HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-06-25, Page 2VIIsla 0 tO hate it *thou h tus IMMO FAOR,ROYS: (Vram,The Vane* terMovinoe Virlutt 'hat:happened to the art, of Writint 1,bOyie hoe #,A1110e an age wwqualled tor, wonder and progress *ed Intame, for adventure and for life° in the higsterpot the world: we ase, notified, But the are ne goalg./ 04a being-wr#00, sgy that 'wonders wilt:never ,etases bitrivilat; I. think In this Matter et bole beoles-Wthnt ivende-rifinave teased. There is nothing left te,wonder *bent. „ /000 the young ,San Of an eld friend the -other day reading. Id the most absorbed way aboek by WM* devoted to the --adventures of some younglellow lington's wars. �Ie else, admitted that he read inallanil ,tyne's:,bookie, 404 thatIOn t*was a WOWr.c.• •.', 4NOW those are the that tlikcIlled.;... 7.We youth WOa century ago, t 1fls, .haPPengd writersthat they ean° Something thrIll in it? , The answer i SiMpl Odere .70ath.' 00* everyl ThelOrmer appeared to .po Wrack* With fade. recta are a . the boy i of , today:throw th adventure was setnallY ad tiiiie, Julel Verne 'wrote hr l Iiiistent ago about motors( and airplanes; about undersea boata and about i.gramoptkOnts berate they were inventedl Tour son and my ioen.were beta Into a world Where there was never a Mement 'whin there Watret. ',a ear at thel.d,o0r and anairplane rearing overhead, or ,a \radio roarng to 14 car. What Is there left 10.,thlra to be laiaginative about? What 470004 of adventure are there for him? • • Unlea 'a .11inatedtithrat. I" 1?:31r4.'* arlilliNtlitfl .oild .,b�inadie iv,retster0d': letter, Inencl.' ,thisiue,017060)0 at . 'TO '4004Srlottr ',War • in t,O,Oeln,*03, OA thia'',tindtorataiidin'• . 4•0*!fly:AK, 4*,0* ter stnr, milo in sn.y„:adttertlaIng..Pta/haw itatietrider ,Isliess ar,proot 'tt Ago ayertSaemefl4. 'la reflulte4 in -writing : She 041tottiset snottes a .bu.Lnse omee i1y sgnedby. attterther. „ or correotLoflz plathly. xxiteAV'ht Aititing , thatOta;,- sg .' .4 ook-.terrotte4 ' hby Th tar, 1t3 i 'shah not ,ezoeed h orUon of, attterthitneat..**-the,a000 eocuptoLt by #0..,Ayert1aeDCnt. .A0Vertislnir; 'rate* Oa * - , • , I ' Th00001: - Day 71; Sight et, .1111,00.0„, JUN A 25th, 1037' ' • , NETT is Fitt [te Ottawa let/Tnali Width' Is probably well t*tor***00, eayS: ' 1411t. 'Mon. It.-3;‘Bennett,,leader of the .01iPOSItieno‘ Is ,expeeted to annanneeon his return to OttaWe %fat 00.4h that erainent, European Ph7Stclaos Vroligulco?' 1M ,,partielilarly-tit And *014 and be will.re10414 in - the leaderShit! of th9049erVatiVe party, . *IVOtiliti'Vel'Onna were *triaged 'beforgAbe,eloso' •ef ;the last ,e0s0100;of Ostrilainent for *I,. 'Bennett -to nieet -in tbe tiouse ef corarnons in: July. Ilis decision 00118 future Plena Weald be 006.00dto the*”• . 00`anett'alilaesaleitto conalderable:SpeohlatiOn-tat -. to 1be sUcCS$Ofl to ale Conservative party :, ,f400,04 thoio isp,,04*,.th-ere•-**0-110110"thitt •00414r4ttitelli' the,,nleee that Mr. Bennett does, , and there .will„,*..1;0, nt.neh grailfloation.anteng his Supporters, as well as :aMeig his • :1j irerte4nr-4114artiee.v414bealtk DRIVE WITH; CARE , /rho tragic happening on the Square on'Monday after- no04, in whieh a Man's lite was crashed out in a few moments by an :autostruck, Sheuld affetd a lesson to all drivers of cars. Two minutes before It oecarred, the driver Of that truelt' had no slightest idea that he Was isseing to, run !limn a nian it take S only a* few seeonda for a fatality to oceur. It .Is,. then, the Stern, UneointiriS; log duty of.all drivers, to use the utmost idgilanee at all. 'Ones, but especially wben driving in any plaee where people are :wont to congregate. '1t would be a One thing to cultivate ,a reputation for carefulness and freedom from" accident. Human life 4,too valuable to have it constantly in peril of speeding eats, and though "accidents will • happen." they tan be • made to happen less frequently than otherwise 'Would. be the 'busk if everybody on .the road would drive- with care and eourtesy. - . s. They take their politics straight in -Neva SeOtia. For the TrOvincial general 'election to be held next week there are strty-one tandidates—thirty Liberals, thirty. Omservatives and..otte lone independent. , J. A. Sangster, meMber -of the Legislature for *Glen- garty,„10 dead, ,.!)..,tisrattltesstbelietond vacancy in the To - t0 Iibate; the'ether hatlig been caused by the death .,0fPI. Al;A fQU1ban t NOrth W'ellington. Both seats „Vert held- ht. Liberals- .ceventb-, AnnultrItuTen- eoinitt :Ave a. PI* ocinPetitIon waS' Jield yesterday ander . the. 1140441 of IAA .X01.4081, egiiehitntai. representative, ' On tarnas iins,tbv vleinity!' of Itayilei :SaPortitalog ,iadog „ logo. horses, It. 0; 70'104)-0* Ontario live Stook ' itranch,,. ,. Toronto); dairy cattle, tattlei 0.,.;R. Vatersent. depart;nent. ottiture q4licorton-beet ;tattle R. /if- )(*eroher, ghee* T.,8. OOP, :er 4oPartnIent f„agrienitthre, Aterk, o the youth .1 ltb 0,:b3.041011, there 0 lt544teedm' d-itra'3%;ft 1 int s no venture•Writer# dealtIn-'what modern writers \ 'oply deal fufly depressing thintei wires back into an age Where entnre, and they have a geed ‘. ROLM .xtpla THE oilmen 4,09.111141x,004- DiterpriSe-itttilletin)' ,patigted rtising a reed,,of the cliareh today?. In sorne-quarters,1 4.1s...held-thet-there,.1tiost_rAdv tommo- istautatio Or I «flefoose of Gods, 'But on Sunday last. a Miniater Of 0 ththg..40e.was..:sfrong..lp his dernmelation..of the modern - ar 49)..4,a40C :OtorgY, haV o-talTrrit about seonlei things, and unless, unichls made of each one , a;linehody .is geing,to get into trouble.” ,And that was not all. Ile •continuedi • • "What :would you think of the Acts of the Apoitles If there could be found a few . verses like' this?—,And it came topass that St. Peter before his wonderful sermon on the day of Ventecest announced: -There will be a! tom - mage sale OA the market square of • lerusalera on the second day of the week. On the third day of the Week there Will to a whist (I4:vein the Hall_of. aloses,„On the fourth day of the week .there will be a baking." salein Joseph"s departmental store. On the :fifth day of the" Week there will 'be a garden patty on, the Mount of Olives, with all mills of raffles to make money for the.preaching of the Gospel in foreign lands. I venture to say if anything4like that appeared, we'never mould have heard of the Acts of the Apostles. Why then should our worship to Almighty God be.to interrupted today?" • The reverend gentleman is .undoubtedly right. To get .away from the present procedure he Would use the press or printed bulletinet, "if the various organizations were prepared to give. five or ten dollars a year for the purpose. Such would eliminate•distraCtion. from the ser- - vice and.leave the hour, it is feared often so begrudgingly given, free for worship," n proc,litimed egalnet this, very Oftle'''' Swine, Re 4,-0441304$ de‘Partl. of.! Strioulture,,' Klatt; 4udg1ng toolc,plate On..Vie • tarots 'Of 106.14ir Of:440i Oar fIeld; Elrner Keyes, Varna Bort toa,. ,Palvaent, ',Paelelk-, and 4104 ,addi. tWaii supplied by jo8e*,0-0-0, Bayfleld, ,fkuk - 'Attioir Keyes, Varnn.,- Whoro-,xote,--t*ontrotwo tonteStan,,, in the senior 'class and 'seventeenin the. juniors,. .0,411, the ,,senior Tnera- hadjreviottily, been on N.judgirkg teams representing *:1110,. oeuntr:at tbe Wye); Winter 'Fair Voir the junlor winners'"had taken agricultural: short et:10sta Within the past three,, years,. 4 favo,-;,eolvivatio pretented.to: the hoY. Seenring'higheat points in each .• class; also dve •easli, prizes, . Albert 'Taylor, Lucknow, .With 097 points eueof a ,pOssible, 740, was WO 41* Braddotk gets $202,000 as his share of :the, prOi (Vats 'rtitsdai night's pugilistic eotottuter.' That be some little consolation for being Itn,Ocked Ott. .by-the*bit*iroi,ingitig negro, "Wit* Nate was • Leta than $166,600. VranCe has a new 9eyetnuient One4-more.„ )L �lum was Preniler fOr a little °Vier s. year, which Is bettet than • the ***rage ler °French 9overnments. is. In the new •Cabinet", *bleb seems to be a i.eahafiling of the cid one distards snd few reeroits. The change • apparently marke to impertant alteration in , qoveriiment pOlicp-htft it takes a ,l/I'retichmitii to utideratandi Oren poflths • The freqUettty with. which Toronto 'nowspa 1011001 In anon And Unite tomtits oraxefri ren, 4,tliunIdpaiities lirrite COutitro and cOmAtttil.' 04 in MurOn--angleats the advisabilltr of `414**** tbrer, attention to their geography, it if$ good,100 Oio '041;tex*oft,001ot or Ottitott to tba aottbeta- ost point of acute; 00 wear* net so crowds together oak toibotky o AniagIn4 that be is "prat* *OW * Pitts 'Ara in Vinton *or il in rate. he '1 aIety *be b�Uer *odd t ITS,;beter Iaugbi th'ea* ."1 „ Imo Ken- neth. Varnpheit attended t Indgin , petition at Ats,04.. On Thursdays 4, Mrs. gathers, of Xooklif?vr, )04- oughter, Alrer Earl Vitht" - MIss arg.017It't letteisen, hag *bC'en re-engag as ;teacher for IS kis" _ Miss Buller, et rcidoot4vm. tiritea Oundsr.44,- the hOzne, of Itedinends .ties L. Andergon,,„ 13elgravet visited with .h.or. friend,. Xbia Hilda 'Black," 5Ir; Alex. $etheryt naroiltonp,13 -vt.itttlag' t4o home,. of his aunt, 413%. la/nea ge011L, $1‘r, 'and gro, ,NOnli,,,,NioPei'vell, Mr; oo4 Orxt. 'Norman', AroDoweU and son 4:31443141110'r1140SX/1.4."Me.te4DOW"e11,91;41nti:POULIVI; and NM and 04arzo •Omtoi, it3600 Miss Minnie:Aid 141.0.11110te,, Mr. and 4441:**;;;A:Merhemet5V.:1:411agitt.nanf4dnilliii:sattended, the Atctfolaeon oadsogday, held J, Kil- On& , JaSen*AlIlef and raw of soatortb, :vent isood,ii Nyttly , „ tbelormer'is parents, 'Mr. and Ors,' .- Bins. „ ?illss Orate' tiPedmond, of toinv/ood,, Spent iiunda.),' at her home here:, ; Messrs. Wm. Ind Norman ‘MePow- ell'Were X4olidRA visitors on Friday. • 14r, 4. 'Deward ,,a9npbell, 'Masters Meat largatet Wight- Ta7lor WhefelberroW rik Itrightroan, Bob rovier; saek root heVier-Viifferd )Velfilv° girls rhyllis Cook; kicking shoe--Zileen stsntling 11120Ph0Ysf` Ely* Wightmans, girls, Laverne 'Cook; bop, ateP and .11.1wPsssolder boys, Vvin VI:104tWean; older girls,lean CamPh011; younger hoYsi )141.10by Dodger; younger girls, 'Dorothy (ilovier; ShOe to. VIA0ellt, ,Ittinette ,ISnell; peanut' race r !IN/Tothy Gorier, .Gordon Carter,„, ,Eileeri Taylor,' Wighttaan; relay racetilten Taylor, Aonald 010'. Wight/nen; young men's • yarddash---BayVincent, '' ttotden c- DOWell; girls' '50 -yard dash --jean Me- iktet7, Cook; ladles' running paee,Alisis, Margaret JefferSea, A*ett Wab$111,1adleOr 'Peanut race, - ;OB.: on*goon Au4dgorrl,'4011, Mettows ell; .7.Ou.sg l*ea'S.r,nnning JUMP -1147. Vincent, wieitmeo, (4_,00do„Tivagt served picnic style, and returned to their homes tired but Victor and. 'COI/ Visited ; With, Dr. Vie - tor and Mrs. 0141115'0m, eo,f Lucknow, on Sunday. , • Mr. Janie's...Snell, ',of Nile, 'visited with friends here. • -Me' rs William 341.cflowell and boy in :the sealer class, %While cash,. Val* ago .1*340„,*coompaniod by Rev. prizes were teemedby iStewart Mc- xt., Wilion:,are4ittending.the meet., Ewan 011aten, 090; 'Alfred Patterson,- ing • of the Wilson, -cofr.the Vnited ylan,Seaforth, Ohara atArand Send today (Theo.. ,L4aotralitAhom tewar r yens, 7-111Yilt--Vot. In the junior Edison Forrest,, MOM,heeded the list with 600 Points and secured. the silver cup; also the shield for best 'novice. Other junior- wlnners Were: 'Clifford. Henderson; Clinton, 030; Joseph #unking, Apburni, 020; Lorne Hunking, Auburn, 610; Kenneth +Campbell, Auburn, 601.; Stewart McCall, Blyth,,8. _ _ _ • FINE FEATHERS When someone\ uses this old phrase -- Fine feathers—peaning but to praise The .garments thers wear, my mind Is all' for feathers that I +find DY .tarm and intrah, by: wands and hills: The peacock 'With Metall that epilis -, Its jewels; that Iridescent snook* The inimming bird; a mallard's neck Arched over over water In the dawn; *That proudinsignia upon The blackbird's wing; a cardinal's ereat • Of ,flame, and that unequaled vest The bobolink favors; rainbows about A.Phestaant's neck; and okt, without . A c1044, the bluebird alWays wears; 0014 light the, i0lid canarY tostro ,AS If an altar flame took wings; 'The cheery- gloyv, the Tobin brings; Upon his 'breast-,-10n,..farge and stnall; On boldand shy', gine feathers *11! - Beautyfor Whieh tile mortal* long— And taideemett of it Sone: , volenn Ward Dreabach.. ,11•041141 ,y004 woolfklt ,1313* nsw cw *it ceoSo ,YOk the who* '°°001,,, ,* * • atcp -*wad you 0h004„0 glint*APF *Of 'ita'''S au TOWNSHIP. June 21, and'3103. George lilcilwain and P3,6111Y ilaited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Trewartha, Helmesville, on *Sunday. , • • • Mr. and Mrs.' Wm, Valler-"spent Thursday inLoadon at the home of 'apa. Mrs. Gee. McCullough. • ..•31r,-,41...,1tOugtie and :MisseS, Davide, anh reari-Itougvie „, have . moved to their summer home. Mr. Dave Davidson wasahle to pay a short visit one day last week'with. his parents, Mr. and. ;Mrs. Robt. Dav- Mon. ' Congratulations- are extended to °MlEsther Mcllwain and . her en- trance OJOS,: Mary. Harwood, Arthe- mise Lassaline, VIola Tiebborne and atk,.-4-Mgalister,....311m=eatir U ommnde'cl 4q the sPeetor and bThof oave high •Ichobl entrance* examinations, On , Tuesday evening of last week the:softball team from Taylor's -Cor- ner played the Albion team at *Union, 'losing. the game 27-13. .r.Miss Marko Porter • bap been en- - *aged as teacher at s: .s... No. 17; Wawanosh. for the coming year. 4,46 ita.rniondf„ of Delaware, Lslt' Mr:and Urs,; Wililam'Carter.. 00X SoriaL—A successful box social was .held last Wednesday xagati.„ over $25 •belug reallzed. Ontn2unity sing - „log 'was lcd by Rev., II, Nilson. Those assisting in ,the program Were; Mr: Stanley ,Sibtliorpe of MVO), Who ren- dered several pleasing sides, and was aCcenipaoied--- at.- the. plane by gis0 Elizabeth Mills of Blyth; Miss Scott, of the 9th:concession of East lEust Wawa - nosh, who favored with a solo ;.,Miss Ruth *Straoghan and IMr„Aubrey Toll, of Auburn, who contributed duets, ac- companled at the piano by Miss ° Mar- jorie Ton ; Mr. .Itaymond 5tedmond, who- gave several violin solos, accom- panied by Miss Mae Redmoncly of $t. Augustine, and Mrs. (Bei.) H. C. Wilson, who held the audience with her- reading,- ?Rev. Mr. .Wilson „ fa- vored- with a .Solo. School Picnic.—The "annual picnic of .&S. o 6 .waS held On Friday after- noon at the river on ,Mr. Fiarl Wigbt- man's farm. An enjoyable time was spent by all. The trustees had a booth on .the grounds at which the eltildren, big and little, did justice. Those excelling in the sports. were as follows: ItniMing ,rates7-7under, school age, Hattie Wightman; eight and un- der, Gordott*Mason; boys I10 to 13,°' *Meld Taylor; girls 10 to 13, Doreen Vincent; boyo and girls .S to 10,, Ralph Rodger; toYS ,over 13, Elvin Wight - man; ;,beyte 3 -legged ,. • race-:-Oonald 'Snell, Voert SlaSon; 3 -legged race—Doreen Vincent and Dorothy; flOviei horse raCe40elpir. ,RO,dger,, ,OREWS, June and Mrs. Stanley Pines and daughter Suzanne, of Toronto,. are visiting with the lady's brothers, •MeSsrS. Harold and Cecil Blake.' - ” . Chamney and granddaughter; Anil ()hammy, ef Marnoch; -'spent the Week' -end: with Mr. and Mrs. 1t. Fin- nigan. " Mr. and Mrs Marvin •Durttin visited with, friends in Colborne township -on Sunday. , We cOngratulate Mr. Colin Crozier, 'having,Secured -A' school at loieury, near 117'arkhilL;; also Air, Aldmi Hasty,. who has been engaged at *Satford schocd. The garden party which Was held on Friday ntght was quite a success. splendid-.4r4rata Was. proilded hy-Dr.' Toll and ailytti 'talent. , °The gate re- celptei' were Or. Mticitie, of Mildmay, is building a (*went silo for Mr, Matthew 'Shack- leton. uiss, Winnifred Blake lina returneu to her Mane at Mafeking after .f3pend- hag several months with Mr. 'and Mrs. Shackleton, • • ,Missea ,Andrey.. Constant,. 03, eatriee TreeaVell. and !Pia:aces Crozier At- tended the Aehleyeinent 'Day held in Clinton• on Saturday 'lot. • Ur. and Mrs. Zirn. :,SherWood and • danhters,. Shirley s.nd:.11orma,, mo- tored to Orillia'..On 44bl:days Uri.. Sherwood and daughters oontinueilon - to Warrens Wfigre Weekviith her !nether, liras Wool, and lot ot ottrk: lotto oft their fOSidOWnotorte an kee,e14 ertter pkikr it. • • .• * • Tbe'010041C0f bOTtleUltUriettn, '''What a oat**. tear IKentti UMW • ..•f atiqu*lity, be -here *ben, she can 4 'On of sardines ,without tatillitAn.lanittoy: ' it, • . The female of thesperio44,, Apr Elpling nerer *tido is mote dew* W than the I* • ,0 •° * bit ttable * II Alist ott. r." fe n *Ito data *Ot grief If .0t *oat ' rtab ; the 1114 tO wb*bto* 1a ago tal, lite, ad tit! In this ir tallatrai4ashb.*oaao ,aottraldAni **d d4e.. c e,ozweIics titer , ie--410eat if.'hittontils4414*,;411L Ottv-ey„.'u3,kr, oi Goiertcb toWnthli *, ,* • p -Mr, : ottsita- Min, 03%4,the boni GODERIP0 o • "And Ile' Said unto them, 00,?!abtatIl. was made for man and tnOt •man for the Sabbath; therefore ite"Seriof Van is Lord also, of - the -Sabballit' (Si. Mark 2:27-2S), During the •-terviee, the choir sang an 'apthemi -"Blessed Saviour, Still Our -Refuge:" , ' Ur. John Ite„taty, Bald'whl pot irk it. oeMeat goer In his Btables. • • lileter4t. R,Finnigtint 8. 0*i-wood inC4'.*1144/00 Writ* day in Oederith' reeentlys 311.4, Tao. ,goati .seott„to-jeuokoot ,igatoday to .sek' his brother 'Ted, *410,*taiF 1ayjnr Tor h1 home In Eng*, *ruinit. Sporting tie*: tat „ !Wow hareh. Notes.—The regular meeting of the Y. P. 'V. win- he held- nr Ate church OA Friday evening An organ recital and sacred concert will be bresented at Union by the choir on Friday evening, July 2 Next ,Sunday afternoon, Riverston Lodge, L.044 145, will attend divine' worahli) at Union ehnrch, Rev. A. E. Moorhouse will deliver the sermon. The pastor, Rev. •A. E. Moorhouse, conducted 'the service at Union on Stanley, delivering an address -on —,,13,140SIT,,,.Inne,g2,7-The„rainv last ' eOrarnit''.-tfrt'rebminunitt-7---Evet- thing, looks -beautiful. 'Some of the farmers have begun to. cut their, hay.. A number fronr here attended the Webster picnic at the Summer +School grounds near Goderich on !Saturday last. . anriirs. Dynes oainpbelli spent. Friday with' ter parents, --lir; And, Mts. Ilayry. Foider, neat Myth: , _ . We were Pleased to hear that Mr. Davis, our popular sehoOl. teacher, was accepted as principal, of Thames - ford public school. We are sorry; however, 'to lose -Mr. and: Mrs. Davis- froin our community. It ifEc eight Years since Mr.,DavlScame to Belfast. Mr..Raipb Cameron and sister, Miss jean Cameton; spent last week in Perth county. .Their grandmother, who had speot the 'winter here, re - Sirbbath observance -from -the, text, turned .to.r home, 41.0**L—sow-mo.., Aommonomosmiumimpoismonnomm MREf. losEPR,It. GERMS, It.11. No. . bank, Ont.,,wtites:—"Several months ago 1 watirothled'ivith counts. on 321)4 hands. "°I could not help with the milking my hands were so sore and itching, and I could • .hardly put them in water. Aftsr I had taken one and a half bottles of B.B. I found in hands were healing .very quickly. I hive never found a 'remedyto compare with BAB. for purifying the 'Wad." A:product of Th.T ltilbutu Co, La.; Torfatt. sn Use tie -word emitacrotai Viten Vs Call out hell either COMMOreiSit atiit. * * , two 1014190,1* • , Ong ladle* In siMilitilittlie•POW, pot: ito ii Oho aad it add* Itto .,4t t outy $lO.O0 t Week, that fbr t 0 'tiro 4004. 4 * • We hate been asked tut doe* 1414.11;0ot We tet o*r ottlikad's 'but we Ow It ibtata. #tt* het* too seen In the verninit • A ostrOphone Is an 1.11 *Ind that nobody' a1ot7s. good. • * • lit olitot adtkat* d t 1* tbat t letter* ° * 'Th.0 and 4,* -1404;! arri holtie frere Ari SVM!•1.0411t*ItSa." * 0. VM. Oft * en. ,the Ole- Who'bOaSt Of 'their iong line Ore Are on, * *Ong end of 0,0.110, . • * tt' ,enpertirrito said that a: .nttld bath *Sikes elZ and soft 0001dit't 'hate Seta * hipPOt ru ki$ to , 1 date.° tou t, boon. Itto.bOt Jost gotif 11 1114 the truthl thserf tanf$ aintonf with relatives' hem At their meetlng in Otur* 401, tie4li „the eltisentap hee,,`04 *Or. 'The &rIptUI was Int ate NlTIzm 5* BtheI bb *e tb OtY ve & inert of t on, liel4 at TO* YPtT. con siatly,'A the i*eetl*g was 04AV to "n'ti by sted1etion4 togitat toot* rneet-big of tbe Ott likattot tfolitt was held lad 'VutiNlitY afternoon- at .the ogle of Mr* ittekbto:4404. Tbe resident, Ott* ¥cOi&tteD1 **aided. The aro lo*ton 'Iva* :toad' te*". Mo. 0.0*ti**11. toad an intireitIti *od, ,appropri*te poe.* ash tate a. 0,1044 be work asflelteetteitas. In ;.TO tettatbli nopettl• 44 the ToOndon Ortn, erate, ,held at Windsor were .suftti jtta,wagioio,,Oirx* Ott; A 37. -4 coasetttto wail a orange 'for tistlrint quflta e. lait:r. :0.:<Ioeed tbe SR the 1