The Goderich Star, 1937-06-18, Page 2PAM, be at in 141/Ortising t not be *hie Or ed 0Inkder 1,411044 wrk,ing Wthe *elver atiV,-44rnea' , 'The On ut '" tmobe1 9f , „'ita ard 'before, oottn, headed an uudiscove inolW A '411 410,tee velar You.440 ow tt tbe isepiIs be1ofl to the OveTflme and a� in; .*°°(-114*TiOr„ l' , , t!4).,4 '*F;: 0 e- ter linohwu'T A tloxt ,..oel a , . 4'...t *.r; this Vit,r—and no per4 i ' eleht ,suziort"'tg. *loured 4. ' 4, r of hi** tO„''t pie of God and her eouonouni*,:elen e. 0 t , e AsSeel , bead' Ofilee at Oarnia: , , n touth with': ,eoming tourist5 Iron,* the Tni , States, with: its se 400 .a, \Other$tatiAtti An. .,oxperienee of In 144 ill' 4,$!,01.014.„.940,4,0. * t41$ 000, offered adv • ' 4,44* t,f) . the .0,MnrunitiO.,aiong . the -4.00001a indi unlit they talMot hoPe 'to ',equal' ' ' . That 'bOnlel$: Old M‘ying,' '1..Xo'rt , never. ,m1s4 tbi Iii)thewellg00.4ii?'"ynt4 00,01! In this c40., , • '-fit0 !./4101:0$'s' As4Ociatieh,bas ibeen ftMetioni ,inil wit• '.atilittle. effort on the part Or the ---,,..1=-,,,,,,,,,,,,... FTT 8 140 . "ft iiew por ay *AY w ni 014-110wero. same old *Mt., timent., ' Pt, '0417 ° UM of art0OPAIn *V& ''Ytt 04 :00101:: 4a,:ef':.,tlifn. Or a land- Of inigtOry,00,4kinite the tie be (fto, one, auch-ort 04.,1YentUre Of. islOtti and ix fon of dratoatiO a TUE:WASTE r,4 miurtoh; who t Coo 104 bLwn t .1 of eo$ti in favor, of Aiig odeieb contractor, Iv 01104 tow/1*1% itte Of '-'114rtii*.**Y.,..4 froni redge and for losikot nn10. ed 1y the, removal.' lett gt- OW:lett town - tion loge In 194. is bearing two Tionor 41=40041 with 1,011 by 040 Cheer, ' .Toronto, agalilet 0 roPt.0#,S0v, ned un4 the Uhren 'not know sit the, 1/* owl -0 u wftiolex., an' of *heat are o t ne weekly' newspaper office.011 40000, ' 041 o poen uMentiatnt.nukttor 1011101,i ,4414.„'z Wiitokstho:;4040„, et 4 *' r.004.1L'4044,4,42`,,_ wMte t to us AO 'interesting satter for the'nea401,40t iOur Earle, d; tow#01 Pt 4 r," 'Fin4 ivbio`u ,alwo4Ctiortiff out: to b*.$004 40)10( 40,- nd 1r4la, 44.1m1,0i it W44'11:4 , eauiingtOfl,Threer grodehtldrent, and, 04*.ter, UM 'WOW GLen: 0! oder- kir township'. The 10.0001 too 11 'Saturday afternoon from Bropher onerai,parlors, Agy; W. %AO* coil - ducting the 44004 Tiie palltearern, r:te 1,4'xit,4.4A14,140;na(0:40Zitoteirlener) t 'V. 410.43aett Atualltigb: Oen( IttterPient igiet OliffOrd Ernest Went A native of Wentworth county and resident .0% Kloderieh for, nearly forty tettutrawr,i14,virtbeortr:e0,112404, vgnuIrtbl 13c1' - tor Be GVallaurt vagseit nWa# at her honi tGra"*.,,rtilsIr44gram ;1144411:1: t1 )1:t Quartette.o'rr. e irt4 roaud 4y ti°4Tri 4,1Prot. no salwUI - At the oie -by the bo t '-g,-?Alt-:-17-4, :gnu c 14 Tbe ftelfttertio Oitreg4non 01410$1401r 401107i,,law4 ,40eiat fl rridey, lune 25th, on ,, Ifelyin'Ty Alaitto-Aawn,, When -will sermy lx1104 rogram given. engag Xisg Vith, Phdtlen and lir, Gordon' .03r4etino:WextretifIvir.nr. matotobe,c).'hvotmet, of ' WeelPO4.* 304. `P#0 is 4 aAt Akver for 'the 'w alet,vgtite'st,neet,Lout,), tut day 113 ner 40414-11$0,1:'$fttit4 a.1 404, Prafheatt: attack., died- bf0re a Set 'ter 'ant the paper free gratis for nothing v 4404400,t4 and pooh 44 we t there no sove 137 twin* coutes4 ettaehe4 we *euik t .the NV,,P; Xv# tic* loalcou verreft 0.134 otAP al* 15 tint *0 straigut t sicro lot haeltet nine tithes" Olt A41, this gots, tbe OrOne. thnt,„ thee 'Peonik ft** 300 -,,t.**e4.10:00. .o,40ex the sureStJaeous;:ot.igiklui.iiiihSt they,„ wsUt7 be- foreJhe '41.13ecipOuotint :p01/110. -4* 4c:'Cono/uunAti.', our osroi oq Per cent. or the. faMillea ,take-,0000,1,'PAW!`And' hat advertising..inSerteil: in the‘Weelply"ne per, we are sure .tbat a..mueb larger pereentaso tea4 It.'ne arl#e . aceep the Blue 'Wafer ,district tor 0,:toUriet.pubile.,, leitr",the Assoeie_tion ba‘' 4i0liebe&,,un Mailed thousands of booklete advertjfilng the distrlet, bas ,naintatited alliee Sarnia to intent /16:4:',0#eet, 'tout, , looked *after ihe. marking' of the .t'itInd; .And' In Xilttltr waYS taltenitheplateef ifOioOtioU'bureaU for ,enelt 'of the litite shore townS, , •113 speetal effort.being rat 'forth, thia Oar' eoppOition ta6i1117W014'larit011,- atf.tiel- aPi.10010,WO in tourist, trailie from t 1111140008P)0 flo 140,0tia di the Asseelationf but for .'fottire" Years Gode- ehe if it is to maintain a_leaiting..Polt,ion su31re xeliOrhi$ oithet' loOt depend upon the. -revPialt the Aat • • Inttoo most be prepared to eatablish-.44il atinnort own :tourist .bUrepu—whieh mearti.- both arid ex- fOr the people - of the town NVho are interested tn the'tourist 'business, , . , 'Woe civic dePutation 'ha41‘eturneefrom:Pprinito, 141171 that i:he. TrOvincial X411,puir ard 11 o.y;giVe effeet.Solia, m.er,e! 'resolution. of the /kolk"-CounZfr to do away thelieverage rci5;111$,AtIt Wete,.et, t-----------ii..eprb"posah.' This .igintze this aitailterAtapeant*We',., ottngeiliftt' gokyt'eliotul4 0i,11 .1;Y:14. 'ititireiteelit 4:14,117. um IV liPiii,t4 J.At4tilb, li,,,141? .,,Ahit flip i919 ruot w40,,, 4). the. Doren/we o!aitoqi-.4044 408444)10ogo -414t4 i 1‘, zt.tobeu, up 1)y. thetclulAptc,4,*01&aiiSirc'uotOe not bad lin ,epporiiitliti' orattsz thete-'44,-Aitiitc,t4i*. 3 4 . 4 .'CANNoks V0110110 BIS ..., . .. 0_ ,. ' (Cornwall IStandartb-freebed.00r)' ., . Thase in-Cnnada wile are engaged in the,tourist,busi- teas have a high obligation ?to initki.2 , The, tOOXI ,*-AhlnliCt tthaeged 'a fait. price for ,!whitt.iteUil0e' W9. ' ov.cichUr,e0 Mary 930 14 'the hOlne vey and r0. GorUni the funeral of 14*.; 4olleriok .910 is visit- s. „ • titteiaae4 rall#01 v. medicalo14- oWit, - Shewit a- 41ahter of George cbiInand 44ne itYkit 4114 mor'ed to unkatmen-‘with *-00113, whn quite stwi ried Mr. Grabum and the7:f8Viine n,',;vvots1;* ',4440144-tP, ,n bip and then.' retired to '10. 0 was 4*,1,', " , ated 1/AitiOr 'Ch4r01 44, Vcitk, the NV,X.8; of. .ohnoh,4' 9 only. 'son, Dr. Oarence, Orabaint„„ at gaMiltoh. in 1.01.8-.44.0, 'her ,408 bii died, about ten years, ago., A 'funeral 'Serclee Aya„w• cOu4Uote4 4 . Itilltd1H=09,4,:417,11:07_6111,70itvo,,,, street oh, Dane,Moni "'a aWit,. Port *.'10ohoUrgo. 'rentni,i. Jet., ' eel.rvillet rrocott, cols, CoraWatlk. 4ge; IA 4 PetOrbox0, mphellfortl, Aurora, 0 ' renetah14, g011inalpod„ 'Afertford, Barrie, • nrni"slirticebritige,' Auhteville, Callander; ",Nerth Parrl . burr ;, tOW/10( 14 140'90.: Ontario On, line of Venaisicau44g 4 Ortheril, Ontarlo eentraiIty., Xupuglqi,siee.' LouglO's r410tOrr, ;011100e, Oear '0•T e ereas, roaChtrathistott: in v''',Cheiley„ Clinton, D1102014 ' Exet ilfliguesr..°901144"..gi9174-1‘116k Ittsitee4er16-Und4u. Listowel, , 'tNaga. that° rial-aliys,‘Plabit..lbeorstotonn,„.s, oaaritst,0-1.130,1,,tstEialgttbnitoltl•wCaaiker: Walker- ton. Vlarton, Woodstock,- . 2 -. .nflS111t be treated 'with 'eeurtesy: 144,-.00PoPt,- • be Via tO'kilirthe goeSe that lairs the,.g010en .00**, who are 'providing at4oraniMlation for ahOld;Ote, that -It- is elealt autLcOrnfOTt1b10 ' 'The tourist- 0000: $ Is On of Canadat's" largest. It la iine.'w.bleltfTtitti*IKIWT, without great eftert..- ,People they are, invited; .and 'Where they -are treafekwitli.,11thultteas and 0 .sideration,, Canada's tourist buSine'S.4-7;4411:, 40010' , inerease so long as thoseengaged ircif Venting. width undOrlie AndaStry .aMfadhere' toloilht ciplea of -courtesy'and faIrtdialing, " ." Vile present, season' shOuldi be One-Otthe 'best fotio iste, Canada,libistorY. nite,(E§tates-„is well, Out 4" ' to X.,ntermeat',WaS ,Ntal04,14, OilaVt0& pa11beatrS beIig Dr. 3. M. Or. AChesent.4.; ' Parhett A. Oionpbelli GrAtu*,,l;'a0: Ung.. 4.ititd; the ptet relialiti3litikeihk e of The4to:W4 IlaYek Otlfgro,t14,01011k Ernest llohniiten. Orved their glINO:wed y 3itur4uy. itYranged, by their Ural eit ,1110.intl .911* 0004 V* 4040 ssaiene- and,',"fletrolt,LW. DJ8r :; .4teet%ng'. et. the :.411/44 rost. Seelay- wait 'held In ITilion.- 'itehoOl. ro(tuyr, • :1$4:11,'program. on- sistU of 'readinpi .#17.orgea of aeoi,t'v by,: Wit :Orr "The Turnizn. by. 3UttY:. tne VOILIOt. ; .,,rop04.7 Tek," -by Edna Somer- dpreSS1Ofl. 1'00e WON monet, n , , , .041; :filkoken. 4;41aSs,,", ,wii‘y. gar-. It, in nuth pleasurable expeditions jito''.a trip' to Canada,: "Oott Boy 1;itte,",.by 09;x:othen Vhenante whielt,ita* been giVen1111004nesti„, "Ole tourist , ,Tfohhorne„' • • money,. :providing okuuditiile,witit‘W itcessary*.fundi eitneertAk- the thurekon,',174day pay,' itat Can44-8. (tett eiu. 'get the bette. States,. Tut more tof tbb for Cantida....", 41t$,. 11400* VA ilAttirtt the'death oeenrred. at ho.btet tow.0$100.*'''0,:AlarY,'AtiCAA14,7 , lays *10 of .Wholuok!,0)3tflo, Alter rio0 •vitieso., ',Vue oi,eismreutewere.. .0.dttlirkittere4 pasthr;ilkev;.,, Father uoiii§eu, • -.',Xt#,;••O'Brien wus of Mest laud.,-dispositien4aittifht113 duties, faithful. „wlfei and a -good mother ...tind friend.. She, , is suivived.,by 7 her '..,e6rrOWing."11usb4nd and, tout. $01.10;' $0411! F. 0,.'s*ti; 410eil.:O'Brien, ohm, 0, O'Brien,.f 144001, • ;Fehr rgrant/children*an'd .Ortf,y sister, . • trade,o is an excegent• l* .itilact "trade." The. . .„1,100a ..chutprb Noteap,-",.T:n,e choir of , Apierleans Othe otifliere .1a thouSitadis and spcid their Vhion-:,.011nr0b. ';w11114.C.014 •,Oreil, Palter, 441 the.41ipqr, rt etjlt btt ncs.o,t; TbeKloveouttett, .aua,i,the.441,StAor ni),1014.14:4ev,a,.4 „. Ilueneed lincevaiive lemtationawit,i,ch puiported . ttlYvvletit ,4t ..100-6.90 1011119V ll'oglotf'sh:Ottfoy.kittlio d'E6,341P01411011'. „ pfooto 't70 retail gale xi't beer ill,e44 41/eliacktiOwlie, rightt,ouguer4 of thelnoixiate „rather :thaite‘h— 'fitted 'per- sonal represeuttitiOnJO.,the4pOveril %the-fe4" 7,110 ovetnutent, „ 'quite 000. 00,000.113TZI-# . #40tato 516 -110014011t its -7,•49 'elettA,01, 0014 that ire have tee izkxre In the bellet" re0.134,1 lit the.f* ioeatle that, # u and •*yity bedly *0464 AO. Yeti/nucl it. Is 1A,to..4**0.004, itart Itow4,..** eptittit t� le .4.Atitutitottittiaubittiin- the 10; vcgulit,;4141,tit defeat fq,c,-t, t!ob • 18 lksttikelotedit, wo*d%*(100)11,rf etst against ter " shown • trot' is *one of ti* driest cou'itties, tiok liep14,rn, and Odettehiye rprcntiy 'zoverlooite44-413,4 there Ito „net the. slisitest diestioulthat it ilatLitlaPO4 ett‘itilt,040t1904 • HURON REMARKS that *the tem 01#0 i1Wp41 elee Merrnneflt c$fl -*ere 0014*, re he towTnahips that . fluceteei4 to rehaSea United; Pt ci1T'.r 'A11P('fiofl will lag; Oul,t tioN't THEir ‘0,7, ett ',Sound - fiVe °battle:0 the century" betieen, Labor atInted:40r iniarepinted, ftecordlitift0 the liolut of Vero( ,by 'John 1:;. :Lewis a ridlats 'Ortuaittee "for d,tfatiltil Organ- 14atiots copitat 4,4 repre'senie4ty4letry promlses, to'.bet t*,$tiiidto;. 13,0,001k11.* - and anl It Le*Is an ..niOter-Agetapa!nies,A0 looming at* in .the heir future; neitrueOttfitt. 0O41, will have-14'0kt witli or iaitlie rio agre" .4titoniebilea while odds4,, It geerni to "Me; are ,111.4e.. V1:1 rt*tiOr ; titelY that lie will 'het deal I• • for iii0.011Portentlat011t,'.4ndera bekiry,,bantileap -"Ott iro. ottunt.or Oaplei questitnia tihdr asked's." altorMnie ago," wiren, the.firse attempt%tatroaqi. toltor,c6ittrOkof 0.1,tikpotroit, , qu'ontoit leaders think" '04141,4tPle7; P011tge an. autounkile factory /better than .we can, .a441: val'AlOtter ',.'witig4"utider better working. Ontlitiona than ltf okin wpy '40/1't -the$,.bun4 a factory of -their • owayand. etkOW:. 040 ..i31)140. :Whey hire the capital—they have tlie.hkoherAher *fed *Jot more, The country Is hit I they Allikvv...,the and thlik of •ali the union.. custdrAets the tt the- unioh.qtaders *resit:were, they Vit• p II - the, hart th9tkeit t..a to zu*StibUitAesa,„let thein,depo.*StOtess, . If tlrey ealrt de , that, , -Why do they .pretentil,the Tsattir'.. there dOes not stein to be T000ll.tuap.litgOui cat mil to tut,. SleCann -04.,c.#. and one UU brother; ThOlit4V54:iigr. t� defray the tlogP " .*r$. -cifOrto, $a,04:0-*ftittalY lar ot, itlx:•Ofitidrat 14„? X -rt. ,, • .,i„igoi.olinrol. on nir:itoy ,,,oyoxttogr3v,ip,, Peter *mann.' had*ehargel,Of,, t4e,f$0311.****0°11`.; TAO bjlosio.tfopoguce.,:.tierei4„,0orauatIe of 0. pat* g 21r i,e1and, aid her vow:, pros:410. 116 puituets' Ntherittt•Tletue4,;S;Po .topie4 ,.•Weee: ' ta4ert,,-(6,r, sutit ,w,0,,441,0.,,t:ovisolv,, , led, in; 42, 040*, ars 1)4,r Ageg; *he ,.11,10eting,; :010sek lyt;ii11.-`" OP. toietio Afer.,Itrt rtitio wertrint.' at, OS; omilng Aosslon of "the'oltot. 1)0160 Oortnell, that eon!, , • • • tie Klorertument Was ittpersii‘ 0. ling the st f the Omar 000114 11 the,,elitlifet; of sone rotten tht Iltnoyer ipost.' The Pest saYS t t Ur. tehArt *Ste la tory trues'ibeeause tout', :tiotorlotte it tontitutii$ *siting .the to4o. this. or do that,dwitit the result - Assumed, 1,i)osition Where thtl- fe eisilY 410000 with tOunty e'oulielli•*td; take (itertreOst of their (IOW, 'dividing the 'ierustinder trtilticipelitles. the tinistahe the counties , I s In asking the trovince take over their *fug) of denaitilint . front the trorinet• roue that would etitile „m:.t.ovotlfo toerlcr , tot .ferfifie.. potfuo! 01They' have their ty,avvers taatiaallI trartalt4 now they *rt.:mot :how tliets rather • It %would ;sem to, ist reftuisite that *the ,cownties:of Ontario either learn to stand ou their- oft feet And- 14.1.$1st Ola their rian'ts,'•or eisei Wetly Stdnant to further ,tioutioatleti fron* 44seetes Nth. A *in who Is how * bank Ortuot telt tio),,towitker Iteit Luna*, out; 01his bttsix*se! Ite.toinititt *lost tst,thott tut, tit* 17* the words of the Uu- • ,delog *way with thei*Selees whet they 'jor• to .anCask. the riotince to take over ttilt$ roe& or pay * bigger tolheldy Ott ros.ril \by the too* Ro MDOl1tL'1d. of t.. 014$•0 an4. 41.1400, 4440lively 17.441,e4," '11;e14; sh.e:.;w„,sirilWegefte, . three algter4;13 , slam, dettloring the , advertisements. misc" Aostia of ,Iritiggiiria n - the dolt"; r AlePli°11-1)..4rer" Mrs, Oltittbetli ,014Vrletti.,,,,.; ':!.11t.Pnb `1110-104,...11.4*,-ttle.r0" 4' h °Me' heti PornintIt'- %large number. Net' ,'ererninnnic'ants„ 44. *s., iSt.: Teter's' thedral,. twhe.te re- ltIrtion on S,utu144.2wheh,'.044000010, ,Ut ttleAtitted-' by .tliP :1.+Prk.P141:0-'` was 41846Peu'' tei" neigiewt,'Itew, rather "ley., A. 11;•,. ,mooitouse delire•mt $latafa,' Rev.- Father wifettP,SattetnentlitOIV 06ra, :404 f.ottet .atotti000.. txt,- "Jesus took :-AhatOitttitito, titeteriti, tit the:lot. hetuart Pray- atid 'brake it, An44a,v,e4to 'them and: eraat the -gicilto- were Offitett, sai:4rather- ateptitittikl. • The Ikttitautarort -ile.talle 'Ow •...euv; iiete .1V*41.4 •gIve'.tbaflk5 Eetlite-IP,w,tur3mi 164" :411sipji 13dFrftnk 01311#11,, Oen. 4tilitV all.441',1t3c of tti* 1)I4tirig Abery afi4,, .34 3.4 ,litorr, 1311,44,1: -was in .00,10;the cliolr sang ah '433>theln st:retafs Stindit,y* Jure the' inevbera." Of ';itheratow - ii *ew .Simidifteit 145, Altendlt biticil .at,titt .0000 the eertle; :estt with Oght t3idEto.."„ °Ural, ,„ 'E.,.4400nbourke.,• will jTeacher,--,."Whitt is .an ,oetoptut7, ed Him MUCII ram Zvet4..mi;Ori.; trliar10,14.334 ritea "Last Fall bad boils on niy neek, arm*. 'ailogt4,4 and- they &lased ma so - much' 'Oa found 3,t. &fie* to, do my Worig, not -knew -wilt- to 'di) until ' friend -told me about B1133. X- took a few - bottles intX.I have not had any bait Since. .Vhanks, to X am now feelino, in the. "bettof health.V., • ; . - , • 4 4 'Tiroaii# The T. *barn 00, 1-0/19 Orastar • qtadi it'unettOer0:1 ieinark5 an xcbange,'are-ft tr oiihiff&ota.s! t riff nt always your tear**, who 1 the lowest; *„, Oeritlemart who uses the. butter.kfllteWbefl ik (long *Ione. • * " .4 radio rniga2lfle 400 that the averige tififeitt* ability to St#Ciirt:OW rsiieting 01 jokes- is that of * fourt teett-yeariobi RV,. of tough ‘Olit the fourteen- tshottid be yetr•-ol • Itodertt the understanding, of . them. *40/eei s doefor$ "io4 �r %agile ilot,v Newly-nr*triell hrides Witt to. thiuk Ito !saw/Sty* 45*5 Or ,..141,000 100 g to olitge strut, teier1eaTe are *leo ofessors. • • -iv ir 10,, # hen be says be Is folioliat be melt1on to, tither it• lohyalcian or an undertaher. • is .- • ti 'of bridetroe, rat be 'wearing of •,spetis eenti 411(isittt by the tbem, it tiust be too *able: Onte there edged *securities, and the gi * 'tOvta ha * plactiwbe 041t 1)0Pulattette tore down to go 110* for the holidays. idea 1110.t10041 debt * so Otte*t t with *Stordalutsitel$ ‘40,0* At. laat we' now wtl Infant Yells so luatilys. * * • * • 441,400 wort* has 'been wtftti it wide* 1)he letter he A iteittietelew 13%* w * he* illse * * ThI eettwole sottteetitte. Mitleatto* ate Mee et Ali the trivoi at 0101001100 illatataiat OW* ttiallittry that 044 gut, t, 1t2 ,6t4.0t4- at'tdtie. 4 +4 ......