HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-08-13, Page 6a 1,
:;•/. ic;?co
rxt1011; AVG, latjo
• hi the elty t
..., .
te Og!110$0, ke .Wile$` . wore aeeow
i. .. led also by rii, ItObt* Trei, , efIT
te,*, 1 otilt_
1"'" Mrs. Yrank" coart10. who " Irmo
ud $1s *Igarberliiii4tva vt.hoTrtlz 144reglieep,
d the NoSir-en • t*,
nd Airs, 4aelc 0011 ehild'' "turn' /Y-4."4
r.uolmow, *re »pendlng $0403,,J Mr. Wra.. Andrew. or;
'with --her-tather,1 Iw
-Ilard. -017--411;-'14/4411/
*mealy Uk MarlY.
a 'aro"aii""
'11/4'',Ur 'and Mrs, 1.14ward 1/?4:1104310. and
aonDonnld leaVe-,i,h..ortly
.speecats, „Mrs aed,,''MrSi', to 4•14000' ,VrePkt:- Sitiaro. 'niotoring with
-343"'3141'14:"43.1"t"*.'"'-:° -$1,r,:fbette...tatib froni-Ceib-er,0Thet,i:
meet* ;General hospital, Is ViSiting .1$01" or,neet their visit there. will.. b.,e
r"'''"" "..r. • 004 tWO *MAW Mr. „Sanitlee PM&
34we tyho.• ,000 the.,04%.boery Is being,illied
.4alt ViAngban4 and -gr; 14°P°1.41614 'Mr.; Allan .11...e04;
sapiwt '8'indaY. with 'relatiVea hetes • ,e#, ;,,Agneg* and ;FennIriggina
Zr. and Um J1wIn Pentland 'Lor Irnve romthWto tho: 'home' of Au*
aisidt ,from Chleag0 ,StInfla' morning an4iiaro%, Mr..And. Mrs, D. Menu.%
le *Wend sotne 'holidays with -his meth*.40:- Yisit With, Mr. and, Urit. Niraut.'
3140 41016t :
-,e4,31E,s, • Da•vi.d. en
.• kik; . • • • ;•I • • ,447.•
1 Mr and 1tra, L. *Inge/ and UPI*
Wee Ruby Aviner and her mother,Irr, leaving tuts ii,cee-k..,0a a rotor
31kaa, ot Louden, are vis4tIng
Maces sleety M. . .
tr1p. to Carleton,.Yarmouth
*Ilke rsNV3Robb;
eon.the Oth concessien or West WAWA"' ";,;,74;0_ 447"1.724= T7": via Z.717-744“.4441,
leinlet, and Miss KAT. lltobbitt the--A-11-1,17-iavr' .71'irur'ot;ningu"*.mvie‘
vaito Sunda* jut olitaPenY Wr4L,
-bor.to be back about the lot of Septenr.
Alone • friends.en route. ,
. Illitlee•Lueille and her brother Thorn- •
Aso zed.y.m'otgieckto Niagara for the DONNYBROOK
'h -end and were iteCoMpa tiled by
ozone, tonsins at Stratford. • DON,,nitItOOlt, August 0.--srha
Ur.Sem .Swant Of Ripley, W.U.S. meeta on Thursdny afternoon,
Awed daughters, Virinnifred and Doris, at the home of Mrs, Jefferson.
*,411iketr nt,Vbew, David 'Swan, and Miss Mr % .Jas. Robinson, taf Toronto, is
eIltire...Plivsket, of Strat.ford, oat •Sun- visiting his sister,. Mrs. Geo. Nap
444613r With Mr. and hirs. Earvey Mole lor.
Menuts UHL • bliss Ruth Thompson spent last
Mr. Brum McArthur, of Vert Erie; week with :friends in Goderich.
-.arrived last" week with .su lies te Mr. and, 'Via, Ashby and fam-
or of ,SMgunUne, e.
that air$4 •
ty of only, i4teen 'dot
per Anna*, %Vs, Bert Tho, op.
read cox article written* kt Mt.
. (treen. of 004erlelh ' entit4.
*The Pars ot the ,141nen Puste
Whieh, Proved inattnetive as' '
;entertaining! Fbomp-
ni lir
CAW. 0.
'Menai-1'01On 6* 1,4441‘10$ *new vend
Mrs, Wollare, Millet, on behslf Of the
'St. Wiens branch, thanked the A.$t,
4004* ladles for a very: plosant
afternoon,, .t•ttAk;h• was served and a
SOcialAime 04,10Yed• 'There WOTO f`tkr,'
4 -floe in attendance, It 'Ivi0o: decided
to invite theoorlietriet, president Mrs
.0ater Of 'Myth* tO the .SeptelnOer uteet,,
Ing, Which •Is to be 'held At the home
Or Airs. Mark .Armstrong.
, -
Bavuiritztt, Auguat 11.00 --,Mr. 4,
plohoi has been- confined to bed • the
oat -week.
Mr. John ef'Lontion, Et.„
Mlss„Mollard, or °mitten, • visited,
With Miss' Loretta 'Kerr over the weeirw-
end* •
Mr. Erie Ilitrciner, of Guelph, viSited
his „parents this week. •
Air. and ,Mrai E. T. Pfrinither:Spent
the• weekend at "tianallton.
Miss 'Betty' Stranghart is holidaying
1111 Toronto. •
• A number from Beautifier, attended
the -funeral 'of the late Robert' Oke,
of Goderich; on Monday' last.
'Mr.:Ironstone, sr., had the Adorer-
tUne to tall and crack it rib,'
is A
, 'AO*
seoUona 01 Vateriea' . „
porta,00flatotono Variatkolvit4faill,'$'40?4
majority trannitlit Ookultoku35
bus,44435 bush&a4Perlher.':belo verPOraagliiorttAlt::,,wentilla:4"re:
PO* '?erlOgned ere% urea to New
scecOutsi, Pee
air to
Ci9 01
iabli;7:' .000 , t
runs f,r0OX 39 CO 35 We
etOeic are ,TislOkt4#
in that 'pasture ho not tbeen.
7020. Bsykng
haa oorttlroed ran”' the
southern comities -Yid' ng to - Ansuitable
at: 'rylelds -ofust' s 'Iv nit futr174-til t"11:66;r7
.7...eeikhartOsinifitcGr_lg...90407, 1Korthi„
t.ieheat c
- 4ePert**4041:ge-delle
by n-
aecte et the 0140;444a Om VeiR* 1400'
or- Oritari0 lara'aSliolloitin;!, V •
The` iMet.t'iiota'Ottei*: 60in *swot,
as .it do often called, hao.debtroyed many.
aerW.lot the ,eOuptiee
01 Z,ttee4',-,:lcilikft.,,- 044', 104440,6,26 and
-Nerttilltk-'031thtlo' to.00::# 94 •4010
sibitea *Plant*,
Vitheivornia Invoaasedr
11 2.
co* half OtrooloVe04-
Frool;u0 to be god
hilehels'a* 40tAinited
• 136. -The pear
12e a (toe'
1 to show.*
The tat, )74044000 for the ..0M.rinee.iii.
eiiieeted 144*, ft* 1)eighbObood 01
inf•00!. '1001$.00•
ibuOhele *St year. Ttann Pe* are .treIttrte4
ed tobe in healthip..:ditieliinld'I,
fleedornrIs alaing::i.xit':;ram*pe.40:aktos'**teh,, too jy".P.,,;:;;ragr,4;ctts,tirags,,ixioot-e"j40be
:Iexeept ,i
-4001e drop_eo*ParetiVoly, ,
.041 1041.0021i' 10..1_34;444, 56
In xbua4450:,"...411*"61/P44e, peach crop .04;'=„14,4104,411," ‘1411444
.'buelte .
fs 0.00eted•'.. to date, eire4fier
ander Oen there 141*
C11114**1,ux°4-44' fmar)'"11**trieg:
Weateirg Phbarie— estima ,Ist, and dead arm 4425:1:
The aOreage .cit'irooesiductoniatoei
and In atern',•:00.0144 at 6970 acn
as oeinvigred 4vidt4., I The
• .1$ 11
I 1
• t II .
• '-..weseeleenee .business t,h0.115 'afore. of TorGatei,:viai Mr,s, E. H. VQ,niters, of -Torento °et...444140 ' lete.toba.Oree;. average *nd':*0
. .
.ime tope the west `-sitide of Main Street: (301ra. _01),1,10.#.2 f4topehtidnitto,La, feww_eeho wltb trends
„ --fe.-±agatt
Visitors with Mr., and him 'IL. Z., L.
AledY on. Sunday Wet* .Mr and atre-
-Meter. Cedy and fee:illy and
bac, o.f Rostock,' and on Xontler Mr.,
sold Mrs.. Russel BileY. -.et Atnivet tea,
aad Mrs. -Win. Eedy and Mr. LindsaY
Coulter, of. Millbahk.
• Mir. and Mra. Harvey Mole were
ilailted On Sunday% by Mr. and: Mrs,
lr.„ J. Drennan andlitin Arnold, -of Wit*
zton, and Mra.., Ateltle, JohnstOn and
ellanghter Thelma and Mjack Sparks,
-40 Pert , for 'the week -end. laws,
metal Swan returned to Ripley after
, apending 4 week with her slater, Mit).
Mr. and Mrs. Q. 0.'Treleaven and
•••411aughter Wilma vent it few days In
"IPeroato.,„laiit week. Miss W'lltaa xe
,eipe'' 4'; l'o..071ftTolfS:4,st,;307.var. reffitivea in ,the
.ents, 1$1r! W. A. 'Campbell. Rev, Geo. Wylie was in Stratford
and Mrs. Ernie Doerr and .0- wonday.
' t th
daughter Joan, of - Stratford*, sPen- --e Mr, Albert ' Vitestone, 'of, London,
week -end With her Parents; Mr. and..ivisw, friends, around the,
Challutel. lage.on Sunday.
Miso 41SOYS Jefferson; LW., and A\ goat crowd ,attended decoration
Miss Olive ,Jeftereen.:,1141.. of Wood". servlee at Colhitrae- cemetery on Sun-
stoeity were • home over the week -end, day and listened to g very able ad-
VaeatiOrt befOre takI4 up , her
rOmataiaif Went" by Rev, W. P. Lane, of "North
duties ,areet United chur6h, Goderich.
ren the . Staff of Brantford,: General (MISS .Alice Hooker, of Wausau,
hoseital, • . Wiseonsin, was the soloist at the
rllein*toite;INInatiteinitouotr vitsPl.e:pesanatt andmorningmoreing service in Knox Presbyterian
church on Sunday last.
Wednesday at the home orstri.t.
tiraig, When the St. Augustine Wo -
metes, Institute entertained the •ment-
berti of the St. Helens branch. The
president, Mee. Gus Eihahan, was in
the their for the ,business part of the
At: vit. e..41 er0
s't)r14 ircrool'
' ASHPIELD, Aug. 9.—Mrs. Walter
Abate and little twit, of Detroit, are
meeting. The dubject of the roll elm 0080 at the hotite,of Mr. John Cath -
was "The Birthplace of -My Grand- , ear*,
fathers." The St. Helens branch emi Ilir.. and Mrs. It Mardoch, of De,
tributed.twe ruusical numbers, a Plan°. trolt, spent the week -end at the home.
solo by Mrs.. 0,uritin l'14.111.1Ps- and a of Mr. Dune., Cameron. -
were very much enRieiYeeed•-::7311ssototto.. wej.:7'9°0_1:::::- ,patroriteh, titts., xitorlildiraydlnivrg -ws,ith his - grand
. -
plane McAllister, eOliV Jas. Maddonald.
roma solo -by Mrs. Master Kenneth MacLennan, of De'
of historical researek 'then 'wog 4 Mr. Tillilk %Griffin, of Detroit,
hurge. of the-;Prograln-armialle".'visiting 'relatives here. .
Mrs. John 'Redmond, .who --pie •the Rev. Mr. 'MaeCennell, of Ripley,
story of. St.*.A.uguitine 411,..€1,-,0Lbureb eonducteil ArOth services In Ashlield
slum Iti- heStatrag; 4114 '.41u.,„14',1,4wvyr'r Presbyterian etturch• last Sundiy. ,
ea Tholnpson• gave . Vne- nietQV Of' ,
'_.- I NM la Rola), and. - children ;have
i Donnybrook, eburch slum its Winning.- reterned .to' Detroit after epeeding a
_Mtas,_,MeAllister ,ttlito gave the MIAMI lew /Irmo; volit_ur.4.,/,. ea4tratdoztard,
. ••
teaSorMits No COM isimamooti!
Coeatia 'end Se the enormoUe ofice
Etissiaridnite With the litotet.Miser can
frecze.in one, «iarliestass Ton rould_bis
erat setidll Ito* ikatill food safer -at miserly
irstrreat reed See Frigidaire' sesvolutionaty new
4114tetal Qukkuhe 'Ttayi See demor the many
that give you Convincing
Tra00iit that X' „trodden the sno4teont._
Ice.Setvls:n Overltqaponsf •
„and hacked by
. „4„ -‘ •
▪ 4100'
asps food tater.
14 kaget-mstoikee .
• pounds of ke,
isniolng Y.
kik • atter 10
-Duty Frigidaire, is
laCtIll TRAY 'with the IN,
EASE. 'Yields 10% mote ice
and nutionte, of Meitingite-tuhtis
*ISO a 4
MOS kelliektag
•Stenlrg Wise
qatitt Palls
Ir461.,•4•Zia. -.1••••••••'
44"2413****Cilitrilir:":1; the:100 ' n°
lalrklustai bararftelbr teat 01 of the -pre°41$4124reethe:;;;,
have done vine damage 'here and "there,
but there has'beirictO eeriote birtbreidi.
rea Obi*, 1,44re "40w threatathe'manY
etittleideott..remocalantalr:, .In NOrth',Iurtin 'ffiberaardellr4:fiettytinPOsti
a Cow 'fields ave aireadY'roined.,
- white einhe thave done severe IntorY to
gram, mangoldis, and ;Other Plants oa
sons talitUtp tOedian.," In cetthria
Ontario' but net es many reports of
carnage have been teeeived as were ex,
oh xe
'Urger *Id acie‘exPeesect Wen tat
Rose ehaferit (rose tongs) during the
ter part of the toorth emerged dn. law,
number* and are now "atteekeng Wei*.
1*(117 Plane; raireberries, to-eat:Atli -tre*t:
. and .vin•efarda. The ineeeti are 'limited te
districts where there ii; muc1tflht ban47.
land, as it is In meth waste landerthat
theY'breed, •
a'reritabutadadih°143eat" eu01.11g,lirt)..‘Parti
le freqtrellaralt°POU1114:'
tiOnn of poison bran bait.
OusCsili9t.b."4/141441"Vleilt'efflefairMiclorh M°Teeever:1111"‘erYeati;
pyf liatit Of the Pravinte.
. Tent Caterjellers, ioth the eastern suad
the'lkeest- 0061* fir.thilled' their
feeding 4001 ore mw IrOatin04 " The
Moths i1 been %to eppear•fh a Week
or two. • _ 1_ - • —
So d Itehvieitee caused the destruetion
01 armind10% Of the eOrn in a taay fleId
In At1dOeSe7C, but elSewhere do not oeini
to have done an etterieeiable dal:nage.
41,a •
Howlo---Start Beekeepler
OvArlit facrekaing dealaVdand
ate good pricee (received fee *mei, mat*
,peaolejare being attraeled 'beelteepft
ineaos oc ,a• livelihood or of',
aumentenliet, redated &Woe* froth
other our**. Beekeeping; **ter,
like all other ins% ehdesiotoc„, tectuatoa
experience 'to, Make it' e sueeensfel tirtder.,
• up in inargusta Ibegivn.*Ost for Or Wani11:441Yt
given in an article welt ai this, hot to
gain experience in 'the ansatiptrIntion
bins the beginner. is Willoscivised to spend
at least este tull•geseott Working With in
eivatinoced beekeeper •,b0ore purchasing
beet for himself. One, the neat
best Meth04. is to, obtain one troft opt«
* geod teat bra* and to visit
*aft :hselovePerg Of)tefi 00a-.
agile. A betdisner, la often oneted ttit�.
bisiog his Stott kit or heti during late
• atinseer or in -the fall: this is a roistnite,
land likelY to cause lot Of tr 'dub% and
Dile loss of the, colonies. The beet
during the /Orilltitoilr :10
• *tong, iidth the colon:fen it tan ba rbStio
!led during: the Pint* Mit tztdkig
the...1050tat 'Often -been areovureheeed
bi I, Wenner ee. cbligettt' *hen litAte
toiPoitdoe 'frat44,ehovi that thoY otr(nild
,be ettperadve u'les gat, Ifeler boy bees
wee" they- *Ala movable free*
of /Mt leOs then,' ctorktegue tend tete.
, thei .nre aboolutelt ttne Opts'
Ourtherinore., mire that teoh, coloort
headed faith a geed.
of beta tront not, put
arud move'thein dtring th *ot
toeX.You do the teld force Of the
icaloutitili, retain to *heir old bon* and
your 00100 Vrili be 4et Id , one,
'111, *event' fine the
should be molted ftt leeett 2iieo mike.
new aftatta Oti,11 bte Motikt Ortheie.
Afl the %tar itongh the tett* *neon
there :at** inabtl&latkV "0470ti
WhiCh Minos* 'aritriolia.to *iv*
the' beginner *Otte advice, *hich if ad.«
cepted mare 4tett than . tit* leads
-cesp In
beeo t
sateen ()uteri*
.T1 tis 01
lest-ot aiige to
tod 11 Patti tanditglaiei
1344,00„ t 'TIOLMEM
104.V38.144 AU& 'reP
tire reettlx4 tentPe oro 01
0.11, was .held liere filtrOng
MISSee BOO- $took and .Maude Mac-
roturocsi, on Prislar at* ;Pend.
Ing an, enjoyable Toelr. at the giria'
Oral! held at 1.1t •Ooderieh tonMer
fiehool orotincle,, ,
,and trarold (lalbick and
Ross,Mrs. Lee and
litea .ktiarit;;.„au;.ot , --Trait/aid -,tfere '-
,weekend guests: with Mt* 4che-.
3Irs, liedds; Chicago, Veen,
vildting- -during - - past week -with
her slater, "Ors. John, Ondmore, •
ltev. T, 'w, ilerhert.left,onc-%Oxiday
begin the 184,two lyeehe • of his
-yacation with 'WS,: **it -444 $111
In Muskoka.
'Mr. and Mrs. Spence, Who have
resided in?, HolmesVile for ‘the past
three year$, left recently Or the.
vielnity, of- Dundalk:- .W0,01M11,2•Viati-e.
Ur. Mrs. Spenee.-who',have.,alwaYi
proved xood friends to. *he itnew,
them. Mrs. „ Spence wait surprised ' be-
fore her -departure by the ladies' of •
the beat W. ,A., of which she was a
member, who presented her' 'with
exrex,ple,.plate witit sliver,atand.
We welcome to our • midst Mr* and
Mrs., ,Rutt and two chlidren„
Thamesford, Who are taking :over Mr,
Spenee's store and serilee station.
Mr. and Mrs. j. Brogden MaeMath
vent a few days in Toronto last
week. -
Miss Cora Trewa'rtha.„ who has
completed the agricultitral" slimmer
sehool 'course at the 0. A. 0,,, Guelph, -
ea -m� home to pars the remainder of .
the holidays with her. parents.
The Misses ".W.ilhelmine and Alma
Trewartha are visiting this week with
relatives at Arthur.
Aiken, of ;Clinton, spent a few
days with Miss S. Acheson.,41tekmeleliLL
Was AAA/tested agaftst the
pIacltig of authorities for /*vent°
zoOnIs -In Ottren and of ;the
present Metolier was 'eentlerehed• in AG
neertain terms, The matter of
earlY was diaeusted and the
meeting was. nunniinons. in deciding
that te:Obtain -the,40170Pert.0•0.4 OP-
-candithttea noMinated" hY the Lib-
eral and Ooneervative paPties must be
of nterling temperance principles and
have a natrsttietory,temperauce record.
Ale0 the Pandidales must be absolutely
oPPeeek to beverage rooms and be
PS-Pate4 4 40 all -their power to
haye the tn.Mendment the. I4Quor
0.00.04 Ot.,eXrIng :beverage
rooms, repealed, these gnat-
ileatlene, tht temperance people of
Huron will nominate an Independent
eanclfidate-and -will organize eVeetively
o elect hint
Mrs.10rell$ :MS. -authority on
'planers, 146 linelly directed her at-
tention,' te. the .manners ,of -Motorists
and, .courtesy,on the highways; Her
*test, ,editlen "Etiquette," shortly
to be published in ;Canada Ryerson,
Press, includes a* chapter on 1,1Manners,
for Motorists." uer findings and
comments closely those on-
Phaetzed by . the i'Vr7 -Courtesy" cam-
isaign hell* 0011dUCtect,,tbY the thitar10
OighWaYa Department.
Mrs.- Post Inch:Klee a -dist of "don'ts",
or orty country driving:
-Deatt--tge*W Your horn UnneceisitrilY
11-.147,-'.1431Siga.4 ;COIL
2ittRultIst„ ug 9.-31r. and Mrs.
Mae Wilson have( .reterneci 'fro* ,
Visit wlth their family at Coeftrane
and Norithern Ontario.:
Christine;.,M.Reherteeni et
• WhitYh, and MiOs merkha ratersou,
of Terronto, are visitors with their
• eouidn,. Miss Josephine Weir. '
• • .
- 'The Auguet imeeting of the Auburn
bianCh of the Women's Institute will
be held In the Voresters" Hall on -
Tuesday, August 17th. It will take
:the form of ."ebildren's day" and the
• program will be; supplied by -the chil-
dren. The hostesses are 14ra, S.
Johnsten, Miss Viola Thompien, Mrs,
'Geo. 'Hamilton, frs;, Gordon Taylor
and'hilss Jpsephine Weir.
Mrs. I. Stalker and daughter, Mrs:-
• Hannah, of „Regina, are visiting with
°WS. Robt. !McGee.
Bernice Lawson, Niargaret
Ferguson and Dorothy Wilson have
retUrned from a summer course at
Guelph. •
-C. --Iteadleand T: Adams- -Were--
Voronto. one day thiS week.
, Mr. and ars. A. Rbllinsott and
family motored •en Saturday to Wind-
sor, where Mrs. Rollinson, Isabel and
Murray will stay for a feW days:
John:' Fe,rguson. and May are
Spending a few- days in, Clinton.
'Ur. and Mrs. W. If. Sheppard an
family and Lois Ferguson-- left on
Friday for holidays near North Bay.
INir. Alexi 'Smith,. of :the Canadian
Bank of .Comitteree, Goderich, is sup-
plying for W. H. Sheppard in the
local bank:-
Stewitrt Ferguson spent a- few days
in Goderich.
The Angina Meeting Of the Baptist
k. U. wilt, 1* held On Sunday night,
15tit at 7130. It Will he. :in
eliarge Mies „Margeret Small and
Edwin 'Lee.. 411,are invited. ' „
Mi. and Wis. "ttobb,and ditUghter
Derothea,. of ,Dettgatmon, Mrs. _Milner
'tend -•Of LondonMr.
and- Mrs. Armstrongand son, of Tor-
onto,visited with Mrs; Itolib
'31arwciod. •
Eugene Dohle, of Ottawa, lo .
vrith -Mrs. Itobb and Mr.* liar -
NV, iMrs, and *tire. Me«
Gilt and daughtete.,tteriou and 1s
1)0, of tlytit, vrere'ftt xtliSier on Sun«
day visiting Mr, ant rM1tbe1t.
end Mrs, W. C. Itobirien .visited
In Myth On"
Mrs'. ZP.: 'Manning and #hylits, of
Londe:Shore; were flatting Mrs.. IA /), Then there was the Seeteh pugiliat
•Mrs, and -
of ,Goderieh„..vvere In the village on
Sunday'. ' •
'who inetnorial Service at
eetnetery, be• nett., gandaY,
tteU*t Treah'trafilerlights or .disregard
%top'? Ogn*-4omember discourtesy to
Peciteir144:-On easily "-Oita out to be
anelangbtet., , •
Don't turn grew* and all an ob-
stinate:driver names_ after you finaily
pass him. 4Oesta.teach him
anything' or do you any good—and
May easily end 14 an -accident. -
Don't 'almost Tun over Someone who
In trying to sgna1 e bus Or street ear.
eourteity :requires only a few
seconds of time.,:tuld_ may easily pre-
vent a' serious adeldent or fatality.
WEISTFIELI), Aug. 10, --Mr. and
Mrs, .„..Wre.. Vender, of tilehigan, are
visiting at the home of their son,,
Mr. -Maitland Henry, and with other
friends, .
Dr. jaws' VeClintOti, of Timmins,
visited Mends in this vicinity recently.
Miss Fern MeDowell spent last week
day. C.. W. 13.-Cosin*s, of Clin-
ton; will be in charge..
The Township Council Met tit
Helmesville. on Tuesday, August 3rd,
Mr. A. E. Erwin, secretary of Bay-
field cemetery Ward, Wrote asking es -
Distance to keep. the cemetery clean.
No aetion. '
Mr. c. Groves; seeretarY of Gkei-
erich 'Fair, asked the usual grant.
$25 was given. . •
The Ontario Association of Rural
Municipalities asked for membership.
b action:
Bylaw No. 6 was passed, setting the --
rates of taxation as follows: County
rate, 7 mills; Tovrnship rate, 1 5-10
mills, being one mill lower than it,
would have been °vying to the Provin-
cial grant of one mill; the genera/
" •:47 i • •• •
school rate to be the same ae last year,
with Goilerieh Mends.
Mr. Alex. Nethery and MiSs Norma, 3 mill& The rates' for the Police
of Iltunilten, visited with their aunt, .5Vilmiaiguse ;of HByadyrofieldrattoe, be3 5..Doem atul rad, tea.
Wire. Vred J. Cook.
Bir. A. al. Robertson of Goderich, crate, 1 mill. • Scheol Section
bi-ct ciiai-ge or the ehurch ei-rvice 111-InOrra'S. 54-0; S.S.
from the NNee.. 53: 21 mi5-11108;; 'NMI); 04,, 22 ni5-111108;;
tairirmdeonY oan4dthete°31kolfrt. text
Mr, and Mrs. ThoMas E. Good and -No. 8, 1 mill; S.S. No, 9, 4 4-10, S.S.
family, of South Bend,,Indittna, visited No. •1Q, 2 3-10; S.S. •klo. 11, 1 7-10;
with the ,former'a tester, Mrs. Douglas
Campbell, attd---Mr. Vampbell..
week w her a t, a e-
* Miss (Withinifred Oitunmpbeurif:visi.tedstolnast
hotiee of' Goderich.
The X.P.U. will meet on • Sunday
evening* August' -15th, Rev. Wm.
Taylor will 'be 'the speaker, Special
mute Wilt be given by the Lobb Quar-
tette of Clintiat.
Fandly Cettliering..-Mi. and 3Irs.
DoUgla9 Camebell attended it fatally
reunion sit the here° of Mt. and Mrs.
Wellington Good, of 'West NVawanosh,
911, fittiliditY. gathering was in
honor of Mr. and 'Ntrff. Thomas E.
Good and family of Sotith Bend, in-
dianit, Who eke. here on vacation,
Ihe nikerneen rats- 4vout
Those ?resent were ltuesell Geed, of
liellett; Mr, and Mrs. William Good
and family, of "%rot Vrawartosh ;
and *Mrs, Itobert .1,ClOod, and daughter,
of Goderich; Ntre. „A.equith, Charles
*Good and Jetek Ung, -of Benmiller ;
Laurence Metarty and Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson MOLartY; ,Celbotne; ALTEt
I. SeriragMtir and Edward Good,
Goderieh, be1t*. abet the occasion
Of Ura. Geodte birthdaY. , A deintp
tee Wait Served by the holitess.
afternoon, August itsth, at 244).
A'. A. Maloney. of St Mares Angli-
can ehttreh, vtiti he lit charge..
There Wilt betu ohnreh *Mee., or
Sandal behoot in the ttaptii3t chtireit'
nineetaXto'r'itu,tta.ryitlie. ee. of the
and 40rin14. Thoraphon
and Bobby, viho'vore I/fatting Sfrsamt
afts,' ' J'„ Thompson and Mr. ;end
'1rs lt, 316grldge, have 'returned te
Timinitm -•
Mrs. T. Vitilson, inait family ar
-visiting In Parkhilt,
Itiordstn, ;And. ifttle eon -axe
lhonte from. Goderlth llost4te1,
Wm; Deere: Is eatifined 10 bed
A. motoring petty eontosed of Miss
oaepbIne Weir, Dr.
!Wvaet(ort,$;Si,toiirs::,31,1 t de r 0.31 nr vi g taw
on, Atlas Sadiel'Arfer and Miss, I!
:nice ttiWson left on- onday Ott
trip. north ;and to Ottawa' and, Sen.
'tint:1141'lwit** 'tlUt `SI°1)4)1sitinttNtdi'c''it'W011stil°011:4131(0.5tx*X0iitOttitrila'e
to her home In Ilrucetield,
Mr, X. „aa„ Itoborteou, ot Ooderietw,
,oetiitpleit the Ituipit Of X.nor,. Tinited
on SundaY morniUtf. i1 oPolot
,on the Iteatititudodividing them iti.
to thrtie tartotimtying oneSelf,
being tiled with /testte Chtiat going
.tnit to, wOrk tor the 'Lord, and the, re.
lotting Of a truly bttttverted *out,
Earl ‘VightMan 'favored Ifith n*010.
Mr. eto 'Mt*, Virtu. Dow", ot *hr.
onto, Itho weretlietttn* Mr, aid Uric
'Mar Leweotio loft on Oetutilar tot
(14%01* Beadle, ittio' Was irl,intid,
eat ateldent ofi Wednotsdar night,
, l••••3a,a,:e.4.0,4•••
••••1 •
Union S.S. No. 12, 3 mills; Union S.S.
No. 10, a 1-10; unton $.s. fZ,
1 2-10; Union No, 8, 29-10. Telephone
rates and Hydro rates at& furnished
by the various utilities. All taxes' re-
maining unpaid after •December 15 to
'be charged two -per cent:additional un-
til February 1, then two and one-half
per ce,nt.' during February and three
per cent. durine; •Mareihr
Accotints- paid: Chas. ' Shephard
Estate, account for attendance as
Oerk Of 'Ooderich Division Court, $3;
Department of. Ilealtli, insulin, $5.78; "
A. E. Wilson & Co., , premium (41 Tead
accident liability, $110; Superinten-
dent's 3:nty voucher No. 8, man
Arrangement had been, made throngli
Mr. Ian McLeod, District Ikprfsenta«
five, fo hitve Dr: -Stephen of the 0.A.0.
give a demonstration, of weed killing; - -
with a chetaital spray, to begin on
• eoneession 16 quite near Isk. 8 high-
way and at h./0 or three Other itlitees,
• on Tharsday next in the forenoon.
Connell thee adjourned to Meet On
Tuesday, September 7, at 1.60 p.m. •
Trromrsox, Writ.
"'Why are you in tile' nit !arms:tow?
thought you were in the cavalry."
• "I got trangerred."
"why was that?"
*lib never trained in theutmal expen« "Wet after. an alrigent thaom You
sliiriVerflie just Vent' out and ealled out •ipt doesn't' generally walk over end
truek drivers names, bite you."
dn�ys and Blidder
a to GefU Ditiog Night
Ita; M. Myr, :fittuidtriehi Saik., :eh bad
*Ode ,paine, tre iny'hiek,:due to'lrealic
khdasy*, some-
times tio- had I could ,hatdly.,,,atted up. At Mesta
used to get of two or thre:S,tireee lecituite et at
weak bladder- *
fq thought I *tentd give .1)stios Kidney Pilis a.
tulal, and with the Aro' hex, 1 li•gen ttel ,better
and after the fourth X Was . completely relieved of 0.7
trouble. X would advise any One in it similar. ealids‘
that to .tuie Datot,is,Eidnay Pints,10
A prqduct at Ter T lilitrirw Ca, 144,:rorottioo Oat.
\tarn. iSheS 171.-4
al X