HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-25, Page 8TOMXA'
100. 0,4*fro
lo40401 al' Pow..
0125• LOCAL '
NO> 04P0.10
'PP( *414-
:titt,1k gA4
141, Mi$4
is, I Pc-
• A- good time at '4440100e next
Tuesday -nlglit. traWbOrrYL
.8O to 8.O; jltney "4"rakei.ng 9.3O, wlth
-=-..Ar al gt4t77i:
emen AreT -
"Vrtli---strect-.-•Vnited.,'Obaren'tO 'hold
their annual plenie‘ at: .anwott'fif
,13arlield„ on Wednesday, ,4nly
A. Alai Course'itiVije'r, With' *Straw,'
Dories, is to be held on. tile*Parsonage
.tawn July 2nd, from ts to '8 o'clock,'
Mule.r atiSpices* or Women's 'Assecia,'
flan of North street Unitedchurch..
,A,(11niSs1on Me 444,25c, if weather
unfavorable, will be .110,10' in '910,1.
24-20 '
strawberry festival uniter
4401013, of the,. tadleY Atd" of .01014'
eliureh to be held on the. grounds
'Taylor's Corner School house on "New.
lay -evening( June 2Dth.- Supper OE to
-8, Play, "Small, Town Itomee," by the
yotrng.people 'or • St. thIll1"s, Anglican'
.clumb, • Ofinton. Admission, adults
85e; eldldren 20e. - 21740,
'Here is nomethltit. Well.. worth . know.
Mg.- When the bills.. nesting *2 Or
More for an .entertainment of any kind
lire printed by The Signal -Star Press,'
a. tree reader • wilt be given” In both,
"cdittons ealling attention tO'=the.,eveuti,;
'Thole readers ,will More
.tiaing. than the bilis and, though worth
,more, are absolutely • free.- Societies
or organizations should, bear this In
*huh - - • - - .-• •
Tbe food.'We eat IA day_ weighs
less thau tile air we breathe In the
of tltne '
Bond ouse
desires man In •tida onnonity, to
Sell bigittrade. corporation bonds
and -listed stocks.. Applicant must
of excellent clairti4ter' and good
Ittanding," Can make interesting
proposition to nun whe can"."Inea-
-. sure , up to' the above regnireintats,
Apply ,..by letter in, ihnt batiste* to
INGAOHNflY, 330 :Ray Street,'
Toronto. VI
Effectivetrnt1 Sa 'tray night, lune 2601,..
4�5rPtoP4 �P
riatki.•-.4,40rit4% WSW
SANTO 01$•111110A -r•
wileM l4 Wi4t4f4 144.05 •
We roc 0 it
Junlor roow, for the t three. :fears,
,Iuis b�n e. ,s teafiher In :the
turr1e". OW tom$10404 F.Ast
Witwanob. Thla is the new ,S0hant;
replaoe :tne tor*or Wierol
*nigh was Anguad few „years *SI);
and: is inoderu lii every way.
rece yed Word:701-TuesOy ottlxrit'
1;setroir'04 Tuesday InOrnipr of her
dangater4444%Ara. W, Omer Sintek-
leton, Wbo passed: 4War In hoopital
after an 041:41,00Xtr 04';',40.r4aY, for
41)004410114$kAu*lett,i110,$1411e" AV' to,
'jolu ber son in bis .Vorrog,.
The de-
parted woniaur 'igertrado OntelOn,„
'wbo wa. ahoittlhIrtY41$ /gm cor age,
as 'a native of Wingham, a fiktigtAttr.
of r,ef" Contelon, Who ti1I resides
the0., J.3eeldes her agedinOther• and,
On lititu.rda rnoott, 'more” than
two hundred persons . thronged. the
beautiful laWn of Victorht. pubile
choo1, the Occasion being n -garden
party', at which the guest of' honer
Ontario .1/otne and. School Federation'.
, The. event' was sponsored by the little ,Son, Willitort Thomas, 'are spend -
Victoria Rome and School Club, and Ing the 41,00; with 4)10.•
guests were present from Central mother, xrs, Wark, of Wyom-
noMe and School. 7Club 'and' fora, the lug% They were #eealnPanied
by Ar -
Clubs -Clinton. -and- -Dungannon, thttr ,t1:trOvirn;„,, who l returned the .sarke
•The „gawks were received by -Mrs. Al-
bert Taylor, president of the Huron
Council- of Home and, School Clubs,
Biro. Hobert Bisset, president`of
toria Home and • School tiluh, and
tilleiPal, Stonehouse.
gis1ku.V4o1Nt,i •411no Xar-•
Orter. ,Of.00derlelf° township, ,has
engaged as teacher 'Ifor
-14re*WaWanesh, •
enzie'. and -Mrs, R. DaVid".
0040: tli.7\ Meeting of the: eice,;.:
't•14..ittajiC 'OYU "
y; 0" nice hon,gontralti
locntecip rettaoliehle TOO, • Vali *
330.71: tom
• Itonoworotk and #.1de to wikit o
lable. Apply: to TJAKIWIPW HOTEL,
N „wANTHD go* RAW14001/.
Routes - f $00 fnmides Bight
man -should start earning *24 weekly
and increase rapidly. Write today,
It411FIXTOWS, A04,72,11-;
Mont :),,'''‘Jana.*.,
aorrowIng htigh404, 'site loaves"' to MARRIED,
aurkthe Jos of loving mother two ,
Shaeirlet04; is a natiVe of Dungannon,
Wentri0.- Sehool, 'fie;
the; .crown Xnsurinee' CO, at'
.4) $4.144.-7441XF,,D 47/41; STAND..
XN43.k ,110104 Let
, 'teen, ,01.110, 124ter 0101141*.•
Barfield, 152-2lim
„ -
on, t.j1g ISiott,Vq; 14'4004`rePai-r,art
alL•cOnventenees, Immediate 1790Sok‘
..(14,1i at SION4IrSTAR, 0.1r7
FIOE. --15-16tf.
'garden. Apply.' X., litQW*0
St, -Yineent street. hone 240,
, At:1n' 4.11an'
ne-19047 PI
-.442414:•7-g,-•-,- pits
•A.,vtllot• •y;44ern" eenveniefices, *fi
t„.110,1, time., Also unfurnished
H. and S. .the
Auspick 0 the roungannonliome ;and
Sebes)]. CIO,. Af4, en)oyableldcnic was
held .on.• Wednesday iaftertioenon the
•river fiats ..at •Ursi.Cliarlette
The' children were token to the •pio-:.
nig. gronnds•-•by Wililam H. .11cOlure in
his trnek, while niemberss of the 014h,
teachers and parentsjourneyed in
cant, The children enjoyed .P4441144
in .the water and, afterwards ,t004:' Part
in the sports and gimes, including
races' and ball- A pleasing,part,of t e•
afternoon'0 \PrOceeclings wa4•the-pre44.-`
entation to 1 Miss Olive Farrier, NvuO,
has -been the popular teacher of the
'junior room for the past three Ye/0*So
..--vri*.ttraftri , , tMfSL
d PloWdit :of thirtinin, made:. a feeling reply, express -
to '.:Minbiter•"•in charge of the: limr ,her OA: and ,the
Onti=eiSarY Ser)40es In Erskine .Pres- Which 'accompaa4,
byterian .chureh• on Sunday, ;Tidy 4th: Afterwards air-o..n4oyed.k.olea„
was Wei; B,•11;•Ree00,.'president ,pr the at '4,,110..m: 1.40 111.. the shade by the babbling-.WateTs
404.,".'4141.'0440:. 1:g.40,10' Wiggins and tt.* . .
•Sirs.. Bert t Bradford, Mrs. . Wank
Jones, T. - l'Atrtier.,. -3',Ers;
_stefrart-Stewart Robert Datidf..
son .attended th+,' -gathering- °, ,of
Hone', and :Sehooe globs :at
In addition to an address by _ 'the, 4,004. ood, eiteli;:00, Saturday, when
'guest. **or, the afternoon gale Op. Mrs. Reece, 'of Tor0-140,: *..131'46.
.pertunity for, an. inspection of the -vinelal presldeut, was the • 'guest
Inannai training room at schoel,. a, speaker ,„ ,
recent addition to -the curriculum • Robert Armstrong, •rnall-carrier, was
through tlie untiring, - efforts' Of 3irs.
Taylor nnd ;the eo-operation , of the
Heinle:School Club; and also for
. • .
inspection of the 'garden plot,- planted
and eared ,for under the supervitibu
of.. Ur. 'W. "X. Thomson, . assistant.
principal and 'agrieuiturat.:Intiater..,
* Manual:..rrainitig Depaittrient,
The, Mantua training . rebut, bright
and..airy, w}th spaclonS work henches
and cupboards, elicited congratulatory
.rettuttka, from the' rawer- Who' inspect-
ed. It
dui** the afternoon: The work:
8109;140th is being, 'done .under the
direction :JO Mr Stonehouse, % was
10017., Pralsort Toeta' are kept: in
berfeet 'condition . and the • work: eXhi'.'
bited7 shoWed. real , Promise, Door-
stops,. paper 'weight,_ yaper
,pOt1/4-holders- and' inuneroni wooden:
ornatnents. :were , among •4the - artielea
hinted out by tbe 'boys; wh range
from. SeVeti yeara, of -age to boys. itt
the senior eniSaes.
• The gardens, widen are. situated*on
Britannia toad across frinn the schoel,
are showing the'results;At eatettlYAkt:
tention.'. Beeta,:, correttv. Onions, 10 -
„too and ,,potatoes aro- tionrianing At
present. -
The .14t.%0PtiOn and. tont' 'of inspection
Were from .3 to 4. eciock, 'after 4Witle1
Vies. Reece, Who is principal of Birch,
,elide *hoot , Otortte„ was 1titt64Poeit
by Wirs.. Taylor; r•
Urs, rt,eete spoke highly of the
beautiful -school grounds and: expressed
herp1enur itt being in 110derieh;
She spoke Lti a 'pleasingAnd: Informa-
tive nranner.,.. On the '54thleot "Our.
Creed/' •
tteitvs.Matto ,
tektItte,. Ai' 1104'tipbstlt. the Vto,
vinoe:!-' She taid; "that smile 'rnetabers
do not remember that we have a
IRO!' .and Efkb.64 Oreed't that
•ourselves to Work it, behalf of 'the
4116 ,04
• •
founder, . Mrs. (Wrtiee,
*11 ittopliatiOni,AMLA bleating, .She
'had, two orloary posses 14
bring ' About better eo,operation
tween ‘Sarelltia and teachers, and . to
eat ” tith; A better understanding !as'
PareUte.and, 'ohildrett.t.' •
She toki, Of a :little bet !telling his
"parents tinii iiIs teactier, had tailed
him lc 'scurvy eleplient.'r: Thepar-
ents itOgnantly. tiouttolatitedand
red the boy 'had been tgette4 to
it mdtetnibing eleraent"
WS. Reek* istated- it was it regret-
eailt tho thitittrity. vsjrefat.
thongittivar ot their tehlidterea •
,rit And inteIlettUal, *eel Copnient• wbile
t *Wel. not Of' tlite 'Metal atai*Setta
erelepment, C04,titation - betireeti
rent hitt tTeared:uj
robieras .of ,tintitetWiness oa,
per, he0,14;•,
T. H.? the Cldidre.i
olho too objeet- abould be to htip
oat thudtsio Agid to work fot the
highest good of .the enlitt
ere 1 ot enotgh relteptio afixtram;,,,
in the' at yet they Ekalce,ito
• effort to 'take adiraUtoign Of MO
'Orfrrell WV* 144004
014441414'60 tAitteatintt
w.0: ••
'ihken very in while in :GoderIch on
Tuesday and after 1.*terviewing a. doc-
tor, was brought • to • hip' 'hoine in Dun-
gannon:. ,.;17ortunately he was: acconi--
panted on his trip by Charles .Elliott,
who' delivered the mail on the return
.trtP to Dungannon,
. ,
LawnSocialThe lawn
. .
der,the alisRites Of St..ra4rs call'
(*wok., which Waslield •the lawn:
at the hone Of jr.ir, and. grs. Thomas.park.4neaday .evening,..*00 fleql•t10,
silooess„ The evening was teei 60
Clear, and the gate receipts amounted.
to about: t$T0.. 'Following the supper,
which was served from \ long. tables: on
the. iatv:*-: amateur program with
Geoghegan, reoter,. playing
the- Ole of Wier' Bowes, announcer,
*Al presentedented AMOS'S $63, Lloyd,
Stewart; reading, Beth Moboinell;
Solo, noloil 'Stothers, with. guitar :ac-
coinpaniment reading, MelbaFowler -
duet, .lack . Wilson and Carman -'14:,
Quiiiin ; 'Scotch 'damp, !Marjory Biaelr
harmonica and guitar 'duet, iCarl,vin-
nigan.and *Jack ,Brodie;. sela, -Sam
MeQuillirl t reading, 111.e ,.Ostrander;1
tap -danoing,..Derothy (Pearson; solo,
..-At•Oettoit,, on Tuesay,
June '2244; - Saran, ,O'Loughlin,
• wi-
dow .of • the late J. T Griffin, in her
• 713t1t year .,
000E44101 MARKET P1
- Poultry
Hens, over 6„in.pk,11.e;:5-13
'8o; under 4 lbs., TC, •
. • . ,
Eggs and illittfc;
Ter .13e, 159, 140,‘.
•Ibutter, •40e; creamery, gro.
aP-9..,n;...hags,''0Wt;,' 40,75; lleef, I
veal, --
460 -114P3
, An enjOYable bridge '904' -was'-held
at the .ciabitonse. 40,411.14.4 'OW
Own on Thtirsday.ixoning,ijiitli'
ly one hundred 'persona present.:
Twenty tables were in play, the .vititk.
nevi being Mr,,canti Mrs. A.. L. $leel;
With Mrs. D. bloetier, and'
A...beiiithurst seeond, Consolation
award- was presented to *los .14inef
A delightful', ltineheon ,was served•
'by the ladies •of the club arid. 'man
stayed : afterward for a. &nee:
The committee, fir .charge, Nkts,.
posed -Of Mrs,: W. F. .fiTeft*L; Mrs.
(Dr,) W, 4 :Reid, Nicol':
Miss _ Binille Buchanan, _Mrs:, T. M. Cos-
tello, gra- A. Wilke's, ,airs, • (Dr.)'
Gallow, "and Mt. .`,Thos; $0.41—
vvith guitaraccoMtti
Has NeW.Posititili...saliss Mire .rar, Storxns* _
e Wa.rded, as follow, St ,it7x• ,
trmtft:a.74ast Melba 'Fowier "2412-..--14(Sitt:tijs6s:'
Cora and (Evelyn Culbert, Pranees Cro-
zier, BOtrice"Treleaven„.:Amdret COA-
ttA4 and' bonny *Orris attended the
Achievement Day. at Clinton On Pat-
-urday..- • • ••
1301')'t .170110/10d' more to ,
Ilionlas on Sunday to, visit,,,his 'sister,
boon,: Sloan, at *hose place a
family reunion Was he14,
Mr.. kit Taylor. of Petrolla,. is this
week vislting his cousin, •Uri Itienard
Twamley., and. other 'Mende `in
:prresident;oral, ;Be Wag. aceempanied here Sun,"
he :PrOduetive of OW' pot in- our
national- :...w4o Will kpovin
the deeper,141liontAlfei, hnoW their
044, 404' ,rc,i,h0„7..viit ote,:ke.7- our cittea
And '! country clean, au& It., *to,
.otao ,
A. heart*.vOte:Of thanks was
eorded Mrs..itegee;•,,ror nor ,onleadid,
inspiring, address; tShe oCeopied the
,pi,ace of, honer' itt the .nead. table„*Atn
Mrs, Ta1or,•prefident. Huron
Council, und-Sits., Satinders,
iice-President Mrs, BisSett • pro-,
wikit of Vieteria"4.1tome 'and, Scheel
and. Mrs. *. W. It. `Peke, .piaat
dent oe, Control Homeand' Sehoel .41aY his son,3jt. .D* Tasrl°t..".M"'
Cub, and Mrso .D; Mooriey;secre-
tary; Monteith, vice-president of
canton:A:tome; and School :Club,- and
Mt% ..enningharah past president;
Mrs, T. R. Turner, president of 1)uti..
glinnbir'annle and 'Scheel 'Oink and
Steo;rart, Secretary.
'Ofilieeta „Elected
t Atter :tea., .'1400iint: Of the gorott
Ootinea, VMS held In the school, With
'representatiVes present /rola eaOh,"of
Abefour clubs.... bl(tgi Ta7:10t* Was re,'..urt4e, Itatiew,
'electott.president far the 'ensiling rear; misoes, tora rinnigin and Vieille'
Mrs, W. F. Saunders,' vice-Pteottlentt .ned week-endvisiters with their
and Miss Esther „seeretary- eTe
TnYier and dughter, Grace, who re -
„turned the same day.
'4 very pleasant afternoon was: Spent
at the. lovely -farm home of .1111r. Ioa.
Saturday, When the
tiliknailteDeivell Pfeifle was held with
Olty-eight: attending.. DelatiVeS from
Virestgeldp-Carapbellville, cSlyth, Luck*
now,. Belgrave; *burn . and Wilton
were present. ,
Urand. lire, Itiebard Gardiner,: of
Ineknow,... Were Sunday visitors with.
. Mrs., Taylor, reperthlg on. the work
of the last' Year; .!etated., that eflicors
were Installed at Clinton. and Central
schools,* Goderioll; 'reports Were given
of Vedetatiolt exeCutive Meetings „at-
tended at Stratford, Hat:Afton -.and
oavo warier, '
spent :Sunday,at the :home - . her
;100:thet, *irs. Aebeeeit CaldwelL
'Aft, ; and Mr. Vilfred Niyens and
famlly, ofsSaltford, viSited on Sunday
• ith-ber VarentS,--M4..21)41-:)64-'1014#
past week. -
Mr . and ilohnston and
famuly,.of Corners,, and 30.1'
and Mrs. tiarvey Melo Were visitors
on •Saciasi tirs. .W:tu,
IfisSes xadeline Citesar and -Verne
-Alton havt.coronleted., 4 'successful,
year Sebool,..and :are
at their-resnectiVe hones, .-
-.4411,tle ,tion4-nne Caesar), fs expeoted.
to arrive lienie from ;the 'Siolr: 041.147
ren's AbsPital,tendon,: on Wednesday.`
Wi,ivish the little girt. rapid, 1)r)greas
*towards. tecov0/'''
M.r., and. Mrs., A. A Iktc.Lketizie ;ret
turned on VridaY .aftet a *lat. of aleiv.
days with their' daughter, Mrs. Jas.
Megaehern, tendon,
-Among those ,Who attended:thejVFebL.
stet Node, at ,The ,t145:derielt !Summer
Sehool grounds on ;Satirday were Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Webster ,,and".eaniii$,,,
&fr.', and 'Mrs. ,Vietor Errington,
and lart:Itarveit Alton and On *On*.
$114. Mts., Herb. Alton,. /dos, aas.
Airs, chalk Alton,.. Verne and J. C,
Ur. 43Ordon_._ bongram on i3Und*C
visited, his father, Mrd .S101:4)04.01104.
of Wingbain, • who' bas been ill' recently...
W. A. Meeting. -The , Women's --
Sedation held their Olonentr,:,,ineeting:
at the home ' of Mr* Geo* Iltirria.on
Wednesday aftertio0n; 'Inge .141th,. With:
thirty present.. the, lirat nart of the,
Meeting' was. -COMInoted ,itt the !thing'
room, with a .hyon, prayer and the
Set -1044e lesson read by Ars. Arthur
1$1111Ott.' after Which arrtnge-
nientss were Made for Ahe ,gardent pitr
sty-. to....(be-'hold
were ;then taken ont,. to the ispaciOna
jaw.44„,„ +01*, AgatoeS.aud.;;Contestit, were
enjoyed. At tbe elo6 a Ittente-inneh,
Wes 46000 by atm.,,eenate's group.
• 'ftamossismiiiii,:- • '
I w ire#14totist doom utoo- tin -Ivo . ut, .11n1 9- wtrinle bet gLhitfia
Toronto. The teachers' tonverbtion Moore, ".. „ 1 . I
hefro ut,
addressed, 4titit the resuliti that an e* 176144 at a. fatal i*Stt ' ” wb IPC
1101n# and SehOor 00; iota formed la 1-'AtettiO/Ing the beet At htalth-
Stilolta :visitors at the .....bOlne t. Measivi
Atter it 4eiigti# ''iliseinision :with ,i:e4 Herb. and garret Alton on 'Sunday
,,. . . , .
'ON to the rittlnli,er .0 &milt*: ma+, ,wete, imr, Herb.. Sterettion, and 41g6r
ido. Apo arrangemelitn were ' 140 tent 'Stevenson Of Varna, and On
With .the' n .., ,) Nuybdsky IAA. lac Alton 'and -Mr. And
Mrsw Iteetio- suggested tvin ,rneethlis 'Mrs* OiVre ' Alton 0 : Of IsttOk110*, .
bit 4:140 h n of theenluttino64 tilitIvtit
oer-tbree Mr!. CourOoll hat been ',visiting her
, $00,0t.Mr,"rril CatriPbe. 11, at Lanes, t
ni•dcrik eye aerrieeWe
be that -every rase is *ter -
#t, and rettdres .-indiridli#01' it-,
den with,nsod4in p
Lysi examined - and,glasses fitted
0/4" r4L4114:11likrprices. -
Pitetiietrii$ and olifichat
it Vesta *trying the people
404mi (1011741tri