HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-02, Page 2te$4. acWt1nE 1n tseOlurrine 04,• Ellett it will not 44 aiib3e tor *V ovor. .0010abed bertiondo iieufcproo of owl immured niwr1unifb the hosinesa <Ace duly.44 t book for anot and & WOO toliowinol but 4%g410 *tie or 00144 .tn.tezu o noiter, tatto rrurn1al arqr04, '04$tty linea ore 'b000m oft -vorY ston4 er,o0441 Oore ,are 4ofler' VOW,* Vetc0. Are' ferfont odOtrori0 PreMier 'Ho rn, *nd-ihtre a 41tetills iiaeJitit as • strongly -onkel, 170-04, ad,Iniststration. -our, 6 et!? DO ht:8 itrnA UJJt 1% SEVENTY *EARS OE PROGRESS 414 91,0i HIllat.er tt); pregivss. notAit\be aeeotinted the ‘„greatellt thing in a c:onntry'S annals., It is 4,,vo17 important . 100tor, :and it. may r ell he a matter otprlde to Ustnitelians ' that in the ievei‘ity Years since Confederation Idtinade has: developed lier Materiar..roOnre0 in A remarkable Man - net. In Mr Soirehington's Pominitin Day deillateh ;Iron" Otti toThe,Tororito 'Globe and. Mail, be'gives a4 ex- '- suinmatiot conaela'8. aehlevements on these lime Ono -1867. 11 says . - \`,1Clatoda stands, ftftli among the nations 0 the World in volume of trade, and .the expansion Of her, comPleree.• diirhg the sevent$,IT,ara.ofnoe Confederation has been son - paused In no other eOuntrY; if 'indeed it bas been. equalled,. 41* an .-10044a 0114 dependent eommuntty before her, to•00,atilteill_she be.0001ea notion trading with . endstbe :0 -*IiiiirTraf-r4i#040trtrOt.Y- re/kit-trading -flatten, 1szsnr4 For .tho lirst time' wIlbln nketnory, 401 UnAt rio 1 1)ratto on 1)om1410n: Oar, even the, ehildretra Ones wbkli are a 040,1tIonal feature of -tiwo ilaeo program in thla town betng, omkted.. TbJ was, no doubt, begause of pie Qld Bome Week o be held,thisfoloroMer..; but- next ear. .00derlen sliould got back to, Ole , out iiiitiile,r41;i0 put on "n.'itomlnion ;DOS' program that will Make. apt. for tbts Yearq neglect, e BOTANICAL One day hi July Is enougb for emory enr1bi fo• in coptraet yVitli their ,n4 *r• itoundingo of ' *Ores* follagor.and-: ,,toi-orything whatsoever .-of,beantyr is Seen at . 1,0 44tyttle eontraeting,alireOlingt4/*' , •-P*Ign,t, 'Om Ia seonto perfection only Oita 0004' • . At. mis seapon year a..Moot restful !;141, in .na- ture appenr# to, ',Oven the lie 'waiting tO''' :receive the 04460. otlite'elonde that like freal, ehealcier to shoulder. These viond00:-igOe.everYthin... 103:4* kre4:40b*OS'a, thia. month,' so.proudiy!'•;011ed, -with 'white' light thot, lboT: Nvity,intenalt7,: brow- ing ISO* gbeStlyratlittnee, the 4,". '04 :Mu% • here atal there ruffled' darkly 4040, -tOrni*ed .811ver7--ta pert . feetion 0 contras; ••annotlar . • • The, woods are in.'preir,,Prime,-).mt-,tefOre•Ow:e0 of the month— alas! there 1.4'nfie 44 -,on the.wane. -SeVer4rWilie...0PAng IOPtsft40t**4,'itr,l‘g10: atter blossoming soon *liter -wane' theiniiiienee'' Of .4 lief un not tjlof*, Itqtnnite ,ones 1#09x0 la ter ;and areborne ineirshY-4A0ea, ;u;; - 't'!' June 2Q.—Mr and Mrs, , Sidtford, and Mr, cy Oraheto Oa' fatally, spent Sunday With •Jloy ait00, ra, 1.704 rerrig00,,a00an ' bte4044'04: Ur., And littro, -.147 .„end literof Alton, •made A onort 'Vrggtitrialrrar- Itil their uncle, 31r. John r.,• Urs. WII1 BahlWIn spit srday lit Stratford, and 7.1m W. R. Bray,. Of sPent, 00edaY forenoon theft cousins, Urge, Nelson *oil• MHO?, 004,,,VoVTACOMOX' notive' Or Cllntofl, in .4be Pomo of logo,* ,Plitlt Simon*, wi..410v- tne late Mimeo' AfePaebert7,' Med' ,at P00% on Saturday. Ws. lkileCilloh- eity '11„Ited with her liusband In Gode- rtoltfor several • years, leaving fot,411e.,, ;OW tittotiirclear! agrq=s0er,lOonand: i"ilied In 1033. an4.,wstiwito4 r4-144. 14.0 Onletgrr* and 11*. reMalio•' •,0f his 'widow, were ,twougbt.,, 40 Voderieu to be PlaOod, at toot in -the famil$, plot on Tuesday. 5urvivlug Is one 'dough?, ter, Mrs. ti:(110!:07 4Lane. oo r • :lt te,..funeral..Serilee .tho' "grateside wiR The garden, party of ,I)10 Knox rreshYterion church, 'The Pall- 010104. orettlt was 1100 0. ators Were; Alessrs. Plms, Hloe15,- kett'a ebnrell .00 Frlda7r -woo A Oa* look Chas, lanee- end rlOYd idded aneeees, • proceeds At the AntO were $10. The play 'Oreqent 00,1104-'•'nenn'te, ot' selgrave entertaining ahdt. 'the 'sad Lrvey Opetriek and guitar -num., ont 0e,..04,.1v,erelltard wlth • 14.1Sea• Jewell'' '10.042''Oant Vorter,,.. Mr p• • v of 44$011tiths thg.liith•reeneeeelen, vielted,on; "Sop. atMrs Mary PbillIps. -. etia,44beetta ''))Y .9rOntto ed in'ipreestratiee.:', for the, f. lg'741,k In VilniQw on r, 41* sot: ,and Esther gradtiateeCef..titratford, Norm41:/,.$ *allw4tn. attended:0e, ,pienieio.f,:ti# 4t, ,41tohigas,, caino 4itataviay. " The softball 04nllier -041087.1nTrellaire winiling easily' 30-13. OPell.4.4t dAy Of thIS week. , ,and,.: Mrs, Aleinit Garrett, of Mnitlaiid.,Concession,* vialted :00,,Sator- day )1ra, ItlarWeodyartd:r4o4y.., . witer,Plante- IS the ple.kerer weed,'so ,dilieTheennt4 said.-*plekerele lay their eggs among, the leaves., : foudd growing from Nova Scotia to.Ontarioin mud, in".the ehallotee, ef ,yratere. The bright beauty of its iong spikes 'a- raggtio flowers seen at a distance., perhaps stiggiat larkspur; Close acquieinteinc'e, however -,L. wUleoon recteal the difference.. "Another lover of dattiP pees is the gorgeous POrple " - • , , , „ loosestrife, European origin, with its brilliaa spikes large magenta flowers. A •very attraetive. and beatitiful plant tie *welt ae -moat -interesting; -bemuse thraugh.„...Dat-- winie.study it 'has assitmed an iMportant ;place ' bis theoretical' origin 0 species. • In 314 tultivated plant . life. is In its zenith or at the peak.pf perfection. -Bit here -again this galaxy- a bloom is seen at its hest „only by -virtue of .contraeting . surrouedings, whetper theywbe well*ept grass, Once, !vvali,1 or hedge, • 'There Is MliCh• beseen arta marvelled at,in the in- troduction'of-cholee- new varieties .0f, dowers, eappelaily when seen aptinst h suitable -background,. or framework., . At the Central Experimental Farm, -lottawa, there 15 the famous collectioe of 'hedges. Many species 0 trees, both deelduou and evergreete also shrubs, have been trainedatuf-clipPed into row After row of infinitely trifu hedges. Greet forest trees .suell" as the *hie, hereloek, lareb, spruce,. oak, beeeh, birch, elm and Ilerlibelini*. are apparently all quite ccontented to .beeome. hedges in' the Merciful adjustment -Which Nat*.,)nekee :whet! what, eat:thot be eared mitst be endured. FloWering shrttbs' ore flourishing :in the form 0 Mee, dogwood,. viburnum, earagana, spiraea, .ninebark, ,rantiAioneystickle and hydrangea so are ,fralt trees for the.mulberry alto forked 'bri.Av -to the tepierietse art., 4.1. veritable 'eXample p.erre,gtiak .b.ortittlituie crafts. ma eahip ; Some ot them len feet , high—the reault.-. Ott:many yeafo .peraeieranee in the quest ef neble •and living tribute, to toplary:--0,. W. Vert, DiViaion ef Botany, Cen- tral Ex' periniental Farm, Ottara. 'Front* and' Oermatty, • . • , 00*Itere else in the world have the same number of PeOple-euch, enormous- undeveloped nattirat. resources itt • their diSposal and this 'fad islargely responsible for the teary investment -fit thef'Dorainion ±of • ',British and' United. 48fates_eepital, eatimated the011reau'ottitatia4' les At •nearlY 474,000,000,000. iMinerals constitute one, of • the Moat .important reiources a the Detninion and the . amazing (progress of the .Mining 144000 IS Illustrated by . the annual, output, *bleb has increased from $10,000,000. to $00,000,fiel) In the last half Century. Canada .19 now . of...the world,_ Her geld Mines eentributed $180000.,000 the-nationel Wealth laat year, and will probably do better this year, while her ifecse,Metals, like niebel, Wed; eopper and zinc, .are, expoted by the MinLoter 0 Itesourees and Mines to yield $100,000,- • . 000 :thie year,. • - •• , the time of Confederation the national wealth VMS' leg8 than one and one,balf billions, .At the peak 0 do - prosperity in 1020 it had increased to nearly $112 '• billions, but it iWaS ',written. c,lorn $2.1 billions* in the 'worst year of -the -depression and is. now between that fig- , tn'e- And, P11,111104s, • • . - • • ISPectseular tapansion has been Witnessed', in wheat • : procluetion, whieh was Wit -20,00A® bushels a year at the time or entrederatiOn, and Canada is still regarded • as bread hesket of,. the•Empire" in spite 'of recent .diffi- tulties. 40)04 fuerketing problems. At the turn 0 the centurrtlicanetral,.prodetion ef 'wheat was about 0,000,- ,.000 'bushOsOatt 'siftee•then !It bps on Were' oeeasiorie ex - fled '49%000,600 bUshels. • In reeent years, owleg to 'eenditioes„ the average crop has. been- saiupwbat 100 "bilsh'ets, • 'Value of the field crops at tifederatiow was4111,0W,000:, %nee ttie Ntr'orld;War It bits 0*(!teded in one year 41A00,000,000, while •the -latest *W10010 •ostritiatqc:4 the groes .-agriettitural wealth of Vallada ,e*eeeile (10,1)90,000)()(k At Confederation, „Canadian Manufacturers were still. • in. their" infitheY, 40nital Production totalled ...soine .•. $221,000,000., diy the. petit .year Ot 1020 it . had rettehed 4,029,000,000 but is now ,e0usiderablY less' °WO*, to the ' 4000019n, With ,the teetwert Of trade the kfiduatry Will. • 004100 ron 'h.ferte,ttid.:.t.,o fresh' peeks or achievement. •Ite.markable growth. has been ShOwn in,4he .benkleg and inierallee tranSpOrtation and many • 'Other - lino. Of 'endeaTer, Assettt,of. the ehartered hanka have *:iilereatied,froni 01,000,0007est .ttte time a Confederation - to 0000.00t!poo at' the present time.: In -1H60 total life . .#1tisbranee:in foree, in :Thltninieft- eoinpenies Wits Only 4,%,* *)0,000\, the' total Canadian life illearallee- In Oree Poi itririono coMpinito opetating In .thO,Doroinion 1& well In • eirt, $3,00q000,000, :1)00A ..40410-ttiujoriAN - • utth3x*A07 ist. the opreitia 11 ' tang, but the die - trite 111414W 410 Ixt,i4Pelled oho and"' 'wean* OAdeOetk people are .0>eving 0 toett 147 tow imers st*Iithoutouto oft Ole mitittited. i!ef ,etiebrsitien btlis In thia town from Awe linmemorlai, • • It stems that, the :word la not a laminar one Ooine Vert" Of the *We boolibto4,PoOPIO tvon Iwo* what.* 011.110101440 tiotneone yeata..140 /ant introtinted both theWord ind.th*Artiotti't0 for on etery boaliniOnP44 ihe,11114;htly".,, yeaterd*Y,; for the Arst-titie **Witt .te'lehrati:+in kit:itile A " +07' 1i* *eta. AS the. POO,: _000004.6407 4.)r, in ,.41...t a it,i .-ceitivoiiiiitlerC40.4inte, hi* nobody, apPirent nild ba Ole ger Itt ' notossary for it reel live ,calitlittoOtt. . the word "eillithnitte' Into a queer *Oration. the trrisnt end, atoord.tug tti: the dreti '4SnartIS 't,frOnt * Ore* word i'lialort:' beantltnI., and thrd*P:110 .:)044- i:0000 'old iei40,1"or41-laitatidod-toik,rrertrel A. 4****0**\,,tae.aolhtt 4. • "callittmarps le **WSJ wade et !4iallitsiiidei. .1n. ,trkieb hersi-hloWing,, the!.bintint a. ti Imo 'et otber ti ' ts are th* , „ - 1 f." aig rigt,. 4 DThTt' &IId Mr AakiN zaolg smith„ #.0,41'1001(44. rote•Hogoll, .0f: Pooloov, , 11, 3.104 Oatr .--Varpenlor-;roOontly 404 VON" 'One . °'.2,!,-41,1°P.., two Well-eared,for e0Wri to 3fr,,W4n.; EL - James Oltilw wile owing.to -tiloanilit uottis. 'farm- near Ptingannon. , • ' • Omit ;tile Niter': mOntno . in Toronto I --$.0400ll riente,..4%6 ._,,,,wor#*' ind. - - With, ber, da gliter, Mrs. Melvin ' J. 10chool. Club of S.S.:.No, -ti •atien49red a Beed half*, retigned,(li:k her hone In . 'pier or .,;.til.. , 00;44 awl otA4dro4 Dungannon, agoompanlo,d, 4.4y )00. Heed wh ch wOo. iield, -WO4noRdnY Afternoon,: . oit.lia,-4-.4141*-Auit-ktert TV% 71'010, ,J•nne ',13Td, at .00e0 044; '..TrIt4,10ai . -WM enloY,, the lieliday6s0ason-in Pun- Avelitheri-"16r-Aveoril'404',VaIlest.'Nlore 'Too gaaaen- arei,k Yieblityr lsre are pleesed with -the :following-keg:nits k,'- „Child to 'tete that;'*e.'''OirVin, While 310t 4144er *044Q) Atgeitinek, OVA- --UPI* i entitelk' recovered from , her,. ' broken popp.• ;Girls 6 t07"S'yeara7.-clatie Rat,- ,, . liMh„..IS greatif improved, -and is ohle ledge, Atari, .chisholm, ''Ael90. 'fihnith4, ' ' to, move around, the •1100oe, ' (ties) ' BoYs (1, to $:Yealle.r4oYnn Tar- 1,tileweelr ;with •tlioad'i's Mother,. lire. Boys kl to id. years -4,, .0; ' A,Itent' Nor- - .).4*-.. antr"44tro, 'Partite...Wiggins , and 'rrer; Gordon Sehulta,. Gill* 4 ,,to .1a. lita6.00,,won*,,pic.vias, wilo sit 7eart3,44,14111307 0:01:03,0t. •crId..44;17,11,vvestL, '''.*:4431)'*'':Nsrilf"ritilt4t°41.(1;*"(?)1.'' ill% wh7 tlade .4,13izilii08°..n.;'ttb'e::?ttirlt4alol.:207ti:114:P::)!"C11787,rcli-""e; IGInefitta' 04,;:-.41-11144,Y. et the -home or -War4,0 returned on 0.14-••,-4T.S. Arildfor , 447, to 0,04, 404,,,w, here, Leuere Petersen, '33ett$,'. Pradferd. Y Jones ras. ,domenstra, px4, 144x4r44,177w,h, owrt.e.erre,s: 'Bl*e b R THEs yearSIIOW uit race---airte. 4:4 rAio • ted efl Annit and Gordon, and Mrs. - -'all'Unds1;,tNiF4":rWria::31rC:d1;;;:t0411;;!-P;71;e4rina-D.'(r9e: Betty mid Gerald Currie, IdeOnarci „4-civett and vor -tb.tliteoltipg,,4€41,00010, It as v Sours, 0 .40- e• , .0a. id . f :orietele4eggoeurarir:70:eir:o ;iaricd t„ovor-;..00, tw,,,00doioksp- . ton, were Sunday gilOsto With Mr, and 131"4 444)13'arfl Oeontitat-'onVia invallety-'and Thomas Tbe display on to• andMrs.Msur: 'gems. h-Poire,t_ifiZzet.MrSit kixe.eftriar.. .1740*06AntiA6Palr, ti.e.PriZesrere. Anniversary services will be held. in riv.x..„ -After 'the sports ,WaS litserved and then the ittnier,roOne teach - What, erlell,,gardella call'PrOdnee..' ne'ir- David GoWt13'• of er, :Farrier, wew.hOilcire(i:rith IL •141.' Ottores.,' director et tixf,'Thlrhanl' octupY 'the pulpit. • " tiOrtleilltnriste were 'enthtisitiati Davidson, "118/11P" held tlie annual rose slow in a vacant townshlp, and lir. and T1ra- itobelt Annetta Stewart and ps,0,05.. , stg_re.00-tbit ,AonorO, Mr farewell gift aftettlaree4eara of faith- oeletY,- was e4arge 01 the display, The regular MenthlyR, meeting 0 the ful teaching. Miss II0rtha,Pbpp preIn wlulch - _418.0 peonies, 'Women's,. Association was held on seated her with a lovely' White, purse oPegf, Xiansleae."04-kithimama • naan, ,WednesdaY at the heme of Mrs. G. and Miss Anuetta read\ the „ • Jamea 'S,10Whinney, in ' the chair. Alter devotional exercises in\ which LEEBURN the 'Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. 4, Elliott, ,arrengernents were com- pleted for the lawn social to be held on the ',church lawn in July. Then Itirtelsaired-to-IlrelownHvbere-mi d 'fled Cora other, sonabie ;bloom* - • F. Harria, :with the president, Mrs. address. ' fitilliBURN, Ione g9.---Haotera Don , . are spending their holidara with relatives 04- Elleen'Ifo-gTe examination n- ¶1uesday 1ast. niece, Mr. and Mrs. 1.• testa. Limele,plenie style, -eras served by Mrs It A *..alelienzie's group Ors. Alex, iHertoe he'd .on Mr. Ernest 'Crawford hes been- ea - 'With lieFainitS, 1.1frrorarand miss ••• drey Hawkins, of Forest, is 11011daYi,77:.,. owPOLBILALI3iw:Tx:ts., Ju: yon, visited with her nephew and Wish ,her •euecess.- Harry'Abtored, to4,istOwer on Sunday. Eli, Taylor, ef Petrone., is a guest with his cousin, Richard Twamley. William. H. Reed held a successful aectioe sale of farm .stock and, imple- ments on nersday afternoon. Thomas - Gundry was the auctioneer,, and good prices were reollzed, the liorsesand cattle especially being, in good demand. Women's institute..—A Joint m&ting • • Mi. ',John- 'Thulleid.' attended the gaged as teacher. tor. Ptirple Grove wlth _ , ,„,_ . school for the coming school .term.; - The sale of home-made baking Nithteb unIted -uhtirch Presbytery Meeting and 'Miss Ethel isielien* has been for- waS to be held on SaturdaY,' alai 6rd, Pienle at -Gill 4 Bend' OA Tuesday Wtlet. tunate in securing a school „near Ford - as ,been postponed until until' Saturday, He was the rePrOsentatIve from Lee-. wich. • • ,....40,1447004. road bao,ibeen, tr:0404:•k)ort that Rev. I)." Pomeroy will kin Miss Henrietia 'Quaid, •and miss IllY 10th; - . 'Vara ellareh, We Are pleased to re- wit.h..a, .e0,0 „.4 -,,f ,pet.__whice_isbould,„grea.p,,_ be pastor here tor another Year. Ethel McKenzie attend'ed- the Normal School' picnic near Dayfield on Satin- --'1-ils'S `'Altatt Sailors -attended-. the -Ot the -Dungannon „branches, senior az _d_ leesen'.. the dust,- thereby making _driving a' great-deaLsefer„. ' , The.tnion DreMatic• "Club will. hold the-lake-bankiielded Art, Tiehbornes on Tuesday, ,31113, Otb. *SS Visther MellWain lareerigeged. as :teacher 'at S.S.," No..0 .t4ranother term.• - Ur. and „Mrs, Allison and daughter, of Attila *Craig, Mr. and hire. Norman Hemilton. and .family and Mrs. Har- vey Andrew and Aro children,- of blip, visited on •Sueday with relativee In the community, . „ ' _ Mrs,. Roht, McAllister and ...Erie spent goaday at Toronto vielting her eon Alvini•NitO. le.„*.patl#4 In the'To4 ronto- General hoSpital' - • Joint W..* S. Meettne--4)n Wed- nesday aftet_noon, 'Joint:meeting '4),f iJnton auxilfary-and.'lieeteirh:411Xlilary the'W men's 'AISSIOnary SocietY Normal • SehoOt .studen' ts' last. Week. •. Mrs; A. Glutton Is spending :this\ ekr-rith her:daugh:ter--.111 Toronto„,.. Xr-and. Wm.. Chisholm, 'hove purehiteed A lieW. -Chevrolet ear. , „„ *.•:iked I-0101ton' Cittttod and children Motored to Lueknew Sunday afternoort to see Mrs. ,Oluttoe's mother. 'Who is not : „ ivreting.-gRife June *meet - a the was held at the hoMe- Junior, of -the Women's_idstitute was held Thursday afternoon with an at- tendance 0 .about forty. •, Mrs. Lorne .Ivers,„ president „of-the_Women's in- 'atitute, conducted. the meeting. Roll :can was responded- to by. the nathe 'of a flower beginning with the firstlet.• ter of the reemberla •Chrlitian name.' It was .decided to accept the invita- tion of Miss, Flora Durnin to hold the demenstration -o!-"Re-arrangement 0 furniture," in eptifiection with the co- tiperative 'p,rogranr• at her home. Mrs. of Mrs. (Rei:„) ,dIentiltonl, Goderieji,. on . '$urton 'Roach gave . a comprehensive _ ,, fr.,te..XtkOpirerrautstee,. ,osgerViplettoor6lawal..trottl, church, 'Ooderielt township. also! Vv4„"held...at Auburn. ..,.. Miss Lorna Roach present at •this;meeting. : There Was Rang. a pleasing solo and Mrs. Popp June pta, - .1The.,IWAVS. . Of .Plion;report of the district annual. meering a good attendance of metaber.S and 46,,,,."n've ',,a 'demonstration of "Graham Vieltors. ' Mrs. Phillips wio, In Otago' eraeker ple paste." 'lire. Donald Pow - of. the devOtiontd exereiseS. Mrs. A. ler gave Pa. humorous ,reading Which -1;41sitve°104.:...'f;'*tear.ba':Ottfito...wile,aht, oeikert as delivered- a — -.1.--'131111;teh#:,' 441,114:4. mdrsiltrit. alt., "l'isr.e.rid'eOn94t, was held 1,1he *mike a Mrs, (Ice:v.4 .13, and gayer Mit.4 prettio. 0 jameS.elatitilterf, Newgate Street '004:'. (Rev‘.) • 0:110meroy.. The-two.-guest„..atirring *addres* on the subJeet "What cede with. a , goodly rePreSent*tion- 00*,40. were urge ormy,..A. W. Gar. WOnlea' Can Do. to, Maintain 'Werld f_rote. both groups. 'Air§!ii.::1.440, PhD., „ow of, j,,o,deobors.„ Vrobyterial pre.;, ,-.1,0-4.0-,, ,r4tioatfoi she bellevo, was 1,100, PV01314,ellt ,gt the, tinion--flOeletYi.' sident;7"who.gave a very, interesting"aet ehe'enlY,,selutioe,.•,,and she urged that. was in ehi.ige:-Vetit_ 0. Meeting!. " "Vh9. eotint,of , th.05130ard meeting heldit :L „ t.,,, s, he. -tremendous remendous 'cost of war, both Scriptdre, kessotrwas reO4'..ereilienetve' Itirentb., And ,atio4lEmilio.ltu044),*4-9,4 lives and wetter,be kept ,before the Iy. . lireGeorge .AsTeliWiiiiii: 15,A0 .,a Gedirich„ 'wife taav of .the ,v0-#0.118 eirildrete:' 4 hearty vote of thanks wee' ai'''Sav.4 °GDO,d'eX:4•114$1:IvItle.1'13:iiese4varill:- 'trhilipr-clitoLi3g. attid.:alttnettnii.*ti'ititudn.,:.4'on* One Ail lot address.' Current events • were tendered to West Oster .tor her excel - Buchanan .tviiltdaceoort, . of different -ehureliea she the. ministers she heard - rate. .,"Rey. wee -or mrs.tAlton. . • ' ast„,,leeent. : trip. ;abroad. IStanley' lanes, This 'alio .-was--inter. , ' DUNGANNON, 30ne 20.—visitors. at Miss 7 )14del. MOorllettae 'Sang 4 'Eitlko, ,eating„. 'Mrs. Geo, - Wen -Wain; .from the,home op Mr, V. R. -.Andrew on 4'0 Love That VIII •110tlet,;)te CO' Union, 'ancl Inas 3106604.94.4t ti'ndei:'• ;Sunday Were Mr. and liIrif..:Ben !Mole' and Uri, '' MOO ,' A. 1-,..,01414.#1.,._ei', Of ,lelf, Tendered, solos Willettfaddedi Intlen, ; .)Zteliby iafid. (Whir and „Mk. and grs, UndesbOro,.. Preahle0t or ..the*, Huron to the Meeting: ' Punch was seiried,44, ,WIII' cfleimilton, of Ethel. . " Presbyterial, **Ye *eOnipX.eilenOl.fe Ike., the -.lawn and Ur's. 'Netherinitton and count of the conrentionfofisthi XiOnlin. _A large number of the -congregation _ of St. Andrew's United ehurch enjoyed the social evening held at the heme of -Mrs: Will Crawford . on .Fri- day evenings,. They presented *r. and Mrs. Pomeroy w,ith a table reflector and an address of appreciatiOn. CHOPPING MILL CHANGES HANDS • The chopping mill on Brock street has been purchased from Jeretniah Daltin by Myron Offteilly, of ich. Mr. Dalton will return farm in Aslifield township,. to the Dalton. homestead. Goder- to the 1 - occupy g the 01 thedktton*1$ deg cities '4.; 0 'parade- lost q daed*t*Ct*t$ Vote . • ily ist4;ateri, therefore, why the ot tgebrotens,Pertfun itbA A Agilikatoixithirnetat,, litse *11 need * 4 u3 4Me�e4 le Ole OM Who provottli on *e • 140 *et*, not betting had our annuntimieffileSterdsit there W calttlitnn 4n, the:grand „ parade ot Ole old toy* end ',Attie earning bark Mont 'Otto will reloice to kloolt o orgotten in their old hone town. 'ate 'you doh* to •help tit vatting- on the' 01 k celebration! time Week, after lona „abseil bat onstoms or * luly, August September. Whir are you enfering the Mr/ • . * • A girl attending pablie aehool, last *04 Algae& her ' trithuietie paper lite Westo—becanse she lenev*che had "One 'ens- wrong," • • ,414Pots before the *Yes are, A 401010t 14042teell* Another liteepot is shot, • * * • •Slin in bearding -"house bithrOotart 101,60ASVarilantolVII AXIOM glAT111460 hal! visited lierlin tataUng, friendship All stot; much upon Matoilite her* a '000.0 Store; Ay try. to!pft the* bonitaintheril against,* se, • - yop want to find, trhit jttst note Whitt he:falle for. •* * * , , tiltAt ttd tUrnip, to to fte4 It. to 1)10 and serve It 'in,* Vate of ham. 40 it"In tliPtoret4. bis vdto -lisoro*P* ,veouldet Otand, 4er taliting itt hit inlet* Arnt the t'eohlt Is 'that *he his tone lootre, to *utter. * • oil, ivoteht6 -wet tht tom .Vbe ItOtt ISpeeta,00 Aetienot the,ilerinatt 'fltera le the,. !bard* air** It* women OA ebildren and, *reeking ehutcheo 'rt1 ./iti,4 ',1015., on 1414 TaideInk; .44,11itno Thidelheins .roo.bta'rer alOte ..‘. Pon ttlyiroan dot, .rpo. A11 hy .hIrseelt viillet Iron iOross. woroonrik soh* ohildten, too, eknoiler day 1* *hot. ii1-noM , tor elting ftigilt 4fitl Ver,te Mere der trot**. hi • is. .* .144**et binOnlar 004400tAlt 1101V*00, 14* at eblietilti" a voile 'away It sip lie behind: you, V* writer say* that *Ina on the volt* 0 War alive to the virtues of pence. Another little br , loath do tor tog het*. •* * * *IWO* airetelt It* of et Otte thing, topeathogr be rittlier tatigulatt hoot* the 4 -4* * i*tt)0a0tald'ite'Mbar- t. W111 to ti* d _.,., , 3,14,-r.. And Mrir. 'Alfred_ Poistedt 'and Itandarg,hVyarnock PO:and 'tea 0--n 'the. vq,' &mil,* and., Urtf,• ,Ed. 4Gaut and eort Bob, a utwerteti, visited Mr. and Ilrs., U. 4.,. I4,..E.odi, on Sunday.. The2 illatildliidoes,y,tiotre Oat,e'rpf, ,of.,704,7.. Ifitt,le: Jean Denotedt rentained.' for seree„ Among, the *MOM& ikedmitle$ - and ,0121210not la 47tbe illinAtel VIA -Norman' Olonic_atoliarbor, ,Park, tiOderlohi on; mintoday afternoon otithis,week.. ' ion Board. IJunch wee estrireik by the hostest end a aoclal titoe*Airt4eAL Union Ch o • u -re- ettat sacred,..conoert la;•tieing Pre - ted by the organist aurt.cholt.In nion chuvh.pn, Friday, evening, July 2nd,,.....on 'Friday the regular meetint. Of the • V.P.1.1. woe,' bout,' 1n - Union church, with. Ottrtien preSetkt., MistolIPtik 430werhs, w* In Oittitt or thA 04449041,1,410tod And Muriel Moorhen,* Proidek,, the organ. vbe, atriptOre /e114100 (-PW* 23) Via* read by Norman, irgiler. the prayer from the- 41***2014er" v,,1141e toad by Erie licAlttster, OS_ t*XO4._ by Dwain. Muriel., the,10.104._peep' pJ at the .Sneumer...Selt urelay, lune 26, with- th! hymn 13 of lAte and On 1uaday,R E0,/,44148t Union eittiret, wben sons listened, to * the Pester' mat ehOlt sang an jt ‘1,1Ce widel announced Wtto• bebeld camp on Vat - *Sting -closed o gifted eb tion. Lodge, at- er ti per- idrsts ten to, bettie. /04 cppipoeed'Or Jrange order hen** took SA hit etthieet'ileeint, trn- Oen," troin the text, .444 Enehit. eyed, -Auld said, X001, pray thee, open hi* eyes, that be VW *04 'And the Mehl Opened the eye* of the Yount MAW and sew". (2 * hart C1'0. ,rnVilIPPiktittA Georgei'Voitatt.,,' of Voionto,opent the weekend With hie sisterc•Vse *Wel Watt; at the tope 'of . their Mr. Wm, Barbour, . - • , Mr. and :gm Arehle Andersen, ;Of Itelens, arieriVntuti4Xy *tom,tbe 'bolo 0-• their daughter -300i Robert' Ptirdon.. . The young ,Pteti,le 0 the' .11040. °hutch 000o,ted..thOir'-play. :!'',Ifother? Mine" at the, :.$iirden, pinky, on at4learloW, rildny •eirenitIg . Iteeereft -end. , Mt. Whoa thrillon,OttortlIttron, 4r- tlirtia;,31004tat *10* at IOC:Chas, El. Itott's.; to erlettilthetn. and :Other former ; kequaintendes.. ' „ • • , littir. Sam Atinbtront, fformerlY lanrCsiticteiv:0/,'Sahton. ,11,its, is inItlng Thariatelltrit.' ,41eo.Irwln be 011:144.:IraT0tontst,tot/znnel0tho, on-which,40/4101chter Melba •duatect trost.tor4nto Aenetal boor - nut 'Detroit last tutoday and *teked with irs$. CrOlglit0A4224 Mr. and Via:, Mr. Beecroft „returned new Dodge sedan, • Ur, And Iltra..1,tikettotield and-chil ten,of filettfertli,'“.tleieed.• Ore :Sunday at' the ben* 0 w-btethefic. urc Les- 11* ligrightmart.- . , Glibert.i3teeraft inototol itkii- betne lest Thursday and Ws brother, Cothernet. and. Alai tost"' jorie MeDowell, of„Ittillbretilr, returned 'With. hhn. Mios 1014kreell wlU el*10 *fait „with. Other- to-lett* in this ells, *riot- • 4' v•.. A. Wi,„Cterdiner, Loadeshero, Ontiutted atintterstry- „ cervittis at Orb:* chnieh' On ,SiludaY. • An., -lee ereem 'Social is being • 'held, at the hureh on VidtveidaY Ur, end Uri, 3. D.', tteetreft •and gloreneellaked, last Thursday with. her 'parents." Mr; and )gra. Andre' , -Kirk, of Soto:tit, Anniversary serviceo In thii 1i:resist- iton chttftivhere on tintalay drew rire trowdis /tom the. Ottrittinding Mt. Mille a Walker- ton gare"i*EY ltspiting' sermons, and the thOir, Assisted .by 341$* ratio* Ifkirt, 0. Whither*, and Mei IOU .cDoneld of IA40104 *adored, speclal stretheiseit and sOlo wbkis were *holt enjoyed alt. Her f?Ititmet,' ranee* Bri'dietpot,*zeotota; Is expected to att tittiohottit -0.0,derieli on` ' .1Iiiniielay*." are here* 'boys tend ; WirstePflon"alt St**. A. pleasant ..**" 'dialed-4nd' don't, forget to line that Itothera401;1014:lutvo 4 Ilttle itittire too : It fr)iielont5e, to you -to belp thelittet *way Irom„.the hit*, tit In for * whit*, . , fFr1ed regretted to heat the death of 4ft. %George „Moth, .agift father Of Mrs. Mliznle lonee, who -passed iiivay -ett her, home 400,Settnevla$ evening' at the .ege of nittetpthree: He heal en*Yed: excellent 'heettit until thts *lug, . When he ',tuskonetiMeniii, but bed 'eotpa from jt :able wet _ gia-.00eral,toeit. plaee an :TuiedstY' trent, .the •holne of sot,- 13ert Moab, et Auh,nrit. Belot* .to Ott. Chit& ltiliott recently - were. Ma. ;lick es** MetvIIIe anI Ernest Vittene enti thelettivet,. from ,144**iiiktosil- Witlalr,g; the ftteittLike; Add ,11.$11tv,aftgar and, salt, treat Avit-Oteet,, and presto1---el, i#1,(1. A snod- van :010510044600s8 4fittiiiatib1e,R4Vors Thswitofilitca,riea '..1011)166 • target rai 3fifttiitibi40404iik Ana �aiIy 4 that'oecond . . 140, ar441 iivor4or " -at1irefaet7Jua1r, or tile (ThpY, a sleep.) Croceto-ertirpothere Oen itict 0,114 t� 0*rvc.n g ,Mother story,: °,00.-eitelt .package.. .Serle y *..etett: rants. Made r byElellogglit 14401.44ti;