HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-07-02, Page 1•
•O'er \One hundred zae!ObeVa•
Street Ourc11, 011&004';
tiow ankSontlay-:sehOO1,-assemblektor,
,weie mongst.
:Oren; celehratingVt • liarbor Park,.
'Interesting period,' of 'gairiorgand
raeefl ;i1r,418•.011cluett1„under.:(thaleader:e'
..shiP of Mist Marx Mq4nuOn..fillo. Mr.
,Wiaaorq' 14 t1.10'
various rnees were astoliowef 'Be-
ginners,, boys -.-.Douglas !WIPster, Claire
u1Tell; giris, Toan Baeehlet,- Xoiee
Iloekow': hay§ 6 to 8, Years -7111411010
,T440.40,, mktry.i •ig4tgonier$',;' g'14$1
to 8 yearS-41lkelyn. 13.reekoW, Joyce
aeChler hoYK 9 to 11 $64,4*---ittiss"14
.Soimettt Johnston;. gtris;
to 11 years -tune Iii40113f101(4.41,40.14,44'
• 41444 PoySi„12.to 10 years -Jack
is.414044 Jack Westlake; Orif3,112 to 15
••704r*,••=4Evol4f4"Rr444.0`,/,jove1311, $1)1'041•;•'
•',wheel:W.100w raee,:•#,Ittkle toolgvsgv0'
lin PrOuse JaciMeK1nnon, Mar
.garet ,onorite-virosts40;,.
wheelbarroW. ra* married couples,
ritLtitarver:4VehOtet4and Jfls...Adam,
0„-k: iv' 2-
• a,s. gout Anarri.in'jaekrabbit
!ra0e, Adam, Win. e#110:f nterried''
w6ltum'S' ri):040
.kees team ; eircle clothespin relay, Jas.-
4444es team.''*.gaale of eetthaii was
• Piffled, as well .Wtainier4n=the.clell,'
drop the. 'handkerebtof and skiP0,114.
Mr. Jas. Adams was in:, charge of a'
group thrOW114'horsealioeS.,04 quoits,
delielous p1cni StiPper,. topped .off
with lee ere* tonom; WAS served from:
the pavilion after the games.
• More than fifty' member § of • the.
Van Neiman family, whieh traces back'
to Joseph 'England and Jane Van Nor-
WhO Were numbered aniong the.
'United .0etpire Loyalists of the group
known as Pennsylvania 'Mitch, gath-
ered at the'earle, for their. annual •re•-•
. union and,elenie,'
The oldest member present was
Rev. Chris. England, of Lapeer, Mich.,
who, although e1ghty4-teree par43 of
• age, drove here alone' for the reunion.
Rev. Mr. England was thefirst. white
-child born in Aloirla township. the
youngest person' pettent 'Vas tottri
80A of *i.r4.1- ,}1elYeero or Sea-
:Tose attendinir'.-ikom. thee. Zartheet
. 1)0int'100"
Mrs. S. T. Armstrong, of Nanton,
foe*Or c011sknoWii,..realdents of
Gode'ricie wile are iltdteierat the -home
• of Mrie GectiIrwhi, .Thingsnnon,„
A Progratil:,If x061444_4 4Orta "Nat',
- conducted tor live. *bats., Boppert,aeere-
• tary, of , Wlnghata,:l4 the %Oriente of
° the president', Ati, •ehats. Vti Norman,
• of Brueeeli. 1,„ - • .
ttembetC Of 'the 'flintily ,were Pres-
ent from.Nanton, Mtg.”; LaPeertkik4lell-
Torontot Ottawa,' •Seaforth; Winghain.
trut,sels,• 'Chatham and bruiganhott.
the /Acute will., be fieldat the same,
,place next year. ••
•- • *- *4. -
Tlie vhit4reh.vg school •Tsle. 8; Col-
borne, with their teacher, Miss Geral-
dine 3tetw'
en _their parents antt trus
tee .of 'teeeehool,s held thele„annutti,
-oating.at the park: • t.116re thin,thietp.
re attended, #314..*11 'towed *Anita,.
rates and the Viettle supper,
SS:gritginf' Methve)'es. Pnelle, ot
!ached IsTo..'4, ColbOrWheld ilkae pito.
nit at Ferster'ebridgedert Wednesday,.
and had a 'Paola 'enjoyable 0nti,.01"-
BE cAREIrt4 dittortOpt
<40.00 laines;. caretaker • at the,
, court heuee,'ItarrOwle' escaped sietioue
injury Whije, ehatigiug the ling eyg--•
temin the, vault at the eliet'ite4 once
this week, when the bidder; Ott Witten
lie ;vas standing Mipped. He Witt
droWer lett On.,..;04* cutting Ithk. hen
He was able to tetnett to Work 'aftei
eettleg Medical attentlee.'.
Ti (bele JiiIy 3tilMth11401'441f-
Othotir it,1•41.*
lcintatt e'it 'tap, the•Prieb*lerkin ealui)
of the gynod•otIteititilton,fend-L011400;
la to be '00eniAS 'during • the month of
this yett4-
•',.e)peniug 441,v! 3fil With. a settelen for
ijOYet three, otliet Canis wilt fete*,
• • theettend tof'young peep*, the thi,iii
for gitiS And the lea fee ministers, •
Every der 4111, open and clOtie With
worshlp 00100.0 the 410ettleg wili
eitture leettirei 14 'ehttrel* problems
And the *intilikair 'Or the. day yr,11Iho
devoted -to sport*.
Tbe,b0741 Will be under tattrat freM
Idly 3 to.11'od bibve as thee reek'
teat Rev Wilitaat tOuttgf of Ite1110411.
Sibleatudy, nature *SO and ••Ottiti‘
tied *torte Are to tte the three lent**
Of eaMp lIfe lettlele, wili be titrieeed at
th1.4 ilrat *Won.
MeV, J. Al 'will
be dean of tbe,
• achool. 1014'.Gordon R. a4r, of
Kincardine, 'Viet
• rieltdership trat01014._
• thureit history' and Miaetottio will be
• the,tttiolio
• , 41* gitit'ivwbe is eap July 1 to
20 bat,. Inge
Violet rreUaiit, et !1)o-
roato, **kW *P.* stertt*ty for Can
ada, will be de**,*iid Mr Taylor re- 1
',gistrat. •
For ,inirdeterial studjr and fellow-
•, ablp' taittisterteWill net
Erni$ '24/ And 'abs$ Untg 401$
• Ort4g will Agt,iin •ti* re1atrat and del
I '
on s 1
and Mrs. AIvtn jinn, ot Ver
rolt, were week,eadViSitors in town.
Ul.§0 ZvelylvViark, Is bOttle, .itfroui
Centralia for' the,'•satamer vaeatiOn, •
spending a few days' in terili;„
1._Xr,--09,1144414” VitIPA.8-, of 1St. X4ouia,,
Mss E.dltb Wlgglns wilt 4Pead 411.0
nlootil,ot $4.1r,,Withlrlenfla at,TOronto,
• •
t1r and 1084:%, E. MODoleiiand
faaillT left ,,yesterday to otv.44 tbe
3r: 4xnd -Mrs, Harry Gledliifl, 'of,
40$ Angeles, California, are visiting
•thelt relativesIntown. and yleinity..
•- 1110- *wirer -Stewart !‘• of - Toronto,
was a week -cud 'Yltilter At "t110 ItelAe '0
Mr, and Ws, R.
Xls's Flora ,•IV,[44'Nevin„ of '14ondou
ITniverSity, spent the. week with Mr:
and. Oranstou,, VU1144.1'
'S°e'ler!....i*bernet Tweedie, of Toronto,
spt,nt,,t4 :orttueoq with hie neelieW,
Caro, -Tweedie,
Aagua MacDonald Ul visiting
at lIamilton with her daughter, laisS
044' UneNnitio,
'Ansa Orace trang, of ,the staff of
Guelph Collegiate Institute, arrived
last week to spend the 'siltation at 120
liOue• here. ,
lgrs, 1. It, Rundle,. Kathleen and
Margaret and Ulsa•lit. L. Salkeld. sent
the ,week -end at Ouelph and *)Galt with
friends. " • • •• ,
MisSee' =0Wende1in and 'Mlidred
,Dlothor, Mrs. C.- E. Beck.'
* alias 'Minnie Campbell is enjoying
-week's nioter trip through. the East-
ern States. She eiPeets to . visit.
friends, at -Hartford and .Springfield.
"•Dr. ,Ciratuim and Airs. Gral.
ham, returned home on Satur-
day after attending a medical -gen-
veption at Otta*a and visiting at Nov.
trktl. • • ,
'Mies Mary Johnston, who. teaches at
..Toronto;..traLlime for .a. few_ day fi hen
fore leaving for London ' to take a
,sutnmer toutse at ,the University of
Western 'Ontario,
Mr, and Mrs. J, A. McConnell mo-
tored to' Palmerston on Wednesday
morning to attend the funeral of Mr.
McConuell's grandmother, Mrs. Lydia
Welsh, who died at Toronto on Sunday
Forster'e Bridge, well-known reunion
and plenic'site In Colborne" township,
was the scene of tegathering ef the
Flslier elan on Thetedar aftertmote
Dominion, bay, more than two !Mil-
dred 'Weems- attending from Toronto,
Guelph, . itthener, London, Walton,
-Cliatoni:Elenforth; LondeabOroo:Geder.
!eh arid -.ColOrne tOWAship. •
The ,Pishers . are edescendants qf
Michael 'Fisher, fireesettler inthe Ben-
Millerdistriet who had e grantofone
'thousand tease from the Canada' 1:104-t..,'
VanY- ' • * •
• Me Thos. 1.11eMiehael, of .Seafeetit,
'Was president of thegathering, and
Ntri, Iles* Fisher,. of Colborne t0Whabili•
tvas itectetery-treaStrer.. , Wm:
Hill, t Colborne W*49144 Vairnamed
i)tOldetil Lor th 1938 'retuiltiti;"'WhIch'
will 4ie held at -tlie same place the
last Saturday, in June,. •
• Tile oldest and youngett at thei re-
union Were Rev, Peter ,Cobee, of Kit-
elinetV aged eighty -foot, and the
1WentSefotnedaytritild daughter of Mr.
and Mri, *Wilmer Eatledge, vf Nile.
George Peagan and Vere 'Omitting--
1AM, both, Of Colborne township, Were
tied lorlargest fainilylhotiOrs. Each
blinkered ten In his family, and 'all
.were pr4iSetif, •
Atra,f.)b,att. Oke, ot Oecleticie
Were -the eettele looses* Married,'
•Tttelr weaded lIfe has extended over
Mr. W. 3. .Bracewell, it Toronto;
,tirta..theone travelung..theitAttOt. Of.
tante,' to attend the reunion,
Aniiftern004 Of seette, contefiti and
race*: was held. Under the direction of
Mr, 'Peter. •VISher, . of Colborne town -
shit,• *Misted by Mr. 11. 11. Lens, of,
Gederieh. 1The reinitt Were as fol-
8evon, to .ten Yelits-..01tlee }Ind&
Platter, Colborne; boys, B111$ Instlere-
Colborne.. • ••,
Six years., 114 UndereeGeraid Fish-
er,,CONnikti.e. -
Tee Yeats ,and ender! .atunt
Donna Tither, under,
Billy Fisher, .COlteete,
IPOtato-ritee, twelve to sixteen years'
reagan, tolborne.
Men* hog, *ten and . juittp--Elmer
cOlhOtee, ".
Tithed the needle reeee-Reea • and
NOrrott, Fisher; ColbOrne.
• Ohildien'A, string contest—Noreen
Fisher, 'Colborne.
gible the shoe contest-J-416mA Fish-
er, Colborne.
*Meet aud elidee race---Donna.Fishet,
Colborne. •'
Three-legged. .raceeeErnett rm
and Or6srdtIeterlo-floderieh. •
Sack raCe•••44Iiipkisher Colbert*.
Contest -414s. - FItteler
• rd, •Fishar, Col.;
borne -
*Wheelbarrow ritti.-4411Veagart And.
Colborne. •
140# 1#40001 nos,
'llittote, 'tondo.
A *tow** *tit 1134PtrisrOkt*
Mt* 'froe 0444re4 haw* the huge
tamIIy gathered tOttetket fot,, the' 104
Item Ott the postai*-4, heitlittfUt
nk anpper'.
;Front- Roland Grain Turnberry41ON(1.11, . 'Roberts (Ortnety Clerk);
t-t-irerf',""" 6Wrikligkfueselir. %EnTr.-'4414441Winf Witt .
Second row 4, I,. E. Cardiff (Morris), thestee.Mawftintiey. .(Stepiten), J. E. Ileckins (Deputy
Reeve, GOderiele), 'MOW Johnston George 0. Feagan (Colborne), W D. Sanders (Exeter), •
Thoma e Lovell tDeputy Rewire, 'flietWickY; Thomas, Wilson:' (Deputy 'Reeve, Gres), George Armstrong
(Hes) - Edward Lamport (Deputy 'Reeve, . StePhen).•
• Thiee row: Fred LiverMOre (Clinton), John A Oteana *.(fierviele), RettrY *Keyes (grey). Gilbert
Franke "(Deputy Reeve, Ashfield.), .Merbert Mogridge ('lftillett)„, 'Wm. 3. Stewart (West , Waveinosh),
- Wilmot Macke (Oodeeich toWnahip), Ernest Shaddick,-(llensell), R.,,Arceibald (Tuckersmith).
. ,
-Back row: Peter W.. Scott (gest. Watvanosh.), George Westeott (Ushorne),. R. E. Turner (Gode-
j. a seat (seaforth),,' Webster Turner (Stanley),, 'George James (caretaker of Court !House),
and -Mr. -Chas.' Astieith, of' Auntern, - a- visitor:.
Following are the proinOtiou lists of
Victoria- senool. Names are in order
of merit: I ..
Jr. Tr to Sr. IV
X.44eille-" Patterson
Robert „Bisset
• statue Martin
Gordon Harrison
• Grant Johnston-
•tteeis Beattie-
. •,
; Alice . Irwin •
David 4itken
EVelyn !Steep
Liactrob '
° Douglaa.7Grahara
• •
May Eielliteter'
Gordo n Gieusher
rielett Chafe
'Bine Wilson.
ItaYntond. MacAdam
Jean throetor .
Promoted conditionally;
.00orge Leltek
Harry Woreell _
Ove1Y4 on...
Walter Doak
• m te Jr. IV •
Verna Miller
• Norine Mills •
•' lean' Certig
OwendOlyn Juk
-leek Metter
Dorothy. Itlacdonald
Le till MA. th r
tit d or
Donna De*:
Letevard Bloomfield
Verna 'Masterson
Jean MtteAdttm
...A.Ineste 'Steep. .
Ottrittidi Wilitatiot
• :B*ttyflell
=Ono McNeil
jaek Duckworth
Mini 'Williams
Ellen ROO
Roselle Willie
---Pifietilst. tete •
Marion'. Hill
Muriel Leiteh
Mitgatet 8141th
gertneth Potter'
Barbara Forrester
. Phyllis Monk •
ProMoted. 00Adit1eet11y:
. • aftWe Belittle
loYee Seger, .
Mildred taws
Bernice. COok
Otto Sdeles10
4trt NeedhAln
Doti** Holland
fatten. route
1)0111r AoY6o
flatd kiittersott
Wilitsit • '
Norma Liscumb
nelett Unit
Dettglati Orri
Violet Mrtitlire •
Teddy teheinita
Una Macdonald
, Shirley. 'Elliott
Emerson Willis
Ila Masterson .
Herold Chests' .
Absent from examination:
Lililan Irwin
Promoted izondltionallY,
„144414.1.4tenks „
Beryl 'eanderon
June Baechlett'
Pauline Pottelson.
'Helen Wilson
&flee :Warroner
.Martin Otte
* Donald Ainslie
Audrey Barker
Albert McTavish
Charles .11111 -
"Doughte Harrison
Jorce Midden
Irene LaithWaite
Marjorie Williams
iEvelYn 'BreekeW
'John Mehrlug
Jaties Mitchell
Guy Xttelatt
t Iiinkrritsley ,
jack Mtinday
Lloyd Bradley
/a& Whitten
Promoted conditionally:
Ralph Daer •
Donald Fry
Donald Maguire,
.Barbara Henri
•Virginitt Chat*
!Julie (heel&
• Wanda Duckworth
David. iCartiek -
Feed Snakes
.Chester liteArtiitrr
&the Selmefer
B1t17 Johnston
' Margaret Goddard •
Their* Bennett
•e• IiityniOnet Crawford •
•Gordon -Thomas
'Britt*, Mietonald
• 43O1ieeett Thompson
Itottield Sproule
1Promoted conditionally
Gordon. Lee. .1 to sr. it
Donald Scott
Ittleatier :Martin;
Ruth Allison
Jack ibteedhain
kPeter Patterson
Eugene Ryan
. Lt. 4/14.
DOretier Arad:Let
Iterittwer4 Sehmfdt
,$0761#0 t
0,4 Settetthen
Sydney talett•
Itobeet ittnIfiettlt and bonald.
-144 Wiltis
' Vera 'Ohio* •
titiheilhe ithoehtst
toot' triot
Helot Vottoter
•Jack Bradley •
• Marguret Taylor'
William Murrell
Donald ,MaeAdam and PhytUs
rick (equal)
Donald Zittleehlid
Harry Doer
James Taman
Gordon Mohring
Garth Hamilton
Raymond Liseurab
Rebert Wilson •
.-Artnen 'McGuire
Absent through illness, promoted
the.year's work:
.ltiergaret 'Sown%
Robert 'Boyce
Friineflo.Firat Book'
Joan Seott
Jean MeDoWell
Margaret Creig
.Mary •Blaset
• Lawrence Mood
Dewu Stubbington
Itoneld• Barker,
Howard Aitken.
Murray Garrick
Gordon- Pinder
Nan McClung,
'loan rtitechler
„Laura PItblMlo
• Catherine Horton
Norene Itallough
Norma (to6d• '-
isibei McLean
Ilarry Colciough
Arlyne Rouse
Peggy Stubbington
•, Evelyn Welsh
Gerold Smith
Audrey. Horton
Jack Gauley
, Marianh
. Duckwort
Muth Mimi
• :Wendell Pitblado
.Preinetedeeettaitionally :
Edwin Monk
Patricia Mohting
Franklitt 'Schmidt
Frances Cook •
Kindergarten to [`three,
Catherine Cutt
Mary Anne Erskine
•. - Jenkins ,
.Edyehe Sedans
.16anee Allison
'Marion Dorm
itosemarte ilunfaivy
Donald Maavran
Mary Lou Sanderson
• Zleanor Mirk
Jack Merriam
"Audrey -Crawford •
• Harold Jeffrey
David Goddard
'Gene. Hamilton
Nell Mariatt
• john Westbrooke
'Helen King
ylac Sparks
Albert MeOuire
• Phellie Johnston
'June Lynch •
italph Wilson
Marlon Reiss
Beulah •Shockleton
'George Warner
%Barbara, Chase'
Utah Stoke*
• Ituth Hoy ,
Marjorie OVerholt
tett: Totyltit,'
ohm* )31°4M/tel.(/'
Joyce itrOckeff
Gerald BrildleY
(eWitlitnod on
• ,•.n ed.; Ot the ::otinvg wolc-ond
,Vitieit •Is ereatieg h stiror Interest In
natant Is .the. Yiiit 'et the. teet of
the 4,74011tatneWs_L,,,,OaaelatiOn.,- -of
nil Katurlax on its: cruise to tu.!of.glon
»-• It• is • eXpeeted that about
,eYoutp.0e,..!yaelits. - Utalio,L pod
hoe on .-4stvoiroky '4410400)11 tor An
all-night !Ult.
Tbe critise, *MO Is axpeeted to
become an onnotti ' siil draw
500 *.voClitstoetC,;frolit CleVehind. Tol-
;Ode, • Illiehester,' Detroit n nil oother
Pteltting • ontreS, It, is sponsored by
the Yeehtsteete8 -Association ' Of
'Anterlea ettti the Yeelitsnute • wept-
MnTel'ie fleet will tistieralitt; at Sart'da on
VtlAidayalr oloWritilit'otrie,a10er titierorht, aor,n
riVi.ng here prohtibly,.between. 2 and' 4
0,40* ti tho• AttoTttoon, On arrival
the .ratlItstnett will be :Wren It civic
'reek:4164'0 the harbor, whiehwilt
be '." decorated suitably. The town
band will 1)e in, attendance,
The eleittyra will be entertalned at
dinner : at Ifotel' Sunset, at Whielt the
town fathers will be present and a
the Pavilion In the evening.
The fleet ,will leave Ooderich on
Sunday for Soutbatnpton and Port
Elgin and the t011ovrhlo day will pro-
eeed to Toberrnory. where t h e
"FoUrth° . will he celebrated. From
Tobentiore e -part of the fleet will en
on to Little Correet: some of the
party vvill go to. Ittaekltuie Island anti,
others will mend the time in fiehing.
evihrtming and exploring, inter-
• efisetei
t,ng cornere, of the Georg!, an 8»'.A -brief- stop nuty be -made at this'
port again on the return trip of the
•' -Personnel of Cruise Committee
The personnel f the -0-ebeglin Bey
eruise committee Is as follows: S. A.
Summerlee, ex -fleet. captain of,. the
Detroit •Yacht Club, who is flet com-
mander for the cruisei An-
derson, commanderot the 'United
States Power SquaOronchairman of
the erulae; Or. Cleo, 114 Ilaynalef; Otto
Berthel; viee-eonim.odore.'.of the Gold
Cup • Committee; Dr. A. it, illackett,
ceoitnubnrdtoolre:0HAtitlot, tioieni:Deaecrteraltry YoteCthhet
Anterican Pqwer oat Atisociation
X. Lee Barrett.. seeretarY Of the (lobi
Cup !Committee, and Rol Hull, pub-
lisher of the Yachtsman magnetite.
At the4 -velitteet .6t- the- flotlerleh
Board of Trade. through' Mr. Nelson
Hill, secretary. the Ottawa Govern-
ment has granted permission for the
escort of the fleet by a fruited States
coastguard cutter. The new Cana-
dian law requiring yachts to carry
and ray eateewerdens while fishing
alSO has been waived for this (Titbit,.
The joint annuat mee• ting of the
• Liberal 'Aesotiationt of the Huron-
Perte Federal ridlog was held. on
Thursday, June 24th, at 'Herniate
Dr.. Shaw, of Clintou, ottelpied the
The speakers were Norman MeLarty,
EX., Federal mettiber 'of Parliament
for Essex West; rfarold Eirby, mem-
ber of the Legielature for "Eglinton
• (Toronto) ; W H. Golding, U.P. for
Huron -Perth, And James Ballantine,
for$Outh lItrron.
Ail the old officers were revtleeted.
Thomas DleksOn. of Hermit, was ap-
pointed an h000rary president
• Charles Zivicloor, of Crediton, was
returned -fertpretident and Yolin Aff
MeEwett,' Braectiold, at secretary of
the -Federal( loiseciation„ while Harry
Sfraith is honorary Preffident And Ross
Taylor, Owen Geier and Mrs. 8. '11-
Hems are • vice.presidents. Poi the
,Proviecial Mace:Wien Dr, 1 W. Shaw,
'Clinton, was elected president in tb
place of judge J, 0 Statibttry, vrho
resigned upon being elevated to the
bench, and Prank kJ/J*1*nd was elected
reeretary. . !Vittorio presidents are
Owen Geiger, T.o q. ShiliingLaw and
John goofy,. while rice -oft -Monts are
J. Mc/Gavin and Mrs. D. Metsatte.
Charles Frits, Of Zurich, is treasurer
of both.
Votes of cottfidence in Premier Mac
Waste King mid Premier Hepbern
were adopted.
• 'rhe Domialoo Dar celebration at
Seaforth resulted in ,six charges being
laid for infrattiorte' Of the L.C.A. Two
charges are against hotels, for selling
to minors, and tile remainder are
against drunks. The eases are slated
for next Tuesday'a court at Beaforth.
summErvflia atom:Lung
• Ped Plante suffered a badly
• wrenched knee on Wedneeday when he
twisted bis leir on !stepping from his
car; Ile is wearing 4 splint ori the knee
and will .not iiiVe the proper use of
bis leg for a few days.
Miss &furled, idoorkouse, daughter of
Rev. A. E. and lars. StOorhouse,
wrenched the ligaments in her 1
when she fell while playing' ball Att *
pktlo hot wftk. AlthOtigh lite in.
lots Is painful, Sties S(OorhOttite is able
to Welk, but not *intent *On* diseoht-'
fort, •„
Fpwird Trend !Sue*, Iteports
tirldge.0 Frcsbleat
Toronto,. Inl$' 1-Ottor to
barebolders nE tho CootlYear Tire
eoiapati'Ying'''itividen(f7elteques'• Tot-tbe
seootta 'citiorter ot 1031;;• the preside.ut„
A. it'artrbiget sAYO: , •
,,tho upward: trend In the ratline 77
of Intsiliess apPtireilt in' the early part
Of the Tear hos eentinue41 to date,.
with tho result that YoUr Companys
operatiotte during tie* tirst half of the
soar - have 'two quite sotisfartOOt
earnings sttbstanthilly exeeteling diet -
donde on beef -prefer -rod and .e6nurten
stooks, \.
"The usual reserves have\ been tet
op. Inventories or raw materiettiand`
finished goods are on a • verse satbirae-'
tory baste as We enter the most active
buying season for times, 'rubber hose
tend rubber belting.”
Wit[ those who: have photographs tor
the Old Rome 'Week collection kindly
leave_ them at Miss •IlfaeVicar's store,
Kingston street or-itt the --Signet-Star
Oftlee,' West street
iguminat,_ -cirussitT,
mhos. K. Park 'and Mies Medeleine
Lane, of the (Oa. Vier itre-plapiPg
to take summer eourses at the Ontario
Wiese of Education at Tiorontu.
Str., W. ft. Thomsonassistant prin.
civil. of -Vitoria achool, Will take a
vacation course At the Univerelei of
Western Ontario, London.
The Presbyterian, .congregations of
Cflnton and Mayfield bare '0i:tended i
call to Rev. (lotdon Peddle. •of :Tomer •
to, who for the last few years 'ha%
been in charge ot a mission church in
the FOOT River distriet. Me IS lei
ready ,well known at Bayfield, having
spent -several 'eutnmers there. ,
• When he was momentarily blinded
by a tone htirled, through bele..wind-
Ohield by a ter precede* him along
the Brumfield road on Thpoday,
gan;Cleati, +Ooderich torn:whip, lost
control ot his ear, whieh skidded into
the ditch.. Although stritek by the
Stone and showered with' powdered ,
glass, Cleave eeeapect injury. The ear
was hot 'damaged as it entered the
•shallow' diteh, •
On •Wednesdae afternoon Pat Mor-
rison startedhis ear on the Sqttare
while it was in gear, and the machine
leaped at a larep standard on the core
ner. Little damage was done to the
• post as the ear's bunoter scraped it,
but the shock dislodged two of the
three globes on top of the post and
they shattered into a .thotteand pieces:
On Tuesday last, the last , day of
school for the term, Ills. Leurst
ston's class in Victoria aehoot .was
Joined by her former pupils still in the
Khoo', and while Denitid Scott read
an addreas Alice Irwin, in behalf of
tbe ateembled pupil*, pretented Miss
Johnston with a handsOme w*Inut
Magazine stand. Miss Johnston, *he
ie retiring atter four years on the OtAff
of Vieteria school, thalami. the dotd.
ren warmly for their gift and °words
of. appreciation.
Proyinciel and county police, re,
turning to Goderich on Wednesday
from an investigation into gasoline
pump thefte in tbe south part of the
county, were nearly run down by a
farmer near Ilensall. The plan wag
arrested and subsequently charm!
with drunk driving and was brcmght
to . Gederich andi lodged it. „
regardtoi their previous Lovestigation
there have been numerous eases of
locks being smashed from gasoline
pumps and as much as twenty-five
gallons stolen.
inquest into Death et Myth Trueker
Mil at Kitdituth
• KINcARD/Vil.' June cor-
oner's jury- teday absolved Dr. It.
Foirler."Lucknow physicianof blame
for the death of Stanley Dougherty.
Dlyth trucker, *ho was killed in a
motor crash at Einiough on Thursday
morning, June 24.
Robert efaleolm, jury foreman, pre-
sented the verdictreached after
fotty-five minutes' deliberation.In
part it read, ''sve find the collision
wag caused in part by the disregard
of the driver of the FOwler ear to
atopbut we do not think fetch disre-
gard was so gross as to amount to
criminal negligence."
The jury recommended ereetion of
"slow" signs at leiniongh.
Evidence *wee given by Dr. Fowler.
driver .of the ear, who was on an
emergeney cell when the eollittion oce
curred; temald Lynn. Blyth, who was
with Dougherty in the trot*: Haul
hell And Rey Graham. Kinlough rest.
dente': flennts Iltallahan, .Blyth tott*
testetot employing Dougherty; Pre -
Constable. 0 stenevig,, Coed"'
Constable R. Petere.tn' inlay.
aett, of Ripley. and Drjobrottete, of
Lueknowwho ondtieted the pot.
mortem eitioninifitiort. Wittiest** Were
ufl*nlmans 14 declaring visebilits
the cornier was poor because of a
Dr. :toltu PeratiOtt, Kitteardint„
torOnerprofiled efee tlio inottst