The Goderich Star, 1937-06-18, Page 704001,14eoti ,Of Furthcr Reduetlofl $ Jt'le,A meetingon Th r 43' ill -14r Meetin to 8t, Ibe r!Ohlie Utilities contoolexii ,greerne»t ,*ItbnIcEatitle', ettbe own 0 nell, ,•ileettled tO le rntrn,ct to the Oanadfau:'Generul 1etre Compnki: "tor the tuk'sta !Alen te ' two -light Standards 44 . , \ t 04011 Ti, Bruiei, on ' rirgeting of the OtIren•-,0444t3r u led Ott; ay, Arne 1 for the'twolfth Vomit AO4Oe1ationk About 100 11)31 to 1 i i time BUM. peor pre' nvilitirs gathered •the'snin of 41 u fu atteridanc‘e, R. ThOin ., . 1 3 Row- illaie r dietuireeMente- haVe7 ete01 and Introilneed Ve It, 1-1.0bu t. BrOW1-4,, Nvbe t ,. lellOWC Vtild to boop1t41 t u etrle Wel'een140,,,` 47,001 void 't9 Otdbling fund' h tend ehn rhotitz •teciently, appointed ,ecitar, walks 'ithd deeetattult, 81st. 0110 roar lecter.for 1040 0Or eovering,450p hospitavsu nare,, the work ho -coin et inV uy !.the eight not tan44018e i' i)ooen. .v(** * 4rew B 444 $*tt° park ewe' pit, the i044,44.,‘,1,10he ,,,eeatrtikit between the "Shoo. iltty eleetriG, Ironer,' 42141; • Cita* the thovto 111c4,0 etes'expen leuva ate 404 those' et $040. e Plot alguitkim • $1.40; alrwek$, wft week .or two the torner$ OC,Weat Plebir4 t** °ht*:' w)is 10°r .'hall'sr,* lAwg01.40,` foa4 Cielborne• str4eto and' tb(t- sixteen t(1e4 ita a 47* whtgb '14hInetv"ll sta ar44- for the business side of the 'elvde4A vae 101 and teratort._ 44113 `Vt*Ir' orwill,be of oimilAr. W41//1 gl*a4tedtLrhe ligh ting VQ1)4 that time tick6:(4M ' 6° "le of en LOP,' bUt150, ., have 0 light th,, 'rater from the well not goetl, the metOetshiP ,etq **O* Orneketw'inete44, of one,, ,...lt,,,21,4"010•St 0041401200W boaVAE4 411300; VictUre, iboWo, ,ntOonitAll io A. emppinnicotlon/. from ',MO" 11.1101.11. r•Le toonvr w4fi as toed As! the Sions'ata hospital bltthday CommtiatiOn of, Ontatie* adlieed the mv,trAtei. - $1,7Z.; ta; day* 014 talent ,ow peunkiipouttee tepokeotoo Paec, waterrilush telleto, drtuldug waa revealed at the !Mee he magare systeee. Tee reaug*p, ter in.tbe: 4'0,010 good bluelzbeatda, 4-00401 that rooll4 Va04.t0-0. ernes effective .August 1t t140 year. filet 44(0: everstliing-that will ontrb- in favor. et the reursee' hople 1/, 10e#,.eannirission of, 'a furthe ''tho,x0044xin. $00,01. 'veitOrwa It ta,*i' 43161 'mite- boxes, f444:ti.- ,004, per horseswer in oost .weit.lighteck with, haseMent . and, lop,' .4aneeS,,,t4,,P9;:i Interco*" In ha notice' eeoee...oio, 1.1,4,neeee-E..11e4,4„. 'bate-, to the ,,eonifort-.0t.c.beth 'teacher.' vide& reyowa )f$itfueletitto vjnge "tbitt-,‘ill a0ears, Of Alght. andau& P.1211)11e; trhe reuit At.‘thet„ ,with ,SASOS. ,ot the tome. . wer ,reeeennts:. 'be Oelleeted, was '-re-n 'the better cinsklitiecltefteherS'Of Mrs."Qatrie' 1140- tNir erred to the e01Ie0Or,• •elk,i).4ra'chtiver.better:'Opportunitlealor y‘ere named the Auxiliary ;At •e; eeeeiet eeeeting 6":e* the ceinnife7; reeeIiing% Instruction 0)14 are more tatives ,ou the Local,cion • rah .es,s e4 • inateletit I • eiJellirtg lat" t -art „, rept ep a 7 op, • . , men. o , f beth all t., this lost *tuo, 4 to boughtIti nteryi tIy„i, n 4 At 4)r:1it 111.1! Wil.le 1 1,1,0 t b 0044 4 ITra a eu• ;do Inv° nAN A '.0 an ie Lfl, . i The, operat the etiter e w/thotrt ititt ; , •n firt At ettme'to Alta- • ',101101 'eteeltee This.*ia'Aitenont, t 1iad beeu 'a ' anentaneefle, hu 1 Want that. report on ottiterit temer, tert tttorougu, the yars rdw morning, .1110W )Ong 00 You 3140,), 0;40(104 upon '' it -fed At, and. 1 Antelitt to, wait „f0i you to 'do our he devouring paseion tiret 0pOfl ' et •had ,se, Iart-, one: im*s; Altamont. lit, the bour in, but'ok-aleatety4 ikttrolutea.lho eoirdr w.t 014 raider o wo..,perSona who hatlf-001 A brJng It iuyt!f, Mr. A1tsnot,” 1106* upon tlie wan ou the:.0thet- end 'of the: wire Olaelstrom Onatte, 0 hied Ammediately.bas been e best; he'*attsttetlhe Vert .1tar4gOinit,, 1r, lAit. what- 'we e IOLA easI1r tite have,.000veretl''on that 'MAW *14 • .nd the• .0.tortit, dtsflk4O. inaIe up for the tlehty. It va.kno ow th07.bate tbat lie nourJshetl easr-304' like 'looking up Turrentine, so long had'Amtle4 Oa rootsdn bh oWfl You got it rlgbt, tr. 4Jtaznont; liavti .404: 'he :he -10-00 to 1Ve, derk Is er0Oltek and.,rough pret., XlutaghO.Sat In hiSf P1S101X40.rniaile...'positiOn On the ' 0111e*be nictlltated not theoght.',wer otitnetio,Altamont tIfl 104r.b4 .14rt, but )ow best ,to proleet., exelattnett. 444 II404-,,h4 01004e* lips •that. hAte''UPO it he 144 taste4;00tnethi0g..Pleasant, The 'hreit4-Wou1dered, Orene 141 es,lhatladliont a Weelittle pas be ex- eltin, siwinoued 1:rinnt#0.,,*04:0_4,1-*ok • Venien4es 0.14 A*11-.Cona'Ultint Town •-11io3irt $180 It all uwilY "over - ,t 04 by the ,.1101le00-000,--A,',1.1.l.. phoue4,-,• the iixfoipter jsoatiot resen- mont hatt,tua4e,a,palnitaitiAlt. Vitnishiag abruptly$ ' of \Vo-"inatiett'of"ftW 'Meager 144" of his Pa'. byre at with, eYeilthititt. 'corner of the. Pfifee eame von have" • world i lp \Plato's, "knew bi ' )0,rgeOt• tignre,, P\10.8t. An de.$:" night.' to, ,41e00's 'water tales, glos1Pe'4tee" reeelve modle41 and .4en. "neugnoting committee was' deei4'ea" Plot the railway .be Inspectionandt as 4 rule, Dogs. the Unrisoil lolak, Ratite the, „first four million gallons sold young'er:c ' • ' - 13 It eharged '40 cents per ;allots, for ',entrance frota,•,,a .year, to-; Om, traa .4000' cents per -0002.7:'01101a'for , pillons, ;.*Ittif?'4 MiniMMU 104 .proposed changes 'N144' i444rtl'H'. 4 '''111.4"1*117. 4 004- oharge :‘. 'currignitnn,„, POO sabl were 0440' grOwt4g • t' "riricinity of Fyrr In the be , ,•• loig overdue, as ott, , seeee...` rat P0,10,:xir.Y. 1400",:: witIOVAerrif ea:110 $ _TO Pc`autio,. trerifirp76-$.11170fter.theethe,,,,eieeeke.,.;.,140ow iiftutio11. the parige.11411' ond the ' saWeet, mext, Friday *will be . The Ylear -hheee to see you all there. :The tot- leeeion will- be for the .netv• heating' loaraos,.. \•.•, ac It . , ' Alcorn Ave.,4oroato Oat •writes:—"I was in,A very weak and run dpivn eon- ditiOn-folloWleg child birth, and Was simply e 'bundle of nerves. . , • . eoild.'not sleepat night, and Was nesiOr .free, *.from lieit.daelles.' X tried. several medicines, but none ' 'bf thiM,seenied to do me any good. 1 decided Milburn 's H. 8a N. Pills. I had only taken two boxea and 1 ain thankful to say that, to -dap 1 am fecing• better in every : way." the only the room, the "Mr, lie shut off" without awaiting the 'Plie ,crew bad. long elm* duetk unemotiOaat buzz 004 Oleic of deteettve'e aseent. For a reeMent, diseaSeine9),IMI be W44, fle etoelt tielter and the busier,: humming sat pasSive, at his desk, Ids leaek.eyes -as iMpenetrable .It made of ebony, •and. tiliseelag; :are rascals in New orki but think Itinders is my inan,"! whtslyeked. to himself: • "Ile has hraltw,„.. 4eterpiination, ruthlessness, 1( ho....tietilii.ggo=---Lit111PittUtta.-is ill /Se:- - mate Of -4 news tiekgr„unalon;,that, • his very ,pe "bored them4 he NV11,11., eargo to beiat,,... °WOO"' demanded Altamont. Iiii tied, pot a. man Illte themselves. - Ant i role was oply. slightly more rasping so his swift ship transporte4: Ittue, lc than it was when be 000, his. cern- tals-oyer the telephone, but tbo•set, stranger among- hi4 OW111)06.0 to . , the cove on Mc Portil shore • expressionieso Ponntetuinft he ,turrked Island, which oils the --pOrt, of #ntr3fs 4.40ta •te1it.,esetatinsadtet,Latresik. 't.-,--a.unt.lLtbe,-,,,eateataa. 4.41,....tr.......-':— -,... - - -,...m tk ' Afeelf1414-- tht,141101,414,1 2-41113' ' :tItttgke ut**Ar.. hefert. theotherWO There' are to 0be •elght, grades instead nd 1**,11-1. seven, ,There will be leee formal .tere•St..;,,was,,vailifested:' Twenty-thiet teaChips'andAlie'eblidre4 will de',14Ore" 'flev!--020*alli irq.101P')Iove been Sterte for themselves; eraphaete 1SIflCC September, ,.Changes An.the'Ilrst swilt he'.104J,Ortheitith, and the, :Study Pv-O:iYettral of %Ugh .•Scliool" courses areof : Engllsh ill receive greater greeter stross', 'tq, be In440,.. :when Inanne,t,: There . will tie AWQ .1107cy' readirs for • h0nsel:0147 agrieUltiie,e grades 5 and.ii• (Sr. and Jr. AO muele are t0 be part of tho tA-vo,-IorIOn.rth'beokAelaseeS.4:' !School "In-lbe,scond year'a 4010, offlodt libraries are „tot; he bnlit ',sir that COU'O 111'.."40.'"Otroved..,4Ptt,.. \there may More' supplenientary .dmAtrS, cOmmeretal r.'agrfe" reOlug, $1wwed.'i.(11Pr(614 Which .CoWuhillyiaCtito'44.Unelll'ISbaeld.44;etttlitt;r' may be earned 'by a boy or „girl who tee, and 4 delegate te.the, reads at least twenty books, ell seetion-eiariA,iopoico ,(itf the .. The ItieW enr.redlunt-' trip of the Count y :Council Serfoilt Less time..IS he, devoted- to .4rith- to view- the work accoMplished in re- metle,„eepeeially in the lower grades, With new---.ailtlunetleeteits. History ,ffooriesthtaetioraer•:liotepriteduittlt6oaiit7imiendsVaisheureed and geograpliy. are be more close- De- • for co-related teaching. The •teeee., oPpaerrtm4teentinotprEdoviudeitt4iyikixst'Whitiligingteeo ing of sinuSie . will ;be inereesed. '• He reason - spoke of a/el/mon county. musical ashholou,id larr.-b61....obeugilhetvev4p tr,nlartahle sheighhoeelset festival in :* Whieh. fifty-eight schools couragee by paying otty- Aeri. tent of standard, which the dephrtment en - cost ef equipment. -Ituralekeople are eeet.ribliting_to the cost or yocational •schools, and might as well share in • some of the a.deentages and ,grants oe, fered by the "department: s 'Ile urged co-opexation•• beth ?among !farmers and schools.; Heiettdroceted greater use of the teaching of agriculture and - more pracr.l.e.4.t Publects, 'and thought• rural .teacharel with good quell:la- te:wee should bcepaid good, ealarfes.- He congratulated the eXecuttite gin!, cers of the Couuty Assoehttion the. 'see.4esse of the present. gathering. Officers Election officers, whith WAS con- ducted ,by E. • C. Beacom; xersulted as follows: i?resident, /1: Thempson,' .Helgrave_e" Vlee-President, W. 3'. Hen:. Ilerson, Winghant: secretary -treasurer, Mrs. X. Davidson, Dungannon; cow- • mittee---Iteuben.Goetsi Dasliwooth and Bev. NV. A. Young, 11016414 , A. Campbell; .Torento; secretary of 'the. Previncial '.Aasociation asked: "Is our-Aeeeeintiorr.wortir.whiler ned ''What 4rpate aline?" Deleted out that while „sixty, per cent. of the ur- ban* boards were meinbefs if the Pro" vinciel Association, only ten per„;Vent.. of rural boards .heit become imembere. Rural edueation was pear. to his. heart; he said. ;Ile touched on the Cetireet of 'study Wideli he said were Itopeft; ant. He urged that rural schools ae- Opt, 'w,hat. depaVtaient offers lu the way of grants, Which are fiberal. for musigi 'manual trait:Inge agricul- • ture, do:bottle stiente, etc. 110 petited ther elegent. . "Pelfe100 the 001: 4eal.rseve demoeraci," ehanging itiRhoyie and gitio 143, i41 people.' „ advocated the; lprisinif of eeptrelli:loeated aeeofida,ti ,&g110010 in Whig!: Moll. pupils could 411,404110..toi, ..tho . cost of peodiat them,. to •Khoolit ownififia, 4444, . • ...At this juneture, ths program some pupils from --13rusiels- -favored, with; •mulical,nttnyberet sill: little tots singing several nuesfery ,x,shyntes, erlde, four larger girls. fAnghig tWO,Piirt solles,ar4 threevart harplony,„ .0, All ,we 1411 rendered, regeeting ,much credit Upon ten" ' their nu:steak 1.nstruetor, Ander" . " Di'scussfon by Dtlegato — t• e.cene •Interesting ilisceselen,, led by Campbell, followed, t.he." delegatee eetiritien heartily In expressing their experienees and difilcultiea.,- : word of. gentian was thrown out with re- gard higiepreesure salesdien Who in leans, cases prevailed r. upon 'LOOP' arde-to.purehttsc-eqUienient 0.140.V",. 0 h'itent prices. The value of co-Olpera. aing in the purehase of sehool 00 - piles was brought out. Oenities �f the ;Province were saved lleWaide *44 4200,000 through the fifth elestee, which had been one of thle,dliect tie- eompliehments of 'the tddrational As'z seelatiee., Votes of `thenke were teudered to the town of Dresselis 'ter (he tiSO of the to the Ileeve, Mr. :plotirman, tor itie,,eordial weleeree, to the epee' :ere, te the teaebers and. P0Diis, for their musleaf .entertainment, and to the °Moos/ for their. work .ba, cotton. id.tb ,the Aseotiatioe. , A Motion was sPeeffered- by Itev. T. R. Turner and Robert Davidoon,„ both of Oungannon, 't-pressfrig the 'Walks of the -ASOoelatiob to the °Onion Couri."! ty. 'Connell for givibg grtnt to the; Afeseeltitlete• -: r,.'-',41- ' 4-,,........ _ that you have . n .lea0 ng. .a., rather. rano, buzzer is 'side. eimeteeta, end trying ute,, sma the •'Ills seeretary, a thin, IIIMOSt: bag- pityalelan,..nedding. towar4, the tle.4ere•. gat -(1 Woinan with apprehensive eyes,. .444, speaking slowly i it.6 040 yiii0. unist,'eplered linmediateli. pose his' word s with care. • "Of' e6tIrse, reee$ men work , arming the • eithuoit ti,(zintevx0e,1,,tbelMiteetotnomftthalvetattbilonu; Onin,'OrAit#1..0.; iblativtfelftti7nol'erola::::u°11hw'averneta'Alli your letterAves but tt ronest-to -,L.nn-rrentine. , . physietil, lou ave not. ,.. ton life . Then he 'dictate '; but althqugh :is _ air .e0 -017103%.-t: lite here home with" y.,.ou. . to oali at his 'oftlee he beseiteted and 1 Phineas Altamont broke In enea retracted* and spoke etittingly te the ounty einin- tieetly: _ etenegrapher, ag if he wore phrasing - "And all this is -working 1111 to 'what? some doeumene of greve• import, '7 . dia"Itelll'y Is"igu it at ebee'D be Nal4 4i I am no fool, dector; neither am I a Coward. )iott linty speak Without hesi- tation. aaylowiiiogniigo.0have hl8 I hetaotil.ive?" It by boy to .1,or.t Washington. innue- , at Met closed her book. "Then gelid "'You .wieh to know mete than man Tbervite engertY U40 ,wridening mouth et, the eettiti:r7,, Reeky Pore, as. the:little harbor was; sheltere*.another. -reSoel 41t- - "Take a letter \to RoFer Hethering-- root...from, rhinos Altsolonts :ten. Turrentlne,• gel./ -, he '.direeted: olt-Propelled..Yeeitt. *yob* 4 aistliw, brnetinely.- - gatle' syllable ef.. the 'long • tonongt..wen tould he. . Xt, wa .alovin44 'mune he itioutheit, as . ft: it _gave IOU) thiS-eratt that Allatoont, diteete4,,.gis mile '4 -secret satisfitetion '. • . -• • ' tee„..._ ..!MeAlp,,Av..rts..:.::a.. 'schooner of ie tYpe ye -Pular ealeiRC 010:weeter -fishermen of several Or. cades before. ' - , . aullt• for speed,. so- oecessiiry le the , run from, the °teed Beare to motet With a -cargo -of 'Iffeslt„.114, the litile.. ve&4e1 had lines finer than tuteny e.rae-: , rtft ter to . be brought to hine - had signed *it ,he looke.d. .411.-4414 watch ita if to confirm ..the testimony the le:11((tehdillu_lhg,:.1;‘t117atliSprlug 1 14:idutnilt: tl:ebifoullessnloyttn tohhareirbrnimg:okir:107- .. "'.: the•-apility to ride the Wild wafers . leg pielit, and yet she had in her, eapi...,:,. the tanks at timer' when lamer' the stauneh little. erAft. .1$10 Ote's . . littavtiosoi ne inoveti itiowii,,__mett?. toedition- were PlailllY -041-ble le the: odiealliWtahing,from his desk volterre eVenteg the -details or' ..ittr,' now silent stoek tieher---;the of transactions, a. few kritrai-itelus, Itee, it was as if the eight ot hvr Men ort theyucht.. Altamoet himself .Altamont, laughed harshly. - culled. from the mdrket news teeter,. :::.(1411s1:11niutill:71°" "1544 wIth. "There are other things than life," and other documents, and. paet tug it 7T/StetntiblIttlit:Lara.ltett:Itibdis: boiwuot7beenitt-1. -- . thous financial reportee:Pemorandume threadbare • spring .overcoat. . - raised for yeah to fitiaa .t110 IOU& ut- ile retorted. hem into his brief ease. • When he Dr. 'JAM/SC.1n. made • no reply to this had finished the task lie rang a buze more than mere, professional. Intent e In the glance he directed at_ the hate- A- tall, , awkward boy with cap in• itP11,114:rirene:t°11:1118-erlit4:41:::w7r:nosacsd11:14::bgrkserpni:::°;1:14411L:thf 111"134414::$0;.' cryptic *utterance, although ther was zer ane struggled into his almost seamed, pallid face of his patient. . • Alemont grunted anun td- ' integ lliible aw 101(1 doWil his'stethoscope, wrote ttire' freeboard front-AO:lob drt, trade's. 11111141 appeared. at the door. Phineae on tell you, sir," he said. "Your .He waited -Impatiently for .the let - 'span ef We depends upon the manner In whieb yet: live it. you have •told me yOu are sixty-oneri•ceen only saY that your time .is shorter tbaiitbt.ot. most thee of that age. Jut if • you abandon this life, this excitement, and live calmly, serenely, you will live longer." out a prescription, and added a leW wbrds of advice, to which 'Minces. Al- ta:tont paid but sehrit 'attention. In- deed, the phyeicien sensed that having pronounced the word si of doom he was io longer'a fector in Altamont's mind, Already the old man wished to be alone with those Pother things" than Recent ,rate iiettactions saving tekphone ly „ • mean older, lise andgqt.it-fr;t4 v0/z4e0-eachterib'e. Wag a *epArino- tnick for , . it's adirr.„4;"144)40k.f."A:ean' 4:4031e!`ruttlent.'ciArivraia - *alight, srh.eja I-4(4.thisiftbrivits f*"4"4"!?1. 1,4 isNeke attice kit,t, Oiod thope 004 Atu• * p. ,iT'esicles, X,74,- ,fteir tre)etritqle eizaUffentA *ire oftviiIhriti Itit iteet * ;19,36 itn, is/11VA)% Ail& . , . . . 544 Safe bilvinx Meifalg by tlie Sate9t .guegaotittiriiy,Rhcl Viwked tot At:ea, eilt-free hanOing- bt the tOiiiheike .14 ClJed e 5,90, 411 - (61 eity thototoOtet. ' '.k5a Y' ;-,, ltsth‘'.,titta,, eh:MU:II z.:41(itt44." ' iii • te• le .7" nevettlias„ the- tiglivors way.* hirff silot txplaitiktg io to..toktioid ha& Ateditieilt Vut. IvatiOngh 411V' eVa .1 • l0i' 'want Dr. Jamison'e surmise WAS correet. When he departed, Ilhineas Altatnont moved purpoisefully to 'his telephone and directed the operator not to die. left bIm'withi,ealls. Thenbe eat down af his desk and gazed unseeingly et hit gnarled yellow hands, with their long, uneared-for •finger nolls. "He woUldn't fix a time, the fool," he Am:taxied to , Mu:self, "Afraid he might spoil his preeiousi 'reputation by failing to guess right. • Bu 1 know It is'Short t I must .make haste." 'His meditations did not last half im ONLYAIGIDAIREKAS intriagW.ItOtAtti: ititttett:04 STRUGGLE NO MORE , MEMO ONDERTHI ITS THE, ... YEAR s SENSATION!: ..„44e YiLt: ;Lew NOR row HARE WftKtHi ICU MbEE command' nrel pointed at tbe brief ease. • The boy picked it up 4t8 OTIC fOBOWing a routineand walked. after InntitisfEt: 'gft#Xtr j� t*Li saine 41011 late, tie had tilt rotting fritatnr' hie roaster. Down in the swift- eted, but ancovvred tbeee many Joe plunging elevator tiley went, and out - C'ro be continued) into a Wall Street made bright and almost gay by the vivid sunlight of it ' 'Cultivate your customers, le* late eprIng evening. . Altement, with the boy treeing be- hind him, moved ettittylard along .the thoroughfare at Ids usual methodieal pacelie did not look at shop win - dome or at the facts of pedestrians, or at the big:sedans that bore a few • vimiting their relatives n • early hankers, brokers, and specule• - tore homewar6 after their lebors. Be seemed to be looking within himself, aid all thet,se things were but phantome to hira frew on that 'crowded street know him, and of that few none - greeted him. They Amid •been- ignored before. At the East River, beehle.a landing stage, there waited a ewer' heal, re- eplendent in mahogany trim, and ryright paint work. The little craft rag in strikibg contraet to.thls Wet, wriakled old triair.iwith shafp hie& eyes. A sailor, epotlese ie white, hurried for- ward to relieve thc „"ofthe brief ctise, while an engineer startedthe melte% • • e to. ' • eaninvit II A Silent Irousehohl* their habita and requirements. It.Is- good business. - Mrs. M. G. Cameron, of Nem York, and her 'daughter, Mims Maus. oc Bishop. ,Strachan Shoo, Tolman, are • *Altamont climbed carefnlly on board and took his seat on the.leather Cu- shions Id the stern, sh4ets.. 'The boat gathered way with a sudden flurry of gray water under iik mere and shot up the elver, bo, wife had be left behind without a wel-d from his • master,. watched the little ' craft. out, of eight as be always did befere turn- • ing back to the office. . • At e comfortable .thirty hnots the •speed boat split the turbid water and soon, in a broader reach of the strealn, •came upon a trim white yacht, per- il:4)4 eighty feet in length, lying with :mei:or up short. The speed hoar foarned.elongelde the koarbrierd gam.f- way. l'ilitleag Allan:tout mire aboard; I sparing the eeptain, a glom Seamillia- elan; who awaited him on deek, .more than a „Miff rind. Agtern men swung the tender ite • beard on bee davits and forward windlass eianked as the anchor was; flrolten out, Ent these activities won •no attention frem Vhiritees' Allainont Ile had followed his brief ctese.below to hie own quarters, whieh were as Spotleee and itapersonal as it depart- •ment store .tvIndow. •t4 As her Dieselmotor sent Altamonee yaeht cutting swiftly throUgh the chan- nel of the East Inver anti later into the Sound; there was no comment ittnetne let efeer emicernieg thelf tnasa ter: tie haddheard his eentenee of death thattdey, het there had 1)444no deviation from his uetial manner.