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The Goderich Star, 1937-07-23, Page 4
0.4.11y1,4!!".41411! , ftiff,1,444+1.00fro, ?Kt _. i '444 lost tor, molt pc 041 t PA "Into *b,0‘ gal#Y0* ' TOtn- Zurlch ttitni Pe thelr , win itsue Victoriai en reter eittt4t.op w.1th NIth 1T' loqithria Park easy* 440 the result wit0 4ttr det,i4tted' Goderlcb tbelr &et tilt.Gbderlch was le 4 -2 .04 bite tbe elstir 1nning Wbeu the bottom ortlx '141 droppd 00t•et,the field 014 the)" ors, With, VAII$ two Oit40 'ecoreA. pills *10 tted. 1,4o tome, kb *alb tossed the hall wUdIy *11 about the thOeld in' en ettorWto ltetik the.ie- FOR *tie on the bawea. -I'Itcbers unnerlred, t .to 00inOtte tbe 41 whigh there were ',sante" 1,10 ire nve ex lFour aP,.°1:1:tn141:171,04' ut,theardown had the tti an on third bue th tbe tii,•.-bs,h.Purpietteswung IOW 0 halt in the '441* Of the liktei4ion $ for 00 'Writ Out.. Ole; ]at part the i'anie yfits ped by moonlight d attoet llgbte-. were hunting when the 'Goderieb startec' " et4' u tdirt` Tbe 010014 Ws Were ha ed 1440034t04 40iilverieS 04 Or 1 t w=i4e+terloolt OA • altitOuth tectilearold 'ito's *fro ore right t Ovoi,'„ the Zig ob' u' artWeT3r etit 10r ten hit Ali 01 .00deri errors,th p andIeIii'tbfrdP1*ce 0,04113110 SlivArdeVni, w litc)03% ifit4 l'ollowtoC` Ondlaates 1,403'e sten the e4hiec.t or soh-. ice fterr tlm)r P•ai* tile erqichcoi etandna•- r, Pee- AIIm, gam.; i'ravk Baer. 41441:4rit Pe'gy„ 0,000, art;Charlotte .4104; botauy o*er botany;': 4*tio Xttko.0444,f.,44rIth.t 4i404 ri0,104 40.$04 14401,„ tr.;:,.krt; Betty eog,i'. • pozio,M, OraTnt, gvog,'; t',Olitoot;aritk Aohoo uot-,04 orlo' 49)1404)11c:trawl aritu• ; 14tgetallo Paanaar, WO.; Arla414 go*t .reitk. \.14rrtaint Lassallqe, veg4 art, agriz Xt. Agues nor, geOP; art. Afgrio-4 Edna 1,01(o. tlx-; ,t071ria agile, .1 3re44 %Araby, arith,; LoW. MacLean,' get, pot., .art, agrie* 1?; litarks; 4404' 4 Mettle 'trana,;: geog,, art) 0104 II; Anne. Itutningar geo*,".:art, agrie. It Oath 0740;4 Ger;. OttelY, /47441.44'Phlretio.g.,.arith.; Maxy 't V, ' t40. 4",.*.i, :',,t ,t: 0 iip.k *. „ 4, 000,, , errorsbelp the cause mu pttst '‘,.' 41:47, 4140Ciii' ': Alrfcfr,"*et the lthougb was mde' error in- tbe be faUed -to get: : nd Four-. 'a Hoop, - ,s,:...',,..411 6d an Y.:- 0004t,6.0 ''*e6O0nt6Ot",''.t0- ti;.4t.ft:*4 loptoi.,!fta3403,:svil:PA,,tbat t#404.7, ...00)*(1,44,41,*i•i.** ..,i,In-_,AoriotecOxit., and ClasehO:Sthglea, out 'OesettsinglecVL:***13'4...*,00,1: 0,' ,000010„ .,',.iini,t' Oekre*A••••:;-.4141 ' 'a.. ' tiaft.0Vf404„4414)*#,;.:_-Th_le,. 40 0 441.1060*.::that.,4set Zarieli WO, beld to - -T..,• s'%ita.,... ,*,:.11f ; 01.'..rg'Paglot,„01 in,:gritTi,,,Arith.4 • art, tie It4--roirIlveerr-ocluordnb,atuve 01-geft.,ar alive.rul to 1b Fortunately • 'the *14b4all'Ik4414413°1.1!erry! „.,"4 r erith more. 11044 tulOhi ri I et or ... , ,-orie., riteX4 track aaft 'Ociiiii4 'hiiimelt.,40' NV.eht;''' 'Vuogb1at ...,,:;i,.,. '' bit. ' xe li tilt :tlelgelif3J,1,4,0vr'allcIlt'..st(4-"a°.'114' wort,V# eingte. ' TwO- error 'and 4 , birtytheY .telioatiod to,ro 'while John - Dilquetta:•04'••••• rap44: 4 • shigie to le 10 and Irt tslay With a triple soreas' the, - .1 'Adagle'.go'ie,Paeter theirigtet'$te":11k, ,40,40 E" 't iuid an error ;th udgment In op ese- t the, 444 they * Taylor cr�nilng the plate, -flu4t third, the , ft0' ,;lutotn;/,second to '170.t431,ik%4., ,10:'WeetOSsed 081°1* '610k, BAC' di in Vqr0110; aeqado over 60kint. udt-o' rteit, eti1t*,4111116611t 'of tlietti the etilitit4 ,1/111Y0' me 2,0itt101,..totkej ,velmitaNs 6t*;°:r117:4idte,711'°11'4':)4, Irth, )ed,- ,vs St Georges, was after a scoreless fI1'tb 11314.C.h.. Sayitanea'Atrive. , arlirt: where 1$ N..euxygioe,.. er.:04 xt 1 ki pa' ' ' • 40/AUI:00,: Pam— .hr There •Was,„'no Anderson . :Or ; iNirlathatar !the Videf.,"Tbe 4." *K. Itteto-thrutio, Iourth 4.04 th; est Aufietoon' 10: toilcing 11- tbe. ate and 4,PprOlenetO4 of Alie ttriost. tiyor,arltt: V.4‘ 1: . , *pots -441 On ser66 -010 theme .Jt ez„. 11- - Zurich a ea -0 0)*'' 6tarta-, WeclueSaa$tc'lli t 'If . wi"111, Yea 14, 44413,0 ot 4,116 ie$44614',Ouit0h e .isteess ,Lulm best 64.41,1 . The Try t r , ,s, attended ,0016r -thurefi, Safiballiteigue 0.1&71.* • 1,464, 111' eir4t°14 4:outbet. titl"ehe AlIgherItrsettt.'06411etsloftb:rte,e' V•*'.8111P'OTOt4t.....3q:c",h#' ,1154),:„ !48c6oartill)-0313' 0 • • 4- * ',it:- • hea I ' oout".. 0,0*erk and twelve • 7f4178 'et ate soli to`, d • ' SheaisdOtiru 444 tsureht tiately, • Then- 'with qiiiethess "•trt4 • Vevertaee 'while. Itritsiet4na Iriisher *ado it 7-2 for 64040? 1)4 the visitqrailtaged a sixth it the :other:44 derirneet * led agar, a w .g„ . oug second base and- $41.Y44Pe4.4When flat - or' 3,440 Deering. 114er.took 404 - vers' drive to 'the..Adtcher's ,but thMi 44 to third-. Away releeipt the.hull Vralter,sekrtirtip., Fifther threw In- the .0P0alte and Bob aigig me in, oio, right. tq- takk'Ulie Pia$111Can 11101* 4:141ild 'et lith a venth t id. gave ire.e age vo•hel fheY raalr he s.110kett • P u" 17E11 YinIlti are ',.:arlag, the .Salt ,)314ok„ team handed the Ptreik. e 9 94 :4e U 11 • !!° 3 2 10 iitacliet.10001 tge.d.;vioe4e totit; thiolune.,;pla.",nliongos, truns,bailt,• wit ' vierOp lifitittiles 1,1137 .to ox' down, . . Abeir hPka • • thlf,l0e4e, ;,- S1161400 , '• Auld Own' PP7' )'0,111 ghoul 'Telltea: • • Arthur ifittereil braitea' thinfibe': le•• (abe;. 41}- .5tu) t.. Qrwerod.i; three ItV , rt.144er t0',-;.40:iliF;vb. • reepectlre tribefl; the mobil Alte,ihe )416-T44C8 a04 *to our 1.6 itutto .44141, 4014 xeepeetteo aa4.er. a' Olio g , tO. the sir , , • . , ttenlhl Ortelot, taal0100*, th..e Idtthea, thq,Ir04061a:; estebw:trIbe 0001414 Ira deroort„.',ad M rit.nori' O' 9;044' .,1h•I' 00 throit: 40010, Olf,Ter'boYIA atAlAts ;Own ;;Pg'ttr ia playing hateiiell'IliteittbOn;1914' Cf. lilohnstion! 8rd)i- 41140 Oltrien popped out to left, Ileer4nt„ who tea advanced 'to, third, beat fiheardo*zes throw. to the -piste,. vteeo ikt re,:rusteeetri& IIIX ace thtt ,Passetb holt e)teted from the vow)). • In the hvt`02. k .01,2 dining -ball 'tile Mohawk trih0 ,hati • ltdt, 0.1).; Irunebldt, 6*t, ,Oesch, 14 Is all audetataadla aohtaltr, that 'vs bleoutta to 'ble. tom* • r ladirait -seven-"belPirme of Po& • 41i41; at One doeoert, Mit the ewe 4,401 the ,cook itto .hims to. PA tk.TA, Cal* sum - there itte 0401 Tereat01, Mr. . Drown. the • adaleter, brous4 Ave, .408 ootre***gtor, ,Binishek% Sea., fortb, efla slobi a* re, litteter Duag*, sirb base, -but the throw" o Aral Waft', boo *aft,. 'tot' ,Ortner. sae, ,Peaytirs, scoring, 'Tellor wailcode 'putting. two *04 dolus ItIto4on• oe. 4 Oredlto ba)3210 det� eentre „ Ora* stialght gone and'hatuied the SaPtista *ache ort Ite 071:L•st .1)4114. arc. orderly it: and 4 i,4141,. oitifis; A‘vak 4t,' 4 kiiidenitin,.,p,; ,Watg„.-r, „ • B ,0i0W aOd'ao 04, IBeth be,' tikes 11-14C44'lhe atteZi '•-°°:4ble'-i: on • boomii, 414erea0h-aearedOhMait- itheir it A:1400--Thoinpeoni, .•.,ot„z.pAlrlyort ; at * Orel tOr, ester:thing Alt It done Aittempted to tti .Tstylor 44.f4etkiimI, their .eichth* otrafgbt reveree ',the 4141g *0‘"214.11813', sOluettthr-1 riaitte-'-atd-t-t-uotorefiLvot tWo4104410400. • GAlkillOZN 7'100 tote-'.4be• tribe* loberi" in * :am** 'but, the had..tha got itarapiimal4) Okarch iteragrie 121tb to taesoraat'Or#01010011')1044°. alkrat '1'14 ttisibovi pouts ititteatt 'tielmitted .Airettl) LUt *gob* at.tablet3/41.-ltr irep6ralltibairlOr .0itid, *10.14 -;•the 'tSetire.-V7- hitt earnil the appeliaziee' of .1414 atecolid coat Ford. , ottore •plaitolej,delii#4; ln Otherhirei 14 the 'ler they get U) 4 1. MatPtleiw**A'I' O*6 * a Xiqi-':11: Ituulnitit b°1!' tetlre A—rrit:210 ' V11,ibitoF„Aitiv. • ,4t* 9,..2 2* 0 likh ho* hmelltt )ilight And Of total* the athietle tbe la* *It aloft* oil the-taripOS 4re ehalted -Lef, lib° it lot( Jut ah"the Paint of Writint the 'Ito- sv• 440%...b11711, 4V -tilt' legit of the feats andy popor, ow* the are elootty kteiity COOgitted 00 OA** thiklif.04140. and th!.; 10-1411C1, bate to;thaoe, WNW 000 more, '104 then ffireetheded ' * .arSIE' • to strike eit **ear Mid Deo . Alt MOWS V In ttoderIth's hilt of the itxtb, *I orteotestoi 19021, total*" Of Lthitti' OA lifeht*Ortb. yut; belAl 14 .0.- 41040tich triSeiviitzei tout* ,Ftalor, II:zeta:4 1 Pell" ' ' - ne.eloae altnaes,,Were perfeoh lof the down4its, sat* MA * tot tutors ate ock wetTheguity, Alsumuuoi. soda - and Atule sookt out, otatto *004: out. agri4 X; Jean CiipbeU, stott.; plitatOr; 004' Loretta. Orozier, geolt;p Ms* calterti, art, Iter10.. gkog., mole, Rarold, Xris, gem., 14810*4 AO;* irgrk, ; Brv 'Mot, Blizettf: -044 arts': Sttrio, poet Ell* • Atek"WileePi. WO, art, bot*s V, 7'. 40 • .Z..),Ilatv , „Both 4W .4.4Z0,0- i'Vetd-Vereit14744 -1fIrricy(y. 471300,6.`ii,iAit610,t:. 011,4 -1a -lilt X4 ' . 144:„;.,,, - - et;,::'1-1*fo,ift Ai'. ua og ,..: ,,„. ;:;;;;•!..., • . ' ..f , .,4' lois' andtitivef;,, kiriiiili; 1 •ii,t,„Xwe 401t were eog,40.0,i -FlOttpiti:;4t....tb*,,pipme, or '114',Iiiii.tfig*.... George ' tialiord....' ' . ' .' ., .''' Mr. .,' 'S!ioic :,tort4i4, 40. :40rtft# # )3#* ...,O4rZ ' ' ,f,,, ,. - . • , . :,,,$, , Mr. ani xrq,,,,,,Ityer 044k. atO VOA.- els...af. . 0044righ:;,' '041A • 0.0iicla$:,,30,6. trietai ,there., '' *,' -, • "..)Aril'34-Mi,r-44-Ituaeelliiiikilavd..talh...„„ 41,v,Oetrolt,40*141406 at' .hrpiac of Mr. ''Win ,Bogie. . 4 • ENE4 'OrAVIOV ' Wil'14A41/ JX3r4APp, 010 Garala'rtheii•nert welt kfarae0i ,ge0g.”; &tulle gram.; Mair, „artth4 Marga Ali** rith: ;' 0,11,1,,Peetreic)ir, A(4;4,410441 01104.; 4t41110441,'WtOtik, ,gra14. • • ' ,•• SEN ,t9V011031' , Mary Taros $4; 01004. 'art t„•, Ordoh ;;010.40)14.-, geog., art;gargarOt• Par% , art,, Agri0., I ;',.044Paa: -art." Margaret'Aivitiviea art; .John ,ree.k geht,. Ott, *aa phonfion gept.,, art.- a Mlitlliii700.1YV Oar*, 1)*..4tions •Bail604c'g60M'; 4*14 Mil,r1 Wein, geot.,' • ' nit 4# • 'BZUBIOB CDM eatrice xted$411, • .arit1), re arith4 Shirley, Krueger, 'arith t4olta', Ort,t' gklitb:AJttleari'a4th, ti1Jlixi.*14$o1q; lbw 21.4.1106.Clara *iota 'tot Stra0Ord, ext*Oht to„rethrtt, on FrIdaY .froirt, -404100: ernitte oibeirif the N'or4oie up Utiro Aaron. to Ote«. ,g1t,-Ltit stad:4otarac She 'to, tow* Ofe4 by tet. regethe'r0,' 47 •' M;r0,„- la4%4 reiorriet Volka ft *.etdAa! and ,ftelyiktehelitai.„ If M. 8114340:ovef tolOrti, ;$00113paxiiecl ' by lio:*tetoi M135 Icathlee* Reek ot tlity offito atiofft,Ot.the ilePerh. a�t �f%lealthi;VO.roat0;-,visit4 joist& ttOsttOto; dosi ,'POttit stwith ,20th;"10; to -Mr. iooitoglot at; 14, ae With 8 40 12 , $4,terit Iteft tte O A witt# *it