HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-23, Page 5000.4 t h,beth*.rt *Ad' two' to, 43,0040. 1 -3&r 3obn Mrk met : A.Ldent on Saturd*y„.,,, AS ittrebecl into„the ro, ” the. %or** eeu tbe '.‘ 1/4Th,uce&ld to*, , *4 LY: , -TO - eaetkt„ and , . rojeee *14(1 `14 bad.scalp INO41344 The other '0044Piot, Of the oar eseaped''' un- burt Mr; 404' Uri.' 441Oett'' *pr `7„4004,00; livers the' guests f Mr,. •,.Fer- l't101004'040ther Mrs.M. Ferguwfl,. for - 910 woolg.to, , MIs ,T4o-010; ‘,1k1ePeoit, of betrolt, IL oPeudiPtetrO-veeits%,rith, her ,.parents, Mr _ .,_ aliki0-4*-% .4"0.:':$040"tbr. - .000k, kat RinkOtpi,2,,,er-4)41114, is 1*,... 'guest wlth Mfa Pggy Orr tble vreek4.• lit','-'1*.10;'44-10,-(11q,' Or .' rtettolt,,c.. )k, efit, tOr*,.t1its Iveel.t., 'Vitt' .-hte, grand- father,:lu',' 'T,t,, .19'estein,, _, ___,. • _. 4s„,;(1pict- *0'. Norval'-qctPlOtitatOt 113:4•••!_aint.4.',''''.0t`Klitt, .14,11eb4* .4011 . htr; and Mrs; ..'0ithert ;IP:light , .04 'Itaxotlx, of TorpotO;;'-, are the plegt,*.et,l,fr,,,,noil • Fg 40011i.t0•• ,M•Ar.,0*;q1011141\xdrt tor* :=,next ., Iii ,: -4 'look at A4§.tkhlih w,veolOi..,' ;•:',.., .4••:•• ,`„,. ' * rts•r• $itiii4that eal,U4ti*r••state Mrs.- 0. Burt and fam1Iy,f .1,.. $,Ot•A* thatA04,0)voimOOt 1144: tali:OP, from are the gae€40. et her tore -404, iart‘ eo0 litro'qt, ,,,V:P7i,.._ lOt.,.#1e,-44qt,''.',f,!",f,', , 'the peak Ot; 30=;'00e2:000Vu-Optle,--;,-19,02.s; mricievii,,,,',':, - ,. ,,,-. - ,,, .., '-.., RI:: 8.4 per ,ept,Its..: ,l'i.'lli.cl.c.,1 is. ix,12.0pst''11# nottoity.‘rAtez.,,,:.; „. -."..,-,,, . • ':4:=:',,.. : ,H:- . ''; ' ,/klinivet*0ry eervIees of ''ggox TO*,,. ,The',Ituatie141, pOtion Of tte'VO41J,, 14,tor144 ,ohntett.. y4u,”,;.,b, „11.014„. on ,monweath bo'vH' a marked'tiott mt Sunday, July .25th, and , will . he. twelve . O04,.. mgn , li the •fun.d, ducted by ', the 'oevrtrioduete4,•..pootc0C .- .,, ,,,,,,, LP34111t4i)lefl.'*,',,To.gli,t.4(M; to *oo 110''')Tteet • t' ''4440C-d4i:d9u -41,'60110. - ".,„,', • 4','” . - aiiiat)reoiiiittanto W:Ark, 40,, -414-rrolz:xetoroe4.-4#:Xatonto: ' i'lfA' •liiit... • tini''NEfulifla.i.44tft040P0041-0g .fion,?e,,w,C0ii „,,,, , tht -1111 ill WItIll-i0WINF*NORT.;-.1X491:104F7itr: * ...1,4,t4,A0.11% e ,o the vaine of 41000 '.'101r.-031.*' t4000.140',for, distitbkilloo smou t'tkoitv•who wtU tmipi'part`10,, 0,10t0 -4004; 0.144,•: deet of trop* 100te.-,41.,:,414900104,' ' Evei3r .4a3'.',11!00P* ,Of 4440417' reYt,e* "tivelt acenes an a1. :*,1,1iI*IPttek,v021.0t,lo pantomlme and danees WA,P42. .400t$00.';'.1*:.pre*Ae41:-tattlee the`.'":14 Turner •Thcast of :moo. 0 S!;t' 'rqunded 41.0,' -0.0104440. .belng taken 4A.persons ,ovt*I4O-ot.V.000,1 ,TIie 0,411,0411,tt. **hick OOPS, lohleo4,,,of•'a preblstorlc-.440.4* 't4e-T.'eti.fit00000$,:h1O-Orett.411041.04-tft,, pub11e -in• Att1401),V#14!:Ot''.(#0.-W4ndiTs.P#ot20:07, 400*. : No stone is left unturned to pro- duee as nearly as posslble exact fae- stmiles of -' actual bitor1c r articles. Just compieted is..)2"‘".'..00110k .401.04' 4..t0. the Jast ft001#0.00,4'.4.14,44:,.004.1tOld. on Ote(14:',1.411Ote4;•4*10014tP.,014.:' tNT.0..404,;.,,,t0i143004,0oity0 Ate,'0.*Oetl,$-O0i-repeareh" 'the • °*. * t to, " 14, 117.011.khovi t vlsIt1ot 0 *t dauhter lipid, or di t I *wit ,11***, +A.: 11 bndter the ber tilnitothort Urs. fl. 4rnold SA+ 404 veoe et prod,41% totmetit ilier *0 uhorn, ate, enjO/in t of ,tbelr votation 'ttoro ,reheivlog *(X10*1 t.aneesk . r* ***1•1 reget ilotbroilhot4 * 1 or, ctIoUs 34.1 4,0 Ss"' uirked t an V" of tht **:* and *be e*d St Ir 0040 tittk ptt. ovV floral t feta, wltb blue 8and15 and large.0,*1 12,i**t =-0.ioutht of ).20tttr$4 .4010::00,4400-.,:b1.,Yei' „10t0.014.** tent:*,*ott*toi• 'Parrting WaSAsti',A2111:! ‘,12***-4*.ittNt =0140itto14.10 ''Clkir,gt.4441* - -tkea .0100044: .4700, :t0cAt',. wit* x**. ,b0*., VifiltOrt :0T4200*'. 1414 11,;SO044-41.14.4"0 4:44''''"°40.1O4411400. tOti"*•.'•w,*''of 1 401.01407100.:At' t*lit the &st iasses of 0tat.A.PloVi,..4titt.4.1040`11r, 42 -or" 10 ',1#00$1=1:04.0641kr a•-.'111,40 • 'S*110w- -liatt*.afi'tr\,0110tOraiet ,00 , OW,*...401111t 044," - .-i0241,152iittint- 'At ::tliti., nieetthg a, „ ,,. 0 9Ert,' b e '' 1011 00 ri$ ' Alt \ of '.nattkr414" 24.4W. : tilleatea wirelkitarded to tlioll0 iaa'Wlalliia!'..* nt Orli* .i.Ot. yo ,t, • 4; . organdy...ali an *no_ 0, lila 0000000411,7 . covered the Van,)01:, . 11. t8 POtti •$: •••4. tifft• Vstet•OVQ,PW1.9 rose and Sbetit))**44' ieribef. toutse. "•Th. -00, shi414,, lot*to of'gra, ; • - 10stun*. is* it ortonted: ,ttio r: ,'Cionient'SradiOr , iet#Ititit their' Aitkelet 11V111, toot* The --00re14014 Was aid to the ,Kirit.tOn Charge,: in ere.Wbg, la 4 IP, h0e0101` Witb otraigx, W. T.A44,',-beroxw toorterb 110,4 W4e.4 •arat sia Or. rotoei,* ftro 41,retrAgAike4 ,o0140600* deleg , 1,t1 g Iv be- ars 141(04 win SiSs0 delphipinm` 'and margatritte, 01rtYlig Orainif Merv100"*4 to " ef,40 out Itte-'011ovt, thio *AO: *hitt. 'the' 'eot$14' . ..1X43* .8211inte*;wIo 4/004bt,:loup*Oi; g0i4 -,00001.4. X01.0.010440 A.NAtit WhO bas been t°4•PW°11 111e ''ee"911°)1r•° the311 the ' X$right!S GrOlre• •VOth 411fr 'grand'.•, ride tut the; with 020 iin#0 p2vol lee..w** pluiotttd,, *Y.' at Totaigi: ,:tetk-herloOther 4-eih*,tht1.44: .the e'Pq of '',Detrotti. the .P00t 22;102.thl. is :listing vieddloe dey.. ' , ‘,. ,the, prP*14024,, 00N% T4•1:11.,erp• COA, gle.0!4 tio fuuguter,',11/tim;oik ;Ix; Vottig*, those PreSent. TO.tre Wite•-rat dutto puiSt ,tolym.fstire.,00.0-Pr.he. - • - • farsOld •Aome.Weelsk-il ' . • and friends fr-0.*rlotsSi‘10.alt., • The °Mem for .reit yeft, r Ore t SO- iiu;104,:o0detio.:, -ato . . - , - • • ' • ' ' 'President Bev- Xiretriner, Orneo- - ,tiworepitm - Bruce and ),Mr.", • and'' Mrs. • • • • • • • • • ' ' - • •••• will- be-tht...NO2tobrsbowgi-, Tr: .0.: • contile ).*gA.f.P., 047, field"; P1'estilgAt,''? :00v. R. Turner, gil:. -tot :.0001.4i.p.0:,1>y*, c'E=!..P ,.. • 'fir:, cutito, ait. of, winoiok,ofto, .!Wasa. •4etieh, "btid..eTtrav0M11.$ TOY, -'4141-1* 144.40k. double- t 0474-0-3wisititittongt,.,044z4iigt 41- '1:---&-iiii-074,13t0ssoitt registrar .,notio,ttom*emorst_ urn, ot alst5,,,be-Mr and Mrs George Layton, sum._ tsmitiajok pew. tati;EI„la ;;;;11'n' rollrelruss•. ma'rie ottiero -fopow,g.r appearance ter, are-- Ito* at the home of lira:: •• .„ _ unapman, youerlon. • • n nd dur spen5llng some weeM wltfl iVfls of Caraeus and•bi wife, eariy Britons, Y 13. Colborne. -St. Patrl&'e street. ide In L1towel • Atieb WaYlor ' befae, the -• goinan:4enipetor "Mundane ; • 'Week-eltid.'7,Visitors '. the heine of, • .„ , " W *ertielArs; 'f0e ' 1,surely was 'Mee Th of St 8101;10,,,,tert 4.0birs , 091:Ifil ark-% or 4,0p.0,,,, bur, )11,0 r •-• tioieueir, the t,Y01;70,41aFrt.t.Q401,tH gdlOtraqtbe Martil; •Mr•S"- W. • '• A )4114 • • bare Miller, of first Ne.,0 - • rihat omen. StrbiltY. * "4°14' .111!!!'eF•:"I 11,11a 404 sivO new Nft6t:I.,•11117;olnue.bet.tt was r , ,l,pcs,00,,, c D9t.isitor, Mr eath '$eehe• of 150,80/1, in, e' TlIss3S. i1)1c1 'Mary tleye The Old One made 'SO 'much noise he to ,ett.130i. xixieftzt-Sap* -1.:04;14;';. tif0 direeti00 ,of oi t.orie biteugrotto;. the vir*, Mary Tye trittqL*01,0S: glr1:4, • '6ur,O1; alt; ."Tebriers-, )114P-. tarat 11 Of 4:14)>C1114. ‘(111h Miss • Second Neig_ o onsider., st, Johlee .; d earnid—ctdring'Irhe ••MIStralf4' 48 son organist and. eholr vldithe hlgh ng. a • To 1/ niuslca , Aoo'140u. * , 9 t • • George bold -of the -Victory,- the+ embear4ing ttroalit' hereforthe' summer Ould 't - ' 41).1i '' • C Aet 7"laint71-11-olier-ifko-tott - ' • -' c •o.d - • — • •rfiTaiiiid-th'eT1101111fUrt(r•'otrit'OrtAtoadet • ., titijo,,,,,.. . ,,,,, ,, , .,.,,;„;„, , . w. are Herbert, 0 .gAte ,0',7 were .0*, ierealoztofihe.11tst41.11,t1stla.n cross iii.t Mr.' and Sirs!. v'irm, .Pii.r.e.r, A Britain; a - tournament. ',on horse,' Viie:an's•Wer..,ii *fiat , iilia. 4id:•iot ,vtait .0o-iito::' ‘ for .the:d.eto. , .iiiij.t::6f.• opoority,...• .,'.,to; cure .c)!?•• u1404•Y• .:, ..• ••• — ., ,_ - - ..' back before ',Mug - William;,: and.. a.. 3,11*seta. • Emily tin.(1 Helen Bugler; or - - — . . .. . thunderous crashing display of open . her 4110.'i art.,•ttit,'.40#*.i%:0'tl*'cl-4*"' tondOri - are guests of Rev.' And Mrs. ' sti•aighten .", Ont. .,1i.o. ,fing, 014 tangles; - , .140n . She •00,1c * 'tiratitie'. 'Measures ',to W. riti. goier., thi.,. Mr' N.' 4'. Bugler tett:11;0W A° Uri- the coxilliet of .I.D144916.. ' ' dwepenl.etytirtsgeeanesb.attiiitlgee'thseCer:ey:44,:ln. : 4,..110.4:..;:*41,:ifV.:!'. '''or,.4,:.:1441.-.:70.0t!,7114f.Ptt.'',,bil;:o.P°1.761,1.411: "7:40'.iii":.'11.4:0;s°70:2.,":". Itw,.7-:,_7e.:,',,::',. '127. :6 -*:01, 'er;-._..,1:°r' warthbexuttiful-pantOinime story of color and be remer0.- ' Her . ..011.0.iiitoily, eot;*.'it0e* -,.$1,16 ie*.t, :Ro,,.; .,•;;;, ..s.&da,,,, after -bort-, a guest - A. running commentary will- weave ofk,4%,„,.... ' - . , .Mi. and Mr. -.Walter Wylie, mis, -PaOsn4T whIeU Iteri. 0P401.4,•-liad. to ,dig ;Orator Inlet,. atoward:and Mr; Gordon liaalisn ' 'tlered• 'Phalr:"116 4"-lichest0t$ Ni11-1Pr'"' 140.',„'..11i,etgi.pociAetii,:- •ThOr ..10.4 -,a0tiur' 'of .Detrolt; were guests, Of Mrs. ' la:, vide 'Abe' ace°D11)1114"lit'f"' t/le° fitent's ' itnL-fiVe ' 44000#0,40. $10*. *0,04 bp,:nprtb cit.stie-to 0. few days laSt. vieei5, • mi.u .. ‘.' 0__ahoes in Xrhiel*: nearly two ' ifi.'-4,04'."-010if laith:•.'w441-4 --, POO ',t4 and Mrs.,: Wylie retnined , home 4. upured tiV1130S114 ` will, pargdy*.tie,,, 'clearMason re illiret!.e0040 411.10•;.' ';'' ,'.-.' !- .:, '' ,:' 'i . Tuesday, '00d . Mrs.' Howard and .jitr: , 'Ibis titanie Vr°44,Ptien, . ' withoutb . -4.4,00..trailti,-**Y•';`)10t,'IMi• ett/entirely,. .,inainV to spend '. some s . vfeekdoubt-, .the gi•eateift ' :showing . ever *,...0414 ,tit•aileAsfartherout l *.i... ii. bey , ti*,. . . . . ', : ' . Stagea, in thig. cOtintrpirill b0.1:018ilita oftbeW0b: '' Of ,0,0 **,t114*;40inadit,et.'.4-,:, :::!'" ,., ,,... : ', : . FAO. lki4Urie V.*Cliet Of Tooridon, iva 0'11' Tuesday, Ive(Ines<laY and ,Thuisday ''-t:4341-'.44.4,-:,•OkttP014411.1940S40011,•',-000#144-.40*„ jr,140040;410. ?rgilts. duringTa: Home Wetki, -. . '' • eefixecl,',.the"0?0:: 1>O1t./. -,.0:o.,,,sgo„effttO ,e.'E.- Povtlie; ovei `4.ie,woekend, .. , . ."mentabeenliave,,able to op' sr- Itev i °and; ,40s. 'teri'grPorit' 'of St.' ' - PERSONAL MENTION goiern ,to : s*Oh..o.tilliajag PrOhle . tos .;'10. tb'e ran.: utitlk.;:.,',707:4001,0,, were ._ visitors ;100, ,0400100,.,00:„,tbe. tooep,s, ao,,' iioi,e„ the , oast ',W.,'eeli :14.Lang-Ford Miss Mary iliaeChler, North street).* *Inlitiatiik0ettli# *Oat' Of '"waiting ' turna'' to'',' Nitalkervilie on StindaY '; iiolida7ing near. Sarni*: ' --, . • - .. , — -.. or: Vieierciiii3Of .presperity.-..'? ': . . , '.-.•' ,44•4• r•;:x0tfunri08,41...r,i-L.ktrr: '11,00010604' ),1SZt VIOL 'lt: ;•%A.- *galOrit of Toronto, Is .* , 41 te.14474;,F. 4).i4)4e.i•404.,,aterit:.÷,itup'A:t visiting friends in tOWn. • ' 4i0e04'.,C.*eera-tfr„,bale• 1104 n3uo ,,in I :.) OttftW14e0F. : - `:-, ----:-- ----.Miss-C-atherine7-flale....ktt.last,_week., thei,:-.';',*$.,,rot:;',''',,04it , ' - tioir0 •tir.ria.kOn•AD110,0,6rtli,' Of Detroit, iVas Or a two moitheit' vaeation,in Prigland. Alearkiti. i' Or .4ii . 4,,...g,40.4t: of Mr and larA. • John rea -.Dr. lg.. ,..n. livetoor, or .4olanton, , Vf ' W.E.P P,•,44001.0,.',0f-SOr0140,' was a **(isii!,,Mation, 4nawAy'; in.ra guest Of - Spent .,tbe week -end at his, help. bere.- uk•Oft't VI' last, Week; " • : ': - '. • , , . , •,.:, • 04, ' t•O'.• , twenty 0i. , tbo.,but,, neat, 4±: ,Mrs. ' ii• W. 04S **-Sr .the 4'elii. '.3.00- ana iliii'' 1410010.4:0; of .iiiet*eiii4'6,,:er.:, Lewis ' returning' to ,.., Ariconl. . • ..•.; • -. . t , ilet entr0tion -0 Share . 241'0,-,1;01itts,.,'*110 'liad* been • the guilt ott:id'r„,, oetiiit.J.Tou'a."riT.tapir tetn71,10,...110,11:t;:,:itia:e.n-.4,•64d.e...,:°,-;. of Mtg. )4,',WOodiilor a .teW tiveeke . - e ''' ; 1* -r- 'time. Icit Toronto On $1044a$, •aee04410/0ted ''',07'. J Tile'• MO .11r00PeritY: ,-, tbe 'Miss.. Irene Tout*, of Oro Station, is res -,,,,e;., ,ther, petit' oVjitpit,'40.10, , 1,i(rii, A.,... tto, ' *Mr. ' atki Mrs. • Frank .- , Bilet, 004 yt,ofj,ges".0144:,,ta..-b04:1t.t:•Yt-,sgot*'''''.,,,41.0.4i, c...40fiii6.1.1i.o, 1,.114f41.,- '&4404.: fdt..lisomo- *eat, ,.. . litOill$, orellathoni*, ore .holida4ring*„. • 1,4*„.,SOrgaret, Ferguson, ,of TOrotir 00. out :,wEek; :*-, 0, ...7 - -.....: ', ' lik; . and 2 Mitt.. M. L. •SanderSOn, nowroic to',...400.4 . ,,,,,..! f., . . ' ',the ,,:rgub.,4*(7tir:0400.1' of liev,,r. Toronto;Itte,spending. kolidapc-In,:own, .,,,,_ " and at .14.clialsin - 0 ••'. [ t, ' te•••:-Isnd**-;•0?;6$004. W-000titjhe:',1,.;*044'eii (174;1),i'Vetro'it ikiiiiellOn'tta0 illtit.: . :"..-,:. 4" . . •• . Mitt, .,z, in • poijno,,,'Or Toronto, .-wso is ''vreelti,einl virialtot with, • ter ..,oliiters!, •-cE&VAI1O1W st,0:0008111r, .., .. li "-tlit*cotiotti,of fpirnei its,,ktokeeeitniki. atryraroate,:)4,b07141,,:tlie,., 4,, Tor . 1 tie (rtades. VII ininV, ro). - - '. 1.1 'r!'.tio'l ' *I. itli4,1strish$:*lisit-4037- 42 grOup I) ,.the, mititet eta 4", lit.,'-. elnon, -Hill At 4Nale*go,,this 'to' itkat toorirr4tetvz :tv,.tiest, attondlog ,-Iti:-:iistornational . : , , , oolorottio of tooth. . ,:. , ,,. : *ilk wkig ' .04,zrAtitiwT,ba*.e, ,,,t vbs. motinienoosofr,Liodit4f§ 'Atm j4, VityPobited, oil, satut . At lea M: Dalttb Irni.:4401.01444-*eilei iit. '.1*tkesesti* t *Loadon dieted. 00.0 at watio' Moticb... • r, .. i - • * 14.0Atia* A. o*siito and * -*Sere kiiii -P4pIpple4 inadt,„ JAOk, receWS his •tatit educatioE it nat.. Blifitigt,--00,0etrtit, ,*haveil witli,...sr. i.ititon,ittiil vitiph.vitr Poor yestltieny'Veitere"** itutastlay. . ° PILIIlizartg****1,,,H__,,, _,..'VCrigeetlit,':**,11040 '. „Ilis0.440 Katt, 4it' GrAnd,...../4 distriOnV '161 4 tAantlir/04 'oebtrite lo, •lea., -00eitt' itie9oteelt-04.1001, god .tolsieto,tradee and. 1011 known In 19140Ylithi, itdritthit ''si _4: aiillittarkteoups.i'slAiattitt '.f, . . ' Xeilarnia: .. • ' se-Pltaiittaiet Wipentili ::',fe*A4Alt„ lint ,,.., J 't fad* te bkoktli,.010 • V ' ' . -;.• '4 fez PA ;0001 ,EihOUld: hill *".11itirAtiO$ tflio*teir. .otaitikpicieK, Ole be's' sWeatin ",biniself lit:to ;; ***''' ih" Vieth* 'her .relitiees, iiir, antlit'S. ' (1 , „. iv • , - et. 'W.Monte and lir. And Mr. CL: 1 / ' 4104114.'` ' ' t., ' ' 1" t' , t v lir! liga. o.3. F. rt., ties' bo of .0-toolow •Mkt Mint milWittli ,tirVivoil, of SOW -t, ,, instOtsti Are. the posts "Of -Miss Mabel, ..Strang: ' • ''' ' '' **' ' • i it Vt. VW. 'Pretniettaist," Of at. Pant ginr4:4 wag In tovin. on °IllutklaY and l* ' 0.1?' tilled: 011'10. 4.'oint, '001E1'6,4' Are,,014 - 01044; , -,,.: . MSS FtSPIC"04011010; of London, 'wits ii..roek•oid` *nett At theki4inoVrif Ilk; and Aits.'ili ‘Olieettiet, North street. 1- Mr. -A A., Oar. of ' ,With the 40Vineee Slis. 'Or*okt tor, it't*.dsolt ' yr VW** •at41 ,116001to BOult:mia itvroo ieSkiten, tonli0o4 Ate 4,11olt1W4V-3thle, tO0: ns? 4f*.mtrilt Awt:10 1 Miiiii ,,t3fohlipti00011. •• Additional .ltegisinatiii** Margaret Pentland,•Dougannonz Alex. Vilsitte„ , Ret 0. W Dewltt Oosens, 'Clinton. Rev, 'D. S. Saltine, India. Agnes. Agnew ; Clinton. 1(Athltionepsons Olinton, - IOWA Ohatlesviorlh„ .Lind Int0 114ve41 Etliott, Vetktr 4180.14h10 Attgit*:‘, Ruth Wr*1, Mlflbrank. Margaret , FIorenee Posilt Anti.'11;t41, rdee yoo,, gift**. 1„,lotottly,43180, irw,sparong,__. Willard ,Atata, vunton. ;Milt COrn.000_, Itam ,aan cower, .• IVAttl*r.°401.._14 Tew, woronto, 0Siesainn hntadolast ;_w ' •flente,n <Use In. default 40t payznent b.!. Of *40, paid the !lie this (',4Vieclues#14 ,noVnbig nd .W103, - Mrs. -Ow Was intoWn" Oer weekend and proylitkilitsb. IbM saving. friend bublyy an ddition** twenty-three; days •in jall. Ott httS rot to....*0 5 Charge • drunl,t driving laid against bitn• Port b.Credit. — cinneeirServleee,4datigattl liloys't.of the various -congregations, County Vittheting. of Great War • • • • Veterans. lEcarbor Fark, 3 .4eoloilx *Simi% PAS, lUtliscz4010*00.10.,* mom fors 0004, T41411.64, (ireoleflms t4i•Annisioloistittktosia Rork .2.100.06.) • CONCERT GlitMill'ARADE.:—Sto lanai& for l!rt of prizes offered for itkoritted Autoi. and 13.4340si Celiaremiiens. etc.Civic' . * .14oliday .Race. Meet fiyE p•Fipct RACES -42,500 foS EVENING-.Monst.r Toro,to. Band of elst 114161/14: &JOHN B. ROPERS PRODUCTION Okeitl*itioi'of itke..fititish EfineWge iairos-441 frost ,9*,. inks ,, r , t i, og 8.30 rf • ' - •4.1 4 GLORIOUSe-a#0mor Brost giver iforsothref.4.11gAGNIFICENT • . ; Attlavir Nevrii.ebtaaidit t 4,4 .P 0/0140.*1NW E�Q01- 4,104 wide soloed Pleture that IS *Otto now *ord. f .entettaintskent. ..lateidink,thi.etist Ars ,- vIs1tIzk a tbe bee " atie0 , 0 �lt, are hit hei • at Iti* A tfaa*0414 vikatit bertiote, vt.„' tfoan *%fl tor 014 lZoute We ,ntoke .ottoti** 4,10010‘ ttlitv'their ierent tip ttirottei taiqetn*,' ta:rlo Ntori tett tqatiC c, ' $4*ltilt*Ot ,• Arriltile°' N.; At Caledonian Games AdRicutatritAma 2,...4P0ARIK. watt 436711110tter."1*.lifsingintte-st.ffluttalltillgh 11411:: "ItitItitt 71::. 78"1:111181amo' 114"1"1141*e."61:6"-Arroottti' '4'7 . , EVENING - IVA litroWeisio. Bands. A Festival of Musk, tontine* With grind "teds141.11% LIKPKWe' D1414111"- Caellbs106*UNGANCE1111140" ft NIG