HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-09, Page 3f..174141.4r.fitIff, ri• S 1110Ing , 1.. thief atGun ..,04f,oktevi.,:$(14ttke:441,49t 1P9rt. . . 'A golf . 07ta :loon ,trane.,**4 ..,$*0 . ..,-*,„„ti,,,. 0t % IL'OreWni JO,New 4ente Build' In.C.DotrOtti'.wita stoen from.theOak Wood Gol? Club ; aU CLTIUro ,Cottage was raided the thIe * att, Nv:itit.',tWo, *tee/ *bin*,roda "reela.a canVe0', sheeting jacket 44, dunnage 'bagProvInIaI..'..Vo0sta •r: ,B, `),dec,0 :la 'r. tIgitt , :14 i10001.:‘,S,901416; ft The ,•statiebeiri....:,i411i.:.:ii-eii by WeraelesAsOCiatiOA -of"Noth :. 4 -Milted, Onreir 'On“rr -'.0-,00f.0.401.. althentir' te,004/, a • /044,4Pci ,' -laWn.t0. the, heeeu 1,t 1/*..,, Inciiiirent.:Weitt a a thost . . able erent;, The, «cbODJ-rOOni, wlth4 tretisien of baskt.9 azlcl. ve of peonies and 0 ,' „ « 1. DinietC”wae.ened by •• • Ita*,ot ti -• ,z1Tenie 0 .1 V .Mre.E.C. no • erta04# l'OreSident- of. the ‘0,,Ffa•' ' " ' ' . . entlitti 10r A '40 1.10 AND an -e• Kitgated lit4414111111E11411' *hen he, was. -*tot .';g of aload pt:,,40 efl.dkaw#,idt barn, W,1,1110# • 1°1°140* tt4T4 ' 4.4 '• ' • ''hi• nee3-te41. • drthostiltal4 free, • dialogs ht_t.Wrist •anW 1aeeated ca1p.. r(:•4ter;,cs:tOP the load of bars Ped ---to" Piek up a Piteirfork ,40d. • Straightenedsor the: wirS•enterlog the barn. • Comlng- up gaInst _the•;toP lyrthe entrance Way ,fie.viipped from • 'the load to ;t4he board': tiOor et - IC% Pcrat1qr44, ,plain,Dgc, 04d. the father of threeehlldren..„ • EsitrArili "--•••• - 2‘41 "•• /al 5 arfr,v7 1:0t. Cep ae 7,2 kflitalITHIBIONFIE WM THE METEPASER • AUTHO Phone 586' gat*: 11 to Le 9 $0414417 More thaa two. thausand'..rsona aouth pier, waterfront 'Apt* g the babor. ° .f$401* ....nag 994 O.-00MA.* welcome. e0 of ' , 5r chtirinetest 'Asio. . , . .:Artke. they made' t tO on their dm .. , fl rosa • Added o the *ries of,amateur 179,r9. preent was om OetrOtt OOki.14.k oh the fact that Oat '40 few porthere, the Ahronga,. made the:heat of and warnt,:errehirreworrer, The eynosdre of alt eyes" Ws the hand- 01;PFAru OUI g: ar ;-sltrur 'of iiiItvitiOn wee the Bonny I1 000. A:,,,Ouninerlee,;:captainof the gcet, and Alma 11,••• owned, bY A. J. .rIcher, .bathing house and other -Ai -nit& 144'40 the .-vfAteefrePt.:*.eiNkcgOlY ,41e- corated•-vith,..VAlon. Jaeki;':the:-!tarA' and.; 'Stripe 4441 W0100010 S:EgnOt end" 'the bend. of 'the.044erielt• eiet3o croase4 • 1.1.0• A*V40wil the: harbor in' le" *elation -"Captain lehif,'?",'Ereeting eaCh.-hewcomer with patriotic airs Jag to-, a•••L'.."Myi. otutment wa� f1t When ef the expected elght•edyInsIng1y orIn groups, , r three-htur per-. ast explained W.ianle . ii hem lin by ' diVidal'a Mt • isike, 'Sri0 . 'A . • . Lake . 9t1;43..t)109:44. whojoln fom 1 •ToIdo hazardeit„ • yachts 'PA Attending nt , ween the frown; ipouncli and thle Board„0 *fide,: no etitle,,vielcome was extend*, but the whole-hearteil sena. ,tnehtt-et . the: attending -thralls mede. up for any laele. In this respect..° MOT* 'Of .the one. lienibers of--the,Asiociation .100,1400, this Port •Were,;*ntertaf,P0 a intRi?a? at Hotel ISunset and Spent tne'renialndei ,otthelat:ibetit :t9rio., 49# .ithe r4. 914„ for th The lteet left' enilj.SluidaY. **ruing f6r.IgifittablittitV•thert US' War to extlore Georgian .Bay aud Pl*rrretio.4100-444oake#,Ak, YACHTSMEN , pannet• ter .tvro eriCh.;;;Orphins iVih0;:the .*.ileet• 'of 'the .1rachtsrnen's'•„Associall,on, „0„fAinerica, iirriVed4Vthis port on Setup:NZ,. The .tWo tads, young brothers, grubby, nit- * eiiipt and ragged, 1,41.attened their. noses ageinsV- the, window's. of the ,f‘inart Yacht segargh;ata were wet:ell, closely everythintthat went On aide, when they„werrit46tited ,by the oWneir, C. Oshel, Windsor taft.1111- • Mr. Oshet te:04c _thelbOY'd under his wing, drove thean ha t'tait i -,eleth- atbrer-aink.,:ldressed- then .11t. COM, le .!.talif OW60; tending., them 11000. with eitia4 Oita atter” the' bilis tit!, Wil014:?b,:tea101tut, bamburgers. ; * • * , -r.-;The-.12101.1ght= Of the trip; for one veteran sailor wat dove:. to , :Matt- ,tai4'reginetery,, wherelre ,Sitent ehort thne'imenethelravet of the unknown „victims •ot the ..etorM, -*Of . lcoVetakert, 1913; and .1Plieed A•feW 'Powers in the hope that hia,,leatt temtatie0 may have 1. Su s a Ion Ae,A. 4 404#.04 11 I , RBOR MID On SOnilitx ev.nIng, a 1140 , r of persons gathezed at the '13,04, *ti.9 itee, the psIatIsLt Yacbt ,11vVr. K, qf Detrolt,:f KtttarIi, head ot the ,reaeareh de. t 1d tor.tr:unotrootio•, the , uerAiteivoli(e9men In the 414„All , otiznrt:ittesdro.v” s.1)osand States. 1iltror he hute , 10 rich ;the 4.„0/311ral'..10 motors. A t*WhIch, la apoInted, 1*, flitted, ut *I thilaViraa not ",t t'time. t had been in this ort.. She lzad vIMted Ooderkli on twa prev1ou ons tor * 7 . • After ‘41k` motor thrO retie et to AIX .Ort",4e trIt' 1) e Iraq' ld,t Dtu*aldJo \Oro Or 0 *61"4/11',. 6 eehat'tilit „hi"; 404.' 4 Th� f o 10 blgh sChoOt entrancer ,orramlnat199. f0 the controa Under the 4urladietion the totederie trAtnee are Iti;ghli, favor - re beIn but Oft***41401$ o, 09090091,- ' 0 , 8 rd Lore, nwanr*Saei*i:fttl'Stitort:°°' e...:4;11414""44r0:1;:kr• '1f414euttoTenoi 14,1104owlik 161* nittltWellti;' henbitliii Mar Yir 000094 Parker,r 0 40n,„. lIent r, Phla t 0.9 OtrAtar .litage. 9t $99* rim, .40 easeful. candidAte4..410' . *Ole Nilo distrActe ' ' "Virrft,,,and 4c toliora' t. nnonn Ork warded.-,,. , TO r PO .,«. t 9 • 7 74., r ce Is obtatned: :10:$04,4 ,44„ 4kr-, orta:;„ #41041i yee„.flonaht.0.0000,r1114,140.914ttonJ tiotts:100teloagui Rath. Cernfletd, **et 'Evans, ',got* ,,IrgiOlohi?".JOhn Hellankuttlitotioit; Notz*;13y4tote, et it, aclt,tan! ' /41.0 44h*, I4 H1en ,1tOt*ts0 04 *10 rat' :State* Of the ookInta"-ieVeral, eperty a or oit,q3 t his brjth, Mr. own, and AI1a'I 0;Voi"60.14144e40,•, ave .'...tnipelitect".100itiorietat - r nnaiL • ±Per4 eit 'eafaied--4otitt4a' cEwankflewot Stans In'y Iyhteh, 10Wer.cateir, ‘sesSinentv thus$ etitaineAfT-add. 'waking, lots es1ab1iehd'Erers'Whire.,1tel tra- velled" .W04`large,'"Pir.441440eils C0)4,0; per day or,:$1,*`litiOnthi4.In amtarla9n,` trt41,0 In Toronto fliWo- b1� .g/r,to.:,tark ,61S.CWoircinight; • The 'trip took ,1*tarty, to'`DuInt14, Minneapolis,' ,"Iir 'Mt;Itan. ge-raite ' 'a lite dollar to. be Muer-% ICS's .;till'eStail'ir as far 'M41014017 on • his return the Meyer; was :swamped with, work. relat- hig .tb- .014 :Heine -Week and .-.other •preSaing inunici*:,business.- • '* ' • 11 'Nei* One *Area Members, H Pa ,On Saturday: afternoon nearly'. bile Inincired members of the Butt family, descendant of of the late, Joseph Butt �t Dorsetehire, .19ngtand, who Settled In the southern tart of.entirio nearly a century ag(4, gathered at Harbor' Park °ger the;Aniniat rennlon. Those 'attending „Vier. TOM- °°, Detroit:, (keine Isle, Bay 'City andOillit," Ham- Welleglet'13COney: Creek,' Oot- Witideeii,,Senisili; Clinton; ton - **ore, •Aublign. and derIeh. Mri.,..,Mark -Butt, youngest son and bnly lititvilkir Of Joseph Butt's family, who •ciaMe• to thit -from Cot - tam, IES4eX ,‘,00unty; expressed( his, pleasure at ,being able to attend; as; did' Mr, And Mrs.4.ohn" T. Westcott, of 'Hamilton, wire. celebrated the ,s4ty-, seeontiliniVeraary Of their wedding In Ilticortiers. • • VM-.-ralmer.', Of !Hamilton, and his sister, Hannah "° Ben% • of, Godirici4 were Among the older ones. present and the Youngest was Shit - ley Royce, „live-weeke-old 'daughter of Mr. Russell, Boyce, of God- erich. • •• o The Afternoon Was pleasantly spent in, 00441 Chat by, the eider* While. the ,Children and young people blind their Way to , the harbor for an afternoon' •of 0WIMMing and boating. . • :The.retzilien be 41d. next year 00. July 2nd. at iiarber Park; With Mr. Thoa.,W.1.;Butf, Of jlitoen, presi- dent - arid, Mr, Amos Sall, of Auburn, secretary-tteastitet,' The aPtitta for the 1938 tetailon' will be in charge of .111%. -Bert 'WeSteeti, of ',Stoney Creek, Ur, Jas. Petty, •of and Miss Elorince Bateson, of Bay City, Mich.;;• Tears °Iiiiiittnats, .Meiville St., , 16..0104,4 writes:—"I , have . q 'resat lar..ebuitipitiort ' •frO vihicii.1, had. bet ,atibiwt• for ' OW YON,' I can • net. telk-the cane :' of 14..00 it See* to. Isa SC. **co- • ,, , II* atorAtior Pe . .**Aotticki . I .• kia, , **4, niaai : • compiabat,itsolf,1$1001A1111 r , totrOt,iIiiiik: *0ritittprInt s'ioathe. ,i. •?' any, Otter inailielaa.",,,' 4,1 ' ' I.; - • , i- 't> -- MILBURN'S LAXA. Live R ' • I e -watt 7,01pz 0 • cos togNAGE-26 PORT moncomor.OWEN -I • .4 • OVVEN WtStaCiONI) V Plenty' of 3) Inland f AU Outki • earner TH 3d3 'net Lo PORT Viriy.w4 SATURDAYS U St 4 NORTH '6HANN EAST0bUND VIA„ ,M1§4KINAC etutslng 4* *Bat and the great. ter Ocettrit and super*, simoy,4. re'reR, bee.410. *OA ',Oen,' teeentitottrial. " • *, 411w: ' • Yotirth,tof ; 401Y holiday • travellers' . , frOM., the fitatea,*Ith,, the-,,yIsItln .Yaelitinnen,:"CO*14.01 coot, 'it', gen- Urne feed atiortagein GOderich. • At one lotei. food, *tries, etq.'4. pre.. pared,' On *birder for *tidal 41*.; appeared a» if by magic. the day it Was made,' -:00. that ocelot =made an PI), of 'preparing teed for Sunday. *•• 'a • •'One • .restantitteur. who aerie& until 3 cut. :.40tittittrtht* .,Pr41„. _oft more food 'tot the day, , ,Was fetctit( to leek' hL doors Sunday afternoon or- der tO, 'repkre,,tioreVietualina"to getsorrteXtet, ' -`• * ° 110i.,110 •ftlkitittant.44,titiltd ittrataff look'nfter the rush- ef knoriness. • , se -se, . „, dog ,Stands were unable UV 'roil* in town. and .rin. Shari: eerteet 'theft ,i-*wierlies"*'itt in breadz.bilt nobody seemed „to mind • * si, Ante/jean eat* etirers torn :many. Ontario pOints, thronged. tbe :2streei's in endless ,streanrer or ,gathered at the bertolle * , Baas itcAl tbilieariest tr.** In United ttes'010-'00 ;lit ',loan)* tuan andMI tO, are vialtitt Ten• ars •••010 110,44'1 .11 fred Beat- 1ea Bogle ' Law- rge,'091Y4Ore: Thomas 'flarwo�d- to - sty otos Tti**10, ell roe, -Cha f t Pril lathe. '7 Allan; john 'Baxter, r_Shelden Baxter, Irene 'Bell, Douglas ri1100.e, Arley B100104414, Margaret •Bihdr tiiirre•1±,itedleyltDorlii3Oha. Kenneth Chlahrilm,',.=liauLsihintiol Baleen Daer, ,Mark 'Dalton, Erelyn Doak,:-Itehert Podkint Henry tOren,„ nth', Bona Elliott„ 'Arnold' Fisher, gtui mot Hogiiirthi..:Boirbara Holmes, 'Norman 'Hoy, l'FlOrence.••••Lawlor,„ Sean, McAllister, Marjorie •°36114, Helen,„ Aijint /to -110'21W Dorothy Moore, , 'Maxine Pation413ofothPitblaW4 'Peter, "'Edgar Steil, Aitalt'er Zeit- tiantel Walter, -Margaret Wat-. -son, ''Elaine Webb, Benson Whitely, - Glenn' Passed 'under' the ,pre'ilidons of Ite- gulatlen, ':(5).. of the".,High !School .Entran,ce Regulationi-l-tEdwird mon- • ' ,* • BAXFIELD CENTRE r 10'Y' ' tlifeAsh,4une° ViePOugall, Emina 144rtin. 01331iis Middittan',,,Tera•VeliSet Anna Reid, Denotes 'Wiling,: °Helen Tho'fiipapti; Mark 'Torrance. • Bettaid,,011ies Ilenorie-;41imes. Dewar, PrederlegMiddleton, Harold ' Warner, Ethel, ,Wiitson,,1111dred Weethike.• ' 14,(kaig, 'DeWitt" Du-' Oharine,'Earl Etue, Lloyd, Heard; Elsie Leitch.. • ' „ • -DUNGANNON CENTRE , • Firatlbriss hatoo, Agnes • Brophy, !Ruth' Cantwell, Clare lainnan, , Shirley lloGretten, , Bernice Murphy, Margaret Wein% _Lorne Phll- lipe, bireda"flaunderii, Helen Stotheri; Ettabelle Webster: Seiotial-elast Rivett. Pass. -Betty; Bradford, Margaret ifinahati, Gordon Loai; Marjorie Smith. KIN'TAIL CENIBE First -e osiert.-Peart Jernigan, Bertha Mac onaldjEleanor -Petrie. Seiondmelisilite 0. -Horace Crawl _for Duncan Par Stu 4 , L'sa-LouIse Campbell, kenneth. Drinfitin;. -DOW liadpOnald. • --ST. HELENS ;CENTRE . First-class Henera--Kathleen. (lib - on, fistrialne 'Thurephrey,.! win, Luella Laidlaw, Mabel JNlehols son; Areble Phillips, Vernet ,Purdon, Lorna *id. • •• . • Secona.eless pionoritaytoa, Al- ton;' hta1to400littehaead, Mary Toren, Vairdiaer, Louie Martin, An - Me' Watlor. • • - Faleo0r, Clifford ratirier, Donald Martin, Percy Ram,. age: '‘The • following are, the results of the High School ,efittioice examination at -the 'Centres under the J04,0114100 Of 'the"' 'Exeter High, &hoot: Entrance Reard.i' Virat and setond‘elass hon. ore are 'Indicated. First-44st hikers Meant '.that 75 per cent. or More of the, total niarlis WAS secured; Oetoal- 4aiie liOnOte that between 70 and 74 14"Mit. *Ili ',Obtained. The total MI.Mber oftairdidates was. 1.5/, of whoa, 131, r 8* per cent,' were Sties tete411.' ' , gottfint. onisnut VibistanitillorrItuth England, latatlei Tabott, 1igene rinkbeiner, latittgatit ItzgernId Norman firoiret., girn, 43iftrord 4604 Ikrelf Jones, Dorothy ItY(14,11/elen;riteglreeti, 1411,4 Pearce, Shiriey .Psub*,* Iteittolda, AIM* Itlebttrd, Britain Sander*, Mar- lon *.SmIth, Murray 'Stonlgke;-14rurgt WoodaiL Morieranita Brint- nell, Donaldlittchatio, Harry Douga,11, 44014 ?England; Myrtle VOrdo„ Trornice- Deris fray, lean McDougall; Olenn steraioth, Annie Mason jorie May, Zdtatla' 'Moffatt, Calvin 'Prosewator, 'Yillitts, Vomit 'Wilson, Ste:Wart Oann, Doris Cutting; William User", Iva Fisher, Anne Gov dott, adarsoret Glenn, Shirley, Grego*, Gwendolyn, Wine, 'TAW* , 'Putman, Jeanne Parker Bilil. eat0994 *134,10,' m UIIon, Cokuollne8lminoitst 'Thoinae Waiter, lick Westlake; In 43011°Irt Ittebert BUchsfla • Orittetta Hender • WOW' Om* Keeler latt ther,Y Valtley 1l7i: itstene;-41t(41 •°:4tt! or'raAtr 3 1e 5 r 11.2.4"4111.arsoilidPeki4 TZik4 *4 ' betatr, *tor Ili ri MeIvIn Getter., Burton Greene, JO*, eganikt Gra- hain 'Mison, Alien rtatr, Leo Regkr, Rosen ;:sturgeor.-Y411 Weber,' 40...Veber, "re r th. pro,laions • ot Re- gulation , , of the RIth *hoot trance Iteirilationse-Gertrude.Aati. 10111011001A tdet4titO: allar*- A BeJi, rune, -'•;100W4.00 • !fi.,,.9041 ii, ,- ;Olt StoWart,'' , ; • . , . ; riletypook, 100foi ipa.b.,41;:ottu,t,11 Dan- °4‘,,,,_nt'i:#;#.*.„'(0 -40 '4040,. • ;7""•si. 0, A. ooks, JeanDavIs, 'C1are'UazewooJ,--Johiu4 Thbrt: ▪ "NIS 2t1•!.. Bohn, ffelen .D eta**, Margaret :Hey, ..• 410a. useheYike*t-,7004710tr"01* 4.'44:a47,1t4gittixot. i"ta 4,1th, r,8:".64ig 2inrotrrn.,.peaj'a.ritts- Theresa eala.m9rer: ,.,_;;earrne.,;'Xo,31Intio-414,ratlfa Thieni.0 .• -'1"1411,Rukii„.:',Zinstna&nnar,411),(arga;Vir°elat'.61teluteiglee'rth: .:"itAi Mel:aortal . 'Scholar, TitililLe-701:8nrit".1'!;40e ITO won bY_Irier- ence •,fitchwillte dt the pirlelk. Pubite School. The: "routers of goond and third places eannet'be announeed uatil it z• puplls aisredrs4rumezitaAl intel, 'wayhhet24 row'eerstami:t ' ikpreele.rildlppeala -aggingt the, re- suiti-'et the .entrance 'ekaminations maSt:- be made- to the Publie Whoa- Inspeetor befiti,re August 451h. and Mind be accompanied by the appeal fee of 'wh,lch is returned' if the appeal is allOWed. teiTTopkyGoes to Toronto Pair Annual cTournansont of Godorigh ' Sedge Club Attracts Wore* fMI • " • The pt. A. C. Hiniter, ineniorial tro- phy, .for,Which, more than one hundred ersons', from, UnitOd States and On- tario centres competed in the fifth annual pteurney field by the Goderieh' Bridge Club at IOW Sunset Net week- end, wits won by Gilbert Dean and Al. bort Povileyi of the Toronto 'Whjet Club, With a'.1icorii Of .002:. • George Kennedy, New fork expert, and W. H. 'WOOliverth, bridge editor of 'Tlie"Buffil0 Ouileii-Express,' Were runners-up °with „500'; /Paint Deuter third 'With" 1571; Percy Shearrdown, Goderfeh boy, and !George Cooper, both of the Toronto Whist Club, were fourth .with .S02,pnd 4r. V. Carey, of Goderich, and James S: Hume, of To- ronto, Werefifth with .560 in the play far, the coveted trophy. , Dean and ilowley led in the first game tor the Hunter trophy on Fri- day evening by a small, margin Over Hume and Carey, and were second to Woolworth and kennedy In the second gaDle on 'Saturday, but their aggregate 'Escore gore them the lead and the trophy. 'Experts and other well-known play- ers in the bridge world were present from New York, ChicagoarBuffalo, Niagara 'Falls, Cleveland, Detrolt-To- ronto, Ottawa; Brantford, Kitchener, Stratford and other Points- It Wa8 and Ace Gutovisky, of Detroit, were the most successful tourneyof the Club's brief history. ' • The open palre,tousner held on Fri- day was won by Percy Sheardown and J. IS, 'flume of Toronto, seoring .638, and a Goderieh pair, P J. Itolsby and :P. P. Carey, wei',e, in second piece with .033, While third place pair, GIL bean and Bert PowIey, scored .034. Shicartlown was again in the lime- light when with Mr. Cooper, R. Et Hornet and Mrs. N. E. Ripon, repre- senting the Toronto Whist Club, he won the team -of -fours ehampionship with 11 snatches On Saturday night- Tied•in second place With '• 16% matches were a Toronto -team of C. Drilman, J. Hershman, G. E. Ma:Odin 'and MISS 'narrow, and. a -fletrolt team of I. Deuter, A. Oufoitairio V. W. Churchill and F. S. Baton. *„Gia Saturday night -At the Collette sion of the tourney,a luncheon was served at theg Maitland Golf Club: with Mrs. Th ./. bleMehen in charge. „the unqualified sucCes4 ot the Oar- •narnenc,was due largely to the'efferta of Ur, It. J. MeMeheir, preatiteat of the GOderlek Bridge Club,. an Mr, , IV. Carey, whose active lutereat in the Wage Club and Its tottrorrolenta has lork, 1)00 greatly *11000104.11e. itheii you're got the ?rooting week 'down to a Minimum, *bit will YO.0 40 ifism ,Atrike fef. ' Ciatrifookl , .„... , Announeement ot tho winnets ofthe Vktor 9t0lt lt.014•., 0, 19 wing 00040414r ablUty througout • 00.), loiLr in the tOtrOnee s'o . VItorIa, and •Ventrat,,tribilo ,00 ,:',4!0e,. '0,t,41)10,0„1# Ruth 'tuogitte, 6;t Mr. and Mrs. A Ortalielk Is the 'Winner at 14**,1401;94 ,?.$941, Vrthleen, mac- X,WON, ARVIthteli.4(-41r« At4 0. evyra!). It* the- win*, Central , The mtaoli are 1.1ovit. Ativir4ett•'01k tbe *1040 *,zo*kelkiyooc of the peps* who fire.°P4Sseit.,t.0°: tilf,P.'001,104.11q0. In stittite OW their ..*eai'a 00014, k'r4. 14011'4 ttlo lo4,4,041 An the .o.nat; button* Ira 'thei:Ofetedi scyooL REPORTS -$. Is.: No. 1,, certionsom or, iv -Verna' Fowler • (hon.), Mar- shall, roiyier. tv-,7-41tee Noekeldar Marie Las. saline. ' - • . Sr. Ili -Ethel Turten (bon.), Am - Beau. Jr. 1It-Ursnla La11ne (bon.), " 6 - • ' " tto /-t,-Vonitlit 'Young (hon.); Verne' Bean, porta Slaegnight (arithmetic with: printer). ' Ptimer-Evelyn Turtou (hon.), Debby AshtOni. - - • - 0: "WIEJMER, Teacher. —• •i• ItAlfttf, • aft*, :COMO* ht, 153cot un 1- AV ONSita$ Zaie* Made eve it and *11 el nido to -*ITO YOU ati0;00_,,Y044 s.1111001,4044, vimatto..t, r*" • • 18.V., • v • ' ;•tottieC'.ti,-- . , :•,- NOTICE:1* will be out of town fro% Wedneada7,•": June ,30th, Until, illevidat July .5th,.. ' . ..• • . "". . ' •Ottlee maltingatop teteet acroavfrona, J. Oat°01 Oitt'airgatarrek- . Phone ;(1G,Mr.; , , S. S. NO. 2, COLBORNE 1144. 1. R. ,FORtirM List of promotions- for the 'junto room of S. S. No. 2, Colborne (Ben miller): Sr. Asher. jr ltletatiTttoOpod.S,;._ F2c.eas,11/40:rtin_ ...eNeHreietin:„..341Pehirvile, yu 407, Elmer Jereldn; Ila McCabe, Nor 'Ine Willis, Dan Willis. Sr. -IL-Bert reagall, Waiter Moore,. Verdun Van stone Jr. IL -Gordon }Vegan,Flo* ence . Oliford Orrin:016r; 'I. Gerald Fisher, Dick Flenniken, Benson Good, Evelyn Hill, Nellie Robinson Eleanor Willis. Walter A. Moine r -celved the prize for perfect attend ance during the "school year Septern ber, 1930, to June. 1937. Number on roll, 22. D. G. HENDERSON, Teacher. at'oilowing N the rePert of the Sheppardton school for the jut* exam - 188? to Sr. IV-BNnche Graham Tigert 73, Dorothy Tigert 72.3, Bert Dowtherty e2.4. .5 574.1to jr. MeMillan 73, Jean, McMillan 00, Carman lockJr. lit to Sr: fli-,isal*1 MchfiLlan 4 I 01. II to Jr, III-Deris McMillan 73, Jack Graham 70, Marjorie StUIb 67, • E4/wIi-,-;-(111 irrilkis°teenaVicidlllan, Jack Ti- gert, Marie Havikina, Elwin Jim Graham. I -Dorothy Johnston, Margaret Tigert. St. Primer -Jim "Itavrkins. Primer -Marlon Dougherty, Marie Johnston. Number on roil, 23. - D. E. WILSON, Teacher. • ADVERTISE IN THE STAR mommolimernosimmembomm......13.0,mommi;emol emoissomiumigulm_ mumem....nosimmossimmower 411. A gout*, vitoit:oposoitotito, ,410.01****011, Olootatt too *Ira' eAtia: Went rett *kW* l'Atit A Olt .410e tAXII iriat040'. WO' 0* teltAitto-$14 0 , . Irak mg*: 24000,:mitcka. tate Holum Suttee* pew 'VO ' thrill:era and - AntiljtospirtiOf• -"Assistant• OA Moorefield'ello*r. imairiuir iiiid—Crailifai eutla*' Throat,' Ilhapitat• ,:tondon, nast. 10041 tate‘shisos rop1104. - • 63 9W44e1104. 44. a, "8tratt94 itilet. • PhOP4 • 907 ' •, • ' ,__ N414,31itit Bedford Hotel, 00440, vgihradsl..a.tarnoolk find evening. Jaw Ott,,frain ISO to (140 P.m. only. - , Pia . rettIcaless .Pitutorrriotoot. , i ................. ottutopit,Amios • A ND DRUGUMed wampum GODXRICIL - , nipped with electro -magnetic baths. .,--Aleotriiitrettnlent•raintriatiiroo priale". Chronic, organic and nerfeini disiaitec Ladyto attendant.. __00140 hours 2 to 5 and 7, to 0 Pari, ork yruesdaY1 'Friday and ecaturtsr. and on wstnut. day 9 to 12 a.m. only. Confoultati00 may be bs4 by appolittinent, Mondial and ThursdAy;iit Mitchell. kA, - N. Atrralsona residence sat dace, cornet of South Street-, and Brit ;ennui -Soul. Phone 341. , - - FIRE INSURANCE ' 1%FICILLOP &firm& ERZ 1310171,- • &NOE tcomPaitir. - nom JAND ssournto. Tcivrit MO Prave itcomum.. , ,'Ozitrresident. Vet. Broad. foot, . Sesiforth; Vite-Proldoint. " Thas. /40Yr, .deeforth: Secretary-1'11*min% . X Reid, Eliatorth. - trittili11OR8---Alex. Bioadfoot, 'Sea - forth; Juntas elholdfce. -Walton; WIlllani Knot, Londeaboro: Claim. /*mho& Down:- 44s, coAneutr, Gedericti; Thom, Ilioyliati, Beisforth; W. K. Archibald, Settorth; Alex. mciCwirg, Binh; Wink McGregor, Clinton. /brew or AGIONTOp.-412dred ireo, Goderleh R. ft. 1: James Witt, .131.yth; John Z. Pepper. Bruceneld, R. lt, No. t; R. P. McKercher, Dublin, It R. No. It Chu. P. Hewitt, Kincardine; B. O. 34: - math. Bornholm, n. R. No. 1. - 1 I ICOE3AC P1PL TOBACCO FOR A MILD.COOL MOE: • Adjutant Byron Purdy and Mrs. Purdy, in elmtge of the local Satia- tion Army otos, left this week With their' two children, on a three vreeld motoring holiday. Envoy L. Way% of Toronto, will be In charge iere dur- ing the absence of Adjutant Purdy and family. . 4.444444.444.444.4444444.4.444.44•444 11V ouTOOAY Wit KAMP/ MOMS Witt MIAMI WS" 4444.4f4444444.44.46‘44444.4444444‘44, Awl" Afttitrik IUMPHSOIOWS eVENVONE DAILY 101 QUAKE* OA than • 4•• . to • i•