HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-16, Page 54.* •"1, • A tell int fitnee, Ilt ••spent a ew day th Goderiebt ;Lester Waiters i'iette4, vrlth Mr, arles. ,,aiterfi In GoderiCh•tovrne „ last. Week,: ' ¶The '',A.Sseetatten 'mei; atthe tome of Atrs;. 41404-41110 on. (W,04000: last, wJth a _good' attenclaaCe:, enS.On, t.,94g," and daugher Phy11I, of lta4,'Veet;',':',41ftt4 *let thlfra:.-andi ping .last 14erne•'.MOOrei. et•lrientreat,„'109*. wedte'',0e0milleron,Widay and was decoinpanlett:'-he her daughter Lorna, • 44v0., uurnitlq.from Benmiller And ,...4tt44Cdr •-e!Arafr`.: 14*tO0,•on Monday,' 'The oung:'peOple,,:'• are -attending ,,,er.Schoot,near Dunlop this -week. WyJie aIo Is In attendenee4 urn • r 4, • a ir„X• , rrier Austras1la pose ne of the.2rwt?t tusique and lutezeatiug geor.ap1dca1tare* ,.,04 • The Iteet. is one of the 00 Modern world. ;It* th orld'a largest (*rat wa14.401e1* ptretehea for• .400..fextmhately- *el; •bundred an4.44.7ty 'nUe along eitwu t:nt tlu mate o 4,eeeni: Des_ Wide '411, POW places, und • is ot an itrerage"'hel0.4t of 180 eet.• 4:;••%1*e. Ala eXtent ifot thie Ing cor4t krination'la approxImately 10G4Killare tegek-ehfI, It varlet ten 441100 t9 01000 miles 4,13.004 frni the• Inalilland„, • , _ , Tlie Olost,interesting and faselnutlng feature 4.1thist'ilteefb th,e. astoundthg bird•.1..,ita, on ttf* numerous -eotet ad eheitl Islets. 41:.(gro one : may see #1.011ta. not tete iVit404.64In any r part ot the weridelalids, o tool* th.O. if j& Impossibie to • ••on" bird4ri..* Thre are ililono of blroa.• on •the.• lati44• ,,'?thereare white-eappe4'.004-, +.1* terns, 'web-footed 401.Na aa aa Aeirek. all velvety ,01.aok:10-4' •100194 wlththe 'exceptlon. of4 *bite! pateb tOp of the bead. Thousands: otthein, •Aoat-;•"04,114'..01rele' .above the tOtotie ..butertiieer:. • Oe't'e',404 :large.:greyfternSi which travel .at tri mendow 'speed In wide •cirelea over'ti *ht:,-oeeh4effellyi, 0-*tft. ,$her0:: Who; to • 400 ' :dot'tn: Into tife 'AigAtet, Aeet.-herenti.'. and ".$044'441'''teed along the. edge . .of°, the. Water,. , and. 'peculiar iongiekgedH, g*OVic,ti pre the •rein4, wlth tuOtt loot Ottei, • 00404', of oraotia ,04.:ether ',10o.1100.40,, ',••Cit ton the •bird's, whole -0111:-,:;and:4014:-. •:,A1:4appee 116;io,ath, the and' as It aOlitea' t• ',She ehear*iiteril' '4alt lin Ited g n'h1rda),'--!are-411#re' 414E$Q# theAsien 17 , 40404 ,:i44.10.1i:4,t9.,R-30.:4•4* Thr ests 'w! .• • . word co • ,10."Aea, with 'inniboto; •i are also ;•-visiteif• Outingfiuied., 1,414,.-'14:afiikot,'Api,-411-4.; 416,s, (Blah• he ewOmer Monthi.,44, great:. Ohi ntatteided -a tropsseau tea• itt the.; 1#0.4.011.• clArdea. Vh1.0k:117 9;44 Othe of ;Ur,' and 06,„=" -TI: rigio,:" the trale, •eVehtt' or to on the.islands fore re- 004erich, . In 'honor , of 'their 'daughter'. ilaY t, 44404.44r '30it9• er' 2'the-Antaretle oitk. V4141010, Montreal Were koaaat, W010, .or the birds ,arrive. tile brde-t0-»e •vq• Vi.sthe'r' another 10,000 mllea to.1,the, VieltorS in the village 414.4t1,14401 9 .010%ths e011404 - And l.$4"8«,A. L.WIssOn, of t'itritt: heap on 1110-%ttik'.014.• ,0411.'• 14.4'• :orilyifie,, are VisfarliiiiWtheIr-tIP• " ter, 40.2 R. Moore. •DaY. and 41glit;z.ablioat without cos-. and Mrs. and Mr atiwt, Niel*: to 'ft AID ern4seg on the' anti:Mrs.. Thividsoti'VOk0:at'Ocirrie and islands, a lianc/e4m°01111tr or 'tries.° Owen ;Sound for th}4 week -end i er-osits; b0"404 'Cat'erWatilifig; Weans Mr and urg,, imisler. out "x4; 0.t. and groans.* suggestive- oft. perfeet',46. 'petreit, are', 'hOlidaYing ' Writh:1SIT. and baele of 'domestic., tragedleac Pett. .„ • • At 4aybreak„:eacIll'oloraing, wht • 14r. and *Er& David Itarnan'and might very aptly be,,,tefiUedelonds o!• . *(q 4,40pard:•Spent the 'Week:end' :with . Mtd,$) their ,0401001''.0 are io great, rise 14s, Wialan!8rTparents'14-13-04-alehf.-It60i4th!f4AtUdie***1reetitlii : Mr. au4 'Mrs: Stanley Snider and: viwete they Vela the dak.411111int- thelr little daughter Dawn, of the. Maitland .0rotke.til repletion with feasting on the • OOnqeSSIon, were Sunday ,v14tors. with shoals of small Moore's. • ' enedoWe the birds return, and as their, inateg and young are being fed there.ils.a jabber of earllrtiitt-destroY- • Wigertiga.„ Whelbirdo, appear to hare no ease of fear; they can be. handled- and carred about ,without the .leallst .realstance.; tied; you Ciliildren take them from -the. Avis and bought thiallOar for ''.,-.Sone! ' • carry the* .0.11011t0and they make no €100-0114 iLg1atej 4,.frot- cirite;; t gave attenpt to Ily, away. -„ ..•• ' quite .0.4* 'Of nuteafor, At, one, time' Pi.'ePor .a. oh!.' t9,*,' a 1417 toll of the table rde, shoot - Ing them ,in,,theffsand4,:but today ,the Wanda are All •saeettailes Under, the Close. proteietion of *law,' and on them o tlic-millione of birtit live a liappk. and • . , Farmer; "Yetere noI afraid . hour4•41 ifresumeln.;44#•• P*4 r New'. 48,1)44 "Xe. You can't- sten too early. for , . • PUP' 444111, "1)1d he takes, his 'Ilnisfortanes .4.ae ., a man?” ."Preelsely...:, *le lald thee! Wale Wife67 • • A ,,0 410410.***00 wiM flower and - ,autiroftlererere Is at at. treettenandaithallongete etoil eireOwner Frankly, good tower • 1010te. are ,t0t• easy‘ to 'take and for that' • *tato* euceesS ,brt.fliti 40.re _ ' 140,elteurOetokr4g110......k?:,:. .Proper llgbtthg,alarge Imageat* ,retleot Iferk;*.frdtit:Ahe:•Clkiners, 4r$'; photography. •Thebeot eitote tees:0-41;0**o* 194g,..eXtenaiOn`.lieliewai,- enabling one, to focus loe t� the fieWor, and ilai•-• ng a ground •glass focusing •screen. .,...90-.vhich.r144110,81rS00,4hat F,140)10. 00., onatilng,„..00 ,olintter. .; 700 haven't such a einieri,, good.workInette'd9no "-riary,.g,0141ar pro- vided a'Portrait iittttolittient used ' to obtainalar$.01pangeo,muts nomer,,, 'yap, a' distances,.: ;flakes, ,it possible to work ,,within. arm's' length etlhe sUbject,, Always use a '•tarfemeasureto determine (Ntactly the Opeolfied. distance between 'IOUs, and floweranc1irematio-111M-givas •the best rendering of the tone con6 trasts among the,,volert,- . Viewer piettireffeedlo- he vividly sharp; " hence, a aniali lone opening 'Shona nottallY be need -416 or L22 thesmalleet stop on Poi; 'Oftel.' eras, and the Camera sbioud tripod or heldfsea'arely-, -cam- era olaMTat# Tb,0 taDoIrcirtishould be farfee WO One. seCOlidi • Wind Is a PTO/1011N of cOwas% otiqk *sedistances, snoiromo,la of the eubleet Inairea dlfference. , •• I ata .* 1we'orip a ment when- the le izs.ItjflnOEthrwInd. devise fp;?avpiti*Wc4er et some llazy claYsi Or when the aun Is, .ahleleg 'under •light!;.eloudsp, inhueit theictOaViufetOrltOwl'o, ttletuteg, DI- rect bright sanshtfie Is net ileeirable but 1! you can't -wait for better corall tions; giye. your,aubleet theprotec- t*** of ,a cheo0ciali screen. . Bolter 'results 4 ore..obtained inthe early' morning *r.' 4#e afternoonmhon• the 4.tglatia-IOSe:itargh...044.-eOlnea4tenrk.- 'tha'aide.:•Thiti is espeliallY trite for cup -shaped .flowors; IlearhY:t9hage, or ether blossoms not Wanted, May be tied back with 'etrilig or ea •awat,-,A pieceot Alt gray ,Carciboard *Placed. :behind Alio dower Often is a • better background than the natural one.: . , • Anefeflies*, - if yona..4i4-pationt enough to wait- -a roving bee will enter ,the chalice . of your .flower. CUek!:Your patience Is rewarded walla iiietirethat it a perfect sym- bol Of sumMertimp, • • • • ,Tehrt ram Guilder. Itestitoz44. 'Talodettell to the nuu o, hundrett toeteIn (t ,t., *440 e on W‘044004)",' aft0740011,wben 1*,,It Ot •vicnithera gathered for Mi '44e:thee** otigainesi and :41,,.WAS; 'w4P.44. kleat Wes, auti ;the •variOus,".•gron oyed, splemlid outings.. , •The three' Picnics itiniluLl InataY, • Of North. Street. 1101ted. '..olltircht.'" the, .******lial Othottng of the 1.4e4tele, Atd of 4lioxy rf,th teran elitirelt,..•an4 the regular vearly nun ,Ortron,:„ 'th: 1'‘i,•••44".• ". • ,,;,each; ease t. r**90.0 prot. gram of:Mg-000C' spats - was con elutled ..•00.010,1$`:: vigorous and• ttnjoabe ssIOn at hetk.V.IlYiladetivflueri North St. United undo Sebool There•'Wes..:.a. largo' tepteoiOtoitton from .etttiteli;• Vitiet.t 1ohnstOn Ontinqt0,T,#::..i4tottow, ot 'Aport84 '4)14 f4e-. :1-M.gb,t of tue .liaeet: and .contesratts:84e, s,tilte4.. 'fat "S:;:a,:rs and nad.e\14;,4X.7 41'.$-Vr101X041At, , , . .loyCC Johnston, Palrna Player. mali, Eleanor $ehhAtons 4'Uttilar4i4 12 years - and 'nerMargaret riehr .• 1i years -and Vio.Oth. John- ston, E4rieao.ne.lohustona.,•• motion- - tri""a .THE LIQUOR SITUATION' • * • . • ailront. The Talverston Phe '•.WiridSor Daily Star,t which no 000.by aori et-retellof ihe .iniaginatioe , could .call a udie• Paper. 'tag ,lbeen Warningbrewero' and 'ethers engaged In the liquor laisinesaito their - eyes • llrott: the ,profit of the .moment andtufn to a "ViolOn of, the .future," • 6 a ersol 'Stitiakfe (NextLi 0 AI Ye Ise diftYl. operatiaore We ;art ApimptAii1. ittir" Otr• 100 perten *.$4whnolit Tritnia; to /Z. 'ROM, $13:10. OPOrting "WirrittA 4 colors nisaroori, bhick.Garanteed • }otos doer) Nov are 1," 1 • - hrouitt bout tho Vifotost die Ilistory aerial. We wil.l now be lo to sup,Pli.00 dwelt wiso not be leered pedal We, f.eI itour duty to apolo- gize to you for not b4ng aMe to sapply, crowk that efoo to the store th*t w� Weretalson- WOPitgO APRONS OP.P6X or .6 apron ben& 643404 *ha ass. ••• 4 Specialniug 0 and they will understand -that tbe cancellation • ofa* number, of hotel li- censee is the dirst, step toWardo a re- turn of prohibition in Ontarlo. Thisgreat daily sees, °a „move et the • liquor- opinion :,Penduinnt back* to- "warde either- a greater degree okteM- i)er.an:e0 dr int,4100,KY prohialtion,"' 44rObtia- opliden," -Davi* The Star, "hat a strange way of killClrele race --Mrs. Gordon Blsaet's ing. to cer. i•- . 44 , reeinak Shoe sertinfhle, 1 i,yonra, VAltilettnno.. Johnston, liatoine John. 1#011, • Time Cole, :tallies' "'race -Mrs. ..lohnston: . • . „ BOYS. • , 7 years and Unde--40141 Wot- 'brooki; ,Bennett Gra;. ham.. • - • - . 011gratniatt0110 arex 0XtelA jos ileen Ti$104 who 'Pass r u exhStkleatiou ',hultOrs uu- der ,the'..teathing of ;WOW,' , iflowl. of ' A..11gtiOttnet onit' -MeotO 41,4•.11014• ,(14ok and 1444,.. rhytila coatr„ who obtalsiodSlitotolaso lipp,ora*tip,d,Or. the IntOrahlp, ot Mr, A. 0,‘ 41*okt W.M4 Me01.60e4he the_titlited clinreh • *net on :WedeeSday,_ ••. afternoon, :tea ,nienibera present.,„ •49,41014011,:A4 theineetlug and gra...'wssitam Walden prekkd tiko„ptaIxo, •'1r14., Albert Wolsh, tooirtli devotional.• :leaflet. and )44- •tlaippbel 'read ;the Stripture.Uatthew .25,' .4 duet was ,,Willlatu• 'Walden and Miss Wirolgrod-Catimbelt -*re mt ,ra; dreea00,.. 0 0 might nt 'War •I• * 0' - '10 ;rears and under—Staniey Free- man, George Iff,)110314. 442, -Tears, rty-- brook, Philip Johneton, Jaek Freeman, 111 years and.' under—Harry West- brook, Ernest Salkeld, Edgar' Prid- hain. . teap '"frog—Pbliip and Jack Hol- land, Harry Delbert and Harry West- brook. ' ' tinei Church Ladies' Aid MIR.Jas._ Bissethlent.Af._ 'ladies, Aid 'of 'Knox church. WAS 48440 -in the group's afternoon pro- gram by Bev, 0. 1. Lane, Mrs, W. -field.) Comatelationel,, , •,.. Miss Orace. Blake has resigned' her position as teacher of ,A.rkena achOol' and has been -engaged to teach at the continuation school at Drumho. WO' Alean, Anderson, of 103101,Phi: spent, .t8n. lay -at her .hotne. -afr6-,afid litro. • 'Y'44, -.A* Stahel's, and fcal41131: and MistiMildred Ritelile, of London. are spending 'part of their va- eation..at their eottage at 4tlittall. Mist D.onelda ,Ifterionaid, who waif': assisting.. :Mrs. ,:ittichard „,tohnston the past month, has returned toherbane.- I ill rn intorestingly,-' Ivn 1i Wiunifre4- -(taknpbefl.witso--4-"T of the buslaess the nOsene,* of the president, Mrs. 'William Garter. anti . ' calf was ' ansiveked wIth * versp. of Scripture or 'a favorite -titan:. • . MAI'FZCfl*G .4 tor'i*verraand othorsInterested.0 an 3mphftheatre hsa been built erberar ateptiang he features Or and 04 tor- - 0404411.4r the auctien.ting for iive hurAred prot farmers' live stock exe minal sgariteto OS *ire , ea* • 4'.0131, 444 lila • Vierthese* a Toord— tation--ii A•ifilrew, of LUeknow is visiting Ainto the plant- - king friends 044 , .: I ,ovexIfTe ..,,ter0Attedk to • t . *Pat* AMA, alui..A.040• 1444 "A'e 'lid 1* "IX), *1 414' "tendon ipents t•th witrynt-net-ther heve:L4tocklor-talea,— an ar a . e r-honte, oiviu.bea hew eve)* Thursday at ur. and Mrs. 'Erneot..111411 and :flint Hy, of Brantford, aro holidaying at the, • how!' of _Air. and-Ofro, Godfrey van; 1104 easeeptiagY forroers'• slr• even Johnston ' spent Sunday ; :040010: des** learket and' toped': With his ,sister,- Mrs•-, Hiram Atoffati, 1411 4"41"4 and Mr., Moffatt at 1/tion. • • . . . • *"""•"•"‘'''''' • Born—To * and Mrs ' . • • Melvin , • -.Quieno,nft-Xbetrolti-a,baby,girtrepAer16, day. -July Oth. - (111te, Oniens wito formerly Miss ili'moces4ft1111-pe---of-ASit, Maetionald and •Sirs. McInnes. Soft?. ball was played and races held, the results ef which, were as follows: Balloon' race -4i, rs. Allan Sehriima Bean; ,rae,fr'Miss Maertonalais team. • ' Peanut race--)ifrs. C. Bissett. Automobile • raec—Mrs. R. J. 1?. Ny'alter and Mrs. chalk 04:1w044. Thread -the -needle -race—Mrs, fif• Carter nod Miss B. iliss0t4 Girls" oboe race—flarbara Cutt• • Boys' race—Billy MacDonald. Slow *ace -Tatra. 44, D. McLean. Cerezil race—Mrs, Waiter and..)Irs. Edward, . • • • - taln4situatiOrta. Xt. Hepburn's ocouto team. ' • • •• * . 4bave an ear to the ground and, he Shoe-itlek eoniest-Afro: A. 'Schrain Would not be cancelling-11000es on a .POSinery A, alt. P....A. large sea1,0 .uniest he tett that he WAS The A. t P. A. 'omit, In ehifrge Of gaining votes by so dci•ing,.? . 4111HFI 3targaret COMOre Of %ileret-ire in ,Ontario thousands of president of the, Huron Deanery ',Court. non -drinking people who: were, thor- Callti:wo.asts'ztsizabilietrtglemlie:ette7led aff. a ;4 i'6t ir itietichtti reluctantly1 Yee Ih14 di t 4ei tu,- gY,d1 wlth forced " latotal011 '104ra aitht IliIel dfat that1 andhrith o'oit I tCP• tIrtaAelli• a efirnun '°131rie life. 44" 43 4%1:1 !Theltir ut ebOt::111:;41:14t„ game118ir:youngss:iei11between 114;* It John - the :TUek ,of enforeenteet6 ThOtifilf. • they it arge the owe was not ore:olizied to abide Piloted her team -home-with.* ,,ontran .by the CIlfltorh was firat In aCtla,1:10°,teljrtibr:Inteug trlereernei WQvaeretthitouteeslit 1Wkletig. eatadlilebalided Ap:rogra. tu0. cti:loctitstrpo.1 otttifloedonoidjucebtied, nbiaytinot inthad;41"1.14151t,1 Vbraanteteleti,t*.iliZO*tbirAgbat w• as -weed le DOints and Ooderieh tutlitlilthailn°ttoi3yoriefr WOhrahded13.'Aliterl:4111 "• It'°50'unthig;e0;ie 'Attedd•ot from e• ,.elittio"orhitiefitteettitiotan,,reitf It 444perboonr.,,Wmtintted„the Illieilrnf• flif=611,•41dintmotigni, Isaftidivdidul:t.on,• ior.04 not, urged . buy it, tint it- was , not obtraolvelyealy ,VVESTFIELD Toe reasois • Which. were • Mit Of public Poliey„ that restrictite WESTFIELD I F • u v • r . 0)•etenl' was sh-st41-0--u611.----' •e" both beer ;Cook ahd-.4Witlter. Coo. kl were-Vieltors • and:4104 114liier'"t4 140 "46. 't4 sit Sarithi on Vueeday and while there get. . But Itit The Windeo' r Stsr'44>tellio •purehased- eshing machine. Arverneel.)(,trre'7.e°!he'rfsitil-;deld°tni3414111"ii°41;:e' B• ridges, of Alberti, MTM. towler, Mrs. Armstrong and • MO* France , CfrAtArie • Mrs. Irwin and Celia' Pentland, of avitte,tbet the present, eatinalfin of Dungannon, Were---vIstturo 'here on, s: the brewers for '"Toripetanee", llundat detterite attempt 011,,11444, Jean Clark; of iliamiltotr,,,and Colin eto the Peedelem rt'PR C• lark, of, Ottawa, are visiting with bgelt• to, reatrlct1ox or eiten, Drolum: their aunt. Ufa. itartin ateDoWell. A1011.6* whether it lift as the :lerlitit*1' J. D. Ainsley, of Leamington, .sin4 tion- Onloo eittnit, the opening. CUR 3IrM J, B. Tierman are the gtieitto of • of at,tatnpaige agaleet the 4r$ *relit, Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Cattukeil. , We are not,Oeptired to taY, we On Sunday afternoon litr, • Corliss, -thinic the former Is -inotei..41.1teliee: of-elinton,-*elit holve- Charge of the ' definitely the liquor interests are on service in Westfield church and the the deten•eive. One by one a' Ontario Vletoria street church ehoir of (lode - municipalities 1144. been Toting 1,04 riell Will hate charge of the service *t'0:4111°Ontes 4thtthisaeyea"rili.• 1 lirelvfit*414.l1dn16,11eitt-ii °Ittrlaf:;.*W.L. Tre,ornodnetomi,:rnod, ofts2t412:24400ge.tedtp.4ir' 0.0!":;tro,e'•totoeth,itir617:00.:211- yr:vern, tits3i .attnettheotthon. Walkerton Herald tiliotteiwthit and Mes.'W.*f. eittnpbelL. Walt literromtonthotit:fleermisttlast estnerietoul:eeKru:W•titithielhomoe. tewnert, Hotopor,e:fiti.p, Tithele thag tom tile Oa takeoff the tea% meeting Was in etairge •of Mr, Alvin nle'bfitstr:tOlt betettnge0;:.voovoci 1#1iii' P.Mtr. Bay Vi.nee(iltiiVitil'6w 7) w:1 SERWE -FOR' FARMERS AND LWE STOCK DEALERS 4 Amphitheatre Ifareateit at ,140-teWel. ky • ;Wood -14he Steck $00 WW 'Aoietaunsdato. Mere Thai Ore( Situ,' -044-Opesaltig nate July 2$N011,' One gtetteat-easeta that' 1•10.* ever 'Welt, crested toe the tatitnera. .34 like stock 400.140i,orliVeater4 .Ontiktio Wing, provirliedthy.the 1,44.0iret Live *Oat tat40.•000tt their WE* frairitet Ustewil. on •.•• ✓ The ide a ne*.servief 9400010. and one the need 110 , got agn Satel Of lut OK+ it* Pal. t0i, the ‘1,..eiotioriat 'program sononitted to '06004: tet4, • "Charaetet *101014441 6t by Itiss..lfargst4 ttaitit,4:t P''Aerttril#4 yea'Art "b,e The ineeting WAN 4.11 beer d tked T'Olittr'St°h 1ha .4 Via .Witmifted ' .41 A'AY0'A SO 0# unning aces AT lleen s a (LONDON, • s, Rom WEDNESDAY, - TO MON., AUGUST. (rvA04) $3000,00 On' purses) $33$300000 POW ItA,OS n#tuy AT ADMISSION mit Mad MO TWO „ . Auspices itseet._Turf auk. • Ltd. u1 wr4eU 4note0 Geotike ),tizpah belieclietiort. after. itIrvillelt ate Hetelkeeisete 10(441 hour w)is spent. " tand hat.irts, per 6 , , Of Ing her sitter, Mrs. Stfarvin Itel)oloolt, Atiss e. Clark* who has been .tisiit. "ro4lt ere,* lOt of is et preient Alelting tit the hove of et sister. 'Um (Rev.) Afseintoshs, of Is the 1° it agited the *gent' at 1411.414%d Sire. Norman lafel)oweit "No, tars there% nobtki mane trot 'visited iiiith Mrs, Oshaplesten ot Ciode d And *et" a 9 y antes Fksstos •j wok, tilos* at* st 2 E,tra Cord tsr ther tt.sd that body Into an elastc-k%Mp&abI unit maistie Wit& it'ffEr spied YOU 040'm:dhow for tilts extra feature that gives you Odra safety and extra tatifigao • Get the Moot for triOnotoya. Piro .4)00 do not cost cent More than 'orclinsil the awed Dealer tires out otif *so LOW PRICED TIRES . matt* how lit& :you cin afford.for dr* o to the Orestes* DesLIar first He has a ganu riiistotte tire Otte that will giv� you the safest OST PPED Ti LES PER DOLLA