The Goderich Star, 1937-06-18, Page 5744,a
3P11,P no,
nIn,with be MIs$,. OrsI*04 Gtoi,1014
Ild* Alien en, 4pent**, eon* et Ave zzorssm
'WhIth,7 tor v
**rig h
‘:irtre, lirink10,4 not1
t, the sieek.entl, ylth
last week, *Ow, thete. datuOter, IIIrc,
`Merton, 33aelamkLeif- .',Whirtorr4 , . re•,,
1?lnnlgan * Iv* 'longer,
es A Poniero7,, AXt .1*. 0 '
'Inc O. few *reek* _With lief p.rents
Rev D •.,,itultio *not Mire, l'cr ro7.,*
4404 'or' ' ' r4ton.
re, 'Thos. 'bfe
,41srri''' Am .. t the
week -end .„id 4ea 1tbeI,
. .
a it,rv:ey,.. S1U , vt
$beppardtou, 011 i4uorlaz at the
one ot --Mr,,.,*401 31,rVeloreu1.,;.,NIxon,f.
Two deet,00, ,, 100 *ether; ,, one; 'a '
doctor of inedIelnei the other: a.,,,;,4 '
_r et 41,14010,,' 4 teller ,Aton., the
gglitigte,,10,- 0,40,414,nit:the„,-,tbe:-,dl000ttuo.e.ersty;,04,:t,4','.4iitt,'
. you ' . *eel'', ; :the . ,,t100ter , ; -.WO'
1) 001, ,'P.,r the.400tor,ich0 vreetleefir '
, . , ,
.Itric, 44ielt,:lrenkritoolute, ertuYIng With.,„
'her for a .Shert. tiMe "Miai Hairt,,,0 the
Pted Yletfir blIesten,, TorontO, *041
•Burwaoh, , who ,is a 4eaeoness.
one of the 4Orntevv0 ehorOles
4 *tor
have one t
tby W40t1)*
r* We1kId•-•
w1ts.41. and M 1a
May W.Ileoli are, 41.,knulug si,)140
1th Xrs,- W. *C1*rt,46.'Wegit1te.44i ,
A10041*.af- the statt.0.l LII CklatO4 hoa-
was UnfOrtriiiitke tp artAre.itg .her
AVM. ,
W. T. 4141,41441, Dr. B.'
BaIl. 3. ble4141, ,a04.0. 'uugbIut no
tored to',WoOdstOok" 00 Tb*Ty '
oo open
week with is044 iCrogbett 11, 114
Ulte o,.
Mr. Rnd
eattage,‘,, '
:4tin1 ' . vit ,
410430,. Were ,0 0 r,„, r,v
fitton'a mother, n.
11 ..,„ . Mr, an() litre., e ugh-
. T. Altddeil batt ,or lila ter I411140, -et 1,0 ,k4be4week-
L-et Sere/A AereA-t0 Georie *JAW nit,itt. th,etr.,guttowe,....
-"gr. 400 Mr*, V.. Day and family,
ot DetrOlt* are at -their,vottage.forthe
. ,
Mr. and )•tre#'i"rank Erwin and
friends, of ItIteheue este 0t
Mr*, *00 Mr*, Z., A.,, ., arda, on .1.1itati.
d '
tOn* 000,
• Ir
Ilton, of the, station i0401.
4' and IIre„ W, Mayhew and fain
IV* of Thanteaville, alir# And Mu.,
Obarlft 'wantons, of Tiouneavult,' and
Ur* and bfre, 4erOhi,'" ot-Clint911 ‘41,011
visitors In tho' (11000 the Piot: wee*,
Mr, and mra. 11. Mogridge spent
he,,week' nd, In1,0340.
11 'eltirerl'ald?. '0,010? aw"er:111a. 141
rt •
89 w •")3errY
**onto. ' fatutlY* Of tianit 1Ste. UnrIetAre e t* „guest01 *, et and Mr*, 0
Rutledge 440 /SIOPrz ors ,with Al.r..4444 mvi,'','aotortkccar,ttri, the 447o4, s
ve taken the 301.) /Of. 'Shin/44* Mr;;.*: •wit,. 4,, ,4tolto iic1MrLNeHZIe- lift• 40414,piv,:suOuleit ,enf1:40..011 e
rh. • tPtilt.r# • barn. " ' - ' are, visit,leg in POnde4,, ,Carel, ot Detrolt, have eome to speud
.&n, lnterestlng meeting of tieN40 kgdow .1tirktfAull; wh0,' has i)04, the, ,eunnner atki tiiiett-dottiW.A0e.,
d1es' Guild was heldat the home' .StratfOrd 1).004111: Stiee' ',,: Cott, .andl • 'friends**H i
der)) \VentIand, wIth, 148,04 oar, mexotightretutheo,,) to.. Ill, 1Mro,,Apendingensonte ttrae at .0t Mrs; 'dondGeteni
oward and Mrs. Veither .:4911ASta4 A10110' :041:'0440.ftdaY AV* " tote.* etottage.:,- • .‘
gasiottng -Thni.p*Ogra* was lcd by Mrs. W. C. gohottaou is, VlattineheT Miss* Margaret -'rer41.10!* 1014 _W*
the ,p.t.ostaent 'Ana' aftero„.toading n3," ,tinnititer •,-fit,Crennirty.: ' , gri,„,, Georgev*p,*' Of 'TeearsseSw
Mrs , Cantwell *ftn :Intereetittlett,:012, Margaret .Pergiladul,* Pii.Othi44, twit 7M10,0Jean GoVenteck,
, of 'Wind -
'deaconess *Otir',14, .1Nioito WaS•giverk-'1A-with ;tnitonts, Uri ,a44' soi, Woe' guests et Mr. ant Mrs. Wrn
by',..Mrs; .00rwash Of ttaLt,',0t4r.„, Mrs. Feuson. . •vargason ;bier the.- Weekend. •
‘BarWaSli *'severe: miofes,..4,:vern.;*4.01$01.,:_40414.Lootes',
74w. 7tniY ;:taumy,:i.rountoo en/•,Satulklay. •- Lo
ay. .the Week-
eaeoness. ivitirthe,-cetope.ration :et the okto,,,,1414:teil;;.41k ,
• PlOWES171f4.,' June
- Oen 144,04ath... *Seer4arY, for the
ifurrar Shoe Arm of .,1j...ondon, was ,
lietee iiere, for: the:w0c..eni),
:who has eon,.
0:X*04:her CeurSe-af•,Loncl�n Normal
tilelreele isi;vith her "Parents, 'Mr. and
Vra* ' • S. alseldath,. for the beliclais.
-°•• , •
'DMA Malde-thera 'Aar:" 4`144•Vent..4
$eiti4q° that 'WWII on 14011ditVE'
V, 1W, Bit,,PM14114,: -of
.Ypkueefield, win prettch•, 1.1. ,
-„ and
on. elnitich liorni at 'Citrlov'r,on
„goed. prograrn Sira.tford
Male Quartette.
A4*M�� 3$c and -
.21..5 • 221
14,--.101w1p.Munro and
'son Dpneen have left Or Orangeville*
whero.-they. have fiecured, a hardware
business. Mrs. .Munro and daugh-
ters will follow at the close of the
scheol,..term;.. •"
'3,fueh &edit is due to the *lotto*.
,tural° Sodety: for the, interest, they
have taken in beautifying the town.
The *Street -*nets And boulevard* are
showing the, result of the work.,
Mise Annie. Barr, Port Albert,
Visited with her parents.
Miss Nellie Le4le Spent time wfth
her ester, Mrs. Gifford, Toronto.
• Sire. Witi, johnston, of Nitinulpeg, Is
visiting her sister* Mrs. O. D. Leith
And .Miss Steinhoff.
„Matter „Cowan, of, Detroit, visited
his mother and stater. •
• Decoration 'DO was hild111( tJnlon
cemetery on Sunday,. when An eXeeP-
tionally large crowd- gathered to pay
honor'to the deParted. The singing.
was led by the 'Myth hand., Rev. 4.
A. Maloney of Anglican ClitIrch
was in . eharge og the program and
-Bev. Brook spoke on the *Olt
a the pioneers founding the hem*
and the ehurchea
''"114.44-, • ,
77407 o. fil*I1440entlitteek,--z• iligaitareferer-
factory ivey,et'llving.., . d With kii ow .11.tii. 3...YW,`OArterr' .2-11,40,.. EillotCtatie and three' elind;"
Ilern-.• Alexandra hOspitsti,- Gode. sit.,,,,,w.,,, it, tthepolox. no Tommy, ren . Of 4uttee• City, are at .the 1141Y-
rteli; '.igt. '0410 04, An'. mr, . end. Mrs.- Aceompantekiv',31iir,",r,,,s, - Ttotis, mo.7: tieul, olghlands for the summer
wunler ant!eage, 4,•".dringhter,, Nell* tored to lSarnia on,..mb,nredioi _Mrs. ;months'.
Hvelyn, -CongrittulatiOns. • Mrs.' H. Cobb,
'lir- ' and 'Ws; alMaen 'Free have B"theniAk!1.:°X '?44. Sati*' re-ti'irnel .‘71VA ing genie t.tne* w*IfhTile'rrm'int°,1; 18' i','Pellr487.
. ON'ed '' to GeorgetOwe where- Mr. liv, .J: Thompson LS able to be out m Rasa; who has been in.
Pree • has: ,seeurecl work on 4 largo on the street again after his serious „, •-mrs. %as. .1e0m, was eamed, to port
4410 fent.'
-and Allen were in, °Stanley p-Menday g te the gud-
ilineat). oowln
All CAnadlialm
All Dominion
V eke
TorOute 0. t
In , I
ral 0 tkal4*XtaWli. at 8.4*;
TO. ThE "04101111$5.4 VW 24
Nemo otoono. 'NA* -trarraWieli.;
Atiatitte %Y. 'Matte)* o Seetta.
tia'001414, 00t:i „th,ap Jnue 80.
rOn$W1015 reint0,,uOv.1440-than June 29
t,,,4004 00,*,tr*In_leav10.$ 'Mentree,,,0
part1eula and-,..10044b1/11-.;70at,
4to, 01. ot:orooe0 t
*that, to leak* the*. ,10010',1*
apgin:*•14*,v;,4..,44,1*- Qter1041.1, iot*.tivet 0."„lbao'vorts.c, Stus,e,‘-'041t-he.Illke
This Wart)'lltertinie.''of Year When VW.
1'Well, :003's arid gir10*.,444hon...,....
beItit7thitf.--Viree 'HO
,tensueen, .14; this...C*00ln*, of.)ea
,Ing,.' trast-thatlon.,40eThait * vers
am .s0r07 that7AF,titt:inariac p,
er ery ar44.•
going te seho01-wdll nigh became, 1* -
possible` When I was .4r, hey, itOing, to
tbe old frante--acheel.- on -the-Eighth;
We pelted ,along, in the nierning on.
the:"Var to $30100)..///.441nied` .444, Utti140
'While to tease l the tbdijindler the, read,
brjgith based. c-erumbithen
sneaked . ,Parir7.04111diFir iittee*
enuse we dlitil&twant to be teased ',to-
(eear..411$ he al*sytd '41
sprtnjg. for the IvetX It was almost
unbearable to 11,00.-:t0,,see hhn_ being
away ifro* LcboOl, .and ..:00.•* -4)14011$ to
sit and try not to let the 'teacher (4064
not :wOltingi, In the Inerittng,, 111
slate- of all our ,poking .alopg, theroad,
we seemed to arrive .all tea soon.
SOW,. Was int "Phil, where, Is
Irk ii3ife ' ' been fltty It
,. .
0414 . ,--td ' ' 0 -",be inade trora
:whale TA
y . , . Yes. and -11110' 'tUt
"Siuti0, aild.-'4et ' all ' '.110tAter, up, Jts
becaltse„ tido_ bewhisker$ illd..,*: .
would say Asinoutitftil Of 'big VfOrd0i .
After -a lot Of . hawing' around " Ail
asking ii few of us.rtnestion0 ,thatt '
little kids .,in the first /Min Oftftlit an.
den-deathrofter mother. , Aranerat err . Year_ ah, tea.-
JJU.MALNLNUN strattord unrsday, oqents Jiave,not yet been made, eber.:....that is; heilt Did With "S‘Ver.,-lie -Virettlit W 01)71)14-101;-'7,-*:
Bet, T.'0; Miller, et ifarkdale, was rauP
Carr and. family 011 the 'guest:- of James while. here. • of Mrlaand Mrs. Chas, Berry for ,a few In after Our, and we'll see about, that dftiona .of tile 'buildings
DuNGANN•10,N Rei • In charge of the service Knex.Pres- end II"' Pebt', Clarke tuld' Ili:- the calf 1414t.nlghtw11,164 before he badLek"' elit *4°44'; 'Pa
atiVdr h h, fant of Cleveland
son, , were the guests lust horned and well.' "Star and asked questions .about the
to et*
visit•mrs twin y r an tire Ott UD . He. lea.13 ' • • • ,
Sunday were end -mrs, -George susoos ,30 ors pti cvo,ek. homework." Children had broken an;r Wind' irk
. an an T -
Mr Carr and Wu icieo—rge, Wingham, )101,4t .0eir ,respective Fishing' Is very light at this 'port. 1. Of all the.,tintes ft) 'have to stay itt and then after a sort of eoci, _Oat•
- •
daUghters Winifred,' of London, , and_ -swr oloois fronr tho tv-•k d b bell v -th are len, ,Bee S Ituniming outside the , with the old school/mann' he wonlat
cit A erbieb e e erei P • n - the' easra 114.' 011 hia
Ilts. Norman Wilson ,of Lucknow, and Au., Air - u ty or flish,.but they. are gettin too wise d er-. a W y au
40,0ther soup toarri 1*000. r• and S. 'W. 'Hewett. of ast to be_eaught In a net., - ' bawling down in Ilannigan's pasture. :Hut the finest part of alt,wits :Ivhetr,r
Cittra 'little grandchildren,' NI, or- Wavran'"4" ei*t'SuildThe Ash 'would bo btting, to -414),, and be tet4 us that we Could have a hertz -
ay wfth 'and VIr• "
mrs,..(ie.cirte Howatt ..xstrafil me_ork, of Toronto, IiC00 the
You'd thhAk of 'how ,1g.,.., 4f 0,01114 day:, Nothing ' Could ever liave-i
majind Irene Mcwhinne,y, of Cedar
guest, of Mrs. ered Baker over the
• Alia. Howatt hdis returned
fropt---a..-Visit to her '-daughter, Mrs:
I/. -Chesney of Seiferth. •
Sunda* Or/
cltfford Smith,,,of:Vt$7throy,.seent
Rev. T. 4. 'Xiller was the gueSt ot.
Janlegi X0(15,1 Whlfejtere,'
, done 'wo.uld been more weleente to tit.
be .to go back •across Jefferson's Iota
Vaitte4 also.,,sPent_lbe week -end here. undred to :the eveo make a pale I forgot all iibouC having' to,-stkr ing-
: 0038 :Mary, lane 11.06b: la now living from, an old stiCk,.....take a bent pin --at * least my Mind 010$13, ,a, eon- .
An.lierbOuseivrthe Village; which, was, ..,....a piece of, string dig a lei.. venteet prank -and: It forget, 'Itea;i.. ws•-
vaesited by 31r; J. D.'llichardsen and. worms.„,,...,and 'what Would it ' matter •fllwaYs, .enioyed •the, ,Inapegotea •vitit., .
faintly last‘iveek an the YeeinOletioa of- , - . , ,,, ...
v,Meirrendl, • • ,
11-ra...44.-: Askton ,and family, et Lon --
don, are .staying , at . their. cottage la
theAtillage, . . ' _ , •
.. Several cattages haie° heeiti-rentod
00„.far this season and three new ones
: of :Toronto, who broad,- are, under constructien: .. • . •
Church Services,....,.;Very interesting,
casts over 'Ontill each, Sunday at 1130 iimiring and Instractive,eeevicerfivere
. standard time, Will 40 the guest held in St Andrew's United church on
er-at the rtlailtist Xo-ungl?eoPle's Ilulcon 'Sunday last. The two young dough -
;next :ISittidaY night at .7.30. A;eor. .tera Of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Stephen'?
'alai Invitation to. all. .4304 og.$10.riatt,.:Vgb., Alibi two beau-
' •At., the Service in 'Knox " lUnIted sive Gospel songs at the thurch .ser-
14uhdaP :school. Mr.
collection will tOWitxds his broad= atul numbers in
ca.sts to the children each. Sunday. and Mrs„ iStephesson rendered
chtvet on Sunda -y the laifants .of• 14Ir. viee.. Mr. 'William Sparks, rlaY dele-
and'Urs. P.','Slungblut, Mxt and, Mrs. gate to London -COnference at Wind.
W; 'Hackett, Mr. arid Mrs. IL, Beadle sor, and the atiniSter gave interesting
And Mt. and Mrs. CI. Cipluipgliata were reports of :their experiences and im-
.haptixed.ty Bev. 'lii..* C.' Wilson, pressions while' in attemience. The
evening service .Wits condneted) bioltev.
2. A, Carmichael,
If a fellow didn't get any fish, On' a' ...4.;1-:----.....-i-i-m...--aiii....1-..;.....L'i-ii.,-
their, farm .home south. of the village, day like, this.
to whieh they moved; ''' ' :. - A sort of electric shtick goes around
- air. and Mrs. George Bradford; of• the room. ."There's the Inspector s
Gowlerich,- spent last. week *Hy thelr horse and buggy." There is a. thrill
son, Mr. Bert Bradford. right up and down my. bark. I begin
. , to see a ,chance. Kids all ; over that
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Aslifield,
visited ' h4r ...mother, • Mrs. ° ' Blliabeth looks from their faces and sit up
room wipe tired and discouraged
Robb, on 'Sunday. . - .
. . straight.' Teacher is writing on the
Mr, and mrs. Oos. Irwin,. of, Vas- blackboard, and she senses that silent
ley„ visited one day last week dwitlibUr,
expectancy that seems to come sod.
and Ura. D. A. denly over the ream. A startled look
Mrs. It. A. :MelWrole has "gone t9 over the eiuss.robm. and she makes di,
Yifitit .44 'WSW.. W#14,11ei' daughter Mrs leap for her desk.•'Sbe giVes her
AUL' 31erutehiep, or louden. • books a few quiek Jams gives the
torkts 'Its June meeting As A iYienie bouquet of faded flowers a slap, and
petals and - leaves fly in every direc-
The W. A. ef the ' United church
floe. Talk about your model of vtr.
'At Criiieford, Pear the home ef Mrs., tne. .bat she may have sworn under
George Harr* amember, on Wednes-
itigittat A14,0441* julie
eeting. of the TiaPtist,,tadiels'• Aid
Was`held at- the„honie 'Ufa. P.- tria-
ver with p; $00 1,attendyincet.4' 'After
the "ening byian 4`0.411nt 'Yeti 'Bless,:
bet," 3.frs. Blinking ledfir-the Lord's
Prayer and Mrs,. E. Itabe„. kiSon 'read
'Psalm *24. '.A` mason "Or ;OrilY.i., Wei
engaged by Mrs; •A'.4 Mts.
41: 011.'"Iilow,hoo atid'
lips. The .btrilness/toalifate(rtt /ratio'
arrengements to -clean the ehtirak
her breath.'...,,but we never heard It
itay--of twa4groot;
Ile came. in. A short, panneby-
Mr. %It Andre* is pot the little fellow with a Whisker and carry.
beat a bomb -1047p. many. lug that lititle black hag. :Now just
4.11if4014 "biln renewed strength,' whit he carried in that bag I never
Mr; Outten ',Pentland, of .oartinebi,' could 'fixpre oat ,Itiet *hat lie did with•
visited' mother, DavicX
• -,.,
diriin, and was tedorapitted, by Mr.
1/400 Eatoev- teeeheyt, -Into irtstte4
Obit relittiVes. ' ,
:TW 0000 104 MA .1blab gyelloeSs.i; aud 0414 the StlitAe6
ingtbeii June znetLlpgki tb:t ktwa meit 'The 1100.4iiii#1.1,itg ;wilt
* this. thiliSda7i4J,Aine '17414 by iii.aft,' ibe •tio.uie or Uri 134010
tale Aver at Itteire bideroait",All
InelW t� etteuf told •'br»lg *.thelt
basket„ . 4 ,
. °Wien_ Wer Very sorry to beet%ot
laugh eletlio"ei taping on it *obi°
jtpOlfshed goor" Week at thetottie
hir .11)141)*•. Mt* 441*,
*here She 010)***, gad twAt,th-oitter
Witt/044 ,Vtifitt
'))41,1t; 144 keAtiliellfte
cOirtortAih ha, It 14'04101*$ lock
tor 'obo-,mto Atti***ielf 1* 7eolt.*,:
mr*, Gatlin Witt Weti. It iiiv-tfirOttieit
vad pp till 10* hittAut bee*. gate'
smart fez Otting:ar44/11414"
• the Vishie staIyi4Oitt, Mae
eturett *et, til*.ifeeiraf witee:of
C.11.:.4:4 "Arlon% Okofdleritik,e'
re :and re;
daugtrter 1:00.1ro and Si.
of l'hpronto, 40etrt the
wiio bad OP
with her re
' 'itatatios;
eat oboe relatives
A. ten *tie beQween
Duigannon 4ubuta..0644-0 un-
ii101401k Weeder erefitag give Duet***
aon-thetr *teat of ,tb6'.
Tte Ara igningi Was .1044.. A
slight drlesite, and the Igarera "iould
not hold on to or throw' 41..0
An -
burn beget} around- in the vet It*
,laskt,ei6oting,,the .n14). ak,r0: fAsti;:11104
the tireelltalastt gAztt 141
rdS1•„ the, Asia *tore: was
1-4t. Nuf °
adatrel Mo
gh.t. let the
, luneb
Were tailed for,
reed by Ee.
tor of
hero wilt I.
it rot ittiosett
ittettPle Witit*the beet wletot 0
toptsnunto too, 10* **flows
.jehnoton, *with are. 1.01(netole o.
.0)411.thlii,;0* 1 7.
reLtr lor,,,next-*Eihon ; e
follow -Ink reia1,001iii
Iliatittnioei,.6,0bittioto;110? v'ttraht.; ti o'iiiltr:r,t1b,it.
.,46414101.A. Otirdenil"
Ills. l'olAtile e, . it.#401:4e. :taco: ter" ' uiler"it' ' 4 - 1)1i1.1111411444
:tot, jilesticeer 344, vti.,7viettitoo *folted..,with her grodaiiotheri, lark 4
.1k*iii • . - . =.,,,' , ,
zitt:,:stitor7vitatt; vt,0101,1444v, ,,43,,:ii.:64pitittitiguto; Opes.:114;417,0.01:0*.riz",t."*1-..t 111,17*IhetIrl''''4',A,Tf itbtittui 'lg..:
"'rot *le tor flbs*Vhe
tor itist. i/r, each Stl. L,Ilar,ry. Iltutlly, hfro4
ton, I* ply of . if4gtht tt
Jeliferatight, Uri. 14„ ' glarbil4,44414 . 10$0104#4iotvim.r 'aixt, MreWio.,
Urs.. C. A,:-Heiriosi. Mr*, golorstilik-, *-tirlato. litiotted DT. ,,- Aid *trot; IV.
. by took . tie took, - tile* If we , ,,,,mei, .4litottookone`it oolind on entntlIttr,.
tiontittn.,a::a!btaii:70:: tittooletti.jieejitots4k. ',11:: lig''•*, ,s;,-.4:7,71).0,et.'101°:, 4'07:7) t.,c°rtie'tip354,,..,mwel::::"::::.
Iiirs,voliter******'*441Wasttseiedloi *._ 0'444 'Aft* *Ott:, tot' Thmoonoit,',
tbrovitite** ottleltt,, . Ztinett -*eit*. 4° .,. b,07etri:frid-r;„ a Iltd
'aertfd by toy, )08 .* c v., „we., 'fitti:#.,e$,;,..04. ,. , .
'Pet -lifts, 4itetiti
., ., _ - -.,.,4011tatedm.,..11,000tairldtit", ,0400iler *at lei' p'Sii ittt.:4;
,0{4i'booieot mititorii.*.istb0 *at '
'so', bio440*AC c
'Westfield, 00014/000.k",** tjIa4th*,,
r-rzani ,Ikrerinitiii 'obtiotiAtir; ,, It'l It - teireot,
iste 'Sper°0441,017:4:01Itettittett,*,(4101* t:Ira;.fl' itulitt 'irta.
footaitititto„,erttp, oilttittr.
teltereday- aftertiooa. r Ott* gig A 'Yettricainue *tiff owlet, bdidiken owe
. .
7to her old '* she 'Airtttritili
Irtrlendid ottendinee. , ' -zninet. tooba *boo &Ott*. At Brtkoklin
Woods4iesideat 444 .4, fart,
4 I 'Oat literlesUt 04 11W010.11 0/111 ton by
ritha° niii,l, ot irttly6**t*-‘, liAttlikt,iittt . 6 tick linker lett& _wilt 0,04_004 ...statv,
.stituthin red 10 ifrilkor trikod utc. ago, .iltd.ivIrtit* flielr.father went for
Woods reitd'llike atertpthre posrate.:, i'4144HOrt .PiftArtletto 1..14)*Ilt;° itit:44041Aivr4r41. Low".
piano duet 'Wit eir.O. ty.)igles Zild.
filo ertid, 1$11A1Ntr, .Ot Big h. )4* ntativii*i'A It. 41 'Itit6tg"". '
"Ito, *Sew Alete,.. - li 'Itii "nit' 'ebtireb: '•31:11..LI:t1441
Blytb, AtrA' A miatitt., -: pl, ',Jo**, oo Toe**. *.zien Ilie
the Ittieterk 11,4444,°. ::ittewter 'TO.' ,.00001:00t* was II:aerated' to 'velite.:
tot, Donnybrook, tooted *it,b *,,Iolo, soot ":111 010 sal* *itli An itnitation '
'iallditVdtdi,Ititil, Netti,4..' Jittili# U*4 Me •43ottati'itt iiie tentte. Mit* Dorothy
Kota 6,14,400 Amen* , jtonvi:00, ;Ahderokti Arai In. 'thirge ittil Agee t4e.
(Afloat; vote 4 duet, &who, cold xt, Ole •Certo 'the sletio.„The'
E4'' 41r4,0 mein.**fiv *04 ,:atio* me,. popoto ineldided A 2'04144 6Thr e
(.44.090* by. 'Mary, Ifooro; trefoil, 'AU
t.egeoil of the Sleek Madonna," iv
Wee iliertitee 14*001); risiler tkittli; W.'
Raggltt; *dot; 1„0Toto 044, ft
ft ,,t4 Ruth ,Strittight eolo Ifoli
•McCllnebey; foxiint, 'the. Two Grey
it' moo. (41. c,„ .IttriliOn;,, 0,,
''''X'he tilt of .a Vott*t l'Ai,t.,0 Mt*, ,
11041tor; owititotoin 4,utt, Mat Toll
Ea Bob. hfeoloehehg,4111441 'WA* #11'
the 'Otall;',, (liAtil* liglititut *14,',A
.bter, Toll; 00i0, ow Ito'ver fftt
shd tirrialitt".10000hitier Weir. ,
,klosed'itith* a hiriitit
AtIBUBIN, June/16.-40s. °Bunking
lias returned' from a Visit With. her
nieee, Mits.:NY. Carter of 'Westfield.
'144'. 'Mrs. -Zen ACkw'ridge, and
sop.'Ittissell amid Peers*" lAwlor„_ Of
eultISte.r.Marie, are Visiting with
/grid .4rinetrotig.
it to. C. 811111tx,* 'Miss Cara 'Shafts'
And Wesleyt,Pecik list* with *tr.. and
Mrs, 'Mu Biker 4tringhatn gnn....
74lett, Of Ifiratfer'd,
aeittlitc.i. to* , hire, Notnn Garrett, et
W. 1tilobteen. • . •
Atth, *Pent.* 48)1 wi )1r. and 3415'
Phi*, ,11ilei 'toot I duet. Mrs. ,keet-
104 ind Iktre..roloot, nointnit,
favored with a alnetv #1here's
Place : 1: Lore to TOW' him James
Woode ta OM a orP -Id report 01
tbe London tonferetiee' . I W
convenlIoa Ikel4 it 'OW 0°and 410,
11. 04 I 114- mot the ' Ott !',Elot.t.'
* ot thanks
mored by Mr Beiaderoa, s flOW,, and
aeeonded 11 Mt* Wataon.
One pa Mlle Mkt 41 day ev�rr
ley foe -2 404 weatitir# $ 1044 10 ita. -
pelmet. No frorreilair, siosetior
lig 100 OZ. *d.Lsk yoor .1/rojar1aty.,.
reviery.. at Coiter*Ii OgrAld'Ad#
10 atiT$ *PEW,: PACICBT
IV10( 'PAY 111.01111'
*ilk* holt 414,
times - toe boa 1 oofola **al, ..otooa.
10,0- to EA replithro,.erH'thredAhoatt
WO* Udidaoh '
, "I, thought 1,1*.eldD41,4*. nib
'tura sfl.rtJi. .tehrthr
Vet to its
preasetdet The T.
for risio
44141,,y 36. is.
,,S {442 bni
Moroni. lot 80
Dowse. Sale Pile
sizes 3 t� Iv
years, bark and t
gray flannel
wiute, 36 lrichet
$wot Wckr
.- •
sine 'as low
all recluce‘r*
Ovotollso Metes Red
0 0,
Zile) A