HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-08-13, Page 8Y'r 4 . *410004 from, page :I, Nts' mfly grOo2. toto01,14 ot„.411.Sor 1 011. O0t, from un..Ystk,,t, ,• corfler8 and put ,.071.ex))).1)1t101.1 Olat has Ahre041$ ; dmafltZed, for nito))7.• , 'who, hasVo liked; to' 00 and ot wbe did et# it Olt batTe IMO' opeoill•-$ ntifg tvatufeo, .0Y ", town-- men ii",t9,v.itsivolOit or: Pi#00' (10$0, ° .) ,tinku 'pleased Pot,Ith,Ahe /0000 ogik 010re , , loolor-V.'tho,',,10*.aspeop10, and., 1(00 41)40% 014 11,Onlift, vre#15," ..$414124T9'414,!'kr, *Ivtiovitit Cblef Atit 'vfovini* were ery Mr *004 -*It POelitt011 0.4 -.t11Pro' :,!„1441'i'4400$!,gettit(41.671101,14, as very ,11ttle,-:trO01,40,. '4,k1or$91*.v141 .414 no -,arrests .-Wer0.004.0 4q0,100,, ,seeined to 'e in good humor during ,Ofl TJ11Ida) 40°14Sn:tett-- 14.t0''';'611)118,P6011/4'0.:tt' 0,0 town volloe:'!, -Tan etkipt.uorghtlXt.,;.01110tVu ufiit4r., sit :,4Tgat She tterol w'l eiflt 0'00 14.1),pe0t0t40.--' 0,t, arymbleoll 011.1;_e'' 4.110 41:011t0t; 4.C$10t1.01k.:?iO4n4t,1 dO pod; ,310*. , 004 part ('.*thaiines, were ylltt, the knit% crowd on roxeterUr- ,lv, 4,, , thef wIll,: 4'1ntfgIt heHt *rnd t1e 2.16 rate (411ann nx 1 .. I U al, .1).,0* 04 ito., .01 vi$,,P�ter thirt.',041.047: '‘e 17110ar <yits*,x40t.;-,.,1 1'led Ibe •t. -',0i t, '06" ',V then iv..'.ci , tate, ' who, ql,f(ut Orate' another1.: '• Ira tin* *04 , Orattao 'Queen; to ,ft.„y.o, ters 11044!401. 1) ,fon . . ectLO 1111;NrorkdIg 'Cia'atlintl',11Sal',„„; 'IstIpils,,, rsItn., ,,,X1ele141: 'eopPe4 ',t!",0*4;°'11:$7. Ith:e:*17?-'° ri' i colt, 4 , 0erot0paal, ,t t.Sottutt rnotor.. , , ' oit .),/,.c're ',seratehe4 :P•ett)to, '0; riri'l 44 400. ' .,1)fht ,. of -,, ti' Atti4, • -Of ,.. ,.w --,P, L. 0 1,c 'orlao .t)ehore „Nol.4 „ O.:rot:40i ,...kit: .Stratford ,. logthe', 0..,,21 trot 011 tlio Meet, ,,- .1'.; f40411‘4s. $1r-, . t , , , , , ' ' ir,o, t ,_,,,,•;pee*.i•Nvas takew '_,out, ".„.**,,a, :the' 0011,1110 „ , ,;$1;10;,s` . Ail re*. A ''' f t1r0/ - IMO!' 'event. ' , was 041410r ' li1tiOlt1Oners *011 li$#.. 33111P C04,olore*s Texa0,,Pateb, •:t0C:_fi,t_OX,Ottil, In !,k., ., t$?,. : ugh oeipio:aittv4r04,14: pe„, 4t4ited oft j 1 7844, hho:it;hoio, ,,,4ze.t .kred - -V,11104. tt„ t-v403101i.'fivoe-ft..t.' , 't )h' -ott,417;.• 'teat-. Isit ;Ude:it Ipoer rel low le Mart ) .U9litiats fiy;00yrgeo (Luella' Mc V1innerorinait ,04410 61...,ePeo:rtiroom001104,,,7,e3r60,itert 0 Dougl°ILeland Couj1n Iary :11100)0Detroit.” Minute 14, Oraigle, trftrickr , ...,004 11"„,) giteninsou, Tor Iloward 0. *Bata -(?laud 'IebeIgOtk), ,0400:1;°17. 76°11°' ye'170 .X1 °bort pion Ogle's , 4,Wad, RA. tam Olt 1%;11010*"1114's In eor 11(4.4) V1/04111$ to the vallerelau _.4ennr Lind bed 41404 .l'otp , uttu 61t.' „ 0110„1c11 erk'rootlae,- Orlo,,, 404 .Aileen Cook. 'Pbutiae. triir(t,;,traa.-101411)7. l'OtOnto. m'ski54,,zi.i *61; MIss ilaheo$:E Bry4lges, tlit$ IOW B410 $ house a* ''N1son Street -\ All eon' 04 .,iorage. osaesslon at onee, Apply L W. AtOtV',„ , . \l'. 1134tt. „ ..,. ,,.... , , ' "-It E.1010-11.0.0=1) 1,4T on the '8400re; 10 s0o4 rood): and altla, .00tivenielicAl. IMmeilIate , ' o Cati,- at ' $1,4,41At4.sTAtt : • 144 tf,„ .ZIOntio Is 'hereby gii4ni to alt pernon'' baying; any etaim8 tiPtant the esta 01 4rglAeaeo, Yittnifre4 400eanateuta late of the, Town of Oodellehi-Io, tb tiparktr Of flut1on,, who 'OW on or about- tlie.:28th ,day„,(4 Jp13,,,,A,-)3, 1937, ti), send tame to the undersign or before AngtOt 2lst, 1,937,as kin and after Oat-4ate the exeOutert7,1_ .cee4' to 4,14trittate the"aseeta 01 the eatate baying reigarcl-milY• to the'°Iitiln*4, he _their ;2.9*4ell,tht 3rd da; Et 413 0Ocledea Outarb, liel ter*. for the Ekeeotote hereto, 4,t1$ 'ireson€114e, tor 14,0 'ItOt,,.tnnt .111444 '„Wi.)0 wflI Spain for' '11- 0.:ate ple**00-'40 'ego es for A:0 during,the -4,,elehrtat1011'; i*'11.fe on elvle 1101140to the D1aud1t of b18 ho *8 tbe great inorning par - ft from V1etorlPark.3VtU GaeAte 011 lMwI(IU and. Mr. ItObort'Thzy be 11„lair" ttlati=t-Z!‘tr;- it)* ' r, Orr Duiiald and 13 , ,titetithirtopt )Ieted the,r7PlAt 'teat ome in OgatkOoo;.'.144...io0o to ft .0 11h 0, 770X . , -47,1P49,14 'Or t , , aidratantlalAnan" eetter0.LaWsAU .0t; •CtitoklOti:,.H814110itOeivo.: , ,CLathern.,' 0,*00.0tr, tole .-•.parlcIaa,Onrt'14$,,., *110..110 .1)0en laratiagt‘itr Inan4i'.$01ra, . • vas,.10,. 0, , nlout Or1e4,00 , ys ,*(11 • 01,4,.0010-e'll!etkl,ai.‘eaf'.nod 11,4$ .olght, 09100' 'bruv-thilo.;*1..'in`,:tet.. please leave - atk SIONA:ST 001, Og J or' AUCTION. SALE -OF A Oooda,Ready-made tothia,„ fQi. SIen' and Boys, Ladies' and lataseie Dkesses,coats, ,#,OiderY, pad a,,shop' fell of other Articles; the store to Bonk of 'Cemiteetee SA,TOBIOAX, AUG. 14tht.'at„.00 Everything In shop- roust be eleared- ut.y-as,-fromis_z_are;14etaed, 44/;,:4'...$40:War Tsr 11.0.P,104T01,, 9,1v4t4'401/0.i1:4' '0ii,uitu,:AttoheUrOr,„ Out:, 45.1tsti Toronto - Itr�. Albert V. 1ur1eI1, A. rank r, ;FL 41l11, a,i 1qhel,"r41,tracv • '1Cs))ufl -404 atenlld 'X,- voter,' W,,a11$44:'!ellthut-,1444.14, . *a. :43voon,3.va10; -,;:1.:9413r.„1.10pe the. ahiltir WUS U ,ilaveghtei of the late Mr.• ‘.004, Mrs. 4‘tdmibp,-$401,0 gros.,;• iiroMable-tQ tbe okl liorne town 115 It 4400 Apt; Is aative..otn,, .1!4„:*tatYs.X*rit).: •-• ,fotao: itt.,,enjoftneitti; .40 11,1-1 wouldn't ,-,(.004,0, 0 ,.. la, a .ot 'Mr. purnin, ;horte,,Ititioged, 'It' tor 4,--..g,Intee t0000111.: 'They:',aro iexpetted, to: :orb* #000t I:vw o,ther, hint :;hoyo'• , ' vithfor 2flIO'fl, and.terJhe.PentetiOtel;', but: I W. M. S. Meetlnt.-Mrs. Lt, Duvldson 4111114t.:-.$.0.1-.a1V -Otte, *01414 4r011r8errea, gm* -44 ,T04-...fottiloi.-tit4.A.u. Ton raMeade,TYwrou. this tiine. The street.' .11ghtlaa uuu1 gust, meetlag ,WOWen'a' tltnaagn, / ,:4000ratiosa„. roe, •,pertioor.:.;..grioit„ so44trrBreihytetiao.:,rrinttir:- ,ttbssight them indell *Ore artistic 0" eautek over igthla'llts.Itt'MON171.)101*$-, - ceotrat*. modoiloo,,,,.;....-.4, ;Our..'ilte0tationa An ,Detre, It 0111,0 itarni (lett, 7 POYOtiOal ere0.01,00'. w...,e"r° ,44,4*, .,xot; Groxsik, . ..... 'lot the -0100T.0 ' kihrlue -,eimy,eatiou. . 1x. ,#1,:ks.n. ; SOW ;nal ' xt,wra. zussiurg, (stuth), , ; 6 '%'11e ltrietv . mho treea to . Which the ,w t poure me- wiloo,44.134.. 2.14% '24' ilor-42•1°' Codeiieh Ountrlede abounds were **them who of.'" ' ' Colia Trot 01', Ascii .:, ' Particillarlt 1.1*utlfuL• toretl ItoWuukney,loye iie,trut, aux- *,41)ersonalit X ; had ,it nuitrellous ot tosooti, cieioorivithittitloki„n„ mei, 7., „,.,,..,,,,....,.,,,.. _ .2ji time *MI miSSetl tamest none _...,uf -,,th:U 440. or eile4 froi, Ntoaceo: to, J " i wYG"atto.7‘.:0"#:. ...' "iitt,,. , 70;4 . i*reill't4;81-,11'134-d-4!Altbi*Oteattnelltlt.tilltflatut tirl: and to to°11:teUrligettr(44' rift:: tibiAO'Indre-, ,-,, - ' - -61adticris.,,. - - ----):' ttI''''',-,' - -----. ,,.., , ..4meikas ,A$404,1 .0tak8. . ., ' *Vetevitd made. for ttir 441.erwelp,P"t4";1010; 4 741"417'.3a6"1791 'Hvb;u1AZ7' 004 thoo .00ux :this hamtnemeetk ,•.: ,10rx#,ogq,--, for a, tet w " tollt&yd' f)Y" . , . alarti0, '` '0#011si-,,t IdiCettY 1 4 30016.; peti4it. ttu Tr84.1 Asttth'stteiePtiltf4. TVInst 4rgar4fW Toronto, road, Tuts !) UlAItrtY -- ION, on:km.418i tor, IC Lir 141ico -„ - Ami'ust tseet)ag eorah4ted Avith sltlehivinidi4i7r4 .,4,470";:11-1-0-ti‘-seps' tt.rtti... botthidso.4 oodhauitt,171:62ft,pithwilaith,03,11:(1. oni the aod gra. Potter, Detr Da- /mit. 41.4.2 • , rp. snit will meet ou '.1.1toralaY,. August prwe.,40, 1 at Bayfleld will s. Mr and xMis W. E. llanna,Toroflto. oz. and, tegfijr V4Oviti DRAFT 0011115 and WiAtle,140$1i,i' at/411e Ntasice'll Omar , Goderieli .ab.out, -* *MS •ft0111_ .troOr xevalv ',Rytwtion, .for .TAMES PIERCE, at, Elkhorn, Alan. 2.1241ii These colts 'are a well:br,e1,"61,1171: lot, 'TaltiOa by 412(l'Ag itxe and are -most 0„f. tegin' .•00-f several ykrs With teia!"1:riliein, Matched' teams amongstae, N - • T. I Op, pox . „, 11:111.11140, Toronto. • ' 11,1" le/ *linter -844 tinia;.*1,11'7, 811`'et -130- t,a10, 30s. &>littet* claderfet, Mt* - " oft - • re pion; .0f .the- vhereh, pr.o.: .AuetIoneetS thPies groOp.- • , ict• • • ft* .wtlt lo nild tioderich. %to BeetaOrant. 4tehen° A. tbstiniero, 1070,,a4.41- ,0144, Xr„ Lcknow, flatted )f the toes Do71e re- e. A. llebert 10 baby to notreit on !r1da7 If beg • KntOer *ad 3Lf11ZaTellki Otitigist El Mgt oa ntuttny, thetr ratintles *Way. ot. Irak, and Ur, tom of or Dohlto, vlatted at P 11. Sailivan's A•Tarot week, 'DaltOtt. trePlita to UDE 11it0 Ott,. and I"; MO *visit. Alr. and ,htre. -JOY; ,ot 00014 oog their Mena* 1, : tIMS li . . . . c at *hree wkeit01 -visftwltb TOdt et I 11060, latit 11r1da7' 10 8i11111*Fra. W. Ir011ot 1014.0,,4;40t ,1.11« Otetetc" 01 MuovItie; op. ' itot1160' (64,00',. .Xri.'Edna . 1;i12 dueted rho Servieen,10, 10realne 1,44eby10'„illt:' • ErnestCriiwtorakiltOrs4 O.!" 'xist r hi thfht, ' . ,. ,' ,Ohutth . ' . 3. Zane, Of ita010 ebuteb, awl 'Ur*. Artliter: WnOar auve, Mule , Xo of' -.It 11 bel;thbe142014,004I,,itt:41sett,'0101,te,Xitt tstf4.0nitedli:00.014. ,,,,euttivoitit:Lalmottotter, ., 0; Auatortml.,51;r4pg.,, 'bton At,that Opt. ' Alie#IiiitiOit Ai , beert. or . 140,1thlig, tOt * Int $ ;46t ' 0 Or' t '1,0obtle *hoot 13,04 vo " slat :ogee 010 odtik t, *ha , , . pat ratt and oneohilf, . fakir *II. F.nei-*WOO ria**0.44 =ft -2 00 ,titti bont4ont „pre* ytelt-huoyou *Mott. 01 4thli distilet, .,' - 'On -Oe 10043, -Woo, 11160/War Inc , the Wag* 0141I 'hOnlit# :Age« tre400: ertioteiTt .auct. „. totn now, , kodim.,,io a :, tit lite 'Wine hi; . . on Iwo, ' ,*ekat eon -tern, woo telt by the peope it .00ric, .0410 #,kilstrItt on *rang ot lb* , Ilble "e10114t whiOtt Well W. -Amen neYowg: and hiat ieligrt-Yearoold moo Tr", . G w:foto% 'Tor,. r. anoc' r8.,‘ 'CiMrs.,4,1030YrellOorttodi: "Walter °'(trankildfr .4.0.106;34..!t; vole, been ;spentlibt,ttia UK" tate Wee to in 'Om? .4#4.,:wet*-02:Vell..,104reeted:- t": *palittogissol"-: 4:7141'°'1100m4 doingw. ot ,00010' tr-0041 in tb Week :a14) „extortAsilo Lhe to. t1t4t ittrit,:fhpee hales hellig,'forteer' rest- ' id` " 01;*$':, 1On 'nga,14. viett the Venus son ittots:of Gooriohl, ' " • - - r . • • • ,•• , Ooderiqb, Soeleffry an, 4tuut ilioYer 'mho* will b*e. tea August 1041 :la " VraWay) this Is your W. M. Anderson, and In °Wet' to -make It a suc-; Os we need your, ittoiierif and often; irore04-,4141ea /eau Ito., &thee at the ithewr, .,,q,e4ettonit 40-41 Viotat Hhett)eoeite,. „"To "007. fe0;.•., 17)00thi,"11C:eit; .'egalar. Meeting .Of m'n ; barn* Saalc,„ • cliele,,„tellt, be held In AC.npx Mr. and. 'teettire. 'roma Oa' Monday evening, AU. !lialsa tool* M. Woheter.,: gust' 16th, at 8. (Moth; "Grontr,lf will Zaik 0..onalds41;,..toa Angles,- hivrt eharge,: 0101er the tehilereh p et -1 Elate Dunna8ge,, 'retenes, '1' 'Taw. Etaer. . ors, ,v4). veu.suti: taltso 4i14. Isfurgatut or, molt talk on otiffe In 3tt*. ',Atinattent;A$V-Onte nth " 'Cain edit t.; *to: It* t` . . Walker, on. „. re ,hare avrauxed, ..auct eo1,$'31 airn, Wird, rise. , of „the late 14t. and Mm and von lo his neten. lit rivel br ihte 10a Mors Moo, to *tom be, wail mow ilea *bout forty -00i pod* ago.- Two" WO** Cleo* AgsM Drititb•Oetoor bio# and- Alex. Agar, iwfutt, 4,441, two tom Mrz. 8 3 4..touyai cuitatuiu, irnit Mr*, 4ottolo Dotinto, 01Saiolnktehe. 04 *write, The tonenal was hie -late imnne.14 Innnoteeb, ter*ent InIttorapton keurettry. AMMO, 'bat alhigadaY 0000 the* 00164)0 is la *toned, for *pa ,o tbetr r&- owy it liatertnt complleittiona do, not 4)0. ,,, Crswfa Iff40V01.00440. * Will OM*** (the lattet formerly Zee IrlOrente,('rawfot4) and Mr. torn tot ,CraiVt4)rd..01 ltenota, • atitt ;gigot iitaa4mv OritarfoiNt'of W ea1,144 on ,tbek" Telatirtat7bete to Wettoextet .0* votoismaict evetang twtotroish Mr.andML ha toot r* ICD 110o2a the £r drat, Aug$t U4 161. etwaligh4004of irhiktori tt tbe bei, 01,00. **0045)0.4 West rs. . 4To. 100)110403.1. ---it* Alexandra - 1ior41ta1; , Gtodetiehr-00,,Iire4teulai*: Angoat 4 ' to 'Xt. awl- Milk. Victor Itoblasog, •4' of ilikletieh; (nee, *teen': Protli, Of • Ooderfelx.), a ilaugliter. . ... ' li!eCotateit'..-,-At Muncie, intlittna,, onto. imanpV0foato; Ore ROO 1rs. Tboe, .11en1y,. iztrda aildsislittloh Hes1,, TOM)to.„ attat, It, ,fso,wler liendotif On 3. Mfg* Ito Stinai; •Idnigati., Patti. MrSi- N. O. Spatioctietrolt, WO, itert aOlt lifitilt0ret"Hale, London. $. 'Bat Tortnito. *rt. imitAt, itUric.i, .UISS thitair; Toronto. • P1. A. Long flaallton. Bennett., Attlet 33eneett,'.1ra, eabet Boo:tett, tTorontoi. • Urn, Graee Oto, Icenoey. Memo?. /tow, Itenaltit Kenney', Ont. ., - .; Mr. and Ws,: •C„ „iteNett. ;To Mr- and. itti* B. The Oetta**„ Utoret Bates lieBonga Laurel add: tlelitak MeDougall, 'I gonougolit Teilotittx , Etit Bat Toronto. 4trk ilhilte *tont°, 30, and. 4ohn T„ Sewell onto,, Mis It;.,.,0IhaOn, *ion+ In% and , D„ 8tr011, alit& Uri. Therese Knell** athlttti* Stratford. _ rt, Walteek,:te*tothgtolt gsr, and Mrs, Peter VI( 4.'1104: ford.1•,„. Ge'raldlne - Vitt ; L1U*n *Ott John Yo ltiut Utie Bert La 4111** tontDetrol• Mr Oott.Itt$4. ' The regular Meetleg 'Of tho tegietich . • Waship.Alesp,111. be Jield at'the :Wale Of. ,Ikfra," Rundle,AlOro# utoaik, t4ritst .I9th, 2.$0, • Aar 22oc1,. to .31r. Mrs, C.' Vitedruilek (tee 011te .414101,)ft son, Gerald Arenthaid. Iti/STOtite-M Oh*tiettetewoo, 4m,1104140,1Aftwokt 9* 1.907* to Mr. - and Misr lobo, *mitt* Acitt04 (Thee tAtdott'NO'kely rk' Ott ($0ht1 • liatt4001).--44' Otlet 600Pito1, ,,frott, oo, Tikeoday, Angtort loth, 1987, to Ur. and Mrs.Itoderlek litadoto4 Pc-0Ft AR'ertb, • 'Tli1wis out, iixow-uutt-ifigvr4et .tfe-joath flowers alid otterotinve at sthe nhow„ • "OsenerOlas pes Antal ed1ne. 'Lott Moe l3fle$I&ytOO& Zde1dedto . . PHIL t oo114aken two klUI wig' Oats fx4,47, I sa.t