HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-08-06, Page 7VitIs! a througr UDUR, Aug.George choh fayor$ with, an an th att... E. Yell', 'cqt iwinobata tett Ontittatott,,*as ry , „ Mts )-;Toyi,/att- 4 'nOW Vil %ft, $ at thet,hOme,! nierialsaCrYieea- at (*borne ' Aittod 00.1,100.0441. it ow -.tom! ox. 'Mr. and 4.104 t Xeridelt, or Blyt , t Nieh000, *he 00**1 00* ,this .distriet attended „ .••, m x*MeO.,•4iuteho' 'gent' ' to Ungannem MI 'Pin ,y-arternoc*, • . 'W.. and Mr* NT. r.,,,cautpw,it. ' prove., ' ' ' ' ''' . Mr, and 14,t04 U. kitalker,, Or Pilot, .,,,,,,,, I. - - -0 ho, , ,., .Visit,l,,,n,,g :•Iii?1,4.-,e,_!.;;!: -.' and- 4A,,r, * Pi, Baker, a. ronto, was guest on 'Odor at tbe, home of -. Ii , °!.tlfb ' 1,k1 ...., . !so. ot ",,craig is spendingPart gr. anii 4ri,:i4..A.1.*4, Ow • Fred . .of ersheltslaY4 #014.• the ki-trOfOrd ty-."Oraig, Were in Stratford .. the 10 1!4. Andersen,' OgraVe otvg.iroospitik at .tbe too. ot,4er. weoz.,034, , ,.. •, ' . , • visited her friend,: 4110.* Bahia' libt, Varentor 40,••'''-iind,-,,gril.„ W. ,g,Taig,',. glafileY Oftrausorer! .0 Acton, 14 17141t,.. ..MISS. *riq."°` •Caitii"*. ° Stlit ' , SeVeral,,froni,' here attended the pie, ing '10.'. .0, villa e,._ •-. - lgd, ITOSPAal,- • ACIMild.11Y-01.)r-witu L.1*r_ ,.eftl, ,.t.'.' the. late 'George: 2143r,ier,,.0 "Pro8W0101411t406(10011er-Ite*. parents,"*r., and ro:4, lys.- 'A. ••• Sin, .. grim ,.9,* :satookyl , , ...,,, ', .„.' ,: trii-,-S9r et' 4.304erieli eemilleteCtlie so- I4'' • . ,IIOnald • Itoss and ozooluvr- •Sheppard +ice • li., 4nox, TNilbyterian: church' On • . 'gr. and ' grist W.41, NOVittie- , anti. •re001,Y.€41.0alufuliinlurie* while hieYele, aY, sPe , ge text Gene, faatil$ were .43*(1. el0.-- V,Isit..Q.Ts• • riding, -A dog ,got',7'in OW, Way - and • ols,A;lhill,,Opil-re remembered Noah." 'Neal0 $'4104,7• , )hey were livere both thrown 4,- ',ga.vb. bad ' It WAS. annotmeed• that a eall had been' ''Lti and gra, '-Wivintirn and gr4nd veto/ skin . abrasions and aVninly ,.etterided to ' Ber . J. *0 Boyle ' of To, *13' '11' n'' Ill *TiltInuat• 71f4te4 , 'nad WS shoulder bUrt.- ' rout°, from the Out -point 'ehtt t . . , ... .. , ., , , . , . Mrs. ' Zmde Rosi,*ftotoivi.,4, 1,angor'UYth';-!BolOrOte,;•Cftir14*' and Auburn non Was -.Fridays ' . ' ' • EVOIntian: 0.0wThreoliortit. 0 • okl*, ra,'Atra arak fa * n 00 -Ada/ at the hoe of and Oionzeron tricknoW, 4,. * Arthur. returned IrOni ng. already begin dietrIet visit ,to Clinton: ' Old-timers tell of the 'progress of _ . Bobby Arthur Is laelping • Gorden thresnialt here., The. Ault, -.11Mehine Taylor, ' , .1vae brOughthere eighty yea ago and, laabel'Ittalinson visttingsin,-Gotb. • petaled' by James SeOtt 144 erich, , Oharlea,• Lovett. was a • eyltnsier LOie Ferguson has retlisned, from a and was, rim by tent' horses. 'The visit with her tensinsat -0414.0.1v• straw Was .raked AWit$, , ;The' next Dr. B. '0. Weir .and fl..•PhillipS at- was. an eightslier,se eepatater with. a tended the inquest late the Oath- of, StraW-earrier, • The grain vaq.„elgOned George .Naylor ,on .stad then ear,ried 4,WaY oaga 314A4laY ; • ,WOOaen•beXea. -This" required- twenty - Mrs; W. Gundry, or Regina, spent two men' find it was -run, by. Joseph • an afternoon this Week with Misa Olifton. Then came , ten-lierse separator. The. straw came out on ts Alexander ,.MeRenzle eenteninlats elinte and the *grails dropped WO a , in;g 'Axing hi2. shop ae. 4 dwelling hex. The mtiebine could be heard for bi.Mselk. • humming. for a Couple of miles. Three Mrs. Serb. Goviei bas returned fr,±can ,nieb„ and two teams. of horses went -wilth it: It was oivned_hy.s—Toh -eisit. with 'hers:daughter, Mre.s•Sel-, lety of Elseteas , •S.s. •• .* --WM.s.COventry, near West- . - There was no: tierviee the.Aegli- field, later. 00ot:if blower run :by . ••seasi scharehiS on Sunday. !- *v.' steam- irred "fuegblut ,threshed ..e•eutiessSith e-same-itimisof.maehizieS , remiered two levei3"..dssetesysbiekseere, rand Um. WA. FettO r-- icbar ,I4.Watkitis\ s$ CeOrgit. Uel#e04,• Unlit Ag tura.' Torok • %.1.ANightSirsItt linn:tiere *ad tevi:ard , Ort Nitaattington garage, hetdlit not for e moment suspect that Inquir- troncerning Roger ,TOrrentine had 4re sennS114000, As popitotogtett 7 -'rienneir- to 0*--e0andelltl•Ot his .to'corthe*na ,Nkatstly:48*ig.iat Olouily Blake, „ That sober/0 even 4011, 0ountenance, with 4 Slight et:seats of 411 Oa' .tInflOres Uea4, aateroeci4 the 914 Oat Of (IOW Ware00o 44' had misread entlrOy,' and on Semeay. et the ot C'enoetine4tlY eagerneas •to -get Xr.,*anti,n X,04,''rrall1{-:"Th411/41)XL--tt ie bad Tr7:is'edh4hft--:ittfZtf;tt Brown's tienbeW,-.31r, J.- a camptvolt, 8(mie 004- ut lutorMation about the ‘faMily were •geest,s. On SundisYse% Mel Mrs'. Charles Scotts, • Th $ fermers'are busy Nike -days cutting grain, Which aeons to be a very good crop: • Mr„. Norntan Wieitmee and NUBS rittlY, of Gore Bay, Were re -cent vil- tors at the belie of Mr. W. P. Cepap- bell.' . • A number from Si& Metz -let are taking. In the various activities at "Goderich this week, • , • Mrs. 'Barkley, of Dui:gar:min, visited on Sumlay with, her daughter, Mrs, W. A. Cahoon. • The church. service ,Sunday -eight Be kneW tat any" Van tOnneeted .With flying must be tioetistiimed,to quisition. What he'did not know was that A401,103" Ittake NVIte au aeronauti-. eat engineer, an ea‘armY ofticer, and a very acute thinker, "With a habit 0; going into the why or things. %tinders had been emaileilell to be eenlevihat abrupt, for he, had feared •that Thrientine Might .cselfe ashore at anY MOMent, 'Oitteh cane be must have 'vanished. preeipitatels4 It was no part or his OM to, have his own ceunteneecestixed in "Adger% memory. Be realized,' AS haStened'aleng the, age, the lawyer Otatbod, 0104 bhn- sel* and AA* ,1/4414$ W011 14.4,41- littlWnse' r saiggtu tiMb, holding t by • high- er branch, poised, MOMent, and lea:Pea to teR. .the Wart If-Al*Tk44-''141; AlltantOn. t „ , 44404..it I ttg , l'In,04 ,• *It Thom *re. 41` t totate tik i ot*y Pans101‘ to look about after he had, doopped •itoltio Vie , eitate! .4havro toutid that be Was in thin, gre*th. or young Vines, Paralleling the 00.1*. IraYi !'vrilase direction he had noted at 140: Pie! .be..went ahead several OYME- Yartio,•', Then, ,svith the iodre bekindv„.*e. gePP.04., out onto .the gra rttiorivown briskly; b.* eyes probing the alternaite- shadows and gray 'lightness canoed 0 the bordering trees, Fifteen Minna% efaPeed before be golW. light ahead. He Moved now leSe rapidly, deeerting the midale of sthe gravel path flo slink. along the grass beueath the tree. The great house on .the hill overlooking the lieend leek ehaPe, teeming in the • eini ilicolgight IV VIStle of dreams. Seen almost from: the, rear, ao Rins ders saw the whole building, save the shert is Which was the servants' quarters, was in da.rknese. Now abiders, left the driveway to- gether -end made his way along the edge of e cultivated field to the end of the •heuse• OPesite to that from whIeh the tower sioaess Here, cronobs lag at the. corner of the 'building, be found shelter from the moonlight and an opportunity to plan his next move. •.• ite noted- with_ gre*.t satisfeetiesa was, -under. the•direction of die P*.street, that he bad, got very little in- ThIT. e PreSident,:-MA Charles Scott, 'formation of value ,from, cloudy &flake, Prealded.2The S,etintitre leasson,ws.isaye that 'Itbger :Turreatine was an read by 'Mr...0i.4e/ne• mePsco",114 A'ro„..T lOaticions young map, That meant isetseesetir -The-eddresa._W_ee.,grLeasF?L that he wOuld MeV at,-esaythisig Alta - Mr. Harry Hopper -of wA° •mont left him, 4 pOlut worth kmow- spoke on the questlen; "What will You He,,,regretted that he had been do with Christ!' "s The PhIpson sisters unable to get a geed look et Turmas tide; ittt tiAat;-1,4-1m04 *cell -was a ;ego - daughterr, ta 'atilt, Wee,' and Mies with e 4-;eezint cutter and blower where —Mrs. (Dis)--ToNiittat,"311S4--latlerizi Olise McGill, ofl Blyth, visited'. with the grain is carried' up on An eleva- and Master Brace, of Lucknow, visited . W. T. Riddell on 'FridaY. night Dr tor And. run into ,a granarY. Harry .recently with Mrs. X. II. Crunpliell. . Petter4s a cousin of the late ,Mrs". W. Wagner has )been.' 'running this ,for - Master Donald Stonehouse, of Gode- T. Riddell. - • . ' " some dere . ..iich, spent last week with his cousin, ' lett the ,Sunseterlilli •diStriet twenty- afternoon a happy. family gathering Mr. and Mrs. Offuglas Campbell •SteWart 1011,,S.SaskatChew. an, who, The &Smelt - Reuntoaer-On Friday ',Master Ronald TaYlor. seven years Ago, 114- and Mrs.. Hoare sook'place when Mr. David Snell celes7 visited on -Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. and Alis's Freda .tioare, Chathaill, brated SeventsSninth birthday On, Jasper McBrien, of ,Goderiell. and Mr. andt n5lre. 'DeXor; plat- hts old henae farm in -East Wawa:104s. - — born, Mich., Were 4', guests • Of Wk. owned now by Alvin McDowell. Mr. George Sturdy; this weeks - It -isstiftis senellsieftsthisiareasserae tWeety-eight years since Mr. ,Hoare left here. • Be yearn age and went to Breton, Alberta, lived it one tiMe where Wilson. whei.-e he 'continued to farm, and last lives and later where. ,Getdon. MC- November he came to Ontario and has Clinehey resides., Misses Mildred since made his home with his (laugh - Lola) of Clinton and 13etty Williams ter, Mt. -William Rodger, -of East of Goderieh to-Wnship also were guests Wawarioshs. •Mrs. Snell passed away ot Mr. and Mrs. 111- Sturdy. , Miss Alma 3rutele who 'was visiting her 'Mather, Str.S. dames. Muteli; has returned to Toronto. . Rev. and Mrs. I. 1.6veY and chil- dren, of "V.Iringliera, were in the villages oil Sunday. • • Many from here:ere visiting in Gods": erieh during the GorleriCh Old Boys' reunion. . Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Bell -and slaugh- s_s ",•• :• .Goderich, Miss Irene /Kelly and. Wil- fred' Kelly, of Toronto, .were visitors during the past week with Mr.,, and Mrs. 3. W. carter. • R. 3. Ross, of Beaverton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Jobrilitons Rev; Gs W. Slier:lien; the pastor, LEEBURN LEBBURN, Aug. 2.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Walton and son Paul, of Toronto, were the guests of Airs. Walton's father -and brother from Thursday to Monday. • Mr. and .31rs. Lloyd Horton, of Nia.. some fourteen years ago at Breton. gara, motored up on Thursday and The afternoon was spent socially called on relatives here. They came with the follovving members of the also to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. James Elorton.,,of Goderieb. Mrs. G. II. Clutton, of Stratford, spent Friday and part of SaturdaY _with her sisters here. • Mrs. Roy Mason, of `Toronto, is spending "halide:37s. with her mother esed brothers in our burg. Service will be held in Leeburn next family, present: Mrs. •Rodger. tied Gordon. Snell and the grandchildren of the two 'faniilies, Mrs. 31. Cook, 'Nor- man, Leslie and Ralph --Rodger; Ai - vin Jasper, Jasper, Donald. ,end Jeannette Snell. The members of "Mr, ,Sneles family who- were not able to, ette,nd are William, of Strome, Alberta; Ward d-rstimnsids-tsdn-br Lake, Alberta.; Mrs. Gordon Cook, of Cochrane, Ontario, and Charles who Passed, away„ a, number -of years Aga. The many friends of Mr. 'Snell. join congratulating bim on his advanced age and. wish him many more hippy bIrthdriys•and fetallY gatherlegs, • • 4'4 .0g0t • •in healing shis -raft- that confirnied hie physical attributes. " When he reached the. garage, he hired e cal by the hour ametolet. the weedy young man Who was to drive it to take:him to a town not far from RoekY Cove. As he sped in pie wan- ing tWilight downsthe eorth shore of the Islaed, he turned over in his mind the various methods by WM.& he might accoMplislchts next task of *re- connaissance.. Although opportun- ist, as quick thiuking men are apt to be, he did not relish the idea of ap- proaching so delicate a task without a plausible -explanation and a possible line of retreat. He dined alone at a roadhouse near the towiehe had made his base. When •he had finished a leisurely meal in the almost empty room, he had .decided just what to-do. ,To the very friend, V headwaiter, he explained that he was to meet ° a gentleman there later ln the evening to 'discuss a legal mat- Initructi•ng his driver to eat and stand by for a trip back Co town )ater that night he lit a eigar and strolled a own will be the preacher. dering on Altafnont's • eetate. Thel Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Horton and moon had long .pasised its fullees.s, Mr. W. Moore, Of Listowel, were here ,but it was high up insthe sky; afford- ing plenty of light for a quiet -gaun- ter. Discreet inquiry of the. loquacious beadwaiter had brought 'him helpful infOrmation. Mr. Altament was gentleman who valued his privacy so highly thalt he had a high. Wall abotit his greitistds running right down to the water's edge. From the ';landraark side there were three entrances, each guarded night and day by an atten- dank., who lived in a lodge beside the big iron gate, The staff of employ,ees wits large, considlecing the feet that Mr. Alta- mont never entertained, Mid Included several guards and a number of 'work - 'men and gardeners employed outside the bouee. His steward was M.r. Sanborn, about whom the headwaiter kaew little Peet people, one gathe 'knew ranch abeut Air. Sanborn. Rieders not worry at all about the wait around Mr. Altainont's estate. isick one built walls that could keep a determined man Out; .that' had been given up centuries ago. A. wall now was mexely a deterrent to idle !tres- passers. And Philip I. It:hiders was not an idle trespasser. As the lawyer left the roadhouse be- hind him, he deposite4 his• nevely lighted cigar in a ditch. Although he did nok fear being seen thtus peaee- fully sautitering along a eanntry, road, he did net% care to advertise his pres- ence". In- ten ifillititeti he earner tosth other road, which rau ibeeide Alta- mont's grounds. The -Will was per- haps iten feet high, aid. 'Milt of un- dressed, etone, Rinders did pot exam- ine it closely; he strolled aloag' brit in the, direction whieh he lane* cOuld be Wild one of the tWeee en- trant -es to the ettate. As he Walked, he passed Without hitereet eeveral small trees growing neer the wall, vthich a man ati acttve. a8 himself could easily hare climbed, Wiled he slbseerned in the moonlight a break in. the regular graynesie Sif the wall, he halted instantly /tad stared • ta,head. cotild Make out vaguely that he had eome Close to ste iron gate. For a ftili 'minute be remained frozen, senses alert, land then, COn- fide* that no htunan being Was there by the entrande; .he stepped lightly forward. • As he drew nearer lie left the road and drew titc, Under the abet= ter of the Walls The gate Was dosed, and the moan shining *brought, the iron grille east a eriss-erost shadow on • abiders at he Petra throU0. . Quite .eitailY estild Make out the cottage tWo Stories height, that „stood on. the right idde of the drive- way. Thote was light in two .whr- dows of the. leivee'flOr. Nearer the gate was a tiny Sentry box, from villa, a guard could cam:nand* view' of the read outside the gtiteo but this was dark and empty: ,. It .**.s quite appar- ent that with the, locking of the gate this lodgekeeper considered his duties of the eighit cOmpleted. tandera, backed 'May from the en, tr.anee and 'Tett/teed his steps a few ,•hundred fret to one of the likely young trees he bad passed. With en agility which seemed out of plot* in such a hirge, Imposing man of middle 1.1 11 h , ioNe4 ow, dooti 0,400to ova 4toppttnt 'WO ward's:AM 1ett-sale ,..hineits- ' ' . I ' Wit inOtanillY• an iamb. ''poOe.t,' for bis keys. iJo, imtla4glig leather oa gr,vint 01( grasping angers, 000041 over -4.to eontents. All Rinders, .42004 14430'10 the tower.. see witvm a nuolt)vr or .1)** leather. • 0010nd/so Fieen the olti'man isat 'SKetlt'q "100 "114e; 1)4 tiler DI** 'stoat aftt.* that Vatitatt 'titagglag ft$:* illo eYeo' glisten with, sutitleal (*retool', of to, bo wonfit ,blive been muck leo • • '.,_ ..c ss • eoms:Issed. E'er 1153 te readltd 00 . 'shelter10'4401,'-ni#P;;*"°':"Ve:'-""Itl'-9tihi,r-tWrvrier-and-loolott-thrif,:, Truett 41411404 ther'e," the ell;re°- 1 door behind him, , Altamont laughe* dropper nbutteret. 1, and Ma bends Otgl* Alt too rit itoo, t. t` 1,1 IV toettit':, 8 dropped' ler* sWO. -- by any eindU ielf eone He s Szt-i '110 *OW* and .reated, .reighti he tottered 'iftereres 'the. tO the door as•II.Wiers*titigi,,, ly ePg.i*,t,w0t 01 '10,4te..04Pfait that lett up to •the deer above *S. i 1 1e 1 1 • 1 1 1 • • 9' t1IA :4, . .1,..,,, ...;,,,r.• .1,, ing, was still in shadow, and th-at it , moom000mosomommompummo was ipowible for a Man te Slip- along beneath • the easements 'en the lower 1 .--7'000.0.0 impunsimpaumminimmiiiimmimilmaimiammuummuingiousessioniiiiMME 1100r With 'Wei little ,risy- Of • dissiosers• could** in the cove the riding lighte FAR"Nll E RS '.- ATTENTION ! ened by this diseotery, he stepped out 1 filEAFOUT11 .15 -EXETER tSti Looking directly down -the awl, be and 'pap spars of another vessel. . \ WE REMOVE DEAD 'HORSES AND CATTLE, of a yacht, and also -that black hull He crept along the front of the . --s— CALL Us FOR PROMPT SERVICE! — house, pausing at the Iirst two win-. _Our Men WIll Shoot Old and Disabled Animals- , the blackness behind tile gbass. Tile . TELEPHONE YOtIlt NEA.I1EST STATION COLLECT - dows• t• peer ritli great eautio.n into shades ,had been idrawn,• and Itinders . ONTAPLIO TALLOW CO.. eoneluded that.. this end of the house was untenanted and closed. Embeld- to the limit -of the shadow; in front of the building and looked. along its length; Bey•ond the main entrance in. the , inidale of the building :4'could see the Leese of the tall toWeff, several lighted w.t'll•StIoQufwe9.-1.progress, !anyhow," he mu-, mitred. _sNow for the ticklish -padt." With- less caution, but bugging -the wall- tightly., he slipped along- until he came to the..flirst of the casements forth onto .the grass. This window 1 -1 was in to frames, hinged at the outer edges and opened slightly to allow a breath of the uigla breeze to creel) t-Frough.- ' With infinite slownese ,the• big law, yer raised his head above the sash, and peered through the aperture in . the middle • 0P0A4 t4"1"1141"17' InUt ttlee 14" "Itifxlere is OrOMPt, verY Pwakire" gee teaMe than Olen *It' nate WIWI Ito murmaro, "But: it wtte atnatibillge i'vegot to 'keep 0,1.Y .be-11.,ds" • xte'eeeteesees to see biro there OUth1/414 iltindere 10Wered his need' suddenly; a new, square or light had suddenly gashed in the middle of the bending% eizadow. It Was etelse Meta** to tbe right, and Iliuders 'eitsV that it pro- ceeded front a wheleer em the second floor, aboat, Midway between! tower, and t • front entrance. ' 'Prqbably. Sanborn's rem," he mats tered, ana turned his attention once more to the tinanele.r , having carefully eerutin- isedsthe contents of eath leather box, bee :lest them -all back into the brief ease again. For 13,11 histatit,-after- -he -bad-loeited it, he sat at bis de* staring at the wall in frontoflam. Thee he burst ent into a series of short, thokieg iteeekte,,,,As J.L.,.,qtazit over- come by th6leittfor--F.irla%-ft s s • .!•.e A little desk mirror is handt, to ItirM" fnee became t ful. „"lr it were net that I itneet be would not act tilt despeentiou *mem* biltt-lo it, .1 might. fear am .attete0 too soon—and • against mei Oat • Ime won't heeome A criminal again ilea he must—Ile:low hire." • . • • THoursOir—FAR,40:119[4:1Wox A quiet • wedding, tOok plaie at do manse of Walton United eharelt whoa Edna Isobel, daughter of Mr. and, Ms. WflUam Farquharson of Walt**, wale united Inarriage tO N9rInan mow; son of Iirussels. • Rev. C. Canneratat of Walton perforined the eereaeraeg, After a, trip to Muskoka and eaew points, the happy .eouple Win reside laz sss • 111111111118.1111111111111111111111.111111111111. Subject to Constipation For Many Years on *Thursday last for the funeral of the latter's grandtdother. lirs. Hor- ton was here for the week, returning Monday evening. 0 PARADIE0OF5 (HAM N statimoaa IN PUREBREDS swim IN AGRICULTURAL' POIZP • es' 0 'A magolfieto.drainadzation of Cattsicla' it Usk' Industry. awidts thd irbiltor tothe world's latost annual Thr. hibition this Coronation. Year, Aviculture in an its vaned branches 4,.4411aMOlon livestock, horse‘ cattle, sheep, and Swint pOilltrand pet stock prlze products of field And orchard • • • modern farm and household equip' intlit • s. 4 netvideasinew intAto411 and new standards all a part., of this vast panorama of agricultural progress. Displa Itttiletblits oen until 11 Pan. WOW 4.-fitittift , OutenitiMasitorr , CORONATION 61111,111MOMMIINIM".1 YIEAR 'VOW' OVA - ',atm '1 11 • Mu. L RumnALa, Melville .fits Vancouver, B.C., writes:—i have used Milburn's Lara -Liver Pills with quite good results for constipation ,from which I had been subject fee many years. 1 eah not tell the MSS of it, but it seems to be so common that every other person is a victim I itself; but Milburn ,s Laxa- Liver Pills seem to suit my case better -ass al -1 of them eause more suffering thsistbe medicine." A product ot ras T. Milburn Co.. Ltd., Toronto, Ont. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER •PILLS Sidelights la the form of small elec- tdic 'candles dimly illumined most of .the room, and one 'strong light fell upon an old-fashioned .mahogany desk which stood against one side wall, not - far from the window threugh., which ainders was gazing. He had been prepared to drop in- stantly out of sight, if any one were within', but he did not. It was not necessary, for the men in the room was so engreased in what he was do- ing that Rinders might have opened the window wide without attracting his atteslition. -Standing before the desk nsid- work- ing With 'frantic haste, , a znanof middle age, heavy of build and dark of complexion, was trying key after key on the lock of a bulging brief case. His eyes were fixed fearfully upon a door behind him, and he worked at his, task largely by touch, aiding his ef- forts by an occasional glance at the loek. There was upon his face such an expreetdon of mingled terror rind determination as 'Waders had 'never seen"before.--- - He came to the end of his bunch of keys, and 4111 the lock withstood his efforts, With a i•oleeless mean be desisted: and •thistilt, the 114$-a d"polis dently into his trousers pocket. Then Atood there, gazing down at the cage with at air of frustration and 'dejection. dflrom this .Mood be aroused himself with a start of terror, and • literally flung tamself from the vicinity of the desk toward te open door in the Wall opposite the window. The cause of his perturbation as instantly mani- fest. The other deer, the one upon which his terrified eyes had -rested While he struggled with the brief ease, opmied suddenly, and .Phineas Alta- mont entered the room. He stopped instantly, his eyes hard with susplcioe and hate, 'when he saw the other man, who now was making a good pretense of having juet entered himgelt "What are you doing here, San- born?"' demanded Altai:dont harshly. "Clint I leave the room an Metant withoet having you -poke you note in?" "I'm jtiet making the rounds to gee that all is welt, sir," Senbotin re- mark0d eervility in his low " voice. "I—I don't leave everything -like that to the blitkr, youn IttoW." -rou seent to do moe't of the but- ler's work; you have a talent ih that direetion, Sanborn." Alta:tont /snarled. "I've made it amadent, haven't that 1 want to be 'eft alote in this room and in my quarters above in, the evenings?" sYou heve, sir, aud I would not have Matured to Interrupt yon, but I though you bad refired early this even- ing," ganborn said pleadingly. Altamout walked over to the desk and pretended to fumble in a pigeon- hole, but Binders coold see ea he beat over tbat his eyes were upon the brief ease. Ile kilted himself at the desk complaint any ether IDOMI SION Those Values ialkosstive !Usti* Sairiaz, .1!kirlwast SELVIIR RIBBON TOMATO JUICE 10140.07. Bulk Pianist Butter 218-.25 Doninol 6 -qt Can Motor Oil .99 Pork Beans 2 tr Chastise BISCUITS =t11:d Frejill Salted Peanuts Brunswick Asst. Sardines 491.• New Potatoes 6 -cit. basket 19c lb. Black. Ground Pepper .25 Fancy Rof.)c Lobster Ws .37 rj,w,,,=erilt.fte041,11111111111111111110115111101111.11121111180 Tomatoes Letrions 4 Po. • -29e tit • •