HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-16, Page 3he 004 0
7, VA the in nest, W44 a
to ilpiadiwo 3uly nth, At
o poor 'On
as to 0 t
One ta los t
etgbty-five deseenitants of obn EllIott,
o• ea** to 0allada„10. 18 JrGDl his
*9140 at innIkt11en, 00ua
alth, Ireland,,gathered at 01Terte4,
Grove,• CO 04,107 11101r 444441
burtml.otn`.0iott Wes present
„ ,
0;4,41 0r1 on,
t ettor repotted tio
ot ,43,057.03 n Tune, $,OO.24 Of this
*Mount being, 1031 taxe
ApUcatt*nt for buliding perattts
street,were N. J. '91
a .1411.48. a
Huron road Mr4DMI4 Isteetii4 GUr
41,r. Oast ;0004
440. Leaeh, Wetstreet', 110 V, Sat.,
00V,Egjn, /V for V2140V
or 40$104144$44; %SUL. Takigialle,ht
for alterations at 004g41, 01nc0A"v
b4lton, lot' a frame store
ere wiltspecial ,seryielat act
Layevenlflg at GraCe chitt,04
)1114 Ltbelnt t.he' imutveteerr of
a* 00 r.,
at ,1$0,at.. i'wh4,,fth.: 00:deer,itou,
he theeeLti at Por-
fVf'D1UL u17
tbelr h w.dtltht *441".
Otht• at
Beniniflev. )Mr
* ightytwo,11nd.
Straughani seyent.itne, were
rted lit IlithOst -church vim" 00
stat$ IrearSettik,"atid. comnienced
on Om nth gonceSsion` !or ti0i-
0, liter 'on** to iBentuiller.
yhere they /141* rot0a1A04.•
14hey had * fanilly Of Seven .011+
daughterawl three
on 'Out daughter 1*i ome $
agone rest thefamLlY—MrL D.
Rodges and %vs. 114, tit4):4t
tOlYnaldlh gra, fit UrAiii. otou
\8010011. -ot Millnea *
nr• on the houtestead at
Klk Oa* ..tat011404.
hey loiYe tea' tritadcliallrea
en the wagon'loouted,.uptn rontt of
r.- . ',Althea ' ' '
' WOO tat Ott 1c '*aonwith
'01.10:-**taiti4V1i.443 d the twre
0.'010 iiiteh, ° ifotr, .:'StQrey was hro*
r, t1t craehed head4rste' 'it
. ,
from.tlie-Town tothe M1userOf
culture .at TO 't
'ha* ati
thatat lftg-tiWre
,•,in ,
, ,
,prlee''s ,,tOr:tlia;'Gd
lch markt dirt OA: re0elve 0/14 o!
approval. �t the Board, ,b04,
' haildf„.' the- Boar **Am
pileb sbrUntalw is-Ottelitir. .• .
.' "1.. torioiontattivi i>t, tille;iicisol v1It
GodCricllalkd- !.10:0101;i1ni.4144i,Inik -
tO the coupli
, e e
togm,,,i0itelk. was tastefully decor-.
ateclIn mauve 404::Vhitew '
OlOg: 01c0, :004ertirttet. 0040 ,
the table : trOl# ,whIbSta. •'0,
from tfe northeri
*vett wb
an witlit the par
he t 'part of the after400n.
a lett In tb*par *t th�
wMk out th*Ple
'of walting*nd W*440.
tOet4P*t *11 hutel up,
The Man en
*-11V4tgla, manner a
tell his pieve or wi
that be,(**0* fv*V• "
ealito the bathi
tho *orrie41, re1at1ye
was $04 r,044tt
'motor 'patrOL, and 436 tt,Y,,,...Tra'"
OSeer, Norman Lever lilvestikated;
coroner's jury under B
Clef1-1 tilty
USA% eut 'dowp, to have
y Etreet. road tre*ted wltb tar -
via, IV a %Slit IgarOd: at the .40,141
end.. OrVeglit street, was referred to
ceoull4Ittee4, •
An Qlpplleatton from {eg. McGee
00 prlvflegeof rattr440,,a 444e14,plat.
too ,a4,1 lee rrea*,stand on , his Own
alrolVer0 ttuting 010,•4041`e 'Week was
sent to' the 014 Hello Week commtttee,
-.444xvolutiOn:frOM,the (lounty 40oUne
oll of Peterborough, ' 0144 the,
lature,for a ehahte 14 ,tha',4:141.14;140
Abi Aet to provide that the county
, .
c"nell, " t4e R04004, Ot any gity or
seikarated. toWn. ,Wititinthe -?,county,
tentributing;to ,,the 0140, of the
i(0.4,) ancleti,:b,4 ilvI4 0000r to 04 -
point ' the **ors' e0astitutilit: the,
goirerning,lbeartl ..0tailelk,,soplety, Traa'
7,ti.0inAltnicatton, from the ,Minister- paid, over toi.the'floderich
ot Trawortr,Pttere teLthe effect cletY._ and.. recomm. 'ended grant 0f
.th'St an order-hak-44141:Ved-fiii-the-Wi:"WiMideto'llie--136elety'10-
nOsicte4 611441.tolilleS*1407**rtli grWtttt:"grC°,1:10\41ittit*ol'it't toi#8, I:bee**
ferfat '40nteut 404 gift from thelr tra0001illdren, •Their
f•lx 1,1906* • atklAty ove electrie ftoer
' troweve!i, If it .10 felt th4t $30 11.4.t.'' limp', .1X07,. r'et4,44' nuinerons 'Otte.
ter, shOtild be ,,*ilittirer disensSed OA and :bent:ludo, , Including, ,one I FR*. ' the
Board would be ATY t,0(1 pleased to • wooloirar •ASsociation of Benualler
arrpite„' Ol.; '''lili AVV0,14t4W10 here 4, church and, one 'trete el0a0 401ghb0r3„
So* OlUtdallY ii;itigrActetk :flalop;w0 ,a, r4ottero and•ittards. Of 'C011tratliltition
,r40 ichOeF.,s8nation •,ould be diSeas-001 were received 'foto, all Otto', one 4041
with your „Council. or. s eonstune0 re.
. )1r. john Stillott Of London, .an, old,
reSilitatitf itcpp-o-*teA-br -Your-VOan.' --iii.iiijitioteofifitt,--,Strallthallt4.---4-10.-
ell'"' * Sandy �f
of 'Carlow, itlaor a te,h001.1i.
2Val4; letter !era* lent to the, .special, Mate of beth illir. and Mr's. Straughan,'.
c011imittee* one...000110r remarking. *aki, present .and enjoyed a chat On
"Nothing About the grasS crop in flu- sopeer day* Itev, 0.Wylie of Ben-
ron county.” ' - ''' • miller chureh offered 'Prayer on the
,, •CoMetittee.RePorti .
' - - - lawn and the Singing of the. hymn,
The linance.committee reported that ,
, fRiest Re the Tie That ftinds,", Closed
the interest..$0KKV,,011, 'tile` Ite`be" 'an enjoyable afternoon.
Uncitok' Band. Fund bond - had been '
r. EtIner Cranston, .1*11 0
F A Homa.at
Mntresl street, ' I,* ;:no 00*4.2er 't.
people of:4:41101 '' , ittity
lit lralear o
ing that time of frte
Ile laiit son ' r. .and MO'
,r,lriltiatOni. 44,
oterIouti:to her marrIuei.
soiiI0i *Iso of bblstoll,"*
etoel'otbou tbe ita et the
hisIn%•'0**41144t1Ohli*Od tOitik
V:Lat440;e1‘:01,01*,,'.,,,P:#* remaIs
there aa'ftrst ,kiiitilitinetc-uittir-oviiir
td-,.Str.fMary�, whreefor .ttieAsks o
ear he bs en r..Er
, ,
!Oil, **4*e
Peposit this coupon atv4..oindial ballot box at Pageant*
Aeadquarters;-the Post ',alike, any PrugStore.M Goderich,.
or mall to the Headquarters,.
ren1oltal if the 14-1,01141ng;PI,attertn year „I.Ort, to be paid- in instalment*
-Clamittee reported
that $.5„9,, 04;) of "..,Olty's.of! Niagara Valls
bonds clui'litne' Xt, 1i37, beld In the
Ontario West 'Shore Railway. Vund,
had been, returned unpaid, pending a
reftuiding prograM now In Progress of
preparation by that city.
The public works committee recom.
nielided that J. H. latudv-and W. a
Priditom be granited,permiWilon to erect
signs in front of their;tespective Stores
on the, 'Square. This committee re- .
ported that, the rurface water being
carried into • the east Aide., of the tovtu
dump gonads at the southwest of. the
town was vfasliing ant theguilY. and
recommended that the corrugated pipe
be &mantled from the -gait of the
grounds along the gully for stone di*
tont*, so that the gutty at this point
can, be filled in.
Ole special cominittee, referred to
the iiougnration of the new central
energy -eyatemby- the Bell Telephone
co. and recominendedtsthat a letter of
appreclatiofl i sent to- the eedlpatty
,"for the installation pfothit splendid
system nild for their -eo',opefatiou at
aii. times' during the Wert"'
The *Ater, light and, harbor cam.
mittee .reported: ‘IITLitik reference to
thy letter Of June 11114 from the 1,460411
Cantina' of Women with „Inference. to
a 'swimming -instructor-00A lifeguard
at the bathing beach, we recoMfrierid
that they be adviSed' that Mr. Vert
MacDonald Is- regularly, In ebiirge or
the life-taviug equipment at the dick
and beach." .
,the eemetery ind parks' tomMittee
reportedthe eregtidn ot. the new
.1.6,041(illest Water tank at the owe.'
patd ,.sorerallarge amottats, hitd tt,y, assuring ample Wittet service,
'not riolf,,e6iirklectea 147'41'00C' leo4tplettOrr. of the Jiiew; brigst!
0.040ricii, barber, Wa$ .6enktotite
ifoit awl bather cOMmittee.
.in:•ipite. ..the,p;epartMental Order.
it Was, atoted,, that 010 'Platform bad
not beta relneved... _• •
fievertuneet nekis eitee •
The, folloWing communication to the,
.Town Clerk. froin,the accountant of the
:4-ff,airs. was read:
"Dear the, time of, writing,
our,Itotisigg,.4.0tount Is In Arrears in
the **(mat of *OM. There is a cur.-
rent. 4paYraent, due of '000 .Which! :if
het „received before lune .30th*111
bringyottr aecount In arrears 'at -that.
date of 420.00; •
• st°1 gm at present liolding a 'cheque
in the amount of low* which- Is MIA
you on account of.* refund. of gas tax.
X Too, If101' to have ',this cheque. for -
Warded, wilt' 3Pow, kindly advise and
this, wilt be done on 'receipt Of Our
reakittance for 424:4.90;.40 .#YoU would
1'400 *end, 4* the difference. of 7.4O
, will apply theelie44ne
hOlding your Housing acconut,"
Town tletikicnoz_ .recelpt. of this,
•coMmunicatiOn had sent the following,
reply: • ,
t'Deitr Sirf—i beg to acknoerledgere-
ceipt of yOura,Of dune 24th, advising
that 'TO% are hOlding A cheque of
VIA) for gasoline tax refund to our
rtddie dm:mission to , apply
on A $1.0,00',Itern said to be. In 'arrears
by the 00derleh Routiing Comailscdon.
This , is an unprecedented, procedure.,
exiiialhedi pretiqui Iionsing
Commission correspondetiee,,. the „owner -
the one reinainbig
by the liousing Conati*lou
we ci -cOnditso
That's,hat your .
2 weck yacation oers
nal*, (sahibs, riding, hUdng
in Disl*C*s in
Breit:fast Park
$0e. to $1,00 meat
SI .00
emalier444treAli.,1414, 41110 learaeti, ti
On a. 010' street, yet • eeAti:4113^
.'41"*.:0:PSO:te4:4,08 t44111::he,e'4.11111.00$4'. mooieneidt.: ,
'oral ,Ilome • are-Ii0inirablr 40aPtect- 1_00
funerto aeat*, largo nutnber o peOpito with. fiquare Tbroat Hoiplti1,, tmdon, g.
out croWditig,'IlUdibeing god and 'airS, %yes tooted; stlasstali *UM
Ther --. :4
4.1,30--algotxt.-tho_eouvlste.44.t.. _Deg_ gag
010 oar* chargeeverdag,
, 1444.4 VS# 14t 100014
hour or sorrow, 0041**104
• 4
and prices, for :ccomplete services arenoderii;te. . • . •
Orawato0-- ear 'equipment ltr.as
ate001/ '1104,1c..10L UD-to.date many
TOY witialle:dealaed by time In their thous att. 0040
Deatbr---.1i*Wnhi Osderleb
Miss ply Oritiekshank,. of Sarnia'.
cominercial teather Itt the Sarnia 661-
legiate institute, died in St Josephs
hcorPital, 'London. on Friday last from
injuries received wherl her motor _car
.struck a hole in the concrete pavement
on No: 4 highWay a tibort distance
south of Exeter. ' The, hole WitiS caused
by an explogon of ,the concrete from
the extrenie heat; Miss ,Cruickshank's,
car .Wetit into the dItih and was Com-
vieteir wrecked; and she suffered
vevere head 'injuries and a crushed
chest and lived only a -short time
after, being admitted* to the bosPital:
• Miss Cruickshank was an intimate
friend of tilos read Rougvie of towt
and ha& been visiting here last week.
• -
made for the of the runeral Rome,144140,04 Inns
largo -Voice twos. 411 hu hrouiplit
a- -large iiroeusineNamWlance-for -the
use 4f the people- of the diatrict and
la giving proMpt•serTitet, 41NY Or night
the latest innovation for the trans -
letting of the sick or Injured, and
comfort and easy tiding qtmlities have
been thought out in greet detail.
Just one of .the many featuresis safe-
ty glass••throughout; ,
Haring tuade connection* - with it
number of large turniture factories,
Mr. Cranston offers to the public a full
line of up-to-date-furatture, at most
reasonable prices. A full ilea of bed. -
ding, lawn , and- porek, equipment, also
carpets and rugs, is being sold by bitn.
Bis address is 17 tifontreal 'street
Goderich, and his phone number 299.
"fieweter, retundieIn
s1ot4.-. over *high the,;(4otttielt US be
'Control, and we Wish' yeti -WouldslOtc
d' their cheque of ,.$12..60, to the
Puthe lJtilltiea*0011400„ „Ph.: ,
"The Matter of atinositit4wingbrthe
'gouging Oonunieslon will be taken up
with the 10**0-40ilaciLft."' • •
tht'corresporidence was referred' 0
the,linattee 'Committee, ". •
the following
receired, from the Vik.,Itiontrot Soo
lug at the tourist eanSp with kitehen
and toilet actommodition.,
The industrier committee reported
'that *the bantVrooir.c at- the -4460111
building on .Brock street' had been en-
larged and was now Sittafactory to.the
litOsdeal SoCietl,
T. Iktgalbt Tieg* 11*11
7., olaiot- *Atv RIOS to hue
front of the town. hall ,ze9011sted
fere Old Iron*
Deputy Bette' Iftleitins intimated,
that the beer parlor tiliestion hetnot
been forgotten, blit ,skelfed that it be
e°ter to the August Dipetinif,
On iThuraday afternoon. last the
hot:no-Of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sorster
was attractively decorated with vases
and baskets of beautiful flowers. the
occasion behi&a. trousseau tea in honor
of their elder din-kb:tor, Agnes
Porater, ,whose marriage 0- Ur. Trau.
illosgop, of tistowel, take
place on Monday next, Many 'guesti
were received by Mise Olive ikorster,
Sister of the bride -elect, 'and /41ast Mari
1-1Owell.• 'The guests Vielfea, the love.
Ly gifts and enjoyed afternoon tea
served by Miss Olive-Vorster 4iLitudits•
• Ei4OACriglOii ANNOUNCED' •
Bev. R. Xi and Mrs. liel)ermid of
Toronto, tomer17: of oairefrox- an-
nounce the engagement of their elder
daughter, Frances 'Helen, to Mr.
iiain Henry CaistObell..11.A.fie. eft of
Mrs, Campbell and the late Mr. W. It
Campbell, the wedding to take ptaee
on , august 21st .at St. NIA'S Ptentilr,
teriaq Church, Toronto,
diatises; Lady attendsnec • 0111be
hour* 2:to 5-04 7,10: Cot& 'On Tulkilgro-
Friday and siiteritey, ,,,e4 ..Vredness.
.day 0 to sun, ably. Consultatken
may he had by tripint,hotht, ,410411911
and Thuritlay et .
A. N. AfrittNISON',. Ind
corner of South' and 13e0 •
tinsua tided; +nom 341,
rail( 701titATIV .TOWIt tO
Prair .104.119.0100.1, .
Oftni00116--President, Alex. Break.
foot, fistforth Itice-Preskient, Thee,
titoylsit; *Worth; Becretart.Toilsurer,,
IL IL Raid, aelforth,
tellitegToitti-4.1es. Broadfoot,
forth,f ZeJame.elbaldke, Walton:WUliam
tondeshoroI tedrillardtv
Dublin; Jas. Connolly, .gooerieb,; -WM*,
11411.6=0 tkiirdtth.: at.- tootdbaldo
Sestorth: Vex. Malting, Blyth;rtant -
UAW AOSIINI1i-adrst .teo:
. MOS& ft. IL lr-Jantea Watt, iyth
419b11- l'ebPtrf*ninalflef.CIC r4.. 1;
40Kirchet;.. oubile, No. x;
caw, seyatollikesord4ne; R. 0, taro
muttioixortheire; R. a, No. 1, •
In retily' to *411e1tkur brfneelfe
ner, the. Mayor stated that the people
who some week ago *ere tiOnSiderifilt
he establiiShing of . an • Industry hero
had singe been looking' *rentid foa an-
other location. Ills lett lettert to theM
hati not been answered.
The Mayer veto asked not to let; the
lbw drop;
After some diseussion regarding the
it-twas:-decitied to ',make a tour
of the town • on iro9411: erenIng' Of
this *vet*, to decide,u0n further Pivot*
,to be done.CoubeLlLor ' •
Brown said that'residents
in the vicinity of the West, street riot
Were complaining of noise being koPt
up "to hours," ' Vottivillor
'ker. 'put fir * WOrrt tOt X445Vta 110t it
the tourist can*, 11404e matters Were
referred for atitentiert and Ityle* No.
10, to:Proilde ilair-*Olt 'interest on
the bonds **0 10004..,
'OnnnOtt tfieit Went tnt0 0!OAMItbi.e
f the Whole,
OW Minor Dasseage Debe1-0-11ydaie Aer.
'vitt Interrupted
For the third tithe Within -a -few-
days Goderich on Sunday escaped the
fug farce. of S. terrific stientrical storm
which ,did Ceiiiiderehie taateelai-
where la tliliopert of otince.k„
!South and *gat of. 4404trielt
wind- antitiltsi_t.w.oakell havoc_
wltb dweljitigs, trees and gardens on
Sunday, where** Ooderiell eiseaPeil
'with only a laahlist *Ind and a, doWn-
-pont of rain which hurried :church-
goorar to, the Morning Worship at 11
o'clock. • •
Although hese And there flower and
yegets,ble garden growth Wall flattened
and branches large and emeltfell
about town*, only one Incident of a
more serious nature occurred, 4, tree
being blown over. at 'Wm. Sloes on
.Nelson street, sUatsPing 1113"41r0, wires.
was cut oft to enable
-00$110.11011011`,„ 1001001.114 tele
116141111. lifititio-4111 WITH SOS
0,11 COX* Tans at 0001 Olt INAM10.41100'
MVO( t
Thos. stlquire, • Azov street. was
painfully Injured *bout Ihe face while
A piece 'slipped, strikitig him in the
month. • Ile saffered I lacerated I** .
and, Mouth and• lost a couple.of teeth
The power .
tinflUell to make repairs, and some of
the churches were formd to conduct
services In semi -darkness, as rain
tired down from Cipud-laden
Special Subic wee .dispensed witb, 41,1
organs were but off, and lists of *hymns
were changed and old, well-knoWn
favorites Were *Mg. •
in North street Vitae& church the
baptism* of a daughter of M. and
Mrs. Shacklevm was conducted
by lansplight.
COXitsitil JUIJ?i 2$1i
A coming special attraction at the
West street Mt is Bauss greightou
and his Canadian Mountaineers, who
Are billed for Monday, July 'Nth.
Wiest entertoltiers ave been heard by
atter over the, radio; this will be an
oPPortunity to s* thetu, and hear
them firstohattd., •