HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-02, Page 2te$4.
acWt1nE 1n tseOlurrine 04,•
Ellett it will not 44 aiib3e tor *V ovor.
.0010abed bertiondo iieufcproo of owl
immured niwr1unifb the
hosinesa <Ace duly.44
t book for anot
and & WOO toliowinol but
4%g410 *tie or 00144 .tn.tezu o
noiter, tatto rrurn1al arqr04, '04$tty
linea ore 'b000m oft -vorY ston4 er,o0441 Oore ,are 4ofler'
VOW,* Vetc0. Are' ferfont odOtrori0 PreMier 'Ho rn,
*nd-ihtre a 41tetills iiaeJitit as • strongly -onkel,
170-04, ad,Iniststration.
6 et!? DO ht:8
itrnA UJJt 1%
414 91,0i HIllat.er tt); pregivss. notAit\be aeeotinted the
‘„greatellt thing in a c:onntry'S annals., It is 4,,vo17 important
. 100tor, :and it. may r ell he a matter otprlde to Ustnitelians '
that in the ievei‘ity Years since Confederation Idtinade has:
developed lier Materiar..roOnre0 in A remarkable Man
net. In Mr Soirehington's Pominitin Day deillateh ;Iron"
Otti toThe,Tororito 'Globe and. Mail, be'gives a4 ex-
'- suinmatiot conaela'8. aehlevements on these lime
Ono -1867. 11 says .
- \`,1Clatoda stands, ftftli among the nations 0 the World
in volume of trade, and .the expansion Of her, comPleree.•
diirhg the sevent$,IT,ara.ofnoe Confederation has been son
- paused In no other eOuntrY; if 'indeed it bas been. equalled,.
41* an .-10044a 0114 dependent eommuntty before her,
to•00,atilteill_she be.0001ea notion trading with .
endstbe :0 -*IiiiirTraf-r4i#040trtrOt.Y-
re/kit-trading -flatten, 1szsnr4
For .tho lirst time' wIlbln nketnory, 401 UnAt rio
1 1)ratto on 1)om1410n: Oar, even the, ehildretra Ones
wbkli are a 040,1tIonal feature of -tiwo ilaeo program in
thla town betng, omkted.. TbJ was, no doubt, begause
of pie Qld Bome Week o be held,thisfoloroMer..; but- next
ear. .00derlen sliould got back to, Ole , out iiiitiile,r41;i0 put
on "n.'itomlnion ;DOS' program that will Make. apt. for tbts
Yearq neglect,
One day hi July Is enougb for emory enr1bi
in coptraet yVitli their ,n4 *r•
itoundingo of '
*Ores* follagor.and-:
,,toi-orything whatsoever .-of,beantyr is Seen at .
1,0 44tyttle eontraeting,alireOlingt4/*' , •-P*Ign,t, 'Om
Ia seonto perfection only Oita 0004' •
. At. mis seapon year a..Moot restful !;141, in .na-
ture appenr# to, ',Oven the lie 'waiting tO'''
:receive the 04460. otlite'elonde that like
freal, ehealcier to shoulder. These viond00:-igOe.everYthin...
103:4* kre4:40b*OS'a, thia. month,' so.proudiy!'•;011ed,
-with 'white' light thot, lboT: Nvity,intenalt7,: brow-
ing ISO* gbeStlyratlittnee, the 4,". '04 :Mu% •
here atal there ruffled' darkly 4040, -tOrni*ed .811ver7--ta pert .
feetion 0 contras; ••annotlar . •
• The, woods are in.'preir,,Prime,-).mt-,tefOre•Ow:e0 of
the month— alas! there 1.4'nfie 44 -,on
the.wane. -SeVer4rWilie...0PAng IOPtsft40t**4,'itr,l‘g10:
atter blossoming soon *liter -wane' theiniiiienee'' Of .4 lief
un not tjlof*, Itqtnnite ,ones 1#09x0
la ter ;and areborne ineirshY-4A0ea,
;u;; - 't'!'
June 2Q.—Mr and Mrs,
, Sidtford, and Mr,
cy Oraheto Oa' fatally,
spent Sunday With
•Jloy ait00,
ra, 1.704 rerrig00,,a00an
bte4044'04: Ur., And littro, -.147
.„end literof Alton,
•made A onort 'Vrggtitrialrrar-
Itil their uncle, 31r. John
r.,• Urs. WII1 BahlWIn spit
srday lit Stratford,
and 7.1m W. R. Bray,. Of
sPent, 00edaY forenoon
theft cousins, Urge, Nelson *oil•
notive' Or Cllntofl, in .4be Pomo
of logo,* ,Plitlt Simon*, wi..410v-
tne late Mimeo' AfePaebert7,' Med' ,at
P00% on Saturday. Ws. lkileCilloh-
eity '11„Ited with her liusband In Gode-
rtoltfor several • years, leaving fot,411e.,,
;OW tittotiirclear! agrq=s0er,lOonand:
i"ilied In 1033. an4.,wstiwito4 r4-144.
14.0 Onletgrr* and 11*. reMalio•' •,0f
his 'widow, were ,twougbt.,, 40 Voderieu
to be PlaOod, at toot in -the famil$, plot
on Tuesday. 5urvivlug Is one 'dough?,
ter, Mrs. ti:(110!:07 4Lane.
r • :lt
te,..funeral..Serilee .tho' "grateside
The garden, party of ,I)10 Knox rreshYterion church, 'The Pall-
010104. orettlt was 1100 0. ators Were; Alessrs. Plms, Hloe15,-
kett'a ebnrell .00 Frlda7r -woo A Oa* look Chas, lanee- end rlOYd
idded aneeees, • proceeds At the AntO
were $10. The play 'Oreqent
00,1104-'•'nenn'te, ot' selgrave
entertaining ahdt. 'the 'sad
Lrvey Opetriek and guitar -num.,
ont 0e,..04,.1v,erelltard wlth
14.1Sea• Jewell'' '10.042''Oant
Mr p• • v
thg.liith•reeneeeelen, vielted,on; "Sop.
atMrs Mary PbillIps. -.
etia,44beetta ''))Y .9rOntto
ed in'ipreestratiee.:', for the, f. lg'741,k
In VilniQw on r, 41*
sot: ,and Esther
gradtiateeCef..titratford, Norm41:/,.$
*allw4tn. attended:0e, ,pienieio.f,:ti#
4t, ,41tohigas,, caino 4itataviay.
The softball 04nllier
winiling easily' 30-13.
dAy Of thIS week. ,
,and,.: Mrs, Aleinit Garrett, of
Mnitlaiid.,Concession,* vialted :00,,Sator-
day )1ra, ItlarWeodyartd:r4o4y..,
witer,Plante- IS the ple.kerer weed,'so ,dilieTheennt4
said.-*plekerele lay their eggs among, the leaves., :
foudd growing from Nova Scotia to.Ontarioin mud, in".the
ehallotee, ef ,yratere. The bright beauty of its iong
spikes 'a- raggtio flowers seen at a distance.,
perhaps stiggiat larkspur; Close acquieinteinc'e, however -,L.
wUleoon recteal the difference..
"Another lover of dattiP pees is the gorgeous POrple
" - • , , , „
loosestrife, European origin, with its brilliaa spikes
large magenta flowers. A •very attraetive. and beatitiful
plant tie *welt ae -moat -interesting; -bemuse thraugh.„...Dat--
winie.study it 'has assitmed an iMportant ;place ' bis
theoretical' origin 0 species.
• In 314 tultivated plant . life. is In its zenith or
at the peak.pf perfection. -Bit here -again this galaxy- a
bloom is seen at its hest „only by -virtue of .contraeting
. surrouedings, whetper theywbe well*ept grass, Once, !vvali,1
or hedge, •
'There Is MliCh• beseen arta marvelled at,in the in-
troduction'of-cholee- new varieties .0f, dowers, eappelaily
when seen aptinst h suitable -background,. or framework.,
. At the Central Experimental Farm, -lottawa, there 15
the famous collectioe of 'hedges. Many species 0 trees,
both deelduou and evergreete also shrubs, have been
trainedatuf-clipPed into row After row of infinitely trifu
hedges. Greet forest trees .suell" as the *hie, hereloek,
lareb, spruce,. oak, beeeh, birch, elm and Ilerlibelini*. are
apparently all quite ccontented to .beeome. hedges in' the
Merciful adjustment -Which Nat*.,)nekee :whet! what,
eat:thot be eared mitst be endured.
FloWering shrttbs' ore flourishing :in the form 0 Mee,
dogwood,. viburnum, earagana, spiraea, .ninebark,
,rantiAioneystickle and hydrangea so are ,fralt trees for
the.mulberry alto forked 'bri.Av -to the tepierietse art.,
4.1. veritable 'eXample p.erre,gtiak .b.ortittlituie crafts.
ma eahip ; Some ot them len feet , high—the reault.-. Ott:many
yeafo .peraeieranee in the quest ef neble •and
tribute, to toplary:--0,. W. Vert, DiViaion ef Botany, Cen-
tral Ex' periniental Farm, Ottara.
'Front* and' Oermatty,
• .
• ,
00*Itere else in the world have the same number of
PeOple-euch, enormous- undeveloped nattirat. resources itt
• their diSposal and this 'fad islargely responsible for the
teary investment -fit thef'Dorainion ±of • ',British and' United.
48fates_eepital, eatimated the011reau'ottitatia4'
les At •nearlY 474,000,000,000. iMinerals constitute one, of
• the Moat .important reiources a the Detninion and the
amazing (progress of the .Mining 144000 IS Illustrated by
. the annual, output, *bleb has increased from $10,000,000.
to $00,000,fiel) In the last half Century. Canada .19 now
. of...the world,_ Her
geld Mines eentributed $180000.,000 the-nationel Wealth
laat year, and will probably do better this year, while her
ifecse,Metals, like niebel, Wed; eopper and zinc, .are, expoted
by the MinLoter 0 Itesourees and Mines to yield $100,000,-
. 000 :thie year,. • - •• ,
the time of Confederation the national wealth VMS'
leg8 than one and one,balf billions, .At the peak 0 do -
prosperity in 1020 it had increased to nearly $112
'• billions, but it iWaS ',written. c,lorn $2.1 billions* in the
'worst year of -the -depression and is. now between that fig-
, tn'e- And, P11,111104s, • • . - • •
ISPectseular tapansion has been Witnessed', in wheat
• : procluetion, whieh was Wit -20,00A® bushels a year at the
time or entrederatiOn, and Canada is still regarded • as
bread hesket of,. the•Empire" in spite 'of recent .diffi-
tulties. 40)04 fuerketing problems. At the turn 0 the
centurrtlicanetral,.prodetion ef 'wheat was about 0,000,-
,.000 'bushOsOatt 'siftee•then !It bps on Were' oeeasiorie ex -
fled '49%000,600 bUshels. • In reeent years, owleg to
'eenditioes„ the average crop has. been- saiupwbat
100 "bilsh'ets, • 'Value of the field crops at
tifederatiow was4111,0W,000:, %nee ttie Ntr'orld;War It
bits 0*(!teded in one year 41A00,000,000, while •the -latest
*W10010 •ostritiatqc:4 the groes .-agriettitural wealth of
Vallada ,e*eeeile (10,1)90,000)()(k
At Confederation, „Canadian Manufacturers were still.
• in. their" infitheY, 40nital Production totalled ...soine .•.
$221,000,000., diy the. petit .year Ot 1020 it . had rettehed
4,029,000,000 but is now ,e0usiderablY less' °WO*, to the '
4000019n, With ,the teetwert Of trade the kfiduatry Will.
• 004100 ron 'h.ferte,ttid.:.t.,o fresh' peeks or achievement.
•Ite.markable growth. has been ShOwn in,4he .benkleg
and inierallee tranSpOrtation and many • 'Other -
lino. Of 'endeaTer, Assettt,of. the ehartered hanka have
*:iilereatied,froni 01,000,0007est .ttte time a Confederation
to 0000.00t!poo at' the present time.: In -1H60 total life
. .#1tisbranee:in foree, in :Thltninieft- eoinpenies Wits Only 4,%,*
*)0,000\, the' total Canadian life illearallee- In
Oree Poi itririono coMpinito opetating In .thO,Doroinion
1& well In • eirt, $3,00q000,000,
:1)00A ..40410-ttiujoriAN - •
utth3x*A07 ist. the opreitia 11 ' tang, but the die -
trite 111414W 410 Ixt,i4Pelled oho and"'
'wean* OAdeOetk people are .0>eving 0 toett 147
tow imers st*Iithoutouto oft Ole mitittited. i!ef
,etiebrsitien btlis In thia town from Awe linmemorlai, •
• It stems that, the :word la not a laminar one Ooine
Vert" Of the *We boolibto4,PoOPIO tvon
Iwo* what.* 011.110101440 tiotneone yeata..140
/ant introtinted both theWord ind.th*Artiotti't0
for on etery boaliniOnP44 ihe,11114;htly".,,
yeaterd*Y,; for the Arst-titie **Witt
.te'lehrati:+in kit:itile A " +07' 1i* *eta. AS the. POO,:
_000004.6407 4.)r, in ,.41...t
a it,i .-ceitivoiiiiitlerC40.4inte,
hi* nobody, apPirent nild ba Ole ger Itt '
notossary for it reel live ,calitlittoOtt. .
the word "eillithnitte' Into a queer *Oration. the
trrisnt end, atoord.tug tti: the dreti '4SnartIS 't,frOnt * Ore*
word i'lialort:' beantltnI., and thrd*P:110 .:)044- i:0000 'old
iei40,1"or41-laitatidod-toik,rrertrel A. 4****0**\,,tae.aolhtt 4.
• "callittmarps le **WSJ wade et !4iallitsiiidei. .1n. ,trkieb
hersi-hloWing,, the!.bintint a. ti Imo 'et
otber ti ' ts are th* , „ - 1 f."
DThTt' &IId Mr
AakiN zaolg smith„ #.0,41'1001(44.
rote•Hogoll, .0f: Pooloov,
, 11, 3.104 Oatr .--Varpenlor-;roOontly 404
VON" 'One . °'.2,!,-41,1°P.., two Well-eared,for e0Wri to 3fr,,W4n.; EL -
James Oltilw wile owing.to -tiloanilit uottis. 'farm- near Ptingannon. , • ' •
Omit ;tile Niter': mOntno . in Toronto I --$.0400ll riente,..4%6 ._,,,,wor#*' ind. - -
With, ber, da gliter, Mrs. Melvin ' J. 10chool. Club of S.S.:.No, -ti •atien49red a
Beed half*, retigned,(li:k her hone In . 'pier or .,;.til.. , 00;44 awl otA4dro4
Dungannon, agoompanlo,d, 4.4y )00. Heed wh ch wOo. iield, -WO4noRdnY Afternoon,: .
oit.lia,-4-.4141*-Auit-ktert TV% 71'010, ,J•nne ',13Td, at .00e0 044; '..TrIt4,10ai .
-WM enloY,, the lieliday6s0ason-in Pun- Avelitheri-"16r-Aveoril'404',VaIlest.'Nlore 'Too
gaaaen- arei,k Yieblityr lsre are pleesed with -the :following-keg:nits k,'- „Child
to 'tete that;'*e.'''OirVin, While 310t 4144er *044Q) Atgeitinek, OVA- --UPI* i
entitelk' recovered from , her,. ' broken popp.• ;Girls 6 t07"S'yeara7.-clatie Rat,- ,, .
liMh„..IS greatif improved, -and is ohle ledge, Atari, .chisholm, ''Ael90. 'fihnith4, ' '
to, move around, the •1100oe, ' (ties) ' BoYs (1, to $:Yealle.r4oYnn Tar-
1,tileweelr ;with •tlioad'i's Mother,. lire. Boys kl to id. years -4,, .0; ' A,Itent' Nor- -
.).4*-.. antr"44tro, 'Partite...Wiggins , and 'rrer; Gordon Sehulta,. Gill* 4 ,,to .1a.
lita6.00,,won*,,pic.vias, wilo sit 7eart3,44,14111307 0:01:03,0t. •crId..44;17,11,vvestL,
'''.*:4431)'*'':Nsrilf"ritilt4t°41.(1;*"(?)1.'' ill% wh7 tlade .4,13izilii08°..n.;'ttb'e::?ttirlt4alol.:207ti:114:P::)!"C11787,rcli-""e;
IGInefitta' 04,;:-.41-11144,Y. et the -home or
-War4,0 returned on 0.14-••,-4T.S. Arildfor ,
447, to 0,04, 404,,,w, here, Leuere Petersen, '33ett$,'. Pradferd.
Y Jones
ras. ,domenstra, px4, 144x4r44,177w,h, owrt.e.erre,s: 'Bl*e b R
THEs yearSIIOW uit race---airte. 4:4 rAio •
efl Annit and Gordon, and Mrs. -
-'all'Unds1;,tNiF4":rWria::31rC:d1;;;:t0411;;!-P;71;e4rina-D.'(r9e: Betty
mid Gerald Currie, IdeOnarci „4-civett and
vor -tb.tliteoltipg,,4€41,00010, It as v Sours, 0 .40-
e• , .0a. id . f :orietele4eggoeurarir:70:eir:o ;iaricd
t„ovor-;..00, tw,,,00doioksp- . ton, were Sunday gilOsto With Mr, and 131"4 444)13'arfl
Oeontitat-'onVia invallety-'and Thomas Tbe display on to• andMrs.Msur: 'gems. h-Poire,t_ifiZzet.MrSit kixe.eftriar..
.1740*06AntiA6Palr, ti.e.PriZesrere. Anniversary services will be held. in riv.x..„ -After 'the sports ,WaS
litserved and then the ittnier,roOne teach -
What, erlell,,gardella call'PrOdnee..' ne'ir- David GoWt13'• of er, :Farrier, wew.hOilcire(i:rith
•141.' Ottores.,' director et tixf,'Thlrhanl' octupY 'the pulpit.
" tiOrtleilltnriste were 'enthtisitiati Davidson, "118/11P" held tlie annual rose slow in a vacant townshlp, and lir. and T1ra- itobelt Annetta Stewart and ps,0,05..
stg_re.00-tbit ,AonorO,
Mr farewell gift aftettlaree4eara of faith-
oeletY,- was e4arge 01 the display, The regular MenthlyR, meeting 0 the ful teaching. Miss II0rtha,Pbpp preIn wlulch -
_418.0 peonies, 'Women's,. Association was held on seated her with a lovely' White, purse
oPegf, Xiansleae."04-kithimama • naan, ,WednesdaY at the heme of Mrs. G. and Miss Anuetta read\ the
„ • Jamea 'S,10Whinney, in ' the chair.
Alter devotional exercises in\ which
LEEBURN the 'Scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
4, Elliott, ,arrengernents were com-
pleted for the lawn social to be held
on the ',church lawn in July. Then
d 'fled Cora
other, sonabie ;bloom* - • F. Harria, :with the president, Mrs. address. '
fitilliBURN, Ione g9.---Haotera Don
, .
spending their holidara with relatives
04- Elleen'Ifo-gTe
examination n- ¶1uesday 1ast. niece, Mr. and Mrs. 1.•
testa. Limele,plenie style, -eras served
by Mrs It A *..alelienzie's group
Ors. Alex, iHertoe he'd .on Mr. Ernest 'Crawford hes been- ea -
'With lieFainitS, 1.1frrorarand miss •••
drey Hawkins, of Forest, is 11011daYi,77:.,.
owPOLBILALI3iw:Tx:ts., Ju:
yon, visited with her nephew and
Wish ,her •euecess.-
Harry'Abtored, to4,istOwer on Sunday.
Eli, Taylor, ef Petrone., is a guest
with his cousin, Richard Twamley.
William. H. Reed held a successful
aectioe sale of farm .stock and, imple-
ments on nersday afternoon. Thomas -
Gundry was the auctioneer,, and good
prices were reollzed, the liorsesand
cattle especially being, in good demand.
Women's institute..—A Joint m&ting
• • Mi. ',John- 'Thulleid.' attended the gaged as teacher. tor. Ptirple Grove
wlth _ , ,„,_ . school for the coming school .term.; -
The sale of home-made baking Nithteb unIted -uhtirch Presbytery Meeting and 'Miss Ethel isielien* has been for-
waS to be held on SaturdaY,' alai 6rd, Pienle at -Gill 4 Bend' OA Tuesday Wtlet. tunate in securing a school „near Ford -
as ,been postponed until until' Saturday, He was the rePrOsentatIve from Lee-. wich. • •
,....40,1447004. road bao,ibeen, tr:0404:•k)ort that Rev. I)." Pomeroy will kin Miss Henrietia 'Quaid, •and miss
IllY 10th; - . 'Vara ellareh, We Are pleased to re-
wit.h..a, .e0,0 „.4 -,,f ,pet.__whice_isbould,„grea.p,,_ be pastor here tor another Year. Ethel McKenzie attend'ed- the Normal
School' picnic near Dayfield on Satin-
--'1-ils'S `'Altatt Sailors -attended-. the -Ot the -Dungannon „branches, senior az
leesen'.. the dust,- thereby making
_driving a' great-deaLsefer„. ' ,
The.tnion DreMatic• "Club will. hold
the-lake-bankiielded Art,
Tiehbornes on Tuesday, ,31113, Otb.
*SS Visther MellWain lareerigeged.
as :teacher 'at S.S.," No..0 .t4ranother
term.• -
Ur. and „Mrs, Allison and daughter,
of Attila *Craig, Mr. and hire. Norman
Hemilton. and .family and Mrs. Har-
vey Andrew and Aro children,- of
blip, visited on •Sueday with relativee
In the community, . „ ' _
Mrs,. Roht, McAllister and ...Erie
spent goaday at Toronto vielting her
eon Alvini•NitO. le.„*.patl#4 In the'To4
ronto- General hoSpital' -
• Joint W..* S. Meettne--4)n Wed-
nesday aftet_noon, 'Joint:meeting '4),f
iJnton auxilfary-and.'lieeteirh:411Xlilary
the'W men's 'AISSIOnary SocietY
Normal • SehoOt .studen' ts' last.
Week. •.
Mrs; A. Glutton Is spending :this\
ekr-rith her:daugh:ter--.111 Toronto„,..
Xr-and. Wm.. Chisholm, 'hove
purehiteed A lieW. -Chevrolet ear.
, „„
*.•:iked I-0101ton' Cittttod and
children Motored to Lueknew Sunday
afternoort to see Mrs. ,Oluttoe's mother.
'Who is not : „
ivreting.-gRife June *meet -
a the was held at the hoMe-
Junior, of -the Women's_idstitute was
held Thursday afternoon with an at-
tendance 0 .about forty. •, Mrs. Lorne
.Ivers,„ president „of-the_Women's in-
'atitute, conducted. the meeting. Roll
:can was responded- to by. the nathe 'of
a flower beginning with the firstlet.•
ter of the reemberla •Chrlitian name.'
It was .decided to accept the invita-
tion of Miss, Flora Durnin to hold the
demenstration -o!-"Re-arrangement 0
furniture," in eptifiection with the co-
tiperative 'p,rogranr• at her home. Mrs.
of Mrs. (Rei:„) ,dIentiltonl, Goderieji,. on . '$urton 'Roach gave . a comprehensive
_ ,, fr.,te..XtkOpirerrautstee,. ,osgerViplettoor6lawal..trottl,
church, 'Ooderielt township. also! Vv4„"held...at Auburn. ..,.. Miss Lorna Roach
present at •this;meeting. : There Was Rang. a pleasing solo and Mrs. Popp
June pta, - .1The.,IWAVS. . Of .Plion;report of the district annual. meering
a good attendance of metaber.S and 46,,,,."n've ',,a 'demonstration of "Graham
Vieltors. ' Mrs. Phillips wio, In Otago' eraeker ple paste." 'lire. Donald Pow -
of. the devOtiontd exereiseS. Mrs. A. ler gave Pa. humorous ,reading Which
-1;41sitve°104.:...'f;'*tear.ba':Ottfito...wile,aht, oeikert as delivered- a
— -.1.--'131111;teh#:,' 441,114:4. mdrsiltrit. alt., "l'isr.e.rid'eOn94t,
was held 1,1he *mike a Mrs, (Ice:v.4 .13, and gayer Mit.4 prettio. 0
jameS.elatitilterf, Newgate Street '004:'. (Rev‘.) • 0:110meroy.. The-two.-guest„..atirring *addres* on the subJeet "What
cede with. a , goodly rePreSent*tion- 00*,40. were urge ormy,..A. W. Gar. WOnlea' Can Do. to, Maintain 'Werld
f_rote. both groups. 'Air§!ii.::1.440, PhD., „ow of, j,,o,deobors.„ Vrobyterial pre.;, ,-.1,0-4.0-,, ,r4tioatfoi she bellevo, was
1,100, PV01314,ellt ,gt the, tinion--flOeletYi.' sident;7"who.gave a very, interesting"aet ehe'enlY,,selutioe,.•,,and she urged that.
was in ehi.ige:-Vetit_ 0. Meeting!. " "Vh9. eotint,of , th.05130ard meeting heldit :L
„ t.,,, s, he. -tremendous remendous 'cost of war, both
Scriptdre, kessotrwas reO4'..ereilienetve' Itirentb., And ,atio4lEmilio.ltu044),*4-9,4 lives and wetter,be kept ,before the
Iy. . lireGeorge .AsTeliWiiiiii: 15,A0 .,a Gedirich„ 'wife taav of .the ,v0-#0.118 eirildrete:' 4 hearty vote of thanks wee'
ai'''Sav.4 °GDO,d'eX:4•114$1:IvItle.1'13:iiese4varill:- 'trhilipr-clitoLi3g. attid.:alttnettnii.*ti'ititudn.,:.4'on* One Ail lot address.' Current events • were
tendered to West Oster .tor her excel -
.tviiltdaceoort, . of different -ehureliea she the. ministers she heard - rate. .,"Rey. wee -or mrs.tAlton. . • '
ast„,,leeent. : trip. ;abroad. IStanley' lanes, This 'alio .-was--inter. , ' DUNGANNON, 30ne 20.—visitors. at
Miss 7 )14del. MOorllettae 'Sang 4 'Eitlko, ,eating„. 'Mrs. Geo, - Wen -Wain; .from the,home op Mr, V. R. -.Andrew on
4'0 Love That VIII •110tlet,;)te CO' Union, 'ancl Inas 3106604.94.4t ti'ndei:'• ;Sunday Were Mr. and liIrif..:Ben !Mole'
and Uri, '' MOO ,' A. 1-,..,01414.#1.,._ei', Of ,lelf, Tendered, solos Willettfaddedi Intlen, ; .)Zteliby iafid. (Whir and „Mk. and grs,
UndesbOro,.. Preahle0t or ..the*, Huron to the Meeting: ' Punch was seiried,44, ,WIII' cfleimilton, of Ethel. . "
Presbyterial, **Ye *eOnipX.eilenOl.fe Ike., the -.lawn and Ur's. 'Netherinitton and
count of the conrentionfofisthi XiOnlin.
_A large number of the -congregation
of St. Andrew's United ehurch enjoyed
the social evening held at the heme of
-Mrs: Will Crawford . on .Fri-
day evenings,. They presented *r. and
Mrs. Pomeroy w,ith a table reflector
and an address of appreciatiOn.
• The chopping mill on Brock street
has been purchased from Jeretniah
Daltin by Myron Offteilly, of
ich. Mr. Dalton will return
farm in Aslifield township,. to
the Dalton. homestead.
to the 1 -
occupy g
the 01
thedktton*1$ deg cities '4.;
0 'parade- lost q
daed*t*Ct*t$ Vote . •
ily ist4;ateri, therefore, why the ot
itbA A Agilikatoixithirnetat,, litse *11 need *
u3 4Me�e4 le Ole
OM Who provottli on *e • 140
*et*, not betting had our annuntimieffileSterdsit there W
calttlitnn 4n, the:grand „ parade ot
Ole old toy* end ',Attie earning bark
Mont 'Otto will reloice to kloolt
o orgotten in their old hone town.
'ate 'you doh* to •help tit vatting- on the' 01
k celebration!
time Week,
after lona „abseil
bat onstoms or
luly, August September. Whir are you enfering
the Mr/ • .
* •
A girl attending pablie aehool, last *04 Algae& her '
trithuietie paper lite Westo—becanse she lenev*che had
"One 'ens- wrong,"
• •
,414Pots before the *Yes are, A 401010t
14042teell* Another liteepot is shot,
• * * •
•Slin in bearding -"house bithrOotart
AXIOM glAT111460
hal! visited lierlin
tataUng, friendship All
stot; much upon
Matoilite her* a '000.0 Store; Ay
try. to!pft the* bonitaintheril against,* se,
• -
yop want to find, trhit jttst
note Whitt he:falle for.
•* * *
, ,
tiltAt ttd tUrnip, to to fte4 It. to 1)10 and
serve It 'in,* Vate of ham.
it"In tliPtoret4. bis vdto -lisoro*P* ,veouldet Otand,
4er taliting itt hit inlet* Arnt the t'eohlt Is 'that *he his
tone lootre, to *utter.
* • oil,
ivoteht6 -wet tht tom .Vbe
ItOtt ISpeeta,00
Aetienot the,ilerinatt 'fltera le the,. !bard* air**
It* women OA ebildren and, *reeking ehutcheo
'rt1 ./iti,4 ',1015., on 1414 TaideInk;
.44,11itno Thidelheins .roo.bta'rer alOte
..‘. Pon ttlyiroan dot, .rpo.
A11 hy .hIrseelt
viillet Iron iOross.
woroonrik soh* ohildten, too,
eknoiler day 1* *hot.
, tor elting ftigilt
Ver,te Mere der trot**. hi
• is. .*
.144**et binOnlar 004400tAlt
1101V*00, 14* at eblietilti" a voile 'away It
sip lie behind: you,
V* writer say* that *Ina on the volt* 0 War
alive to the virtues of pence. Another little
br , loath do tor tog het*.
•* * *
*IWO* airetelt It* of
et Otte thing, topeathogr
be rittlier tatigulatt hoot* the
4 -4* *
W111 to ti* d
_.,., , 3,14,-r.. And Mrir. 'Alfred_ Poistedt 'and
Itandarg,hVyarnock PO:and 'tea 0--n 'the. vq,' &mil,* and., Urtf,• ,Ed. 4Gaut and eort
Bob, a utwerteti, visited Mr. and
Ilrs., U. 4.,. I4,..E.odi, on Sunday.. The2
illatildliidoes,y,tiotre Oat,e'rpf, ,of.,704,7.. Ifitt,le:
Jean Denotedt rentained.' for seree„
Among, the *MOM& ikedmitle$ - and
,0121210not la 47tbe illinAtel VIA -Norman'
Olonic_atoliarbor, ,Park, tiOderlohi on;
mintoday afternoon otithis,week.. '
ion Board. IJunch wee estrireik by the
hostest end a aoclal titoe*Airt4eAL
Union Ch o • u -re-
ettat sacred,..conoert la;•tieing Pre -
ted by the organist aurt.cholt.In
nion chuvh.pn, Friday, evening, July
2nd,,.....on 'Friday the regular
meetint. Of the • V.P.1.1. woe,' bout,' 1n -
Union church, with. Ottrtien preSetkt.,
MistolIPtik 430werhs, w* In Oittitt or
thA 04449041,1,410tod And Muriel
Moorhen,* Proidek,, the organ.
vbe, atriptOre /e114100 (-PW* 23) Via*
read by Norman, irgiler. the prayer
from the- 41***2014er" v,,1141e toad by
Erie licAlttster, OS_
t*XO4._ by
Dwain. Muriel.,
the,10.104._peep' pJ
at the .Sneumer...Selt
urelay, lune 26,
with- th! hymn 13
of lAte and
On 1uaday,R
Union eittiret, wben
sons listened, to *
the Pester'
mat ehOlt sang an jt
‘1,1Ce widel
Wtto• bebeld
camp on Vat -
*Sting -closed
o gifted
eb tion.
er ti per-
ten to,
Jrange order
took SA hit etthieet'ileeint, trn-
Oen," troin the text, .444 Enehit.
eyed, -Auld said, X001, pray thee,
open hi* eyes, that be VW *04 'And
the Mehl Opened the eye* of the Yount
MAW and sew". (2 * hart C1'0.
Georgei'Voitatt.,,' of Voionto,opent the
weekend With hie sisterc•Vse *Wel
Watt; at the tope 'of . their
Mr. Wm, Barbour, . - •
, Mr. and :gm Arehle Andersen, ;Of
Itelens, arieriVntuti4Xy *tom,tbe
'bolo 0-• their daughter -300i Robert'
Ptirdon.. .
The young ,Pteti,le 0 the' .11040.
°hutch 000o,ted..thOir'-play. :!'',Ifother?
Mine" at the, :.$iirden, pinky, on
rildny •eirenitIg .
Iteeereft -end.
, Mt. Whoa thrillon,OttortlIttron, 4r-
tlirtia;,31004tat *10* at IOC:Chas, El.
Itott's.; to erlettilthetn. and :Other former ;
kequaintendes.. ' „ • • ,
littir. Sam Atinbtront, fformerlY
lanrCsiticteiv:0/,'Sahton. ,11,its, is
inItlng Thariatelltrit.' ,41eo.Irwln
be 011:144.:IraT0tontst,tot/znnel0tho,
on-which,40/4101chter Melba
•duatect trost.tor4nto Aenetal boor -
nut 'Detroit last tutoday and *teked
with irs$. CrOlglit0A4224 Mr. and Via:,
Mr. Beecroft „returned
new Dodge sedan, •
Ur, And Iltra..1,tikettotield and-chil
ten,of filettfertli,'“.tleieed.• Ore :Sunday
at' the ben* 0 w-btethefic. urc Les-
ligrightmart.- . ,
Glibert.i3teeraft inototol itkii-
betne lest Thursday and Ws brother,
Cothernet. and. Alai tost"'
jorie MeDowell, of„Ittillbretilr, returned
'With. hhn. Mios 1014kreell wlU el*10
*fait „with. Other- to-lett* in this ells,
*riot- • 4'
v•.. A. Wi,„Cterdiner, Loadeshero,
Ontiutted atintterstry- „ cervittis at
Orb:* chnieh' On ,SiludaY. • An., -lee
ereem 'Social is being • 'held, at the
hureh on VidtveidaY
Ur, end Uri, 3. D.', tteetreft •and
gloreneellaked, last Thursday with.
her 'parents." Mr; and )gra. Andre' ,
-Kirk, of Soto:tit,
Anniversary serviceo In thii 1i:resist-
iton chttftivhere on tintalay drew
rire trowdis /tom the. Ottrittinding
Mt. Mille a Walker-
ton gare"i*EY ltspiting' sermons, and
the thOir, Assisted .by 341$* ratio*
Ifkirt, 0. Whither*, and Mei IOU
.cDoneld of IA40104 *adored,
speclal stretheiseit and sOlo
wbkis were *holt enjoyed alt.
Her f?Ititmet,' ranee*
Bri'dietpot,*zeotota; Is expected to att
-0.0,derieli on`
.1Iiiniielay*." are here* 'boys tend ;
WirstePflon"alt St**. A. pleasant ..**"
'dialed-4nd' don't, forget to line that
Itothera401;1014:lutvo 4 Ilttle itittire
too : It fr)iielont5e, to you -to
belp thelittet *way Irom„.the hit*,
tit In for * whit*, . ,
fFr1ed regretted to heat the
death of 4ft. %George „Moth, .agift
father Of Mrs. Mliznle lonee, who
-passed iiivay -ett her, home 400,Settnevla$
evening' at the .ege of nittetpthree:
He heal en*Yed: excellent 'heettit until
thts *lug, . When he ',tuskonetiMeniii,
but bed 'eotpa from jt
:able wet _ gia-.00eral,toeit. plaee an
:TuiedstY' trent, .the •holne of sot,-
13ert Moab, et Auh,nrit.
Belot* .to Ott. Chit& ltiliott
recently - were. Ma. ;lick
es** MetvIIIe anI Ernest Vittene enti
thelettivet,. from ,144**iiiktosil-
Witlalr,g; the ftteittLike; Add
,11.$11tv,aftgar and, salt, treat
Avit-Oteet,, and presto1---el,
i#1,(1. A snod-
van :010510044600s8
Thswitofilitca,riea '..1011)166 •
target rai 3fifttiitibi40404iik Ana
�aiIy 4 that'oecond
. .
140, ar441 iivor4or "
-at1irefaet7Jua1r, or tile
a sleep.)
Croceto-ertirpothere Oen
itict 0,114
t� 0*rvc.n g ,Mother
story,: °,00.-eitelt
.package.. .Serle y *..etett:
rants. Made r