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The Goderich Star, 1937-07-23, Page 6
floderleh *4 the tteirhy ogro;Oht loprovei thelr aimpeer**00, It oi*flea the right „WA* to..dett t'ihy pore thin It you are hu,Thi ter tt*eLvelitOttiC1440: Odd, piems, Itutt. whit shoW them to zoo, V/0/1 /. TAUFIR BIU Mc011n • a It, Plekhf , glr1, • it, ,Betty MarK4.,•-.4oitt •, Twelve year at 44 r chI1drez to ono. of the choo1ior Meekirke.h04 Retil Sbeppar • 't*thIeflt, • It wii POhlted out 1)•$" Pro Vatorsont tre elr of Aohurh,'"toedleil tofilth Edmi &rcb*mbau1t Betty ,Or1g t 14, Mn omeer tor, nolletr, tliatt14,Punt0Palt4 110* trekor-a11-4t0wirt Or 4, tieM whore 0 ' hi been 4040 tor Ellin 4,11rishthtio., . Iteid Sim rd. _ 0 -yeii ppt tbey Jr, -re flO 010004 ox Otile tre040r411.04044 , 4340#Pird)i U'�in4$tr alwo 0 IP,XX t; .$ rtsflee itto 0, 0 two. I, oy. O '6 41 . or , iovo 0 leir 0IOat 00044s01,4,10006:40$4nr4001 I 4000r* t 4i41;14.0 tr ,* gist?, to .Metto Mrssr... MOOre ire flitt to 1000 t is sometibat mOr ,$he1 vjIUngith 0 '4_,, .•,..li, j.,,,- 1004 4,*-41,0b4.41t, ,4040r0t 0146A46., nrifirr, cootie , a Uy C& /404100',...,ritre;,4Edhit ,,',4,041010,-: ;'..Ethei• *--r''''' • ••-• tbe 0 t4 ' ll•otlt. Itte, 'Atibtitl : VV-Itio-htetittotk' 010410,....M.L114_13.......,• ., - .x0A,,.,, 0. II' 'iroht,,or'104,4•1° t or r el 4 ..• the • 0 Oro xa, ' 0 -111014 ot0w4kt„ v.,vrit4L74.i otiktaily. .440* A / ( ':..,.. ,. 0000.t.-, :Wil ,r. ...ashingt'on. 1.010-th.e4s-tfr..tom:ow Is • -T 1reY itte 0 , r per—Ruth'StrntghowIrh$114X°04merement son;;Iiepresident *AOAO4!ll4t*'tr4i:gate During th02hothAstper104•*•le ro*to;tlti0het*eete:0from.te''t.ot,13' 11 44: apOreelaillono\"Wita, rout ' trotit- ..)IrO IL D. Munro. ,. An ihritirlo4..... TO . V41te4 ,61i4r6h1,44 .4Tht0t:0040110.,', 'It'a#'' .pi6/6 0040401 .1,4010t' church •414.1. Atthhro 4 t , trOm the Oa tO1', ' ' . ,,,,,,.;'' iletOriont.:: ., '•' betterI�nl' eOP,,,r, . :101,..t,:.: :..., .4 I k Iti 'ouv •t ';01 01) 04. *0 000 ' was elt.4. in their .:stiii414T-',*4ile OtAlirS 0e-- 041141eri 1,4 44' 66T1r, - day 7-W „ rir' 1 bleb 13-0-2w. VITIVOT/7 , ortOr40. when it ril.1e4 listIght40.0.,,,,,Ot the trim 'it the 1414,go le4 .4".4b^ and Urn, r A , spent,the week-endth' r George Tirarolex Mr. toth0 02111 06040 /fr.,011irleit 04rolti* 'Or. I Xteteht ylsitorr 'with Mr. li*a S. 4, Nitoitilek were, 44 Zeroe 0* pt•St, lehlit;', . e and Mr, : •ii0.. zto $.;) S. o nd With friends a1 t,+-44 0000 Mrs. alt1a04-004trick T ' b*" 644 ,,40w4 of the Midden, , desk : 0 her brother, /tr.f. George Twanil 0014 WO.- Iitl0 4 ,was can*ed fro*),:„ born* -whitat .. h it work; ••• Mt,, and t lett on Theidei • thorn to attend the, toper , ,:....--.--.--,--I-----i;,-„•,. , C OW • 4 OvelOP "stet to vottictx 00410r three ton it, w sin4 gittni lift" 'it era" were riding; **0 itre4ed and ligr* 11400, 44-0044041," • 0 004 with rookie,* tItivlis.. Ate 6 14411044- are, .1144111$ at 4 400* 11"*" hen ttv"'WeikeirtOn Joil .0 *ether mt. -cttfirieot Suilth ttra Others In the ear wereErnestYU!' (NnYlor • and Vern* Sout_hoimPtooi, *Act .700 iteVerp' gOth renit-010*04114011 from _To-. olt, the 'Jotter 'OWnet of .the rontoi-. are couple of Vows • • .o,hp witit, 4 1 nteetint.,:,Tti . : " I' re, ProgrOiot ',-'00420,04 00.•.•htiOhoti: 'to Ahhhith.„ 'Itroh 4-_., .14t1*$6 ' *it 'Ohit1ee,"•'4010111t." were appolnted• lt0,:tOrlt,144.441.'tt 47. #0`'.40,404'.4 !k000.k Itith.:,ifikradkBogfe.' with testar4 :‘fliiitti•otIVillilittt• ,Bll, it.,. *40,!.. with ' P• - t0:-dntng:'tlse,.wallr...over,the,:_141,:iiiipe. ,411.,:.,#1.f0,:.',4,004,Doddn., and thelr Lvally,..010444t4Y 44 as to it safer Tor tbOtii I 'Of -000a 01at . ilitant ,, Otinies ' 'pborte acld '- -thlar- 11 :titththg,.,`- Vet *-• )4000010**, 'vriti...-0* Oitir,,' 00.0tge;144*,,44.n,:04-'40b:ti,' inen -0i'"1"-OrliYO'r 41.40. .,.04#1611';'4?: T0,0414.e.*,,,2041:41( '' 64,1406,th,147644.*)! OhOut4050i 'Thor 11.011, to, 0011tiOr'::Vil$011-*O4i: '4401.000....,1r011 ):4111,4404.1.1Lf' I*40i30al','Wili.,,e4,41,' Aite.,.: tilell :0' t14‘".;:jiiti; or 4, ':-01,4140.4 ptel aikS ,401e4414 - relsrta..et:tbipir 'titten- . * Alt, raliwili 041940.;m -"w":1324"7- tutu. the‘,tomposition'i',Ot',olo di s. it the' ,'•rtweittk, •arthhit ;, Ithe thett'w0t,hri;Iterkitillt14.,:khadliV, ,•.„t hge, , ,• • • •• . . fereitee;-•740- •poolph.:7 , Itiii.;„- •-,,,thogi-towootetto-'010cifei 'P"4 -,.-r,' ' they are tb i Were- . .. , trettglitetitirli '',-' -41,A0,--.44-40e ' -110Y-44O . no '.11,n0L400014-ition,,.....o '1' ' Olin 1 ' '' the coin& I*1.:is***.-Uot4'.:1)Y- o , „ ... ,,.....„ ' ("tiV.Y who 1114.4 14 010 4litrlet ,torti-$'00** .00; ittl*Ing at ,III***:*:laroute, and „own* - old wwItsobtolk!es. 'Porento, and Mrs, 'NC: 'Bernie* W ret Oh * Toth', ,N1r stVe t te- 0147 Ore :11111,., GodertehiL rter Mon iir-on their ijn .01 '110eont. ws* vialtor rse o ligrm (1.1. .041114 On Thon4)000,' At t vlaiterti With hin Wo Therelt * , smg dikupters, hirs; walker anti McPhee; ViYmollth, litleb../ Mr. rtrere: ,Wililain B011; , Of 'When; title ;goo .14 Toronto returned Afro. i'Ven10?Howirins,..ot Toronto, and faint ate direct deseend*itto„ more •••partl.e)1,14r ,•_14443f' though stM iu bed. oti 'athidav . • Ntra. 4obt, ot owlet. 10.0,: born, in: peton.state, gogitinct, Deceit's,. ..,,tandigtliael: loattut:;iit4Te ‘-tersesteh,,a, 0e,'Itohltioton T1411t6d. felatIT64 alies Amelia lilieIttiasirt,:;0etnre_ seeilt; WW it, be no *trace . "the coiled On Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Carter bet 23rd, 1826, VW') tmtvits4kri rick 'egg, 11111 -N"Ingtlant C. (lay. this week.. - 410day ,0reigoglrom-, ummer, I)eatt tolkni6f,*1141 Atartaret O'Ctehilor wits called -4,&re she hid spent: the past" week. won 004*Ore'd the t 'h a - , . bueb 'the 1ng ' 1 . Ill'' portLo • . vi"ere 444104., 144 . a 404r7 Wits: VII' I e -it '4,104; the -*Iftt The .ineeting, 110kiVor: and :Uri 0. . ./,hki of our . ... .4,00PPo. ' . - 4 the I National' Anthem:T. Odr,oitYll:tin-, 4.1 .0110e, on '23: 41#4, 'eighteen, berr713**-, tentir,- **S Aez, etiltt°ni eXiit W0Q, 6 1) a. few de In 0 1 „,,14ir. end, Xro. WP), OW, „• VOeitOroOk, visitedoerthe ,week=0* 1d,. ehtirOlit on. agave the *d-.t:mtihiie:;o.e,homate;ie?:,37't,rohtilorltid:gliter, Mr, GI the ., or.3.:1-:0160.. Croalev- .. • ' v1stkI on u. P e last,weea, wt,t1.4., er. Ir t:iion'IR446tillit reiSes:14-111 and lees • Oo. •wlth •• , ,r.01k003,4".„: ge.01% •sizsr4,B„ •• PI, • i0,—George ,.the:royldik.ovAe:irea/',their:,:mto„. ton,r,y. Bali ani borio-.A01.4,• We are ham i1sLted frlenda here: ice ,00 fla elan'r;,t• * hlereit;ito;1;40-007011,i-' • 1.4*1-'ittbe-':*ittli.i4r70-0%iii41.0, tookit.',„t,„win%got".7.1itlitthh.,;,',.*L, 0.9hvioreeld.4,0,,hitio.Lotiiimitlitl•_1: • „Nfitlitork .:.$00pperd, T.-7737,. _Lee -744 ,t4ilived tbere till theY t ts ona 1 -*XX *01t1fit ,„„r* m4tilau and *bete -944,114 • •0W 1s -41;KvUere ° ttitiw, afiyas,„$0 • ng the• ARLOW •tici Afroi and 446,;:"°44"a''''' A it. /telr,;• 100:- ••,.'pereht0respon*ate tiertilliefr.-- -X014-41i• • • johatiuer. lit„ciattcsobi tithtl/ ".the' te_lthey *4;1 - .0 -od- ttelta•0helelt,./:4•8• dlioitdt• 'the, Ituo 1:71"1.3. • • ialto: 4001k a;'ili,310,4it 0100.- 4 . • brill *i*cf.'etittiol; ter- Ivrv tui • r 111.' • M*4'104' '1411‘ '01.10h. th0t geb: r • ..-•0,000*.the , ,:bitopirotah A • vitot4 :goiter)) -- -4; ira,7“,or At'i ,:the...„1,Y101.-!-• of , .t0.40.,re4 in* tile 'S'4.'''',gel'AlidrAttillti.`Of P'etreit. get.' 400 ,•00-11*Zif wak-04.-.1!r140. 040,,hriiiiti. of .0:11Intoo,„, Mr*. ,eor • ,. 4, • eliCenste tiO,' watt *t. 14, .,00,40004-' ate crew ' • 14 'Itralivens Unttel ndolyni „visited ,..reeentlywit 1ser erlx....StOthtrOiof )llnanflm,. Mr, and *re. ..Beitrf • Ott 0 4E014. ot "lama ,Oullunde r. and re.. Ror **be, e . _ losu „church.' ;here% tor two Bun. 'tam week- • .s s reitra..et ago he tame to 1 toun . Ai* a the .rettor,...- Itey; A,. A. 4'ames 'alai), or Eberti • lo Tlairlof with his, Parent& .1,864:.be 4,o0k. up Poor in Potash. Anti '.ePen't %Au.* to /./Ondatt,on7Weritteaday evenini .012 • ;tht, via -,TOUna ,Motored 1010.401ier. tollikrilic • • • 'um Jamoo atithw, , . land firom the tOinocie, ComPent 1Thet* *4°1°4' Mal be expected t4Q;g17,;'41 pro ieeohi/ of her etiter.‘ who -to strototioy en sundst7 144 on thelr litOught 1111rtte Blyth, in tavorot thelate In a" Judgment reeentir banded 4471"41i4t3101::44: u;;IcAletle:frolitt'ot34,t. 610"3611"01,' t'ti; eiertiter, ot the' wilt Of Nrin;VAiiirihno • ter.03,606;. the lintount At :a 'firOuttaittrr - .A0te ignerenteed.b/ 4.1,gairt .not crepe that tat,t ts.ir ftottor, 'ltel4' that Y19'[..,iwlit Tuning _mt. atat .mrs. Themp.. ot the, Women's .„Inottintetinife' been; ruarrie6 to Ann, Oorhetv. That `.19vr0 ,rtorscoy Thompsok ifuonins, to Two member4 of the- Atshurn branch tionoinps farm la. ID 1855 he wax .iltabie.returo;, wit opettesdozgoroppolenzr ;lotted zre;111:11.,, xotin :11,1*i„... to *pow. , •ilud *ad hi" •tt. liogridge. 'Preoented 'With gifta *tit titeteOnr int 'tfOli fisoirt of *boo- .414 • .for manot.111%,. *._°4-"r.sti414•.46, t e boknO.' Oft '',11r1 4#4 :14rEfe" • 04init-b4Hattd: :reee' tred--b4.',,,aon'oldOraitott'' , lobs touhtth, tneh000k ,-‘0014, irw Oliver Me. hoe ,..pawd-. en . these aro, livtiliartk 100001. Ionia, wheat -iho' mai, potato; goschoit.Weelt-ehd; ' DrOlut '00tDat0110, oi*I.otto .1101, ifiradolue, tot*, lie vottid ;nitit04..1600t4t01 :ifittk 1'140004 11.1•1*0.* who, has moved to kteder1014: 'lle*g!ViAnn (irs '11110 Sirah te** Ithet Z*111°"U" re.turnt 1)6001104' 4105`-,110,144:,' ehll*Il':`'.101 not : e for."ien t 41- 1111K. hoe returned to the irIlloge Aria received oi "Wilt roirrOr end Sr*. I*, (*.rot rgo. 14hepiterd), gfollet ligatellt sin& 40e14,11°114' do7' with lir. Gee. : dar, Vtoli,"was, hie 0" .The's.ostate Ltheale,,,;(/274 alt 0)1-* a _hbut dthittr. 411thita.qtt ..eteetinret g80,000. ;',1904 left : „ . . tad. ,Thireet 314, Barter,' tor miltng Porp,.aOoeimo4 toer7:11; ill,00l,itmit0.1ilrettriote7meerSoodol*ootic.and, rar,lie4,- pieaneers?atip,hi 0," ito,frfteith.etri. . isesd 'me lth' her' sister Bunking* who hs going to Write*. .woat Watterlgale) „n..,attett.t„.ah, exception _ . „ 210_, , 0 g ,7„ NUL, — dae do the reelpient.or furl*, 4 • The.,11ving- m0111)008 -of. - "Atiy Pfestpendia4,,*Otkhly ,thegieniet Otairs. ,plegeroon ,,ow ukca, 1'19'1" be' aer cOf a atir Bl7th 4 gtalph D. Mutt& t Iiir; and,' Mrs; .titOrnianlititek. *WhO tarsityi ark Mr0 tosouros- otttlettlail/ 00 :oh thtirsdar 'evening. V(Ylle **oiled. Y!, II* tike.10ititzoko4ltot wire been-0161th* the tormer's utother, Mrs, Eduninct,140er,*nwnroulio# • `1.1 ' her Aleo ...lien of tbe. tssrnshin of Ilullett lativirou end* Margaret ,Ii*vatttotto 100 the following- program. Over which' Ito. latest. ------------ • *big boro ratititaith-' olind• Y1101 ee her°. - br atid Welaou. The afternOon WneePent treirAsaiitaiS", iris* adt des t a asteeting of 314.liales Dorothy' .wItion, Strttit* " soelarehat,- gorge* nott rote* „ . siontests %mud', -*hoot have MOO* to thele 'WO lit Ala hgra tleorge Sturtlx, Mr*. 411 , Eirertiiiking * surataet toil* at OW* XelsOn 1011.40.001W4144' **I/A*4 the fitattaties Matta ShoWethit geld , iilstlalk40..4114‘i . go•-,4Nteesr.Foitli rordimetiosi' with the • beard of Ot.the different aehOoln, beta In ,vialted their- homes. In • this:: difetriet at: was ,h), etutriter Speeehea by W.'S. 11:4i 'tow jeat.rally in 04 Orttart0 made here are,,getting7Itell int Withi.;w1histi '411114', ral*sin", 0 Jrue)f*. tht"ktekelA , •• , "' . ''' 1-%..z.,* - ,,, ,'. .: Ifolineot.„plioAoo, oodr',40,roolo Xto1001.0, Attookool,,..ittotittivil0Wolootlk Of tutting: htiolt 0t, the grain metiihrei vetting:C.* *nit '&410'10- Orin**4 ntildqfOsa -10**104111111A-Mtesulowr AubUrn - -iesdinge,--Ifiri 'Trot* 'ilitiE, June.'" -An - sthendiiirre—Of ' 1110Whte ' - a — - . * * . ' the toWne14,10 'order O. ,here All soleirilowsttt, .wtto, inti spest some, 'bed, sad' ltrit whe• - rt avettt:'.04til. and- Old.* 'do*. 1:)Weither' Ootrilloa.r.tho triitoil .-6tir tfr Of, -f,e'et. Int 1,-ellOk'',.'; 1 ,tor diphtherbt. Thle 1s, to. bed,huo,. otursed. , to, , his boo ,.. in ogivers;ox the votaincytlic *ie t 11.• . sot* .1roa 10Meets.a04;,-falt.**" har ,tii*ige.„ .0t,tbe. old threahing niath* $e ehlldrefl •Iitote 'with tite*Pot)YeI a the 'tfout4' sullett • • 'Bali; -seciska "4 soft 4 - • • -* 414 111 -06100 itto'the4614 se the ltkkte• , ehott vy, reit ro. and e over; opr gra • ; Z7' be.:. 1 4.14 tilt. 714i h110 *he' 11** 141 PlOtith$ 'Et" r. and deorsto Vittor4' icehlefoitidi a solo br4tiso Annie 141L: .trciitiot voniittlousteribotliked.4* ':oetta dilteJocto , 404 011, 4oboi tflOwoo.a, .titited tob.b teiflotrolloo, totwoilt.tee,-, les* Vertfitpi404.Cirlat 11,004-10:,110* 0110C .14;1474**11h-gle.,' IL* 444.1re 1111, bi'lia# their Port4ehOot *0 1170, 110*000 011 their war: sthet -1,Sylort' siptirts doeuhig. itt:Weeterli tlattrie.' hatireet..L:ttiaerlithice tY.r4e5h1 Yon0Ottrere. -hOre.h0th: Writ; Voiett„ Clarenee,Thaii. the: `MOO sOuthertr 'part 'harvesting_ Sum 4400., wet* kahlreOtoti:. . .,.3t44rjerte .suivituth Arthur' ;.Iptiiiik,zitoif :witch .004ii,jektec, *to,. ouniper.,2444dil,mst trierat,../ttiss .Wihnitied 11**14. at Bin. •and. Mt* glfrs, Beit, -ha* lioMmente *Itttlit a very taW days, -.1flon„ •te ;n01.411titit• Ito *I** mato, • )4,6**,14, "watiankii litef," •sturtitt ,ogirt 144' iirrA. '311314r. 1111 take 40010 it thO ;10004. sisit;;ACTL1Vor,lo'rettMrs. -111 yield aorae*hat ett 'aerie warm- weather to visit the \bathing stAttiey, chow:: preriani et:$*110444' ;rent rata,' .'itarei deftlOya .mapulluvr Ari.* Da 14 place at "41wit tbett arrant .1131thert,J.11.1.001C'Tillir rsigaly;wutottlot voskik and .south. ottoodoCtike.; tiaiisti flielf, t.ouoith; t P1 Ely I the &leen"' er Bev, 'Sher` Kturdr tout Willittra Balt. The olct' Vfesstervi Ontart0.4* tg‘tontpleteir.stta. SutOtsetv, ItiWil"11*-411$11C-1144-, -Personj-PO4erilt:. set theet niftiness lit- Aleedirti- er'-:-"--1/1411$7 lotatt, Xistpt, let thutth ThntldnY ivas Harry' -Balt 'of *14$14t, yiews, in tattoo, watt° 01i114ievotivitithalt.'llsittia 310..41, • '; • oh A... tables, *htett. Were 0144. to*.hut* has* Mittle1004 growth grik,•-daw- -0A`' C41114# '.•144444r. 4400 Pl411140, 'tot** *la A1114 dere.:Ilited; weii. set ou- the but are befor itterate Mee4b*L'411.es IV°Inenr4, 016 are apeni114 their. ttiOntion With hum: h01404,`.'reitrolou',' Srviese.. .Ber* Wirdia*/;TO100; O., as • 44.„ihart*: ot'the -0414 '"F MPI obootito Sunday'; atternktn. reltt,',pup 480-- the ,r,*kirkstrl will be Iii Auburn, • . • •-. • litt#4 Teih, 004i MIO:Julia Vogor,- , wor4t04#. ,,400t; Sth their ,thothert Mr.'"•Z' Townsend, Montreal, 1* yiettlhit. hit '044 300. $91141;:1,00,,,A *Ytita 100,a,,,f_etpt'dara; ,111141ginittg.:;Of'.4itiliterd, Is speqd1g:;het hollthroc, her' our #0.4 .,„0iiit'r rlc 4 . .ts• itAift*Otoilt4 : P1oydKbpotdck*nd VDetit$00niii-, Ur, and :Mr toodnetell the Ortiier MeettOlt th Olititok az* the one -00ming he Estit oittclind.0 barley' Proillece.10014 !tud •31:tef' :311°9i(t' *1114 • anit pretUlY ,hgri, Our Durham et Ott Erie eons ins hoe. ha... Alleeletto thetinited,etturgh ' Una ''ilookinif,*04,, lettere* wl optrottfoo rrldar atter/it** lit the. -fionit made turIng414111eniti AS* * reavilt's OLIO*, Weille Stelfert„,,with,:twietity '1+4.6* yeetisesdoy.foi 'their itoo,Itoust _ . , a 014064, nitl iiitt,rbt *Wed lit • vithiltf thl,t 000 )grs. 1110Whihne7*Vresidenti ° Actlotion 4usaut,:ye, OPertedt 'the t0eithlt 10, th0 7.4444 way • , i'arttbei-ilotorst3it,_4*-0.1)0 Aaviottotrititm.A. oPlatattoothiat . ' I , ' lig lad *4 yidotlitione lit tile loll. 4"°/11; rtlia;-the' tieripturs leaSOn - IC/4 ' * '' a 'me*MO Litt IDS* United thortit *"nitsittekt A. , erOlt tondittoricon•thelWbole lite. oat ' 'OP 0, Tr. $00ettro- - Dr- eh116 livixtg it lit do000h ee the )0t VertiOat 0.'14 *thefts, Ontario `th ant"'"Albe-Pt Was imarlt - or 431 ' IV; *10014 ' - ` ' - ' Atli ' ttiet4. ° - ' ' - 1 * ., „ Slue , ter " hithwar: • - weather, sitkesr.ited n SuntlitY0 Wore vorented etiltivatiot 'lloWeler* '2441* It* 7.!11144Yr 4 rSptL VO L 644117114100111,!* le) 611441 Oft the ,fasseugt)4.000 tstritily nepotist prostisischt Old'orttitrio. Itt t** 110* A 0 -tette and Ajoit' oPtiq the weekend `• nt,the 11,010,, 011 Mr. ind :14rt.2,1tlehittd 4oht0tto*, lira. WM.: Like and Mr, Cllfford trIth 'tythe or: tooti,o+.' .)Isloo.,41 to, -**otor7 grs4ft. 114 ,. 40 lititlictor, , K will : •oilitiAtte. 114 ' with two ' 4 h' ptcttfre IklatOilegralle4, by e404- Vitt XI gralas * raI -tClth, 4 bat will; be preieiteeto irlaglitiro ", Xik, . 4 .ng ; ,... atter *kith *111 he dlistrIlotted W are" meeti, - ' member of tiit okoattr lc tiestedtk ' , -4, - A ,,i)tettrit' MaUttbalb, *ad tJt'' tiro lit ori Ikea „t ... A t Mart ' Windtthe lioine•Mr. titid 43.0000 tA -via° &tont- eireht* *0 044. it V Ortottot J.Ittottr tille.iu4ij,.ati::::_,;::1,;-,11 • ot thete 0414 1.7 ',..4 • ; to tinefit I 00011V, Oreditnn And pr 11i5) ri U