HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-11-11, Page 5rs� NO."Sik MDFR '11, 1880 THE TIMES 0 IIN R, 5 \WINES, IJQUOHS, CIG-ARS, irf 0 ETC. Dealer in Groceries, Flour and Seed. Carling's Ale, Lager and Port • r in Casks and Quarter Casks. —LABATT'S ALE AND STOUT IN BOTTLE AND QU&R2'EIt CASK ilea w ,z,n,' i "I.1 Street, Itzeter. YOUNGER'S, TENNETT'f3, BASS' AND GUINESS' S'rOL'T AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK. TOI N maarasEn, ramsa.n.dryea.ncroram,..r.r.nr mewls ora o lit EIA D,. T'S 1:wL1. WHEAT. White \\ri e.t .,. rSuutt ... ... ... SP121Y4 wn7dAT Mee R"11 C: .. • .,. Oa111,01e). ts .,. ... (' Over S.3. p.n(F Cum Tutter ,.. ]flour por ),III .. Putltnnr, 7'')' bag ... Peaches per has ... ... �.. A ppl i:i p o1• hug . lirioLl, p1o'.pi' b... kings, dres'od per 100 eof ... HMOs. 10711.'11 arrsnctl .. Ctiil(ielllvl:iu�,ua0h ... ClLltslchls •I i14\' perP11 ..� ... .�� t onions per bus)) ... Lard. Tallow per lb \VI.ol, pet lb J')rkeye per 10 C 7t•ese ].$Kris. Per pair 'a''Par....m MNOW,.aws=NOV•p�.w.�..u�._�•..: John T. Gordno,q, Canadian, unmar- ried, and ab,;ut 132 ,years of age lived in 09.5(01 00 rind', Mass.,for liveyears est being 0JStu100 Q p , engaged in the carriage nlantlfaatur]l) 0 95 to 1 05 btini00H-s, wits f.ttally allot by a burglar °°' to 1 00 tat 3 °cloak or, Saturday morning, in 040tof 55 0'25 to 1) 80 the house where Gurdon roomed. He 4 00 to 4 Si 0 55 to Otl hoard tLP burglar and got up to see 00(17'7'(17'7'1')to to0017 ,u 55 him. On cottl) down- the stairs he 0 17 to 6 20 saw the wan, sprang upon him clod 500 to50;, 050 to 060 0 80 to 1 00 25 to '1 213 7)07to0l15 500 to 5 55 400 to 500 750 to 8 00 8i4)to900 75 to 1 00 t) t.) 9.1 800 to 800 0 60 to 0 713 0 12 t0 Il 10 t005to 000 028 too911 007 to 007 004 t., 005 0 45 to 0 00 ST. AIAL1'S Pull when t, per bushel... 1 04 so 1 05 Spring wiluut0 03 to 008 Marley .... 40 to 0 58 Peas.............................................. 50 to u 00 3)at;...,............................................ 20 t0 020 Huy. 7 50 to 8 50 1'ggs, per dozen...... . 0 16 to 0 17 Butter7 19 t0 21 Imides per lb00 to 8 50 1)1es.al h•'4s4 75 to 5 00 Potato 06 per bag 50 to 0 50 011073) skins 0 00 to 0 011 Vio1dprr coni ............................. 2 50 to 2 50 ))10-)1;;,. p"1' ptdr 0 3,5 t. 0 50 ('hiek,',l1) C 25 to 0 80 MARRIED. 1tETNJLDS—KotLT.—On the 8th lust.. at the .b. (.3. parsonage, Crediton, by the Bev. J. W. Butcher, 11[0. henry Reynolds to lte- 1 eon Ja'w Kelly, Loth onlay. I7011Ears—BL.wrueruh1D.—Iu'Osborne, on Weal- si n ut, 1.Lday , li);h 1 1, ti t., at the residence of the bride's futh)r, by sus 1.>v. ken 1Vebber, assisted by the ltcv. Mr. Roberts, rather of the groom,Mr. Edward Roberts, of Exe• tor, to Celia, eldest daughter of 'Air. Geo. Laterllord. Lumley. The members of the L. 0. L. No. 825, Cuisulburst celebrated this event by Laving a squirrel hunt ou Friday fast followed by a (rause in the evening, both of which were immensely enjoyed by all present. M: Paul B.)13, of Hib• bort, atm. Mr. 'Wingfield Riley, of Tuck- lirstnith wwere elected captains,aud long baf.'re Old Sol macro bis appearance in the eastern horiz'u the booming of the musketry might ba heard in the dist- auee,wil7ch was kept up during the day until the shades of the evening com- pelled them to cea1e. All arrived at the place of meeting, the (arduous task of counting the gauge commenced. When the last man bad emptied his wallet of the spoils of the chase and scores were cumpirel it was fund that W. Riley had a maj 'ri y of tw. tnou'and and eighty points. The NIM - rods entered the large dining hall in 11:[r. John Brintnell's new private rebi deuce to partake of the elegant and sumptuous repast prepared by Miss Nellie, daughter of the proprietor. Af- ter doing ample justice to the smoking viands abd satisfyingthe wants of the inner Ulan, dancing commenced and >j`ras kept up with unceasing energy no. til the grey streaks of d.iwu compelled them to retire. Hollowe.'en pl.ss.ed off More without any pranks played on any one. Our boys are getting more sensible. Gu Friday last, Mr. J. T. Wescott slot the largest. owl that has been seen in this neighborhood. for the last thirty years. It was of the star faced variety with large black eyes. Qur taxider- mist, W1n. Diuuin, sr., bas it on, exhl bitiou. 'Y Mr. Wm. Diuuin, of this place,made It large shipment 0f apples to New- eastle-on-T'y.ue, England. Turnips are all raised. and pitted, 'shish wa.i a large yield in. this section. DOMINIO:v.. Typhoid fever is,increasingly Moat- sp.tal. Hypolil;e R')assen,an Ottawa lawyer,, fell i'nsonieeibla in. Montreal on Saturday last, sad was taken to Notre Dame Liospi•tel,, where he died. The tragedyof last February in Rid, >dulph 'has gained a morn widespread, atatority than niany suppose.. In. a re meat issue the; New York Illustrated Gazette, publishes a picture of• William •I;)outl,elly, together with his hiiet,:ry, and a sharp, cii'iitiosm on the 'Wiwi of the j,i rya' in; thi, late trial.. Although late it* Ilse( etr,tarp i e,, the, (*suite shows'. that4he cued .ttttraats •geu,rrtti stttAn.tlogi 0444 ktulX,: ),14. %Wk. 1�.0Xete1' ii orLTi FLOUR and GRIST DULL, L, Being in good working order gives every aceuun- d:ltioi possible 111 :;rl,tillg and tluuriug. flour :Lid )till food neliverocl to Parties leuvio0' their orders before •no o'clock 111 d. ii 1')Lh'S liukol•y, or O'113:1tN5 St 00'S, (ratmill stone clay —0-- -- 0 -- bore ltim to tllegrouud,th(•n shouted for '"7 las r° "v' I c assistance. (lie burglar then di o1iu'e1 a EXf.;TEAR r 0. revolver at tlordoi , the hall entering his adb.'clinan (rear the nn vel and caus- ing a mortal woundThe murderermurderermst�y rE) ONT. 73..1■ then escaped by the front door, and Gurdon ;ire nu description of biro. The he n men eu of Quincy offer JOHN BACK $500 reward fur the capture of Lim murderer. Th e nes7nt.atuons reglarJing the In- ternational Pari: at Niltgarhl are going 0)1 Very Satisfactorily. The D Cot uni-(tuners and the 0•ltari) (ov- ernul•'nt. have had a aonferenoe, and the Commissioners have submitted to the Ootal io (0(lrerr,msnt the conclusion they have are ived at regarding the share of expense to be b )rue by each Government ill 8eenri 1(7 the lane( in gnired for Canada's bare of the reserve. The session was n .t all open one, and consequently no definite ltlforma'tiou as to terms could be gained. Mirrors were present as Commissioners, Sir Alexander Cainpbell,Minister of Militia, Chairman; Hun.. G. W. Allan, lir. Desj+n'diues, M. P., and Mr. Plumb,lI, P. The Ontario Ministers present were;—lion. 0. Mowat, premier; Iion. Adaw Crooks, Minister of Educat.iuu; and IIon. A. S. Hardy, Proviacinl Secretary. 111111117 pt11•l'hi0Sefl t110 Stock of Messrs, It, tC L. S)hcer, has reilov,^(l t0 the More ]n.to!y oc- cupied by them, North or I.'ost; Office. All kinds Flour and Feed A lwas on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in groat variety. JOHN Dashwood Nursery ! All ki;]ds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees sniitble for fall planting. Staai.trJ Apple 'frees 20 Vents Each when in quantities 10 cents each.. Parties at a dietauee orderi•lg tri 0,, eon rale on gettiuf• the kind onion-KT—if not,ot.ters will 1)0 Mrnisnodfroo of•elutrge. Andress 1.1. SOLI/AN, 1)ttallw000,l P. 0. All trees brou;.ltt from rug) pre warranted to grow, or will be replaced by ot11013. 0etober 21.1950. EPIZOOTIC. USE ONLY Perry's Horse 8c Cattle Medicines and Feeder SI(i FOL SALE AT THE DOMINION LA13ORATORY, CF THE GOLDEN MORTAR, Main street, Exeter. Owing to the extreme: pressure of business L CARLING has not time to write. an advertisement this week. Look out for it next. week. A distinct and peculiar Combination-.. FELLOWS" COMPOUND SYRUP Of' llYPOPllOS-PllI,TES: IT contains the elements essential. to the anima organization, the oxidizing agents and tonics.. In combination with the stimulating agent phosphorus,.possessing the merit of be- ing slightly alkaline, and is dispensed in the convenient and palatable form of a syrup.. Itheffecta•are usually visible within twenty-four hours, and are marked by a stim- ulation of the appetite, the digestion and assimilation entering directly into the circulation pit tones the nerves and muscles;. exerts a healthy action of the secretions;; neither dt'aturbs,the'stomach nor injures the system tinder prolonged use, and may be discontinued anitny time without, inconvenience. In a word( it. possesses thelltimnlante.to arouae:the Strength,, the tonics to retain. it; and. merit, of a high, degree., FELLOWS;' •COM;POIJND SYRUP' O HYPO.PHOSPHITES 4,P8EDILY AND PERMANENTLY.'CURED Cotegara hfs. of the LwMria , alMntu+httte;. Coneurnpttem. Nervous; Presiratlon, Abort. Nett a Breath, Pat'piartiou rot the ]tl7+ert, Trembling of the ,Naafis (AndZmbo, Phyplevt; itrtdi Mongol Deprdlelou,. Lost of, Appetite, Lids• pfr tCstergyl Lomb ot Memory, And wilt rapidly improve th4•taeilkeeed'functione and' organs:erase bndjw, w•liich depend for health, upoo.iotnnraryy temi.voluntar/,atd:iflvotuntary nervous.actiett. tram Fop A PAMPHLET. z,Rxty DAVIS & are al 0• )+, ARF,: f".rtt,1i0,�srot, I THIS IS N O .30M13ASr l Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, ---0—..— T1lereforo,read, purcllI110, uudenjoy itsbargains, When 77 say 1manufaotare al 01.11 furniture am prepared 501(71 1113' proof .sheet that the people eau i aspect at any time by calling at my Ware (00(716 561101e they will see a superb die play of Furniture in All Its Branches n1:w'ln?1ot:tr'o:lby nlysalt tea 11y e•)13171111ed extis(1e skill, wall good workmanship. I def mare riot" usttisfyin4 the paopl0 with a erase of Fu.•11ituro that cannot bo equalled for quality or price ID Whir ,of to the contrary, notwithstanding. _—.p -- WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAR, Nearly opposite Kemp's Tobacco Store,Maiu Street, Exeter. SAMWELL ♦ c • ALL P CKARD ALO daily opening out large quanti- ties of Fresh, Seasonable DRY GOODS, Boot: aid Shoes, Hats and Cads, &c., ego., &e. A splendid range of CASHMERES BlackLustres Pompadour IP TS, [Wit CE iTS, TWEEDS, WontoiCaling: SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &c., &t'., &C., —AT— S AMWELL. & ' PICKARD''S JUST RECEIVED AT THE. EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, OLUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS,. PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, i3ITTE•R SAUCE AVD PICT{L; S, BRANDIES', GINS., WINES AND SYRUPS, EYE,. MALT' S13 )i Cii,IIUSiI AND CO;JI_lION WHISKIES, TOBACCOS' AND CIGARS, Wholesale and. Retail. CtIr. A, M..AGI Mail} Street,Exeter. JUST RECEIVED W ITHOLIT AN EQUAL! AT T1H0.. Choice Family Grocery' HozY s F'RESHI LARD.. FRESH OYSTERS, TTI���' FRUITS: ORANGES, LEMCNS AND GRAPES. T.B. M MACHINES IN ONE. IMPROVED Fanning 11ti11. .EATENTEI ]1979. ESYNDMAZT,, Fausou's Block,.11aint et., Exeter.. Mannfaetured Soley by W. T. DINGL'E,, Oshawa, Ont, — HO ! FOR MANITOBA, P. E. HATCH, Luring the tomaidcter of 11(0. seaS= a)1880;, GF EFIN WA 'S Manitoba Parties i. will leave 031 The riga TUESDAY f Every Month. Nett partyon' September 7th • ;Far particulars apply to . JNO ppmX k G R4fl ,4f'anl, clertt'illet %,, 1 • - .rdGEar T, EXE"7 ER. SPLIT 'PEAS. SPLIT Prepared Pea 501.1py ready for the table in 006. minute• at the DIG +1STRAY.—CAltdE. ON .L. r ,I6,.Conoeesiolpi, jig, • ebortte,.about the ia$` of August, a waits pig The oyrner may bog the ltabe'Oa pa lrhti peItitel 'rebid •' rovi 1 Ore 'YYYY t:. ,,,.JAIL SAgatltl tf)Qc „