HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-25, Page 6' 7 " SFECIA1 rEict r0 ,Till'OE011,0110 'ono$ itNew from Urge •.,.Ontatiot t not cOnveutent't0 Call at UotioMont %Vita' ' .4, .1t.* , Ora will larlOg 'os-1alsoually.„. to our hone or o ee;' Our ret)reseatatlite for 'Ooderi"eli iud dItirIct Is mr, 3. TL, .goar$:, stoat 00,4 he will be Rleaserl to turniSh .tree.dtratiSporta,tiou,, to our plant In*Ptra\ttO . 147 $T; iitTIMICK ST. STRATFIMO, ONTARIO 200 014 ARTIWIt CIRCLE . 'Me regular monthly meeting, of the Arthur Circiewas held in the lecture mrsioas of Knox church on mondny even. 04. with an attendance of dirty mem- *me And- iiGreep No. 2, ),Irs. 104. Johnston captatu, had charge of *Iv meeting: Mrs. WS- 13urroVra *rod the SeriptUre lesson, from Ro-' 411$Ses-Bett3r Johnston -and Witt* Barbour delighted the member, vieith a duet, "Whispering 'Hope.", The c°,11 - Or the preakient; -MoeNd - re t.,Plge...14 the cow r In second, place and grouPs M. t awl; NO. 4 following elosely. At- *dIv .Watters, sacred booklets and • -areyoziore.inies, made from Christmas to!, Ite--ent 0 the •uilssionaries The fl1owlng la a eopy. of -4 radio Addreiffk WhIO, Was itroatica$ Over the 04nadian ,lirOadeailting Operation% ..lietwOrg ou May'-als4'.1 It _was. One of a series: Of athire'see On the 0OpealogTof-Ontario's• roads, • , !„. q:tho* is a. 'bet& bY One •Sawuel -Striehimid, bearing ,flie 414w 1$50, mot .eotimc1;, wentpsevelk . Lear In 2 oe,,T • , the .Canadian litegtg"-- It • 11 ,PiOneer claSsiW In. It, you wiji And the jollow1ug, etafeliteut; 1 rernenr. Oer tin'ar ell loY• 'first Visit to the moiith at heti* and abroad ,for .distribution • ChriatMas,gift% Were On dieplarand meeived many favorable eeninienta. nisS. aciith Taylor gave a brief ont, line of the studlea and interesting Yearlir program Of the Deacol148$ )110Me In Toronto, \Mrs. 'Mine gate the origin of the -song 410•Love That Wilt 14'et Let Me Go," after whichatire.Maill, Miss- es Gertrude Mist, Dorothy Green aixt, Mary McKay sang this beautiful -hymn Airs. L. T.A. Knox gave a isplendidlitik on missions, her the -roe being "God' ts- iliove'-7-"Clo ye into all the World" Mrs. Rod.Johnston...then. read . the It-&-ads-of 'Life -After "tibeful, Kindly 'Light," the meeting WU'S closed, with prayer. 17,4,11000:1104, .10ispiett are extra ;AA. Avith-truitor honey added. Witk***41,. ilenies. • "`-iRICE ..,ailistrOliikesSiovoit. • .1144.:;s:iiejOy40,0e0es cereal bozo -- ...4:4*A..*****7.1,01140ii'itirnilk:' .r tresa A Mother Goose atory " Atallgrocers. $atsia. *atm*. . . b.y.')411egglo. $0: Ctiltgl.ttiay. actually Qualityookranteist Mak 00..'eriiigivi :0f the 4IVer Maitland,- ne* tite. Site of ,OloderiCh, 11 :bridle -Orb ‘'-for seVentY` iufles 0000 Me traekiess foreat Was the ,oulY avi1able epinnianlek don,between the -W0046101.4.'14 WO 4.4.4 the. author 'gees-, ,Ora: t� Au.r..4;,„,".114,.yast and tertlte tract , of wore--";thiai: ori -1,411116fiT-hereS"'•tilit- eeatalit a population of three hundred ..souls." Bot lie rep:Ices that, , at the tinfe of -writing his hook the reverse of this Picture . was .true..- In, the, course of twentyilive. years,. he _OP claims, . the poptilationlutS• increased to thousands, spiendirk. ttartils Um' been opened u, :4147-7tliere is It rola' Samuel Strickland wad right; There WAS a rea51, the one we are to telt- you about' . thls evening. pot seventy miles it. runs, Most of. It • straight as a sped arrow, from the border Of • Waterloo 'through to Itake, 'Huron ; from New Hamburg On 7' to Shakespeare, Stratford, Seihringdile,.. Seaforthk Clinton, and gnat- l'y to .0oderieh. It passes timush-the '0Plgudid aercA of one ..;„:P.L.:(h..,0,-!- Wiest Wining -sections - -.1.Canada* and.. through .a suceesslon of busy and prosperous centres the equal of any .ht-ithe-rmailaiont„ has. etufhfflf.1 ji .,10740", good deal ayee otst*riee_dklanondse4ii time.lie -knew, " ew 0101)* are standlog; and a few- old Stone fireplaces and chimneys, naked to the weather, mark the sites of •others that have vanished, An to -Inn or WO, intShed aside and ignored in the Swift pace of our modern-Ones,laments the tong -lost creak and rumble of the stage -coach, the f,,,rackling of '-the whip,„:..and the oloppity-elop, of post - horses, But the' Ittiren :road- is Iherei- billowing with the rolland of the countryside.' and Offering fair and speedy passage toall who travel it: --This highway was horn out of the -war in 1812. York -and NW-0ra had been burned - to the ground, the. Niagara Peninshia Was a shambles, and the eenillet-had. left its tittil of destruc- tion wherever civilization exiated on the Lake Erie front.. Upon an im- poverished treasury there descended an avalanche of war claims. In 1821 a young Scottish lawyei. John Galt: better known perhaps Ss a, noVellst; eiltne out as a -member of a Royal Commission Jo help Straighten out the rights •of the Province In regard to certain claims made .on the British Government. So...Impressed was be with the successful methods of colon- ization that he saw in actuai!. opera- tion that, upon his return • to,England.. be organized the Canada CoMPa' nV, to Parchase from the Governineat a. tract of a million loves. comprising' what waseventually, to be twenty-one' townships. lying West and north of Waterloo county on the„shere of Lake 'Himont the around to be resold to re - Galt tame- 014 again CATIad* to *II:* willister this, goaititieas vailertalcialc. Towkitaltes :were\ surveyed, rogiot htidgeSand schools Were built on- a share -cost basis; and la" general- there via set on tea the inOst extensive At the•UieUtti. att. a,to, to to he estoPlisheot .nantesi'"•OefierloW rams *patting on the resit 'Were tog 0410 ash' tor -rrisious or labor, at • . •Pro, , „ 'Oa rate, Of. -110 :per ;are.' ' '104 v404 go t0'.:YaneottirOr. today, bY,tralo in lesS thaa the alluriag !thug'. ,pr�phesieti Dy Oalt „for -the. eeirlut ..of • 'the Ouree road. , •Even t what • *40,0, cittio Jilghpeed, 00 troelle onigratiou selone Canada ,wft$ ever could hope fOr„,10$4 WW1 fent nigh to kortm-lt Is 4 istrIklug feet that on the roatto.theieforifritlwaute 011 tor •the.iirst.text para or OS ealafenreo early Consideration of the CoMpany to . the 'c'4,0440,,. CeMpany% expendifores4o the devellenineut ot Ith doinahz NY -4e greater', than the legislative , budgets for the--'kkoae" period. •t! • fitt;;. fir.$011. Dab • The:lfirst, 4saanit' on the Wthierhess •vas stageilett Sty Oeorge's Ray.',41)rit: 1)4114 141* In 0,001.140data -t14e• ltle0n4+^ aettlera„ . The firer of . was. the .10, of ,fitehastiaa au•41 Marx' Vri- fowl, whiek inf•aglisk• 70' 11,0.,W, means' "Bird off,Freedem," '010, Witb the rent:Untie' Pante,: was ' 'for scores of *ears 4V--WidaW",4140:vv* MI?: A party consisting of mark, as important. in .its way as John Olin' • Galt,. William Dunlop and CeGrOata Ilona% or the Shop, of the ,910.0,4 ;Pryor, viltu opme, 'WOO* Green blaelminitli; The ajxTaoy oamef. Aw;,.tin bundo* rp.5 hot replaced by the eenn;41,*404Ort In the 'pelting 'rain, h larger on ot 'orlok., yowl) still ur.19,0k-fpr-,41*-4propctseit-,*4-ot•••-*-0,..„ Own 011 the Airer 'Tweed. DUO10P proved to be 'sneli a poor gujde that theparty did, net reaelk their goal Ufl tit JOst...;;IiefOre, sundown. A. giant tree stood on Each of. the three I(ler*:001.c.o, blow at It witirtlie ate in turn, and then 'left the crew ' .it, Dunlop . mounted the kneip, and °proposed a Oast there1*1 - the dripplug'-forest to the new city of • spelled With an In due, course, • a report went oft to the directors. ,Of the Canada Company in England, to the effect' that Oven had been surveyed, lots sold, and building .begun. Small thanks did Galt receive, however; Instead, he was roundly- reprimanded because he. had chosen the wrong' name40m,; ,pihnents.to the- Royal Family Were all ,vert well, :Pat this new citY was to be called Goderieh, 111 honor of Frederick ,,Tohlt 'Robinson, Marl of Ripon, 'Seere, tay- of -State -.for War - Colonies, , who 'had that' - year been TaertztotthaVp' mitagemia Lord Godetielt; 'But since all the 'odt4 clot bills add •documents had •already been Printed with the original -name; .Galt eomprengsed by founding ',second pity. 'Dunlop,by now appoint- ed Warden of Canada Company's Woods And forests, set out to find °suitable site; and did not stop until he had reached the shores of Lake .Heron, Where he .eliOse the -eminence that -•oVerlOoks . the lake, • the ' famous •flatF3 of the Minesetung River, as the Indlaliff,then Called It. Samuel Strickland, lately placed In charge of the. Outdoor -department of the Company, Was sent out to help rDunlop 'find and found the 'neW City. When the inland oeean of -11uron burst on-bIS f1g1i4-as- seen -from- the wooded heights overhanging the mouth of the Maitland . River; he Was entranced. ,"1 thought Canada then," he writes, "and 1 never changed my opinion,the Most beautiful country in the world." Goderieh waS laid mit Recording to one of , the • most interesting town plans we have in Canada. In the centre are the county buildings; about these- isa park, the boundary is a perfect Circle,. from whiell 'inn _lateral streets, like spokes from a wheel hub.. • With the rounding of. these eitiw eatne the need '10i a! rod. ': Work on it began in 1828, A Company adtertise." ment In the Gore, Gazette, Published In AneaSter, read as fellpVrer, "A: road is 'being opened tro),n, the town- ship .of) Wilmot to the mouth Of the Red River,* hereafter to be called the Maitland: By this rettte, the journey *-autla-lit-goott-Order,--fhough,U.18-00- oceunleft; its huge -ilreplaces are typleal of a -eheeryhospitality, and there remains a single inementot,ottlle anelent ‘glory of the bar --41 ;teat. 1%,zorone woo butt, but the ears were ;04;1' svFaroyfatangelit;rittoaontrit. ttaocteolryeltounet, pixel opt itt:!‘darnaold, re 8, t a, settlement Of a wide areg. Wit, en.Yort chureh of the 'four -point charge Of are passing, look for It, on the south Belgrave, Blyth, Carlow .and AubUru side of the toad, a mile:or Tit 'sh east 'of exi esday evening, %vas deef4ed, .to Shakespeare. . ' . 'near "f9nr . more. ministers .before ex- . A Spartan Woman -tending n . . innlId,aniwyuteaulespaan2re4tiolid:stofrietriasowd.aywsiednet, suffered lywnitheinl!Aerbiaadthalitstadieltscri9Ottbave, to help Dunlop put .Ctederieh.. en the, during the past week. ' map, .'he decided to • stay and build Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and himself a home, \His Wife and young Bernice, and 'Miss. Sadie Carter Were child :remititied behind, waiting for -in Seafortli. on Saturday. . ward that , the TOOf ,Was. on, When • , Mrs' T...A.damS, had been confined to Inenths:passed, and no summons came; bed. Mrs. Howard ,Adan3s, ,,of Tor- . , -Mrs;;--Striekland, -her-•-patienee-- tem;„ onto and Miss, Martha ; Adams, :of pietely exhausted, set out en foot with ,Kitchener have been.,with her. the baby in her arms. As she trudged Mrs. W. C. Robertson has returned aiong,the :MOW)* traek that had been- ;from -visit with her daughter. at telearred-Ifir-o-ugivAlref-dense-...woods,--A, Mrs. .114.ti Ilattlihy while in t , iage, ' ' ' %, Artsvitm -44ne a _xi Violet ' ,),Xx.i4.' Ben' Farrow and daughter 'atm Mrs, Lee Ilarmond and sena, of Oho's». , Oar* . teacher ' of, the Contlunatiou' • ,..,, - ley 14elaware, were visitors 'with Mrs. Sehoolt lhas rewitaea her duties after aut, kir4., '*S, Mugford And ;Stro. (t, -'• being III.. . 'Miss, . Mabel ,Foster, who Is A: Wowpan. - , . • to be the teaeher In 150, 0 sehoolafter A Visiting Preacher. -An eVeat of „PrAITIP)',#, VPSI!Cle9-F4:Y.,.?.r,„',,•-• '_,.--,,,, - 'Unusual-interigt to9k,_210.,_effi,.%.P.?1_0„ ..Two-„cara. -driven zoy _4aqx.;wagiler 'Baptist churoh, ea Sunday evening, and Wilfred gertehan- collided on the when the B.T.P.1.T. had as their guest Vain. *reef ,near . the Aubutn, House. speaker . Mr, (:)yrus •Gates, of,,:TOronte,„, ItteMartit-.. -70-01naw-44113$14-41,P4,41.4,,t-.1..4,-hert. „ W sak 04c -ea rge and Welt -met 'aroifte-eheAidirre '1044 - iottaimovtiit, But when .they reached FrYtogersi nn StintlaY,»PSell,Ching the anniversary after having., tramped many weary :sermon. at ..Constanee, In the,•:after" miles, 121 gaily refused_ to give ug.:his 110011. burden unless a forfeit of a quart of Dr. B. 0, Weir brought his new ' ear honie-th* week. - Mrs.....James-Woods,spent a few days With Mrs. Carter, of Londesboro. J. Brandritt, of the local 'branch of the: Canadian Bank. of Commerce, has spirits Was ,forthcomInv "for, he ex- elaimed, "she was main heavy,'God bless her!” But imagine the ,Spartan courage of a woMan Wl‘o would un- dertake the jourriey of seventy miles • throrigh the forest over-tho'roughest gone to . Mshoine in. :Whitton on his footing Over dignified by the name of holidays._ Kr, MeXeehnie is -sutiiilY: ., The news �f the death of George IV' Mrs. Moore,- of Guelph, IS spending reached Goderich toWards . the end of a few weeks with Miss S. Blair. August, 1830, some eight weeks after A timber. from here attended the the event All the settlers were sum-. meeting _of.. the Smith's OM United, moiled to the Buttonwood Flats, church W.M.S. held at the home of where, Vhtirles pryer, Company facto- Miss Annie Walter on ThurSdar. tum, madea- sPeeeli arid read *a pro- Mrs Gormley Thompson.- -and- son elaulation of loyalty. Then the party Bobby, of Timmins,, are visiting .at formed' a circle; joined 'hands, and • the home of, Reeve and Mrsmegridge. sang "God Save' the. King!” accom- The June 'meeting of Ino' Presby- . ., ehapulreen. h pawed. .by a Goderlen 'band' of two ,toenrialinhuWrs'-dbra-y§,ii•yltaesrnhoeoiw lud inata he fiddlers- and a tamboureen. . . On Labor Day of 1og8, a hundred did atteadance. . Mrs. R Lawson pre Years after the 'first opening of the aidedThe Scripture passage?Psahri . Baron read, a great celebration was 83, was read respenSively and Mrs.' J. held along ' its length. There °were Hewett led In .Prayer,* Mrs. 13.. 3. deeorations on every road -gate. aud Lane of Goderich gave a splendid re- farnWateuse, and towns, villages :and Port Of the Pr.esbYterint 'Meet:111F, hadnlets Were in Oala attire, A caval- Miss Josephine Weir favored with. a .cade formed ,at„ *Shakespeare , in . the so16- - • - i„ N, • : ,..,', merning, -am, there was An nirreeing • Rev.' Mr. Kay,'. of Wiartoia,.- preached a. -. Of cairns all the, Way vestwatil. BY . tCarlow Presbyterian ebureh on nighttalt, they reached the last cairn„ 'Sunday. AnbUrn joined withthem in at Godericb. erected there to the. thortIol.rizt.i.ce*. Gar41' iner,,,of Londesboro. memory of•Dr. William tinnlope !urigor'! Dunlop .. .4:1ceuurtreilonledh tsettriplinalipyi.t of Kilo! United 1i . Mr.= and Mrs., Nichol, who lived here The •famoua Dr. Dunlop NWIS 4 Greenock man, .and ti. cousin of Jane . some forty : years ago. were 'visitors here One day this week Mr: Nichol Welsh :Carlyle. A WI, Jovial-, 'eller,' I getteindividiuti, he had obtainedhis' was at one tjine ' blnekinnith - in. Sohn :eduelitio* °literary, niediiAt. and :doll Perguson's nhop here. , .- ' • 'irivitili" as he called It, at . alttegovi. Isteion.L. oft.111$ raw obarieti -Gateg. of YOU''''rrili iluct him ealledr:eftehtrie in. Toront6, were- vLsitors.,*ith-Mr. and Seine of the histeries, but perhaps his ' .... • ' ' ,epitaph !records a fairer •picture of • bbni. ,The 'cairn' lust mentioned Is near Menestang Park at,‘Goderieh, on tilt- greatAilll - hverlooldng.,. the jaje.L;__ -Jest to the north are thel3uttonviood Flittk: a tich valley' with.aglant trees, through *Nell the Maitland River , Winds." Beyond tile" Plats ..lis another hill; Wliere atoed - 4341airbta1d," the .DitalOp, herne.. The tomb is , still there, and if you eare I to elirab the . i longhill you will lin4 the, epitaph of ' William Dunlops "Ire was 4 man of 'apaStihig- talent kneWledge, and 'bolevoleneeo" it •SaYs of hint 'Tiger" ' P.M100 WAS the name-, he was, knewn- by over ;the whole gountryaide. Do - youremember that the iny'stie • poet; litaiiels 'T ' hompson :Wrote the lines; , . ' •"Tyger, Tygerf, Miming. bright' , In theforests of the night.. --.7' Iliger° Dunlop burned bright in the Wilderness, of dark, *act glOon3Y for- osts,mal'ine4.4114;,*otaila Still see the -flame of fits humor, liti: lidaeiti', hid .toi0a0 itila *,,,,,iiis, spirit, afiroStt. it , tea-, -taryTot Tilei • :: -- .?' - ------ ----- tirb " broadcasts each Sunday :oier 01`813. There was, a al)1,04014 and1ne Ba1 Raitliby, .• Was in charge. • Mr. Gates gm's a-, 'Weald • ,Irp9s1t,lon. of the fourth chaPter,"‘ of Revelations, comparing` the crowning of an earthly king With that of the Heavenly King. He also sat* •three solos with harp .aecompaulinlento Death' ot Mrs. John Fowler, -Mrs; JOhn fewler, a lifelong resIdnt o„ Colborne tovinship, passed away-. at her home on, the 6th Conce8sion4, of Colborne on 'Friday, after an .illizeas of Over,lwo .y'ears' duration: beth Feagan,daaghter of Mr.: and Mrs %Warn .F6ogAn, was horn; In Colborne township March 14,-, 167 She was ,educated at a nearby School and 011 December 17, 1890, win; 'Mar- ried to JobnoSS4eL She -NO -Nen - „1 -;1 -Y -4,t ate.,Jhuh • aiiF four aug . fam—or Loyal, ‘Beginald, of Louden,' • and Worthy, at home; Mrs. HarrYBeadle, Auburn, Mrs. WM, Benjamin. and. Mrs. George Ryan, Goderich,. and Tena, at houte., There is also one „brother, John reagan, and, a sister, Mrs. Ilarry Robinson, Goderichk: Baieball.-.-In' the A,ubura,CollyOrne baseball game played here on Friday night Auhurn.. was v1ctot166A, _147 score Of 10-0. ' This is Aubura's third straight Win in the Maitland teirgne series. The line -Up was as folloirs : Auburn -N. Rodgers, es.; W. Brad- .noak, 2h.: 0. McDowell, rf. '• B. Cra' lg, p.; N, c.; G. Me13owell, th.;, E. Mugford, cf.; J. Weir, If. ;• N. Pat- terson,- lb; Colborne -A, Wolfe, Ss. • Fdtrish, P.; Y. Litichiter, et.; C.' Kerr, If.; T. fisher, lb.; 111. Kings- well, e.; R. Foster, 3b.; R. Parrish, 2b.; R. Kingswell, rf. SOEFTARDTON 4ZIN'OU you Wight your present teri * 1,-/ Chevrolet has stepped 'Way out ahead, everything but, the money it costs to buyand null Today's Chevrolet brings you: A longer, wheelbase, ...Big, attractive 1Viditte1-iltntret Top. )3odie4 „ ° - the 'latest known.. ..More powerful -OotkirOltt 4UO to tito exclusive *ICtiee.- Actio4 gltding ride.. 4-. Matolilts yarsitdie Brakes and Safety .04$41*'through. Improved Vial* No -Draft Yen., And for all It* Uttar the spa ppe " pertortnattce, Chevrolet 'tiyouleettlott ilvetittte,re' to opotoit IRS fOr for oil, lese for &kept, So tt sots why it's Causait's festest stAl. ng mittaxtoblit. IN the, only Car that brit* yen ell the' toted teatotta at the ,liviveot price*, *Mvoithout as tnyir SHEPRARDTON's June and Mrs. M. Nevins, of Leamington, visit- ed with Mr. and ,Mrs. J, Foster. Sunday visitor0 With Mr,. aft4 Mrs. Fralik;ftleing were iMrs. Thud. Hock- lelt Florente, .Elsie and, Pearl, 'Mr. . Russel Moore and, "Bert .0askanet12; of Latigsider. and Mr. and Mrs. R.-* Ris- ing, of Windsor. 'Miss Marie Hawkins celebrated her birthdaY iMIS'aturday by entertaining some of her School chums. Miss Violet Bogie 'agent the week- • end In Toronto witlb her father, who is still epatlent in the hoapitaL Miss. 1S1a0 Menary has returned home after a pleasaitt visit spent roar Clinton. - Work has commenced on the high- way south of the Stere. orsie is What youmake it, and carefully 'selected FURIkaTURE' gives a home that topch of indisid,uality that qtry lady likes. Let.us help you make a selection from our extensive stbck.. • - PAINT. Ptoperly prepared PAINT pfeserves' both the inside and out . , side of . hous.es. We have, the guaranteed paints in all reliable colas. — The Huron road, the Illurini Tiact 'and the ()IOWA thishr knew' hUtoone i figure . treater . than Dunlop; ; * eolw posite tigure-the pioneer. , 1‘,10 tougtie has *ter told : or Oh tell the story a .1119 awittbtoks; ,heattbistAte ,for the homeland. • AO the:.4.10M4folk he *Mild netett, see -*gala; heart- breaks 'beefily* of ' the Vast, solitude that layabout himhere; heart- break4 over the iatiatitainiof arduous . toll: 'between him and Ilia daring, Sturdy and reSointei• he fought tO the end, and we 'who real* ouitli,t helot to forget the .ploileer Who, liaViiii.iaotreti; Went off to, his rest Otto% the har- vest , • ' j. . :Over theAtoor*ai of ,a State eal)itol Otaewitere, are. these vordet*'"Ilopor the Plotteer, Wite-' broke the •:#611. that .Men to ;Come ditighttotte.0 The taen. ' :and wontea; who elearett told settled, • the ItOrOtt Traet bent Their baeks to, ,a -gioutte Iiisk,Thies, were few in ' tattuberi bot,toor ':gdoto$, of thousands ,118fe Upon the ,0011 that ti.ie$, .•eleited • and Woke. . The Iluron void halt its •inotiatatat." to, the,,.1pioneer,„-/t *is. at !the toot of ttt# *seobtosAtin, jlEto. 144' ' . of Stratfordi It Was built to the 100000 pf Aticirew•Aiartya $eehar. the'tit* ', tierciu the toternshig .of In aR9. )n ,this ' hip . of the tafl l' he ,totouteutter has Set the shspeof*u*ceftbY*11*Xe., 'Tbe - isv.the true trtrobta ef i - the tog le -Me Syteho or be ilittiateitt. AA, *moo toe Y hoe iiktoutit' atut ***Lttt4L - It was the ete *44 the idneWlf *WO ,of the Plest*er )itito-Wiefdeilt It titart,,Saild# . the Iturot,oat ter 111 were bon 1' ad a iiirons7 az' tried, different Mediate* and, pills, bat all were of no use', Milhuia-ist H. id M. Pius advertised; iontix and rocitta immediate'teilet. • osinea,therithave-nsed them,. titer the birth of eaeh of my children; 1 'am now the mother of tourteen,Indadiag three pairs of tvriasi. au thou to Milbura's 0. le N. Ms for itty- and ,13.spot tb,h4reio.- t „ GREAT LAKES CIRCLE CRUISES Canadian..Pacific . Steel Steamer'' • GROSS TO 't--NA.OE 201,6-4SNOIII. 363 FEET PORT,MCNICOLL or. OAT SOUND FORT WIWAM MONDAYS• LEAVE TORDAYS' • g- Is* an .August ilroin PORT •PdeliliCOLL .OWEN SOUND•.' rout l'ORONr0- WEST136Iiiqn. VIA NORTH CHANNeL.' EASTBOUND VIA. MACKINAC 'Ienty of open 'Water ,erti tang en cteerghor *at and tbo 'great inland ,i!rtall **to 00.0M4 Xturon and Superior. All'outside; roonvot.4,..A. ettilse pure)* and shoolft- X0 taditaltikl*Ort Woo**. 110t4 141(6115.NONV ors*