HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-11-11, Page 88
Special Offer !
We are making an effort to double ottr prescny
large eubscril,tiou 1.st before the new year, emu
have made seep arrangements as we are conte^
dent will enable us to do so. Strietly prepaid
('ASII subscribers pail have the Times and any of
the city weeklies at the following prices
& Weekly
Ilartn fltztxt _thtr sprightly ooutetuporary
the East htimbtdii Advocate, met with a seiere
reverse in tlttl tledtruotion of its plant ht Ellet
Welford conflagration hast week. With coin -
mendable enterprise tho manager took the
first traits to Loudon, and had the riliper issued
on time. We hope to see our dontetuporat'
soon regain what it has, lost,
TuAttrscivxtce SERVICES.-Tlfe,Ynion thanks-
giving services of the Bible Ch, ttbtian, English,
and Methodist Churches, wet'e held in the B.
C. Church an 'itrednesday morning cf lash
Globe, $2.25 weelc. The church was iuoderatety filled. Rev.
Advertiser 2.20 Mr. Gundy delivered an exoo1k tit sermon. A
!t Free Press 2.40 oollectfan was lifted on behalf of the poor of
4C Mail 2.00
rids iathe best offer that hos vat been made, PLATE GLASS GONE. -On Saturday evening
and every Ulan, wouukn and child hos now the last a large nation of one of the plate ghat
opportunity of rending the Times. Snhrerlbe at
once and take advantage of our low rates. window in Dr. Browningcs Dominion Labra=
tory became loose and fell with a crash to the
sidewalk,startling sever.•Ipedestrians who were
near, and causing the owners of several of the
neighboring buildings to comet° see what was
LEAvito Tow, -M. S.11. Biaker, who has
carried on the furniture bin iness in Ereter
for about two yenta, has removed to Hensall,
the congregations.
PRICE, - - - $I-50,
Sent anywhere, post free on
reoe,.pt of price.
Book-Pllc•r, Ferr ter.
Ire xeter
THURSDAY, i OVEIIiI3E1 11, 1880.
The Vo tate Belt Co., Marsha iOIich.,
W i11 send their celebrated Islectro-Voltaie Rolls to
:the afflicted. upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures
raaranteed. They anaaa what they say. Write
'o them without delay.
Tee largest, best and ehearest assortment
M shoulder braces in Exeter, at Central Drug
Store. C. LUTZ-
A young man who has recently taken a, wife,
says he didn't find. it half so hard to ,et mar-
ried as he did to get furniture. Io did' net try
Joint Drew's furniture store, or he would not
any that.
More new boots and shoes jn-t received.
Sotck cc mplcte in every department. See ad-
vertisement. -Chas. Eacrctt.
A dry -goods salesman wanted. Aro gent
who is afraid to work need applv.-3.W.Brode-
Clarice or Dnv.-Look out nr atweek for the
Star Grooery change of adv. Mr. Farmer *ill
have something of interest to say.
Posrroaan.-The meeting of the ladies of
the Methodist Church, palled for Wednesday
afternoon, fid postpo'ied till Friday, at 8 p. m,
Cot1NCIL S:i(TTINo,-Tho council met purse•
.tut to adjdnrument at the Market House, on
Got. 28, All the members present ; tho min-
utes of previous meeting read add confirmed.
Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by W. Bissett,
that orders be granted for tlhti follbwing sums:
16. Wileou, $3, for book of by-laws ; 1Welsh,
labor on drain on Sander's survey, OM; Jas.
Oho, balance on street watering, $170.75' ;R.
Cook, balance on ace. for limiter, $75./7 ; H,
Littlejohn, labor,$20.62; J. Viriusor,do, $13.50;
3. Gillespie, do, $8.75; E, R. Bissett, $464.69,
balance of gravel contract ; E. Edwortlly, ba -1.
contrast, $16.75. -Carried.' On motion of S.
Renton, seconded by E, Drew, the council ad-
journed for two weeks.
Szrocuntte Meeen.-On Thaultsgiving Day a
Pigeon shooting matoh Was hold In the smith
end of the village. Sides were ahoeen by Bobt.
Sanders and John Heywood. Teri birds each
were allowed. The lotting side wlxielf was cap•
tainecl by Mfr. `danders paid for it supper at the
Central Hotel. Some eteellont ehdoting was
done by the small boys-es:Masters A, brew and
E. Bissett. This was the first mtltoh they
over shot in. Mr. IVeltor Drew's senre never
having purchsed Mi'. Caxwot.th's business in varied from first to last, a feat soldom:equalled.
that place. We commend M-. Bakst to the i Below is the scol'e.
people of Hensell. Ile is a good wo'tl1man,an4
keeps good fttrn}tnre. It is Lrzeter"a loss belt
Ilensall''s gain.
Lscvtlnr,—on Thanksgiving even'inif. Ren.
Mr. Webber, 13. C. minister, in the R. C.
Church, under the anspices of the E. P. 0.
A., on "'William Pyndall." The church was
well filled. Although we were not permitted
to he present, we are informed by all whom
we her a spoken to that the Ieetnr a W113 one of
the very best ever delivered in Exeter, Lt
could not be otherwise in Mr. Webber's bends,
Lover.L's Anveneen GEOcRAPIIV.-We have
received a copy of this publication, and nave
no hesitation in prarntnoing It ahead of any-
thing of the kind that has yet appeared. It is
handsomely printed on first-class paper, well
hound in flexible covers, and accurate in de-
scription. It is the authorized geography for
Ontario. Messrs. Lovell publish nothing but
first-rate school books, and in tlreir latest
venture they have e-olI enstained their t Isere
ed reputation in this respect.
CfiPTAIN 9ANr)Ene:
R. Sanders, 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 -1,
T. Bissett, 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0-1ir
3. Wnod, 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0-3,
W. Carling, 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1-4.
R. Elliot, 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-3.
A. Drew, 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1-D,
P. Curtin, 1 0 1 0 1. 0 1 1 1 1-7.
A. Lake; 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 -:V
Toted 41.
(.'.tura..'( HEYw'OOrr.
J. Heywood, 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1-7:
5. Westeott, 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1-6.
A McPherson, 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1-5.
W. Drew, 0000000000-0.
J. Farmer, 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0-5,
-Carey, 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-9.
E. Bissett, 11.1 1 0 f 1 1 0 1:-R.
RCVT11I.CPIE 1, 18,''ti
WESTERN ri-Aina. teem
Total 42.
Isiken •A.1f Md Sor1cHErns.=The'il:terrnediate
now takes the plae'e of a third=class eertificate.A
recant regulation mattes an importeut amend-
ment respecting extensions, of the latter.
Hitherto the regulations provided that a Can.
dictate, ile order to enter for tin enteniSion of
his certificate by ezaluirei1ion, ,could de co
only by permission of the 11fuister of Educe.
PERSONAL. -Mr. I. Bissett, telegraph over- tion on the recommendation of ee eouuty • in-
a.tor, has returned to Exeter from Wyoming apector; al„o lie might be required to attend a
'after several years absence, and has taken model school before flier rene'svai would be
charge of the business which was formerly
ander the care of his lately deceased brother,
Robert. The TIMES welcomes Mr. Bissett back
to Exeter, and wishes him every success.
-Visitors to; London are regtlEstefl to call and inspect our
stock d
Been the inducements -we are offering to
new subscribers and then subscribe yourself
and get your friends to subscribe too.
Tire POPrr.-Rev. Mr. Roberts preached
an exeelleut sermon in the B. C. Church on
Sabbath morning last. There was a moderate
SToxz Cnossiaas.=The old wooden crossings
on the Exeter streets which have been worn
- Dir. Adam Koenig was entertained at an
oyster supper by a number of his friends at
the Royal Hotel on Friday evening, He is going
to Exeter to reside in future. -Mitchell Advlt-
BLOWN IN. -During the severe storm of Sat-
urday nightlast the back end of the new brick
store which Dr. Browning is erecting beside
bis drug store was blown in by the beavy west
wind. The front of the cellar also fell in
Cloths and Tweeds for Ordered. Clothing
Ready Made Clothing 111Great Variety,
Gents' Furhisning Good8, &c.
We show the ve1'7 latest New -York styles fol' t; lilizren's wears.
BUSTED BLa , To the Public
As arty information regarding the BlakeI
failure *hid bo of interest to OM: readers we!
append the latent gossip around: town, Mrs.
Blake left on Monday morning feet for Geller- holing engaged the aervires of en experferer,iS
'lefty' where. Mrs. Hicks is at present staying. finechanlc, is now better prepared than era_ tet
Where she will 110 thence she p1`ofessets to be
unable to say,
H? r'on Signal :--We tire glad to say that
those gentlemen iu Goderic'11 who 'have been
4ealing with Blake have net been "'nipped"
severely by ,that individuals although It con-
siderable business haul been done With him.
Dir, El grace Dorton loses scree $150, end con-
gratulates himself fleet it wasn't inure,
Previous to leaving here Blake went into the
Cotumereial hotel and spent a considerable
sum in treating. Thinking hr had ingratiated
himself into the good wishes of the prouritor,
W. fla.vksbaw, he asked .him in r,n o.'+'
handed manner, peculiar to trim, If his credit
was' good at the beak hero. Being assured that
granted. The Education Treperttnent hits re-
cently issued a regulation to the effect that
in aecerdeu ce with the spirit of this regulation,
County Boards of E•Saneiuers are now em-
powered to e1Lempt candidate* who pass the3in-
terrnediate examinat(ron, but have alroaty had
experience in teaching, fame attendance' at a
county model school, as a condition of their
receiving a third-class certificate, in ell coxes
where the boards consider the teaching expeei-
ellee equivalent to attenclauce to one term at a
eonnty model school. An intermediate (not
graded A or B) does not qualify the holder,
even after acquivii gg sneaessfnl experience in
teaching for one year, to enter the normal
owing to the heavy pressure of clay in front of j school. Hence those leaving taught who have
i`. The mortar work being comparatively .obtained only the intermediate grode rust
fresh it was unable to withstand the severe , stndy,toobtain a higher grade, or apply to. the
retrain put unon it. The building presented a county board far an extension of their third -
out in some places are being 1eplaeed by stone I rather dilapidated:appearance on Snnday,but it
They will be more substantial at all eveuts. wilt, no doubt, soon be all right again.
Show. -3n Saturday nighta small quantity
of snow fell; enough to enable the bad boyo to CYDER SYRUP. - Our Postmaster, Mr. dolma,
make snowballs, but not sufficient for sleigh- has been experimenting in the mauufaotnre of
in;. It left the streets in a slushy condition
-3t for scraping again.
A Loxa DISTANCE. -The fire at the Park
House, Go -o •'ch,ou Sunday night,was distinct.
ly seen in Exeter, and even at EIimviile, a
distance of 35 miles. It was supposed by the
people here to be some barn near Hrusalt.
QUARTERLY MEErxso.-The regular quarter -
]y meeting of the Methodist Chttrah, Exeter,
was held on Sabbath morning last. The tel-
lowship meeting was held after the morning
services and the sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per administered in the evening.
!syrup from eider, and has succeeded admir-
1 ably. The process to which it fs subjected
removes all acidity, and gives it a pleasant
flavor, The Dolor is equal to pale amber. The
experiment, while satisfactory to Mr. Johne as
proving that syrup can be maclo in this way,
can only be taken advantage of with profit
by farmers who might make considerable, if
IWEROIFIN6 THE ScATa.-Tire seats in the
Methodist Church are thought to be too
high, and now that alterations are being made
the trustees have decided to lower them cun-
aiderably, though whether they will out them
off at the top or the bottom has not been de -
Reclaxven.-On Sabbath morning seven
young converts who had been in connection
with the Methodist Charon o,. trial fur the
past six months were admitted into full mem-
bership. The ceremony was very impress
ENn.narn.-Wo negleetetl to notice the en-
largement a couple of weeks age of the St.
Marys genii -weakly Journal to a doable dehny
sheet. The Journal is the most enterprising
paper in Perth, and shottld be well •patronized
by the people of St. Marys whose interests it
stanch identified with. •
Aw Ar.Axar.--Yesterday (Wednesday) morn.
ing,shortly after at,ven o'clock the fire bell was
violently Burg. In ashort time the re was an
exalted crowd on the street—The tiro was
found to be confined to the chimney of the'
Royal xxotel. The fire c ngiucs were both out,
Defiance was taken near the hotel when the
file was out. Buth were soon in their tespepts
ive fire -halls.
r ✓
class certificates.
C.catrt HxA'LTLn JorinxAr.- W'ehavereceived
the Nov. number -No, 2, of vol. Y -o4 this
moat useful and nicely gotteu up little maga-
zine; edited by Dr. Playtm•, `ieronto, Title is
purely a health journal and treats on 'all sub•
jects pertaining to health--air„water, food,
cookery, exercise bathing, sewerage, ventila-
tion, dm., sire. It contains 28 pegeoof interest.
ing and highly instructive matter; and 1e pub-
lished monthly at tbellow price of $1,50 at year,
'n advanee. It advocates prevention rather
than erre, end rt'oeives the patronage and
'florae Made toots a Shaer
al e'tety description, As he finds1lfa.eR•n to titer.'
ial, all is done on big own responsibil$ty. Parties
requiring good sewed work woulel do well to give
him scall: kepairiutg of all kinds neatly and'.
promptly attended to.
Saar Work .✓itivny. Oat gaud.
Also Ilarnews of everydescription, Horse Clot '
Lig, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Obthiren's Carriages,
Sleighs, d'i.
it was, Blalse the asked him for' the arse of
Itis name fora few days to raise $600. It
didn't catch. The landlord remmrlted that
Blake was a fine fellow and Ito liked slim very
much, but not for that. He then tried DIr.
salt•, Darier its a similar manner, cat .Mr. D.
said his natuoe wasn't worth a dollar down
there, and thus eseaped. The reseal, it is
said, •dctimizod some one rated disposed+ of the'
note itt Lneknow for the 5001 of $550:
Oue cf tiro unfortunate geutlemeiewho, WW1
victimized by Blake's rascality, in paying the
amouut ho was in for the other day is said to
have eeheixently exclaimed, "S'ell, if 1 had
holt of clot feller, I shoot hiin,ancl• then I turas
around and shoots thyself for beiaag such a:
fool as to go bis security;; No wonder he felt•
the furniture' of Blake's house was taken out,
of town the other day by the mole from Pe,
trolia who had ptll'etlaeetl it,
Two 'nen named Hta,tahilraon, of Exter, :"whet
''sad worked all summer for Melte near ?sintail,,
lose all their summer's wages,' $160, by hire
Copies of last week's TRIES were sent for
by eonmereiul agencies which desired to
Glean information respeetiatg the operations of
,.he firm.,
not all the syrup used by them. 1 high recommendations of the first pbysielens
TnE lrrresr STEP TOWARDS BUIN.-Yester-) in the Dominion. It should be received and
read in every household, Wm.tBeernoldcs;Esq.,
Guelph, Treasurer Co. Wellingtalr, says of it,
as noticed in the journal, that, "one article
appeared in it which I consider worth to me at
least $20 a year.”
clay afternoon P. C. Smith took in charge, on
the corner of Dundas and Richmond streets, a
girl in and state of intoxication. She gave
her name as Margaret Graham and said she
came ficin Exeter. She is but sixteen years
of ago, and said that a man invited her to take
some refreshments and she thought she must
have been drugged. -Free Press. Is that the
"red riding hood" who told our village con-
stable .,he came to Exeter from Brussels the
other day, and conducted herself strnngly as
oily the most abandoned could do? Does any
hard-cheeked youth just budding. iuto man-
hood know auytbing about this?
FIRE AT LOCAN.-0n the evening of the 2nd
inst. the barn and contents on lot 4ion the
north side of the road leading to the London
Proof Line, in the Township of Biddulph,were
lest"nyed by fire, About a year ago Mr. T.
E. Hall, of Lobo, and Dir. H. W. Hall, solici-
tor of this towel, purchased this property,
which is known as the Porte farm, under a
power of sale in a mortgage, living in the
neighborhood of $7,000 for it, They at first
paid no attention to the many threats they
received from Limo to time; but being warned
by friends, the brothers, during the harvest,
and while thelr produce was marketed, slept
m the bash. It was fortunate they were so
vigilant, for no soon ,as they ceased to hatch,
the torch of the ineeodiaty tuns 14)1)40, The
amount of the loss is abont $600, whish ft
partially covered by instiranco, Jr.l11. W,
Hall, of this;tor,rn, we rindorstond is one of
the brothers mentioned,
COURT CLOSED. -We understand that
the recently created .Ulviaion Court at
this place bas been • closed, it having
been illegally constituted, It was
necessary to malre application to find
receive the sauction of a Boleti of
Magistrates at tele Quarter Sesbione,
but nothing of the kind was ever done,
so that the court now stands closed.
lura or NeveAIBEnrnEE.-The anni-
versary • of tide landing of 'William,
Prince of Orange, and of Gunpowder
Plot, was celebrated at this place by
the brethren of Goshen and Hill's
Breen loyal Orange lodges, who took
dinner at Brother N. Deichert's hotel.
The viands supplied by BrotherDeichert
were first °lase and the manner in
which they were prepared reflected
great credit on the hostess, Afton
cloth was removed the usual loyal toasts
were duly given n.ud right loyally re.
apendetl to, The brethren of the
Orentte Oiderleft quite early in the
ovenieg, all well satisfied with the
clay's proceeding°.. The youngsters of
the neighborhood wound ip the cele•
bratien by a ball, which was kept up
to the Ihteat hour's convenient.
1'EELEti begs to announce,t11;'
he 11.18 decided to beeotne a 1+ernItine1 Nr
resident of Centralia, where ha' °aures, coryy too
bout and shoe business in all• its brauehess. Alt
*bat 0.0159 t.t
a a. y
On Friday eveni►tg Mr. R.. Aut.1sra
son's horses took fright while et euding
as the .Royal Hotel and ran ;c,way.
They were ebeeke , in their wild career
before any damage was stone.
The boys were at their tricks} on
Hallowe'en night, carrying elf gates,
&o. Mr, J. C, a1eln.tusls offers a re-
word of $5 for such informalien aN
will lead to the couvietioar of the guilty
.•- e
Nona het the best material and• utoS1i- skilfu
woriktneu•enalif'oye':5. Alk wcrkk gbarant'od. AI-.
ways it stock, torii$n aud' aonrest c leathers of
the best cusait1yr
Fine .' eirrcl froth 44 Spec it/l'Yy.
1:aytairs isromptly attended to. 1?1 ieee reltso'fit '
bite. A. taw,/ ill onryt neeedsai' to ensure Steady'
custom. R, REELER..
Centralia, Nov. k;18s0: t .ty
Contxcar, M;rrasee-,The council met
pursuant to adyournmes)t, oe Nov dtti,
all members present. Mutates of
previous meeting regal and coefirmets.
Moved by rI, Hackney, seconded by J.
Slier, that the x30011011 of Hart &
Bawlinsoni amounting to $7 14 for
Municipal Maanal he paid, ---Carried.
Moved by J. Halls,seoonded by J. Shier,
that Samuel Davis be paid 70 cents for
repairing Screper.e.-Oanied. Moved
by H.Horney, seconded by J. Halls,
that Thomas Veal, be paid the onto of
$6.48 for eitra work in ratting dome
hill and feuciug.-Carried. Moved by
J. Halls, seconded by J. Hackney, that
a grant of $10 be given to the Uebor►1e
plowing match for prizes. -Carried.
Moved by J. Halls, seconded by 11.
Ilorney, that Joseph Hewitt r, re..
eeive $5 for roli,.f.-Curried. Moved
by J. Hackney, seconded by 11. Horne,,
that Alex. Carmichael receive. $5 for
relief.-Oarried. On motion, the
Council odjutlrnild till Saturday, the
27th, Nov., at 1, o'clock a. m.
•' J, iLA1(X,
Ge't's Reeenta -`f'he 6alleas'tot fol'
tire '?ownehip, 1'41.. le . I3U'nca17', lia'e
been on Iiia rntlnd far oottie time. Mr..
Dane'an bee herb eoliiectot for three
yea791h'01b, and during the past Oise
years trim '1bIre$ that he Hard eoileelec
every e'ent of tlhe taxes. r T sit arts
very few eo/le:tore who eflin show sirc;,:it
a go'otl eetor,I,
$ r'kton. .
We n'nderstand that J: 1 e Sloyef'1'itr]g
t f the Mite'hel} Rand, has' disposed or
his property and is about r'etlot4'ng to
Iiirkton. He 11(09 enteteri: i'tti'iopa'rtaer-
sflip with Stephen,Bros.', mti'rI'-owrners.
DAs be is a. man of money, no, do011 be'
' will ere a f'se'tot M worth' to oter growing'
village in its pregrees on towerde in_
] irldon Trustees' pay their teacher'
'the same' salary 1 •;< 188f tie tike ear
--$1525. Perhaps this aneotnt trials be
lncretioefl iessre wheat to raise, to, , 1.6.0,
a bushel during tire trtl'ttxttn of 'fi. .
The fall who'd acreage in this 1ogtlity'
is quite up to this: of Past year, brit the
growth so fat is meth .behind. Soma
t"zelde least as though a severe winter
woad necessitate Pi replowiug in the
1t,1lih.Tfi'neki,rvf the C. M. Chnrcb,
preaehed hie inatigeital sermon on Sun-
dry evening to the Kir'hton people.
Messrs. R. Seaborn, R. Callender
and Mise Matilda Kirk have all succeed,
ed in pestling the professional examin
n.tWon for toucher°. They attends ,d 1
Guderlch. Clinton and Stratford ' ter,.,
spectively. Both of the first meats hut.,
ed have secured tchuols for the ocr e'±klg.yt
Tile shipments from Ailsakeit tie
reported toward bloee of we01 x, ,,vp.e 111
cars of grain, 2 of sheep, ' Art41 9,1 of
cattle.Trade generally 'ger e,liityrrt.notr.
A Montreal :c,'n tri iralalt, fEeVpll r Was
robbed of a pooket book col Ltileatrg $.•70.
by two boyo who applietz tto bird for
charity. ge'