HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-08-13, Page 1,
soltBrAxg.griAlt XeltEs4
„ ,
cendants nfoi:00.
o :
borne Towns
re than one buntheddelkendanta
the late George r- Atrangban eandi
el1un:6 Gedelesitolitektien,
0, OoTh0
townp,,gathered at 'Harbor
Wedeesday afternoon to he% I‘ sec"
end %genie In- recent yeara.. The liret
ortietdturol 8ieletY Mum e,
'Seetete sponOr8 neeeenet
we, the slam en% leelet he tate ennl'
'Mer, ,heing'\ a Teel getetogether of the
nOwerloarera Of the town, 411440 Teat
thteseeneral tieWer slieW Is to be keld
on, IWidae and•Sateerda.er, Antreet 2441%
and 2let, at MaeKaYBL1I.ADYPOdY
wh hes flowers to exhibit; :trhetute a
bee lor 'Phe $00100 or net, is IZL
to take "them to MlleXee gall on
* There' 4a 'ate 'maxi • fee and
I • I 1
there eXtensiVe lieteef Prize% for
t winning
nd -see the d
ts. NeerebodY
tanillY Plenle wee held over forty ineited 4100 to atte. A
Team ego and for aeme leen* the
outing wee made an enattat‘ event.
Last year the atinual'teintlee,gothering• e
was reviseds'ana was 'held' ineki0Oer•
4e14 1/4 •
Mr. Awl Mee George SOttelgthen game
Canada efenn • Cumberland, ger'
nd; and settled. near 00.101)T 'Years
ai.Pch MlloY Moved.to afiterre in ceie
Wee° township. on tiemeelitemer of, the.
Maitland "River, oneeoheeliteion et); as
soca, as the firat ox road had
eat dweller. were the. fit*
flettre,r84.en the. eoneeeeton-
' Of tlietr ,thirteen eleideee only the
I • • I
"T-0143'.• ,
Only ;three getnesm AM le on, tbe,
,regular Interchercle" Sett/bail League
esehedule, The games are: Baptista
ese Ste Georgeeie Salt teeocje es, Moth
Street; Preebeterians Vigor*
'Street, . ,fflhe , itaxinea _win • be PlaYed
earl); next. week andethe play-offs are
likiely te ,the lattee pert, of
AA 100:040 II#PO'bo,tweem Bluebell
Ana alketat (ioderieek teoftbell.teetne
willbe plaeed at :Victoria Park -nett
youngest, Wilulam Straughan of Ben- Tueeeae ,evening. Mitchell has a
millereis alive today. He is, eighty. snappy field and Should be aiele to give
two 'years -of age,Iind'ieaSeereeetit. at the GederIch.nitat a good game.,
the i 'Acute- on -- Velleeeday. Met. „ e, , • ,
,Straughan- diemXased • the '"Ilialuelq. DEATH Or• 41,11IDSNIJT-
•'..PITteel"mPerstitilm'ten4414 elOtt'f't e'''delMitNeNfeeakt*leete.42..ire
tiils year by
--wedding anniversataa L'he &1UOrLLL aervice, width
)1(e.mbers. of the family were press will be held *On the residrioe an
• }Fricitia' afteinoen' •viatth ' interment in'
Thamesville, Clinton, ilythe Aubute,
other parts of.rWeateen Ontario; 'and-
Goderieh. •
A progerun of , games, !contests , and
races was enjoyed. The pres1de)3t of
• the asseelation-ls 31r. Williatalatrangh-
an of Auburn. , Other . (Aetna ,are
• 'Norman Ball, Hallett township, oecre-
tars; I4. VarouthaT, Clinton, chairman
of the sports actarastAle,
One , an,
sr, 1
9•Y .•tAgn,' pskt
logo, tO:;e _cOnSuifing;itciuO
ln 00411,C of .btinghlte 'a
scametity ;et lifeetorCanada litegale,
le; "A ,,00ge loayint.priet, tte
quit* 'en ,a .leeeereet WOO ehangedt-00 the
.0110...et 'eeneeMing,....e.-10CPOnnit mrAn.
JAn.eit 00•140:),COOts,:o!q
end 'eliet0 e'itetei- (teed, 'COnneel Or the
aeetteed'attiO4.thet MaePOeelei, worked -
- Detroit tlitithehaltheenthere
for- soerat t.,14.4.';Itemeee".'ethat,
there iVifte'eteoneeclehangea,"iin the mw
;ageti he had the einderetandingethetelle
,eonid bring ,$100 worth Of enething
en,t from Vandouver Saskatoon,
'Iktstloia3 semetery,,Will be in charge o
Her., C, liteDboald, of Lue.knova
Ptresboterian church, of which, de-
ceased! was. a member: Ws. Cheee
nate was a. past president of the
W.M.S, Stye Is meurvived by three
daughters, Mrs Hamillon.cautten, of
Colborne tovensbip; ayars. 6, P. Lytattn,
of Bosiieater, +N.Y., and' Mlse
Chain*, at ',rule. Her dm/band pre-
Strangban, cheratlaT of the. deeattaed: her ::eliPot Sears
supper committee; Olive Anaierson,
Auburn, chairmen of •-the - torograra ,
-A letter frOm Mr. and Mrs. Atha
Cowan of atitehle, expreess
ing their regret at net being able to
be present and extending best 'wishes
for a successful renttion, was d by
the .president.
• I
week' were: August lat,:alaid • Mar-
lon, Detroit; Alainut,4ktrett•'"*atalgot•
2nd: Minx, Detroit; Ho aura, De-
troit Oldmon, Yacht, Teri:140e
Kincardine, gall yacht,-Torentof Blue
Bell, Detroit. August 5th: Cradle of
the Deep, Grosse VOIntei Vett,' aim -
gust 8th; Hoofs, *Detroit. August
9th: Taurus, Detroit lJeanette,
GaossebPointef I3etty Akre*.
The package freighter Saskatoon, of
Montreal, arrived here Wedneadal
snetnIng About 4 a.m. with a, load Of
aufwarl Bile took no load [es here fpsd
proceeded to OWitts"Sound,
The tug Forest and the dredge F.
Carey returned ito. Caldetlela ,frOin
at er an on
Badly Injured
Two in .Hospt,
Result of
Some:130W 'oat for the lives,
f-atunea: "Fonnalitiekt towniallp
aerie* thiebordee " Said the •Iewyer.
"Re Made '119 attennat +ts) bide the if -
%roe." A plea of 0010 was entered
eel thiseehtiege also and a One, of '$50
and costs was imposed.' The first
charge was ,laid by; Provititial Con-
stable McCoy, and . the second b
R. O. M. P. Dawson. of 'Sarnia. itoner6trael-well-knewn"Gkeilel
ref • drinikiletelligesied'*ineesentented
to tea days ineeail.
Robert McGregor, of 1"lergrus, paid'
$10 'Mel .costs and seas ;placed ori.--eues•
petaled sentence, after pleading -guilty
to two charges, the fleet of being in-
toxicated &tale place and the
setaaal of -common assault.
Counsel for elle delence ' told the
court tbat MoGiregor. had taken put
In the Old game Week doings on
SatuTday night and in the early hours
of the morning had shoved a Goder-
leh girl, causing her to tell. Although
tOtechnicol assault, it was not of a.
very serious nature and the -girl was
unharmed, the aolicitor claimed,
Virgil Morgan, Of -Chatham, was net
'present it• ansWer.a charge of consum-
ing liquor in a. public place and the
Crown Attorney read a "wire" from
the accused- .1,33, 'which he Pleaded guilty
t� the eh -large and asked that a state-
ment oe the amount of the fine and
costa .be sent to the cbief of pollee
at Ohathant and that he (Morgan)
would lotward the money. The Moes.
trate felt that it would be well to ad-
journ the ease, however.
, Harry' Root, of. Wingbain, ',paid' $25
r.01101411 _L.,
60flestate inar*
Puoilmolt 00414000 011
mono**. 1404
iuive already been mal
tildates, •)Maxlintlin
* IM*0 eetedli of
examination. uketott
second grade loollelOner
24 4htel grade pronotency, (00' to 65)
, credit witOeutapreficiene)" (50 to
farmer, and),..hie...s.eigittayearreldissaaalY
Dougles; who on Thursday evening
of, last week were herribly Mahned
'valten they Were Tun over by. the emits"'
wheel' of a binder drawn by 'bolting
horses. They are in 'Alexandra hos-
pital, the boy atith. a Malted Opine
and- other 'injuries, the father with
erieshede eller& and aixtomen. An
emergency operation Waa.performed on
each at the hospital. Their condi-
tion, this -afternoop was deseribed ly
Dr. J. M. +Graham as very critical.
31r.Young la improving • now, but is
OKA 04 of danger. Douglas Is "hold -
Ing hia own" and•vis sale to take' a
. Kincardine last weekend after. spend little nourislunent.
ing42ie spring and the greater part,of Douglaa and, his father had been
the summer dredging the;harber there.. dating .0011, all day and returned to
The job Is novVecimpleted. • the task' 111 the evening, when they
A new loading ".4ipt.' on tiaa south noticed a broken trace. The bey.
.pier In front of the Gedtrich Salt climbed dowtr,•to repair the barness
-Company/Sefreig • se* cote- and the hews, belted. Mr. 'Young
pletod this week Mid Will de mete
theougeout the pest Week. Eye -witnesses to the- cataistrophe
1 ?;:,- Otoro (1), Fr. COMP': iii.
4o. are Plante, Verint-740a* ,•.ixist. (1);
e, 4tipip;r6itnielr,$. (2)i.`01,/alea ,(2): .:,
: enetieeieee, ien:, ote:it't.,r(3111ire4--Vn,g. ' effinP. (0')*
, a .__ ,,e), taw hist. (1),. geometry
1101.' eten- k2), pnywe (1,.)., ,
ink seer,. Ittlee, lemeele.-.0en, Moe , (en, .
stitote4, Rebertsoo, Eutheereee, eemle, (p).
e e 'Ang. lit. Q). geometry (0).
'*t9. 1°°)---;1; :gea:::aSTtm:tt:aoeilrrrt:dsrboYy.r(:n:24e:),'Z:e:.urel:ira'Iryeoa_,r—lm"EP.Iuig°8(.:)e.)s'llt(.).(0,),\
4°"" ; 4a algebra411tll lhi:oarrs4lq:v(2C'11;)':, .--k1.14 L'eellal:ttviel•e;c0sEet:m:1)'P. .e°( 21(0)2P1))' '' (11'.9FF:rtr:..
''''° 74)— CageSTRAtnniletleinrelyiti:(;)),:Age—eg7ine:ulinsile."-liltaritelnrlyget(2b(*;:, (1( e4,m:
Turner, IlkIadge--Andent Mat. (0),
elegbra (2); Chemistry (0). 'Latin
•authorts (3), Latin 'Comp, . (2), Fr.
authors (0), Fr. comp. (2). •
Turner, • RoysrEng. comp. (3), Can.
-hist.- (2), - \ • -
- Tyndall. Kathieen—Chemistry :(20,
"Tyndall, Ruth—Can, hist. (1).
Nines, Frenle-Phasics (C).
Walter, Gordon --Algebra (3), law-
sics .(3). ,
Watson, Stuart—Oan. hist. • (0),
geometry -(0), physics (2.).
--Werri--y•steints-:sEng,"--760taPr- , an,
c entrhist, (0),--aTiKtitif '.to: OVA&
(2). enernletry (0)", Let. authors (0),
Lat. comp. (0).
- Whitely,., Graham-sGeometry (C).
Whitten, Annie—Eng. lit. (1), Can.
hist, (2). •
Whttten, allisabeth—IAlgebra (C),
ehemlitry (0).
:reftgeni '''.Kettnetheetril.leemp. (0),
algebra (2), geometry chetaistry
AMIOrSOns, Altelet-On eemle (-0),
Eng. , sitter. : IP ;' Ven'e hist: . (0);
geein:`.;(3).,' • .
."AeilersOn,' „•CeerleeFing.r comp. (C).
nu& liter., (0) ; , geomee (2) ; physies
Amber, iffelenssAnc, hist. (1),. alg.
(2), chemistry (2), -La-tin authors
(1), Latin comp, (1), French authors.
(1), French comp. (1). •
.Arthur, Iteith-s-Atea' hist. (2),
'algebra -(2), cnemiatry (2).
Arthur, Mitrjoriee-Anc. hist. (2),
cheenistO (2),„ Lat authors
(2), Lat. comp, (2)-, French iiittaits
(2), French et:41311,0). _
anelent hist. (3); ,aigelnat (0), ahem.
istry (1), Latin authors (2), • Latin
eornp. (3), French 'authors (0),
French comp. (C). • '
Baechler,. -Phyllis--Ohemistry (C),
Latin authors (0), Latin comp. (2),
French comp. (2).
'Baer, Hazel—Eng. corap (2), Eng:
lit. (1), Cite. hist. (C)* geom. (3),
physics (2). \!
'Barton, Catherine—Eng. comp. (0),
Eng. lit. (C).
Bisset, Illizabeth(--Eng; comp. (3),
Eng. -lit. (3), Can. hist, .(0).
• Bisset, William—Chemistry (C). •
Biseet, Margatiet—Eng.i comp. (0(.
Blackstone, Ralph—Eng. comp. (3),
Eng. lit. (3). geom. (0), 'Physics (2).
Bowman, Ireemee-Eng. lit. (C), Cu.
hist. (C), geom. (C). pEireics (2).
Calder, atarjorie-sAndent hist. (2);
algebra : (1), chemistry: (2),• Latin
authors (2), Lat. eorall (1)e Fr.
authors (1), Fr. comp. (2).
Calder, • Philip—Eng. ,;eomp. (0),
Eng. lit. (0)., Can. hist,. ',(3).
Campbell. Agnes—A*0ra • (2),
chemistry (1)', Lat. authors (c), Fr.
PideCCOAfieggl'ef#4, ete _e
etene of an accraent: 'Ete • pleaneu
guilty to the ebony. A ?elmilae charge
against E. Meal, owner of e -ear,
was withdrawn' on. payment of cestee
David Healy of 3350 Stanley are.,
Detroit, was tined $25 and $8.10 cost;
for reckless driving. Healy failed to
make the turn at Sturdao's cornea, a
mile west of Hohneermille cm No, 8
highway, on Anglia Oth, and his ear
went off.the road into tile ditch. The
Car was totally. wrecked and- Healy's.
slater,' a passenger in the ear, suffered
a fractured left arm, fractured ribs
and eevere lacerationa al** the hands
and arms. She' is 'still confined to
the hospital. HWY also suffered -
injuriis and was only recently
released from' the hospital,
Ebner •Keller, of -Exeter, paid $3 and
'450'. Coats for failing to prodiree
delver's 'permit: Wilber Tremeer, of
Kippen, paid $5 and costs for speeding ;
Beg,- CaTtere'eritidout etreet; London,
paid $5 and costs for speeding, and
Erneot lrleber, of Goderich, was as-
se$med $5 and costs for to stop
at a stop!' sign.
I .,1
• 'Illineltattihe bores-theteam
facilitate leading:Ron the sheds. lurched-W*4 but both fell btfore the
The temperature Of the water at the huge wheel, which pissed ever. their
bathing beach has levered, around It% bodies.
Numbers of people Made A (Medal were a neighbor, Mete Percy Graham,
triP to the barber Wedneedey evening and. passing motored% Mr. and Mrs.
to eeeelve Intriees yacht. Itelene, own- Leonard Ortewforel. Mee. Graham
ed•ba 1. Sauftneen, a Detroit, an eke- eatled doctor and ambulance.
cutive of the fford Motor ()company. The toung home is on the Blue Wit -
The extraordinary size and exquisite ter highway about • a mile north of
furniebings of the yitht Were ittneeuid .ShepPerdton, .11Te.• leaung.end (laugh -
even to Goderic ea a
naaa to tet Isere 1-11 the bsImae at the thrie et
seeing many fine yacht* eneh sinitneto the Accident.
Mr. Chat-
eeleh's oldest and 'Meet dletieguished
4'oid boys;" writea: n •
Seager and I Were In tat/A-
Aimee at the Godeticat Old Ilerae Week
festivities a portion of the time, but
left before the opportunity arose for
us to sign the official. register, evide.b
we shall be glad to de when inert We
Visit elected,* • •
"Inth etty glad to hear the oceatilen
was very seceeseted."
• * * *
Medate of etmine sort should he Pre,
-muted- -to the. Hydro staff --110.
leen, Harold Murnee and 'Fred Bridiee-
for their. Work. In totateatiort, with the.
lighting of the Square'. Thee' were
busy for weeks preparieg. the strings
eotemed, light's which Were so effec-
tively attertged, making the most
beautiful detoratIon yet imeet in Goiter -
lee delay In the arrival of the
new 'light etateletele totaptitatejennite
teree•and for the last Week or so'
fore the rentilee the .11Yetro Men
Worked night And (lay. When they
elept nobody -kneevet pbut theeget the
job dote, and, if they were around
tA hear . the, gageoe Might WWI
'Which the reautt 'Of . their iceek was
greeted theY probably telt somo0hat
atiPaid; • People ,who luta seen decor*.
ve ',Weds in SOMO of the Moot
titles on ;the eontinetit said that the
'View of OW Niunre.under the electric
libts hest them nil.
.*, • •
it ton# a 'good thing the flrat week
a August., tether then the
was etteeeeti for the remilon. The
weather did *in ,uty towards the end
&hoes -of IN
1* -i me -Week
-lee) on 01, God- of tbe weekerain.lnatriog one or two
of the events on theePrOgrane but on
the whole teellitif14 Weather pm/ailed
Jag week, -While. It has rained repeat-
edliethio Week,
. .
Ram n witieh :fen enti„t Friday. after-
noon no doubt Icept many n'ire/ from
the Agricultural Park; but Woe* who
attended and sew the program put on
under the diteetiers of Me. W. E. Me -
Pherson, of the Elgin and Middlesex
Caledonian Society. were gladtheyhad
not mimed It. Some of the. ' best
Seottise demieers 'of Obtario and the
neighboring States Were on, band to
take part in the feempeetione. There
was Some dleappointMent he that the
program leeteded no Caledonian 'imports,
tem&as toseiag tbe taber and putting
the shot, but tbe Ilmiteme Countyathletic
ebrimpionehip events made up to some
extent for this leek, and anyway the
program of datiting occupied the 'et, -
tiro afterneop.• ^
* •
Fred "Brephee, of Cleveland,
Ohio, who was here, with WS. tirO.
PheY, brought `A Inevie eatutta with
him and took Matifpiettird4. CUP
deretted that let leiteede to present
the filnIst to the Goilerith 1.41obe Club,
Who Wilt ablet0 Tolt on an intereet.
Ing ehtyst thou. .
At St. Thomas- last night Premier
Bela:nun definitely statedi hia inten-
tion to, 'appeal to the electors of On-
tario In a geoeral. election tbAs fall.
NO date was stated; but according to
The Globe and Mail October 10tb is
the moot -probable desteepf
HWY to iSt
It of the ent
are Of •varloes 0010 beteg jiist
the 000 type with ,
cylinder* ',Arhltlk atop at varloua color
vollattlaatIOna. Others are bagatelle
hoard,* and liatnea , The eel:mule Was
MOO during ja pla' (lay oelebration at
tbe autntner '
Ur. nbit thounni Si. 'Snowden'.
of Zurich, *Immix* t eugagetuen't Of
their eldet,danghtet, tllisabeth Botta-
mond, to Itulleelt A. *Wain:ger, son Of.
Hr. George Grainger and the late, etre.
Gialeem 41rinetells The mintage
Is to take Plaee earlY SeTtemhere
agthors (3)•
-Craig, John—Can. Oatta (2); geom.
, Crawford, CharlotteasChemistry (-2),
Lat. authors (1), Lat. comp. (1), Fr.
authors (2), Fr. comp. (3). '
• Crawford, Nell—Eng. comp. (2),
Eng. lit, (2), Cali. hist. (2) ; geom.
(0); physics (2).
Cutt, John—Ancient Mat (3).
algebra (1), chemistry (1a, Latin; au-
thors (1), Latin- comp. (2);'1r. authors
(1), Fr. comp. (1).
Ater, Ruth—Eng. lit. (C), geom.
(1), PhYsice, 0).
Dowker, Arthur --Algebra (2),
chemistry (;). Lat. authors (1), Latin
comp. (2), Fr. authors (3), Pr. eon*.
Eastman. elarjorie—Can. hist. .,(2),
ane. hist (2).
Ferguson, Stewart--sEng. comp,. Q0).,
Can, hist. (2), Eng. lit. (3)-,
(1). physics. (1).
Flenniken, William—Can. history
ruwthorne;Doris—Eng. comp, (-04,
Eng. lit. (2), Can. hist.- (2).
Houston, Frances --Algebra .(2),
chemistry (1), Latin authors (2),
Lat. comp. (2), Fr. authors (2), Fr.
comp. (0),
Howard. Mary—Anc. hist (0),
algebra (2), chemistry (0), Latin
authors (2), Latin comp. (2), Fr.
authors (2), Fr. comp. (2). ,
Johnston, William—Cart. history.
(0). geometry (1).
Jones, Bertha—Eng. lit, (0), Can.
hist. (C), geom. (2), -phyaies (2). •
Jones, Donalda—Ancient hist. (2),
algebra (0), chemistry (3). Latin
authors. re)," Latin- .-compt. (2)4- Fr:
authors (2), Fr. comp. (0).
Keratin*, john•-aii.ncieht hist. (C),
themiiitry (0).
Kihnhan, Beatrice—Ancient hist.
(0), algebra (C), chemistra (0),
Lat. authors (2). Latin comp., (I),
Pr. authors (3), Fr. comp. (2).
Kinahan; Nor? -Eng. comp. (0);
ntc. lie. (3), geometry (C), Physics
King. Margaret—Eng. comp. (C).
Lednor, Kathleen—Ems. comp. (0),
Eng. lit. (2), Can. hist. (0), geometry
(C). physics (V),
IMatdonald, Robert—Algebra (3).
chemistry (3), Latin autb. (2), Latin
camp. (2), Pt. authors (a), Fr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blair, Cambria
road, were the honored guests et a
family gathering on Friday evening
last at the hotne of Mr. and Mts.
Hillock, Cambria _road. It was the
nap -third wedding anniversary • of
Mr. and Mrs. Blair. After enjoying
the dinner prepared by Mrs. Hillock
the party had a ' plead'ant time to-
gether. all joining in congratulations
to Mr. and Mrs. Blair on their anni-
. Mr. U. W. Park, of Wichita, Kan -
an% who aceorrtpanied Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Lewiston from fahatharn last
week and took part in Wednesday's
.:program by "old-timers" at North
street United elaneh, is the last stir-
Petition to Ban
Beverage Rooms
Temperance Workers Begin Cam-
paign to Stop Sian of Liquor
in -Goderich
If the plans of the temperance work-
ers of Goderieh materialize, the people
of the townwill have an Opportunity
of voting on the question of the Meal-
tion of the beverage rooms.
A meeting of the local Temperance
trederatiou was held at MacKay Hall
ott Monday night, when plans of cam.
Paign -were vonaidered and officers of
tbe Federation' were elected' for the
coining year. Gordon Lartib,
president of the local oeganization,
presided. •
Offieevs were chosen es - follows:
President, I. P -Hume; aectetary, Rev.
S. 'IL MeChing; treaeurer, Charles
Breeltow; vice-president% the mit-
Otteteeef the eeveral churches of town;
eeteutive ineumbere. Miss M.
Met ele. P. Terme, Mrs. George John -
goo, and, It representative frOM eielt
ChUrch to be Appointed by the Presi-
d(nt oit consultation with the minister
Of the thumb,
The meeting unatimously directed
the new offielats to prepare re.petition
Mid hive It circulated reeeito the
'signature of ratoonyets reqatisting the
townComincil to' aerate) for a vete
to 1Ye taken to de newel* with the gale
* -*,
beagle it wito fuelled: ewe)" Where
Ptobabler:a-gosit **Or 0001110 03'4004
it, the *Ito oroiii4ito viloftbuitis
iran * greet' cootie of 'Intereat.
Ores Of the teeeh'S telebeitite for Mx.
, .
1 • .1 0
Park. He was _much interested- in
visiting GoderIch, of which the bad
ileara much froth, Ills brother while
the latter was principal of Central
• 1937 1936
Max. Min. Max. Min -
Fri., Aug. 6 ..... -.....79 58 . 72, 51
Sat.,Aug. 7 ..........77 • 00 80 50
Sun., Aug. 8 78 .59 83 56
Mon., Aug. 9 76 69 89 61
Tues., Aug. 10 79 67 79 05
Wed., Aiug. 11 67- 77 51
Thum, Aug. 12 71 05 80 54
Twelve ladies from eloderich took
part Irm the ennuel Indies' golf, tourna.
meat at Seitforth on Wedttesslasy after-
noon and Made a remarkable (Avowing
on the cokiree, wbielm'is (*twittered one
of the moat di** in the district
Heavy Talus had 014 the eeurse In
,Caeellent shape for the contests.
.Cioderleth ladles winning prizes
were; Mrs,,,GeBruce and Mrs. N. it
Mills. second' net, 18 holes; Miami C.
Perot, first gross, firet nine; Dr.
Mary TOm, second gross, first nine;
second tlight—Miss Dewar of Bar,
field and Mrs. j. H. Taylor, second
gross, ' first nine bliss 0. Watson,
gross, second nine; Miss G. Wheeler.
second net, second nine; Miss Ed-
wards. driving.' •
A number of •Goderich ladies will
aftend• the tournament in .Wingham
next Wednesday and the club will be
represented alio at Stratford , on
Monday, August 23rd,
'Carnival 'on,
i' Nibt
Rain. whleh held- off during' the.
Coledenfatt Sault* on .Friday efteraoort
fell heavily in the, evening and reent'
the big prow& at AgriettlteinI Writ
Scurreing for ShOlter. was them
last night -of the ollicial Program, mqd
one of the largest'assembIngea of the
week. was gathereel. for the band tattoo
and ...iiri*.orks display. • '
The Lions carnival. and dance on
Thursday, Auguet.19th, will be one of
the, big events of the simmer season.
It *ill be held at the Pavilion, where
dancing and other ammtements will
fill a long evening. draw --tor the
Chevrolet coach for which . tickets
have been sold In recent months will
take place at 11.30- p.m. Doors Will
open at 8 o'clock, and as the admis-
sion fee is only 10c there should ,be
a bumper attendance. Proeeede in
aid of tee (Tippled chileirents fend.
It or mora-Yenri beck, eidectiore out of sleoholic beicritos in any way it
(Continued on page ,g) the municipality of Goderieh, authors (1). • Latin comp. (I), Fr.
School Teacher
Finds Watery .Grave
Body of rillisa Amy Pikrsons, of
MAW Towns*, Wilthes
• . Up�nBcacb
A grueso-me discovery was made at
Sunset Beach yesterday (Tuesday)
afternoon, when the body of Amy
Mary niifaheth Parsons, twenty-six-
year-old echoO1'400,ber of eoncession
13, Hullett tow**44P, Was found
wasted up On the betic'h. The girl's,
body was -found by "Mac" Robinson
of Stratford, who is vacationing In
Wormait-lirurrda a Lin-
wood, at Sunset Beach. Mr. -Robin-
eon found the corpse about half a mile
from the foot of the roadway leading
to the beach.
According to a number of &Is
tamping at the top of the hill, a light
late -model coupe,- the doors of which
were all locked and which had pasted
on the vrindableld a piece of pa.per
with the name "O. Parsons" written in
a feminine handin lead pencil on it,
had been there all night. A. girl's hat
and coat were foetid Inside the .ear.
There wore -no marks on the young
woman's body to indicate violence of
any kind; her clothing was In order
except for a stocking whicha was miss-
ing. She was without shoes. Coun-
ty Constables John Ferguson and A.
E. Jennings investigated the tragedy
and acting under- instructions from
Dr. W. F. Gallow, coronerbad the
body removed to an undertaking per-
lor. It was deeided that death mks
due to suicide and that no Inquest
would be necessary.
Charles Parsons, father of the de-
ceased, could offer no explanation of
his daughter's action, stating that he
had noticed nothing wrong with the
• Amy Parsons was -born in Hullett
In 1911, the daughter of Charles
Elias Parsons Ond Ida Adams,Mrs.
Parsons died a few years ago. Miss
Parsons, a graduate of Stratford Nor-
mal School, had taught for aboutfive
years end during the past year had
been_kcephos house for her father an
their farm in Hallett -townahlp. She Was a perfectly healthy. hap-
py nartnal girl and I -do not know
what could have caused her to do
such a rash act," he said. "She left
here In 'high spirits last night, intend-
ing to visit friends in Londesboro and
Stratford to the home of another
daughter. Mrs. Jenkins. shortly after
perhatia May over -night." Ile went to
being informed, by the pollee of hie
daughter's death.
Dead Girl's Belongings
peewees at Sunset Benet. On Thurs-
day morning, found a lumber of bes
longings ef the- late Suzy Parsons of
Elullett townehip. willeee body Was
found on Tuesday afternoon where it
bud been waohed -up on the beadb,
about a quarter of a mile from the
foot of the road.
The articles found included a brown
leather puree, u. pair of trowel Waterer
shoes. the laces of which, hid apple-
oney been left tied, whet, tee• owner
removed them, and a flashlight. The
puree coutained the keys for the ear
which had been left at the top of the
hitt. n email quantity of money, n pair
of eyeglasses and a number of aspirin
tablets The articleR were found a
dietanee of about 150 yards from Where
the body was waited ashore. They
were placed In- the bands of the police.
A private funeral was held from
etroplrey's undertaking' parlor on
Thursday afternoon. The service was
comm(iucted by Rev. Mr. Brooke of
Birth Mated church. The funeral
was largely attended and Manibet
of floral tributes were sent. Inter -
Meat was in Burns cemetery, Button
township, the pallbearers peing Thos.
and deorge Maw. Geerge and 1).
Watt, all of tlullett township,
4. ttll ';•.* I
Au interesting musical program wits
put on by the kend of the Goderich
Masleni aoelety end seven visiting
bands, from Ineknow, 01te/910e Otto --
ton, Exeter, Mitchell* Wingham and
Outstanding among the bands were
the Chealey elithteme Band, brilliantly
garbed in military uniform, the splen-
did Clinton band, and the Lueknow
pipe band. The Goderlob band, which
Played twelve engagements during the
week, also was In In \tine -form under the
leadership of Bandmaeter 4. Is Tay-
lor. ' • - •
`Owing to the rainfall it was uses -
eery to -touch .off a few of the .Art1-
worlts Midwife through the prograzn.
a beilliabt demiiiistralloff con-
cluelon of the tattoo. Rockets,
bombe, whirligig% -pinwheels and many
other types of ttreworlui made Up a '
beautiful pyrotechnic display.
Then- Nun° what in realty was tbe
old boys' and girls' parting ta*utes:-
a carnival on the Satiate . whien
eclipsed by far that of any previous
evening. Among the many thousands
packing the park and roadway and,
filling the air with a din and con-
fusion of music, shouts and, song were
hundreds in every coneelvable variety
of fancy and comic costume. So great
was the number that two sets of
prizes were given, one to the honored '
viaitors from Kincardine, LucknoW,
Dungannon and Mote% and one for
open competition. And all joined in
a rollicking, dancing,fAruggling throng
streaming endlessly on and on around
the Square.
Two o'clock- came and went, then
8, then 4, 5, and even as late, or early,
as 6 oteloek a few stalwarts were atilt
trying to prolong -tbe revelry. Street
corner "bands," ,perbaps trombone and
bass drum, or pipes and kettle drum,
ualla all was quiet—the town slept—
the old boys and girls slept—all with
a feeling of .happy contentment.
On Saturday morning the Square
was devoid of people, only the litter
of the previous nightat revelry show-
ing levideirce of a big time in the old
The winners of the Dungannon, Kin-
cardine, Lucknow and IKintail carni-
val ecisturne prizes were:
Girls, fancy--alelen Stothera, Dune
gaenon ; Ina Swan, Duneannoa.
Girls, comic—Mrs. Dan Willi*.
Boys, comic, under 12—Lloyd Stew -
rt, Lucknow; Ronald Ryan, Dungan-
Ladles, fancy—Mrs. J. Brodie, Dun-
gannon; Mrs.- Wilbert Johnston.
Ladies, eomie—Mrs. JOhns, Port
Albert; Mrs. Dave Martin, Port Al-
Men,. fancy—Ralph Brodie, Dungan-
Men, comic—Walter Dickason, Dun-
gannon; Thos. Rivett, Dungannon.
Winnere in the open contest were;
Girls, fancy, under 12—Verna John-
ston, ,Brantford; June Bloomfield, GO-
+Girls, comic, under 12—Catherine
Cutt, Goderich ; Margaret Taylor, God-
comie—Mary Hume; Goeerich;
Dorothy MacDonald, Goderich.
Girls, fancy—Mildred, Swan. Sea -
forth; Norah Harris, Stratford.
Boys, fancy., under 12. ---Arthur Joan-
ston, Brantford; Eddie Johnston,
Brantford. .
'Boys, comic, under 12—Martin
PrIee, Detroit; Philip Willis, Goder-
Boys, faney—Pat Hume, Ooderieti;
Emerson Willis, Goderich.
Boys, cornie—Harry Peardon, Toron-
to; Breese Ryan, Dungannon.
Ladies. tancy•,—jean Lawson. God-
Men. comic --M. J. Jeffery, Windsor;
11. Kemp, Detroit.
'Man. fancy- -It. W.
A eoneert with lee ereatn and cake
as refreshments will be held an Thurs-
day evening, August 10tb, In Union
chureh under the auspices of the
Young -People's ITnlork, Admission --
adults 25e; children 10e.
COMpt. (2).
.1"Mitelawa n. Helen—Can. history ( 2 ) .
teincleey, Marion—Ancient hist. (3).
algebra (1), chemistry (2).
+MacLeod, Vera—Anelent hist. (2
algebra (re eheintAry (C), Lathe
authors (I), Latin comp. (2), Fie
authors (0), Fr. comp. (0).
McKinnon, John --Eng. comp. (0).
geommesetiraynn(f4!), operhydsoiensjAcg)e. bra (3).
R. ialwin. vice-preSident of finance
eheMiStry (2). • George fitephen. v lee -p road en t of
:Marwick. alildred—Eng. (*oats (0i. traffic; N. areMillan. general auperin-
Can. hist. (0), geometry' (1), tobV4ies tendent, Ontario division; Aitken
(1). Welker. general freight agent. and W.
Mem, Elaine—Eng. Ile (0). Can. E. Meant, ettperintendent,
• Sir Edward ebetversted informally
higeit.cmo(dee).. Herbert—In. eomp. (01. with Mayor MarEwart and others of
algebra (1). the loenl party. and a brief tour of
teltirray, Katherine --Algebra (2), the town was made, but was some.
physics (2), chemistry (2). what marred by a -heavy downpour of
O'Brien, Joseph—Afielent hist. (0), rain. A aloft wag Made to the plea
ebemnietry (3). of tne Goderith Salt Company. and
Pfritnnier, Grace—tag. comp. (C), tbe viaitora were shows through the
gsea.ala, (0), pitygita (2). . plant.
Pleetzer. Evelyn—Anelent hist. (1), The epeelal train left eke:leech at
algebra (I). themistrY (I). Latin 10 feeloek for Guelpb, Galt. Brantford
steed other Ontarie points.
Sir Edward Beatty
Visits Goderich
C. P. R. President and Psuty
Make Brief Stay in
Members of the Town Counell and
representative citizens were at the
Canadian Pacific. Railway station
yesterday morning at 9 o'clock to
greet +Sir Edward Ilea t ty, president
of they. P. 11.. and his party of high
railway officials, who had arrived in
Goderieb by special train at 4 a.m.
orm it tour of tbe conipany's Ontario
Other members of the party were
H. 'J. Humphrey, vice-president and
general manager of Firieterat lines; L.
Munro, strut -
Getting Ready for
Expected Election
Conservatives of Both Huron
"Ridings to Hold Nominating
The seent of political battle le et
time air. The Conservatives of the
Huron-Ilrue° riding announce a nom -
leafing convention to be held at
Wingbarn on Thursday evening,
August 10th, when Leopold Macaulay,
one of the Provineial party leaders.
tVLII epeak. South Huron Cone'erva-
tives will meet at Bengali on letimity
evening, the 20th. Among flea
speakera at this meeting Will be
,I)buglas, ICC., president of the
Welltern Ontario Ckniservritive As -
The Liberals. have imot annoutteeet
any nomination meeting', as rt‘t.