HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-02, Page 5,
,4,, Steven004, giati two 1004(1044
For The Busy
Spent Week*Oati *L. their 'eettatiV
(Fitt*** Nr the. °Marie thkri*rthlent at 44oriettit a&r, mud Uric, alarold iVestoA„ ot
• lathers Mr, Utchard Westeti,
001.44EALTH -FOR.-01.:41,,.y- g A DA.Y
Vita«KalrY Tablata. ara *tad .hlgrilY soneentratoid,P
• 4'040 and pleasant to Ohs, and aiwaYa stractPvs. T
There 10 °elk*** Gerfulrle, Vitititelp; ref eoe, 141100001a
and suptriitutos, ,..Prineit Se 200 'Tailalettir. 1
.360 .65;, ,1?1,00, .17.1140ta, S3 95
40p.pior4,7# c:k:A.1.4.,' rfroa.0,* .4r /.4sat •
4 44 C14:0 i.414 0.
„ , - 00 , • , SqPie
• • °
Arinstrong' antr tanallY; of.
, • Ieencion, were viSiters• ,with the,-terrn-
. ee'„s mother; Mrs.-Alarl Armatrong ort
flidaY;., . •
The' eleOlig meeting tor the Peasen.•
, of Knox- United.' Yox,mg PeopleN Union
• web held 04ttetsdaY evening.- Atter
, the eingsong ReV. C. 'Wlisee led. in
PraYer: gra. NV, 'Craig Preside& if
the piano.. The pvening WA'S spent
it playing games, and- the -meeting
" closed with singing li.'plest 43e the* Tie
That Rinds" aeditifetglopala benedic-
tion. . • - .
Mrs. 'George Sturdy, 11Irs. James•
iltaithby, ,Mrs, ;Kerry Sturdy • and
Yen1t7.1-•--- _X- • -
twenty itieStili-liolWr7-of,the-6111
day of 'her mother„ Mrs. 'Lovett, who
is eighty-one years_ef -
Rev. E. M. Lovey, N'fingliam, and
Frank Itaithby, of Auburn, celebrated
,their birthdays together „at the •home
of- Mr; and Mrs. +Frank; Raithby en
'Monday. There were some .twenty
immediate friends and rela,tiies there
and st good, dine was enjoyed.
Funeral ef George MartIth.---The fun-
eral -of the late George Marsh was
held yesterday afternoon from the
hove -at -his -son, Sert-lifarshr 0-.11••the-.
Mhl road. 'It was. largely attended.'
BIB pastor, Rey. G. W, Sherman,. of
the Baptist church; bad' charge -of the
service and preac'hed. the sermon..
Was assisted by Ree. IL 'CI 'Wilson of
the-Vnited--Chureb-, WhO•Sad-theSerip
turk„and led -in ,,Prayer. The tet
•"•Waa. 'Revelations 79--i; beheld, and,
le, 4 "great:. nnilfitude which no 'man-
opld lattanber."-. The hyMns.Stuag Were
"Safe :the Aline of 'Jeses" • and
AllballiVire, 'Gather at the River." 'The
Vallbearera- were Herbert, Megridge,\
'Harry Wagner, George. Beadle, james
4aitlaty, George, Itaithby, and Eplaralan
RalL Intereaeut was lit Rail's cenie-
,Closa Attrenflat Needed
close ,attention: ihonld be given the
ealVing And farrowing Peng, • VOW)*
to, reader 4004417 401atttliee at ibe
1104 time hao:,reseXte4 ,and
hTery '0.441t 414 Pig: that dies, makesIt
Just that meeh more :4141.011f, for
those that live to malte,"4., protit On
tlie'year's '000 -tie*, The '$ooner
4Yd•Qe4nngegr:i )?eigfiegkieSt.'4.1,..thIni;etb6to°...fiAv\244..eeelerk'
eti,akee‘*edliVer, oil may • be , fed to
pigs' as:. well as ehiehena' to Ward,. Ott
,trouble,'" - • , '
•4 liVelthin the Utter
Natural" Weaning gives the • best
reifulti. With. A• later of 'Yettlg
and to obtain this teed:. attitabie,-$0
3:oun:Patiga's_00,:unlati4`biseit' Pereo
creep.. A: goo4MixtUre_ for the pur-
posemb1iialofl of
uIddthgs mad \linely ground eats trona,
'which the '• hulls have been Sifted',
Young ,plgs will Start to_nibble at feed
at about two to four • weekS of age;
and by the sixth -• Or • seventh week
'sheeld be eating quite.;freely. Under
such •pktieedaire - shock • incidentalto
rnore -abrupt, methods is .overeame and
weaning 'develops as a natural event.
Some POInteis •en Honey
trolt, are gtteata ot the tormer's itrauli d -
' QX ti
04111,-.4t lx*S'• been tound that pleitgh, eek•
log 14 4ely, as soett-.0 the:114Yt t-MIAS $04 Dalklvill, et Leudeno was
rreSentatiou to Teacher., Tie Honey vaeies in coler frail, water
tiesehers, mid perils et. the 40.04 white to, almosk black. The color has
,pulalle seheel were treated. to ice little or no '' effed oft•its-,euant.yo, as ,,,v
cream MondaY afternoon by the trtas- .'30(1 or as # eweetenel'• It dees LIP -
tees of the eChool section for having Wart lieWeYer, to. be assoeiated with
completed eakryltig in the yesios jam, flavor, for, generally speaking, the
ply of wood to the basenaent. The darker the color of the hong tile
Stronger is its flavor. All Caliadian
gad toll,workitt*. dari0 the, siknater .4 *nest 'tor.the,week.-e44 -with, Vas
.haa not only. given. ,higher yleldS et, Nora ..rerga4011;' • ' .,- '• '
oats, but haft' also. lett the land tree Or* Charles Ilutler .and IWO ;leant
tom, ,coneh' gross. The ' exOrimeat of Ot. eathoolites,:'were gueStS otl-Vra.:
•has showii that On s;t'sudy .leatn. soil It 'illotleris til,St0s,,Urti.,k W4u,''''',Jit'Vrittiseuf ;
doek7net .•paY te%either 'rib the laud, er,„0:ver,,00 weekend', -Miss jean -remtkia- '
repieftgla In the „- tall. Qn heavy elaY !ins.. With her aunt :',tor the following
sol),- ribbinit'' or:. ,replohgbing .late - It
the; -talt--;giVes- the •trest a 'Ilitnc0 tei ' '•-lift; and Atta; !'-, Charles gut,telm*,...et-
Mellow the gel" and leave it In a het', 'Teretltep Went the weekend ',at. their
*.ter state of. ,,t1104 ," ' " ' ,,sni.41,mer home here,
-Di ,the preparation of Sad land tor.. Erigadlert(leneral d•;.•.',Stewart and
. o , man fit , on the sod and .apringl fapoif, o London, ere oesupyleg Urs.
pionghing' has given •higher ' 'yields ' --
OHIO ^ 01.4f1Pr•illt ,aild fall- ploughing:
Xt. would, "the'refore. aPpear that for
eorn on sandy loan), the land should
be' maitured awl spring 'ploughed tour'
EMOV4 101,4D UOUSES 1410 0414%911
144 nVS-4404 014(031PT. SERVIPSt
*et Slitot Om and Illsiblei4.• Athos's, s
I .
Tanner cottage,
)4-114 Oates two SOUS, et Thi14117
tent' and: Mrs it. Laldlaw and bon,.
of St. 'St. Thomas, are at the fOrmer's
inches. deep., 'while for, vain it should "stis.,,$,%,,.,,- -ii,-,.
'"""9' -W2 4. "4-an108 alld
and-•-',topyvorked. .; . , 04. loonden, are at their 'eettage
' '' '''' •VillYiblit 'Weed:Seeds ' ter Op E,VASett. , •
farally, of London, are at their cottage
Mr. ad gra. R. E. K. Pemberton and
The greatest ditlieulty in maintain. •
ing succeseui farraieg. and partial -
'tarty in producing. 4 more abundant- for the seaseh• ' .
supply of elean forage and grain seed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grigg and tam
Is the prevalenee of _weeds. New ikv• of Toronto, are at their eottage
weeds are • Introduced On farms With bete. • ' - -
imperfectly cleaned eereal, clover, and Mk and 31rs. ThoS. Erwin, of Akron,
other eoulmercial seeds, and •with 0.1110, -are guests of Mr. A. Erwin this
commercial feeding stuffs which often week.
metal') 'vital weed' seeds. These seeds alise Mary Lotaise Carte, of TorOn.
are spread from Altstrigt too • district ,tO, .was the guest ever the week -end.
through .. the varlotis trananertation of her grandparentS, Rev.'and 3irs; j.
facilities. are disseminated within a F. karke. Mrs. Carte, who was visit-
lecaliti• in stable manure from towns lug het parents, retureed to Toronto
and cities, and are distributed from with her daughter. .
departing teacher, Alden Hasty, whe_ farm to farm through threshing • Mr. and Mrs. Supniek, and Mise
'':Ot.,--r,-..We.: •,,,,,,, " - - -- . ,- ., s---tff 1111,14111=0"=rint1-1,
,.,Itnaey,,s_gieuelate„pr erplallize sooner Machines, and from field to fiele bY Carol have returned to Detroit, after
tes '',1,11Xettle444.4447moziP
teat ei afid*-1{1Y- --c":4'4"9"4-4-4614.1"tl
Men's Cotton'
A large ass'ortment of stripes
and fancy checks. Zero
shrunk. Sizes 30 to 44..
•$1.29 &$1.45
m . I Is,
. ' • H . . , ,
, .
AeIt for Tip Top Valiant
Phone i.3,1
gift of 'the pupils, the address beiltg as Many people seem to think. diSPerse theta aTinig therf---eifirkes,
presentation made by Reid Sheppard. back to its liquid" state by setting the
Mr. Hasty thanked his pupils in a few. container in a bowl of hot water for
wen chosen words. a short time. .The water should not
'ways eri.
. 700..ikintaza44.140,,arsatooe,px44
"X had dol", aelting rains star hack mei !4111,-*Yli
felt.driaggy andlired. • •
• • "I Savf Doat's Eidney advertioed- ILO de. •
eided to try a box. When X, haft ,flaished, taldng it
•I /Oen. d.they were helping,mo, aa,/ -continued anti*. •
bad used three boxea. '11
"I will recent -mend there to All women who
have dull, aching pains In the back, er WIte fid
tired mid logry ",'
4 Prodaet liat 14,11hers Ce..,Let., IN:frail, Oat. -"' ,s,
11014VIESVILLE pour into a greased loaf pan.
, •
in a mod.erate oven Of 300 degree*, SE
- • one hour or *until firm tiltd
HOLliESVILLE, July 1. -:Service in rowe. Turn out on as platter. slat , ,
'the United' church voate•wheld in • the serve -either het or cold. Gaileiek. '
... 4, ,
ilttern0011 on Sanday, In the abgenee with parsley. •
of Rev. J. W. lierhert, wlp is in Mus— • -steamed Asovages mold , ,, . .
koka, Rev. C. W..D. COsens ef. Wesley- i potaid hunch ssoragas
. , .
.dtWouticloti,edisr;,134t‘unteigt,ersleretrilizuri,ienh;it,osaniseptledaltstttooto;nb,y. Nceoist-;
2 tablespbons*butter
14nlePepamidikry, sifted toast crumb* -
direction: of Fred Brfaht, 'of Stratford. $ eggs, slightly bike/ . ,
S:nludaaiye tqlauearsteertitericew,.:ilinicc" hewn' upandneyr lit: ' 1 teaspoon salt . ,
and assist with the service: ' canned asparagus may be used if pni-, ,
Coolt aaperagus •••A's until tender. .
- Thelma and' Rette.411 (13ulailltdmo_atre left on
the asparaetts into ene-half -
ferted or if more convenient. OA '
WedeeSdaf •tor -Grand 'Bend. witere
"Miss lean 14. 1 400 -Went tie: Wee
read by Lenore Plaetzer • and the Granithited honey• 'can. be brought and berbiyor4us animals and seed- end -in. petroit. . ,
' feeding birds help to. swell the evil Rev., W. G,L.J3ugler attended the Ilu-
broadeast. • • - "---' reit Diocesan retreat whieh° was held
It is important -to consider not only at Alma College, St. Thomas, last•
the large number • of weeds sown -with week. Messrs. 'W. J. Elliott; Russel
improperly - cleaned •grain but also Heard and :Sam Wideombe also were.
those already in farm soils. Winn, of there on 'Wednesday, ei '
the worst weeds in ' Canada are so Res.% it„. M. Gale Is rushing the sea-
prolifie in thm,. produetion bf seeds son ao far as new potatoes go. Re
that relatively clean fields May .
1.)('.. reports that he dug the first on •Juite
come badly . eontaminated in 11.vo or
be heated. higher than 156 to 100 de-
TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE, grees Fahrenheit.
Cou•nciI met in Hohnesville on Wed- - Willow Blight
• <,
nesday, gay 26th, for .eourtoof revi# The pride of nmeY farm homes- are
sion and general businessi.. Appealek the -beautiful willow trees growing in
were received from W. II. Middleton, the front garden, trees,. many years old
Wilfrid' Colclough, Fred Pickard on which .in many- cases were planted' by
Vattort-estate,-W.---Wise,--Wisef granddad or father many years ago.
-Mrs. Ruth. Thotnpson, A. F. Lithgow, The-rwom--.a.-thege.. beautiful -tret,s -are
J. R. Stirling and Doug. McDougall. .nOW being -Menaced. by. a destructive
On all of these satisfactory adjust_ blight which is gradually working its
tnents were made; several names were
added and some changes in assessment
were made; als.o those retarning: dog
tags were struck. Off the roll, which
was then adopted • for the year. -
The trustees or iNo. 9 asked
that a debenture bylaw for MOO due
In ten inOtallments and -bearing infer;
est at fpur per cent..he issued. The,
elerk was instructed to prepare this
bylaw. o Mr. L. L. Knox wrote re re-
-lief paid- fin- a Goderieh township' citi-
zen. The clerk was iestruete& to re-
fer this to fhe, relief inspector. Com-
missioner of agricultural loans offered
three months' taxes of the present
year on .htnd sold; the clerk was itt-
structed wrtte accepting the offer.
Bylaw No. 5, appointing. Dr. J. 4.
Graham medital health Otter, also
Indigent officer, was read`e third time
a'ndo pa ssed.
Accounts paid: R. E. Rewden, sheep
claim, 410; W. IL Lab, valuIeg aheep,
0.00; •IL MeCarWey, assessor's sal-
ary $89; postage and stationery, $0;
Department a Health, insulin to pa-
tients, *7.1f3.
eounciil then adjourned to Meet' on
Monday, Zuli 5th, at 1.30 p.m.
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk.
Mary: "Do you know that my
sweetheart lo a riddle to me?" Jane:
"Ires, kneW. °nee gave him up
New Playing--41•0,,E,Brown as Ptlginteleus :aseraiegee
Your RI
• Monday, Tuesday* Si editesdaY— •
"THE *Mars HOUR OF • -V11.01W"-.4 lull color feature
sittrietion Chronicling
PitEDDIIii BARTHOLOMEW, *MADELIonkii qkxtuoLL *and
appear *I.-magi:Meet:it epic attractionkwith„a caet thousands
With Aubrey Staltit,and SW Gni Statialtig
77i - a3‘. Friilay. asid Sattay -,,, ,
. ma witint-vit atom •Avi tm a • 1,, itaniast Scott and •Lylet Talliei•4-. '
promise nnieliAn the.Wey of .tinatieetnent and entertalliMent with the
, .
latest Weatiarr opus ‘ e ." •'
"GO 111 G
los ' , sill E148;be,t,h , . , ,.,
Colithik.4fhtUdette Caber* lit "1 Mt HIM In
Matinees Wediteadity ' Saturday and halidlity8 at U. 0.10
way westward from the Maritimes
-where it Was. first noticed. It has
new reached 'a - Points within fifty
miles of Montreal.
• The earliest symptoms of this
fungus disease appear on tbe leaves
LIS. • water -soaked spots which turn
greyish and then brown and gradually
spread to the twigs. Willaw • .blight
can be Controlled by spraying with
Bordeaux mixture used at .the Same
strength as used for -apple trees and
potatoes. Three to five sprays are
necessary, the first being applied just
as the leaves eome outv. Prune dis-
eased -trees when necessary only in
the winter,
Give Pullets PI of Room
It may be well • t again remind
poultry raisers of the importance of
giving the pullets plenty of room.
Crowding in the brooder' house. or
range shelter is very` often detrimen-
tal to the birds. The cockerels should.
be- separated from the pullets, afal if
they are being raised for roosters
'Should be kept on a separate range.
If the pullets ate then crowded there
may be a number of them that are off
type el. feathering slowly that could
be Pleked out and sold for broilers.
With highinited feed making the not
returns none too remunerative you
eannet afford tO keep Anything but
the best birds either in the growing
Pullets -or ,in' the laying flock. It is
-better to get what yoa 'ean on the
inarket for the poorer 'sten and give
the beat a chance to develop normal..
ly. , -
Curtailing on the feed for growing
pullets may be false economy, The
birds • need a full ration of good qua-
lity feed in order to keep them grow-
ing and developing. so that they will
eome into production early. True. It
Is nor always Wise to erowd a pullet
tee much on soft feed. as they may
not then be able to :stand up under
hetvy production, but e good greWing
itmob mid hard grain Will tenWto give
WO Stamina in the digestive arid
productive organa A etiOng diges-
tive :Ardent must be developed in the
bird to permit it to eome near the
200 -egg mark in ite first laying see -
ion.% ' • .
three years if these ,weeds seeds are
allowed to go"Nto seed. For example.
plant - of mustard.
stinkweed. foxtail. pieword,. or ettilt-
pion produces from 10.090 to ;20.000
seed s. worra-seed mustard about
25.000. shepherd's purse- about, MUM.
and tumbling • mustard about 1.4001
000. With such' productiveness. soilq
become -,oulekl,y infested with .seda WO,'41
altiralh* presence of the
seeds is not 11111" realized at the
moment, owing to their InconspienOns-
• -
utter, salt and the eels Thee
past fortnight, has returned .1) !KV
• been visitingreititives 'here dr OW h ' "
. . . the• asparagus. Pour into a butterlol
home itt:Tor.onto. , o mold,. tilling only. three-anariets rall',4
Miss Mary Grigg; who has -spent Cover and steam; over boiling Waite
several weeks in Toronto, is spending a fer fifty- minutes. t'atuold and serve
eoura; of weeio at • the hotne of her
with Hollandaise sauee
parents, Sir. and Mm. Reuben Grigg, - ;
Mr.. and Mrs: Crabbe and little i .. Hollandaise Sauce .
daughter, of NeW Jersey, who, were i•- bay iear .
1 "tahlespobu minced oniou '....... .
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
2 tableSnoons lemon lute%
Brogden NIclitttly have returned-, to ' - - ., ,, ,4-
20t1r and- that they-. are a good size, their home. . 2 tablespoOns flour
2 tablespoons batter
Mr._ W. C. 140eg.. fled . fri.d!'.. .9--f mite of London Normal School, has
•Miss Esther McSiath, a receat grad -
1 cup boiling wafer
muchlargerthan large hen's eggs..
Windsor, are at his Simi -titer home been engaged -as...tea:cher Of the Gat* - 2 -egg yolks
1,42 'teaspoon salt
here. , • — schen'. on the Conn ath cessioof God,- - ,
4 teaspoon paprika
Mr.' George L. Ball, Thorialale, an-, rich township. 1, • .
Put bay leaf
nounces the engagement of his eldest Miss Ruth Potter is visiting friends .and minced .ottion its
lembn juice and beat to boiling poitst.
daughter, Edith, to Newton Sturgeon, at NiagaraFalls. ,
Bayneld, son of Mr. -and MPresentation to Retiring Teacher.--
rs. William Cool. • Cream hater, and flour ;- sabi •
village school was the scene of 4 b°1144 water gralaa4 anti..heat 6)
,Sturgeon,, Bartield, the Wedding to ,r....n 4,
'boiling. Add. seasonings in lemon .
take place early In July. jolly gathering off Wednesday even- Cook in double boiler fifteen
Mr. and Mrs. Kaibtleisch and rani' lug, when Miss ienti Webster, tea .i • juke'
.o( let agnates, then remove from heat, strain -
and add- slightly beaten egg yolk*.
Cook a few minutes longer. If lumpy,, ,
strain again. •-, ,
On. Saturday, June 19, in the pres-
ence of immediate relatives of the
contracting parties, a quiet wedding
was solemnized at the home of Mr.
'and Mrs. T. M. Howatt, rndlan Head.
Sask.. when the latter's niece, ,Ada
May* Finlay, elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs: William .1. Finlay, -of Clinton,
Ontario, became the bride of Mr.
"Arthur Forsythe McCullough, Of • RP.
gina, Sask. Rev. W. A. Osborne. of
St. Andrew's United church, ',Indian
Wad, officiated, and ' signing the reit;
toter as Witnesses were Mrs. J. W:
Smith: of 'Goderich, Ontario. .and Sirs.
ily, of Kitchener, who have bought for the past three years and a tnide
f tl r u re was preset), tett
f the late Mrs Biggart are
the ome o • , o le If a .
here and- are tearing down the build-
. with a handsome chair and fernery.
ing preparatory to. rebuilding. ''-• W. 14. bold,' acted as _chairman ittld O
MT. and Mrs. Roland 'Barber, of splendid program , wee given. Must -
Stratford, are occupying a vottap ' cal numbers were " given , by the
here for the season. Holnieaville orchestra., Norman Tye.
kr. and Mrs. W. 'Heard, of London, wartha, the male quartette and Wit -
spent .the week -end at _their cottage, hemina Trewartha. Appropriate read -
Miss White and Mr. Hurtel, of Strut- lags were -given by Guy Whitmore and
ford, are guests at the LakevieW hotel Mrs. Lerne Jervis. The. most inter -
this' week eating 111,1111bVT On the program was tt
Mrs..11: R. Scott and family, Mrs. mock
Christie and Mrs. Wm. Barber, of Sea- ag
forth,. are occupying one of the Roek Stock
Garden cottages here. cher,
Mr. and Mrs. *Harold King, of Sar- Olive
k -end
t OV t e wee
nia, were guess e
With Mrs, King's parents, Mr. and
G. E. McCullough, of Regina, sask.
Mrs. C.
After the wedding supper the bride Parker. o.
and groom left for Regina, where .The Aliases Morlby, of Detroit, are
they Ivill. reside. Mrs. W. 3% Fitgai, at their cottage, Birchcliff. •
Mr. and Mrs. Iti, I. Orr and Miss
who has been visiting relatives in In-
dian Head, Regina and Saskatoon for Peggy Orr, of Stratford, were at their
cottage for the week -end,
several weeks, was present at the
marriage of ,her ,daughter. Sir. and air% L. Walden and fam-
ily, of London, have a cottage for the
•• A SeOes of„Agrperlments ettiried out
'at geVerintielit t.Tperiniental atation
'fiatir.given some interesting restilts In
regard to' ploughing at 'different
denthe and timea.
At- an 'afekate, Over a- period of,
tine :rearm, ploughing four inches
deep, for a rotation of corn, oats.
elovet and thnothe' Iota given Metter
Yields then halt ploughing *even 'Inches
deep, except in the case of °ate. ID
which the yields har• been tweed'.
eally the mine. The Alutilaw pionet -
hag is of partieular advantage to the
ore crop. •
In the preparation of sod land for
7,Tri linApe &out di
Mt, of:NM Ateitig,
4464t0 ti A14 ALWIX 14Q.V
Yeif4StIE0 Alta A. litYPCICiti
NORMAL SCHOOL PICNIC settM8r°.n'and Mrs: Norman Tema and
Mrs. C. Murray, of Detroit, were
Gradtuites Gather at KItchigami for
Annual Retmlsti
More than one hundred teachers
frotn points throughout Western On-
tario, graduates of the -Stratford Nor-
mal School, attended the annual echoot
reunion and picnic held at Camp late
chigami on the shores of Lake Hu-
ron on %Saturday.
The gathering Was a happy one, with
friends renewing aequitintantea of
many years' stataling. Swimming
and softball were enjoyable events in
whieh the majority- participated, and
In the early part of the evening all
gathered around, a great beach fire.
Later the party literally took Posses-
sion of• the Goderich Pivilion, Where
the remaindey of the evening was spent
in'dstneing,a Normal graduites' dance
having been fittingly arranged bi the
During the day two, meals were
served 111 picnic .,tyle on the •
andah Of' the Long House at Kitcht-
'semi and a committee, with Miss Mil-*
dred Anderson of Dungannon as cola-
vener, -wall given high praise for pre-
paring such an attraetive table.
'guests for the- week -end With Mr.
Toms' mother, Mrs. E. Toms.
Mr. Jerry Crane, of. Detroit, has
'came to. spend Vie tluinmer months
with his grandfather, Mr, Itichard
Westen. ' •
Ur. and-Mra. i. Ferguson, a Lou-
den, *Tent the week -end, with the
former'mother, •Mtfi. M. Vergiason:
'Aliso Ruble ..E'ishetc of Kitchener,
was a gubst Ode the week -end ,with
Mr. -and Mrs. F. A.•Edwards. ,
Mr. and Mrs, George Davidfion, of
Woodstoelt, wet% week -end glithil3‘ with
Airs. Davidsonsi parents, Mr\t• and *ars.
M. Ross. •
The YKW.t.A. Camp Orendaga,, Which
Is `Altuated 'about three ,ntire0:41Orth
a 'the village, bpened last'weA, and
ths...1-.3t0:*, of, Kitchen& is holding
a 60# etiMr-owatobett DeWitett,,farm
sotiql 0'44;1414c •
ettitts of the village are being
treskid With het; to heti the dust
Already Sot
Professor: "Before long we, may
'expect an invitation, that will enable
as to do without sleep altogether."
Student: "What's the Matter with
the saXophoner
wedding, the eltarneters being
follows; Bridegroom, (;ordoti
; bride. Alma Trewarthit ; prea-
Daniel 01111don ; brideSmaid,
Moir; beat man, Lloyd- Bond::
bearers, Marie and Eileen Glid•
don. The bride was given nway
Norman Trewartha -and the wedding
mareh wasplayed by Mrs. Bert Fin-
lay. The address was read by Ole;
Lockhart and the presentation wa
made by AIvin Cox and Lloyd Bond
A splendid lunch was ((erred at th
elotce of the Program.
Daies -of Heron county Seinfol fairs
for 1931 have been announced at; fol-
lows:, -Grand Bend, Tuea2ay, Sept.
141, 'Heinen, Wednesday, Sept. 15;
Carlow, Friday, Sept. 17; Beigrave,
Tueeday, Sept. 21; Fordwieb. 'Wed-
nesday, Sept. 22; St. Helens. Took.
day; Sept. 28; Currie's Cornera, Wed-
nesday, Sept. 20.
A1.4 .1.040W IT -MAT -A -WAY
PURFote, RIMY Tot" *MErr Wu2.
HARP 113 14A,R4 "r*Rit$1a. 014E cf,114EM
The mend givee today is a dinner
de luxe. Each dish is it perfeet
harmony of flavor -delicate and deli -
clone, • Put them all together and
,you have a meal that Is tit for the
goda. The chicken loaf is an appe-
tizing main dish for Sunday dinner
and If any is left over it llees been -
Wally for supper.
The salad and desserta are to- be freezing compartment of a =eau&
made the day before and put in the Cal refrigerator.
eefrfgerator. The steamed aspara-
Banana 'Fritters ,
• 1 egg, separatel,
• 1,°tablespeOn meltAt• butter •
1/4- . teaspoon salt
eup milk
yi cup sifted all-purpose .11our
1 tablespoon granulated .sugar
'4 Imagoes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons powdered rawer .
Beat the egg yolks; add the butter,
ealt and -one-quarter cup of milk...
Add the Hour and sugar, and stir, .
unttl smooth; then add the other oae-
quarter cap of milk and fold in the •
stiffly -beaten egg white. Peel. the
bananas and cut in 'halves croesWise.. -
Then cut each half le -two lengthwise -
Sprinkle With the lemott 'juice' sot -
powdered sugar. Let stand twenty
minntes. Drain. Dip each piece 11111
the fritter batter and fry in deep fat
heated to 370 degrees. Fry mai.
goldefl brown.
Ft•ken Termite Salad •
1 •tablespoon granulated gelatin
14 cup k old water
cups canned tomato juice
a tablespoons lemon juice -
Salt and pepper -
Soften the gelatin in _told watek
then add to the hot tomato Wee -
Add the lethon juice, milt pepw-
Pour. into Small molds. Freese la tie
Vanilla Wafer Pudding'
gum mold is a masterpiece in itielf li Pound vanilla wafers, rollea shoe
and adds its ntIW gnd,delkiousliator Ith ctip sugar
to the chicken, As for the banana 1 teaspoon cinnamon
fritters, they are the -breath of spring 1,4 cup Melted butter
itself. 'Try them. •' ' 1 tablespoon granulated plaits
Chicken loaf 3eglagwhefatens trashed pineapple
... •• liftnu , 1 rge
Banana, itter• ' s •.• - 13 marshmallows .
• Steamed asparagus mold
Prowls' totnato salad ' 1/2 pint whipping cream
Combine the vanilla wafer eruathe.
Hot „rolls sugar, einnamon and melted butter.
l'elettrYer . and blend well. ' Press half of au
mixture into the bottom •of it spring
, Vanilia ' "ter, pafidingform mo1d.,3 Drein the ikedid trent the
Coffee ' , can of pineapple and edit eiteatio
Chleken Leif water to measure one and three -vitt-
.. ..
4 cuty; ground ,, moited or canned ter cup,. Softer) the, gelatin ia one-'
quarter cup of cold water ' and dlis-
1 cup milk solve in the heated pineapple juice
1 cup chicken stock , and vrater. Cool until• partly th1ck-
11/2 teastibons salt ened, then fold in the:stiffly beldam
egg whites. the drained, 'crushed pine-
apple and the whipped cream. \Tam
let° the spring form mold and eater
with the remain* vanilla **fir
cruMb mixture. Chill for several
hours, then serve with additioes2
1 mmill anion minced
2 eggs. beaten
2 ClIPIR soft bread crumbs '
Mixoall ingredients. Stir well and
.... so AO MGC.IER'D 44(s. t-tVAR.
JOB WOULD somtly BE. VIA1:12 EZ
whipped cream.
The Oldest Inhabitant
- -Thrift's a great thing, Sandy:"
'Ay. it is, sor. Alt`m atIll 'eariri'
the boots they tied to ma wedding
ea rriage."
Max lioffinpn
• Experitheed Tailor
has reopened his, shop in Dun-
gannon and Is peepared to de
rirat4lass Tailoring at reason-
• able prices. utdiee Sao.
spettaity. ile also wishes to
alinounte that he Is sweatfor
the well:known TlypTapiTallos.