HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-08-13, Page 5%' hey Wingham, fe'i .ve 131.ytli quid
u>'1<t ' fig ht ou :WedSYesda,y' was the
fllg st g Tet'. With 41, huge throng
ping .thin, 04 the -go Until day-
11.glit•wltli bunds and 'llttrades. " 1
... , Co.+stuni ,prizero *ere 1004'40as
l aadi '" fatly :'1Ir5. :'".
Lxdkes' ('eft['---ar, �rllaelkloni
• Wlln41iatn; Il s ,Aucter, . Ati.in r:n. •
." Gents' faney—Geo, 13 ,, Paterson,
Auburn. ,
'G•entat, cootie Bernarrl !til, . lilytlt ;
Ed. 'Lawson', Auburn. ,
Girls' . eoin1c--- tr8.. Alice Marla,tt,
Urs. •Oeq. Beattie, .t •liburn.. .
�. Girds' fancyt under twelve----aoaa
Sheiiipard, Auburn troia Ferguson,
Atuburn. ,. - , •
k. Girls' combo, udder twilvez--Arline
Rouse, Auburn; Christine T1o',ie,
- eAuithurn. ... .. .. �„
'Cali Thursday night Jho Hunter was
introduced. at the . "Mike" on the
judges' stand, He was given an ova-
tion and the crowd, listened to and
'watched the .remainder of the pro-
gram with duiekened interest .as Mr.
klunter filled the- role„ of master of
..: .....,.....,, iem aaxie t•-;_�xr-ats-. Se orth, . Hen-
sail anti filketcr night.
Judging resulted as follows; .
Ladies' 'fancy---1velvn Craigie Fra-
ser, Stratford; • Marg. Craigie, ,Mit-
-Girls' fancy—Mildred Swan,. 'Sea -
forth. •.'
Ladies' comic—Mrs. :3'ais. Patterson,5
Hensall Miss- Pat Hart, •Seafortli.
Boys' comic under twelve—Plaillit)
Willis, •`Goderich.; Eric; Jennings.
-'1any prizes Ear which' slips were
given ,out .have not been collected as
yet. Int :"is requested that winners
present their slips as soon as possible.,
. •
CARLOW, August 146.—We are sor-
ry to hear .of the accident to Mrs. J.
Fisher,. of Leamington, who came for
Old Home' Week and is now in : the
Goderich hospital. , We 'hope foe a
%speedy recovery. • . _ - ..
The service in , the Presbyterian
church on Sunday afternoon was in
eharc;e of Rev. Dr. T. Wtirdlaw Tay-
lor of Goderich.
Rev. George WVyl%t along with his
own work has- charge of Rev. . D.
Pomeeroy's for a ' few weeks and has
five service,;, each Sunday, preaching
here at 1145 a.m., with Sunday school
Mr. Albert Wise, of Toronto, Visited
with -Mrc-awl vire.. Jake 'Fisher and
• called on other friends last week.
Mrs. Harvey 'Fisher has as vfsit-
ors her mother, Mrs. Ruth Thompson,
and three sisters, Mrs. Joe Young and
Mrs. E. Rutledge, of Detroit, and Mrs.
Willing, of London, with their ehiidren,
The rains of the week -end, while
helpful to roots and growing crops,
`have retarded ,harvesting and stook
• WHITBC IURO.I:'I, Aug: 10.—Rev.
and Mrs. J. Ure •Stewart, of. Moore-
field, who attended the Goderich re-
union latst week, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Ross on -Friday. It will be
of interest to many in this district to
know that their son, Dr. Kenneth
Stewart, who spent last year as an
interne in St. Michael's hospital, Tor-
onto, is. now in London, England,
where he will take post -graduate work
for two years in hospitals there.
,Members of the, Straughan family
-are 'holding their family picnic in
Goderieh this yVednesday.
Miss Brigetta O'Malley, R.N., super-
intendent in Sarnia hospital, spent the
week -end with her parents, 'Mr.. and
Mrs. Peter O'Malley. •
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGee spent
iday iia London.__
Mrs. Sidney Ferguson, of London, is
visiting with her aunt, +Mrs.. A. Clow.
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and children,
and Miss Jean Wellwood spent the
week -end at the home. of the former's
daughter, Mrs. Elgin Wellwood, at
Caledon. -
Rev. and Mrs. J. ' W. Watt and their
family are visiting at the home_of her
uncle, M. Wm. Barbour, and on film -
day Mr. Watt had charge of the ` iser-
vice in the United church here.
Miss Olive Farrier, who took the
mpr ical._,C_ourse in, 1,onclon University,
and Mr. Carman parrTr, wio ioo
• the agricultural course. at Guelph, re -
[turned to their home on Saturday.
Mr. •and Mrs, Robt. Purdon fad
-Arehle, Mr. Berk-Cullithore. and N'or-
man° Wellwood accompanied Mr. Jt 1).
Beecroft when he Went on S+1>ineay to
visit with Florence In the Children's
hospital 'at London.
Mr. 'H'arold Goyeau and daughter,
Dorothy .lean, of Windsor, spent. the
week -end with his sister,- Mrs. Aldine
Purdon. -
Among !those from here who at-
.tended the Goderich reunion were
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius, Mrs.
!Jas. Cornelius, Mr. and .Mrs. Jas.
Laidlaw and soh Elroy, Mr. and Mrs.
J. I`3. Beecroft and Ernest. Miss
EMurie] Purdon and IMlss Anna Grasby.
kilted sextette 'or the 11 1r:':4 ,Ytld 11'y,c' Association of
T''-ttinto is *cru t 1) ; From left to right ..-Walter A.
lbw :::n°en t I►re•sir:►•lit ►. Or 11. .1 114 ,[g`t, 1 treasurer I, Heir.
11, 1', Meth ruriel. .1. A. Mt•Laren, S. N1. rt`fcl.eels. B. 1I. 3de•-
.('rvath. t..2 ►.14/4ws flo• royal 4.44.4414 with Its accompanying
guards In the bkt 'ri' garb of "I►e•cf-ent4•r.4. 'l'iris part of
the Mond.iy morning parade was ermirli,;ited by the local
t.rnnelt of the ('a-na411on Legion, tbe a ch, which was really
a work of art. having been designed' and decorated by' M r. T.
I'rlt'lu;rd In_faithfnl Iwitatlon e►f tit royal state= ioat•h n►eetl.
at the eoronntb11. Below these, on the left Is the beautiful
tto:a1 elitervd in "the parade 1, t1 r,. F. E. Wilbert. showing
some of the -bathing beauties" who adorned it. '1'o the right
csa,e at Che numerous. pigoon.cratest from wide!). birds!__ were re-
leased to to rry messages to Premier King. Premier Woburn
.0 IA Mayor Bobbins of Toronto. 'twiny., these again. the pic-
ture ttt the left chow% the lovely big white wun drawn on no
wagon by pupils of Victoria school. and at the right is the
low/ilia: dont contributed to the para•Ie by the (2o(lertrh
Township Women's lIo.pital. ;due:hill. The bottesau pletures
show, oa the left, one of the' pageant tlustts, a itis "John Bull -
(I). 11. Johnston, soil his tool -dog. and -Britannia- t Mrs: 11
, .•fit. Waiter ► and attendant 1odiew: on the right. a .ection of
tilt' Trott d view Ing the 'parade t 1'Itttirot published by
rultrte.sy of i.ettelntt t' r••4
efor. Wtt and Wskterloo
l `it1..- o
the fearr. ge
a �
Mrs. Robert Hamilton, RAS. l o.:S,
London,, was .killed it,tantly and her
daughter, tl3etty 'flamftton,, rtiiieteefi,
..4104 itlirboatr and 0.thfilf,ilitet In Clift-
toni Hilal Its the- rei alt „ of a mo
ler( gt'eldent on f3uladay, kfterneon On
4 highway, lust Hoath of Clinton.
F" our of r n it lb':t tat Were
e�rit1 dtlly.' iih$ure& The Jointed etre
Robert" tinmilton, iatt8'lland and "'f ther
of the 'two deceased. ' who suffered
seVere body hurts and a possible skull
fracture ; °With. !Gorge Shaw, twenty-
two, of 570 King street, London. the
driver Of the car, who ireceiveed a frae-
tnre of 'ft' ptrr>Yrfr, lteVeie body irr}uries
and laeoratons 'ittwut the rae ; Mrs.
Gorge mother of the ear driv-
er, lne erationa and. other injurte tts:
EarI Ballantyne, twenty-one. of 6
London,who Plet±tcattaat eav e.. wo sutf-
fereed laeeeration:', about the tact and
fract ire and
:arms' a e(unpo �nti>lit . 'i`I u ,
possible internal loinrles. ",s�
the party were ,driving north, to-
ward Clinton, and their ear left the
road, probably 1>eeaui a of a blew -curt,
and atriiek -tutu trees, eiieenln'g about
fifty Mt to the s1eetni tree. A.11 the
injured paasengers of the ear, With the
eteeptleri 6f ' dr1t ot•i were, reinared
fir Clinton lneiif, Shan;
being taken to $etaforth:',; ` •
Se far as, known there ct4 , no ey --
tvitneses xo the ltecielen.t, which was
investigated 1'iy Provincial 'Prattle Of -
neer William Robinson, of Eltih'er, and
enemy Praflle 0fifie er Forman Lever.
of Clinton. The heft front tire of
the R'reeeked cehiele Was found flrst.
Toronto: Angnst Nth, Rev. II. A.
'turner. D.11.. of St, Patti's- Presby-
terian t'hure'h, Ingersoll; September
5th, Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Stratford.
retired Presbyterian minister.
Rev. I). J. Lane. !Mrs. Lane •aid Miss(
Madeleine Lane left 'Ooderkb on Tues-
fday afternoon' for Port glen, where
i ey' will spend the rest of August.
Diuring Mr. Lane 'g vacation the ser-
Viee:s• irl KIM Pr(►siayteria.n eltureh
will be eCondui'le►d by the ' following
ministers: Snnday, • Aug. 15th, 21ev,
M (eflonald, of 1 ueknow;
Alfigust 22nd, Ite'v. N. :A, McEaehernn,
of the Presbyterian Publishing Co.,
borne in 1P.495 and lived on It farm
with trim for some time before lath:
Ing to Sa11ford and later to 4;o41e•ririr
She was a devoted nlctntser -of St.
Pet'er's It. 1'. church and was held In
high esteem in a wide 4lrcle of rola-
then and friends.
mug. Jottx t"i'"IuRII
Mary Teiesca McEvoy, wife of
John Webb. Cambria road, passed
Iiaway in her' lifty.elghth year on
,Thursday morning. after a sudden
illness. She had (leen ailing for some
I'Cars and death rause as flu* result of'
heart eondltton and goitre trouble.
She was the daughter of the° Late Mr.
and Mea. Owen SteEvoy of (loderlelt
township, later moving, with her
1 parents, to Colborne town .itip. She
Site Ila *nrvit•ed by her hasbaoil and
by eleven children. two 1).4 ring 1►re=de-
reased her. They are : ('eeve1lo a Mrse.
John Seigner t, c f Stratford; John. of
i)et rr►it ; Helen (Sir's. I'.n ri Cooper®) ,
of Toronto; " Joseph. of (tntlerie'b :
Fred. of Toronto; 'Tere4o, ti�'Illistan.
Albert, ('loire ('Ms. 1,4.Kite P1tttiado►,
Sfargaret and Po1riela, tail 01' 144de•
rich. .t daughter. Mary 111rst (lor
doff Jnht'tatton i, Mc() two yeatrg ago In
The funeral WWI held on SattirdaY
morning from St. 1'eter'ta , rlttareh,
I. was married to John Webb of (`.ol-
% here requiem ,mass was sung by- Rev.
F'tt1tier Fallon. Rev. Father Nagle
preached the >'e•rtnon. Interment was..
I's ('eitiborr►e• 1"u1holle cemetery.
One of the nanny family retauions•of
Old Home Week was that of the Stew-
art family, held.'at `tile home of Mr.
and ,ft*. George Stewart, town, on the
civic* holiday. There were thirty-two
present. itielitding Mr. James! Stewart
of (1lsieogo, Mr. and Mrs!. Charlea Stew-
art and their daughttws, Helen and
Mrs. '1"ydetl, and Mr. W. 1s«ytelt, all
of Toronto; X*. Jas. Andrews, of
Cleveland, 0.; iter.. J. rio Stewart
ct nd .el rs. Stewart.' rt. of Moorefield.
Ont.; Mr. and Ma's. J. 11. Itornighari.
and Mr. Murray I (rrnighata, of
ronto, h ldect tufts r* of the e r.
from !oval point