaett gannon *3: inotige tr he tallglilt tire . • 000,44..the I. ,the red 041410.94#001* He iticut as Welkett__Ati.i.IPI, Dun - later taught at •PennaAl I tbere bo 40.004 Vt4M* forty. Yea*. ego.. lUi'reniefnliered 01141*,1t"r,a 11 ier Whera they had eldered 'iby Wand inatiectOta to be Rue* 00 •Oeragec'in iprefes004. V7045ds predeceased her'.0htind ti.44$4(01). 410 41°414°4** it PI*40,14 Milittbar 34 4141* 14 MT • 17.,•Ona.,thlonenald .thoMeikrize!:, thq two Vekii4eit.e0,`te':nveingsini:-og st; l000.rgoro' moldlistkutiAeon..A, igkv;14 ;09.461i 00400 Aligli.on -00,ret0 odent in hie 1114E. TR01/1110‘- Sf;51".• turist lie teok a treat Pide Pr.vinvial ,‘ii.ommedteo'n, oqn" garden, WV& was this chief faenn, How y 0 ti,r R. A. , !MOW'. %II 4PO4.8 • 0.:!-Xakiof re`e911Y.P,M4Oett?etA, 11 to liArvt,i n an; 4,14rwq. v4- .xci.4144, wont '01)011etri* -•""e- ,IlifitP1PeTs.,AsiOle131 OP. 1."'t.ca!' Ott 47.03:14:1wr.;.: praft inerkdriar ***flion,hnif 11,Ad efeter Tint , tic; 0111i'a'bk*-111" ConsoWl...001,' •P°Inentie'-'°°*.InttOn.i 110ge? StlF an the 44Dyfok44 VOA' IVa.r/310012, 4,14;1;000-A0v (t!.,0 ov-;: • ''.'riponi.41, 1;,04* " Q :Te4,90 it'Ve 1'74 org ion he The- ltst Cont tn, TOO& el 4.',1 ntnr(10, nJ 'AieittOlor -pro otlili* for the:QP Pote *otropoli new to It, rifrctaas .ent on has lieert the -trials of $ eil 04.4sioirops • IL exbtbltl'nOt 1 Society- are I3 be obtalned4 Groves. lot Prises'. ee,king. .60. arrange -y' Uie land 1.4% 00114 lartlists, - of• odard Inbeentireiy tP.ItAindiellee . and * Of Walker-, as starter for , to he; held " Wed- Oesday. afternoen, • There are. three efents-, Otirth6 program -4,20, 248- and- freetfersall, withaggregate „prises ot • " • - for ark fi5 Irila; • "1**fiiiori •"' blared-, ',RobertaoW111.10#011 Store tbe a ;1v,as held tv,i0Pg *144 Pi'ns *20 denee on'St. Patrlek'S Street on Ode; In 'ignite of the weather forty latliee TIENcE,* Throx , • „PA11001‘1400-44. oi $,A1)41a$ ,A1,000141( 'beard, Reif). c:11. 1)00414, LuekslOw deUser an In ,atrnetiVe and MOO* 001104)0 AV* the !teA-Heorow.4t1.0,:40f "Xe. have need et patiOee.," -Mr. APOOnalii Pretteli. In the. -41.00nee of D. 07; Lane, who le 40000* *-Itit .111s, latnitf6 at :Vett . , _ "I'atlenee is llet .430#,W.,* WOW like kindness, :eltarity ,r1Inerosity„,, de - ere d Ur. .1t is the oeat , gifts; for 'leans SAS .ilway,# ithiel:OW ': -:*-ittent,-,' WEATHER 1Voinenitt Anil* Menlo Held • under Cow Oi aecomit �f the %element weath- er, the Woalen'a lostnnie picnic 'WM: 'held' in MacKay Rail sinstead of . at Harbor Park as WAS! origilianY Pinnnedt ' , I " .ERES- 'Possess, ;Ye Yok solos .14 pativicei ' "Plere are. two .vords ,tlie\.BIlite tor ipatierstorlrance, • which; le seidenv need, and aelidnralle% "Patienee is the thenierot-74440,elnatlea not a Ifirtiett Y0114t14 L'Xennit. Pen0,10. are apt to be impattent: in their'. en.- thuslasm. It Is cultivated by VIVA. later. The thtnge, always' take tirao to grow; Nature. **1 alt the Arta are ;°d#Y14(40. :degree'X' 4sNatienal, einnbt tOo. hit - ,InlirrY, Pgkteg, to needed by men who see great thingiv and • who mast. think anted. Xt all a time. 'jye hare need .ot_pattiencet • tt „. , ,• . j..1„.4or 4441.4940- ,00/47 fte the. tter •. ti enjoyed, a fine afternoon_ y .„4.1 , doeit • , iCitittkit Fire Accclent- auti,Mutor • nwittities, . The uotori.x.iii,Inaltranee Magenta 'female, Wed* Ste, Phone 259 ' NELSON /1134,..Aggr. •-• • INSURANCE gfrAi4 Get Our Auto Rutesa- -rhea 252-- .-044101011 iminommosmosolimmiiiwoorimmor Rep. CONFEDERATION LIFE Fire -Car -Wind Insurance St -Phime_140W, rianalltinf EYE COMFORT please snider* stryiet . • teethe that.. *Very eaae 44.2ree. eat, and regains bultdiaal telethon with inoiteire *eipalpencit. olgosimais**, Eye* examtheil and &Mee fitted kt restilmienla "SIP". ' tOLEp optometrist ant %Mom VI ,years serving the- Deonls o Huron OnAritgre " .1 vloro, illatONT bill, SS 02214:61 • „ grea .41. Pt. P14.311** diaeonnts 10 new mit- serviee charge IS done avvav - enn?nrreinl',"7'Ser'viee' 43ilarge, .gr..00a Per.,,A00.,‘7(titta..g.t tgOkta44,043.a- dtY. hilairouni gios,:sertriee eihage, per month, 50e, . :cha'rge, 2,Se Per kiloatattShottr•tor the lir* 100 bents' use 'Of the Metalled .0aPaeltY, ,Phie '0„0e per IdioWatt-hoar for all_ad- dittiOnat mesItirly eonentaPtien. Mtn- IM0MaecontillY •bill.* SS° glWa• Plien2Pt ParMent red in, 10 per cent, . 'PoWer--Seriria °barge, 01 per h.p. per.rnontlit. of eennected road or maxi - mom demo*: ,Oonanmption charge( 2.30 per kilowatt-1hour for the Ana 5,(0. issurV use, Pear 01010'0f ormected lead or. maximum demand. Phi 1.5c per kilowa ,tt-heur for the second 50 hours' ,iise Per 'Month Of connected leed or maximum demand. Plus \ 03c per kilowatt -hoar for sill additionat month - 1Y eansumPlion. Prompt payment dis- count 10 per cent. Olafits, "1Y: Air omit -83 1.3 per tent ' Goderieh Elevator seecial discount -7-20 per cent Water hotter Sat rate -559 per apt) gross. Prompt pal - •per. cent. +-tor -rourdelptil--se fed. surplus of ke serVice and Weileaweaterwewsuea;:arieroitoititleatioto ropheytilios LinADINGs-• FUNERAL DIRECTOZS .AND EMBALM:ZS Also AMBUIANCE iligRerfOld AT ALL notrit,8-,NicktiT _ Pkeees, SusInets ,, 217 Watt* per ment discount, Power--suppi Yleeepahowa.alt 1607.13 e11- 858.07 en, street lightinS teerviee. The Commiselen receirenends that 'theft amounte re -funded to their teepee- tive delertments, )etter aoyrieelatton. liecomFaaJeft 0, a beaus thew* Mr extra time is treitig Stet ;tie Hydro lineMen who. Provkled. iamb excellent service during Old genie 'Week AA4, .betAri) the Cele- bration. • * number of applicatiens for light, late and range servieee -were *seed at the Thuraday night meeting of the `local comarkeion and Other routine buainese Wea• trleneacted. " • It I I 41s1eteitli." • Maitlantr,eelneterY, 'the Pahheanete wrieneelnent9 Were 'Ma& to attend the ing,V. G. MagEwin,,, . J. Pri m, .officers', .rally, to be hetd- at ,Auburn on ,oiettea*.an:_e_Ea4-..., George'e InterMent was new #epti,9in, Vcf.0 1} rued Price, 3.41nes Robert 1113".• August 186h. Mrs. C. Oat, Mrs. J. -set, R. 0.•-ilays; Neivcombe' aritt Mre. A. Shore Were the sperte eoniniittee. CR ovERTuRNs -roe phildreres sportSiresillted VA- owi: 'Carrying peanuts -Maxine Arn- Three. reteenO Injured In Road Acel old, Billy Neweembe: "MysiteriouS,Kisai - deneitiar-linelmow " reStitute"-lack Little; shoiTeramhie LIJOKNOW.Augilst 17. -Three per .,?-, Verna Miller, Beth 'Stokes; throw-' , . . sons were Injured - when- autemo Ing Plate--aillY Newe0041),e; marsh - bile diriveu by pow. McDonald, eon. mallow' race---kek Little; children's cession 2, KinleisFiipset at the coif race, under -6-:--Norma. Goode. :ter of the 4th concession, Kinloss, and Ladiee' reties: MdMillan's .sideroad. Mr. MeDonalil lstinetemetoot rate• --;,Mrs. V. , Tich- seffered a broken collarbone, ' Mrs.. borne; throwing ' plate -s --Mrs. Knee. McDonald back injiiiies, * and their sliavr, Mos. 0. Robertson; nail driving 'granddaughter, Mary Leuise Porteous -Wiles M. E. Saikeid, Mrs. a Welr; Lacknow,- had her leg injured. After ster ; guessing beans--Mta. C. Biseett, medical attention" they were. able to Mrs. IL Tuffore; ,drotrping clothespins ,proceed to their homes. • 41 Thome% Mrsv.R,,,„Tafford. eeler rumutAL DIBILOTOlt AND ALSO AMEIlLANCE SEIVICE oomuutur, ovum Lfl cats prOmptlY rettended to �$- 0! ultitt,". Phones, Shiro It" item* , The aepident- occurred when- Mr. After the -games aTeat 14'00 Sup 'au approaching...machine., • ade,- was eniss44- by sWerved his ear to *avoid per. Including. iee ere ' YOUNG PEOPLE IN CHARGE Miss Mabel Brownlee Gives' Marten* Wed* Street Visifed (*Drell T g her.'euhlegC. _:140143 Al- ways the *Same," Missid Mabel Or01,31- lee; a member of the 'Unlit Peeeles. lIttion, of Victoria street United churcli;,, 011 -Sunder morning ,filled -the position of the INIStOr, ReY. Moorhonse, wherisitawaf on holidays, Offered thnely tidvice to the toegiegation. PTlie world is over clianging,''" the ,epeaiter atnerted, "and the things we thought me table have been simaalied to atom% We seem to be:drifting On 'an uncharted sea. Selentlitie advenee-, Meet has redeeed the -world to A neigh- borhood and: the diriconeriell aetthitett-,•, tions eiir age haVe done away," With isolation.% Howeyer, because are travelling more ratildit in 'the -World of Science, ;does liat Mean that have mete! Peace. or that our sliirithal Ufe has '..Progreseed.,. Our ,reincielt. boa net been hroatiltmap:401004,,Witli' ,chanical aspect cot& -444lee4e4pal..0f..pritil at Corinth- the same as the gospel: that le• today bele preached tendon and New York. Is riot something_ static, but rather it to something dynamic and forceful. It is something that should grip each Of 119 and should cause us to tUrn our 2lives over to that God, who Is the 'Father of each and every one of us, Who will not change with the diets but will T.eing11.11 ever with es„ ever the Same. "Jeans Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. 'He omelet be im- Prored upoe, Ile 49 perfect, jeene is th'e Mate in 019 office of revealing Che mind. of the rather to us through Ills Holy 'Spirit. Heaven and- earth real peas ewer, but the word of Jesus shell never pass. Ms word' etkilireS fere*, unviolated. Never Ma Ite. been more graelous thee now and Dever vrili He be leas gracious- • • "All that we haVe and are avast be • • tendered, • to Ills acc*stante and ccor sedated to Ills work and praise. If Jesus Unchangeable, then the fettudie- 'UDR of our 'faith is firm; the fordidtt- don of our Comfort is unexhaustible; the prospect of 0111" 01111tello iff Most gratifying:" The service wits in Charge of the Young People's Union. • Mies Mar- jorie' Prouse offered. prayer and led the„ coopegation in- the respentive 'reading. jack 451eltinnon read the. Scripture lesson, tinet Selo, "Jesus My Wohtlerful Savieor," sung by :Charles. 13teckow. • Evening ferrite's at Victoria street thureb have beeir diSperie(si with for the remainder of .Angust. DROWNED AT IIRUtE. BEACH Dr. Diehard T. Kidd of Atwood leasii• Lite In take 'Huron Iatal046211114,1-Antnet,15 -Dr Richard T. Kidd, thirty -two-year-old. Atwood Phyalthin, was drowned 'la' take Huron. at Bruce 'Beach, live miles South of note, this .lifternoon. With his 'wife and Dr. J.- D.. and Mrs. Celetiliouti, tif Ethel, he was in bathing. t.)r. Colquhoun was on a diving etand when he heard Dr. Kidd's. cries for help, the latter being about Aft.feet trent the atand. Dr. Col - 'Alleged ih Red swam to pt. itkildir but Was unable to hold hirn. The bedy was located near the spot an ,hotir later in eight feet of water. Artificial respiratiott was resorted to Without OmeceSs. The fritility was the first of the *risen this district • 10 Dr. Kidd was a. satire of Listowel, and had been practising at Atwood the !sit teht years. Be is etrevited iry liia sifts and TOM* daughter, by iris mother, 3,trs, Richard Kidd Of Listowel, rind two eisterst. • A, 401111.V400,4,041046.1001fit 00 tettft Ittett* M*** flit , ROA* 00.010S.AVittet SOW WO* 'NO MAO,. A - A St OAR ifitht Ott citittAR***** ARTHUR CIRCLE S. A. PICNIC Members of ,Lfseal Army, Branch Enjoy. OVer_lifty-Aler"Salviatloai ATD* Attlei41€4. t1e nriftwal Scale in Harbor Park Wednesday -afternoon, un- der the 1601000p of Adiatillit IkirrdY. Ani interesting #rograIn of games end race9 had been- prepared and an -en- With the close of the lint day's joYable afternoon, was Waived by an ea, mpaigning Goderich, Chinese found enittaBY *enjoyable -solver. -Owlet- to 'tha+. ther._ had subscrtbed from seven to aid in the Was held tiOderich. was Origin: the Chinese Red pected from Chine residents who 4.01.L. • its coo sayd,_ con. are out of town at present at7,6 to, etitie-iet., Persons keeping in elOse 'touch with 2Tha. war developmenta in the far East :naft:01., -..tO 10..2.,=-)-,Ku-orkitrei may treat themselves to an occasional Boli, tt 4.71 to 10 yeare..-. free fireworks display. Gordon Wong, rlx.;110.-Z"ardoktitiid stoodint ttoie, the restaurant man, whose order for li to 18 yeate-Therld Caeriek, Renald for Old fiHrecomriteekWereseka, rrhiaveed.beetono cleattee .11,1%eforri' danga:litireatmeottott (1"1.3 Ifire-cc't bt:ryatinvolg theaschvoltgeesgly of vsealnethleon. e vI AtItgor...."4144,no.uctut ealcbadultdoomtnittb* MOTHERS OF -FAMOUS MEN.IA There ie a danger, Of telt.net "Or US• tea! 4etierit. •nOt to be erated, resulting 18 sloth and apathy. • PostteiethWa "Patience:1s .ineeded tbe 'IChigdoin darn, 'After brni of rood and in the, heart. Where, It aeUritlea nO Short ant to ,i6tod'ir 'Kingdom. We fe.jitavbed out for need patience 18 dIsciIPUne, 'le all its 4444111***,, 1Where they hope risen.- --we* rn2eue-'-__Ititirts..a..set- catOr e!1,:est Of the' five ferritos • ,..„.... nap Errn _ #ta The the 0 competition lie r the attoPteeeof the 4300r101t AgrieOltutal ,sodety: ononneo, Tlio eontp40 tten watt BAMIOr eats, Mr. Alex, al. 'Stewart 'of Alto Ora* examined 'mut juded the crops. the prize winners ,with their respeettre„ seam* sror • _ 1. W ,, Young, velherne 41% 2. 4410,; SPrlint, Geslerich town- ship, • - • 3. Frank L. Young, Colborne town- ship, 01, , 4. Allen Iiettlett, Gederieh township, 00%. . or, Arnold, O. Porter, Goderich, torw,nShip4 '40 • S,,. Sowerbi, Gederich tewli- ship, • - A 7. .P. Goderich toWa- ably, 88, 8. a Mentgoinery, Goderich township, 80, . • • •1101410ANING ve.$04 . ehoo wyt zoom 10, romethrmitte is this .vreelr eralreallng ahliek to the neenen of_hle tarstoo# darss ftrP 18 ,wiuIeTe• hti and Ike. 1Pernithlig' • I I and we become discouraged, -we SoMehow the thange•ln Our .own heart* 'hoodale ifl the -north totintry is 11.- T. ahOuld be :swifter. Ged will guide int Adxv4tratii SPeekliteAldent of the Child.• ren's Aid Seciety. . Edwards:and through our tribulations and through them men and women will become bet- ter. , • "We long for God's power to end tyraney, but it will take a • . complete co-operatlOfl of God's great patience coupled( with the Meat vte tan give to. bring aboUt that Utophin state of at - fairs for wiiteh we, long. jef,nes was patient with Hie diseiples when they' tried to turn Him from Ilis way:. Even eo Must we be Patient if We Would have a world of peace and ,Christianity." Herbert Green ming "Open the Gates of the Temple," in line voice. . MaeDonald alao took eharge of the evening service, * • . RECOVERING -James Young and his young son, 'Douglas,' who were severely injured -in in- accident at their, farm in Ash- deld two weeks ago, are making geed progress towards recovery. Mr. Young was released from the hospital on Tuesday and it is expected that Doug- las -will be able to return home in a short time. PATRIOTIC CHINESE Mies Mabel ,Edwards eft saoderieh on Tuesday. for oltobermory. 0'1E406 AT THE SUNSET Aug. 11111-41r. and Mrs. A. Brown, Detroit; Mrs. Sallovvs, IL Sallows and %I. It. Lidicetter, North, Battle' ford, Sit*, ; Mr. and Mrs. John Labatt and two• childrtei, London;:'Mr: end Mrs. A. ill. Johnstone, 'Montreal; C. Sarp, Toronto-; D. Russell, Toronto; F. S. Bosseter, London; Mr. and Mrs. James B. Orr, Widen. Aug. 12th - Miss Florence 151ePherson, Torotito; E. McPherson, Torento; Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Cappon Ann Arbor, Mieh.; 141ss G. Herteli, leitchener; Mr. P. G. Mer- rick, Guelph; Ur. and Mr*. Louis D. Paine, Toledo-; Robert 'Winters and A. C. Johnson, London; Mr. and Mrs. A. \ Frederick, Detroit ; Miss Medora Traviss, Newmarket ; Mho June Tra- viss, Ottawa. Aug. 14th -Mr. , and Mrs. Lee J. Smith, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Borden, Miss Virginia Bor- den, Mr. and lire. Crawford J. Lee, and James Lee, of Birmingham; Mrs; P. W. Humphrey 4114Arthlit Gladys Hurmphrey. et, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Hollingshead, Mr. and Mrs. C. Babier, Dutton; Mr. Ernest Watkins, Toronto; MI88 Leta Birluneyre, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Powell, St. Catharines; Mire. D. E. Snyden, Tor- onto; Mr. Frank Snyden, Toronto; N. W. Loos, Ann Arbor; Mrs. G. C. Goodfellow, Garden City, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. 'red Atkin, Miss Marjorie Atkin, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. It. Pat - tenon, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. W. 'S. Wood, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pierce, Detroit; and Mrs. J. J. Jerome, Detroit; J. S. Plows, London; J. W. Weir, Hamilton.; Mr. and Mrs. 1f E.,Elhorne, Kitchener ; 'Miss Katherine Peck, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, Alfred T. Bursitis, Detroit; Mrs. J. Gerrard, Detroit. memees, ...aseeseeimmemmeeremes °NAL MAT $0 Caltailio (41nOnatit llitattite0k • teittt, A twriocz untitatrttd 44 49. °Atkr10) 1114141(It "i"4: ISarriatar Solis 411 41,14 /AM Rawls* .- eun We Bldg. Adelaide and Viet - oak Atte**. Telephone; Elgin Toronto, 24 AVOIONZISItS, , 01 4 •• Ulm Stock **mid Artatlimiess VOA AWN' GoOstich St* Made everywhere and ati efforts eltdo to sty* ,.700 uust#0011. Acurtrailloi0elo N'otio` P0%1,4. o. 15. Sqtat% VA, 13.V.* 400. - WPM* 1r, &MOWN radnsta*,-00.he 14YetsltY-ot--TOtoato Office on Kingston street leaven trent J. '04ilvin Cute*, *tore, Phone --206W. inHIWAL Drt, .1,1eforOttell OlVegietAleges. tbe Pienie thOr. 42(4 to be sent to Inteisdiedi tat it eh4:kehi- bey heJt ld at war Japan. 41040ney la ex- ItaTfieht; ' ". ' To Celebrate TWeerty-Ofth Muth 'rersary . Repteinber , Vorty4bree .AttilrOr Circle metnbers mijofriends attended the reinAar monthly toecting on Monday even 18 KnOt Ode& Itture 'room,. The ineeting, . :which was in charge Of 'group Igl,?.• With Ilrs. 'rrank Mc &filar Vriiiialeigrepened With, it ibiletred by prayer by Mrs. .W0. thitigle. Miss *Ethel Elder read the $tripture. • In*the attendant° 1110e gr011.1) No. 2 18 leading', With groups 1, 3 and 4 fel- wing closely. Arrangements' *ere tede tor the toe:Ay-fifth ainiivertntrY ef the Arthur Oirde on. September 20th4 Vire dato of the aronial batatir Was eet for 006Ober 30t4. 4fro, T;;Iiirerttaw Taylor held the inetobeire attention as :she Vild in a interesting and humorotis .WOY of In A mining camp. Oise lnij*eeL up ii ber Ilateners the need to help °the 1rt Ithiloetet* our40104 and tivOred the 00104 tn s ltatein it* - thltta: ; . , F. J. R. VORSTE11. litilfr* IMO, NOSE, %MOAT. Late Ilona. Surgeon New - York OrPt.h.- thealtnto and Aural Hospital, asollatant litooredield's Boanitil and Onlikra *Mare Throat 1.1001141. 1.040, rot. pea tested, glasses euPplied. .53 Waterloo $t. 03 Stratford,- Tele- phone 287. - Nest visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday. . September 22nd; ,frgen 2.00 to 8.30 pan. °MY. cinuorumrrio DRUGLESS PBACTIIIOSIIR. CIHROPRACTOB A N D zuwor.stse 171:12RBA8T, GOINORT011.. Alquipped with electro -magnetic baths. Miectronic electric treatment and chnV- IiniCtie, Chronic. organic and nervous dbeases. Lady ire attendance. Offteo hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on *Modem, an PridaY d Seturday, said on Wetkies- day 9 to: 12 ani -only. Consultation_ may be had by appointment. Watley mid Thursday at A. N. Animism/. residence and °Mee, corner of South Street and Btu tatuna !toad. Phone 34.1. king up elothesPine With`theteeth- Mrs. 'istrdy. A tug -0f-110 and a ball, game aleo Were '00.10Yed. " The committees appointed ter next Year's Pitrige bnaelt torninittet, Mrs. M. UM, Mrs. J. Utrdee' and Mrs. Purdy; gPort,O eennnittee, Letena PIh- er, Mies Violet Leader and Mies- Dor. otter Yule: • Mr, and Mire. D. 1. Hitt and !tem*, of Listowel, spent a der in town this Week. , Killitt EY ,1 PILLS FROM THE HANDS OF THE GREAT MASTER • iiistOrie etd Lighthouse Point, and indeed almost eVery vantage paint along the bank ef\ the lake, , Saw agoodit share of spectators lat*-Algtot, whe had gathered bo see one' of the West glorious sun- sets ever witnessed' at Mum& klen,,Ciate• ° • bong llefraye the. Sun inid.sunk' to, 4,146, florison it 'shot ahlm- mering altafts Of pitriple, Orange, itd and geld upinto the fleecy heavens and *wised -the tight don& with a glorlow, Seiell of color. When tinnily, Old. Sol dipped down ititoilie Warm bine water, the fuli Splendor of the. sunset Waa'Secti asp* paneraina of color WAS you* forth upon the riPtAirig soar/ of'the lake. The sky "became A IFIlkted, Mauve blanket 'that inirrefred down to the bluish green 'lake *1th its 1athwaY0 of quivering' color. The Mighty Miatel Angelo, bad he been here to witness it, might well hal* despaired of produe- ing any oomparable ofteets even 'With Ida ,Marrelletut ton*. :When the dila had; sank to ,about bar .its depth. a sailboat trOsSed threitth the ehnuPein ef lovelitierie that *itched out from and two brilliant ralnbows k Ito • to II ion; ' 771 Church- W M & - An interesting meeting of *Knox dumb WM.S. ivas held Tuesday afternoon irt the' leetore room of the church.. There was a fokr atbendulee. An informative paper entitled "Mothers of Wonderful Men," pre - Med by Miss Lily *Ferguson, ins read by Mrs. Wm. Abell. The story of the mother of Autpuetine was told, showing Cher Influence on the lite of ter son, who, though he disappointed her in isis etaident &Ye, later repaid her love and care' by Ids devotion to worthwhile things!. RAM WeeleY'w mother was (the wide of a Ober& of England clergymen whose salary was erkuid to MO. Her wine nee el her finanees was always * mystery to her faintly, ivhoro ehe managedi to edaseate well. The beautihil story of James aMit mother was reviewed: also that of the nifetbere of David Livingston; Queen Vittoria, Rooker Washington, Andrew ,Carinetie. The address closed with a &riving tribute to the old-lasirktnedt mothers. AD instructive Dible reading was given by Mts. J. 11. Barnett, for which elle (hose the lOtti elia*er of Mat- thew. Prayers were offered by We. Gordon Bisset and Nits. Crook. The Arthur Circle extended an, in- vitation to the members of the Auxili- ary to be present at the observauce of their tiventy2lIftli anniversary on i4eptember 20. Ars. IL 3. P. Walter was appoisrted delegate to the Presbyterial (meeting in Myth on September 14, when, Mrs. Daniel Strophe:is ef Toronto, treasurer of the Council Executive, will be the gnet speaker. A vote of thanks :sponsored by Mrs. 11. C. Dunlop and Mrs. T. M. Johneton was extended 0/ the Mimes Stewart, genintlier, for their invitition to hold the meeting at their lovely home over- looking the Maitland River, Mise Ann IleDoredd tad a store, "Bawer Day," by Ulm Ilesaie Mc- Miiitity, of Toronto, in "Glad Tidings." Mrs. Barnett rePerted $14.18 in the lite PADS FIRE INSURANCZ. Biciamati uvrrumi rztt4 mscraml ANC* COLUMNII. • 1.4.444,44441.4.4414. PARIS AND TeOLATAD TOWN PRO SLIMI DUD. One pad kilia Mat all day and every day for 2or3 weeks. 3 pada in each Picket. No apraying, rio stickiness, • nil had oder. Mk your Druggists grocery or Central Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY -PAY MORE? OirtPliglitS-4'resident. Ales. Broad, - foot, Seaforth ; Vice-Preaident. Thole. Moslem, Settorth; Secretary -Treasurer. M.* A. Reid,. Seaforth. Broadfoot, Soo - forth; James Sholdice, Walton; William Mum. tendesboro: Chris. Leonitardtv Dublin; Jas. Connolly, Goderieh; Megan, fkisforth; W. It Archibald, Seaforth; Alex. ategwiog, Blyth; Prank McGregor, Clhiten. Ooderieh R. ft, 1; James Watt, 3IY113: John /Ismer, Brutedeid, R. R. No.. 11 It IP. Meltereher, Dublin, R. R. No. 1; Chat. IP. Ifewitt, Kincardine; R. G. Jar- muth, Bornholm, R. It. No. I. - , • PICOBAC PIPE 7"OETIACCO POR A MRS) LOOL SMOKE. Ittgio Midis Eli* ef London, Is a guest of Mist: Claire Reynolds. MIs. 1%yLks 15.71e. of" London, Iran - an Old Ilinne Week visitor st the horse other mother. Af....44,+44tiitekkvoi.v" tllkdVie.esponkient, Pre- , 46011*ibwen4»torizotief Mis AIbett tr4ptn New arv 4 ' """""' QIJAWER JMS., OR DIONNE auUS EVER‘( ONN Specialis x-1"11:r:reiciTtFa3::n4Kursrelipskt:enbsCleAFItaritticminkes 5, .41 "4 • Nervearasee, tooth:deka. poor spastics ptty *pas theett.' erg* of thousand,. youes 1.64 . oldoebeto diets lack it sufficient antaaat of ds precious Vitamin sO richly sapplied by e Quitket Oats byeakitst. So terve the *bola family a bawl of Quaker Oats eveki foteceleg. ' • , A Onerous *old NI weft . :Oak that) 10 UAKER OATS FREE 00104 0111 MA010 A Tit MOMS " VOtrokeiti 4 '