HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-02, Page 81.1#44 11:44.‘the.,, u 0)44.
ma.tho.41106Eltiett.: own*
- Cohn , Huron,
d by;three 'hundred •PerSoos
)etrott ffepeler, "gout
aeich-,•'',Woo4stock, Ortpiti Tav-
lboro, Auburn,,Clinton,
'4f4Irilt Wagnir, of
*t of the rointoo, who vas`
yeato0,, gathering
l'a cal)01)1e-:. tester Of•
,'nand i was 'in' charge. of ,a*
lso Preside sedation..
.the•thealltit* -
The arrtred ;fro
th,e..444-0f,A114.,'„_ on 'Saturday,
split o'carge.,,of.80itagl'bUSheis 442 grain,
at the ele%iLtor flu(1 Initt,4.and, eieaved..,
for Xontreak,; 014;4944y, ivitis•,,,nokr:00,
of ift1t trOlo the, !,:voc4Ottoe.--'4)47:
oderleli Salt. Cor?iIau1y.
'racists heie
he Virginia
al •
CoVerhmeat*iitork in the outh-
eastst corner of the harbOrObuticling
the -Wilart4-4s--ilearti•L-jini$130,,
criboork is la -Piece too! ,to,
he topped off. „,
,tohliderahlellhterett and.0,4aterfleat,
Is stirring,rat the harber„10., oOtiolott-
ttoo ot t14,arrtvaton:Saterday. I
17" f the.
fleet et the AMertean -Xaclittauen
th:41.0i •tn 198 will be nt Council. tot' on Tune as a cOhrt...
et' of .,,Adain 1'110013g, near rei4iott On'fheasisesamoott011,*tekttnding ,
theon', all , the tnen'ibers,'Preaent..., ,Tbo,
*ere Ur. and Mrs.' 'Oeorge`
. Nelson
lowing :appeal* were, dealt hs-
Gorse, Westbrook and
je.: :lie:ft/On -,etate4,. pro'h.e41.
Oa' Work -ati, 'the:0; 41„: 04tili:
cOteParieen, toper-
t/esH. „&s.-nOhetif the-metphers;seeMed•
tell' Ail 'PlOtlic to he conversant:*.itit',..thisr:patticulst,'
n • WOWS ,Nreo• the 0.400i1 ,,414, body th-vicriv
, party .. 'tereity4ive At property trtuVrepOrt.en sate „at!, next
tr teteift0104.tetfett#,U (14deilOh Ineethlg 'toUrVte'l)e'helkeh, June.
WrbIp -1)oadhitat pay4-, The 4$02.•
isgei—ts eAlo$et- 160)04 *hoot the 4040 TaY.10,01.4boett•he was
* dissper McBrien, Who 'recent:. Lot
• sou* their 'tattoo groups, sessed *too higirl ou,',10tr-ik concession -
t .404.411*# Irbith ineaa- 1 114 01444 hOvitevet. thought .othet*,
'horieyoutitte:anit,'Other, th,lo• **Solent vri0,• .c0111,
Ptreititig 'itl7,profhile/),:hids` fitted. '
eat•!iteivbfat the lmirnftnlc Wm.. aiid LuUa'fk,ti! lifcf.;tr; 41401-",-0d80,.
ation, of ths: hospitality of coneei,SlOtt •
r•-*'',flettsittfoll , „hes' t-.7004,:.4,04:,:... 111
:**114: *ere giren ,by
Clarke• Ur. 'Wm.. little Meet 4);" on,.00,401,4000, [41,
.-4totolf. oatnese-L*0 • 000004.sitttit,
At C. •0110,441 and -41e ,hear. se It. • " Couneli,, • xesninall and or;,
idred boys . too .ittra toot
cauraz at <Tato Kltt4gYamlt
ord,Itoterr CLub essoli' on.
ore 112,, teh. Tho
the c*soon edoesdar *ad
04 at
00' of
atL .Au & safety
wbo .La?e had some
snoe* *re
Wowed. out
it that 01 boys
VOMMunicsitiOne Itoth,..the 'te,*0441) •
•,soiicitOr tegardtnt tost,algot !..Or ,.streot,
to, Xtettriote,,att4 ItOrk, the
Partaltat,W40,0114, nre
.Of tatattlit ot.,101404,.',1445)000( Ott
twnhip'01040,4 AO; on : 1400
• kith ,.rerelr0-04
'or tecelpts and ,expoillihres connec-
tion with Brandon* ,..0eniatett Pro'''
,000tted 'tototdowto,o4,On. moUoi
of Blotch And Iledinc*40;111,) iles' voted'
sot deisation 14104 thisfeehletett,'•
Dennis Ilatithatt requested that. the ,
oemeit-tiot -tot a ,ittto ..0411.,Vrt
erly 100-ett the'stene'crusher yvhigh,
it .preSent not being used. -
'bargain with *1•4 Thais
:Iltixtteby ter the, sum of $tiS he Win 1*
eon* the owner of this .emtiptnent., •
,The, accounts *ere
M. htenelvell, hatary,aa.sawiaaer,
.4,14100$044,0*Ot'llt *Id of ,
4 dotes cemetery, gib; James T. WIIsov,
etieeti ,littlee,,
0104 $1,401.440 Kerr; troeittot gra
414: $0.0.8t CUL: **Anson, mato*
stet festi1401,,,' n, West efirso.
wanosh, rent, of -novret trader,' 464403,
3. O. 004014 ,operattog porter grader;
2.1)04'Siwyer-Usiser 004 itiOntri-tat
'ethithet, *MO; "Vise, Dominica ./teid
; Sok
red r a nett
ders sat tofeit toots,
rt rill be followed
other - (Writs
tag of the Ntentetes, • ilBetner, al toed
Street tatted cliull-th dent. MO: sigteers other roe
Oa county itlelkehieveten
he, shSPICeS, Pt:the Ontario pe rtihent,
of forty-sbz giris andlea4 der,)
*artinr- Mt*. \P, •Demerltag,i Marjorie
404110.1)„' ,Ura. $oltoletc(Ot;• 1.4100)*,, P;ir4
jopyi, *Oora...thlibert, ltath, Stratighan., (Anhurak),4
are the team dititonStr11
tta.'Sivah, and Annie Watson, ''ilelena4 Mary
'wett4;:,;)AtIlel. ;Vont .rovv,;• Ituth,StraUghaa, Aubi
rie4VC)9f4P.4ii• *
ig ti, back row,,
born), rboiothy, Dilworth
er Wilon*.(Auburn).
c otos* and Dorothy t to right,back ,row,
.rranklin, Ethel,•
4`;',4he,IOVViivitroup •are r the ' "ierieus and.7'histructers..7'The.Pans;
(thin 'NottoneEinthitton teazn to represent ...tlforOo,:.0.0ttoty:.v,i4t$-'Mary mexit-:
Ethelli.'Uttrjorte.Toil, AOhniniz 'Atinote
TeMPIetiln, ..",,Orlaghato. •• •
The got of suecesfuI cathlidateS.:, at
the • examinations held by the •seateat
Councllof ,40aahtist for jteeose :to Prise,,,
tieti•-aleilterne,'IneludeS,•, the • name of
. •
teri.,- of Dr.
*ibater ,i u�w- quallfied is, a , moldal
WidOtritanC1 thit
hetore4hilighlrout,4its Shingle he will
tint te- year Iwith'i'lesPitit at lElaun-
I'$*'—lieilli4vr:1,!,ICIAT1'11:;*4:71:eirtieiliall- 147°'
; Loonard 111.141.41411.,;;174::1,
rttn. $troothaii:
apnotto,,,*vott:.. ,• !.•
. • .„
011114 $T4)gli; 14'41
IrsiWitton St., Gedericls.
' further 'Particulars apply • to
Barrister, pderre%
ttOATT.---4410, 0 ,
on the *pare; 11) goO4 re
co41veniehees., Immediate
sloe. pelt at mozi
.JrxcE! -
SliervIrood rot' Preshieu of -
: Univer1ty London, &nd Mr.
of ',Western. 1,Tnii!ersi0
were . Of Mr. and Mrs, ,Clia
%coigns t •
Miss Mary, 1lim Jaeteretli-To
,49444. attr-
noon vagattqa 411a-w1.1V.13?•
.Joined there ,I)Y• ' o
stry' Skald;
'Afr, 'and Nvilitaro.,,c1ark'avo
At.W0.150tack vc'er, • a 0ra•
Cha'. OdelI aecompaniecl the yiti!tore'
from :060t004., • z
itg4d1,tti, Atjso 'igar!gargt'
Redditand 'Utoo.,,xtelie'lctoeYlear *rePq,
guests .at the -f,Innes-miVormtek
',at; BrAtittara 18,04;444reAnd '
-Mios4110401f4tOki4ett,:: .4),a,rt 91-
r. ghee,' o on
,..s0hdtW;;*'.feit days ';'to#,,n.i •ti
guest .1,$k and Mrs- 3. M. Robert
Jr4, here again
:nrionth!--for2the',"..0i4 '-llenie• Week, :Peat, t,-*Iornia•C
*.hteht • the.Meat ; 10; a. iakT4.sigisx
odera_coavenieuees. 4g ra*e, garden
Lfldt,7fr7;t$i'', /8104PT$70.0. °tr‘ 'T'44. 1 -c1414 St
Audeohorot pot • '(or vnono
T anA,seven,reton :house, .'botis
Ave, hardwood xarage, *and.
.garden. AP.01Y 11 ()ATM
St. 'Tin nt-,,stre!ts'Pbone 213.
ANaEilifol;04.41..)0140411:00; ,,(31.etiiwUttior,
11MAN- or ;4quaible, rat alt. a
OVX 3-2440
ALE ANTED; --4,.
take oyer vrootehlo.ltawlergh 1:0
Established ,eostorners„.., 'Mast. Sa
-leraek 7...withri‘1614,1•ItinAgivo0,1;10800'
'174.p1-45e4"•140ntt,#,41; aa. 28'
Goderieh Ocitlity -to $01, iti'cottitAt
fertilizer tittle' in' liTettana, ° gales
„ A.GB-11T. 1$
Ilere 4 ,ecreething. -welt worth: isneorc,
*g. Wften,* the hilIS eootit1; 4. •
tore for entertaino)ent of any •
are printed 'hy>. The . Signakstat, projoi
ix, 100 T.0440, he, Oven la: hOth*
'editio*S`caliing attention' to
These. 'readers': Will' ',give, --adver-
thawthefbilloatts, th1)111,00"mrti.1,
More. '!'ete absolutely . .3sootou
,or orgont'rottonit own*, 1i1sitt
h'07,$;,,; helps tairing'*irent ;147,'.9prion
:tereat • '
The anIe'' of 'Reg, Outdo '.was In- u*Aafto ,volt rspolciatr10.11'
peittitit.,-s011001--&0410100----00)114hed •Itlitit.:;71?,71‘1414131 grrtke:r"t!io'iL•frry---p
riclvertentlY oniitteft from the, list ef 4 ab nal
thia Week.- Iteg,i ,*afill)roznote4, from :Ooderieli, Accation ,or.. 1036 l'or(1
Ilunior;101,.." 'Senior: ill; -." `Vadorot,.
......tv-Fraszu -4141,110,r4a.' LIMITED, Vvindoor. 27-28
liaiing..,p0e$ the- xeeent examination
for nnrse., registration- as ,required
the. OntotioDepattnaent of Health are NOTICE, TO ',,04MTCfrxtS,
*ad studied. It, -w08014; . ,
*he: too* their.,training nt Alexandra ATI', THE, ESTATilf. OF •MATt3t-p$A,::,
.. Over tivo-litindied teene'iverePres:7" (411106 'Me th,,,:iceingest daughter
ent,',,itr&retifilen.14if Alie,Aveher:',faniili:, of; Mr. $1141, 'n.g.iii. ' • . x.".31,* i,,,'31elliveni-
held" 0004,44 Dashro ... • ' ' , 4tiioler,,,tovr
, ;11stoli Alailten: died at -,f4p404 • '04'John' ,, ,
'o117•117:4, Al'e'lt°:
-,,.. _
Stalii •0110t,. it his eighty-fourth year,. 44,', , t .
tIttiveir;teono,,nrosi4i„i:ai,t'4,;ni4 ,t:0,1.,;04.:,,04:::t'be:I'zi. :7: Bremner '
Ifelearta,,41 **14**, tlyd,dteghte43,.E04 'WW1 oot-''‘i3f Inciters 1 !Rev-. W.
. fitussell,,_44ivia'ithyt Ontehasedipthe '7"
' 'A.: .-,IteiVelsise resigned his Poeltiet,
44,Prlileipal. of ' Zurich ' COnthistuttlett
8chOerte'hecorae principal' of ,the'Coa.
, Untidiest .*ItOol ht:Therntlale,
.1'0131014011, 'his- ,'S4. net fax rate/t, Is.
'Y'eat ot 41Yrollto. ‘, Vh0 Toint PannOtt
naan Ethel Math-
, male 34thegif nd
.thitiret •134;trevaie,'to
jtitoe 0:the *kJ -concession of,
COO), *Ole iii**44..4#':ItoitiWillta tit
Moore at Melville ehttreli manse,
eIs, After * short -
'honeymoon trip, 401401ft:11os; Moseswilt i'eglde.01i.T•11]a:graaPea .fatita: 14:
Grer tat‘11,0141).; ' "
set the rate at '40 one mill Itekraingt0,-41001tyc
At.the Ontarloaastreet, United *hutch
.piro2li60010114,ton, on gatUttlai, lune
11414104: ao G. ItUrt01 'Performed the
giarrhiltc, oeretiony.. ,uOtttni oastio,
eldest 4aUghter.'„of 34r. and )1ra.'..0eorgo.
itayleV-14t iIuUett townehipri- antt,
Charlifs Kennington of 'St.' Thoni**,,
rThe,,;.brichtl!.'ccieole wilt zielde at 'Jilt*
Thetas., "' "•
died suddenly June 10t1 fr01114, het V
tett** She 1 autvotadtitr her hos!.
'hood, One daughter* Mrs. B. CAM*, of
'Toronto, and One lan,, oilept, .ot
Dr. and S1nii. 3..1vtlition A. OrOit
and young ,on, of l'inordne. .4)etit a-
te* dui itith, •Alrehet, •pitents,
and Wt4, John -0. 004.,
forth, before sattlot t0t:Ehtstia,' Whetri.
'the Zoetor tote postitsrluate
The death, occurrd reent» at
Brussels' of Mrs. Ittleolre *sort -In
her seventy-third year. DeCiasett And
het tete Ititsbauti lived Itt <trey toot-
attly for .trisoi years betora inOttAt to
Brussels:, 'TWO: sons- awl A. daughter
• ,
Tbe-xlestit Of itilist 01‘100
curred Thursday lalot at the home
of her sister, Itta, Jarsts-lietioltmo,.
Bross* Doomed, rrhe wit 'in he
seventkithird .yestri,f read* her hOin* for
forty seat* with to chtteda,
Illelerk who 41,1eit Iaa4 Otareh
The death ot stattatet $.4*4
tulle Wife- a' utehata Am:Wilton, oc-
cur44 at her hoses. in Turnlierry en
June Ifoth. Desesseit
vill4 foal thesintfratisnt for the 1#10
fourteen rots and, for, font , had'
been conikted to het' bed., Oh* su
to her sixty -0th y4ettri Beside. her
ltu*besul ahti-leeitea :11AtighAerflint
son, b4tb at hen*.
Gra* ot
ter openit4and fell bica
tere, plAtec
also ot 'Med* feU beto t At
tier hoe% bittakl* ari Wok
101114** Cie * And hedlY
her Itiearatted leted;
teteived'ttom" the ProViliehtl.
tie**, •
4100rite ;14a.V110,, * aklOtititilitent 01
Clinton, died: at hit :hone there 011
Friday: his ettetaty-slith year
Ue iraslhora lir thettente itt whieh, he:
filed intl..US4 tired his wble Ufe He
ts sovireil 67 Ws,
;101,eigi 'Omen, ' 4)f ' Orntsiels„
ursdat, 3141 8, et cent* 41,341.80.
a the W. lu
itMtd church
Parlors. -
Ge*tletMfl 4 min *he haft the
boOter-hotte *he* 001
The bome 01 Mr. attd VOL *00,,
..1)tek, ttee4414ivoti •the ,00,4e on Sat-
urday,- lane *14 ot th# .niairity* of.
,.their aecond daughter, legate tAlitAtt
to.John Verbean,eltiest Sox of Mi. and
Leonard 'Verbeem of ThathiNoviller
The teretnony WAS xiworatatl,
tooth.;,04 thott. *tontfrom
fop to the StMtts Mr. and Mrs.'Ver-'
heem wilireside itt la3 township.
Mr. And O. ketti , Of
enealt 0,, „_. ' "r# 40** 4.8tt6
lokibilkt.d, t**- sixtieth itiniterliert of '
buittisitheir vveddituirs_tig:0,-:3114yrott., retylit' arotf,ifed
oat term* Wee teetecer the ill
He and Mr, Petty ..h,tre tour d*ugli-
tera-Uving. son,otre.,Iiii 114.% the
t1tee'War and two• dinghtefii- .site
deesiasit, QXI tbrouh all Ill-
servlce as ix
nunrber of lifrn,:t0,0*ais;which had
be*ijett-,tO, -tee..ii.f$hatperted,:.'-',The • *hitt,
en,;,:eacapek",hut : the.: building was
; • ;
- The
'ElerrI*0 took place? olletty at.
'.Seeforth on ". Saturday ir;01,.1410deciet
'Ethel „Wil4at1eyi.;40041t*,of and
Wheatley ; 'Seaforth, to 1$....4-
040/.14 .01010000;40.:,:-Of'.Mr. and Mrs
'Nfilliatn;;13,1nonton, . of .,S0aforth.ceremony was performed by Rev. - 0., The
E. 00.trO*.. Fef 'traiten Vnite church.
On Hthelr•-lettIrti: troa ;aa'.,-m0t*? -trip
otadl tofro::•OblItmoit'.will - make
oieti home'on the bridegroom's farm
ue*t: Seaferth. •
- The 'marriage Of ,Uatgaret Robson
noick ‘14rughtet of 04. '13‘, 0,, 'Roo and
the late,4irs.. $totgi ot 'Seitfortti;to
John H. GorwIIl, ton , of Sim S. (lett.
wilt and the ,late Mr, tiorwill "ot Lon -
dos, itaS sOtetanisect on Vine .00th at
'the-4091044:the'brIlke*T-f*.thok. ROI;
3r...9.017.Mitk Of. Grairenhurst,, the. bride.
*town* brother,: -And ittelr.,0,:(1.. 00(4
The:hildat cOuplelater lett
on a two Weeke motor trio' to Tiostoti
4an(i',Otheir itnitell 'States Oitiesy. "
1$04.4 tititite* °
01.0441'-relitOolt: of the Snelt
family vaa beta' at the home of. Mr,
ad liftea....1040Att, neat 14onilegfhoro,„ on
Saturday, $th,An attendance of about.
140,, from Brampton,. Stratford. tit.
1310/44.410dettelik Toronto,
.11e!gtasei: ThedfordiIlicaford, Igo**
forth; Benton *14)04 Mich., And Other
litotraM of uiuslcal *leo-
tido*, 'ta9•dattein4 etc., f011olted; the
dirmeelterted On the lawn, itict the
" *Oa spent 'in
oblier *Off&
Alt persops :baving claims against
the' "estate- of Mary. Iteatilee',
late of .the,.To*n of led rte .11,'
died „;on or afortt the ...Am'. day- Ofqiine;
3.937,- as, ;booby notified' ;to.. send in
to,',:the'inidete.1004:VItecutors 'on'''. or'
*fore,:the 23rd ;dY':'of 'MAY;',..Ptitt011
rticidarit'of their some: .
, Tintile4latety;:,-;--gter the .-s,1441.
40,0 Jtdi.; 1937, (40. ,40,30.4i: Of the
testatrix 47111.ho distributed „amongst
the '.0.*141e0,'".entitled ..tifereair 11,1'44
gard: 'only to .klaitai of 7bleh, ;the
11.1xeentera Shalt 'then
DATEDaecieriOirthls Zak. 4.
41itoney,,, „Orbits! •
pe man ott Ittplet. Was OA itt the
one "reninereeently when t ***h.
was teItint r1 of * SokrOVI
t bad inraded.` hie lAvs, Tbe
lgbbor dtd not utott that )14,,
oIsy was ott the other a4de ot- the
dge Meting tia*- w
•dietharge‘ Mt, gots,* the cbare
te bitting the rabbit *Net 4tz and
Iiii***7 itt the
19 lenge Street*
:Toronto' .2; Ont.,
DAgo0w,' Goderfeh,
,theti herein
• :MVS
0:1**00uat Elliott t*E414..VOntewII
be he'ld at 4.Oriett'a 00Yee BAYffoldion
redA3t.'Aft411160* 31113!'
The 'vitomen't,Institute will wet'
mact.catHall on'Zittt..5(14,rt-14-
atto.M. -
'Anyone *lilting to titke,-,**Itatain
itv.itig, Ube' 4-tking-instrtietiOn,'''hitall*
register *Ith, MISS: '',:ezttor
SONS, 04 'West St. ..Plieuet:,,231..,
pretty umnuer vredd10g tookViace
l'honit.Of Mr. And, MS. Adam
11t44,* ibe on '1Vednete7.
thitY0 -.TAW); 23; When -their daughter,
Mary Gladys.,, -was united, In marriage,
to 'Arthur Hallarn, son Ot iMr. and
Thomitotiallatil,„ of the 'BaSe line,
The ceremony*** pettonic4
by Vet, IL Al. Wilson, Of ,K0*; United
ektirO, Auburn, , :111'ne ,young couple'
were ;unattended. „After the tketerotext•
.buffet luncheon" was *erred, �n the
Wu to the litintecilatt members of
both fanttiIea. - Mr. and Mr*, ttallam.
left by ,ttiotOt tOt it Ao'nemoott to :he
spent At 'Niagara °Valls. ,On their re,
tostile, *Ith the' hritle,
srit parents on I1147-1104 line; "
. Indian
-Saturday, Inde.19.th,
• 'by fleY'Alexan1er Oorn, Ma 1.
TIHilay of tiltiton,.. Ont., to Arttair
r, McCullough of,*girtai• *qr.
,3Taii- filo WI;
clow of the.:,,,late,44%",.Orillitt; in her
78th year. ..
littatACInotefilit . OetrOittp:,,on
Satorday,June, 26th, zeAnte tottb
,orttlint' of - the 'lat James
)14cO1adhertt.,11oritterly. of Goderich,,,
--10.4oder1ch; on to)rldtri':
Jul 2nd, -thou** tt,;-'httittheltc-
leg :toot ,Pliot At.
he hero. 01 Mr. and 'Mr*. <lariat
Wellent Londeaboro,; ote. 4Attirdity,
Tout lOtb, *bee thelr selclest,
ter, Verda $taAe; was United:I* Mir -
:to /*tic E. 'Mnelair, only son
of ti 10,4 34:44. Yrniiiig motor et
xi It. The teitia4tir'**8, performed
by R.i ArtIaur Nntialt of
hike MU Watsoiu
*1' Ktppan Wan rooasmat3 Toe
Buddhist Anthor.t oftetfit;; but
difficult to ma* .00.914realise
thakt one 40Potion%
' toOltT ALBEftt. ZUn'e. anar,
nuM School :Iplcalc-was; held on tuet;
cla,t afternoon at Mr. Da** Atatilt4
park. & err enjoyable afternoon
wat,j0erit itt bali**et' iraceet
"testa and„lOncli, ,
Mr. Mt-Matbeson rethink
week from the Goderich hoipitat
*here be was it Patient for * lIttle
over ' a,,•ereele,
Etta ctiptid• has ngaged
er for the jaM6t, rtiOt ef
non ,public idiot
($n Siinday. 4110 18, rter; A. W.
Gardiner. of tondeshoro; *Ill preach
in the United thOreh.fer the anattal
enniirersary ,serrtees' at 11A,M. and
tulatiO4 Aredue to Vie
upon the' led that '
two nee wide, Eleanor Petrt
*odor& Vretii
and all
the Int .tatolls 'wog on their