HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-09, Page 7t3r,
At the meetig ot. the Pedal 13.001
Board beld on at Ylc-
toria thooI, tbe ft�asurered. *
rsport'I g e efltUC4 tor the
six 0enWug Yune 301h of
In tbe correspondlngi
year, the 1 0
L)eIng $1O,O4.8Lt•i. _
Lrger I' bank. w
(e at Victeria Scheel
.1 dePOsita amentStP
*than WASpefl
`Verind OLIAS
to June, MO;
‘ttewer but
ita were )4
e Jot ya
to057 d
. •
Not soter the re 1Dde Qf the
couuty, boWetsar; for o the zonth
4elist;In tOWII, and Ornate* no fewer
'thou six At0Ifleateewor* itete*tht**1
OP' 00-unti Vroto-01110er 'Lever *low
TeC, air and $45
Ilavold* or aabwoo4, were tbe only
ca*Ualtles of a rIou3 ature, they
beingettt...AbOilt ,tte head when their
ear was badly d*maed Iua CoIllBiOEn
with, On0Ariten b AAVOI ot
.08, as m)* rod with ”'
ePoltA totalling $076,60, thowi
,j vear tf,,tithenin nititrehh.were Or
•YOn.. An 1ncreae" *as repotted *
011r -the' amuut banked by Centralca
Pi•/1141,'"11. M. Ebiekieton.
• oot„ also ePori 1114110,.$
the440110,whili •
rot ,v • •
4 1 per vent. ,
ePt;'in *pick
coiiditi�n fr tlie,Preturn „„t4$
O*z of the 44d, ,4:14'41"91' .!lie
un n during, Oni0
rd Coat Ce n
'ter '40 tons c
4)41-, per too, Other
Uerers-were Snaking * ",f3o,h/70oh,.
and the. aults'Ceal Company at
;baYe aU been re -en;
r i4inother*100
On of latik0-,.,14turA '.401matOn.,
w:f0,04,01,totioloto the staff.
Centrai,:liehool• •
„ ,
• advartee...Of 4247,eagit: Tor thecoinlug
*Tack' tt, son, et,' r.! Itrik J.
O. Cut who last, -,,vratt tx.member
or the 0,0/4, team, fletelOn.strated
Jii� Oreweir With a.light' calibre, ride
-while visit ug "a Cousin, .A. -'Ittielford, at
Londesliorelast- week -end, by Wiling
_ • idIr.bata,WIth one Shot, The ItadfOrds
--'had:`,Fon.T."-pote-rea't4Y-17batii-7tOr .-101)10-1.
- • time., stverms'Of of. having eengre-,1
. gated *bent the eaves . of the house
•*eic his °Pew,
" war on the test% -.Wang twenty-ilve:.
'a,%brief feiAtiadc• • ••
and bru
flartIey ItuUedge,r *Oa,
niles 0
J*ttered exteush-ely.
v car Writd *view
. tkiweitOer*' -,Stenbea terons1211);
?waft, .
a gollision at
l'04914dirlst. 4040No on, ate;
ien be 4 truck
tch to avOid, a 00 on wltb a .9a
driven of ,Viiedt0X4'
on tbe TbAnkes road, IWreioe
tt ur B&rry,,
rkeitt; 00:***4''',Not4w
cars co1IIdd at C11nton -causing
ttetie1*O:**Ige'44tiitf.•X.' I
lites *Oki *T(o0-130s-,-
'cident onthe :''!don4100 'Pri
be follow
V.'Band, Tor
J*1ie iqer;.
.. Stafford .Eatofl, ,
Grant, Toronto 0. ijIUOWMK7,(,
treitl.• Wie 4.; 00)100*
is*, ,..11. , 11.-:_ .flarrow,, , Toronto;
Ilerne4' '<ittA*0.14 : Ur.' and Mra.
, eon '`.',.$4thASton,....•;40.•"
W' 3acobs
'0 lIt04'!MisS:.:glift':•M.' ollellle
alcitie,,' Detrolt;.:.-)gislt, 1131;,
(oore : ' iteltener t.' 41, ' '' ' *Clain, ,
rerito!* ' ' illar,,;:., is:4'
, ,—.. .,
44, ,kiTornenson,
1.00011,- tirentO;4ae.''4,.,
te(SI,,;:t W. ' .,1..',Woo,).1.,
'5 grk.,
TorontO Mr
; 1!0I*
rolt1 Mr.
worth, 3u
with, Detrolt.
Othet guests at 'Hotel' Sunset were;
%lob „0..vt.:,;lalengoe,', Ont.'
Jobnsou 13rIC.olt*'";$,:hvilVr**
13, W. u1lIng1, t.ani
Toronto; th41,1/
Leonard, Lonofl; M. A
John lark,: Toronto I
B. elr $MWHurn gnthrlp.dtgyi**..7•.'.te*i
,01)..`'Wexine0dAS1 *Waling,within
theisPIK*0144 hour, a two-story barn,
having a Ape* disida
The ibarn;., owned by, .(%•
CanteronyStreet„,W44 -1440' up
Tt1130‘14.40-4444404 011444.-01001.411._..#e),
chassis, and next day the„struetare.wa,5
,drawn byfour heroes to '3OPeAllisonla:
Woo on iiritaunla read.'
,slie*Washeit, diihea-tor 45 a, weoir,;
that isservi. ,tude; she: • does; it or
rhe`,Marrlage tOOk:PlaCe **tor"'
1.00,, on luty ;t0t,or Xtr* Gerald Al*
deri'vldest 1301V9t*tr;--.4.1td,=*iti.:144„,
aunts ot the bridegreem;;
Elder; to Miss '•',Winniffed .
daughter of .31r0., William Fergtmon,
•baW.. all,of,„ TillsOnbargi."- Wt. #.„anfir'
Mrs.' Elder wilt.rostae:in
where ' the* groom As a IneMber.of the
VehOdi: 'streff..-`101.-' their, honey-
moon trip the -. cOnple; tailed on :the
Mises..• Ethel and igisio • Elder. Of town,
Rt Iwo( k
BH _Rs
• • M•-.4*.0.1s0 • (*Plan' Alver,
writet 'bee was ecivered•-• 'with
Plite 4441* histAthes.40 whieh were' 00 1*4
was ;aahime4:120 -go rifu.70-4d• •
• .0,..t4 friend' told me lebout.,..13440. and
...After X had taken three bottle's the pimples • .
• had all vanished, and tny sidn .was nice and
• smooth again, and I have had no return of
' the*,sinec *2 , _
A. *462'4 ef The itilisira' O, 14e., ramie*
r Kent ,rette ..*XCen
nitth, DetrOlt; erre
Onto '.att r
B. titOri'in .,
Ise *. Sara!! lanw, Smith,',.„:s.
ilande,mt ..clfoi3ol,Snln,:lt:Ber,,,,v,"0041.1,1,000#1,.
.11"...t", eu ..10.4,4011, .i ';„),41)efr.,4,1-41t '40'1.1111',.u'aot 011:410:8".6
11,,iiietftiittr. -
7, 2.
Watch bad Out
and t an
ilike ft
, .
untituaL 1-tro‘t4moinhig
.tWaan&kn 4
tbuugti btt
o tke be
*0-40‘ 'whttt
*144*.t tab
(7:::14141t4;114011:117.41:lit°017'1e4'11;t f9r"
- • Ottr your
0144 '
but WO* 7ireotorior
be old
hi* lott
thikt Sorrell 'w** *ere
• .0* -
ting Mr, 1Undrs kow •that Ia
paXLLcfl*r1y ilir
"SVOI* 1 1ivr k01
00,4: 4 WM
WfUl totith404410
tort to t Abe no .,
ti#1,04- - ono `7';''',,,who
wieldedpower in thii itreet.,
Aerti1; herem'll'Ot ' ' !"41fin'
,_ .1rets,
with 4,
tu4Ied at, and net Puck:
at' ,great
to fitty ,,,to anybody,. but he sot tv job
00,404 ' in '4' laW • drat 'that i•Vitildied
atly,laceideitt, ott8e4,1114•"the 'ArrAtti
PM of -PAtAleinal elAtrt ease*. 'Be
Stidied"WoM0'404'Sot .radtaitted to the
bar*. •ae ogt 100Se ft** that ,Virm then,.
1 1
be hint,
ow tbat weve got all the hiij*e
evideuce to -get him on - the -..Burrell
..040tN, 114 - --ett"' *ant, 1,t* Oahe , the
itIc. And ii
thi Mad
ods were
$es Were
eave )3kur
":„tOrioit- ..44.tainOnt,
gutioniy,. eoining out of 10 1 tiAttke,.
lotto* tSnIxteetion, Ws.
itSela,'0.0401*- Ottevea., ••' The *Atter.
rettA!*,11.4, *00;2' 'Veu. would. ortenkt:.nit
000040, ,!Steeire*,,... it :,ott' dared- to do
•.anything •Hs -
,,,,bueked towittA the %deer*
41)013.'t waht,me,te take up:',Uttentitte
again, tlO your : oottr:;''7.t.tirtain
aBked 4ou to
ito14"tbe waa 01
aer h'eu 114
trw70041itanfi'*0;%bt‘tkt*4 " stone for
*11-1.",, •
surpriso, wool A Ittiritige*
. Vent rat Ore you exa
ny friend," ' •
0.*! "Alt410,00-tf-inSiatedt 14. Yoko
rtit, with itiotion.... "IVA true.' 0,
been worolog e4bout- It -140,tel$0
al% vtrottt' a,,Iiettit‘ itoum
ried ertid otey teerlt
Oft Hinders the.tellow that idled to
bit., And T 0000
ICI*** .
t),fle, '404;IULt4era,ijwokebi-
hlw AS he were * atich•un4er
1 to forg1vgrne thin
But- Itinders -was toor",400tpOvitit.)ritto:
Qw*OOng•nts to flOtiee' his, *EV Out et
ttwoio tiro is dead, 01 nit*: tti,ttolh e. r young4:0: 41: tat .11:00
is ..at present ondtiethig. tv 004,0)*
pestlenger Atterviee. at tort' .`firaithington,
„ 7,t1tfICA,10., . , Pg.- •
0,04140:,; V.' r$-.•• was :_Ong*::. 40- tiottr,..40',,-.=-411.)90-
4obiti*othiktidge4.7Torditot "it." too*, seot.e.:7410.1ot-:t0 yet,
•ntole.. of tliat liTetsterW7t4w"oollool
'1'.4,4*.'ETito0'.'01oirtittsOo.:*..:.:/...tiss robot. ,-.4tindletS:,*o.sn't,bolistint,.about lt
Detrelt; -•M1s Mary E. Getz
and Air. 0 W. Get*. Monroe, Ohio ;
Mrs A L ',Iiifa.90R0Imie,
Maekenze Mrs. A.'.12' E. Vomilnpon„
Mr A.111. Maybe, .t)Otieati mid,11.4
MOS K. W. • English, Ellzabeth E.
Diugniao., Laura:lit 'lime/ion and:Urs,
Urs., C. J. Panden. :Brantford; Or,
and !Mrs, Jtebt,..::: T.. Tapert,. Groise
,.1Vilss Estelle Warier,. akir.,-1 and Ws'it
much -t -but 4114'; and ,an operative
.w4nt Wesand run It u. 'It led 40
Ohiettg0..There ./tiod!r*. gist, pravtised
;law, mostly. orb/4144 .4asesi, and he be.
ewe. the. hoitthpleee,,et some *1010
smooth sofa. 114 WaS. bornrn wltk all
Ilis e_ye-teethx_though„ and- get away
with everything-liTtila--;---4W4-J110;
f" '
rolute -.Park, 3flJ; Mr. , Akurder . Mtamont exclaimed,
Altred.lt;.T.anert, Dr. WXL Tohniten;
leaning ,orWard and ',Staring a tithe de-
tectiVe. With tow, -Ord blue .eyes.
N. gresGrossman,and Jiffs.T. G
Mr "Murder,"er," repeated 'stoves, and,
onion, DetroK Elting- C. Vitus -
leaned istok comfortably in hls chair.
trom, Mr. and Mr. Andrew S.. 'Baker 018, rlght bandndeto toward g-
aud- daughter. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Mr. gu1r Iri his veat iitektt, but be 'thought
and. Mrs 1. Pollock.Mr.,-,. and Mrs, F better Of it, and tenth:axed:.
1.1d• P'imexri:" F. laAt.a• l'ItaitrearlilindIST:cTt'ildrUeht,' sv'eeqUtn. dlItrstle 4"19114e• .0-1194411urY-L.-sif in "waas
Detroit U. Shot*. Mr. Ed- •worth swlping thos ilalaftor two
weird J. -O'Brien; Toronto; Mr. C. .41; of his: bad gotten away clean
HebsOrt, 'Slincoe„ - * with: it -}le.just talked himself into it
'About one hundred 'members dt the --promising :PrOteetiOn, and so forth.
richtsinen!&,Atisoilation,44f-riest ,ItloatcNixtmethlip,gAM-440•100,40X,IIVA
were dinner guests at litotel 'Sunset
when . they 7'03.1ted Godenieb during
their .Georgian' ;Bay week -end cruise,.
Mr. EL; 13. DirrOw :visited at Tilir
sonbUrg last weekten4•. " •
Miss Margaret String, of Torente,
Is ,spendingholl&ays at..her home here.
*Mr, and Ivo, /OlitlEe. 'Gallagher and
Mises:Alorte ant Itachael are spend.
Ing a month in Detroit
are s ei' tia'. rters
There isn't a• ,
ordpitiiWe,. ve youi4tiet
the tiro you .
number'•of sfe,'ittotiii-is !e
. of OVerff are' dollar
A ° t
ere yOatf,
every ts sizesi„.weightstrea„
*patterns for 040:0y type of
tat trailer, truck and tractor IA
Canada. Ora* Goodyear 1100411
so many different models *titres.
TOlde'ortOliqty the right kind,
of tires is -:to, save money and
Come In and talk .
o;tteit your tire tecoltiiittotti
know we ei4 show you low to
get better atta longer tire service
at no' „extra cost to begin witli
and at i.sititing as you go along.,
for he hadn't even -planned the
and It looked •abeolutely safe., But
the three 'of them tried to squeeze. the
•fenee•.,witlo, trought..ittxteo bard,, and be
get sore and fel-100'01i
"It looked rlike the twe, hat lila:
ders sur�, hut" the, whole works tell
through on tbemt, 'Why? Because,
-while the:bulls were looking for Bin -
dem Atter leek.* up Ills pals, some
.guy With iota of whiakets .and lotof
nerve driver - to .the fence's ',house
in a hansom cal), tells him the e(41.6
want to ask hint •more • questions at'
headquarters, and drives away with
him.: • • *, -
-""They„ligel the . cab., With blood on
the 'seitritii7d-i!' gun Vith,.. three emptr,-
caWidttos hilt on the tootThe dri...-
ver.had„ fired throngh. 'the trap.. They
never did ltud the 'Ogee.* OodY.
,."Itinderst.Oh„ he' W48 At twine *ben -
the cops 'veiled, the 40011.1`
plainest lied. been out of 'town on a
case, and preyed It. clean -Shaven, be
Was, but of ,course whiskers are cheap.
g -e and the ether two -*ere sprung. pow.
• You gonna eptiviet men Of a' alik rob-
bery, When lottr oliIyWittieSs h,4040?
And how you gonna, OW* tinders
Of murder without a /*Net Conk*
• delicti, you knoiv..vflin-t,ber',atoset
Oen_ takq bs tiellemt 'to.*- :practise" la*
tellY fkOtti hini.'TheY tOttlittet. Slat
just the ssMe, he breiaed,, After the
died * -
* Wre 00-000d0 ited Altamont, who had
been liatefting leostir, breed: Into his
t 1
no, net'
am quite satisfied.. Send , Your 144 Und.
..1.teeb ' your mouth .,shUt. Thiee alt v.!
••• The detective dueieeAt,turstilY .into the
hall. There- .he rub, a re.'
.deprive hand over his bald head before
adjusting his hat.' .
'The *atter rests with inc, 0,?" - he
Muttered., "Well, lel
rather do My ' little time in stir than
take What mercy Soit'd give mi,".
- Suddenly he 0400, his Iutt well
..iyivic over this,eies and his right hand
dived into his Pocket for .a handker-
chief. tinders, the ,than he had just
investigated, . was, coining 'along: the
hall, -fineeding prodigiously into his
handkerchief, the detective slid into a
side corridor. There he _paused, as if
for a Anal sneeze, to,oetch a glimpse
of ;the lawyer.
A Man's Mice
,P.,411111 K. Kindel'swasa big man
and he capitalized his:, bigness in both
his elothes and' "his 'Manners., The
-former were just a. trifle too huge for
him, atr if to, idvertite that 'here was
could afford to put eornfort ahead of
the ..punetillous lit lesser Mere found
necessary to maintain dig*tY and
• *prestige; •
eustoneary attitude was one Of
bluff heartinese,..backed by a sugges-
tion of implicit cordidence„in his own
worth. Snell a man few would' hesi-
tate to trust, and few would have need
to regret their 'trust, for Itinders was
scrupulously honestin ninety-nine per
cent. of his dealings.
But in the one per cent., where the
risk was slight andithe gain great, he
was a totally different • man -a nar-
row-eYed,, ruthlesa. plunderer, ready at
any cost, ---;to proteet him -
elf from dlistOVery.- It hied taken the
Misanthropic and" -Penetrating eye of
Thirties AltaMont to dittoter in this
bine, talented lawyer the hielden'-erim-
Unaivare of the earnest, *even adrgir-
Ing scrutiny of the detective, Hinders
•AUttg open the door to the Outer office
:of tillinetts AlteMont and 'strolled In
as if he were ,conferring a riltd44.tit.
surprise upon those *Ohio.
'made ',WAs instantly taken into, the fin-
ancier, for Altartiont had ,given his
:etettiv: eiberevo', as the ..1:Wyer entered.
The •Iintencier gat, • helriehed over his
desk, his body sOpetortM by .his
in the.hrief interval -that hied passed
*loot -Steeies lett the roeln, he seethed
to haie ..beteint 'tea :years Older .ind
.0.4vOittft4 tie) ire in the malnier
eris.thir 4M4,,,,gner,09i1M0.91?.5dq' !!14a wbieb 01100 ,11,01.1447,... to, Iis feet
aro habitual. -4 • _ • •to greet 1001-104.0
"titteire4104.gtitat 0*.*witll'tliril..*It.74 "My dear Altamout rtultaul to see
• s
laavr °fa LIM' you-again,1*-Ritider*-.4e01#044, 01114
tbe'* Walt "e"""*.:eookd '''ilvv" the old tnin'a thin elaW
thiS Itinderst lett" 'esti& the detectitte: moult the, win iiith.tho were beato,
the mine nitsuer In whiete,/ get opposer
the idea that you are toirtg- to, clott.e Altamont smiled craftily,
a lot or this ineOrtnitl"*" reyll"e1" trading Position is it little secret of
tament smOothLY; anCthe istont , ,ownl mutters. ittui aabbungin
teetiVe reddened 40111, 4".ieW the Manketvire 'yeti? /let Olt down,
the treseheretiS hounaill" it t .that r wisit to discuss with
„.013teefea. alitittledAlls,;*0 Aikt--Wrett Yoe
IncOmfortable itt. this otttbursto. "411, Altentottra voice had, ,heeemehigh
men, 44'0 ,,,ereeked;', ;be de*rirred.. pitebta,,„Hinioat oat:king it tmmea, And
"Not even all laWyert ailet etO*414" fie dropped istek gratefully into' his
the.21427detVitilfe3rs*Inceg°:e4341-eame'heinaretr the .:otill':*oflhetti.j4ektz;:todrdarilotallise°4)13:titylnogt
old financier announced, as it be had: thfx
not beard this„. brave 'detente ot ht. . 44.the old niaw,fi tresiting„ up," be
manity.'OA, if could .only get
tx'atierillit;titeoftiterh6 h6ett'dttokpci;oedut, iiltt.ilbstintbatLfz,sunie wbintstaspotooiktbengtoarrain"
You know he* a Young lawyer gum artd voke was Mote uncertain than
*Mile odetur etety thing - ,evo. . , .
hi& hands into. 0111)4 ItitolOtstleyet oitifiders, I had ',/a visitor yesterday.
t°04 etiplilizaI it'it"' Be was Dr. ,JetnisOti, the 'heart vedette?"
eii0s, tAild• 1 iteeken he b4d it /101-re,4 Iniat Concern spread. over itiw
.6041141:It! nhYrWwo. tte44,441,,,:dtL,,,, ruititi"4,,,hno,071: h*ogret..-"0,1a
out that the cash Wad in Abe 00.1 dere broad 'trite. "My dear fellow, I
fittAdbroke in. -I
altY be gets to 4„ 010'net.* L‘c,, . IlityOn't tolle. abiders, and that's why
'At niftl'Ilttle 'practice, utostlY "iiiiiolint x (law you In Po dissatisfied with
'little estates, getting little reeeiver' my attorneys, my bor, and t 'hive
"ships, and doing favors for the 1114$ itome. Important legal matters to ,at -
Oat . could tett, hint most. ° A114 v id. tend to." ..,
'WAYS herePt edging ilr towatil,10011 /tinder& contrived to look shocked.
eet, *bre the bit rettilii hangs no boo gottovflii., ores upon the older
out, The fittot, had 4 fatednatien for ma*, :Own Stared at t1ae4loor. "Sly
hirt trot the *tilt* At(1 lInf'r he's dear frkiliti" 110 murnitired; then his
WS mans Mee grew stronger'tat eoutei
"There* * tel to title town tan Str can't believe it Why, you don't look
ht's alit*, And there* 00%0 that sat it, do older tluin w„istit.1 drat met
ie's ShOrP.but „0,1,4 *en trorear hie* yon, almost it &vide age. ,fiutely this
white. tilt IrOti know What be JF (de. stetter is mistaken; they often are,
for yen toothily' got Iti* tleit4 to 7013 kltowefif
*Ith a little l*IP-fIOiti U4 1 telt It sAYS*1-4 Gal* bete
after bed tduAt yon,,p11- tba 110 bit* 14.4 ,Alt*M041,t1141efted.
• • t I I 14
0 .
-1th...it • • it'
0 r
thougbtful otori, ou
btu* the c14)004
bowed 20/***lortibitecy tol***t$10*-,*
"ile's Woe* me wt.*,
g14 „,.*Amnso touldttl 3* beth
wa gold, Ooltli
And the thin
be 1 , 0
ouilitt with
001 Reid.
Ida, .0f 'et
ew."4ase ,last
Itils returned home *
and Ennis are ten*
Mr...4140u BOOIeft on )L
10.40teu, where' lie hitend»
summer course At Queen's 1.1
ro. -lint Sherwood and
...Shirley and Nermit, ‘101,0
\home from .:0Warrea, .v.there.t
two wea4a . visiting Mr.0
tmother auti r tit;
werec.amotuPtiul oulo by her
o d former 'Of Hearat,
main -for.
ey spent
, . o ittH2Ortitn4,4---'nfOladint
*testate at • ,Itocky.'cove, °nee ,owned
by 'hislutolii•P • '
"Substantial Part I" thought.itindeis.
“Mrhat ef. the rentaltid,er?" But,lite
said aloud:
-"That Is indeed gener.ous, Mr. Alta,.
wont And you wish me to -draw 00
• • ,
Akttintont sighed tremulously, ,
muse -leave it to' some one," he mut-
tered Somewhat rebelliously. Ritiders
did.- not -venture- -to --46turb--the-brown-
study Into -wide') he fell then„
"I -I think 1.0111.tie it up soinehoW,
0o. that he C411' never sell it, Itindera,"
Altamont Said at last. 'Ton sa,
there' Is an old burying ground eu it
.part of that estate, and , there 1 plan
to rest." . -*
"I •see," IttOders nuirmured gently,
To Win* it he added: • "The: old fool
id' too mean* to let go of It even In
th'noou'r'oe. I will leave hima sum
to keep it up," Altamont added. "I
wouldn't want It to -run down,. you
know." , Again Ji was • silent, while
Rituters Concealed his - impatience.
AVIietr-the7WritatOglieltelignitt;:tit was -
in a hesitant 'voice:
"Kinders, you are an edeleated man.
Wh-what do you think of the ancient
'ettatont; . observed- -particularly in the
,Egyptian civilization,,,of great 1141110.,
priests, aud leaders' of peoPle keep-
ing with, them, Tatter deathp -many- of
the things that .were theirs during
life?" • • - •
"L will Ate damned l'' thought the
lawyer, though h1s
tra yeti. onip grave.`ineditation. e "The.
4UPPorY Olit,j4fOtahr •ItetuaIlY wsnta 10".
take his 4iell."
framed an ens -trier.
am not a religious wan, Mr.
xnOnt, but always I.hate*reSpeeted that'
cilStoM whereby a..• Man 'whe has .Wou
greet. ;Stittele.. and iiqnor In life' '11U -
ally lays himpelf dero..aurrOunded by
objects inects Opyttbe.0o11ilitg,. .
his • tri:Ittiph; to
. "Well, of corm*, we are -off. the
track," ,Altantont Old hastily. "Tare.
n1iooroiehii.,-,iti4t31On't ;3r00" - • • .
4A11,44 olio 'itto been
lionieWlatt taken- 'JAY:with-with 'death;
you see, and -so I happened to think
of that oid custom. That's Rin.
dere'. • ,
"es i of course," thebig lawyer said
soothingly 48 :It allaying the fears of
a. child. • "I never thought of it he -
fere, Myself, and Ili fi4fer.
think of it *gain."
'410hars fight,".• Said
!lovely iMmettatly.,...rellevell. "It isn't
.•-*,1/4 "
Worth thinking 44, really; „ You're a
t."1-41n;4"...$14 '14/1111p -P It1hd4r4t- - to
himself. 'And ilti*geing to do a lot
of :thinking -about you,, Titineas Alta -
331°. 114e.'
-tt tag- then, oe:-"iiie' tech
dOcuirtent toowiltig the estate under
Pretre&ting its sale, to
Turrentine, and, *11cl1ng it ZdAtilse set.
tingaside sonte,fstsst.,.7.111..tei1 'OD _how
inuelt at our next Meeting -tor its
ing it reit& draft," -- /tinders 'Promised,
"Don't bring it Unfit 1 telephone you.
1.-4 *tit, .000V.1110t.hoW," s.ajd Alta -
smolt. Ile was /stilt futiiblinf with ob.
jeet& oh id* Oteit 4Ad now held a pa-
per weight, 'epreted over with clotbc
in his hand* • Ats, he laboieusly
ellidbed to.his feet the weight dropped,
tailing 'tit latidetle,' tett,
Tii awycr stooped and piekot, It
up, but before he had straightened up,.•
Astamotit was ..bent beside hint,- push-
inghind and melting clawing hands
for the, WOight. •
-4417.1,2" 'fibillIktt the old uottt.
pick 11. lig!, 'Vivoit here!"
• Surprised, at.,,:thig,.4444en outburst,
itinders placed a lit -the. eager hands
of the 'old Ammeter, Altamont Clutched'
it lovingly and laid it ciirefully on titO
side of the desk away trore.the raw.
Itecent visitors ,tit thV•hottie of P1.
and Mrs. John Utuarr were: Mr. loo
Day, . who eir his return' to. illanilitott
was areempanied. by 11.Lirsi•-„rDall,: Wito,
had spent the oase*eivild Nifeeits, *re,: -•
also Misses Marilyn and Doreen,
beil. 'Of Detroit; ''Slre- 114Ig10.son b
dud, young grandson, -of Itttailitent L.
and We. Kenneth CaMpbell, and.datigh*:. -
cos, of DetrOlt, 'who' are re.Miti tog.
*Mrland 31za, jhn litheywood;:lind-
daughters and Mrs. Boodle attended,
the (Sherwood reunion In Efarboi'lOrk,'
(iederieh. , •
The July meeting of the-IV:MA, Was.
held on Wedtteaday at the home of
3Irs. Iteitary,. wltb n good attendance.- •
Sirs. Riiett had charge of the pro;
gram; Which .e011Sisted of readings,,
singing• and a musical 1100e,ctiOn. .
CA111,01V, Juiy 0. -Mrs. John Tenter
and Misses Ituby -and 1340e1, Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Fisher and kir. and 'Mrs.
the Fisher r('-wilon on the 1st of July
at Forster's fiats.
Many old friends. attended the
'funeral ,of' 31r, Mitchell, in
Goderich on Monday.
• Dr, George 3.1ae0regor • aud daugh-
ter Dotal* and 44....3.4rtlei of Clang%
edited on Mrs. Henderson on Satur-
• •
• 0• 004 rttilatiens: to Uhl& Yee* Tabb,
Who bie$ passed lier etieMinatlous mud
is 4310W: a • 101.4-4411fit registered,
nurse. - •,
*, lir, IOU•Iteelintintiff.-benne for it
While and th the,. NO, after
1,'Sestson on the laJtes.
-*eater, Vanity DevlIn, of' 'Stratford,
Is spending lils holklays with bus
uncle ltirnedt VOluldi and **swing
with; `the boost,
Ur. itattSRhIelds shifiliell it car-
load 00 fat tattle, ons
The POS'&14,110per Was Observed in
tbe United thurch on 8040 after-
noon. Itev; G. Wylie chin* as his
telt • "The *In Of Man ittinit 'suffer,"
And°IOU ,trf,-. the ,ditteretit tittles
Clathrst" Usid the 'Word "trittat," and
whet it litifdles..
Iter, Mr., Doyle, Oftotento. occu-
pied. pulpit in the Presbyteries
ehifreli, goo* led..
fihdiVer fair ille•''141riilly.wesikr.--)Irs.
john Clark,' of tore!, °petted her
home on Wednesday 'flight to about
sixty friend& neighbor& , of Mr.
Tillies P. Oreerrand-httrefide.ltornier-
ly • 'Midi.; Ethel 1,. Cleverdon. of Tor-
'Onto- A 'Abele, tlittiPeraw'spent and a
short program. of songs and ilPeeches
was enjoyed. Atteivratils -two ber8
'carried In A. basket tifittli decorated
.:WhitCaral edilk„..felf of gifts, and
& line Of boys and girh, Wolfed with
many rabic Mr.- and Mrs, Green
thanked the kind friends for their
good wisiteri and invited them to come
and dee them. bA their own home.
• AT THE PA1ti‘,110111*
adtste of the week itt the ,Park
°tide were Mr. and' UM. Christian,
Detroit ;,•3Ir. and .36s; Hughes, To-
ledo; Mr, Ittulf Ur* D. McDon1d, Vic -
toile terbor: PEr. and • lirs. E. P.
Carson, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. A. E.
nogboa; Sarnia; gr. and Mrs. E. J.
Mnirooney, Kltehener ; and Mrs,
gototet, PAO*. Ont.; E. 1.tei)6*.
ell, London Fisher, London; PIr
n40,,. 'Mrs. J. 1)., Sullivan. -Detroit;
Genevieve Ilogan. Toronto:. Mr. and
MG. A. L. Stevens, London: Dr. It.
F. itithertRditi London; 8, D. Camp-
bell, 1)otedon; kiss A. Vrap, Toran-
to ; Mr. „Wm3 144". _Drumm, Detroit ;
Burns, Xitetener.
Tut: STA it
"Just an old desk ornament Of, WU. AA
I'd fond ot," he expialited, his eyes
loth* upon the. still Wortdelkstruok
courdenetta Of the lawyet - '
Stidtlen tontototoogon toot to tin.'
der*, ike.fte remembered the Weight,elf
the Mott be had be14 hi 13111 band for
*ler itiAtatiL '
‘f,ttitit' thlug. was to0 kay to 1
anyt1ag btit pert 44" be tbo*ght.
01S ES