HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-09, Page 2- parish at Rldgetowp la parlsb and *11 othe regret ry' Ettelk-- will bi •at 81 $111'* chur *0% , YJ11ae recehe4 from the ilneirtt, 0 e bIch wa Inte3pre nieax., i;'tb net put 144** :.,* peed linilt diff hflthed or .01„gie4eital l&w ot the Pgoylnee. n0 lbat,thirt7 ilsiles per hant,',1 * and '14111$41 -aid a iiiinief' 1.3)7 to e er oitethil, *ould be0 a 0, ,,,,,, ,e'PlItte: .i4tili. no moon may dr . ' ,1 04004 , Ogees . or in 'certain,clr Poed ot twentr-Inileti,4r*iess might 40 withliCthe °meaning '1Of_the ,i*W.' �o drt1e• at thirir miles an 'honr, on the Square in erkis would 1Kt .30 infitii disaater., PL'he Town Coun- it 4004, P•4.,.404t by 1.41,4*.eatabliOk 9' 41terent• alieed It; but%the ,pollee on preseente. tut drIveri on" the • , ground that'theiare driving reOlOsibr. • ,A-Pitithe question ,that it Sotrietinies ' Ohicussed wlie, , , ,r. • r tiler trttittr 'AY carry peasengers., . Aceording.t6' a xulln_,, , , ' 'tIt eDeprtment of 11 ghtways el ed by The To- ronto tii.'e-:'4tbereIstafitil_filirie, trvon tlifeve-if till 11:'" ITRX4D3111-;!1140-411)10 41V011r1 ,------,----,----.-7r.7----, -,:4-rt-'-----.7......., lawprOhibits the making of -a ottirrge for this service. .Pubile i aud 0 alt Mgzia ,,st xr , , cUne. Tb . .Amerlc*n people ,CanadlauaIWO tbetaetics ,fit.t , sga1ntthe,X., X ' , preva ilo i BoOst,elt, W Pdi ft ▪ ' gusrddSlit nd 'yous' -:!. - " Xollri I t:Mt.down. , .. ' ibelr round agaizttheOEI.O.,,Tbe , nts Or ,t.t.tQ , with 14 reaponathflltyWOW,-the planta,re 1 •, ith.„4,Iiajprlty o the ifl ,FOt tIe- •-,,u r#: ,aPd Ont4: spent tents bete T June 80.-Tbe at Mr, Dwro 41*.rtin's eujoyable afternoon 11 game/4 race0+;eoni• t luneh. • • B111 Xathieson - returned, lagt, week- from the Goderich hosplta °Irsiventr' 4noweol:en; 4:141pn414°Cibulkailet't6:11):ita:tjniooelln:itlirfr.:1:17:1ill'iget''t:: 1a7+ ;fulY 10, 'Itev• A. • -Nr• rt1Inr.d loudeoboro`r will peaeh anniveromr.7 services at ti a4m. • ' engratillatiene Are due to 01#, Par,rvey The faer that. her two -entranee pupils; Eleanor Petrie and Thomas Crawford, *gee' ne_Onr 'mended .01- OW" -7ear'.0 '045, and all the '3•0040,,Iiit pupils' papfte4 on their June examinations. 'ItWilriteiltIRCH • trg, OuvItort', 4o1T- . fq: aba Mrs. rotor fleury a„.•.the'Xinite4,. ebnreb. for the an us. 'EXAMINATIONS.FOR EDITORS Ir •thoMils ,in$400 4neinher, of the alrifish • ,44Vances'the'„opinlon that '&104: mitlister0 before tali- ',4",`°1111*4.11., ett1443,01•00o.--Unde .0 fl'el,r • are 1.3410$6 ',9nest1o3Is he wood propose • to tbe effect of •4343cing UOY4 George (*toter of *aim, • _ - -77 'ft-"? „:.)Y4i9uill,t„,.,711111Ittern, to resign? I'Vhat,,''PrInelples-'0110014'• Moe, Utinistera observe In sinionneing. the 'date ati,generif ,e1eetiOnt '••lVe Sire, often Wondered.- when nurSes and -dentists And. alvikinda Of people 'have .to •qualify for their profea- •,aiona by written'Oxaminationsi wby editors ire not Ate.' seMe sneh- , , ,ehnpp who 0,41) get control of a newspaper on be itor;or iTipint-'159Pieone oboe • as 'editor who ,knows even lese.' the editor 'IS Supposed AO guide. r "P.'measure, a connnunity: that may have any. nein- bf Ina r.440"ft 444 1041,444'5 •suld' P.1).'Pt and 'Iffe',*414.ebad 01/*"tritlitivie hOof *Ideation 4n4 couldn't 'piss the entrance OX*Mina- :tion toagcre hi life -or his job Yet if be is hog :an Olint be Moot ',not' hist tate to tell tOstobera iiore :to i'Oreaebera he* to irei0.1.14**rttlqvir. to 1;4004 doctors „how la aold ,f0.41 litti4440i ,ineribants bOar to*seli;theit goods; bankers aiid fina: neierti how to linsinesito,„Velititians** toactlike states:, gitAi .104•Shidesmen, how to run the.';etaintry,,,' We ii4tet ottoit.1,inat, stlio-•there you1d be ibort Of the 1,0,1a4 lItt• to 0Mdttet the examInitteni, for it would Ylefier editor, to -any ithe r Orion* •Witotn, It )*ter tiOi but we 'tot there, ahailid.be * teat of ‘sotne e Joe* *eine 'feliowa. Who ;16**.paeSed 1f.2 we. d the leh of tiremt7,-thret dos to thelqiniatis of Md %Me tilp, %re you doll* anything abOut•itt \ Pit, Iiiitiatt Ust, SO int "most teto he furm between 3 itrul 4 In the _4T »ces beNOD' illtlit*rd Or 401414 myths thole' ls to hawa an linPortant new In4tuttrlro /ltd., autaatacturets 4 Welded 444 bo4114f i*.isove ',Moir 3ant frO0 Fort Arf*Akeitt, ia* Bay cur. If1ft tn ivlII to eapoed , tbe e.pany, to,expand Ito , o. lrii .. t by''-the,e'.isteelcomi*nle, will .trezgtbenthe n wbIh ,* drire bas ben ma4e andwI11er .,, 'Vonato . .**OrIttf**' lighin .,P0 4 Vol •Argtiett, ,.-': -01a.',AT , P:41': 0 , .wi . r t$.4*.litit0410., nd .conld:.':40, A; Of,; • -way ,Of-,the'Aniiibita'..efi',.4. i•-a,,t ' 4 , Vniainmfiknihtt molt' .- t , 4-•'•1 'Uttlea'Were'''tOn.itht4t*ir.". nen .,wolga,lystne,..0. th 'ine.*0001#.,: .v.anlatfr ',,Plil' ' 1.1,tlell; lof t t • . , Pie4lctiona'ate:rittliti,'•htit uless the I• ..T . , , ineth0404f IS hinthd"*O-140./:,', t eannot iuccessfuliy end Oght..infblie Opinion Jnil,'',Omooratie, .,,antle thji4 0 rf; ‘1, OttOtirsot irs9rW�kwhlde the most Iii0190.04,01,We of tbe. sun for ineret't• than theneand Sears 404 ta10o AW,404t4.4,0,1tOp.:,t4p., 1,%.t °met. 41taya1 that :the inioon IS:moving **at . from Ite Vionsdir calculated •eoutte.); ' .„• . Vorglye.fif If I mentiOnlieres,-14 eaSe;,•Perhapa, you mi the latest news or ddtaget.itaii•et famous solar e It sounds a little ominous, a trifle dipoetitettin's,, And. to our Oarti4y, self-esteem diatinotly harsh 44; . lap and Mrs; wiir Inin 3.IIpatrIk ape opOtoring In Mnskoka; 14004.:. ..9 t sof Uhurn,•..ia visItIij • 0...i Pfrlinmer,• , , ,)17)10: 'nndervointtIo in ' "•‘1%.,•OsP:again. t! ;4,hlo tobe brought to his . Mr and Stanley 3ranstone a1141 t,tam, :.it1sftd at Nile on Stinday. ar014 Maedel, of Detroit. TheAnif his'shut his eye -en US for longer 'than vais'n 7eart-Predieteff-an&I!temoted rt:toohs 44 though 'the 'earth 'deserves u public. 'enn • lighting ' As something better, hidden' and an olijeet uninviting Andi'lehat le'more,,Alhe,nioon,.aa:',thengh-teetTel*.t.414.' Impression,' • • •1•-:' • _„•,, :meifing ,from Its eharted,,eaaroe, an aaeertal*ed dI •aLon Which' makea.. one wonder ifo-perebitaeo, tba:t o ralued, plan bo To put as ,NE. a space betNiteen tbe earth and; momat eflnbe• 1. wonder ,b4.8 it got *beat thattarp* to nowint63. tR4 '••••.„ te4 ley* slipper nt be elose • Ott and Asited'' recently hat •:VV:14),,rnEt.•:0. ;0;113i-OWD;:. 1`0:1CuLrie D114'tanigY;are eall) this.week. at Port Albert. icln!ty Went to::: ,0Oderieh 00 'ilitattiridaY :to see ,VisIttng.'..,y404tsmen.. of -thelAnerican Yacht .•Club as they Ordered. Orr On iake'ernite,. gra; -4neiic;iitellara;- of *.•IiihellbroOlri 'tr- with „evert kind of daftaOlia that deserves- to deteated-. 1/: - 44 we with With-0/4,-ilkiar-440-Poillog.g.g: ;a11,4=.44.,Czttai.CAtL,;stmtbtr:; ;r c4:4td,40 mictiar, " t , thetr , iirith despot,* Vind dietatoraliips, etia0 and gwith ra.15*Vitil. trtiii erasbes7 concession; Is - visiting or two -weeke ^ • with- her '440ght04. Mr8. Boy Aad Is It, 11144a ethetf-othe thattgianee 1» or 4lteettott Uelinow; We- are all glad. bas 'llegavo the earthAvith horror as a tentre„Ot,inteotiont- Made sueltia ‘,stieedi'reeeverf,tre'ni he At.ld are we athit to ti0/entrY4 *What' thOi,t0r0POr 'Plage in 'aeriOnallliew •• For the solar system's hnspitai for hopeles0 medal rases?' Thegatdea' patty :&t the United. ..,-44tleith In iktanOleider attatdittn,*4.! ebUreWlast,' Oridar-, 30*enlag,„,,wao..' ^ SPAM The' *PIO Iast week- with 'his t,-AttAs saingliaL. titio h );*. '014,4 spent 'weeks' her parents, retinned to her • duties at Ritefiener Oapitat :this Wee • •• • • „ .,qelolitetit.1*ti3Oant16olf:Erlde:41104,016/7401;.!":.6:44iie `te: belit`the.laat, July, nie4.: • ." Tie ` 4O. giXi$ met-.174the llh �n raie;4„ht teacher, ,‘:Itei:414,are preparing to go to the eit7.-Oarailk Mr Paimer Kiipatriek Toronto.' are .0Poniltag 't140 bOliditYs. at their'respeetive.heipo, :Sennoliet and Atibtiold,,. • $4." 0, *Brolt14;:prili'.01041- of iien• taxi).* *sehe014*.' ,w111,-- take a Sum, - 4on(100:. ' , Jervis, spen41ng a few, days vvitli her , gran mother, Ups: 'Waiters, • r, - Mr. A. :Vanstone and Mr. and Vrra, 'korria;')iiroi the *eek -end in llbndou. Thme thit.l.got "i000.t. 14.; "OW most ,preot;iis, people and - Will Vlsited. on :,11red$444$' It._ 1r." d ',...).60:.,;"iAirte.,.-4VOiter wook,--k-owoin-witotoivt 40 ?:1,1ist Teb- butt,i'of G�derIch ' timber lieta''tiere tibtored' toderieh on ,Siniday • .tO see, the fl ciotlitelitor OV„the:',‘barbor.! M1s''911*.e".1410rieri..lett..Zon .Monday wlth Stir:UO*10= -A414Ieldi to b,01.sliort tOtn":* at Western versity,- London, andFar- rk irlgic;,:TP.M;i1VAIlion.i lett for the Mr and ,Mrs1 Anctrow4-Kirk, of 011nton, and.11n..AUCAtr4;.3. P!:, BS" reft alIVVOtth10.:;,-004.• Suna'y went to 4.)11/14 Florence went' Plii4refiW.:490ttal.": to bave t-Im• bOter,tn*,.,ter.,•104, Ieg •,1)roimP againand .,,:ire•Set...,„1)r. ''Itonsit$ Is 10 perforzn .Ake -911040thi on Tuesday Mr John IIeT tay last week and brought' wes7tesal ."0:„ ed1141"0744r: ' 'Iri tdgh*rie'litickant , Bev. •Wright, or - e . r014.4 017:retten, rtoritse,:044 Vit4tannte: , rvi.orp. Tbe funeral was held fro 4er4 4:101411‘)!1:fle'e'frds'-ilibthrae:'411:11i,fvlei'ageha'0°:;141841 'Vt,:::::oven:0*;3,i:ebairrto:+10' thero•'3101*. •nt 'fiaalgotoont ' -OUter 4 ;14, Rice, ,' in Oa • • •\ MO, daughters `',,, died, 'over twen 7 /or/ ,ago. gr8:10011 ' s'' 4e/eab6-eight **YrriTisoebalde'S/aillillet..:'11Flaetelpent 4111P , to "g1010ss . vero„three yelttt ' . At adj ebis aSeeermen , 40,,,.100peitf o9slux'0' +.• 4:•)tre,- ned metlng Of' 4ueonit:\ held �n 3iine tthhp: idiert '11rst meeting011 being otevilon;r0.0.804:7:::(11,110.;,t4i'vfi!efitth:e.,u'titsp:OH,6"t''' tbe , , rolt for. 1037. rttei4Ie* neai, War proee sr,`Alrehalt ni on theeOuncil. r4u1k0(1.. V00000 cOaOtidori" 4." a. 'Oteiationts hvas :Wien as seement Vi 1140 ,buot. .010 Ruddy, partIe and airange a. 644*4041,--.1f age nutthr kf,40;,.(40,'of P tii„1114014t: ,4 , at1:-n t• 01!o:n7n-, terested therdraj obi'w,be .-requ.eMe,(1 be re- , 764,1reda'etc.I'rito4liatIrt#1134ifri;ii'9%.71L;7,i'tiflivlislli:t1• ,o111, ,.ae,rt; •'--the-*fdilOw4ni4neenUntif•-430*44141' $1171:;:oL.311:;,4gDO.:"*.t,ItTs*:(tEd4Hti'luit;iiizfat:n' .17Y7t,t!flikValtilok:.!4-00117-1,kr, pollce ce eaFir$ is eoliteter,'4ifi70;11+.feallirney, gi-ii41441:20GY104;o8;shhietteati.4..itol'grtlicit:°!0:ili:tiotx**:;:grairigl ..$057.40; Zoe'Kerr,trneldng, 10,10rellAncrelieek, ing, '$04 ; tOkroragonof Wlngbaxn, °T.e.ritdral; $ • P28eriee;;WH:014111'11!,eltive':trits,.le' l'AtitY4130" Othtxi $30;25. •• • 004404 44104.rXe4 -toineet again on Monday, July 2$th4• A. AVInt iitt,100D, terk. Ozfera1, , „ epy great. tittOf 4:40, 111)6. 10, glCaosll(:ng :Q; sne Sparihig'retattned with them to spend 'their "',b0114aYs with Varrier visited for a few- 00:70Y1a,0*eelt witli 1fts;••iftobt. Oederieh. .* • ,Ible'VOtiteetiolte a 'number of thel4POS-74fl$,7"-$77gbratr.ltinbyais;'''fig tericI0d1:' ;06: %00atOst 2. Of. ,131ble verses athelk hwere eld 41.0.1t 7,,Qi.dal ieg at evening. o .tad• studied.:00*,,:ind,,•the contest *at 41401x.,-' four:girls' from sehooy, :eou14„ not be, onnt down." Mildred Mooref Mildred Me- 'Wntest7--t741"liSie"-"'" triviherty' for th• ' • .110111tt,'Yeltrei'444,:e*an,,,ae*belne;"ii,lett,,T was * di,itly mother was never without .440iery infinner -different ,xnerabersof our famuly- nffer and,boriat troubls,,-bnt,t,*al,ways : 'get ADr...rowler. and: a few doses are always 030e,thre: •-t VS not know of any:other medicine ;that helps to • quickly."• -1%, • •• • - • .144., Toronto..'ost, On al.' .,0*.t's for th. RII4,ti 901.411' • •'A A Slanderers .100111C.inake good) g Tt• d,iggerp NOtiet', ow*ell ther Itindte 4ipt. • • „ * Tka4037 giri (114 take an 1690 bathing suit and mike MT bathing avito Out Of • * * , • 'When•$ou I've One 100t,tn,lhe Vale of . see" to be no hold 011 the other. * 0k koi iv 0k. . - • !,41.14thini It laipeaktble,"'' Over itiy fak Ong 40ert 4log .0 lei* lesit throtigh,*' 7` 1, 1. , in ***too , nu,* la )»*dy� .;Lioti. °tooled to find out 7011100; dit4 th0;10niktiti4 1**yet'kr • '10 . One titikffbielt to $110Vot settillIgt 0 It the Inek itjaktitO apette:tiik, , • „, • 6 • 11* One there. Ira* *k4 wbe Tiri01,0 tl , , inn;;OlieytOitt!'ili* tO0 4410407 oliany, 044444 - t*intet'ii , illeihii10141.1aill4Wuptot.. tioli',444te.etalikfe- V061454: 4844 / • iesi4., ,• ,yotatty. son Aloitt De Luxe int*ii ' , ?Annie* ' water thaa tb�lr a siticau ' it be dos, want Statlyelt The Pageant , eii.x." -that, they have pen 03' en* * 1 the eastfor the . „ ' t *4140' for'Ioni is ro ati Opp*rtnlitr to tdabibe X ' tit I:Ong "Witit 1:4411t4X06 to thi toloWttee wbkb lei lettOtt4 to loovide a, ekseu4k1 tenth** of tbo ., wok loom*. , pottron ot So ongut, r fs 3aM to bare the Of 'deililibooter ot Agoatim*,Hon sma 4 realdents 0 the dintrict 0o7 1* ***tee* :Woken upi for eroppint 41,irnr the *re*. tor", in the wat. COL I tot, ergo 4001rts t ter elte at on neW gn, tioe is. no mihs tatIon th the humble home, the *10041 oTh eut1y the Mune WO W1*t WCfth do tor ti kt We CO do •• * Wbitt, 416 actOrtk *OM? lar on, tka *tor 1 * box, irdio ottii *rim poo int° the • 111 dirt 04 dust* other iactOta; M, : * tares view there Is